Notes: This fic is SLASH, though totally non graphic. Everyone keeps their pants on. Honest.
#2 in the series A Thing or Two.
Summary: Vin decides its time to make his move. Very, very slowly.
find the face youve seen a thousand times." |
Vin licked his lips nervously as he drove Ezra to the airport for his latest assignment. Chris had given him permission to be the one to drop off the undercover agent at the airport, but hed also given Vin a warning to not distract him right before he got to his very dangerous business. Vin couldnt agree more.But he couldnt leave this.
One hard truth Vin had learnt long ago was that the people you love could leave at any time, whether by choice or not, and he wasnt going to let Ezra go without saying some very important things.
"Ez " He paused. The last thing he wanted was to scare the man off.
"Yes Mr. Tanner?"
"You know Ez, Ive always admired you for bein able to do this. Go undercover I mean."
"Why Vin, you yourself have participated in these operations on many occasions." A thrill went through the sharpshooter at hearing his first name used. Careful now he warned himself.
"Well sure, but not like this. The way you talk these guys around til they dont know which ways up, I always get a kick outta that." The honest complement surprised a genuine smile out of Ezra and Vin returned it in kind.
"Well thank you Mr. Tanner. It is always good to have ones efforts appreciated."
"Well, I sure do at that." Vin pulled up in front of the terminal, cutting a taxi out of the space with inches to spare. As Ezra left the Jeep and wished him a good weekend, Vin had to fight a brief impulse to lean over and kiss him goodbye. Shit. Wouldnt that put the cat among the pigeons. Nope. He was a tracker and knew a thing or two about running prey to ground. And if I do this right, at the end I wont be the only one doing the chasing.
He drove back to the office, plans for the next step already in place.
And so it continued. A gradual campaign of friendship being turned into something more. From snatches of conversation in the car to a quiet beer alone together after work. From the occasional group weekend to a play, movie or art show together. And from a casual brush of fingers on the back to an arm around the shoulders, lingering a few seconds longer each time.
Each stage carefully planed and cautiously executed. Vin was only too aware of how carefully a bridge made of such fragile material could break.
Soon Vin wasnt the only one making invitations, and when Ezra brought him a rose before the play they were attending he felt a warmth sweep through him that seemed to sweep him into Ezras arms.
They just stood there for several minutes in Vins doorway. The night sounds of Purgatory echoing around them. The warm night air caressing them like rocks in a liquid stream of life.
Brown eyes met green and a tenuous connection grew into something stronger. Something maybe two people who had been often hurt could trust.
Series to be continued
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