by Wendy

Buck stood on the porch of Chris' house. Leaning against the verandah post he couldn't take his eyes of the young man and the horse. He had never seen anything like it and doubted he would ever again. Chris had bought Diablo at a sale about four months ago. The stallion was a beautiful animal, but it had been abused and no amount of love or attention from his friend would change the horse's disposition.

So what he was looking at now, was a miracle, plain and simple. Unable to tear his eyes away, he watched as Vin moved quietly around the horse, whispering the words that only the horse could hear. Buck watched intently as Vin's hands caressed the horse's neck, moving carefully as he won the horses trust. Buck was engrossed in watching Vin, that he didn't hear Chris move up behind him.

"Looks good doesn't he?" Chris whispered in Buck's ear as he joined in watching the younger man.

"Hell," Buck shook his head unable to take his eyes off Vin, "How can you stand it? I mean having him so close and not.... I never wanted to be a horse so much in my life," He chuckled.

"I know, tell me about it," Chris sighed.

Tearing himself away from the wonderful sight of the gorgeous man, Buck turned to his frustrated friend. "Well do somethin' about it. Tell him how ya feel."

"And what about you?" Chris asked as he locked eyes with his friend, "What about your feelings for him?"

Buck tried to make light of the his emotions, "Hell, Ya know me pard I can get it from anyone I want, but you being so old and all," he grinned, "I thought I'd better be the bigger man, after all if I was in the runnin' there would be no competition."

"The bigger man?" Chris straightened his posture, "old am I?" he queried as his eyes began to sparkle with anticipation of a challenge. "No competition?" He smiled back. "How about we just walk over there and ask him who he wants, shall we?" he nodded to Vin, who was now heading into the stable.

Nodding an agreement, Buck stepped over the porch, "Prepare to eat crow, old man," he smiled as he quickened his pace, "You should have taken him, when I offered."

Chris met Buck step for step as he gained some distance of his old friend, "With age comes experience."

Vin looked from his work to see his two friends appear breathlessly at the door of the stables. Before he could speak the two men began to babble.

"Chris wants to ask ya somethin'" Buck said.

"Buck has somethin' to say as well," Chris dodged.

"But Chris' question is more important," Buck countered.

"Maybe, but your's is far more interesting," Chris volleyed.

"Age before beauty," Buck shot back,

"Stupid, before the wise," Chris hit back.

Vin frowned as he made an exaggerated grab for his head, "Guys, ya making me dizzy. Game, set and match..okay? Now, why don't ya just spit out whatever ya two are arguin' about and let me get on with my work. On the count of three...One...Two...Three,"

"If ya were going to sleep with a man, which would it be. Me! So handsome and so damn good in bed that you will be in heaven," Buck asked.

"Or me, " Chris continued as he stepped closer, "a man that will love to the end of time and beyond."

Vin always knew about his friends preferences, both of them liked woman as well as men, but he had never in a million years thought that thought of him that way. He knew the thought had crossed his mind more than once about both of them, but now, faced with the question, he wasn't sure he could give them an answer.

"Err, ya mean, ya both want to sleep with me?" he asked nervously.

Well, Vin hadn't run screaming from the stable, good sign.

"We are just wonderin', if you would sleep with one of us, which would it be?" Buck asked as he moved up so that he was level with Chris.

Vin took an involuntary step back, finding himself back into the paling of a stall. "I.I hadn't really thought about it. Guys, I like ya both. I mean ya my friends." he blushed.

Both men felt a warm feeling in their groins as Vin's shyness sent volts of passion through their bodies.

Buck had an idea, "He's right ya know." he said nudging Chris with his elbow, "Vin ain't had a chance to see what he could be missing," he smiled at Chris. "The boy needs to have a taste, so he can make up his mind proper like."

"Good idea Buck," Chris agreed as they stepped closer to the blocked in younger man.

"A taste," Vin asked nervously as he looked around the room for an escape. "What ya mean-- a taste?"

Buck smiled as he looked at Vin, he reminded him of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. "Don't worry, Vin. We just want a fair and valued opinion that's all," Buck soothed he nodded to Chris. "You can do the honors," he bowed to his friend.

"Why thank you Buck," Chris said as he moved in closer to Vin.

"Whatcha ya doin' Chris?" Vin asked as he eyed his friends skeptically.

"Ya trust us, don'tcha Vin?" Chris asked as stepped closer until they were only a breath apart.

Vin's heart was pounding as waited, unsure at what his friends had planned for him. "Of course I do, its just, I don't know know...,"

"Don't worry Vin," Chris whispered as his hand caressed Vin's neck, before pulling the young man into a deep kiss.

Vin watched as the lips descended, coming ever closer until they laid claimed to his own. He had never been kissed with such passion in his life. It was if Chris was determined to suck the life out of him there and then. Without realizing Vin dissolved and began kiss back as he opened his mouth and let Larabee have free range of his mouth.

Buck watched Chris take their young friend with more passion than he had ever seen. Larabee was putting his heart and soul into that one kiss. He wondered if he should leave now, let Chris win Vin over, but as he watched the younger man respond to the kiss with such fervor he could not leave without tasting him for himself.

Chris eventually released Vin, allowing the gasping young man up for air as he reluctantly stepped back and with a sweep of his hand allowed Buck to step forward.

Vin was barely able to stand after Chris kiss and as he closed his eyes to gather his composure, he felt a smooth hand caress his face.

Buck felt the smooth skin of the young man under him. He so wanted to run his hands all over Vin, but he controlled himself and instead focused on the beautiful face. Gripping Vin's head with his hand's on each side of his face, Buck skim his lips over Vin's mouth. With a gentle nip and suck, Buck devoured the moist lips as one hand found its way to Vin's back, feeling the contours of the young muscled body under the shirt.

<Could kisses kill?>Vin wondered as he felt all his energy being sapped out of him with just a mere two kisses. When he felt Buck's hand caressing his back, his body reacted and pushed in toward the man holding him. <God, this feels so good> Just as he thought he would pass out from pleasure, Buck released his hold on him and Vin couldn't help but feel empty as Wilmington backed away.

Both men looked at each other stunned that one kiss from the young man in front of them had done so much to turn them both on.

"W-Well?" Buck croaked, before coughing, "Well, which one?"

Vin leaned back against the stall trying not only to catch his breath, but to control the appreciation that was tightening in his pants.

"Well?" Chris asked. It was taking all his control not to take Vin in his arms and ravage him and now on the spot.

Vin tried to sound as nonchalant as he could, even though his insides had turned to jelly, "Sorry pards, I still cain't say which one I would choose," he shrugged.

The two men looked at each other with a new resolve, they were going to get the answer no matter what it took. Chris followed Buck, and they both settled on the bed of hay, one on either side of Vin. Buck took one of Vin's nipples between his teeth, nipping and tugging while Chris moved down between Vin's legs, first licking, then taking Vin's erection into his mouth. Vin cried out, arching himself as he tried to get further into Chris' mouth.

Buck bent down to kiss Vin, muffling the faint moans of pleasure. When he finally released him, Vin lay groaning under Chris' administrations. Reaching down, Buck pinched Vin's nipples, causing him to arch up. The movement pulling him away from Chris', who looked up and smiled as he prepared Vin for what was to come.

Turning Vin over on to his all fours, and Chris was poised behind his eager young lover, about to enter him, as Buck caught his breath, watching.

"Is this what you want Vin? I won't do anything until you tell this is what you want," Chris asked, his hands on Vin's chest, pinching his nipples while he teased Vin by brushing the head of his cock against his entrance.

"I want ya both!" Vin pleaded.

"That can be arranged," Buck chuckled as he moved to settle in front Vin.

"What do you want?" Chris asked again as he prepared Vin with his fingers.

"I want ya to fuck me! Both of ya! Clear enough for ya?" Vin cried, needing to feel the attentions of both men.

Chris took him at his word pushed his harden shaft into Vin, immediately setting a hard, fast rhythm, but just as Vin seemed close to coming, Chris slowed down until his lover calmed and then started again.

Vin twisted madly under Chris, pushing his hips back at him, desperately trying to get all he could of his new lover.

Buck decided it was time to remind Vin there was someone else there, by fronting his engorged cock just out of reach of Vin's face. Vin eagerly opened his mouth to take Buck between his lips

"Please, Buck," Vin groaned.

Buck was happy to answer Vin's pleas and shuddered with pleasure as Vin began to suck intently on his cock. Vin was completely out of control, with Chris continuing to pump him from behind as he sucked on Buck.

"Oh God, Vin," Chris whispered in Vin's ear, "You are so good."

Vin moaned around Buck's cock, wondering why he hadn't thought of doing this before; what a waste. He pushed back against Chris, wanting to feel everything that he had to offer him. Vin drew Buck deeper into his mouth, sucking and licking until his new lover couldn't hold out any longer and spilt his seed into his avid mouth.

Buck collapsed sated to the hay as he watched Chris possessing Vin and found himself enjoying the look of ecstasy on both his friend's faces.

Chris continued to pump his hips, ramming in and out of the beautiful body under him. He ran his hands over the smooth chest, pinching lightly at the nipples.

Vin was moaning continuously, an occasional word mixed in as he pleaded with Chris to let him come as every nerve in his body was alive with pleasure.

"Chris please!" Vin whined.

Chris at last gave in to Vin's pleas, reaching under his young lover, he seized his cock and began pumping it in time with his thrusts. Vin moved in time with Chris' rhythm, pushing forward, then back onto his cock. It was suddenly too much for Vin and he came, screaming Chris' name. Vin 's orgasm squeezed around Chris and he come as well, and they both collapsed forward onto the hay, Chris still buried inside Vin.

As soon as he was able to breathe again, Chris, gently pulled out of his lover and laid beside him. Vin was barely able to move as first Buck leaned in and kissed him and then Chris followed suit.

"Well?" Buck as he laid back down on the hay.

"Well?" Vin sighed as he snuggled contentedly between his two lovers.

"Vin?" Chris frowned.

"Hell, never was one to make rash decisions. We might have to just give it another try. I mean," Vin's blue eyes flashed impishly, "this is important. Ya both so good, it's goin' to take a lot of time for me to pick just one of ya."

Buck and Chris' eyes made contact, both men smiling at the thought of the long days and nights ahead.


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