ATF Universe
Warnings: No spoilers for eps which is good considering this is ATF and credit for that goes to Mog. And yes, this is inspired by Dolly Parton's Two Doors Down - gotta love those flashback hours on the radio. Would love feedback.
Two doors down. That's where he's at, just a measly two doors away. All I have to do is get my ass moving, go two doors down, confess my love, and then I can be with the one I want.So why in the hell am I lying here in bed? Been here doing the same thing since I said 'night to the boys at the bar. Vin left with me, and as he left me at my door he said If you need anything, I'm just two doors down.
Two doors down. Shit, he might as well be 200 miles away for all the good it's doing me. So what the hell is keeping you here Larabee? Fear. Afraid that two doors down, the one I want want more then anyone else in the world will reject me. I think that's a right cause for fear.
And you would think that lying down for the past hour, I would've fallen asleep. But no, not with him two doors down. Shit, I thought it was bad at home in Denver when we had a city separating us. Now he's in the same hotel for the same damn convention, on the same floor, and is two fucking doors down.
Well, this is getting me nowhere except to a very uncomfortable state with no relief in sight. Might as well make the effort for actual sleep and strip down and turn out the lights.
Wouldn't ya know it. As soon as I'm comfortable, someone wants to talk. Probably Buck wanting to know why I was in such a pissy mood earlier. Might as well get it, you know he ain't gonna leave.
"What the hell do you want Buck?"
"What kind of greeting is that?" Vin asked as he walked in and shut the door. "And are you expecting someone else?"
I know my heart was going faster, pretty sure that my breathing increased, but I wasn't sure why. Maybe because of surprise, maybe not. Probably something to do with the way Vin was looking at my naked form. He started moving towards me, propelling me backwards and onto the bed. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear a thing. I kept watching his lips, the way his body was revealed as he removed his clothes.
Not sure how I ended up on my back with Vin over me, not really sure that I care. All that I care about right now is that what was two doors down ain't no more.
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