Two of Hearts
by Storm Alternate Universe (Star Trek) |
Vin was sitting in Ten Forward enjoying a beer. He sat in a corner by himself and watched. Lila was begging food from Inez over by the counter. JD had helped Vin put sensors around the ship that would allow the cat access to certain areas. The collar on her neck contained a microchip that would open the doors she could enter. Vin had worried what he would do with the rather large cat's waste but Lila was intelligent. Vin had shown her how to use the facilities in his quarters. He sat drinking his beer when he saw JD and Buck walked in. JD waved to him as they headed for his table but stooped and sat at one not too far away. Vin appreciated that the others left him alone at times.Buck saw JD wave to Vin and smiled. The Vulcan liked to spend time alone and they all respected that. He knew that if Vin wanted to he would join them. Vin smiled when JD waved but remained at his table. Inez walked over to take their order.
"He been here long?" Buck asked.
"You know Vin," Inez smiled. "He likes to come here to watch everyone."
"Yeah Buck if he isn't here he's on the holodeck," JD added.
"What can I get you?" she asked.
They told her what they wanted then she left with their order. Lila came over to JD to be petted. She bumped against his leg and he reached down to scratch her back. When she was satisfied she walked over to Vin and lay across his feet.
"So Kid, what did you get Casey for Valentine's Day?" Buck asked.
"Some chocolates and perfume," JD answered.
"Yeah you can never go wrong with the classics," Buck agreed.
"So what are you doing for Valentine's?" JD asked with a smile. "Or better yet who are you with for Valentine's?"
"Well have you met the new stellar cartographer?" Buck asked.
"The red head?"
"That's the one," Buck grinned wickedly. "Her names Mara and I've planned a romantic dinner in my cabin."
Vin listened to Buck and JD's discussion. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but he was curious about this Valentine's Day stuff. Could he help it if his hearing was so good? He listened as they talked about what they were getting their girlfriends. Vin got an idea. If this was a holiday that you something for someone you loved he wanted to do something for Chris. Vin just hoped the computer gave him better information then it did for Chris's birthday. The captain had found it amusing that Vin had been hiding in a cake. Vin, on the other hand, hadn't been amused. Chris asked why Vin didn't know about certain holidays. Vin had told him that the only holiday his parents thought important was Christmas, which was a big celebration in his house.
Vin waited in the lounge until after Buck and JD left then headed for his cabin. Lila bounded ahead and beat him there. When Vin finally arrived she meowed loudly by the replicator. She had learned quickly that dinner came form there. After she was fed Vin sat down at the computer and looked up information about Valentine's day. He pulled off his shoes and tucked his feet under his knees and got comfortable. He began to read and unconsciously stuck his tongue between his lips as he concentrated. Vin shook his head when he read some of the things given as gifts at Valentine's. They made no sense but Vin planned on getting this one right. He made a few notes then started designing a program for the holodeck.
+ + + + + + +
Chris had been busy the past couple of days and wasn't able to spend too much time with Vin. The captain appreciated the fact that Vin wasn't a demanding lover and knew the captain had responsibilities. But Chris did learn quickly not to neglect the Vulcan for long periods of time. If he did one of them, usually him, regretted it. Being a Vulcan Vin was stronger then Chris and his stamina left Chris feeling like a limp rag at times. The navigator always felt bad afterwards then Chris would spend the rest of the night reassuring him that everything was OK. Tonight he had off and being the captain he made sure Vin was off as well.
He went to his cabin and was surprised to find a note attached to the door. Chris was intrigued since all memos usually came over the computer. He pulled it off an entered the cabin. Chris opened the letter and recognized Vin's horrendous handwriting. Chris could see he had spent extra time trying to make the words legible. The note said for him to come to holodeck two and he would find a surprise. Chris smiled thinking of Vin's birthday surprise and quickly changed out of his uniform. A short time later Chris was standing outside the holodeck as the computer verified he was the captain before it would let him in. Chris just shook his head as he walked in. Vin was always tampering with the program. AS he walked in he realized why Vin had programmed the computer for voice recognition. Vin had programmed the holodeck for a lover's suite complete with fireplace, large bathtub and a canopied bed. Chris saw that the drapes around the bed were all closed. He also noticed the red and white color scheme and guessed what day it must be. Vin also had candles burning in every conceivable place around the room. The captain smiled as he walked over to the bed. He grabbed the red silk curtains and opened them.
"Took you long enough, cowboy," Vin smiled.
Chris couldn't believe it. Vin was lying naked amongst a pile of red and white silk pillows. He could feel he's cock straining against his pants as he watched the sleek Vulcan stretch out on the red silk sheets. Vin reached over and caressed the crotch of Chris's pants. Chris gasped and grabbed a hold of the curtains before his knees could buckle. Vin's touch was like an electrical charge running through his system. Chris could hear the Vulcan laughing and Chris growled at him as he jumped on the bed next to him. The wily captain pinned Vin beneath him as he claimed his lover's mouth. Vin's lips parted and the captain ravaged the warn interior. Vin moaned in pleasure as Chris kissed him passionately. The captain would have gone further but Vin stopped him.
"Wait Chris," Vin said as he pushed at Chris's shoulders.
"I don't think so," Chris growled as he tried to break Vin's hold. He sighed when Vin's greater strength held him in place.
"Please Chris, I promise it's worth it," Vin smiled. "I wanted everything to be perfect. The computer told me everything."
Chris could see Vin was eager to get this right and Chris smiled. Vin was so child like in his eagerness to please so Chris indulged him. He sat back as Vin rolled off the bed and out the curtains. He came back instantly holding out a package wrapped in red paper. Chris took the gift and opened it. Chris's couldn't believe what was inside. Nestled amongst red tissue was a real bloody heart.
Vin knew something was wrong as soon as he saw the captain's face. "I messed up again didn't I?" Vin asked. He jumped off the bed before Chris could react and grabbed his clothes. "Computer end program!" Vin yelled.
Chris landed on the floor in a huge room that was all black with a grid pattern in yellow. He watched as Vin hastily pulled on his clothes. He got up and grabbed Vin before he had a chance to head out the door. Vin hung his head and wouldn't look at him.
"Vin wait," Chris pleaded. "Computer run previous program."
"I can not comply. Program can only be activate by Lieutenant Tanner."
Damn Chris really hated that voice. Chris had to take a tighter grip on Vin so he couldn't leave.
"Vin please bring back the program," Chris said.
"Why?" he asked. "It stupid and it doesn't matter now. I ruined everything."
"No Vin it was wonderful," Chris said as he forced Vin's chin up. "But why did you get me a heart?"
"Because the computer said that's what you gave as a gift," Vin growled.
Chris forced himself not to laugh when he saw the disappointment in Vin's eyes. He knew the Vulcan tried hard, but sometimes he took things too literally.
"Please Vin run the program and I'll explain," Chris asked kissing his on the forehead.
"Computer run previous program," Vin commanded.
The room returned to its original configuration. Chris told Vin to let him instruct the computer. When everything was ready Chris smiled at Vin and changed a few things.
"Computer change tub to one that is heart shaped." The tub shimmered and became a heart. Chris instructed the computer to add Champagne, a box of chocolates in a heart shape. He made the bed heart shaped and some of the pillows. When he was done he turned back to Vin. "This is what they meant by hearts," Chris said pulling him into a hug.
"Well why didn't the damned thing say so!" Vin said angrily and Chris did start laughing. "So you think it's funny."
Vin advanced on Chris and pushed him towards the tub. Chris had made the mistake of making it a sunken one and he landed in the warm water. Now it was Vin's turn to laugh as the captain came up sputtering amongst the bubbles. Vin was standing close to the edge and Chris grabbed his arm and pulled him in also.
When Vin came back up Chris grabbed him and pulled him into his arms and crushed his lips to the unresisting Vulcan. In their fury to touch and be with each other they ripped off each other's clothes and threw them aside. Chris's cock was so hard he wanted desperately to be inside Vin. The Vulcan turned so his back was to Chris and he plunged his rock hard shaft into the tight embrace of the smaller being. Vin groaned in pleasure clinging to the side of the tub as Chris began a furious rhythm. Chris reached around Vin's waist and took his cock in his hand and began to stroke it. Chris could hear the Vulcan squeak as his cock was touched and he laughed. Vin pushed hard against Chris wanting him to go deeper. Chris obliged him and he knew he had hit the gland when Vin screamed in pleasure and released his seed into the tub. Chris's orgasm followed soon after as Vin's body contracted around his shaft. Chris gave one last hard thrust as he released his seed inside the Vulcan. Vin draped himself on the side of the tub and Chris leaned on top of him running his hands along Vin's arms. He was reluctant to pull himself out and the remained locked together for a little while longer. Chris gave Vin a kiss on the neck as he pulled his cock from Vin's warm embrace.
"Damn Chris," Vin laughed as the captain pulled him against his chest as he lay back in the tub. "You sure did miss me."
"You're damned right I did, Elf," Chris said nipping his pointed ears.
"Shall we try the bed next?" Vin asked eagerly as he turned to look at Chris.
"Damn, you're going to kill me," Chris groaned as he put his head back.
"Nice way to go, don't ya think?" Vin asked innocently as he began sucking on one of Chris's nipples.
"Hell yes!" Chris groaned when Vin began exploring with his hands along Chris's sides.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Chris," Vin said with a smile.
"The best I ever had," he screeched as Vin grabbed his cock.
"Captain Larabee" and "Lieutenant Tanner" JPGs courtesy of Maria