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Loyalty |
Summary: (ATF) Team 7 teaches Team 5 a little about teamwork and loyalty.
Authors Notes: Just some insights from outsiders about the strange connection the seven have. Thanks to Luna (as always) for her awesome Beta work and Katherine for her encouragement! This ones for Skye, for letting me be her guide to the M7 universe. I hope shes having as much fun here as I am. ;)
Disclaimer: Well, the Seven arent mine, but I like to think the 7 members of Team 5 are my creation. Theyre real bastards though, kinda makes me wonder if I wanna keep em anyway. ;P The ATF universe isnt mine either, (its all Mogs) and m just playin in it for a while cause I love it so much!
Distribution: Ask, and ye shall receive.
Contains profanity.
Look at that. Theyre all leaving for the hospital now to pick up their teammate, as if thats a six-man job. Now Im stuck here, with my team, covering for them until Friday. I have to do their job for four extra days for what reason? Standish got shot, and it takes ALL of them to watch him. Yeah right! Damn bad excuse to get the week off, if you ask me. But, no one asked me, did they? Travis just called Tuesday morning and told me real easy like, "Terry, youre covering for Larabees men until Friday."Like I can argue with the AD. Maybe, if I had had the balls to say something, my team and me wouldnt be stuck here when were supposed to be on vacation. Why is my team, Team 5, here in the first place you might ask? Because, Standish decided to go and get himself shot. Damn him! Damn him and his loyalty to Chris Fuckin Larabee. Damn them all for that.
If I sound a little bitter and jealous, its probably cause I am. Ive been shot eight fuckin times in my career. Eight! Standish took a bullet for Larabee. He jumped in front of it like it was the fuckin most natural thing in the world to do. I have six men too, you know. None of the bastards ever even moved to get between me and some hot lead when they had the chance, and believe me, they have had the chances. Then, right before my very eyes, Standish took the bullet for Larabee. The little shit was willing to die for the man. My team woulda ducked and covered before the bullet cleared the chamber like the damn cowards they are.
How the hell does Larabee do it? He aint the nicest person Ive ever met, by far. But, he has six men who would get between him and the bad guys, open up their arms and say, "take me instead," without batting an eye. Why didnt I get those men? How did Chris Larabee do it? If theres a goddamn secret that I got left out of Im gonna shoot someone. The bastard got six of the biggest sons-a-bitches this side of the law to follow him to hell and back, and I wanna know how he did it, damn it.
Wilmington turned down a promotion once, ya know that? They wanted him to supervise his own team. They said he had "the stuff" it took, that he could "finally get out from under Larabees shadow as the mans 2IC". The ass turned it down without even thinkin five damn minutes on it. Fuck him! Hes a dumbass. The pays better in this position, and you get to be the boss. Whyd he turn it down? He likes his team, and he likes the fellas he says. Fuck Wilmington! I worked hard to get to the top. If hes too good to take it then he can go to hell. If hed rather stay under Larabees command like he has for the past 14 years thats fine. My man Harper and I worked together for 20 years, two goddamn decades. Harper was offered his own team, and the man fuckin lit out the door before the papers could even clear the damn printer.
What about the others, you ask? Well, shit. Tanner got a haircut for Larabee. The boy was fightin like a cougar, cause he wouldnt let the doctors touch his head so they could save him. But, the second Larabee looks at him hes willin to let em take off his right arm, if thats what Chris wants em to do. Hell, even Dunne turned down a job offer from some software company in CA. Turned down a six-fig salary and benefits, company car, paid vacations. He likes his team. He likes his job. Chris Larabee is a damn fine man to work with, says he. Sanchez came out of retirement to work with Larabee. He gave up days of fishing, sleeping in late, and games of golf cause the man was "somethin special." Jackson pulled off a fuckin miraculous medical operation-in the field- cause Larabee expected him to. Just like that, youd think the man was God. Jackson was able to do it cause Larabee expected him to. You know about Standish already. Standish took a goddamn bullet for Chris Larabee. If someone shot a bullet into my men, theyd all fuckin fight to get out of the way of each other while prayin to their mamas itd hit someone else first. Yeah, even WITH their god damn vests on.
So, what did Larabee do that I couldnt? Howd that glare of his inspire ANYTHING? Is it those damn fishing trips they take? If thats it, then fuck that. I dont want to spend more time than I need to with these six selfish bastards. Screw em, they can take their own damn bullets.
(Sniper: Brad Fraser)
Fuck you Larabee, your team, AD Travis, and Jake Terry too! Im supposed to be fishing, you ass holes. Now where am I? Im on call to backup Team 8 on a Wednesday afternoon, with paperwork up the ass over Mondays bust. Thisll be the fuckin last time Team 5 backs your asses up Larabee. You sure as hell didnt want us there. Well, I didnt goddamn want to be there either, so that suits both of us fine you sanctimonious bastard.I was in the running to be on your team, but I wasnt good enough for you was I? Was my perfect track record not to your liking, you asshole? Yeah, well I dont need any of you to take a bullet for me either, and the rest of my team wouldnt even think about it, so that just suits me fine. Give Standish my regards Larabee. The bastard didnt know what he was getting into when he signed on did he? Bet he would have stayed the hell away, like the rest of us, if hed have known getting filled with holes was what your team was gonna be famous for.
I wouldnt risk gettin killed to save your ass anyway, so maybe its a good thing I didnt make your final cut Larabee. I wont risk any shit for the guys on my team, and they wont for me either. It works out better that way, see? Go ahead, you and your team run willy nilly watchin each others' backs. Ill be fine watchin my own. Its easier that way. You just dont get how it works Larabee. Yeah, give Standish my regards.
(Surveillance Specialist: Troy Riley)
This sucks! Damn it, we were supposed to get the rest of the week off after Mondays bust. Standish just HAD to get shot, didnt he? As for the rest of his team, weve seen the lazy bastards all of twice since they admitted him. Travis says they spent the entire time in the ICU. Bull shit! Ive seen Larabees men, and they cant stand still for more than five minutes, let alone for two whole days. What I wanna know is which one of the bastards has Judge Travis in his pocket, so he lets them get away with half ass explanations like that. Why the hell would anyone want to stay in the fucking Hospital for two days anyway? Its not like the goddamn doctors dont know what to do with Standish. Its Team 7s way of getting off of work, if you ask me. Someone shoot Brad, then maybe WELL get next week off, if the rest of us pretend to care enough. Ha.What I wanna know is what the hell Standish was thinking. Whats worth givin and riskin your life for? The "Team?" Bullshit! Your boss? Fuck that! I wouldnt risk shit for Terry. He can fucking take his own bullets, thank you very much. This job is too dangerous as it is; we dont need to risk our necks even more for the man that gets paid more than we do, the man who gets all the credit when things go right. Terry deserves all the shit he gets, if you ask me.
Besides, this is where we work, damn it. Why in the hell would Standish go all out like that for his fucking job? Did he want a commendation that badly, or was the poor kid just plain suicidal?
Oops, I snorted out loud, and now Frasers giving me the "are you insane" look. I throw him back my best imitation of Larabees "fuck you" look and get back to work. Yeah, like Id risk my life for the likes of you Fraser. You can eat your own lead along with Terry. Damn it, I dont get it. Weve seen Larabee and Standish duke it out in the middle of the workday, but when push comes to shove they fight over who gets to take the bullet for the other.
Yeah, and I saw the looks on the others faces when they saw Standish get it too. Idiots probably wished they had been the one to get it in the chest. Did you see how all five of their guns went straight to that baddy that fired to blow his friggin brains all over the goddamn warehouse, like he was the most disgusting thing in the world? Im glad Im not on their shit list. If they really do care about you, youre the luckiest fucking dog in the country Standish, mark my words. If I got blown to hell and was hangin on by a thread in the ICU, the rest of Team 5 would be soakin up the downtime at the bar or on the links. You get a clip in the temple and a bullet through nothing more than your fucking shoulder, and your teams been down everyones throat every second theyre not with you. But, thats still too damn hard to believe, if you ask me, you son of a bitch. No one here cares that much about anyone, its all just a show.
(Chemist: Doug Campbell)
Thats it, lemme go fucking shoot myself so I can get some rest. Figures Jackson and Sanchez finish their paperwork, but I get stuck with Wilmingtons left over shit? Does the man even know how to work? He has the header on his paper; it has his name, the date, and the case number. Good work Buck. Fuck Wilmington! There isnt anything I hate more than paperwork. I should be freakin on my way to Vegas for the week, and where the hell am I? Im on Team 7s floor moppin up their shit. Thanks a lot Wilmington, Standish. Fuck you both! Im glad Agent Jameson broke your fucking cover on Tuesday, Standish. Youre the goddamn son of a bitch that needed to get shot most. Ha, too bad Team 5 doesnt have you Standish. Jamesons the sorriest ass undercover agent Ive ever met. Hes fucking jealous of you, you know. Hell, the asshole probably meant to blow both your covers. THATs what its really like Standish, not that fluffy shit youve had since workin with Larabee. You gotta watch your own back, like Jameson. Whyd you think he didnt get shot? Cause he ducked when you jumped, you ignorant bastard.Yeah, we can cover ourselves real good, cant we? Not like your team, Larabee. Jumpin in front of bullets and moving cars and shit like that. You aint got it in you to work in this field. Youre all gonna die sorry ass deaths real soon unless you take some notes from Supervisor Terry there. Worry about yourself, cause no one else is gonna when it all hits the fan.
So, howd you do it Larabee? Are the seven of you in some scam, takin payoffs? One of the others got dirt on you? Whats the hitch here? Why do they act so damn devoted, like fuckin puppies? Its gotta be for either money or blackmail, cause that sort of thing dont come naturally to a mans heart. Theres no such thing as heroes no more, mark my words. You better fucking watch your back close Larabee; your men might just take you out through it one day. Yeah, the worlds a dirty, dirty place huh? Loyalty like that doesnt exist Larabee. They want something from you. Youd best keep it all in. Team 5 has nothing on me, if they turn coat. Can you say the same bout your Magnificent 7? I didnt think so.
(Undercover Agent: Lawrence Jameson)
Seems that nowadays, not only is Team 7 fucking their own lives, but theyre fuckin everybody elses as well. Damn cowboys! I had a midweek date with this sweet college thing on Spring Break and damn. I hate my job. Only fucking reason Im here in the first place is cause my whole goddamn familys always worked for the freakin ass government. So, now Im here, today, called away from my vacation, cause Team 7 needs to recoup from their "near loss" as Judge freakin Travis put it. Standish was a moron. Fucking idiot, why didnt he just goddamn duck and stay down like I did the moment the shit hit the fan?Fuck this! Everyone in the bureau talks about how promising Standish is, how good he is, Ezra that, Standish this Fuck him! The little shit doesnt even know to duck when the lead starts flyin. How the hell is his record better than mine? After Mondays performance Im surprised the asshole isnt dead. Heck, Im surprised all of them arent dead, the way they go "Secret Service" on each others asses. They spend so much time watching out for each other theyre not gonna know when the real shits goin down. They aint gonna last.
God, Terrys givin me the eye now. You want me to get back to work you fucking ass? Bite me! I hate my boss. Yeah, now Frasers laughin at me. Fuck you too! I hate him. I literally count the hours that Im stuck with these six jokes before I get to go home every night. Wilmington was a dumbass for not taking that promotion. It would have gotten him the hell out of this ass ugly office and into a big one, AWAY from his freakin annoying teammates. I would have taken it before the offer passed the ADs lips. Ha, Id fuckin leave the rest of these yahoos in the dust in the time it takes to blink. Wilmington was an idiot. They were all idiots for signing under Larabee.
I hear Standish is getting a commendation for courage in the field from, (gasp) AD Travis himself. I wonder how it feels. Hows it feel Standish? Getting your chest blown from the outside in, just for a coupla pats on the back and some words on paper. You shoulda let the bastard shoot Larabee. Your boss woulda deserved it if he was too slow to duck. You know your whole goddamn team took these past two days off? Screwed our whole friggin vacation cause you were shot. Like it was an excuse. Sanchez came in today lookin like hes been partying hard while youre stopped up in ICU. Must have one hell of a hangover the way he and the rest of your buddies were lookin. Red eyed and tired. Must have toasted your stupidity real good at the bar while they were soakin it up, huh? Guess they owe you a debt of gratitude for the extra down time. You get shot and they go off. I hope they at least toasted you. Heres to Standish, the idiot that got us more time off.
Its pretty much the same thing over here too, you know. I had half a pound of lead in me when an op went bad once, Terry took my recoup time off and took a nice cruise round the Florida Keys. "Dealing with the near loss". You think Larabee and the others are doin that now? Off getting drunkn laid while you got a fuckin catheter shoved up your pecker? I wouldnt put it past em. They probably havent even been in to visit you the entire time. Youre just an alibi Standish. No one cares about their colleagues that much. Damn fool.
(Surveillance Specialist: Clint Delvin)
Ive been reduced to trash-ketball. When I should be out camping with my girlfriend, Im playing basketball with wadded up pieces of paper while I do my computer work. Damn Larabee and his men. I can only stand to be NEAR the rest of my team for so many hours a month you know.I know Terry blames me for this as much as he blames Larabee and his men. How the hell was I supposed to know that when Larabee said, "watch him " he meant for the ENTIRE time? Its not like I could keep an eye on one man during the entire gunfight. I wasnt gonna risk my neck like that. Its his own fault for fucking getting shot at by the bastard I was "supposed to cover" anyway. He should have stayed on guard. Fucking trusts his men too much to watch out for him, if you ask me. Its gonna get him killed. Guess hell learn his lesson too late. Itll either be him or one of his men. Ha, his men his men are idiots. Standish and Tanner have like, some running competition; who can get shot the most in their career. I think theyre tied. Both idiots have been shot and given field commendations for bravery. Should be for stupidity, from what Ive seen. Tanners had a whole building fall on him once; ran into the place where Sanchez and Dunne had been blown up, screamin like an idiot. Damn thing collapsed on the fool. Fucking miracle they all got out alive. Then there was the time Standish pushed Jackson out of the way of the mobs drive-by and took six slugs. Man has more lives than a fucking cat.
What the hell do they want, to die young as fucking heroes? The kiddies need to learn whats important, and thats surviving. They aint gonna do it unless they start prioritizing. Life, man, they gotta do whatever it takes to keep em alive. Screw the rest, thats what theyre tryin to do anyway. If you get caught up lookin out for more than yourself, you just get distracted and stuck in the crossfire. Hell, Id push Fraser or Terry into the fucking way, before I jump to save the bastards lives. Yeah, Campbells glaring at me now. I hate that asshole. Hell, Id fire on him, if I could. Im getting to work you shit head, stop lookin at me like that. Im not fucking sorry the trashketball ricocheted onto your desk.
(Profiler/Psychoanalyst: Kevin Erickson)
Look at this. This isnt a team; this is the governments imitation of corporate America. No one on my team has a fucking sincere bone in his body. What did Larabee do right that Terry did wrong? What made six men believe that Chris Larabees life was worth more than their own and vise versa? I cant even remember the last person I would have put everything on the line for. It might have been my imaginary friend Jojo back in the first grade. Look at the rest of Team 5. Theyre pissed. Im sort of pissed too. I really wanted to get away from the goddamn office for the week, before Travis call ruined everything. But, I guess thats part of our problem. We hate spending more time than we need to together.Larabee and team go on a monthly fishing trip. If my team tried that, only one of us would return alive (although badly injured).
What makes such different men come together so forcefully? Its a pretty damn interesting question for a man in my field. What on earth could they possibly have in common with each other? How do they inspire each other to do so much? What do they have that were missing, besides the fact that all the secretaries downstairs fantasize about them?
This is ridiculous. Ill bet my career that, if Terry had the chance to kill someone without consequence, hed chose someone on this team. We cant trust each other, cause we know were all backstabbing bastards with our own agenda. Is that it? Is it because Larabees team doesnt want anything from this job anymore that they dont feel like steppin on each other to get to the top?
Im confused, and I have a goddamn degree in Psychology. What makes it so right Larabee? Is it worth it? Is it worth risking your life for another man? Does the give and take feel good or something?
God, if I had someone care about me enough to die for me Is that it, the feeling of importance? But, then again, why would you in return, die for a man? Is that what makes you so great in the first place? If Terry or Fraser or Jameson or one of the others cared that much about me, would I be able to reciprocate? Thats just not normal. People want to survive; its basic instinct. To prioritize someone elses survival over your own is unnatural. Its quite frankly, creepy.
I suppose, its a nice fantasy my team has, being important to one another, like your team is, Chris Larabee. The good thing about my teammates is, theyre normal. I can analyze them, and I can fairly say theyre jealous as hell of you, Larabee. We all are. Why? Because, we WANT what you have, damn it. Wed all like to care that much about someone, and have them care that much about us in return. But instead, we act hostile and rationalize with ourselves about how much it costs to care that much. We try to convince ourselves its stupid and worthless, undermine its integrity. We try to pretend you dont really care, like the rest of us dont really care. But, way back in our minds its all because we dont see why you can have something that we all want, but cant all have. We cant admit to ourselves that what you seven boys have is right. Damn you, Chris Larabee. Thats right, Im going to join my teammates for once and agree with them. Damn you. Damn Buck Wilmington and damn Ezra Standish. Damn all of you. Damn you for doing something right, before the rest of us could even figure out something was wrong.
Comments to: keviesprincess@netscape.net