Old West Universe
Ties That Bind. . .Tightly

by Jess

divider bar

Vin gazed down at the amber liquid that swirled in his glass.

"Another lonely night," he mused. He had just gotten off patrol at sunset. As soon as he informed Josiah of the goings on about town, he retreated to the saloon which was loud and smoky and full of life. He always felt most alone in crowded places. Out in the wilderness, under a full moon with nature surrounding him, he felt alive and vital. Out there, he was in his element. Town life made him feel isolated and reminded him of just how lonely he was. He gazed up into the mirror over the bar, wondering - hoping, that a familiar man in black would appear. After waiting almost an hour, he gave up hope.

Vin knew he wanted Chris Larabee. From the moment their eyes met across the main street of Four Corners, he had known. Chris's hard, unforgiving gaze was like a sucker punch to the tracker's gut. Vin couldn't resist those eyes; he knew that he would follow this man to the ends of the earth. But Chris had been married, even had a son, and still wore black, mourning his family after two years. Vin couldn't compete with that, even if he thought for a moment that Chris would be interested.

Angrily, Vin clutched his glass. He was tired of being alone, tired of pining for men who used him but never gave him what he craved. For a brief moment in time, he had thought that man would be Chris Larabee, but then he found out about Chris's family. Marriage didn't guarantee that a man would not show interest in another man, but Chris's behavior made it clear that he even after death, he would never part with the memory of his wife and child. He would not be interested in a long-haired, ex-bounty hunter with a price on his head. Dammit, it wasn't fair. Vin swallowed half his gut warmer in one gulp.

As he did so his eyes fell on a man who had just entered the saloon. Trying not to be noticed, Vin gazed at the newcomer by looking at him in the mirror above the bar. Vin almost couldn't believe the beauty of this man. Tall and lean, black hair slicked back, pale skin, dark eyes, Vin thought that this stranger couldn't be real.

At that moment, the stranger caught Vin staring at him in the mirror. Quickly Vin looked away, but it was too late. The stranger approached Vin and leaned sideways so he gazed at Vin's profile.

"You alone?" the stranger inquired.

Vin didn't respond. Talking too much could land you in a shallow grave in this town.

The stranger didn't seem offended. In fact, he laughed quietly.

"I'm alone," he said as he casually turned his body so his back was against the bar. "But I don't want to be alone tonight."

Vin almost choked. How could he *know*? Vin thought frantically. He couldn't *know* that Vin liked men. He had to be guessing. Vin hadn't been with a man, with anyone for that matter, in months. Even if this guy was a bounty hunter who had been tracking him, he couldn't know about *that*.

"You're pretty bold with folks you don't know," Vin drawled, trying to buy himself some time to calm down. "Could get you killed. No one in this saloon would care if I shot you right here for what you just said."

The stranger shrugged. "Life's short and time's a-wastin'." A key dropped into Vin's half empty glass. "Room number seven at the boarding house. I'm going there now. You can meet me, or you can stay and wish you had met me." The stranger walked out of the saloon without looking back.

Vin looked at the key in his glass. Now what? Just a moment before he had been ruminating about how lonely he was, and now that he had an opportunity to alleviate his loneliness, he was hesitating. Why? Vin sighed again. He wanted Chris, that's why. But Chris wouldn't be interested. Hell, Chris would have shot him dead for even suggesting what this stranger was offering freely. Vin discretely removed the key from the glass and finished his drink. It had been far too long and he was tired of being lonely.

The key fit perfectly into the lock and Vin opened the door without announcing himself. The stranger lay naked in the bed as if waiting for him. Vin stared at the lean, but muscled body lying in front of him.

"Don't stand in the doorway. You're lettin' a draft in here," the stranger admonished him quietly.

Vin quickly closed the door before he had any second thoughts. The stranger rose from the bed and turned up the lantern. Nervously, Vin glanced at the window, wondering if anyone could see their shadows through the shades.

"Don't worry," the stranger laughed with the quiet, silky laugh of his. "The shades are heavy enough so nothing definite will show through. Now let's get a look at you. . ." The stranger slowly crossed the room, took Vin by the hand, and led him into the light. The stranger looked Vin up and down with passion shining in his eyes. Vin could feel himself getting warm all over and felt a tightening in his pants. The stranger was reacting as well. "You have the loveliest face," he said, cupping Vin's left cheek with his right hand and rubbing his thumb across the cheekbone, "but I want to see the rest of you now."

Slowly, unsure of himself, Vin began removing his coat. The stranger nodded for him to continue. Moving a little faster, Vin removed his boots, socks, shirt, pants and long johns, leaving only his red bandanna in place around his neck.

"Perfect!" the stranger exclaimed with joy. "Now kiss me."

Still not sure how to react to someone so demonstrative, yet so gentle, Vin leaned over to the stranger and brushed his weather-worn lips against the silky smooth ones in front of him. Both men groaned out loud.

"Oh, yes," moaned the stranger as he slipped his arms around Vin's neck. Vin returned in kind. After a few minutes of exploring the strangers mouth, Vin started to move them both towards the bed, which was located up against the far wall from the door. It was a larger, four post bed, the kind you might find in a fancy plantation house, instead of a boarding house out in the middle of nowhere. The landlord must have cut a deal somewhere to afford this type of luxury.

At the last second the stranger spun Vin around and pushed him up against one of the upright posts to the bed. "Now, don't move," he said with a wicked gleam in his eye as he brought Vin's arms down by his sides and held them there. Surprisingly, the stranger was stronger than Vin had thought, because the tracker couldn't wriggle his arms free from the strangers grasp. But before Vin could completely finish that thought, he decided that he really didn't want to.

The stranger started trailing kisses down the front of Vin's body. He started with Vin's neck and slowly worked his way across his chest, covering both his nipples, down his ribs and his torso. Vin closed his eyes, giving himself over feelings the stranger's mouth evoked from Vin's body. Vin's hand found their way to the stranger's head and he began to run his finger's through the stranger's hair. Finally, after what felt like agonizing hours, the stranger reached his destination and took Vin's penis into his mouth. Vin moaned loudly as his legs almost lost their strength and gave out from under him. He leaned back onto post and closed his eyes. It had been so long that he almost forgotten what it was like to have another human touch his body. He relied on hand relief so much of the time, that having someone else bring on his pleasure was an almost euphoric sensation. Vin groaned again, louder and longer, this time with a sense of urgency as his hands gripped the stranger's hair tighter.

His groan was cut short by the door slamming open.

Chris Larabee had arrived.

Vin groaned again, but this time is was a groan of horror. Standing before him, like some dark demon, was the man of his dreams. Sitting at his feet, in utter shock, was the first man to make him feel something in too long a time. And all he could do was stand there helpless and naked, trying to meet Chris Larabee's gaze without flinching.

Chris glared at Vin, but quickly turned his attention to the man on the floor.

"Stand up," he commanded. The stranger did as he was told. Chris looked him up and down, sizing him up.

"I'd be happy to accommodate both of you, if you would just. . ." the stranger never finished the sentence because Chris backhanded him across the face with his leather gloved hand. The stranger's head snapped around, but to his credit he didn't fall. The stranger calmly brought his fingers to his lips to wipe away the blood.

"Stop it, Chris!" Vin yelled while trying to make a grab for Chris's arm.

Chris whipped around and pointed a finger at Vin. "You be quiet! I'll deal with you in a minute!"

"He doesn't deserve that," the stranger calmly admonished Chris. Vin did wince this time as Chris whirled around again, drawing his gun and pointing it at the stranger.

"Go close the door," Chris barked out. Again the stranger calmly did as he was told, gracefully crossing the room and closing the door. He then returned to face Chris Larabee.

"What's that over on the table?" Chris growled at the stranger.

"Oil." The stranger replied.

"Get it!" Chris ordered.

The stranger walked past Chris over to the night stand next to the bed. While doing so, he gave Vin a quick wink. Vin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The stranger, whoever he was, just let him know that no matter what happened, he didn't blame him. Quietly, the stranger brought the canister of oil to Chris and held it out to him.

"Turn around," Chris said as he yanked the canister away from the stranger. The stranger turned around, so that his back was to Chris, but he was facing Vin who still stood next to the bed.

Vin could see Chris take his gun and swirl the barrel around in the canister of oil. He looked into the stranger's eyes, but the stranger just shrugged slightly. He could hear the oil being stirred behind him, but he had no more idea of what Chris had in mind then Vin.

Finally, Chris set the canister of oil on the floor as he held the tip of his gun to the stranger's backside. After he straightened up, Chris leaned into the stranger's back and whispered in his ear.

"Place your hands behind your neck."

The stranger did so while looking directly into Vin's eyes.

"Chris, don't do this." Vin pleaded. He thought of making a lunge for Chris again, "Please, I know what I've done. . ."

"I told you to be quiet!" Chris cut Vin off sharply, never taking his eyes off the stranger. He continued to whisper into the stranger's ear. "Now spread your legs and bend over."

"I beg your pardon?" The stranger boldly turned his head slight to catch Chris's eye. Even he couldn't believe what Chris had just asked him to do.

Chris brought the tip of his well-oiled gun to the stranger's cheek. "I said, spread your legs and bend over. Now." Chris cocked his gun.

The stranger turned his head back to look directly at Vin. Both Vin and the stranger had identical looks of incredulity. Slowly the stranger widened his stance and bent over at the waist, but he kept his head up so he could continue looking into Vin's eyes.

As the stranger presented his buttocks, Chris couldn't keep his gun at the man's face, so he trailed the oiled tip down the man's spine until it rested at the edge of his buttocks. When the stranger stopped moving forward, Chris brought his gaze back up to Vin's face. Vin tore his gaze away from the stranger and met Chris's eyes. There was a fire burning in those eyes. The power was the same as when he had first gazed into them from the mercantile, but now there was a unspeakable passion in them that frightened Vin to the core of his being.

Slowly and deliberately, Chris began to work the oiled barrel of his gun up the ass of the stranger. Vin broke eye contact with Chris, so see the look of horror cross the face of the stranger. When Chris had reached the end of the barrel he gave one last shove, causing the stranger to groan in what Vin could have sworn was pleasure, not pain. Vin also noticed that his penis, which Vin had almost completely forgotten about, stiffened up considerably at the same time. Vin considered his options: Making a move towards Chris and hoping that Chris didn't misfire his weapon or wait out the scene in front of him and seeing what Chris would do next. Chris was a dangerous man under any circumstances, but unless he was drunk and missing his family, he always kept control. To Vin's knowledge, Chris had also never harmed an innocent person. Vin decided to just wait it out.

"Now finish it." Chris commanded.

"Wha. . .what?" the stranger asked, his voice strained.

Chris tilted his gun, deliberately stroking something hidden inside the stranger. The stranger gasped and almost lost his footing, but Chris managed to steady him with one hand slipping around his waist.

"I said, finish it yourself," Chris repeated.

Vin looked back at the stranger's eyes. They were unfocused, but the stranger worked past his obvious distraction and moved his left hand down towards his penis and began to stroke and jack himself. As his rhythm increased, Chris removed his hand from around the stranger's waist and placed it on the small of his back. With that leverage, he began moving the barrel of his gun in and out of the man's buttocks.

Vin couldn't believe what he was witnessing as the stranger brought himself to orgasm, finally shooting his cum at Vin's feet. Breathing heavily, the stranger turned his head to look at Chris, waiting for further instructions. Chris removed his gun from the man's body. Grabbing at Vin's shirt hanging off the edge of a chair by the window, he cleaned the gun as he spoke to the stranger.

"Get dressed. Then leave. You're not to return to this town, ever. And if I ever catch you in the presence of this man again," Chris nodded his head to Vin, "I will kill you. Understand?"

The stranger nodded. Then he collected his clothes, dressed himself, and with a last gaze at Vin Tanner, left the room.

Chris continued to clean his gun and Vin continued to stare at Chris in shock. Finally, Chris finished cleaning his gun, which he casually placed into his holster. He then walked right up to Vin and gave the younger man his most spine-chilling look.

"Now, what am I going to do with you?"

"Do with me?" Vin asked nervously. He didn't care if Chris could read his nervousness or not. He certainly had cause to be frightened after what Chris just did to that stranger.

Chris stepped closer to Vin bringing him practically nose to nose with the tracker. Vin could smell the whiskey on Chris's breath. "Yeah, do with you. I leave you alone for a few hours and you just run off with some stranger? Do I mean absolutely nothing to you? Are you so desperate to be fucked that you feel you have to fuck the first man who picks you up in the saloon?"

Vin's jaw dropped open. "What are you saying, Chris?"

Chris slapped Vin hard across the face. Chris never removed his gloves and the leather stung Vin. "I didn't think I had to spell it out for you!" Chris grinned an evil grin as he yanked a stunned Vin closer to him. "Do I strike you as the kind of man who makes friends? Do I look like the kind of guy who just likes hanging out with men in saloons, getting drunk with them and talking shit? Do I seem to be the kind of guy who just jumps from one quick fuck to another?" Vin squirmed slightly in Chris's grip, but Chris just continued to smirk at him.

"I didn't know," Vin said sadly.

Chris stopped smirking and let out a sigh of exasperation. "I agreed to go to Tuscosa with you. I listened to you on that rock. We made a pact! I was trying to court you, you imbecile! I wanted to love you and this is how you repay me?"

"I said I didn't know!" Vin yelled and pushed Chris away from him. He had had enough. He was getting cold standing there naked and whatever desire was left in his body had fled. He just wanted to end this conversation, go back to his wagon, and bury his head under a blanket. "You had a wife, a child. How I was I supposed to know you fucked men?"

Chris grabbed Vin's bandanna which was still tied around his throat. "I don't *fuck* men Vin. I don't *fuck* anybody. I love them. I commit to them. I give my life for them. " Chris pushed Vin away and Vin stumbled backward onto the bed. He sat there staring up at Chris. "I'd give my life for you, Vin," Chris whispered as he gently slipped his gloved hands around Vin's face and began to caress him. "From the moment I saw you, I knew you would be a part of my life forever. I'm not going to let you get away from me. I love you."

Vin closed his eyes against those words. Never, never had anyone spoken to him like that. Not his mother as she lay dying. Not the director of the orphanage who beat him. Not the men who picked him up in saloons near the trail. Not the Indians who gave him food and shelter and some semblance of kindness. He never realized just how much he craved hearing those words until Chris said them. Sitting there with Chris massaging his jaw and his cheeks, Vin slowly slipped into a rhythm of longing and desire.

Then suddenly it was gone. Chris backed off, leaving Vin disoriented and confused.

"Why did you stop?" Vin moaned. His erection had just partially returned.

"I haven't decided how to punish you yet." Chris replied with that wicked grin again.

"Punish me?" squeaked Vin as his erection died again. "Why? I told you I didn't know you cared about me."

"Well, now you do," agreed Chris amicably. "I'm just going to make sure you never forget." Chris reached out for Vin again, this time slipping his gloved hands under Vin's arms and hauling the tracker to his feet.

"Now wait a minute!" Boldly, Vin shoved Chris away. "I ain't some pathetic orphan anymore. I can fight back and I swear, Chris, if you try to beat me, I'll rip you to shreds!" Vin raised his arms in a manner that suggested he was prepared to fight, even though it was Chris he was fighting. He didn't want to fight Chris, and watching Chris in front of him, he wasn't sure that he could. Vin's emotions were at the breaking point. He suffered a great deal of beatings as a child and as a young man and the thought that, Chris, whom he loved the most was no different from those *other* men almost brought him to tears. He wanted Chris, but he just didn't want to get beaten.

"Who said anything about beatin' you?" mused Chris as he scratched his jaw. Chris grinned at Vin again. "I don't remember sayin' anythin' about beatin' you."

"You said you were goin' to punish me!" growled Vin, backing up from Chris, who had started advancing towards him.

"I said that I hadn't decided how to punish you," Chris corrected. "Now I've decided." Chris held a gloved hand out to Vin. "Take my hand," he commanded softly.

"No." Vin shook his head and continued to back up. Unfortunately, he found himself back up against one of the walls of the room. The wood felt cool on his buttocks.

"Take my hand," Chris commanded again.

Vin shook his head again and looked around wildly for a way out. There was none. The door to the room was to his left, but it was closed. He couldn't remember if the stranger had locked it on his way out. He would never make it, even if he did try to make a break for it. Chris would tackle him before he got two feet. He could still fight Chris, but he wasn't sure he would win. He had seen Chris take out Top Hat Bob, a man twice Chris's size, and Chris wasn't even angry when he fought that fight. Thinking back during his painful childhood, Vin had learned early on that most of the time, if he submitted quietly to his punishment, it usually wasn't as bad as when he fought. He would receive five lashes from the belt instead of ten or two nights locked in the cellar instead of four.

Vin swallowed back his mental anguish and slowly reached for Chris's outstretched hand. He could do this. He knew he could. For whatever inexplicable reason, he wanted Chris like he wanted no other man in his life. He just needed to figure out what Chris's game was. This had to be a game. How else could Chris punish him without beating him? He heard about games like this over the years from men on the trail. He didn't believe half the stories, figuring the guys were stretching their exploits.

Even with that thought, Vin's body began quaking in fear. He had always sworn that he would never allow someone to hurt him again, but here he was, about to submit to punishment at the hands of someone else was supposed to care about him.

Chris led Vin to the head of the bed. He positioned Vin so that he faced the bed lengthwise. Removing Vin's bandanna from around his neck, Chris tied Vin's right hand to the bed's post about a quarter of the way from the top. Removing his own bandanna, Chris repeated his work with the left hand.

Then Chris removed his belt.

Vin tensed up and closed his eyes. He had made a mistake. Chris had lied. He really was going to beat him. Vin inhaled sharply, waiting in agony for that first lash against his skin.

It never came. Instead, Vin felt Chris kneel down by his feet and loop the belt around his right ankle.

"Spread your legs more." Chris instructed Vin. Without realizing what he was doing, Vin obeyed. Chris quickly looped the belt in the opposite direction around the post, securing Vin's foot tightly. Chris then stood and reached for Vin's pants, which had been tossed into a corner. He removed the belt and repeated his actions with Vin's left foot. Vin tested his bonds and felt his panic increase as he realized that his earlier feelings of helplessness were nothing compared to what he felt now.

Chris walked around and sat down on the bed, clearly admiring his handiwork.

"Perfect," he commented oh-so-casually.

Suddenly enraged as his treatment, Vin did the only thing he could do. He spat at Chris's face.

Calmly, Chris wiped the spittle from his cheek and glared at Vin.

"I was going to leave you alone for tonight." Chris sighed. "Let you get used to your new. . .position. But I think it would be better if I started your punishment immediately."

"This ain't punishment enough?" Vin retorted sarcastically.

Chris walked over to the can of oil on the floor, picked it up, and then walked back to where he stood behind Vin.

"Oh, no, Vin," Chris whispered in his ear. "It hasn't even begun." Vin turned his head to the side and watched as Chris dipped his still gloved forefingers and thumbs into the oil. Chris then set down the canister and reached around Vin's chest. Gently Chris began to massage Vin's nipples between his well-oiled fingers.

Vin tried to squirm away from the stimulation Chris was causing, but only caused his bonds to tighten. He tried pressing himself backward against Chris's body, but Chris's arms were long enough to reach around Vin, but still hold himself far enough away so that their bodies couldn't touch. Vin's penis had hardened the second Chris's cold, leather covered fingers made contact with his body. Vin instinctively started thrusting his hips forward seeking another kind of stimulation that simply wasn't there.

"Damn. . . teasin'. . ." Vin's intended curse caught in his throat as Chris increased the pressure and momentum of his fingers. Vin's groans got louder and longer as his hip thrusts increased in their frequency. But never once did Chris touch him anywhere else, give him any sign that there would be any relief. Chris kept up the stimulation for what felt like hours to Vin, never straying from either nipple.

"Apologize." Chris voice barely broke through the haze in Vin's mind.

"Wha. . .what?" Vin tried hard to separate his mind from his body, to shut out the feelings that Chris was causing him to feel. He was only partially successful.

"Apologize," Chris repeated.

"I'm sorry," Vin said, although even in his tortured state, he knew he didn't sound sincere.

"Which of your many transgressions are you apologizing for, Vin?" Chris asked.

"Anything. Everything. Please just finish this," Vin begged.

"No, Vin. You have to be specific." Chris tightened his grip on Vin's abused nipples.

"Okay, okay." Vin gasped, but not completely ready to give Chris the satisfaction of apologizing for something he didn't feel he needed to apologize for. "I apologize for spittin' at you. I'm sorry. That was the wrong thing to do." Vin gasped for air. "It won't happen again," he promised.

At that announcement, Chris let go of Vin. Vin sagged as much as he could, but couldn't stop his hips from thrusting outward one last time. He felt Chris step around the bed so that he stood next to it. Chris eyes wandered up and down the front of Vin's sweating body and he smiled in satisfaction.

"C'mon Chris. Finish this," Vin begged again.

Chris seemed to contemplate this for a moment. Then he began to undress, removing his gloves first, then his shirt, his boots, pants, and long johns. Vin licked his lips in anticipation as he watched Chris strip, but when Chris stood naked in front of him, Vin noticed with horror that Chris's body was not affected in any way by what he had done to Vin. *No!* Vin screamed inside his head. *No one could have that much control!* But evidently Chris Larabee did.

Chris than fluffed up the pillows and laid down on the bed with his head located directly under Vin's aching shaft. Vin watched as Chris stretched his body, closed his eyes, start to fall asleep.

"C'mon, Chris, you can't leave me like this!" Vin yelled. Chris ignored him. Vin used as much leverage as he could to shake the heavy bed, but still Chris ignored him. Whimpering quietly, Vin did the only thing he could do: he leaned his head to one side and tried to sleep off his torment.

Sometime during his restless night, Vin discovered that if he pressed his wrists into the posts he was bound to, he could loosen the bandannas around his wrists enough so that he could lower his arms to a point below his body. This made it more difficult for him to maintain his balance, but it did bring some relief to his aching arms as the blood rushed back into his hands and fingers. He still couldn't untie himself, however.

As the sun rose, the darkness of the room lifted somewhat, even with the heavy shades still drawn tight. Vin managed to fall into a light sleep for a few hours before dawn. When he finally woke up, he immediately noticed that Chris was awake and looking up at him from his supine position on the bed.

"Ya, gonna, let me go now, pard?" Vin asked in what he hoped was a contrite sounding voice. He had made it. He had played Chris's game and now Chris would give him what he desired. Chris would love him.

"Raise your arms," was all Chris said.

"No. No more, Chris. I took your punishment. Now it's time to let me go." Maybe it was because of the sunlight that Vin suddenly felt stronger, more sure of himself in his defiance. Things never seemed so bad in daylight as they did in the dark. Not even Chris Larabee.

Chris merely cocked an eyebrow at Vin's statement. Then he pursed his lips together and started to gently blow through them. His light breath reached the tip of Vin's now soft penis and began to gently stimulate it. Vin's defiance suddenly didn't seem like such a good idea. His heart started to race as Chris took another deep breath. Vin pushed his hips backwards, desperately trying to move his quickly swelling shaft out of range of Chris's breath. Chris immediately reached over his head with both his hands and grabbed Vin's buttocks, forcing his hips back into place. Chris continued to use only his breath to stimulate Vin as one of his hands let go of Vin's buttocks. That hand trailed down Chris's body until it rested on his penis. Slowly, Chris began to stroke himself until he achieved satisfaction. Watching Chris masturbate and feeling his breath come faster and in shorter frequency on his penis nearly drove Vin insane with desire. When he finished with himself, Chris ducked his head out from under Vin and got out of bed. Vin moaned quietly at the loss.

Vin watched as Chris crossed the room and started washing himself at the basin filled with water. He then shaved and dressed himself.

"You ain't leavin' me like this, are you?" Vin asked fearfully.

Chris walked back over to Vin. "I'm goin' to secure this room for us. Then I'm goin' to get us some breakfast. You have until I get back to move those arms of yours up over your head." Chris slapped Vin lightly on the backside with his leather gloves and quickly left the room.

Vin again tried everything he could think of to loosen his bonds. The wood of the posts simply wasn't rough enough to wear down the cloth to the bandannas on his wrists, he nearly dislocated his left shoulder trying to reach the knot in the right wrist bandanna with his teeth, and he simply didn't have the flexibility to turn his knees outward and squat down to the point where his hands and feet would meet so he could unstrap his ankles.

After half an hour of struggling, Vin could hear a familiar step coming up the stairs and heading towards room seven. Not wanting to tempt Chris's wrath again so soon, Vin reluctantly slid his wrists up the posts, until his arms were stretched overhead. His hands reached their destination just as Chris opened the door to the room carrying a breakfast tray. Vin's stomach rumbled as he smelled eggs, flapjacks, and coffee. Carefully, Chris set the tray down on the bed and took a seat himself, so that he was right in front of Vin.

"Your arms are back in place. That's good. You're learnin' real quick," was all Chris said.

Vin was tempted to spit at Chris again, but held his anger in check this time. He watched Chris as the gunfighter loaded up a forkful of food and brought it to Vin's lips. Vin opened up his mouth and ate the food. Then Chris took some food for himself and continued to alternate between feeding Vin and himself. When the food was finished, Chris cleared away the food tray.

"The others will start askin' for me, ya know," Vin taunted.

Chris shrugged and started running his fingers lightly up and down Vin's inner thighs. "Maybe in a few days they will. I sent Nathan out to the Seminole Village to check on things there, Josiah has the new supplies for the church to keep him busy, Buck always got a woman to entertain him and Ezra never leaves the saloon unless there's gunshots." Chris fingers started to increase their pressure and rhythm.

"What about J.D.?" Vin asked through gasps of breath. How many more times would he have to endure this? "Kid's got more curiosity than a roomful of cats."

"Yeah," Chris agreed sarcastically. "But I'm his hero. He won't do anything unless I tell him to."

"You don't know that for sure. Kid might just start pokin' his nose around. . ."

Chris removed his hands from between Vin's legs and kneeled on the bed in front of him. Taking Vin's face in his hands once again, Chris stared deeply into Vin's eyes.

"Vin, I love to hear you moan and beg when I'm touchin' you like this, but if you don't stop yappin', I *will* gag you. Understand?" Vin nodded his understanding fearfully. He'd lost so much control of his body already, he didn't want to loose his voice also. He watched as Chris pulled off his boots and returned to his supine position on the bed. He started running his fingers up and down Vin's inner thighs again, but soon changed tactics and started stroking with one finger that interesting area between Vin's balls and his buttocks. Vin's whole body bucked forward the second Chris's finger touched him in that secret area. Pre-cum started to drip from his penis and soon after his whole body turned blood red and his breathing turned ragged and hoarse. Chris let his hand fall away from Vin's body at that point. As Vin struggled to catch his breath, Chris unbuckled his own pants. His enjoyment of Vin's predicament was obvious as he quickly and skillfully saw to his own needs.

"Son of a bitch!" Vin screamed as Chris yelped in enjoyment of his own orgasm.

Chris calmly cleaned off his body with the edge of the bed cover, tucked himself back into his tight, black jeans, then knelt in front of Vin again.

"Did you just call my mother a bitch?" he questioned with a 'you just bought yourself another day's punishment for that remark' voice.

Vin groaned and leaned his head back as far as it would go. "What do you want from me?" he cried.

Vin felt Chris draw his finger from Vin's groin all the way up to his lips. "I want you. Heart, mind, body, and soul."

"You have me." Vin lifted his head back up and looked Chris in the eye. "But you ain't gonna break me, Chris. It just ain't gonna happen."

"I don't want to break you, Vin. If I wanted that, I certainly wouldn't have chosen someone with your strong spirit. That's what I love most about you, your spirit. Your passion for survival and your compassion for others is not something you find often in a man. You never cease to amaze me."

Tiredly, Vin lowered his head forward to rest it on Chris's shoulder. "Then why are you keepin' me here. Why are you doin' this to me?"

"You ran out on me. Took up with another man. I can't allow you to think you can do that and get away with it." Chris smirked as he stroked the back of Vin's head.

"But I told you, Chris, I didn't know you cared about me. I was lonely. If I thought for one minute that you would return my love, I never would have done it." Vin was really trying to understand this man who held his heart in his hands.

"I know," Chris replied. "But now you do know how I feel and I aim to see that you remember that clearly for all time. I also aim to see that you never try anythin' stupid like takin' up with a stranger again. Do you have any idea of the danger you placed yourself in? That man could've been a bounty hunter or a lawman!" Chris's voice had risen sharply, but he paused to get himself back under control. "You're mine, Vin. I ain't gonna let anyone - lawman, bounty-hunter, cowboy . . .anyone- get you. I'm gonna burn my passion into your soul until you can't even think of another man without remembering my hands on you. . .punishing you. . ."

"I hate you." Vin hissed from Chris's shoulder.

"No you don't. You love me. And you'll love me all the more by the time I'm through with you." Chris gently lifted Vin's head off his shoulder and began to place light kisses all over his face. After a few moments Vin began to respond - first with kisses of his own, but then he tried to rub his still aching shaft against Chris. As soon as he tried, Chris pulled away, leaving Vin gasping again.

Without looking back at Vin, Chris rolled off the bed and stood. Striding across the small room, Chris picked up a chair from the corner of the room and set it down right in front of the window. He then started to open the shades.

"NO CHRIS! STOP! PLEASE!" Vin yelled, suddenly hysterical. The thought that all the world would see him in this humiliating position terrified him.

Chris laughed and walked back over to Vin. He gently stroked Vin's long hair has he spoke into his ear. "It's okay, Vin. I'm just gonna let some light and some air in here. We're on the second floor. No one is going to see you."

Chris walked back to the window and true to his word he opened the shades and the window to let the sun fall onto the chair Chris had set up. Vin could feel the light breeze caress his bare backside. Chris sat down in the chair, raised his feet to rest on the windowsill, and pulled a book out of his coat pocket.

"Ya just gonna sit there and read?" Vin asked in a slightly taunting voice.

"Yep." Chris replied not looking at Vin.

"Ya sure don't need me here to do that." Vin tossed out bitterly.

"I was serious about that gag, Vin," Chris replied again, turning a page in the book.

Vin turned his face away to stare aimlessly into space. After a few minutes he tried reach out to Chris again. "Maybe you could read to me?" Vin asked quietly.

Chris looked at Vin and thought for a second, then he began reading from the book. It was a book of short stories - adventuresome tales of young men pitting themselves against society and the elements. Young men who experienced many of the same challenges Vin faced during his life. Vin listened at first for lack of anything better to do, but slowly Chris's quiet voice lulled him into the world created by the book's authors and for a few hours Vin could ignore that he was in a boarding house room, held in bondage by a dangerous gunfighter who told Vin he loved him.

When Chris put the book down a few hours later, Vin could feel Chris stare at him. His erection had died while listening to Chris read those beautiful passages, but he realized that Chris would now try to stimulate him again. As if on cue, Chris rose from the chair and stood behind Vin.

"Looks like you need a hand." Chris said as he place a hand on either side of Vin's torso. Vin gasped as goose bumps appeared all over his body. "What's this?" Chris laughed. "Are you ticklish?" Vin bit his lip and said nothing. Chris began tickling Vin by running the tips of his fingers up and down the sides of his torso, pinching him lightly. Vin's body began jerking back and forth, as he desperately tried to escape Chris's torture. The jerking movement grew more and more violent as the desperation for relief grew.

Finally, Vin cried out, "Stop, Robbie, stop, please. . .I'll be good, I promise I won't tell no one!" Chris stopped touching Vin, letting Vin catch his breath. When Vin calmed down, Chris pressed himself up against Vin's back and wrapped his long arms around Vin's waist, letting his fingers rest on the opposite sides of Vin's torso. He lightly whispered shushing sounds in Vin's ear, trying to quiet the hysterical tracker.

"Who's Robbie?" Chris whispered.

Vin didn't respond, so Chris pinched Vin's sides again, forcing Vin's body to jerk upwards and backwards against Chris.

"Who's Robbie?" Chris asked more forcefully as Vin rubbed his backside up against Chris. Chris was using his damnable control again to stop himself from responding to what he was doing to Vin, because as far as Vin could feel, Chris was soft.

"He's no one," Vin responded in a ragged voice. "Someone best left forgotten."

Chris's fingers started up again and he kept it up until Vin screamed out, "All right! All right! I'll talk! Please, please stop!" Vin was almost crying at this point, so Chris stopped, wrapped his arms around Vin again, and waited until Vin could talk again.

"I had always been a quiet little feller," Vin gasped out. "Mama was always sick and I had to keep quiet so I wouldn't disturb her. When she died, some men took me to an orphanage. They tried teachin' me readin' and scribin', but I just couldn't do it. Teacher tried beatin' it into me, but I just couldn't. . ." Vin's voice quivered for a moment, but fearing Chris would start tickling him again, Vin forced himself to keep talking. "The more I was beatin' the quieter I got. The other kids, they teased me. It became a game to them, tryin' to get me to talk. The more they tried, the less I talked.

"One day, I went wandering out into the woods nearby. I loved doin' that. I always felt safe in the woods. Plenty of places to hide from the other kids when they would start chasin' me. I came across this older boy, Robbie. He was leanin' up against a tree touchin' himself. He didn't see me standin' there so I watched what he was doin'. The director of the orphanage found a boy touchin' himself the week before. He beat the boy so badly, he couldn't walk afterwards. Then the director locked him in the cellar for three nights feeding him nothing but bread and water. He told the rest of us, that if he ever caught any one of us touchin' ourselves, he'd cut it off.

"When Robbie turned around and saw me standin' there, he went crazy and started chasin' me. I tried to outrun him, but he was bigger and faster and he tackled me face down into the dirt path. He pinned me there by sittin' on my legs and stretchin' my arms over my head. He asked me how much I saw. I told him I didn't see nothin', but he didn't believe me. He started ticklin' me and he said he wouldn't stop 'til I fessed up. It didn't take long, but I told him what I saw. He still didn't stop ticklin' me for a long time. He enjoyed it, just like you." Vin turned his head to the side, to try and glare at Chris.

"Keep goin'," Chris commanded into Vin's ear.

"When I started having trouble breathin' he stopped and flipped me over onto my back. He kept holdin' me there, but at least he let me breath. He said he didn't know what to do with me. I promised that I wouldn't tell the director. Robbie just looked at me for a long time. Then he unbuttoned my pants and started touchin' me.

"I swear, Chris it was like I was meltin' into the ground. I had never felt so good. He kept touchin' me and strokin' me until I came all over both of us. He asked me if I enjoyed it. I said yes. He asked me if I would like to do it again. I said yes. He told me to meet him out in the woods the next day at the same time and he would make me feel good all over. So I did. Every day that summer, I would meet Robbie out in the woods and he would make me feel good all over. At first we would just rub ourselves together cuz neither one of us really knew what we were doin'. Then he started doin' other stuff with me." Vin paused as his embarrassment over took him. Then he felt Chris's hands moving on his sides, so he hurried to continue. "He do things like tie me to tree while he would. . . ." Vin stopped again, overcome with emotion. "He always made me feel real good, though. He always finished what he started. The kids back at the orphanage kept teasin' me about wearing my coat during the summer, but I had to because sometimes I couldn't control myself and I didn't want them to see what my body was doin'.

"Then one day I went out to meet Robbie and I found him there with a girl. She must have lived on one of the farms in the area. Robbie was on top of her and rubbin' himself all over her. She was squirming' and tryin' to scream, but Robbie had his hand over her mouth and her hands tied over her head. He betrayed me, Chris. I loved him, before I even knew what love was, and he betrayed me. I was so angry that I ran to director and told him what I saw. Since I never spoke much and never lied when I did, the director must have figured I was tellin' truth and he ran out the door and towards the woods. The little girl was takin' to a big city hospital somewhere. I never saw Robbie again."

Vin stopped talking and waited to see how Chris would react, praying that Chris's fingers would leave him be for a little while. He could still feel those fingers, resting lightly on his sensitive spots, not moving. Finally Chris drew himself closer to Vin, tightening his arms around Vin's body.

"I will never betray you, Vin. I will love from now until the end of time. When all this is over with, I promise to make feel good, whenever you want, however you want." Vin leaned his head back until it rested on Chris's shoulder. Chris began kissing Vin's shoulder, his neck, his ear, everywhere he could reach from his current position.

"So, when will it be over?" Vin asked, hoping that Chris's more mellow mood would cause him to give some information away.

"Now, I can't tell you that, Vin. It would defeat the whole purpose of keepin' you here." Chris chuckled as his lips continued to wander across the upper part of Vin's body.

Angrily Vin slammed his body forward, breaking Chris's hold on him. "Then get the hell away from me! I don't want you touchin' me no more!"

Taken by surprise at Vin's outburst, Chris didn't try to retaliate. He just stepped back from Vin and stared at this back. Then he picked up his leather gloves and wrapped Vin's buttocks with them.

"I'm goin' to get us some lunch. I deal with your smart mouth when I get back."

*Nice goin' Tanner. You'll probably be here a week for that little outburst* Vin thought angrily as he slowly lowered his arms again. He checked the bandannas and they were still as tight as they were when Chris first bound him. Same for his ankles.

Although his body was no longer tormented by Chris's fingers, his mind was very distracted. His thoughts came in waves, with no one thought connected to another. Even though he had managed to sleep some during the night, it hadn't been a restful sleep. Vin concentrated as much as he could on moving his fingers and toes to keep the circulation going, but his focus was slipping. He had to stay focused though. Chris loved him, he said he did. He promised to love Vin until the end of time. He couldn't let Chris down by letting his spirit break now. He would survive this, even if it killed him.

Vin figured an hour or so had passed when he heard Chris's familiar steps moving down the hallway. Vin quickly moved his arms back up over his head. Chris's face didn't betray anything when he stepped inside and set the tray down on the bed.

"What's happenin' in town?" Vin asked conversationally.

Chris scooped some stew onto a spoon and started feeding Vin. Vin could smell soap when Chris leaned in towards him. Chris must have taken a bath while he was out. He had also changed his clothing. "Josiah's finished the roof to the church and now he's working on front steps. Nathan's still with the Seminoles. Ezra's sleeping off last night's big game, and J.D. said that he last saw Buck with Blossom.

"And J.D.?" Vin questioned, trying not to sound desperate.

Chris shrugged, but he definitely had an amused tone to his voice. "I told J.D. a little story about how I used to surprise Sarah by picking a bouquet of wildflowers for her every once in a while. I also told him that I thought I saw some flowers growing about a mile outside of town nearby Welles's home. Don't know what happened to him after that."

His hopes smashed, Vin tried to say something cruel and harsh. Before he could get the words out, Chris stuffed another spoonful of stew in his mouth. Vin didn't try to talk for the rest of the meal. After they had finished eating, Chris cleared away the tray. Vin could hear some loud scuffling and several voices outside the door. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a loud knock banged on the door.

"Water's ready!" an unfamiliar voice called out. Then the scuffling left the doorway and headed back down the hallway and down the stairs. Chris opened the door and brought in three full buckets of water and a carpetbag.

"What's goin' on?" Vin asked.

"You're getting a bath." Chris replied and he brought the water over to the bed. Vin could see steam rising from two of the buckets. Removing his boots, his jacket and his shirt first, Chris reached into the carpetbag and removed a sponge and a bar of soap. After dipping the sponge into one of the steaming buckets and soaping it up, Chris started to wash Vin's body, removing all trace of sweat and desire. Vin started to harden up again against his will. He couldn't help himself. Chris stimulated Vin's body by washing every part of Vin at least twice, except for that one area that *needed* to be washed. When Vin was all clean, Chris removed a dry towel from the carpet bag and began to rub Vin all over, drying him thoroughly. Vin's breath became faster and more intense as Chris worked.

When Vin was dry, Chris placed the towel he had been using on the floor behind Vin. He then reached up and placed his hands on Vin's hands, while pressing his groin into Vin's buttocks.

"Now, I'm going to untie your hands. If you try *anything* I'll keep you here for a month." Chris threatened. Vin nodded his understanding, but his body was so wracked with desire again, that he would have agreed to anything. Chris untied Vin's hands one at a time, using his groin to keep Vin balanced upright. Vin's aching arms fell to his sides and Chris massaged them a bit, letting the blood flow into Vin's fingers. Then, keeping his groin pressed against Vin, Chris brought Vin's hands behind his back and tied them together.

"Lean against me." Chris commanded Vin. Vin leaned back and even let his head fall against Chris's shoulder. Chris gently lowered Vin to the ground and lay him back onto the towel he had laid out. "Now raise yourself up onto your elbows." Vin did as Chris commanded and immediately noticed the absolutely humiliating position Chris had brought him to. With his ankles still strapped to the outside edge of the bed's posts, he was forced to keep his knees bent and he couldn't close them, leaving his buttocks wide open and his penis sticking straight up in the air. Chris must have noticed the look on Vin's face, because he patted Vin's face patronizingly and said, "Lookin' good, there Vin."

Chris then brought over a second bucket of steaming water and placed it under Vin's raised head. Without being told, Vin lowered his head back into the water, letting his long hair soak. Chris started soaping Vin's hair, using his strong fingers to massage Vin's scalp. The combination of hot water and Chris's massage was very relaxing and, despite his anger and humiliation, Vin started to relax and enjoy the sensations Chris was causing. When Chris finished washing Vin's hair, he brought over the third bucket of hot water. Chris used this bucket to rinse the suds out of Vin's hair. When all the suds were rinsed out, Chris took a second towel from the carpet bag and started drying Vin's hair, never stopping his massage of Vin's scalp. Vin relaxed even more, laying his head in Chris's lap.

*I wish it could be like this forever,* Vin thought to himself.

After a quick shave, Vin allowed himself to doze off in Chris's lap as Chris began working out the tangles in Vin's damp hair with a comb, only waking once when Chris hit a snag a little too hard.

When Chris woke him up, Vin noticed that the sun was starting to set outside and the room was becoming cooler. Chris gently lifted Vin's head off his lap and reached for a pillow from the bed. He laid Vin's head on the pillow and then stretched himself out beside Vin. Chris had put his clothes and boots back on and was now even wearing his colored poncho.

Teasingly Chris ran a gloved finger over Vin's bellybutton. "Now, I'm going to go get rid of the buckets of water and see about gettin' us some dinner. If your a good boy, and nice and hard when I return, maybe I'll think about letting you sleep here on the floor tonight instead of tied to the bed." With that, Chris stood up, collected the buckets and left the room.

Vin raised his head to look at his limp penis. Angrily, he slammed his head back. His head of course hit the pillow, so he didn't even have the satisfaction of banging his head against the hard floor. His hands were still tied behind his back, so he obviously couldn't touch himself and his legs were strapped too far apart to cause any friction. Even if he squirmed as far as he could towards the edge of the bed, there was nothing close enough for him to rub himself against. That left his mind. He'd have to think about things he'd done in the past to try and mentally stimulate himself. If he couldn't do it. . .Vin shuddered to think about what Chris would do to him.

Unfortunately, Vin didn't have all that much to draw upon. Thinking about Robbie only made him angry and sad, hardly 'stimulating' emotions. As a buffalo hunter , he had spent most of his time alone in the wilderness. The Indians who offered him food and shelter were very kind and he didn't want to offend them with potentially offensive sexual suggestions. He could hardly sleep with one of the prisoners he brought in as a bounty hunter, so that left him at the mercy of whoever showed an interest in him whenever he found himself in a boomtown saloon.

The men who did show an interest were usually cowpokes or miners, dirty men who always managed to finished their business with Vin before he even got started. Or they were so drunk that it took hours of groping just to get them hard enough to perform and by that time Vin was so tired and disgusted he just wanted to get it over with. He even paid a few women to sleep with him, but he found that even less stimulating then the men. That left Chris and what he had been doing to Vin's body for the past twenty-four hours. Thinking about that immediately got a reaction out of Vin's body.

*Damn,* Vin thought. *Chris must have known it would come to this.* Once his mind opened up to those thoughts, however, they couldn't be stopped. Vin thought about Chris's fingers manipulating his nipples, blowing gently on his penis, masturbating in front of him and finally scrubbing down Vin's naked, helpless body. It didn't take long for Vin's penis to become rock hard. For a moment, Vin thought he would ejaculate without any physical stimulation, but that didn't happen. He was more than ready when Chris returned to the room an hour later.

"You're all ready for me. Very good, Vin." Chris patted Vin's cheek and his voice sounded like he was praising a dog for performing tricks. Vin's anger was ready to explode and he decided that consequences be damned, it was time to get some revenge.

Chris laid the tray down beside Vin. With Vin's head once more lying semi-upright in Chris's lap, Chris picked up an piece of meat and placed it inside Vin's mouth. Immediately, Vin bit down hard on Chris's forefinger and refused to let go.

"Dammit! Let go! Now!" Chris yelled in pain. Vin refused and clamped down harder with his teeth. Chris tried prying Vin's jaw open with his other hand, but Vin's mouth was locked shut. Finally Chris wrapped his hand around Vin's throat, cutting off his air supply. Vin choked, but it still took a good minute before he was forced to let go.

Chris immediately put his fingers into this mouth, sucking on them, trying to dull the pain. Vin in the meantime tried to stop gulping for air and concentrate on taking long, slow, deep breaths. When both had calmed down, Chris removed Vin's head from his lap and stood up by Vin's side.

"I would never have hurt you the way you just hurt me," he said looking down at Vin's supine body.

"You already do hurt me, Chris. You hurt me inside and that's much worse."

"You'll regret this," Chris said evenly.

"Why am I not surprised." Vin's voice was bitter.

The light in the room had died to almost complete darkness. Chris just stared at Vin. Then he lit one of the lamps and removed all of his clothes. Out of the corner of his eye, Vin could see Chris remove something from his gunbelt which was hanging over the back of the chair. When Chris sat down next to Vin, Vin could see that Chris held a feather in his fingers. From the size and color, Vin knew it was an eagle feather.

"Where did you get that?" Vin questioned nervously.

"Kojay and Chanu were in town. Seems Chanu has been having some odd dreams about you. He thought you were in trouble, so he and Kojay rode here to check up on you. I told them that you were in trouble. Big trouble, but that I was helping you through it. I also told them that you brought the trouble on yourself and you would be grateful for their prayers to help you through. Chanu gave me this feather to give to you. He said that he caught this feather when it dropped from the eagle flying overhead. It has never touched the ground. He said that it would give you strength to endure your trial. I thanked them and sent them on their way."

Chris casually twirled the feather between his fingers. "So, that's what I'm going to do Vin. I'm going to *give* you this feather. And when I'm through giving it to you, you will be much stronger for it." Then Chris grinned.

Chris twirled the feather between his fingers for a few more moments. Then he angled the tip of the feather towards Vin's face and deliberately drew it across this left eyelid. He repeated the action with the right eyelid. He twirled the feather in front of Vin's face again and then lowered the feather to Vin's nose, brushing it along his nostrils until Vin felt like he might sneeze. Trailing the feather tip across his cheek, Chris outlined the edge of Vin's ear with the feather and then repeated the action with the other ear. Lifting the feather again to twirl it in front of Vin's face, Chris paused before lowering the feather to Vin's lips. He traced the outer line of Vin's weather worn lips before dragging the feather tip across the center line. Vin refused to open his mouth, but Chris didn't force him too. That worried Vin more than anything else, but he resolved to keep quiet. He wasn't going to give Chris the satisfaction of hearing his voice. He had talked too much already today.

After stroking Vin's lips for several minutes, Chris trailed the feather tip down towards Vin's right nipple. Immediately the nipple hardened and constricted against the stimulation. Chris did the same to the left nipple and alternated between the two for some time. Then he drew the feather lower on Vin's body, pausing over navel. Vin ignored that sensation because he knew what was coming and he tried bracing his mind for it. He tried closing his eyes for a second, but that only made matters worse. Not being able to anticipate Chris's next move, made all the sensations much more powerful.

Chris caught Vin's eye as he raised the feather high over his body again. He twirled it between his fingers a little faster now, then slowly lowered it to where it finally touched the tip of Vin's aching penis. Vin's body started thrashing with even more violence then when Chris tickled him that morning. The feather touched him nowhere else but at the tip of his shaft, but the agony it caused made Vin scream. He tried to sit up, but Chris just pushed him back down onto his back. He balled up his fists under his lower back and clawed at the floor underneath him, but nothing helped.

Chris kept Vin's body in torment. Each time Vin thought he might achieve satisfaction, Chris would raise the feather away from Vin's body and hold it there until he calmed down. Then he would start all over again. Vin figured out pretty quickly that if he arched his back, he could keep his hungry penis in contact with the feather for a few extra moments. This action amused Chris, so he didn't try to stop it. Vin's resolve to remain quiet didn't last long. He moaned and groaned, begged and pleaded for some relief. He screamed out in frustration and yelled in some Indian dialect that Chris didn't understand, but sounded suspiciously like a prayer for intervention. But Chris's finger still ached where Vin had bitten him. Tonight he was not in the mood for mercy, so Vin received none.

"Apologize," Chris commanded as the feather descended on Vin.

"I'm sorry," Vin yelped. "I'm so sorry, Chris. I just wanted to make you hurt. . ." Vin swallowed back a gasp as he almost came. Chris removed the feather from Vin's body. He was going to have to wait a while this time before he started up again. Vin was starting to reach his climax at quicker and quicker intervals and Chris wanted Vin to last at least a couple of more hours.

"Well, you did make me hurt. Did that make you happy?" Chris asked still twirling the feather above Vin's groin, but not touching it yet.

"Yes, for a little while." Vin answered honestly as he writhed on the floor.

"Was it worth getting punished for?" Chris continued with the interrogation even as he shifted positions himself, to allow his working arm to rest on Vin's upraised knee.

"Noooooo!" Vin cried. "I won't do it again, Chris. I promise."

Chris thought about that answer. "That's the second promise you've made to me today. Do you think you will be able to keep those promises once I allow you to leave this room? Or are you going to try to break those promises when you know I can't do anything about it?"

"No, Chris. I won't break those promises. Not ever. Not after this." Vin tried arching his back again to reach the feather, but Chris just raised it up beyond his reach. Vin strained for a moment, than collapsed back onto the floor, his penis bobbing back and forth.

Chris scratched his cheek thoughtfully. "You know, Vin. I'm wondering if you doubt my love for you."

"How can you say you love me, when you hurt me like this?" Vin dared to ask.

"This?" Chris questioned as he brought the feather forward towards Vin's face. "This doesn't hurt. C'mon, Vin, you've suffered beatings and gunshots. This just tickles a little."

"IT DOES NOT TICKLE, YOU BASTARD!" Chris laughed at Vin's wail.

"So, you do doubt my love for you." Chris returned to his original subject.

Vin breathed in a steadying breath and stared at the ceiling. "No, Chris, I do not doubt that you love me. I think that you love me with all of your heart, mind, body, and soul. I think that you are obsessed with me. I think that you can't possibly live your life without me. I think that if you do not let me go . . . tonight. . .right now. . . I will withhold my love from you and watch you sink in misery to your grave."

A heavy silence descended on the room as Vin waited to see what Chris would do. Chris leaned forward, careful not to touch Vin's body, and whispered with an amused voice in Vin's ear, "I don't think so, Vin."

Vin howled as the feather descended on his penis once again.

Around midnight, Chris decided to stop tormenting Vin. His arm was tired from holding it in the same position and Vin had almost completely lost his voice from begging and crying and threatening so much. Chris lifted the feather away from Vin's penis for the last time and cleaned off the pre-cum from the edges. He carefully laid the feather on the bed, so that there was no chance that it would fall to the floor and then he stood over Vin as he continued to writhe on the floor gasping for mercy. Finally, Chris reached under Vin's arms and started to haul him upright.

"What are you doing?" Vin almost couldn't get the words past his sore throat. "You said I could sleep on the floor tonight."

"I said you could sleep on the floor if you were a good boy." Chris reminded Vin. "You've been anything but good."

Too weak to fight, Vin leaned back against Chris as the gunfighter stood him up and untied his hands from behind his back. He didn't fight Chris as he tied first one arm and then the other to the bedposts. Satisfied with Vin's spread eagle position, Chris flopped onto the bed and immediately fell asleep. Vin whimpered and cried and thrust his hips back and forth for a little while, but eventually even with his body wracked with desire, he succumbed to exhaustion

Vin woke the next morning, to find the room empty. Chris must have already left to get them breakfast and spin whatever tales he was spinning about Vin's whereabouts. With nothing else to occupy his mind, Vin thought back on what he told Chris about his past.

*Why did I tell him the truth? I could've lied. Why does Chris have this hold over me? What makes him different from all those other cowpokes who've picked me up over the years?*

At least they finished what they started. This game isn't fun anymore . . .*

Vin blinked in shock as a thought seared through his sleep muddled mind. *It's not just a game to him. He said he wanted my heart, mind, body and soul. He said he didn't believe in just fuckin' men, but committing to them. He wants a commitment from me. He wants to love me and only me.* Vin almost cried with joy at that thought. To have a faithful, loving companion for the rest of his life? Never having to be lonely. . . If he could just withstand Chris's punishment without loosing his mind, Chris would be his lover forever. *

Vin thought about committing to Chris. Did he still want that after what Chris did to him last night? For the past day and a half? At what point did he set aside his own pride and dignity for the chance of commitment?

*What were the chances of me finding another man who would make such an offer?* Vin was no stranger to the harsh reality of life outside that boarding house room. He made his decision.

Vin had kept his hands over his head during the night, so he was ready for Chris when he walked back into the room an hour later with some muffins, butter, and more coffee. He noticed that Chris looked at him kind of funny when he started feeding Vin. Chris was probably noticing that the anger and fear had disappeared from Vin's eyes, but Vin didn't say anything. He quietly accepted the first bite of muffin Chris brought to his mouth, but before Chris could withdraw his thumb Vin closed his mouth around it and began to suck gently. Chris removed his thumb with a suspicious look, but Vin just blinked at him with his most innocent look. When Chris placed the next piece of muffin in Vin's mouth, Vin made sure to suck the tip of that finger too. Chris continued to feed the muffins and butter to Vin and Vin continued to suck on Chris's fingers.

When the muffins were eaten and the coffee drunk, Chris removed the tray from the bed. He removed his clothes then knelt on the bed in front of Vin and stared at him, trying to figure out what happened to the tracker between last night and this morning. Vin just stared back, no longer afraid of what Chris might do to him.

"You're pretty talented with that mouth of yours. Let's see what you can really do with it." Chris stood up on the bed, so that his groin danced in front of Vin's face. Vin stared at the organ in front of him before reaching out with his tongue and licking the tip. Emboldened by Chris low moan, Vin took more of Chris's organ in his mouth alternating between licking, sucking, and scraping it with his teeth. As the penis in his mouth grew in size, Vin felt his own erection growing with need. But this time, knowing that there was to be no relief and also having the opportunity to participate, he pushed his desires to the back of his mind and concentrated on Chris's pleasure. Just when he thought that Chris would climax, Chris withdrew himself from Vin.

Chris jumped down from the bed and walked back over to the empty food tray. Taking a glop of leftover butter, he spread it all over his penis and his fingers. He walked back and stood behind Vin.

"Lower your hands a little." Vin did as he was told. Chris reached around Vin's torso and pulled his abdomen backwards, so that his buttocks were presented to Chris. Chris's greasy right forefinger slowly worked its way inside Vin, causing the tracker to gasp with anticipation. Then he added his middle finger, scissoring the two fingers to stretch the pliable inner skin. Vin's gasping grew louder, harsher as desire crashed over him like a wave. Chris added his ring finger. As he did that, his middle finger brushed up against something hidden inside Vin that caused him to jump and cry out in pleasure. Satisfied that Vin was ready to receive him, Chris removed his fingers and began inserting his penis. Gliding his way in and out of Vin, Chris placed his hands on the sides of Vin's torso to steady himself while he set a smooth even pace with his thrusts.

Though he was being well used, Vin knew not to expect Chris's hands to move from his torso. His punishment hadn't come to an end yet, so instead of getting angry he accepted the situation for what it was and tried to focus on Chris's pleasure instead. Increasing the pace of his thrusts, Chris rode Vin for a good long time before finally climaxing with an extended erotic groan that curled Vin's toes. Chris didn't remove himself from Vin's backside right away. He leaned over Vin's back and slid his hand around to Vin's chest, using his still greasy fingers to toy with his nipples. Vin arched his back like a cat and forced his backside towards Chris, hoping to move his softening member deeper inside of him. It didn't happen. Chris stood up and trailed his fingers down Vin's still arched back before removing himself from Vin's body. He smacked Vin's bottom before finding one of the bath towels to clean himself and Vin. Vin slid his hands back up the posts without waiting for Chris to order him to do it.

Chris sat down in front of Vin on the bed. "You're gettin' pretty good at anticipatin' me." It was a statement, but Vin knew Chris was really questioning why he was acting like this.

"Who else have you done this too?" Vin asked instead.

Chris frowned. "What do you mean? "

"C'mon, Chris. There's no way I'm the first guy you've 'punished'. Who else?" Vin waited while Chris thought about his question.

"Buck," Chris answered, looking away from Vin. "We knew each other during the war and met up after it was over. We. . .experimented with each other using techniques he learned growing' up with his mother."

"What went wrong?" Vin asked gently.

"I fell in love with him," Chris replied, "but he refused to commit. He would constantly run off with one woman or another then come back and brag about his exploits. I had my share of women, but only because Buck refused to stay with me. Once I met Sarah, though, he backed off entirely."

"What about Sarah? Did you punish her to?" Vin was curious if this same punishment would work on a woman.

"Not as harshly. Sarah was much younger and a virgin when we first met. I didn't present it to her as punishment either. I told her it was a way for her to learn how wonderful sleeping with me would feel once we were married." Chris hesitated and Vin could have sworn he saw tears forming in Chris's eyes. Chris closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again, his eyes were clear. "Of course, once we realized that she was carrying Adam, we stopped playing this game altogether. I wouldn't risk anything happening to our baby because of . . .rough play."

Vin was amazed at the depth of feeling he was witnessing. If only someone had bothered to care about him the way Chris cared about Buck and Sarah, his life might have been very different. Last night he had been loudly cursing Chris and his damn feather. He had been ready to kill Chris. He wanted to walk away from this man forever and get a few kicks in before he left. Now, seeing the deep love and tenderness in Chris eyes when he talked about his deceased wife, Vin knew he could never walk away. Not when there was a chance that Chris could have that look on his face when he talked to others about Vin.

"Who else?" Vin probed boldly. If he was going to commit himself to Chris, he wanted to know exactly who this man had 'punished' in the past. He had to know what memories he was competing with.

Chris hesitated briefly before answering. "No one. There was no one else."

"Liar! I saw it in your eyes. Who else, Chris. Who are you trying to hide from me."

"I said no one!" Chris didn't look at Vin as he answered. "I haven't punished anyone else!" Real anger flashed through Chris's voice, but Vin was so intent on finding out was Chris was hiding, he didn't notice it.

"Was he a cowboy?" Vin tried guessing. "Is that why you hate being called 'cowboy'? Or maybe it was a miner, some dirty old miner with a big dick?" Vin was really beginning to enjoy this guessing game, but with Chris not looking at him, he was oblivious to the rage that was building up within his friend. Suddenly Vin had a flash of inspiration. "Or maybe, it wasn't you doin' the 'punishing'. Maybe it was someone who 'punished' you!" Vin threw his head back and laughed at the idea of the great Chris Larabee being trussed up with feather at his penis. The very thought made Vin's own penis surge with blood. "That's it isn't it! Someone took a likin' to you and decided to make you his." Vin laughed harder, even as Chris left the bed and crossed the room.

When Chris returned he had Vin's red shirt in front of him. He ripped off one arm of the shirt with violent force, then ripped off the other.

"Hey," Vin protested. "What are you doin' to my . . ."

Vin never finished because Chris balled up one arm of the shirt and stuffed it into Vin's mouth. Immediately he secured the gag in place with by wrapping the other shirt arm around Vin's mouth and securing it tightly at the back of his head. Chris leaned in close to Vin so he could whisper in Vin's ear.

"It was the prison warden," Chris said with venom dripping from his voice. "And don't you *ever* try to compare what I endured for eight days in the hole to what you've experienced in this room." Chris whirled away from Vin and dressed. Then he stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Half an hour later he returned carrying four buckets, a rope and had fresh, thick towels thrown over his shoulder. He placed the buckets next to the bed and spread the towel out behind Vin. Vin could still feel the pent up anger emanating from Chris. Chris pressed himself against Vin's back as he reached for one of Vin's hands.

"I'm going to untie your hands." Chris growled. "When they are free you are to keep them at your sides. If your hands so much as twitch, I'll tie you back up, take off my belt and whip your backside 'til it bleeds."

Vin nodded his understanding and made some soothing noises from behind the gag. Chris quickly released Vin's wrists and his arms flopped to his sides. He had lost all feeling in his arms hours ago, so it was unlikely that they would 'twitch'. Chris eased Vin down onto his back, so he was in the same position that he was in the night before. But instead of tying his arms behind his back, Chris tied them in front of Vin's body using the long piece of rope. For a second Vin thought about stretching his hands down so he could touch himself, but before he could complete that thought, Chris pulled Vin's hands over his head and secured the other end of the rope to the leg of the heavy dresser that stood up against the wall about two feet from Vin's head.

Chris squatted next to Vin. "You're still lookin' pretty hard there, pard. So I'll tell you what you're goin' to do. You're goin' to keep yourself hard. I don't care what you have to think about to do it, you just do it. And I'm goin' to be watchin' you. If you loose your hardness at any point, I'm goin' to give you that feather again, but this time I won't stop until tomorrow's dawn. Got it?" Vin nodded, but didn't try to respond through the gag. Instead he focused on the ceiling and started imagining relief in all its glorious forms. Chris on top of him, Chris beneath him, sucking on him, touching him, rubbing him -- anything to keep himself hard as Chris instructed. He was so focused on keeping himself hard that he didn't notice Chris bringing over the first bucket. He did notice, however, when Chris starting pouring ice all over his body. Vin nearly jumped out of his skin as ice buried him from his chest to his torso. Then Chris poured ice from the second, third, and fourth buckets.

Chris knelt down again beside Vin with an evil grin that didn't cover up his anger. "Now remember, nice and hard until all this ice melts or else. . . ." Then Chris picked up one of the larger pieces of ice and ran it up and down Vin's inner thighs and exposed buttock cheeks. Vin tensed up, but nothing prepared him for when Chris shoved the piece of ice up inside him. Vin screamed from behind his gag, but Chris just stood up and pulled his chair over, opened a new book and started reading. Occasionally he would glance at Vin's penis to make sure it was still hard, but other than that he ignored Vin entirely.

Vin couldn't believe this. Was there no end to Chris's wicked imagination? Gasping behind his gag, Vin tried to calm his mind down before he lost his erection out of fear. He tried to focus once again on erotic imagery, but the rest of his body kept distracting him. He jumped again when the ice shifted after he body started to shiver. The melting ice also caused rivulets of water to drip down the sides of his ticklish torso and down the valley created by his upraised knees and his balls leading down towards his buttocks. But there was no escape, so Vin did the best he could just lying there, shivering and thinking erotic thoughts.

The hours passed slowly as Chris sat reading and Vin lay shivering. The ice finished melting just before sunset and Vin's naked and utterly helpless body lay exposed to Chris's eyes once more. Still hard, Vin whimpered behind his gag, trying to get Chris's attention. Chris was still absorbed in his book and didn't notice. Vin tried wiggling his body back and forth as much as he could. That got Chris's attention. He closed his book and pulled out a knife hidden up his sleeve. He cut the ropes that bound Vin's arms over his head. Gently he raised the tracker to his spread eagle position and re-secured his arms in place, so tightly this time that there was no chance the tracker could lower his arms, even an inch. Vin stood there with his head bowed forward, the perfect picture of compliance and subservience. He remained that way while Chris rubbed his body down with a dry towel. He remained that way while Chris stepped out of the room to get them dinner. He remained that way while Chris fed him. After dinner, Chris removed the tray, got undressed and picked up the remaining piece of rope laying on the floor. Standing behind Vin, he looped the rope under Vin's still hard shaft and gently pulled it upward until lit lay flat against his belly. Chris tied the rope in place behind Vin's back checking to make sure the rope crossed Vin's penis just under the tip. Chris returned to the bed to admire his handiwork. The underside of Vin's penis was now exposed to his view. Vin still didn't move or make a sound.

Chris lay down on his belly with his face just centimeters from Vin's balls. Deliberately, Chris reached out with his tongue and licked at Vin's balls. Vin shifted slightly, but still didn't make a sound behind his gag. Chris licked Vin's balls again. And then again. Quicker and quicker, Chris used his tongue to bathe Vin's balls. After a few minutes Vin started squirming, but he still didn't make a sound. Next Chris brought his mouth closer to Vin's body and began to suck on one of Vin's balls, then gave equal attention to the other. Back and forth Chris sucked on each of Vin's balls with just enough pressure to get Vin's body to start quaking in a regular rhythm.

As Vin's body quakes became more violent, Chris shifted his position and started licking the underside of Vin's penis. From his balls to where the rope crossed under the tip, Chris licked and nipped Vin's penis. Vin gave up on his silence and started moaning behind his gag and thrusting his torso forward towards Chris's mouth. Deftly Chris avoided contact with any other part of Vin's body. Just as he felt Vin stiffen up to come, Chris pulled his mouth away and knelt back up in front of Vin. He brushed the hair out of Vin's face, so that he could see the tears that fell from his eyes and his teeth as they bit down on the gag. He also noticed the muscles contracting in Vin's arms as he tried to lower them from the posts and the muscles in his legs as he desperately tried to close them.

Chris stretched his arms dramatically over his head, popping the bones in his spine. Then he lowered his arms over Vin shoulder and started licking at Vin's lips exposed over the gag. First the top lip, then the bottom one. He kissed Vin's eyes, drying his tears in the process. Then he pressed his whole body up again Vin as he whispered in Vin's ear, "I love you, Vin. You're forgiven."

With those words, Chris dropped back down and planted his mouth on the tip of Vin's penis and with one long, hard suck brought on Vin's orgasm. Vin released two days worth of pent up passion while groaning loudly behind his gag. With his penis softening, the rope binding that organ to Vin's belly loosened its hold and began to slip. Chris reached around Vin, untied the rope and tossed it into a corner. He also reached behind Vin's head and untied the gag, pulling it out of Vin's mouth and tossing it away. Vin was till breathing heavy, but the breaths became easier through his mouth. Chris slipped his hand under Vin's chin and forced the tracker to look at him.

"Do you have something to say to me?" he asked.

"Thank you," Vin said between breaths that caressed Chris's face.

"Thank you for what?" No way was Chris letting Vin off that easy.

"Thank you for finishing this time," Vin said while taking a final, deep, cleansing breath.

"And what else?" Chris pressed.

"Thank you for showing me how much pleasure my body is capable of enduring." Vin's direct gaze suddenly turned shy.

"Anything else?" Chris anger had disappeared and now he just had that sly I've-got-you-now grin plastered on his face.

"Thank you for loving me." Vin jerked his head off of Chris hand as his natural boldness returned to his expression.

Chris slid off the bed and he knelt down by Vin's feet. He released Vin's ankles from their leather straps. Vin slowly brought his legs together. The muscles were very sore from the constant pressure of fighting the restraints and trying to bring his legs together. The skin on his inner ankles had also been rubbed raw from pressing against the bed posts. Chris knelt back on the bed and teasingly he ran a finger up each of Vin's delicate underarms until his hands reached Vin's arm restraints. Chris untied the bandannas that held Vin in place and watched as his arms dropped painfully to Vin's sides. The sudden loss of support caused Vin to fall backwards, but Chris caught him before he could fall far. Chris pulled Vin's upper body forward and forced him to collapse on the bed, right on top of Chris. Unable to move because of his soreness, Vin just lay there looking down at Chris.

Chris seemed to sense Vin's predicament, because he started running his hands up and down Vin's arms massaging them. At the same time he spread his legs a little to allow his feet to run up and down the sides of Vin's legs, increasing the blood flow to that area as well. Vin was still looking down at Chris with an evil little grin of his own, so Chris stuck his tongue out to try and capture Vin's lips in a kiss. Vin jerked his head backwards so Chris missed. Then he lowered his head back into place. Chris tried to kiss him again, but Vin's again pulled his head far enough away from Chris's probing lips so Chris kissed air. Chris shot Vin a mock glare and grabbed a mouthful of Vin's long hair and forced Vin to lower his head to where Chris could attack the tracker's lips.

Vin's erection returned with a vengeance and all night long Chris did nothing but pleasure Vin. Their lovemaking was hot and ferocious, but in between Chris would simply caress Vin's face or his hair, waiting until Vin was ready to be brought over the edge again. Vin worried at first that the gunfighter would withhold his stimulating talents at any moment, but Chris didn't do that. He finished everything he started and in return, Vin let Chris know how good he felt with what Chris was doing. He never tried to hold back his voice, but cried out loudly as the waves of desire and satisfaction washed over him. Chris also cried out several times as Vin brought him over the edge, but this was Vin's time and Chris saw that it would be a time he never forgot.

They fell asleep wrapped each others arms just before dawn, bound together forever.

Chris sat outside the sheriff's office two days later. Dusk was approaching quickly and all was quiet in town. Vin had headed out to the Welles' homestead that morning with J.D. to check on Nettie and Casey. When Vin told Chris where he was going, Chris told Vin he had his permission as long as he back by dark and hard as a rock. Vin told Chris he wasn't asking his permission to do anything, but informing him of his intentions. As for getting hard as a rock, that's was Chris's responsibility, not his. Then he winked at Chris and left to find J.D.

Chris was reflecting on that conversion and thinking up new ways to make Vin cry out in pleasure when he noticed someone standing at the end of the boardwalk staring at him. He realized it was the dark haired stranger who had seduced Vin before Chris intervened. The stranger he threatened to kill if he ever found him in Vin's presence again.

Chris stood up and walked towards the stranger. The stranger immediately disappeared around a corner and into an alley when he saw Chris approaching him. Chris followed the stranger into the alley.

"Do you have the money?" The stranger asked facing Chris as he rounded the corner.

Chris silently handed him a wad of cash. The stranger quickly counted it and slipped it into his pocket.

"You know that performance was a little extreme. You didn't have to shove your gun up my ass." The stranger gently admonished.

"You loved it and you know it. Besides, I certainly paid you enough. I had emptied out the bullets, by the way," Chris replied unconcerned.

"I never doubted that and your generosity is quite extensive." The stranger agreed amicably. "You never did explain why it was this young man that you chose and not Mr. Wilmington, who I understand also resides here. I always thought that you and Mr. Wilmington were close. I was saddened by your breakup the first time."

"He refuses to commit. That was the main reason I broke it off the first time." Chris looked away from the stranger sadly. "Besides, he couldn't give me a child."

"Ah, yes. The lovely Miss Connelly. I'm sorry that I must express my condolences this late, but I didn't hear about the fire until four months after the fact. There didn't seem to be any way to contact you."

Chris nodded his understanding. "That's okay. I didn't particularly want to be contacted at that time. But thanks for the thought."

The stranger tilted his head to one side and grinned slyly at Chris. "I also understand that there are four other men who work for you in this town."

"Work with me, not for me. We're all paid by the town to be here." Chris corrected.

"Ah, yes. But would you be considering adding any of them to your stable? It is possible to juggle more than one commitment, you know. Especially if the other participants are willing to share. I'd be willing to stick around town for a while longer to assist you as needed." The stranger offered.

Chris laughed. "Not right now. Vin's about all the commitment I can handle at the moment. He's pretty wild and woolly."

"I would say he's just plain pretty." The stranger sighed and started to walk past Chris towards the boardwalk. "Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me." Then he rounded the corner and disappeared.

Chris laughed a little, then turned to follow him into the night. It was completely dark out and Vin hadn't returned yet. Looked like Chris was going to have to punish him for being late.

The End