I was intrigued by the 'brothers of the heart' idea.
Disclaimer: Not Mine blah blah..No profit..blah
.You've heard it all before and others are more eloquent than I.
Rating: Language a bit harsh in places. Slushy,
romantic, suggestive.
Acknowlegements: Mog's Universe, apologies to
anyone whose toes I've stamped on - I've read so many fics I can't recall
who belongs to whom. Angel belongs to me and this is my first fic - go easy.
I'm Irish so Texas speak was a challenge and I have a UK spellchecker - you
have been warned. I still have to have the American jokes in these fics explained
to me!
Warning: OFC If you don't like the boys getting
hitched this Series is not for you. Think M7 meets Mills and Boon!
Squeakypeep@hotmail.com - be