Magnificent Seven fiction written by fans which feature all of the Seven

If you are looking for a specific story, click on the first
letter of the title (excluding the words "A" and "The")



The Curse of the Red Nose - Mods ATF (Sequel to Magical Cats and Sewer Rats)
Magical Cats and Sewer Rats - Mods ATF
The Golden Bull - Tipper AU
The Handwriting on the Wall by Ruby ATF
The Joker - Ruby
Live Cams by Ruby ATF (Sequel to "The Handwriting on the wall)
Therapy by Quincy ATF
A Bad Day - Twyla Jane AU (Land of the Lost)
Ginger Man - AJ ATF
Mistaken Identity - Molly
Outlaws - Carol Broyles

Magnificent Pet Rocks (Series) - MrsDvlDg

  1. For the Love of a Rock
  2. Oh My, Baby Rocks
  3. Rocky Road
  4. A Rock for Valentine's
  5. Chip Off the Ol' Stones
  6. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
  7. Motherhood Rocks
  8. Rock of Ages
  9. A Rocky Relationship
  10. Rock Solid Hope
  11. Magnificent Pet Rocks Anthology

Animals of Majesty and Grace - MrsDvlDog ATF
Seven Men - MrsDvlDg Poem
A Harmless Fantasy - MrsDvlDg
Heaven and Hell - MrsDvlDg
Only a Parade - MrsDvlDog  ATF
Short Story Collection - MrsDvlDg (Various Universes)
Things Better Left Unsaid - Jordy [deathfic]
Time Capsule - Kristen
All is Bright - Catseye
The Bar-keep's Simple Request - Kris Mashburn
Déjà vu - Maria Villa ATF
Blind - Secheti ATF
Rebels and Rogues (Trilogy) - Ruby AU Some content may be unsuitable for sensitive readers.

  1. Genesis
  2. The Collar
  3. Consequences

A Piece of the Fortune - Rob Nunn
New Beginnings - Maria Villa AU ("Highlander" universe)
Hell's Wake - Wyvern
The Ram - Ruby ATF
Rumble - Gina ATF
Wild Cards - Mods ATF 
A Normal Week in Four Corners - Cecelia 
Copycat - Cecelia 
Binsfield's Seven - Merl (may be unsuitable for sensitive readers)  
Rock My World - Cecelia ATF  
The Seven Virtues - Merl 
Shopping - Cecelia ATF   
Josiah's Home Video - Brandgwen ATF
Pulp Magnifiction - Secheti AU  
When Trouble Finds You - Ruby H
Every Fanfic Ever Written - Melissa R
Full Circle - Calamity Jane
Angel Material - BlueKat AU

FOUR CORNERS ACADEMY - Tipper (Series) AU [Kid Fic]

  1. Welcome to Four Corners Academy
  2. The Red Files
  3. Seeking Solidarity
  4. Splitting Apart at the Seams
  5. Fighting the Future
  6. The Black Woods
  7. Callings
  8. The Legend Continues

Emergency: Station 7 - Tipper AU  
Relic of Egypt - Andrea AU  

ATF - set in the present day, where the Seven are agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

VS - "virtual season" episode

AU Alternate Universes other than ATF


Accidents Will Happen - JudyL ATF

Acronymity - Judy L

Action Figures - senorabutterfly ATF

Adding a Little Color - MMW ATF

Advances in Modern Technology - Q'Mar AU

Adversaries - Armaita ATF

After Image - KT AU

Afterthoughts - BMP ATF

All For One - JJJunky

All For One - Suzy B. ATF

All Hallows' Eve - Deirdre ATF

All Hallows Eve - The Neon Gang ATF

All I Want For Christmas... - Silvia and Laurel ATF

All in a Day's Work - Angela B AU (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Universe)

All is Bright - Catseye

All Through the Night - Amelia ATF

Alone - Jan (POEM)

ALPHAS (Collection) - Nancy W. AU

  1. Found
  2. Incursion
  3. Detained
  4. Journey
  5. Templars
  6. Aztecs
  7. Gunslingers

And a Dollar Short - Saga

And Fifteen Years Later - LaraMee ATF

And So This is Christmas - Beth Green AU

ANGEL (Collection) - Texas Aries Crossover "Touched by an Angel")

ANGEL GIRL (Series) - Purple Lacey ATF

Angel Material - BlueKat AU

Animals of Majesty and Grace - MrsDvlDog ATF

Anniversary - Sharmini ATF

Another Era's Season - Amelia

Antithesis - Eve

April Fools - CGSL ATF

Are Your Cases Always This Eerie? - Kris (ATF Crossover X-Files)

Astounded - JudyL

At Night - BlueKat AU  (mild slash content)

ATLANTAN LEGACY (Collection) - Squeakypeep ATF

Autumn Leaves - Helen Adams AU

Away in the Old West - Sue M


Back Then - Ruby ATF

A Bad Day - Twyla Jane AU (Land of the Lost)

The Bad, the Good and the Ugly - Rowdy Tanner

Bad Moon Rising - Heather F.

This Balance of Time - JIN

The Band - Freespirit ATF

Bane - Armaita ATF

The Bare Facts - Sue M AU

The Bar-keep's Simple Request - Kris Mashburn

Be Thankful for Your Friends - Kari

Bearing the Pain - Angela B AU Crossover Big Valley

Bedeviled! - NotTasha

Before They Were Seven - Sevenstars

Before We Sleep - Raven LB ATF 

BEGINNINGS (Collection) - Wendymypooh AU

Belonging - KT AU

Best Laid Plans - MMW

Best Laid Plans - Strangevisitor (Crossover Supernatural, Smallville)

Best Laid Plans - Sue M AU

Betrayal - Just Kris

Bets and Brawling - Debra M. and Monica M. AU

Between Heartbeats - Phyllis

Bicycles - Hombre

The Big Blow - Beth Green AU

The Big Red Bird - Melissa Clegg ATF

Binsfield's Seven - Merl (may be unsuitable for sensitive readers)

Bless You - senorabutterfly ATF

Blessings and Gratitude - ReaperWriter ATF

Blind - Secheti ATF

Blind Justice - LaraMee Deux

BLOOD BROTHERS (Series) - Yolande AU


Blurred Lines - Mitzi Crossover with "High Chaparral"

Bowling for Dullards - Brate ATF

Bombs and Simple Pleasures - Ace ATF

The Bonds of Brotherhood - MMW ATF

The Bounty - Bodacious

The Box Series - Angela B AU

Braaaains - Helen Adams ATF

Bright Christmas - Beth Green

A Brotherhood is Formed - Wendymypooh (Old West Alternate Universe)

Brothers - Heather F

Brothers Larabee - Phyllis AU

The Bust - Mary Ann ATF

By Their Words Shall You Know Them - Beth Green


Call Me Katie - Sue ATF

Calling Sheriff Dolittle - GinaD LB AU

Candied Corn Nightmares - Kerry ATF

Candles of the Wicked - G M Atwater 

Carpe Diem - Tidia

CASTAWAYS (Series) - Yolande AU

Cataclysm - Brate

Cause to Celebrate - Sue M ATF

Celebration - Jeanne

Celebrating July 4th - senorabutterfly ATF


Chain of Seven: How It Began - tannertexaslady

Chaos Rising - Debra Noellert AU

The Chaos That is Family - Meg AU

The Changlings II - Angie AU

The Changlings III - Angie AU

Christmas Delay - LT ATF

Christmas Eve - Megan ATF

Christmas Eve Surprises - Kris

Christmas Lights - Anneack

Christmas Memories - Jan

Christmas Pictures - Wendymypooh AU

Christmas Then, Now and Someday - Jeanne OW / ATF

Christmas Spirit - Beth Green ATF

Christmas Story - Wendymypooh AU

A Christmas Tale - Nadine ATF

Christmas Trappings - Angela B AU

Christmas With St Thomas - KT ATF

The Citadel - Scribe

A Civil War - Kathi Holmes ATF

Coffe Mug Kris Kindle - EssieJane2  ATF

THE COLLECTIVE: Fluidic - Scribe AU (Star Trek)

THE COLLECTIVE: Vulcan - Scribe AU (Star Trek)

THE COLLECTIVE: Religion- Scribe AU (Star Trek)

The Collector: 7 Parts 7 Thoughts - Amelia

Commandments - Tidia VS

Come From the Heart - Amber F.

Comic Cowboys - Janice

Coming Events Cast Their Shadow Before - Hombre ATF

Coming Home Finally - Angie LB

Coming Together - KT AU

Common Enemy - Xaneth ATF

A Community Service - The Neon Gang ATF

Connected to You - Susie Burton

Connections - Laurel ATF

Conscience - Jenn

Copycat - Cecelia

Could This Date Get Any Worse? - Muse 7 ATF


Countin' on a Miracle - Chris & rosyvin

Cowboys - Nancy W. ATF

Cowboys and Indians - Xaneth


Cranberries and Biscuits - GinaD. ATF

Criminal Weakness - Armaita ATF

Crosses to Bear - SoDak7

Crossroads - Mitzi

The Crystal City - The Neon Gang (Crossover Stargate SG-1)

The Cure - J. Brooks

The Curse of the Red Nose - Mods ATF (Sequel to Magical Cats and Sewer Rats)

Curse of Salem - Robyn

Custos Venatio - JudyL ATF (crossover "The Sentinel", "Stargate SG-1")


Daemonis Sua - Barb ATF (sensitive reader warning - violent content)

Dakota for the Holidays - Kris

Dang Blast It - Heidi ATF  

Darcy - Sevenstars

Dark Knight in Denver - Jenn ATF Crossover Batman

Dark Times and Broken Friendships - Jackie and Lanna

Darlin' Baby Girl - Ruby ATF

Dates, Dares & Danger - Debra M. and Monica M. AU

Day of the Dead - Lady Chal [Death Fic]

A DAY IN THE LIFE - Wendymypooh (Collection)

A Day of Thanksgiving - Wendymypooh AU

Dead Gray Squirrels - Annie ATF

Dead Man's Hand - Lisa S AU

Deadlier of the Species - Alanna

Deadline - Mary Ann ATF

Death's Letter S - Helen Adams

Decisions - Kim AU

Deck the Loft - Sue M ATF

Declaration of Independence - Cin ATF

Definition of Family - Anneack

Déjà vu - Maria Villa ATF 

Deliverance - TJ

The Delivery - Squeakypeep

Deluge - Heather F.

Desolation - Phyllis AU (Seven Investigations)

Destiny - Cin

The Devil Made Me Do It - Tidia ATF

Dictionary Definition - KT ATF

Dig Two Graves - Big Ham ATF

Dinner and a Show - Brate ATF

Dog Day Afternoon - KT ATF

A Dollar a Day - Niles Poem

A Dollar a Day - Sue M

A Dollar a Day, Room and Board - Rhiannon

Doom - Tidia ATF

Down Time - Helen

Downtime - Yolande ATF

Dramatic License - The Neon Gang ATF

Dropped and Caught - Maeve

Due Seven - GinaD ATF (crossover)

Dulce et Decorum est - Rhicy AU


EARLY DAYS: One Day... - Sue M

The Easter Bunny Cometh - Helen Adams ATF

Easy as? - Carole ;

Editorial Comment - Pat M

An Egg-Citing Easter - Kathy B. ATF

Ella - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

Emergency: Station 7 - Tipper AU  

Enter Mary Into the Fold - Tidia ATF

Entropy - Scribe AU [Star Trek]

ER - Ice Hunter ATF

ER Saturday - KT AU

The Eternal - Alanna (Sequel to Deadlier of the Species)

Eternal - Rhicy AU

Evolutions - Wendymypooh ; Young Riders crossover AU

Expense Report - Indra Leigh ATF

The Explorer - J. Brooks

Explosion - Amelia

Every Fanfic Ever Written - Melissa R

Everyday Heroes #3: Shields of Honor - KT LB ATF

Eye Candy - Freespirit  ATF

Ezra's Game - Suzie Starke

Ezra's Final Words - Ms Bagels

Ezra's Missing - Phyllis Loafman AU

Ezra's Secret - Beth Green ATF (crossover)

Ezra's Secret Tapes - Angela B. ATF


Face Value - KT

THE FAIR (Series) - Angie ATF

Fair Days - Angela B AU

Faire Play - Winter ATF VS

Faith - Sablecain AU (Twister Universe) Sequel to Storm Chasing

The Faithful - Scribe

Fallen Angels - LunaDey and Lisa S AU

Familiar Faces - Twyla Jane AU

A Family Affair - Kati AU/ATF

Family: It's What You Make It - Mary Ann AU

Favorite Things - Helen Adams ATF

Fazers Favors - Beth Green ATF

The Fellowship of the (Seven Plus Two Equals) Nine - Chaz AU

15 Years Later: When Ella Was Caught - Little Anne ATF

15 Years Older Does NOT Make One Old! - Little Anne ATF

The Fifth Horseman - Terrance Keith Harrington (xover Wild Wild West, Highlander, Dracula)

The Fight Goes On - KT ATF

Fight Night - Angela B AU

Find Out Who Your Friends Are - Amber F. ATF (xover "Walker, Texas Ranger" "Dallas")

Finding Boundaries - Sue M AU

Finding Home - L C Martin AU

Finding Home - KT LB AU

Finding Wisdom - KT

A "Fine" Bust? ? JudyL, Rhiannon, Mariah, Amelia and Mary Ann ATF

Fire Control - Megan AU

Firestorm - Wendymypooh (Old West Alternate Universe)

First Kiss - Scotty Scott

First Meetings - Jenn AU

Fishbait - J Brooks

Fish Tales and Fathers - Monica M. and Debra M. AU

Fishing - Winter ATF

Floods, Mama Cows, and Crocodiles - Heather F. ATF

Fool's Gold and Ashes - Mitzi

For a Good Cause - Heather M ATF

For No Man - LaraMee

Force Protection - Brate AU

Fork in the Road - Beth

Fortune's Expensive Smile - Farad

Founders Day Findings - K Hanna Korossy

Foundlings - Jaye B AU

Fountain - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

Four Coroners - Ice Hunter AU

FOUR CORNERS ACADEMY - Tipper (Series) AU [Kid Fic]

  1. Welcome to Four Corners Academy
  2. The Red Files
  3. Seeking Solidarity
  4. Splitting Apart at the Seams
  5. Fighting the Future
  6. The Black Woods
  7. Callings
  8. The Legend Continues

Fractured - Sue M ATF

Free From Liberty - Tidia ATF

Freedom - Scribe

French Gold - Amelia ATF

A Friend To Me - Mitzi

Friendship and Anemic Turkeys - Sue M AU


Fright Night - Luna Dey ATF

From New Moon To New Moon - MMW

The Front Lines - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)


Full Circle - Calamity Jane


A Game of Chance - Helen Adams

The Games People Play - By Beth aka Midge AU (FBI Files)

Gathering the Flock - KT AU (Lost Lambs Universe)

A Gathering of Lions - G. M. Atwater ATF

Get a Hat - KT ATF

Getting a Piece - C.V. Puerro AU (Blue Ribbon)

Getting There is Half the Fun - Brate ATF

Ghost Bullet - Megan ATF

Ghost Town - LaraMee

Ghost Town - Strangevisitor [Crossover SUPERNATURAL]

Ghosts - Englishspirit

Ginger Man - AJ ATF

Give 'Til It Hurts - Winter & Nancy ATF

Giving and Receiving - Helen Adams

Giving Thanks - Amelia ATF

Going Home - Grey AU

The Golden Bull - Tipper AU

The Good, The Bad, The Soaking-Wet - poyznelf

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - Sue M (poem)

A Good Secretary is Hard to Find - Gina ATF

Good to Be Home - Sue M AU (MCAT)

Grand Theft Auto - Hombre ATF

Guys Gone Wild - Debra M. and Monica M. AU


Haiku - Antionette (Multiple Universes) [POETRY]

Haiku - Antionette [Poem]

Halloween Ghost Town - Melissa Clegg ATF

Halloween Memories at the Montecito - Mallory AU

A Handmaiden's Story - Linda T. AU(Star Wars)

Happenings - Mary Ann  ATF

Happy Fourth, Mag 7 Style - senorabutterfly ATF

A Harmless Fantasy - MrsDvlDg

Harmony House: Happenings - Twyla Jane AU

The Harvester - Happy Psycho Bunny

The Handwriting on the Wall by Ruby ATF

Hatchback Hell - JK ATF

Haven - Brate AU

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not - Lisa S AU

Hearing Things - Tiffiny ATF

Heaven and Hell - MrsDvlDg

Heaven Sent - Sue M AU

Hell, Hams, Milkshakes, and Mayhem - Heidi ATF

Hell's Wake - Wyvern

Hellfighters - Lynda AU

Her Beating Heart - Marian Schramm

The Hero of Jofa - Linda T. AU(Star Wars)

The Hero With Seven Faces - Niles Poem

Hiccups - Hombre ATF

Hidden Talents - senorabutterfly ATF


His Hero - Lady Standish AU/ATF

Hole in the Wall Gang - Nadine ATF (Sequel to A Home of My Own)

A Holiday Curse - MMW ATF

Home for Christmas - Kati_bugie AU

Home for the Holidays - LaraMee LB

Home from Home - Sue M AU

Home From the Wars - The Neon Gang

Homecoming - Ice Hunter

Home Search - Kati_bugie AU

Hooked - KT ATF

Hope, and Angels' Wings - G.M. Atwater

Horseplay - AJB  ATF

Horsing Around - Beth Green ATF

Hospitality - Heidi ATF

Hostages of the Heart - LaraMee Deux

Hotel California - Angie ATF

How Four Idjiots Got Baptized - Pat

How the Magnificent Seven Saved Christmas - KT

How the Seven Eat Their Reese's - Monica

How to Get Rid of a Mole - Megan ATF

The Hound of Standishs - Sammy Girl AU

Hypothetical Question - Helen Adams


I Am a Rock - Heidi AU (Dungeons & Dragons universe)

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day - Amelia

I Say, There's Seven Men Coming to Town - Calliope Foster

I Will Help You - Mitzi (crossover "Kung Fu")

I'm Game - Amelia ATF

If I Should Die - Ice Hunter

If Memory Serves - Heather Hillsden

If You Can't Beat 'em - Winter ATF

Illuminating the Darkness - KT ATF

The Illusion of Self - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

THE IMMORTAL SEVEN (Collection) - Katherine Highlander

In the Eyes of the Beholder - Peta Collins and Leigh Richards ATF (crossover "Stargate SG-1")

In the Firelight - GSister ATF

In a Heartbeat - Ruby H AU

Incidental Contact - Carole

Inkslingers - J. Brooks

Instructions of Life - Candice AU

Insults and Injuries - Beth Green ATF

In the Line of Duty - SoDak7

IN THE YEAR (Series) - Mary Ann AU

 Inmate 78 - The Firm AU

Inmate 78 Missing Scene: The Reunion - Susan Zell

Intimate Interview with the Magnificent Seven: Unaired Qs - Rebecca

Intimate Interview with the Magnificent Seven: Group Interview - Rebecca

The Invasion - Stubby

It All Comes Down To - Tidia

It All Started When - K Hanna Korossy

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear - Amelia ATF

It's How You Ask - JudyL - ATF

It's How You Play the Game - JudyL

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Kim AU

It's Not Easy - KT AU

It’s Raining Men - Alleluia - Squeakypeep ATF

It Was Time - Amelia


Jack's Revenge - A. A. May ATF

Jamestown: Convergence - Sevenstars AU

Jamestown: Horse Thieves - Sevenstars AU

The Jar - Heidi ATF

The Jewel of Cintamani - Scribe AU

Jingle Seven - Sue M ATF (poem)

The Joker - Ruby

JOSIAH'S BOYS - Freespirit AU

  1. The Making of a Family - Freespirit
  2. Coming Together
  3. Founder's Day
  4. Gaining Custody
  5. The Game
  6. The New Girls
  7. Home is Where the Heart Is
  8. Snowed In
  9. Giving Thanks
  10. Things Learned
  11. Secrets
  12. The Talent Show
  13. The Breakup

Josiah's Home Video - Brandgwen ATF

Jubal Sanchez - Angie

Jumping Hurdles - Angela B. AU (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Universe)

Just Another Morning - KT AU

Just a Piece in a Jigsaw Puzzle - Julia Verinder

Just Desserts - Wildcard ATF

Just What's Going On Here?? - Cin ATF

JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT... (Collection) - Luna Dey, et. al. (Multi-Universe)

Justice - Marlene


K-9 - Debbi K AU

Keeping Things in Perspective - KT ATF

Kidnapped - Armaita ATF

Kidnapped - Lisa S. AU

Killing Time - Joan Curtin

Kiss and Tell - Brenda Lee Jackson (not suitable for all readers)

The Kissing Booth - Marilyn Crawford ATF


La Corrido del Coyote - G.M. Atwater

Land of the Lost - Twyla Jane AU

Lara - Jenn

Larabee's Lepers - LaraMee AU

Larabee's Unit: Winter's End - Kris AU(Search & Rescue)

Last Man Standing - Squeakypeep ATF

A Last Stand - Mary Ann ATF

Late Night Visitors - IndigoCat AU

Learning to Fly - Heather Hillsden AU (Civil War Universe)

LEGACY (Collection) - Ace ATF

Legends - Zentry

THE LEGEND'S BORN (Series) - Joan Curtin

Lessons Taught - Brate AU

Let the Game Begin - Tiffiny ATF

A Life Less Ordinary - Sue M. AU

Life Sans the Living - Kat ATF

Life, Ten Years Later - Tammy

Life's Changes - S. Larabee Tanner ATF

Limp Noodle - Midnight Profit

Little Buck - Angie

LITTLE EZRA (Collection) - Angela B AU

A Little Help From My Friends - Vinsmouse AU

Little Sister - Freespirit AU

Live Cams by Ruby ATF (Sequel to "The Handwriting on the wall)

Live to Fight On - mmrrph AU/OW

Livin' La Vida Loca - Willow VIDEO

The Long Journey - KT AU

A Long Remembered Winter - Sue Bartholomew

The Long Train Ride - Wendymypooh AU

The Long Walk Home - Sherry, Wendy and Jan AU

Looking Up an Old Friend - Amelia ATF (Crossover "Sons of Anarchy")

Looks Can Be Deceiving - Lisa S AU

Loose Ends - Sue M AU

The Lost Boys - Angie AU

Lost Boys II: A New Beginning - Angie AU

Lost Boys III: Building Slowly - Angie AU

Lost Boys IV: Seven Men Alone - Angie AU

Lost Boys V: Seven Men Alone II - Angie AU

Lost Boys VI: Their First Travis Christmas - Angie AU

Loyalty - Celeste ATF

Loyalty: The Bust - Celeste ATF


M7 T-Shirts - Amber F. Drabble ATF

 Macho Men - Ladysmiths ATF

Magical Cats and Sewer Rats - Mods ATF

Magnificent - Englishspirit

A Magnificent Fourth - LaraMee ATF

A Magificent Holiday - LaraMee

MAGNIFICENT LITTLE BRITCHES: Ghosts of the Confederacy - LaraMee LB

The Magnificent Pimpernel - Sue D. AU (Scarlet Pimpernel Universe)

Magnificent Pet Rocks (Series) - MrsDvlDg

  1. For the Love of a Rock
  2. Oh My, Baby Rocks
  3. Rocky Road
  4. A Rock for Valentine's
  5. Chip Off the Ol' Stones
  6. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
  7. Motherhood Rocks
  8. Rock of Ages
  9. A Rocky Relationship
  10. Rock Solid Hope
  11. Magnificent Pet Rocks Anthology

The Magnificent Q - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

The Magnificent Quest - Nettie Roe AU(Dungeons & Dragons)

The Magnificent Seven - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

The Magnificent Seven and the Aegis of Zeus - Scribe AU (Relic Hunters)

The Magnificent Seven Characters' Lament - Ruby

The Magnificent Seven Save the Day - Kathy M

Magnificent 7 - Special Response Team - Brate AU

The Magnificent Seven Tax Preparers - Turtle AU

Magnificent 12 Days of Christmas - Sue M (POEM)

Making Their Mark - Sue M AU

The Malevolent Seven - Armaita AU

Mano a Mano - Tidia ATF

"Man, it's hot!" - senorabutterfly

A Man Walks Into a Bar... - BMP ATF

Manifest Destiny - JJJunky

Mary Travis and the Cult of the Staring Eyes - Scribe

Massacre at Turtle Creek - Sue M

MCAT II: Shades of Gray - Tannertexaslady and Wendymypooh AU

MCAT II: 2. Vision Quest - Tannertexaslady and Wendymypooh AU

MCAT II: 2. Turn The Page - TannerTexasLady AU

MCAT II: 5. Code of Honor - Tannertexaslady with SueM AU

MCAT II: Strength in Solidarity (Series) 6. Purgatory AU

MCAT: Fire and Rain - TannerTexasLady S AU

MCAT III: Hell of a Ride: Part 2 - Family Trilogy; AU

Measure of a Man - LaraMee Deux

Memories of Christmas Past - Carole ;

Memos - JudyL ATF

Men of Honor - Beth AU

Men in Kilts - Squeakypeep

Merry F'ing Christmas - Brate AU

The Messenger - TrishA (Alternate Universe)

Mewwy Chwistmas - Helen Adams

Middle of Nowhere - Amelia

Midnight Hour - Mary Ann ATF

The Mile High City Affair - Sammie ATF Crossover

Miles to Go - Raven LB ATF

Miranda/Starr - Leslie

Mirror - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

Misfits - Scribe

Misperceptions of Justice and Vindication - Silvia and Laurel ATF

Mistaken Identity - Molly

Montezuma's Revenge - J. Brooks ATF

Monthly Rates - K Hanna Korossy

Mother's Day - senorabutterfly ATF

Music Hath Charms - Ruby J ATF

Music, Management, and Mayhem - Ace ATF

My Rules - JudyL


Nathan's Benediction - Angela B AU

Necessary Evil - Quincy ATF

Needed - Sue M (Poem)

NEGOTIATIONS (Collection) - Sasha AU

Negotiations - Xaneth ATF

Never a Dull Moment - Luna Dey and Lisa S. AU

The New Adventures of Crash and Burn - Heidi AU (FCPD)

THE NEW AGENT (Series) - Kati ATF

New Beginnings - The Neon Gang AU (SG-1 crossover)

New Beginnings - Raul Sanchez AU

New Beginnings - Maria Villa AU ("Highlander" universe)

A New Beginning - Kim AU

A New Business in Four Corners - Mary Ann

New Crew AU - KT

A New Promise - Grey AU

The Night Before Christmas - Mag 7 Style - Jade Poem

Night Lights - Ace ATF

A Night in the Saloon - Megan

No Longer WANTED - Jenn

No Place For A Lady - Ithildyn

A Normal Week in Four Corners - Cecelia

North Pass Ranch: Running Blind - Joy K LB AU

Not a Game - Kathy M ATF

Not Just Us - Tidia ATF

Not Much To Do - Estee

Not as They Seem - Yolande

Not on Our Watch - Loui ATF

Nowhere to Go - Mary Ann ATF

The Nutcracker - AJB ATF


Obsession - Helen Adams ATF

Observation - Twig

Of Demons and Slayers - Sharmini AU

Of Demons and Slayers: Part 3 - Sharmini AU

Of Fluff and Yoga - Rhicy ATF

Of Loess Piles and Hanging Pallets - Jenifer Davis AU

Office Politics - Luna Dey ATF

Old Foes - KT AU

Old Friends and Enemies - Xaneth Sequel to Common Enemy

Old Friends Return - Linda

On the Eve of St. Valentine - Tiffiny ATF

On the Shoulders of Giants - Julia Verinder

Once Upon a Christmas - Nancy W. ATF

One Big Happy Family? - Purple Lacey AU

One Day in the Forest - Merl Laurence AU

One Day in Sector Seven - Nancy W. AU (Star Trek)

One Fine Day - Anneack AU

One Fine Day - Angela B ATF

One of Seven - K Hanna Korossy

One of Those Days - Scribe

Once It's Broken - Sharmini ATF [DEATHFIC]

Only a Block - Mary Ann ATF

Only a Parade - MrsDvlDog  ATF

Open House - Nadine ATF

Operation Corndog - KT AU(WWII)

Other People's Babies - Julia Verinder

Out of the Darkness - Alanna (Sequel to The Eternal)

Outlaws - Carol Broyles


"P" is for... - Helen Adams ATF

Par Seven - Winter ATF

Parables - Hilary Fox

Pards - Helen Chavez

Parkstown - Gina D

The Past is Never Forgotten - Kit

Patrol - Carole ;

Payback - Ace ATF

Peeping Everyone - MMW

Perfect Day Off - senorabutterfly ATF

The Perfect Place - Estee LB ATF

Personal Ghosts - Magnolia Belle

Peter, Paul and U - Angela B ATF

Picnic - LaraMee

Pick a Card, Any Card - JudyL

Pick-Up Man - Hawk50 AU

A Piece Of The Fortune - Rob Nunn

A Place to Start Over - Angie (AU of Old West)

Planet Fall - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

Point of View - JIN ATF

Pon Farr - Scribe AU (Star Trek) May be unsuitable for sensitive readers.

Positively Beaming - Firefox ATF

The Pot Roast Incident - Amber F. Drabble ATF/AU

Power Ranger Team Seven - MMW AU

Predators - Armaita ATF

Pre-History - Ryainelf AU

Preludes AKA Bath Night - Susan Zell

Prey: Evolution - Beth AU

Price of Valor - Winter AU (Soldier of Fortune)

Price Would be Paid - Amelia

The Prisoner - Ace

Prisoner Transport - Heather F

Pro Patria Mori - Rhicy AU

Profiles in Chaos - BMP ATF

Pulling Together - Sue M AU

Pulp Magnifiction - Secheti AU  

Pumpkin Tales - MMW LB ATF

Pun Stories (Collection) - Beth Green

Purgatory - Maria M. (Poem)

Pushing and Pulling - Anneack ATF

Pyrite and Candlelight - Mitzi


Quarantine a la Seven - Judy Seils ATF

Quest for Survival - Enid ATF

Questionable Answers - Estee LB ATF

Questions - SoDak7

Quiet as the Grave - Gil Hale


Raising Funds - KT AU

The Ram - Ruby ATF

Ransom, Rum and Rudolph - Lisa S. AU

Reactions - Kim and Joy K AU

The Reading of the Will - Rebecca AU

Rear Window - J. Brooks

Rebel Dawn - Scribe AU (Star Wars)

Rebels and Rogues (Trilogy) - Ruby AU
Some content may be unsuitable for sensitive readers.

  1. Genesis
  2. The Collar
  3. Consequences

The Rebuilding - Vinsmouse AU

Recertification - Heidi ATF

Reciprocity - Heidi ATF

The Reckoning - Scribe

THE RED GLOVE: Luck of the Irish - Kati AU

THE RED GLOVE: Making a Statement - Kati AU

RED GLOVE: The Price of Mistrust - Kati AU

RED GLOVE: Family Ties - Kati AU

Red Lights and Specials - Heidi ATF

Reflections - Catseye

Reflections of a Hostess - Phyllis ATF

Reflections Over Morning Coffee - MMW AU

Regret - Mary Ann ATF

THE REGULATORS: A Group Effort - Sue M AU

Relaxation - Marilyn Crawford ATF

Relic of Egypt - Andrea AU  

The Reluctant Elves - Mallory AU

Resolutions - Kari

Results and Roses - By Beth ATF

Retaliation - Heidi ATF

Retribution: Seven Style - Heidi ATF

Returning Kitty - Angie AU (Two Blood)

Reunion - KT ATF/AU

Reunion - LT

Ride Forever - GSister

Ridin' for the Brand - SoDak7

The Right Choice - Kati ATF

Ripples - Angie ATF

Rising to a Challenge - KT ATF

Road to Damascus - Derry & TrishA AU

The Road to Galilee - The Neon Gang

Road to Hell - Yolande

Rock My World - Cecelia ATF  

Rock and Growl - Amelia ATF

Rockets - ReaperWriter ATF

Rockin' the M7 Christmas Tree - Sue M ATF

Rodeo Daze - Twyla Jane ATF

Roundup at the Lazy L - Sue M ; (Old West Brothers Larabee Universe)

Ruling Day - Angela B. AU (Seven Brides For Seven Brothers Universe)

Rumble - Gina ATF

Running From the Devil - Aislinn Graves



Sanctuary - Anneack AU

Santa Baby - Happy Psycho Bunny

Santa and the Devil - Mog ATF

Santa's Helper - Sharon Hepner ATF

Santa's Seven Elves - Amelia

A Saturday in December - Amber F. Drabble ATF

Say That Again - Limlaith ATF

Scars That Bind - LaraMee Deux & the Muse

A Second Chance - Luckystars

Secret Vices - Tidia ATF

The Sentinel - Aislinn Graves ATF

Settling In - L.C. Martin AU

Seven - Debbi K. & Nancy W.

Seven - Heather F. ATF

Seven - TrishA ATF

7even - Xaneth ATF

SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS (Collection) - Squeakypeep

Seven Dragons - JudyL AU ("Dragonriders of Pern" universe)

The Seven Go Seussical - Lisa (Poem)

The Seven Go to Lunch - LaraMee ATF

Seven Little Peacekeepers - Ness Ayton (Poem)

Seven Men - MrsDvlDg  Poem

Seven Men And A Teenage Girl - Ace ATF

Seven Men are Comin' to Town - Sue M Poem

Seven Men - Seven Limericks - KT (Poem)

Seven Smooth Stones (Vin's Poem) - SoDak7 (POEM)

Seven Squared - Sharmini ATF

The Seven Tales of Christmas - Robyn

The Seven's Sentinel - JudyL ATF (crossover "The Sentinel")

Seven Toy Soldiers - Monica M. & Debra M. AU

The Seven Virtues - Merl 

Seven Who Shined - Amelia ATF

The Seventh Stone - Xaneth AU

SG-7 (Series) - Sablecain AU (Stargate Universe)

 Shadow - Kathy Teresa (Poem)

Shadow's Grasp - MMW (Poem)

A Shared Past - Bunny AU

The Sharpshooter - Zentry ATF


Shopping - Cecelia ATF   

Short Story Collection - MrsDvlDg (Various Universes)

Showdown - MMW (crossover)

The Siege of South Park - Derry (ATF xover South Park)

Sigh-lent Night - Helen Adams

Silent Night - Amelia (poem)

Silly Little Secret - Turtle ATF

Simple Pleasures - Helen Adams ATF

Sippin' Whiskey - Heather F.  ATF

Skating and Beer - Jaye B. ATF

Sky Marshals: Flight 1412 - Sablecain AU (Federal Air Marshalls)

Sleepy Hollow - Robyn

Slayer - Linda T. (Crossover Buffy, The Vampire Slayer)

Slick and Quick - Amelia ATF

Slingshot Man - SoDak7

Snapshots (Collection) - Firefox AU

Sneaking Around - Tiffiny ATF

Snow Biehnie and the 7 Whatsies - Sasha ATF

Snowball Fight! - Wolf and Boar (not suitable for all readers)

So Easy to Kill - Midnight Blue

So Easy to Kill - The Cohorts

Solomon's Choice - Marilyn Crawford

Some Things - SableCain AU (Federal Air Marshalls) (Refers to 9/11)

Song of Chiara - Tidia

Speak No Evil - Alex K.

The Spirit of Giving - Andi & Charli AU

The Spirit of a Hero - Mitzi

Spokes in the Wheel - G.M. Atwater

The Sport - JJJunky ATF

The Stand of the Seven - Jade AU

The Stakeout - Cecilia ATF

Staying Hidden - L C Martin AU

Step Right Up - Greta C. ATF

Still Still Still - Amelia

Stop the Press - Sammie ATF (xover "Without A Trace")

Storm A' Brewin' - Derry ATF

Storm Chasing - Sablecain AU (Twister Universe)

The Strangers - Angie Crossover "The Sentinel"

THE STRAYS: - The Neon Gang AU

  1. Expanding the Family
  2. Truth Unfurling
  3. An Unexpected Gift
  4. The Tethered Goat

Street Gang - Thalia AU

Strength of Seven - GinaD AU

Stress Relief - MMW ATF


Subterfuge - Sue M

Sulaco - Scribe AU (Star Trek) [crossover "Aliens"] May be unsuitable for sensitive readers.

Sunday Lunch - KT AU

Sunrise - Limlaith

SURPRISE! - LaraMee Deux ATF

Survey Says - Samantha Agee  ATF

Surviving the First Few Days, Means Answering the Call - Heather M ATF

Sweet Memories - Ace


Tablet of Destiny - Scribe  AU (Relic Hunters)

Take Me Out to the Ballgame - Angie

Take Your Daughter to Work Day - Angie ATF

Tangled Web - Tidia ATF

Team Seven Instructions - KT ATF

Teamwork - Jenn ATF

Teamwork - Sue M AU

Telegrams - Heather F.

Tell Me All Your Thoughts on God - JIN ATF

The Tender Murderer - Julia Verinder

A Texan Wildflower - Freespirit ATF

Texas Hold 'Em - Mitzi ATF

Texas Jackalope - Wendymypooh

That Was Then, This is Now - Just Kris (OW-xover "Andromeda")

That's One Way to Get a Date - Anneack AU

That's What Friends are For - Lisa S and Sue M AU

The Telling: Slaughter of the Innocents - TrishA

Therapy by Quincy ATF

There's No Sense in Revenge - Silvia and Laurel ATF

Things that Go Bump in the Night - Jan AU

Things To Be Thankful For - S. Larabee Tanner ATF

Things Better Left Unsaid - Jordy [deathfic]

This Day - JIN

Three of a Kind - Carole

Three Questions - Helen Adams ATF

Thrills and Spills - Heidi AU Four Corners Police Dept

Thwart and Amend - Kris ATF VS

Tidings of Comfort and Joy - Monica M. & Debra M. AU

Til Dawn - Alex K.

Time After Time - Happy Psycho Bunny ATF

Time Capsule - Kristen

To Better Days Ahead - Helen Adams ATF

To See Ourselves as Others See Us... - Firefox ATF

To The Swiftest - Deb Hicks

To The Very End - Angela B ATF

Tokens of Affection - Sue M ATF

Tomorrow - Estee ATF/OW

Touring Vegas, Seven Style - Angela B ATF

A Town Called Freedom - Sue M

The Town of Lost Souls - Sue M

Traffic Jam - Rhicy ATF

The Train - Heather

The Train - Kris VS

The Train - The Drabbling Vinburys

Train Ride to Nowhere - Kathy M

Transitions - Grey AU (sequel to "A New Promise")

Travelling Companions - LaraMee [Unfinished. Author deceased.]

Travis Family: Getting Even - Demaris AU

Travis Family: What Three Little Brats Can Do - Demaris AU

Travis' Seven - Sammie AU

Treeline Ranch: Journey's End - Phyllis and Marian LB AU

The Trial: A Day in Court - KT ATF

Trials - Heather F.

THE TRIBE (Series) - Ryainelf AU

Trick Or Treat - The Neon Gang ATF

Tricks and Treats - Helen Adams ATF

Trouble A’brewin’ - LT (xover "The Outcasts")

Trust - Ace

Twelve Magnificent Days of Christmas - KT (Multi-universe)

Two Shaken Agents - Megan ATF

Typical Friday - Ace ATF

A Typical Saturday - Jan AU


UGCS Rebus Prime-Destination Huine - Twyla Jane AU

UGCS Rebus Prime: Zerks - Twyla Jane AU

Uh Oh! Here Comes Trouble - Karen Shannon Unarmed (Series) - Alex K. ATF

Unanswered Questions - Carole ;

Unbreakable by Emsworth

Uncle Darice - Karen Shannon

Unending Brotherhood - Mary Ann

Unexpected Company - Helen Adams ATF

The Unexplained - Ace ATF

Unintentional Trespass - KT AU

Uninvited Guests - Sue M AU

The Union Delegate - KT AU

The UNOS Project: Let the Children Come - Angie AU [Kidfic]

Unsupervised - EssieJane2 ATF

Us & Them AU - Beth

The Usual Suspects - Seagray

[Untitled] - Jenifer Davis  ATF


A Valentine's Day Explosion - Ace ATF

Vengeance! - LaraMee Deux

Vertical Expressions of Horizontal Desires - Tess ATF 

VICTIM/VILLAIN Part 1: Pleasure Doing Business - Amanda & Michelle ATF

VICTIM/VILLIAN Part 2: Conflict of Interest - Amanda & Michelle ATF

VILLAIN/VICTIM Part 3: Victim - Amanda & Michelle ATF

VILLAIN/VICTIM Part 4: Villain - Amanda & Michelle ATF

Village Assignment - KT ATF Sensitive Reader Warning

Vision in Pink - MMW ATF

A Visit From Saint Buck - Beth Green AU

The Visitors - Melody Byard

Volatile Situations - SoDak7

A Vow Made - Loui ATF


War's a Bloody Game - Julia Verinder AU


Warriors - Angela B AU

Watermarks - Estee AU

We Have Ways of Making You Talk - Heidi ATF

We Were Brothers All - Helen Chavez ATF

Weaker - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

A WEIGHT TO BEAR: Buck - Yolande

The Weight of Guilt - Phyllis

Welcome to the Henhouse - Greta C ATF

Western Medicine - Kati

What Could Go Wrong? - Angela B. AU

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas - J. Brooks ATF

What I Did On Summer Vacation - Angie ATF

What Am I Thankful For? - Mallory LV

What Happens in Vegas... - Lisa S. AU

What If? - Jordy

What If? - JudyL

What I'm Thankful For - Debra M & Monica M AU

What We Are - Amelia (Poem)

Whatever Can, Will - Heidi ATF

What's in a Name? - Anneack ATF

When Fishing is No Fun - Mary Ann

When Life Gives You Oranges - NotTasha

What the Hell Happened? - Mary Ann ATF

When the Past Bites - Yolande ATF

When The Rangers Came to Town - K Hanna Korossy (Crossover Bordertown)

When Shadows Fall - Desertsage, Deb and Joby

When Trouble Finds You - Ruby H

Where the Buffalo Roam - Kris VS

Where The Wind Blows (Series) - Beth AKA Midge ATF

Where There's a Will, There's a Dinner - Gina ATF (A Thanksgiving holiday story) 

Whispers in the Darkness - LaraMee Deux

Whispers of the Wind - Yolande

The White - Scribe  AU (Star Trek)

Who Knows What Tomorrow Brings? - Winnie

Who You Gonna Call? - Brate AU

Why the Janitor Quit - Pat ATF

Why JD Shouldn't Self Medicate - Negolith ATF

Wild Cards - Mods ATF 

Wild Fire - Megan AU

Will the Real Vin Tanner... - Carole

Windows of the Soul - Helen Chavez ATF

Withdrawal - KT WWII AU

Witness Enhanced - Jan

Wolf vs. The Seven - Angela B. AU

Wolves - Brandgwen

Wooden Horses - J Brooks AU

A Work of Fiction - Firefox ATF

Work Smart, Not Hard - Lisa S. AU

The World As We Know It - Estee LB AU

Worse than Mary Sue - Tidia



Yankee Blue - Jo Ann

A Year to be Thankful For - Robijean ATF

Yellowstone Park Foundation - Sara AU

You Never Can Tell - Nancy W.

You Only Hurt the One You Love - Judy Freudenthal

Your Home House - LaraMee AU


The Zoo - Heather F. ATF

If you are looking for a specific story, click on the first
letter of the title (excluding the words "A" and "The")


E-mail Nancy with corrections and additons













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