Chris Larabee wiped the sweat from his brow on his already damp shirtsleeve. "Damn, but it's hot out here!" His riding companion glanced at him and nodded his agreement, "That it is". As usual, Vin Tanner was succinct in his speaking."We got another day of riding in this, wanna make camp now and rest from the heat?" Chris figured there was no hurry getting back from delivering their prisoners, since they weren't expected until the next day.
"Yeah, there's a stream `bout a mile or so from here. Make a good camp"; Vin nodded toward the east.
"All right".
The two men came to a sheltered area, in amongst the rocks, where Chris could see a narrow, but deep stream flowing. As an added bonus, there were a couple of large trees to provide some shade. They quickly unsaddled their mounts and allowed them to drink and graze off to one side.
Vin grabbed some fresh clothes and headed for the stream. He got to the edge and started to strip off his clothes, putting his knife and gun close to the shore, within easy reach. As he stripped, he looked over his shoulder at Chris. "You comin?"
"Nah, you go ahead. I'll get the camp set up".
Vin laughed softly at him, "Ya `fraid of gettin wet, or can't the great Mr. Larabee swim?" Chris admitted to Vin that he wasn't a great swimmer. Actually, he just wasn't fond of the water. "You go ahead." Chris reiterated.
Vin continued his unselfconscious strip and splashed into the stream, then submerged. Chris breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't believe how aroused he had become, just watching the young tracker get naked. He knew he had feelings for Vin, but he hadn't expected them to suddenly make themselves known now. He tried to focus on something else--anything, to diminish the telltale bulge in his pants, before Vin surfaced.
Vin calling to him interrupted Chris from his thoughts. "Hey Chris! Ya wanna throw me that soap? May as well scrub up some while I'm in here."
Chris took a deep breath, and turned to find the soap Vin had dug out, tossing it to the waiting swimmer. Vin seemed in his element, splashing about happily while cleaning up-trusting his partner to keep a lookout for any trouble.
"Ya should try this Chris--water's great!" Vin called to him again.
Chris shook his head; "I'll scrub up after you're done". He went back to readying the campsite-laying out their bedrolls and starting a fire--figuring that Vin would be hungry when he finished playing in the water. The gunfighter smiled to himself. That's exactly what he seemed to be doing; playing like a little kid. Vin's mature behavior and quiet demeanor often made people forget just how young he was...maybe a few years older than JD. Right now, he seemed to have put all that aside while he enjoyed a brief break from the watchfulness he normally maintained. Besides being law and order in the town, the ex-bounty hunter had to worry about the bounty on his own head. Chris was enjoying seeing him more relaxed and having some fun.
Vin finally finished cleaning up and made his way to the shore. As uninhibitedly as he had entered the water, he now climbed back up the bank, and Chris was again flooded with hot desire. Damn, but the man was beautiful! Lanky, with nicely defined musculature--he moved like a sleek cat. He was glistening all over with water, sparkling in the sun. Vin dried himself languidly with his blanket, and shook his hair out. The long curls sprayed water everywhere, including on Chris, who was crouched in range.
"Vin! What are ya tryin to do--put out the fire?" He gave the younger man his best glare.
Vin merely grinned back at him, unrepentantly. "What's `a matter Chris...'fraid a bit of water's gonna `cause ya some harm?" He shook his head again, just to tease the older gunslinger. Chris tried to keep the glare on his face, but, as usual the young man seemed to know exactly how far he could push Chris, and also knew whether he was serious or not. Larabee finally gave up and headed toward the water himself. "Fine. You can get the meal ready, seein as ya have so much energy." Vin nodded at him, his large blue eyes twinkling with good humor at the other man's supposed bad mood.
Chris turned his back to him and quickly divested himself of his clothes, hoping the colder water would do something to ease his hot feelings. Unlike Vin, he stayed waist deep near the shore, and splashed water over his head and upper body to scrub. He really didn't like to put his head in the water. Water was a force of Nature you didn't tangle with, and Chris didn't like anything out of control or left to chance. At least the cool water was taking care of his other problem. The last thing he wanted was for Vin to see him in that condition. While Chris thought that Vin might have some mutual feelings for him, he had no intention of pushing anything. The young man seemed to be able to read his mind most days, and Larabee thought that the sharpshooter could have figured out Chris' feelings. Might make things easier if he had, but Chris wanted to take his time on this. He shook the thoughts from his mind and quickly finished his scrubbing. When Chris was finished, Vin left to see what he could hunt up for dinner.
* * * * * * *
Vin had some caught some rabbits and had roasted them over the fire. The two partners ate dinner in companionable quiet; neither much for talking. It was dusk and cooler by the time the remains of the meal were cleaned up-- Chris grabbed his flask and a cheroot and Vin took out his harmonica. Larabee shook his head, "When are ya actually gonna learn how to play that thing, Vin?" Vin gave him his little grin, and continued to blow random notes. Chris grinned back at him, content to relax to the tuneless music. They remained that way for quite a while, until Vin noticed that the fire getting low. He got up to add some more wood, and Chris to stretch a bit.
"So, you and Mary ever gonna get together?" Vin quietly broached the subject, knowing that the older man was a mite touchy.
Chris looked at him in surprise; Vin rarely pried into other people's personal affairs. However, Vin's face showed nothing but casual interest in a friend's well being. Ah, what the hell? "Ah, I don't know, maybe some day. No need to rush into anything. Just takes me some time to open up and trust people. `Sides, there is someone else that I'm a mite more interested in."
Chris looked deeply into the other man's eyes. Vin's eyes widened.
Chris continued. "For some reason, I trusted you right from the start. Well, after you took off the apron and fetched the rifle." He grinned and Vin rolled his eyes.
Well, that was almost the truth. Chris thought at first glance, that Vin was nothing more than a `girlie-boy' in an apron with his long curls, pretty face, and big, blue eyes. His kind had no business being out here in the frontier; he'd never last. Then the pretty boy disappeared inside the store, and came back out minus the apron, now equipped with his hat and a rifle.. Well, this looked more promising. When the man looked up and caught his gaze with the deep blue eyes, Chris saw the steely core of the man, hidden under his pretty looks. Definitely more promising! Chris flicked his gaze toward the lynching party, silently asking the question, "Are you with me?". A short nod and they were walking together to their possible deaths. After that, the gunfight took Chris' focus, but when it was over, he knew instinctively that he liked this stranger, could trust him. Vin had never given him cause to regret that decision, and their friendship had only deepened since that day.
For Chris, it had gradually developed into an attraction for the quiet young man's easy friendship. But only in the last little while had he really admitted to himself, that he wanted to open the relationship further; that he wanted him physically. But he dreaded losing Vin because of these unnatural feelings, so he waited. When Vin left with Charlotte, and Mary considered a marriage proposal from another man, Chris felt like he had been kicked in the guts by a horse. No! He couldn't lose both of them! However, Mary turned down the proposal and Vin left Charlotte behind. Mary seemed to settle back into her life easily, but Chris could tell that Vin was hurting for awhile. He obviously didn't give his heart easily or often. Although no one besides Chris, and maybe Josiah noticed. Vin was his usual quiet, good-natured self, but the older gunslinger could see the pain deep in his eyes. Now however, the normal twinkle seemed to have returned, and Chris felt that Vin was over her. Now he was free for Chris to see if the beautiful young man would consider him.as a lover.
They looked at each other again.Chris asking a silent question, and Vin answering in kind. Larabee moved closer, slowly reaching for the tracker, not wanting to startle him. Vin kept staring right into his eyes, not moving away. Chris grasped his upper arms gently, and finally touched the other man's soft mouth with his own. Vin's eyes closed, almost as if in pain or prayer. The taller man kissed him almost chastely, searching for a response. Then he pulled back, and opened his own eyes, praying he wouldn't see revulsion or shock in Vin's. The sharpshooter's face was flushed, and when his eyes flickered open, he seemed almost dazed.
"Y'all right Vin?"
Vin ran the tip of his tongue along his bottom lip, tasting, and nodded, "Yeah," he rasped softly. Chris' eyes followed the pink tongue, then moved back up to the blue eyes.
"Want some more?" He was trying hard not to just reach out and devour the younger man. Now that he had admitted to his desire, his hunger was flaring out of control.
Vin blinked slowly, drew in a deep, shaky breath and sighed, "Yeah". His azure eyes gazed back steadily at Chris. That was enough reason for the gunslinger to pull Vin closer and claim his sweet mouth again, this time in a demanding kiss-forcing the young man's lips open and invading his mouth. Vin shuddered a bit, but didn't struggle. Rather he wrapped his arms around Chris' lean, hard back. Larabee slid one hand into the tangled curls and gripped them tightly. Vin moaned and his body arched against Chris, brushing the older man's erection with his gun-belt. Larabee hissed and grabbed Vin around his waist with his free hand, pulling Vin hard against him. He released the tempting mouth and buried his face in Tanner's hair, against his neck. Chris took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself a bit, wanting to enjoy this-now that he had Vin.
"God, ya smell so good Vin.leather and sweat and the outdoors." He licked the exposed neck, feeling the other man tremble against him. The tracker was silent except for his panting and occasional soft moans. Chris decided to move on, and pushed Vin away from him a little, and smiled at the raspy."Nnoo."
"It's all right, just think we could maybe take off some of these extra clothes?" he soothed, tugging at the other man's hide jacket. He looked into wide, uncomprehending eyes for a moment, before Vin seemed to give himself a little shake and then nod. Tanner yanked his hat off and made to do the same with his jacket.
"Whoa there boy! We got time, take it easy", Chris was trying not to laugh at the tracker's hasty response. He helped Vin pull off his coat and then tugged at his gunbelt, "this too, before ya injure one of us."
Vin nodded and struggled with his buckle with shaking hands. Larabee slid down to squat in front of him, reaching for the tie holding the holster to his thigh. He noted the prominent swelling in Vin's cream coloured pants. Yeah, it was time for them all right. He undid the tie and slowly stood up, sliding his hands up the outsides of Tanner's slim hips, and helped him with the uncooperative belt buckle. Vin's eyes were focused on him the whole time.
No wonder he hardly talks, his eyes are so expressive, they show everything he's feeling. He watched the changing emotions flickering through the blue depths; nervousness, desire, anticipation, a little fear.
Chris dropped the gun-belt on the ground, and moved closer to Vin, "I won't hurt ya Vin, ya got my promise on that." He was nose to nose with Tanner, starring into his eyes-willing him to understand the depth of his feelings.
Vin gazed back at him, searching the intense green eyes, "I know... I... I just never thought this would happen."
"Do you want it to happen, Vin?" Chris refused to drop his gaze.this was the final chance for Vin to back out, and he tried not to pressure him. Larabee wanted the choice to be made free and willingly; their friendship was too important to make a mistake now.
The sharpshooter looked at the taller man, so intense and imposing, and so vulnerable at the moment. Vin was well aware he could destroy the normally invincible gunslinger if he rejected him, gently or otherwise. But that wasn't even a consideration for him.
Vin's initial admiration for the older man had grown into something much stronger and more heartfelt and Vin was not a man who lied to himself or others. However, he knew the gunfighter was still mourning his wife and child and had only started to open up to relationships again. Mary Travis and Billy seemed to have first claim on his healing heart and Tanner saw no reason to doubt that they would eventually get together. He knew that Chris trusted him and they had become very good, close friends. Larabee even seemed to be flirting mildly with Vin sometimes. But Vin didn't dare read anything too much into it, fearing his own desires were influencing his thoughts. So, as was his custom, he kept his thoughts to himself and pushed his needs into the back of his mind. Right now Chris had more need of his quiet dependability. Plus, he wasn't all that sure that a purely male creature as Chris Larabee would even consider lying with another man.
Well, guess he had his answer to that question--Chris seemed to be more than just considerin lying with him. He looked back into the haunting green gaze.
"Ah, hell. Yeah, Chris, I want it", his normally soft voice was rough with desire.
Chris felt a silly grin crossing his face--he couldn't stop it. Before Vin could comment, Chris pulled Vin back to his chest, and kissed him hard.
"Oomph!" Vin had most of his air squeezed out of him, with the force of the grip and kiss, but he didn't care. Hell, he was already lightheaded with disbelief that this was really happening. Chris Larabee, notorious gunfighter, was gonna be his lover! He opened his eyes as Chris released him a bit. "So, ya gonna take off some of them clothes, or am I the only one gettin undressed?" he teased the older man.
The older man stepped back and started removing his trademark black clothes, feeling a bit strange undressing for another man, but anxious to get out of the tight pants. He'd taken off his hat, duster and gun-belt, and was starting on his shirt buttons, thoroughly enjoying the looks he was getting from Vin. The tracker was silent, and his attention on Chris, rapt with desire. He hadn't made any
move to assist, merely enjoying the show--almost afraid to disturb the moment. Once he saw Larabee's smooth chest revealed however, he had to touch. Vin reached out one hand hesitantly, just in case the volatile gunfighter didn't want this. Chris however seemed to relish Vin's touch, and sighed loudly. Tanner's eyes flicked up to check his feelings--he'd always been able to read Chris, and now the sometimes glacial eyes were hot and lust-filled. Yep, Chris wanted him all right. And Vin was more than ready to do anything he could to make him happy.
He stroked carefully down the lean, muscled chest. Larabee was whipcord lean, no excess fat at all on the man. Vin ran his hand down the washboard stomach, watching the muscles twitch in reaction. Chris drew in a deep breath, and Vin licked his suddenly dry lips. He reached up to push the shirt off Larabee's broad shoulders. Damn, but the man just radiated power and danger. He reminded the sharpshooter of a big cat, a puma or something--beautiful, but unpredictable and dangerous. But he'd never yet hurt Vin. Rarely even yelled at him, and the young tracker had never been on the receiving end of some of his more hellish looks. For some reason the gunslinger had always been direct with Vin, but never mean. The ex-bounty hunter didn't fear Chris; so much as he was apprehensive about being with a man.
Chris pulled Vin closer to him, running his hands over his shoulders, and sliding the leather suspenders off of them. Vin's breathing became a little more ragged--he'd never had another man undress him before, and was filled with a strange mixture of anticipation and fear. Chris stroked one hand down the younger man's cheek. He didn't want to spook Vin, and was trying to take things slow, but he knew neither of them were going to last very long. He slid his hands back into the thick, curling hair, using the moment to undo Vin's ever-present bandanna.
"Easy Vin, your turn to take off some more clothes here. Can't have ya playin shy on me now, can we?"
Vin shook his head and started to undo his shirt buttons, but Chris pushed his hands aside. "Here, let me." Vin dropped his hands and allowed Larabee to undo the buttons, and slide the shirt off him. When Chris started to stroke his bare chest, and skimmed a tight nipple, Vin let out a startled gasp and grabbed for him. Larabee chuckled and tugged him close. "Liked that, did ya?" He didn't give the smaller man time to answer, but pulled him into another deep kiss, and slid his hand down Vin's smooth back, to his round butt.
Vin was beginning to squirm, the heat between his thighs becoming too intense. He wanted to rid himself of the tight pants confining him but Chris wouldn't release him just yet. Larabee had one hand cupping and rubbing Vin's butt while the other was caressing his chest, all the while keeping his mouth clamped to the bounty hunter's. Vin was nearly delirious from the sensory overload. He fought to stay grounded, his hands clutching at his tormentor's back and neck and arms. When Chris thrust a long leg between Vin's and brushed against his groin, Tanner's hips jerked forward involuntarily and he let out a low groan.
He panted harshly, "...Can't take much more, Chris. I need ya now."
Chris was feeling the same way, and pulled Vin over to their bedrolls. "C'Mon, let's lie down here, OK?'" Tanner nodded his agreement, and lay down on his bedding, while Chris took a moment to free his aching manhood, from it's tight black prison--too anxious to take his clothes off.
His sigh of relief covered Vin's gasp of apprehension. Oh, God, he was so big! What was he gettin himself into here?
Larabee lay down beside Vin, and looked into wide, frightened eyes. "Vin?" He'd never seen much fear in the tracker's eyes before, and an unsettling thought came to him. "Vin, ya ever lain with a man before?" Oh please tell me he has, we're too close for him to back out on me now! Chris was so aroused, he thought he'd explode if he didn't find relief soon.
Vin blinked nervously, and ducked his head. "Yeah, couple times...but they weren't near as big as you, and one of `em hurt, a lot".
"Damn!" Chris wasn't surprised Vin had been with a man before. Hell, with his pretty looks, he was more than likely to get approached. But the tracker was so adept at taking care of himself, he'd never thought of him being hurt. He wanted to make love to Vin badly, but he sure didn't want to injure him.
Chris leaned over and stroked his chest soothingly. "Remember I told ya I wouldn't hurt ya, Vin, and I keep my promises, ya know that?" Vin looked into his eyes and nodded. "Well, OK, then. We both need relief, but we can keep it simple, all right?" Vin searched his eyes again and nodded. Chris leaned over to kiss him, and stroked his hand down the smoothly muscled chest, over the flat belly, to the swollen bulge in Vin's pants. He kept kissing and petting him, until Vin was moaning and squirming again. When the young man's hips started to thrust against his hand, Larabee knew it was time. He quickly unfastened the buttons on Vin's pants, pushed them aside, and drew out his swollen member. Vin was a bit smaller than he was, but he was still sizable. Chris stroked him for a couple more minutes, and then rolled over on top of Vin. Tanner grunted under the sudden weight, but immediately began to thrust against it. Chris pushed back. Vin's hands wrapped tightly around Chris' back and he began to thrust wildly against him. Chris grabbed Vin under his shoulders for leverage and he matched him thrust for thrust. Both men were hot, hard and slick with their leaking juices. Their groans, and grunts and the wet sound of skin on skin, the loudest sounds in the dusk. Vin shuddered, got Chris in a death grip and stilled. He threw his head back and growled, as liquid heat spurted between their bellies. The wild sound and the hot wetness did it for Chris, and he yelled, as the wave broke over him too.
* * * * * * *
Vin woke up a few hours later. He looked about a little confused at first, trying to recall where he was, and who was wrapped around him. When he discovered that it was Chris and they were both in a state of partial undress, his memories flooded back. Oh! They'd really done it--made love. Chris Larabee had actually wanted him and done something about it. Well, Vin for one wasn't sorry, but he was a little concerned about what the other man would think when he woke up.
He looked back at Larabee. Amazing how peaceful the man looked when he was sleeping--took years off his face, relaxing the harsh lines that fate and a tragic life had put there. He's so handsome and strong and male. Vin reached out to gently stroke that strong countenance, not trying to wake the man, just exploring. It was easier to do when he didn't have to face the intimidating stare that Chris usually affected to distance people. `Course it hadn't worked with Vin, he'd seen right through Larabee's facade to the lonely, tortured man underneath. Mr. Larabee might be an infamous gunslinger with a reputation, but that hadn't fazed the sharpshooter in the least. Oh, he respected Chris and his abilities; a man would have to be a fool not to afford him that. But Vin could see the hurt and vulnerable human beneath the black-clothed shield. And with his own need to protect the weak and hurt, Vin had offered him what he could-- his friendship and his quiet, dependable nature. He let Chris know that he was not truly alone--he had friends.
Right now he was more interested in checking out the man's impressive physical attributes. Larabee was a tall man; lean-muscled, long-legged and broad-shouldered, with a handsome squarish face and regular features. Vin stroked through the dark blond hair carefully, but Chris didn't stir. Emboldened, he traced the full lower lip, remembering the passionate kisses he had received. The thought sent a tingle of desire through his groin, and he smiled a bit to himself. He glanced down at the broad hairless chest that sloped down to a narrow washboard stomach. Yeah, Chris appeared hard on the outside all right, no mistaking him for a soft man. `Course, he wasn't exactly hard everywhere at the moment. A little bit of Josiah's Devil took over Vin and he decided to see what he could do to change that state of affairs. He snuggled a bit closer and lightly ran his fingertips over a small nipple until it started to harden. Tanner nodded to himself, satisfied with his efforts and reached for its mate, when his wrist was captured in a steely grip. He flicked a quick glance up at Larabee's face and was met with a confused glare. Looks like Chris didn't wake up happy.
Chris stared at him for a few tense moments until he realized who was touching him. Vin saw the sudden recognition flash into his eyes, and then surprise at the realization of their physical states. Larabee closed his eyes for a minute and the younger man began to regret his forwardness. He tried to remove his arm from the tight grasp, but Chris opened his eyes and gave him a wry smile. "Guess I should sleep a bit lighter with you around--never know just what you're gonna be getting up to when I ain't watching ya".
Vin stared back at him, trying to assess his mood, but he relaxed when he felt the grip on his arm lesson and turn into a light stroking on his sensitive inner wrist. He gave Chris a little smile of his own, "Well at least one of us is up, and it ain't you!" The older man just stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. He kept it up for a couple of minutes, redoubling his efforts when Vin blinked at him a couple of times and then gave him one of his squints.
"What is so danged funny?"
Chris finally managed to get himself under some semblance of control and yanked Vin down on top of himself. He kissed the other man passionately, and Vin had pretty much forgotten his question by the time Larabee released him. "Ah, Vin. I wasn't so much laughin at ya--as with ya. Can't think of another man that I'd take that kinda talk from, without shootin' him anyway. But I don't scare you at all, do I?" He kept the tracker pinned to his chest, and rubbed his bare back gently.
Tanner tried not to purr at the sensation and addressed the question, "Well, it ain't that I'm not afraid of ya sometimes. Hell, ya got a stare that would make the `ole devil himself think twice about crossin' ya. But mostly I just know when you're really mad and when you're just puttin on a show. I got a heap of respect for ya Chris, don't doubt that, but ya never hurt me. I just try to make sure I don't go and do somethin stupid enough to make ya consider doing that." Vin's voice was raspy with emotion and the overworking of his vocal cords. Hell, for him that just amounted to a full-fledged speech, and he wasn't as verbose as the rest of the group. But he wanted Chris to understand where he stood.
Larabee looked back at him. Damn, but he was so perfect. Beautiful and caring and young. And he could see straight through to Chris Larabee's soul, it seemed. Best keep this man as a friend--he'd make a hell of an enemy. An errant thought crept through the back of Chris' mind. Just how young was Vin? His practical nature, and emotional maturity, didn't quite seem to match the youthful features. Hell, without the stubble, Vin couldn't pass for much more than his early twenties. He grasped the wedge-shaped jaw in one hand and turned Vin's face to his. The large, cerulean blue eyes regarded him guilelessly. Such beautiful eyes, with thick sooty lashes--gentle and caring or piercing and perceptive. The ex-bounty hunter was a very attractive man, maybe not so much the pretty boy that Chris had originally thought him, but with refined, even features--still showing the softness of youth in the smooth skin and the sweet mouth. The stubble, hat and buckskins gave him a more rugged appearance--something Larabee figured the younger man needed as self-protection in his dangerous surroundings. Hell, otherwise he would be getting hassled by a lot of older, harder men on the trail.
That last thought caused Chris to pause in his perusal of the comely man on top of him. Was he guilty of such a thing? Was Vin only with him out of obligation or fear? He squeezed his eyes shut in anguish.Damn, he'd promised Vin that he wouldn't hurt him and yet maybe that's exactly what he was doing--forcing himself upon him. He remembered the fear in the tracker's eyes earlier. Was it just being mounted that had scared Vin, or was he just plain afraid of this relationship? He opened his eyes and stared back into Tanner's. Vin still gazed at him steadily, blinking occasionally, while he waited to see what the older man was deciding.
"Chris? Something wrong?"
"No....yeah. God, Vin, I think I'm breaking my promise not to hurt ya. Damn but I don't want to be forcing ya into something ya might feel ya have to do." He scrubbed his hand over his face wearily.
Vin tilted his head, confused. "What exactly were ya forcing me into Chris? I already told ya that I wanted to be with you--it ain't no obligation. I want it. You regrettin lying with me?" Vin was becoming upset himself. Surely Chris hadn't changed his mind?
The gunfighter looked up at him, saw the puzzlement turn to guilt and replied, "No Vin--don't' think that. I enjoyed lying with ya all right, better than I thought it would be. But you were afraid and I don't want you to feel that with me." He stroked the smooth hair back again soothingly, enjoying the feeling of warmth against his palm.
Tanner blinked a few times, sorting out his thoughts, then replied. "It wasn't you I was afraid of--just rememberin some past things. Ya didn't hurt me, and I know ya won't."
Vin's trust and faith in him was truly humbling, thought Chris, but he still hesitated, though his manhood was starting to stir against the warm body laying against it. He tried again, "Maybe I'm too old for ya Vin--ya shouldn't be stuck with an old war-horse like me. Ya need..."
"I need you! Don't matter your age--matters who ya are. I don't care if you're twenty years older'n me, I still want you. I ain't a baby Chris. I know what I want." He then effectively shut off any further protest by leaning down and kissing the other man. Vin felt Chris' physical response against his belly and smiled to himself, if he didn't give Larabee a chance to think this to death, it would work out fine.
He kept kissing the older man until Chris was moaning and moving under him. Vin slid his mouth down his neck and sucked at the hollow of Chris' throat, knowing he was succeeding in his attempts to put all thoughts out of Larabee's mind, when he felt hands roughly groping and caressing his back and butt. Vin slid lower on his lover, enjoying the feel of rough clothing against his aroused manhood. Chris choked as Vin's warm wet tongue delicately licked at his nipples. He lifted his head to glance at his chest...and felt the blood rush to his cock at the sight of that pink tongue reaching out to touch a sensitive nub-almost too erotic to bear. He'd noticed that the tracker was a very oral person--aside from speaking. He always seemed to have something in his mouth-a piece of straw, a canteen or the harmonica. As Vin moved over to lick and kiss his other nipple, Chris found himself imagining that soft mouth on his cock. He gripped Vin's hair and pressed him closer--the light teasing was becoming a torment to him.
"Damn, Vin. Where'd ya learn to do that?" He grunted, trying not to pull too hard on the tangled curls.
Vin's head rose and he gave him his sly little smile, "Ya got complaints?" His blue eyes were bright and twinkling, so Chris knew he was teasing him on purpose. He grabbed the man under his firm butt and yanked him back up to kiss his mouth hungrily, nibbling at his lips and sucking on his tongue. Both men were gasping for air by the time Larabee finished his possessive claim of the young tease. Vin lay his cheek on Chris' chest, panting and Larabee knew that he'd caught his breath when he felt that delightful tongue lick at his nipple again.
God, how could someone with a face that sweet-- be such a tormentor? He crushed Vin to his chest for a moment, then released him slightly to see what else he would do. The soft touch of a finger circling his navel answered that question with a jerk. Chris couldn't stop the groan that seemed to issue from the same region, as Vin's hand left the sensitive area and the tracker raised himself up and moved his body further down Larabee's aroused form. Chris thought he would go out of his mind when Vin yanked the tight black pants further down his hips, and lay back down on his legs and reached for the engorged pole rising from between the gunslinger's thighs. Vin ran his hand ever so lightly up and down his cock, before closing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Quite the weapon ya got there, cowboy", came the soft drawl. Larabee coughed and looked at him in disbelief, the man had the strangest sense of timing when it came to humour! Tanner returned his look with his little smile, and Chris realized that he was trying not to let on how nervous he was.
"Ya OK with this Vin? Because we can go as slow as ya want, or we can stop right here." Chris was serious, though he really wasn't sure what he would do if the young man couldn't or wouldn't continue. But he'd survive. The hardened gunfighter had found something special with this quiet man, and he wasn't willing to give it up without a fight.
Vin saved him from further ruminations with a tentative lick to the head of Chris' cock. "Uh!" Chris couldn't believe how good the rough tongue felt against his swollen member.
The young sharpshooter hadn't had much practice at this, but had done it a few times when his partner had wanted more than hand relief and Vin did not want to be mounted. However, unlike those previous times, he found that he wasn't revolted by the thought of taking a man's cock into his mouth. Maybe that was because it was Chris; someone he truly trusted and liked. Vin was enjoying the gasps of surprise and pleasure that his ministrations were bringing to his friend. He glanced up at his lover's face, to see Chris looking back at him; his face was flushed and he was breathing heavily. Vin maintained the eye contact as he opened his mouth and slowly engulfed the throbbing shaft. Larabee's eyes flared wider as his manhood seemed to swell and harden even further. Vin would have smiled if his mouth wasn't full. He slowly moved up and down the rigid cock, tasting the salty juices leaking from it, and inhaling the pungent muskiness emanating from the man. Vin found himself becoming more excited and began to suck faster and harder.
Chris tried to close his eyes and keep his control--but he couldn't resist watching that beautiful pink mouth sucking on him. His hands moved of their own accord to caress Vin's cheek and then embed themselves in his thick mane. Larabee pulled the tracker's head closer to his aching groin--trying to bury himself in the hot, wet mouth. Vin abruptly froze and tried to pull back a bit. Chris' inexorable thrusting was too fast for him to adjust to, and he was starting to choke. Luckily his lover was still aware enough to realize Vin's predicament and he released his tight grip on Tanner's hair.
"Sorry, cowboy...but God, ya feel so good!"
Vin blinked at him in understanding and showed his forgiveness with a slow, deep swallow. Chris groaned in pleasure and leaned back, closing his eyes. While his young lover was obviously not very accomplished, he was enthusiastic and his clumsiness was almost more arousing. When Larabee felt roughened fingers hesitantly caress his tightening balls, and the familiar tingle starting to spiral through his groin and the base of his spine, he knew he was getting close. Chris pulled at the long hair to lift Vin's head away from his cock.
Vin was startled from his explorations with a wet slurping sound. "What?" he looked up at the gunslinger, "Did I do somethin wrong?"
Chris hid a grin, "No, no, not at all, pard. C'mere for a minute." He emphasized his request by gently tugging Vin's hair upward. The confused tracker crawled back up to face his lover, and was caught totally off guard when Chris wrapped his arms and legs around him, and rolled them both so that he was now on top of Vin. Larabee completed the conquest by leaning in to ravish the swollen lips. He used the distraction to ease Tanner's pants down his hips and legs. Both men were panting heavily when Chris sat back on his haunches. Vin's huge blue eyes were dark in his now flushed face, and he was squirming reflexively.
"Your turn, but we need to get these clothes off first." He then moved down to yank off the bounty hunter's boots and socks, and then slowly, teasingly pulled off his pants and underwear. Vin's whole body seemed to flush in response. "Ah, you're so beautiful Vin...so young and unspoiled."
Tanner flushed even more, and tried to brush the comments aside. "Don't go gettin all sappy on me cowboy, I ain't no innocent boy, never been with a man," he rasped in embarrassment.
"No, didn't say ya were. But I'd bet ya never been with one who cared for you beyond a night's pleasurin."
Vin just stared at him, then lowered his eyes--he didn't have a reply for that comment.
Chris smiled to himself, and patted him on the leg, then rose to finish taking off his own clothes. Vin watched covertly from beneath his lashes, admiring the flex of lean muscles as the gunfighter bent to remove his boots and pants. When Chris finished disrobing, he moved Vin's legs apart and knelt between them. He calmed the tracker's nervousness by slowly stroking up his calves, rubbing the muscles firmly, moving higher when Vin sighed in pleasure. Chris massaged up the strong thigh muscles, kneading and petting; trying to relax Vin a bit. He skimmed around the young man's sex, and smoothed up his flat belly. Vin's hips were shifting reflexively and the muscles of his stomach jumped as Chris massaged them. Larabee reached forward and stroked across a pert nipple--causing Vin's whole body to jerk in response. Vin's eyes widened in expectation as the normally grim gunman gave him a anticipatory grin and leaned down to lick across the aching nub.
The explosion of pleasure forced a low moan from Vin, as he jerked into the sensation. He closed his eyes, and turned his head away as his chest arched into the wet tongue scraping across to his other nipple. The torment was repeated there and he felt his cock throb and start to leak out his need. Tanner clutched at Chris, not knowing whether he wanted him closer or further away, but wanting... something. Chris didn't make him wait, but lay against him and slid down his shaking body. He caressed the leaking shaft and fondled the full, swollen balls. Vin's head tossed from side to side and he was moaning continuously now, begging with his whole body for Chris to stop the torment. Larabee answered his unspoken request by gripping and stroking his penis, until the younger man growled low in his throat, arched upward and spurted his seed over Chris' hand. He shuddered for a few minutes, then collapsed back to the ground, spent. Chris lay back against him, stroking his chest, soothing now, as opposed to arousing. When Vin finally seemed to catch his breath, he looked at his lover, and moved to kiss him.
"OK, there pard?" Chris continued to stroke over the hard muscled body, trying to keep his own needs in check.
Vin gave his a slow blink, and nodded. "Yeah, never felt like that before."
Chris chuckled quietly, "Well, that's one thing `bout having an older lover...ya get lots of experience."
Vin squinted at him for a moment, then glanced down at the angry red shaft pressed against his hip. "Looks like ya need to experience some help for yourself." He reached down to stroke Chris' shaft, causing him to suck in air quickly. The older man let Vin stroke him for a few minutes, bringing him back to the edge. Then he opened his eyes, and looked into the blue ones regarding him. Chris reached over and ran his hand through Vin's hair and cupped his cheek. He couldn't resist kissing the still swollen lips and made a thorough investigation of the moist mouth. Chris finally pulled back and looked Vin in the eyes.
He drew in a deep breath, "Vin, I need ya. I want to be inside of you." Chris watched as Tanner's pupils dilated in fear, and he was ready to take back his words, but Vin reached out his hand and touched him on the lips.
"No, it's all right Chris. I want to do this too. I want ya to take me--make me yours." The hand against his mouth trembled slightly, but Vin never broke eye contact. They stared at each other for long minutes, until Chris leaned forward and kissed his mouth passionately, forcing Vin back down on his bedroll. They kissed and sucked on each others' tongues and lips, until Chris could feel Vin's cock start to press against him. It was time.
Vin gave a questioning grunt when Chris pulled away, but didn't say anything else, merely watched as the gunfighter rooted through his saddlebags until he came up with a small bottle. "A little somethin' to make it easier," was all he said. He put the bottle near the bedroll and moved back between Vin's legs. This time he reached down and started to caress his cock and balls, and then slid his hand back to rub gently at the sensitive spot behind them. The tracker was moving restlessly, but he tensed up when Chris' finger brushed over his tight entrance. Chris soothed him with his other hand--rubbing his belly.
"Easy Vin. I won't rush ya, just relax."
Vin nodded and tried to relax into the caresses. When Chris rolled him over onto his belly, he instinctively froze up. But the hands now stroked down his back, in a light massage. Chris continued rubbing his back until the tight muscles relaxed, then he moved down to the firm, round butt. The young man had very soft skin, and the gunfighter delighted in the texture, petting him gently. He gradually moved to run his fingers into the cleft of Tanner's bottom, still moving slowly, allowing Vin time to adjust to the feelings. When Vin ceased to tense on each stroke, Larabee decided to get the oil. He poured a little onto his fingers and rubbed it carefully over the puckered opening. This time Vin only tensed up for a second, before allowing Chris to cautiously insert the tip of one finger inside. Chris poured more oil onto the area and nudged his finger in further, only moving when Vin's body loosened to grant him entrance. He gradually added another finger the same way, forcing himself to take it slow while his cock was screaming for release. Hang on, just hang on, this will be well worth the wait. he told himself.
When Chris finally managed to insert his fingers far enough to touch the small bump inside, Vin's whole body jerked and his head came up off the ground to look at Chris.
"What the hell was that?!" his eyes were wide and glazed, and he was gasping for breath.
Chris grinned at him, "Never felt that before, did ya?" He pressed against the spot again, just to watch the reaction. Vin shuddered and thrust back against him.
"Ah, God! More..." Vin was at a near loss for words, he just knew he wanted that feeling again, and thrust his butt back onto the torturing fingers. Chris obliged him, then pulled his fingers free and poured some of the oil onto his pulsating cock. Damn, but he was ready for this!
"Roll over Vin." He told the younger man, who was rocking back and forth against his bedding.
"But the others took me this way..." Vin was confused. Could ya take a man the same way ya would a woman?
"I know, but I wanta see your face when I mount ya, Vin. I want to look into those eyes and see ya know that it's me pleasurin ya." The look of pure lust in Tanner's eyes nearly undid Chris right there, but he clamped down hard on his need. Soon.
Vin rolled onto his back as he was bid, and spread his legs at the other man's urging. Chris moved quickly between them, and slid his hands under the sharpshooter's knees and lifted them over his shoulders. He knew that this would be a little more difficult position for Vin, and would leave him feeling very vulnerable, but he really wanted to see Vin's face as he loved him. He stroked Vin's cock again, bringing him back to full hardness, then moved closer and nudged the oiled entrance with the head of his penis. Vin moaned softly, but kept his eyes focussed on Chris and didn't tense up. He gave a smothered cry when Chris' rod breached the opening, and Chris immediately stopped.
"Breath, Vin...it'll be all right. Just take deep breaths."
Vin nodded and took a couple of deep breaths, and Chris
could feel his body relaxing as his cock slid in a little deeper. It seemed to take forever, but the long slow glide into the tight heat was so good. Chris kept watching the face of the man beneath him, delighting in the flushed face and heavy breathing.
It was like nothing Vin had ever felt before; the fullness was hot and exciting, not tearing and painful like the other time--when the man had basically mounted him and started rutting like an animal. This was different, Chris was loving him with his body, filling him and pleasuring him at the same time. There was a bit of a burning sensation, but nothing too unpleasant, and he finally felt the older man's heavy balls slap against his butt.
Chris paused for a moment, trying to catch his breath after the effort of not just ramming into the tight channel. He looked at Vin. "How ya feeling cowboy?"
Vin panted out a reply between breaths, "Just fine. You?"
"Never better, pard." He leaned forward to kiss Vin deeply, arousing the tracker even further.
Vin nodded and Chris started to thrust slowly at first, letting him get accustomed to the feeling, and trying to hit his prostate. Vin was arching his hips, trying to thrust back against him, and Chris slid his hands under his butt, pulling Vin hard against him. As both men became more excited, Chris started thrusting faster, driving his cock deeper into his lover. Vin moaned and gasped and held tightly to Chris, as he pounded into the younger man. Chris could feel the fire burning through his belly and into his cock, and leaned forward so that he was lying on top of Vin, letting his legs drop to his waist. Vin wrapped them around the lean middle tightly, and grabbed the back of his neck, forcing him into a deep kiss, then moving to bite him on the shoulder. The sharp pain only aroused Chris further and he ground his hips into the squirming body beneath him, propelling them closer to completion. Chris' rhythm faltered and he thrust wildly, then climaxed with a hoarse yell, spilling his seed deep into his lover. The last few hard thrusts also caused Vin to lose control, and his low moan signaled his release.
Chris collapsed on top of Vin, exhausted and spent. He panted heavily for a moment, as his heart raced wildly. As soon as he recovered enough to think half rationally, he remembered how uncomfortable his partner must be, and lifted himself up enough for his flacid cock to slide out of Vin. He rolled to one side and looked at his lover. Vin lay motionless except for the heavy breathing and the rise and fall of his chest. He made no move when Chris' body left his, and Chris was concerned.
"Vin? Vin, you all right?", he reached over to tap the tracker's sweaty face. No response, for a couple of minutes, as Vin tried to catch his breath. Then Chris remembered that the younger man had already spent himself twice, before this last time. Chris grabbed a rag and dipped it into the water they had heated for coffee, and quickly checked to see if there was any blood, thankfully finding only a little bit. He cleaned the both of them up the best he could and threw the rag back near the fire. Larabee was just settling down beside him, after dragging his own bedroll over top of them, when Vin stirred and blinked open dazed eyes. He immediately looked for Chris, and found his concerned face inches from his own.
"Hey there pard, thought maybe you didn't enjoy what we did." He brushed the damp hair from Vin's face, trying to read his eyes in the darkness.
"Guess ya just tired me right out. Not bad for an old feller," he gave Chris a sly little grin, and fended off the pretend punch aimed at his face.
Chris grinned back at him, relieved that Vin seemed to be all right; at least he still had his sense of humour intact. "Just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt ya, is all." He pulled Vin into a gentle kiss, sealing their feelings.
Vin drawled quietly once he was released, "No, just a little sore. I'll be a might uncomfortable ridin home tomorrow is all." He then yawned hugely in Chris' face.
Chris snickered, "Sorry cowboy, forgot you young'uns don't have any staying power. Best get your rest." He ignored Vin's growl, and pulled the sleepy tracker to his chest and covered the two of them.
"Night pard." Vin's reply was a mumble, and then a soft snore. Chris held him tight. Yeah, it had been their time all right, and he wouldn't regret a moment of it.