New Fiction

Table for Two - Annie (Ezra / ? ) ATF

Taken - Annie (Chris / Vin)

Take My Hand - Kaed (Vin / Ezra)

Taking Chances - Laura H. (Chris / JD)

Taking Him on a Sunday Afternoon ATF - Peggy (Chris / Vin)

Taking the Lead - Ladysmiths (Chris / Vin / Ezra) ATF

The Talent Show - Shea (Chris / Vin) ATF

The Talk - Charlotte Hill (Buck, Vin)
(Alternate Universe "Family Matters")

The Talk - Sara (Chris / Vin)

Talk About Us - Cecilia (no spoiler) ATF

Tangled Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)

Tangled Web - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Vin) (Ezra / Chris) ATF

Tangled Web of Dominion - Sammy Girl (Chris / Vin)
(Multi-fandom AU "Case de Corazon")

Target of Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin) ATF

Tascosa Rules Charlotte Hill (Chris / Buck)

Taste - Gwendolen (Chris / Vin)

A Taste of Honey - Giselle (Chris / Vin) ATF

Taxing the Bonds - Sammy Girl (JD, Vin, Chris, Buck)
(Alternate Universe "Family Matters")

Tearing the Team Apart - Wgang (Chris / Vin) ATF

Tease - mcat (Vin / Chris) ATF

Tell Me - Delphi (Ezra / Josiah)

Temptation - Hawk Dancing (Ezra / Josiah)

Tenebrae - Lara Bee (Buck / Ezra) ATF
(Follows "Aurora Mirabilis")

Terra Firma - Limlaith (Chris / Buck) ATF
(Sequel to "Interplanetary")

Terra Incognita - Lara Bee (Buck / Ezra) ATF
(Follows "Persona Non Grata")

Testing Time - Aramis (Chris / Vin) (Ezra / Vin)
(Sequel to "A Tracker's Tears")

Testing the Waters - Ashlyn (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Tête-à-tête Times Two - Sabro (Buck / Ezra) (Chris / Vin)

A Texas Christmas Present - Wgang16 (Chris / Vin) ATF

Thank God Vin's Back - Lady Q (Chris / Vin) ATF

Thanksgiving - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin) ATF

A Thanksgiving Evening - Ruby Tuesday (Chris / Vin) ATF

Thanksgiving Fryer - Charlotte C. Hill (Chris / Buck) ATF

Thanksgiving Present - Wgang16 (Chris / Vin) ATF

Thanksgiving Traditions - Evil Jacquie (Chris / Buck) ATF

That Certain Smile - Spice (Chris / JD) WLF
(Sequel to "A Need Satisfied")

That Damned Horse - TimberWolf (Buck / Ezra)

That Hurt In Your Eyes - Joanne Collins (Chris/Vin)

There You'll Be - Firefox (Buck / Ezra)
MUSIC VIDEO Approx, 6 Megs

These Hands - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

These Hands - SueN. (Chris / Vin)

A Thief In The Night - Windwilowk (Chris / Buck) ATF

The Thing's A Body's Own - C.V. Puerro (Chris / Buck)

A THING OR TWO (Series) - hercat (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Things Boys Get Up To: An Absurdity - Kitipurr (Chris / Buck) ATF

Things Change - Tiffiny (Chris / Vin) ATF

The Things He Says - Delphi (Ezra / Josiah)

Things That Go Bump - Charlotte C. Hill (Chris / Buck)

The Things We Never Said - Firefox (Chris / Vin) (Jethro / Tony) ATF
(Xover "NCIS")

This Hard Land - TrueEnough (Chris / Vin)

This is for You - Sivan Shemesh (Vin / Ezra)

This Kiss - Katie (Chris / Buck)

This Land, Your Body - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

This Moment - Kitipurr (JD / Chris)

This Much is True - Limlaith (Chris / Vin) ATF

This Side of Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)

This Special Feeling - MAC (Ezra / Chris) ATF

This Was My Life - Kris (Vin / Ezra) ATF

A Thorny Problem - GD (Ezra, Buck, Chris, Vin) ATF

Though I May Not Look Like Much (I'm Yours) - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

THREE ACES INVESTIGATIONS (Series) - Katherine (Ezra / Buck)
(Alternate Universe)

  1. Wants and Needs (Link updated)
  2. Solitary Reflections
  3. Adonis
  4. Together

Three Kings, Two Hearts - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Three Little Words - Kim (Chris / Vin) ATF

Three Men 'n' a Tub - Annie (Chris / Vin) (Chris / Buck) ATF

Three's Company - WendyJ (Chris / Buck / Vin) ATF

Three's a Crowd - WendyJ (Chris / Vin, JD)

Three's Not a Crowd - Laura H. (Chris / Vin / Ezra)

THREE OF HEARTS (Series) Joanne Collins (Chris / Vin / Buck)

Threshhold - Mirna Cicioni (Chris / Vin)
(This was the first M7 slash fic)

The Thrill of Defeat - SueN. (Chris / Vin) ATF

Through His Eyes - Kathy Teresa (Chris / Vin) ATF

Through the Heart of the Jungle - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Chris)
(Alternate Universe)

Through the Hourglass - Debbi K (Chris / Vin)
(OW / Dungeons & Dragons A/U xover)

Through the Knothole - Charlotte Hill & Farad (Chris / Buck / Vin)

Through Sunshine and Shadow - Debra Hicks (Vin / Ezra)

Tick Tock - Giselle (Chris / Vin) ATF

Ties That Bind - Laura H. (Chris / Ezra)

Ties That Bind . . . Tightly - Jess (Chris / Vin)

'Til It's Gone - Kay (Ezra / OMC) (Chris / Ezra)

'Til Never - Debbi K. (no spoiler)
(Gen fic)

Tides - Sara (Chris / Vin) ATF
(crossover "Riptide")

Time - Sabro (Chris / Vin)

Time - VampyrAlex (Ezra / ?)

A Time and A Place For Us - MAC (Chris / Ezra) ATF

Time, and Change - Charlotte C. Hill (Chris / Buck)

Time and Reflection - Tarlan (Chris / Vin)

A Time to Live and Love Again - Firestorm (Chris / Vin) ATF

A Time to Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin) ATF

Time Moves Slowly - Ladysmiths (Chris / Vin / Ezra) ATF

Time Out of Time - Charlotte Hill (Buck / Chris)

Time Well Spent - TimberWolf (Buck /Ezra)

'Tis the Season - Starwinder (Ezra / Vin / Chris) ATF
(Sequel to "Deck the Halls")

To A Stranger - Denorios (Chris/Vin)

To Be Known - Artisan447 (Chris / Buck) WLF

To Be Me - Dreamweavebeliever (Ezra, Buck)

To Call Normal - Sammy Girl (Buck / Ezra)

To Comfort's Bed - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)
(Mixed universe OW-ATF. Sequel to "Unrequited, Too" )

To Grab a Dream - TexasAries (Chris/Ezra/Buck/Vin) ATF

To Hear the Word - Heart Quest (Vin / Chris)

To Hell and Heaven and Back - Sammy Girl (Buck / Ezra) (Vin)

To Hold a New Day - Maygra (Chris / Vin) ATF

To Know a Thing - Tiffiny (Vin / JD)
Sequel to "Truth in the Balance"

To Love One Another - The Neon Gang (Josiah / Vin)
(Sequel to "A Friend Loveth")

To Learn the Difference - Chris Ueberall (Ezra / Vin) (Buck / JD)

To Measure a Year - Dani O'Malley (Nathan / Ezra)
(Pre-slash genfic, sequel to "Such Glad Tidings")

To Scratch an Itch - Annie (Chris, Vin, Buck, JD) ATF

To Tell You the Truth - I - Tiffiny (Chris / Vin)

To Tell You the Truth - II - Tiffiny (Chris / Vin)

To Touch in a Day - Maygra (Chris / Vin / Ezra) ATF

To Win Big - Shea (Chris / Vin) ATF

Toasted - Raven (Chris / Buck)

Toeing the Line - KlingonCat (Chris / Vin) ATF

Toeing the Mistle - Annie (Chris / Vin)

Tomorrow Ain't Another Day - Tiffiny (Vin / OMC) ATF

Tongue Lashing - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Too Close For Comfort - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin) ATF
(follows "Where You Lead")

Too Little Luck - Katherine (Ezra / Vin)
(Alternate Universe)

Too Hot! - Luna Dey (Vin / OMC)

Too Quiet - Valentine (Ezra / Buck)

Top 10 Reasons - Tiffiny (Buck / JD) ATF

Torques - Farad (Josiah / Vin) ESC

Toss the Dice - Zeke Black (Chris / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe)

Touched - Artisan447 (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Touchstone - Charlotte Hill (Chris / Buck)
(Alternate Universe)

Tour de 7 - Charlotte Hill (Chris / Buck)
(Alternate Universe)

Tracker - Sara (Chris / Vin)

A Tracker's Tears - Aramis (Chris / Vin)

TRAIL DUST (Series) - Tarlan (Chris / Vin)

 Trails and Trials - Loke (Ezra / Judge Travis)

Travails of a Summer Storm - Ashlyn (Vin / Ezra / Chris)

The Trial - Epilogue - Rita Lois Clark (Chris / Vin)

Trick or Treat - Angie (Ezra / Buck) ATF

Trick or Treat - Annie (Chris / Vin) ATF

Tricks of Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin) ATF

The Trip - Cecilia Standish (Chris / Ezra, Buck / JD) ATF

A Trip to the Vet? - Angie (Chris / Buck) WLF ATF

Troop Meeting - MAC (Chris / Ezra) ATF

Trouble - Aramis (Vin / Chris)
Sequel to "Testing Time"

Trouble in Paradise - Tracy (Chris / Vin) ATF

True Nature - Sammy Girl (Chris / Buck)

True Foundation - Heart Quest (Chris / Vin)
(Epilogue to "Penance")

A True Friend - Sammy Girl (Chris / Buck) (Vin)
(Alternate Universe "Family Matters")

Trust, Friendship and Love - Wgang16 (Chris / Vin) (Buck) ATF

Truth in the Balance - Tiffiny (Vin / JD)

Truth or Dare - Firefox (Buck / Ezra) ATF

Tumble - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)

TUMBLING OUT,... (Series) - mcat (? / ?) ATF

Turn About - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Turnabout - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)

12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (Collection) - C.V. Puerro

The 12 Days 'Til Christmas - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin)

The Twelve Pack - Annie (Vin) ATF

'Twas the Night - Annie (Chris / Vin) ATF

Twilight - Limlaith (Chris / Buck)

TWILIGHT (Collection) - TexasAries

Twist in the Dragon's Tail - Firefox (Buck / Ezra) ATF

Two Doors Down - Mae (Chris / Vin) ATF

Two of Hearts - Storm (Chris / Vin) SF7

Two Souls - Kaed (Chris / Vin, Buck) ATF

Two's Company - WendyJ (JD, Buck, Vin, Chris)
(Follows "Three's Company")

Two's Company, Three's... - mcat & Suzy (Chris / Buck / Vin)

Title A Title B Title C Title D Title E Title F Title G Title H Title I Title J Title K Title L Title M
Title N Title O Title P Title Q Title R Title S Title T Title U Title V Title W Title X Title Y Title Z

Author A Author B Author C Author D Author E Author F Author G Author H Author I Author J Author K Author L Author M
Author N Author O Author P Author Q Author R Author S Author T Author U Author V Author W Author X Author Y Author Z

Author Index

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