Disclaimer: Magnificent Seven does not belong to me and never will. This story is for enjoyment only.
Authors note: First time Chris and Vin. Thanks to Mog for creating the ATF universe. All spelling and grammar errors are mine. I am not an English teacher. This is for fun.
Feedback welcome, no flames. Thanks
Thanksgiving was over for another year. Chris Larabee sat on the sofa in his family room full of good food and enjoying the end of a good day.JD had already left to take Nettie home, and then he and Casey were going away for a long weekend. Nathan and Rain headed out. They were going out of state to Rains family. Much to Ezra's chagrin Josiah left taking Maude with him. The two had been thick as thieves all day. In fact it looked like Maude was looking at Josiah like he might be her next husband.
Vin was sitting in an easy chair half asleep. The young man had a slight cold and Nathan had made sure he had taken some medicine so it didn't get any worse. He was staying the long weekend at Chris's. Larabee needed help fixing some of the fence around the corral. Since Vin loved the ranch work and the horses he quickly volunteered to help his boss out. However he had been told that was only if his cold didn't get worse. Vin had vowed he would take the medicine and get plenty of rest. He loved to stay out at the ranch. The great outdoors had always appealed to him. Besides Vin had secretly been in love with the blond ATF leader for several months. This gave him the perfect opportunity to be close to the man.
What Vin didn't know was that Chris was in love with him and had been for quite some time. The blond was just to scared to say anything. For one thing he was Vin's boss and he didn't want to do anything that would ruin their close friendship.
However, tonight the two men were going to be brought together. Ezra and Buck had been in a close intimate relationship for over a year. The rest of the team was aware of it and had no problems with the two men living together and loving each other. Since Buck was so happy he had convinced his partner that they needed to get Vin and Chris together. The two men had been dancing around each other for quite some time.
Vin had been with the team for about six months when he admitted that he was gay. After watching Ez and Buck so happy together and getting no flack from the team he felt safe to admit his sexual preference. When Vin had divulged his secret Buck had been watching his old friend. Chris had covered his reaction well, but Buck knew his old friend. The information about Vin had definitely got the blondes attention. Buck had already noticed how Chris and Vin seemed to be so in tune with each other. When one was hurt the other one tended to hover around the injured one. The one time an old ranger buddy of Vin's had shown up Chris had definitely been jealous. Didn't matter that the guy was married with two kids, he was taking up Vin's attention, attention that Chris preferred directed at himself even if it was platonic.
I wasn't like the blond didn't know how to please a man after all he had pleased Buck on many occasions. Granted that had been years ago, but Buck knew that Chris could and would swing both ways.
As Chris rose to his feet and wandered into the kitchen Buck raised his eyebrow at Ez. It was time to put their plan into motion. A plan they had formulated just thirty minutes earlier.
Buck followed Chris into the kitchen as Ez approached Vin. Ez had noticed that Vin was wearing an old pair of Larabee's sweats that were too large for him. In fact during the course of the evening Josiah had teased the younger man about all the skin he was flashing as the pants rode low on his slender hips.
With a muttered curse, his cheeks bright red Vin would flash his friend a dirty look and pull them back up.
While everyone just laughed Buck noticed Chris avidly studying the slim form of his best friend.
While Buck got Chris talking about his feelings for the sharpshooter, Ez roused the young man up. The undercover agent saw Vin's reaction as he overheard Buck tell his old friend to tell Vin he loved him. Ez also saw Vin blush when he heard Chris hiss that he would not lose Vin's friendship by making a move on him that was not going to be well received.
"Seems to me, Vin that our illustrious leader has a big soft spot where you are concerned. He is just afraid to lose you should you not reciprocate the feelings. We both know you do return those feelings."
Vin's blue eyes flashed at his friend.
"Not telling Chris I love him. Don't want to force his hand."
Buck and Chris walking back into the family room overheard the sharpshooter's comments.
At Chris's gasp of surprise, Vin groaned in embarrassment.
The slim man got to his feet. Ez being the helpful friend put his hand at Vin's waist to steady him. Of course the nimble fingers loosened the drawstring of the sweat pants.
Chris hurried forward clearly intent on stopping Vin from hiding in the bedroom or worse leaving the ranch.
As Vin moved away from the chair Ez moved up behind him stepping on the to long pant leg. The loosened sweat pants then slid down the hips and long legs leaving Vin half-nude.
As Vin stumbled over the sweats Chris reached out and grabbed his arm. With Vin still tangled in his sweats the blond pulled his friend close trying to prevent him from falling to the floor.
Both men froze. As Chris had gripped the sharpshooter he had inadvertently placed his hand on a bare ass cheek. The sensation of skin on skin burned through both men.
Chris just shut his eyes and tugged Vin closer not removing the hand. Vin for his part just sighed and rested his forehead on Chris's shoulder.
Chris heard the soft drawl whisper by his ear.
"I am so fucking embarrassed."
Chris's eyes flashed open as he felt a hand on his wrist. Ez was standing there with an afghan off the back of the sofa in his hand. Chris wrapped it around Vin's waist not letting the young man move out of his arms.
Buck couldn't help teasing a bit. He was just so damn happy to see his two friends in each other's arms. Chris was already in full mother hen protecting mode. Just needed a little nudge.
"Looking mighty fine, Junior. Mighty fine. No wonder you got all those women and men sighing when you bend over."
"BUCK, quit embarrassing him. Furthermore as of this minute no one better be looking at his ass. I don't share what belongs to me and I've decided that Vin belongs to me."
Vin raised his head up and stared at Chris intently. He must have liked what he saw in the green eyes because he smiled.
"Just to let you know, cowboy it goes two ways."
Chris left his hand on afghan that was covering the mighty fine ass as Buck called it. The other hand he brought up and cupped Vin's red cheek.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, babe."
As Chris leaned forward he watched Vin's long eyelashes drift shut. Very gently Chris pressed his lips against Vin's loving the feel of the petal soft lips parting and allowing his tongue to delve inside.
If it were possible Chris pulled Vin in even closer to his body.
As their first kiss ended Vin wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist and held on burying his face in the broad shoulder.
Chris looked at his two friends over Vin's shoulder. They both had self-satisfied smirks on their faces. After attempting to glare them into submission he finally just smiled then mouthed 'thank you'. Getting a two-fingered salute from Ez and a broad smile from Buck Chris buried his face in Vin's hair exulting in the scent of the man he loved.
The feared leader of Team 7 did not even notice when Ez and Buck left the house on their way to find there own sweet loving.
Somehow the two men found themselves sprawled on the sofa. Mouths, tongues, fingers and hands were everywhere.
Their frenzied touching slowed down. Chris pulled Vin's arms over his head.
Staring into the glazed blue eyes, Chris ordered, "Leave them there, babe."
Vin was so far-gone in the incredible sensations of having Chris love him he just nodded his head. His body felt like it was on fire.
Chris then began to kiss and lick his way down the perfect body. He paid attention to the neck as he made sure he left a mark on the smooth skin. A feeling of possessiveness washed over him.
Vin moaned and wiggled as Chris began to suckle and nip at the nipples.
As Chris finally reached the red wet cock he paused. He put one of Vin's feet on the floor, the other one he rested on the back of the sofa. Now he had an unobstructed view of his lovers puckered hole, his ultimate goal.
Chris lay down between the long legs and sucked the cock into his mouth enjoying the yell that escaped Vin's mouth.
The blond gave a long lick from the root to the cockhead then raised the slim hips higher. Taking a deep breath he didn't think he would ever get enough of Vin's scent. It was like the wild outdoors, mountains and rolling streams. It was all Vin, his soul and now his lover.
Chris began to lick at the puckered hole. As the hole relaxed he pushed his tongue inside. By now Vin was whimpering and writhing on the sofa.
Glancing around frantically, Chris smiled when he saw the lube on the table. Thank God for Ez and Buck, they must have left it before they took off.
Putting lube on his fingers he began to work at loosening Vin up even more. He sure as hell didn't want to hurt his love.
As he finger fucked the sweet ass, his mouth and tongue brought Vin to climax. Chris made sure to swallow every drop of the sweet essence of Vin. The scream from Vin's mouth was dying away as Chris slicked his cock up. Raising the hip slightly he slid inside the furnace that was his lovers ass in one move.
As he felt Vin tense slightly he paused and didn't move until the younger man nodded at him.
What followed was a smooth even rhythm. The long deep strokes had Vin panting. Chris smiled as he saw Vin's cock harden again as the cock in his ass was stimulating his prostate.
Chris held his own pleasure back until Vin screamed again his hot juices spilling out onto his stomach.
As Vin's ass muscles tightened Chris felt his cock being milked dry as he shot his seed deep inside his lover's body.
Chris pulled out and shifted until he was lying on his back with Vin tucked on top of him.
Pulling the afghan over them both knowing that Vin got cold easily Chris wrapped his arms around the warm body nestled so close to his.
Vin wiggled a little then slid his knee between Larabee's legs.
Chris dropped a kiss on the tousled head as he gently stroked down the slim back.
After several minutes of peace and quiet, Chris said, "Need to get up and take us a quick shower or we're liable to be stuck to each other.'
Vin crossed his arms over Chris's chest and rested his chin on them. Now he was looking directly into the vivid green eyes of his boss and lover.
"Wouldn't be a bad a way to end up, cowboy," Vin drawled his blue eyes glinting.
"True, but just think of what the guys would think if they found us like that.'
"Buck and Ez would just laugh and try to copy us. Josiah would come up with a story to go with the situation, JD would turn red and mumble under his breath and Nathan would complain that now he had to try to figure out a way to unstuck us without causing injury."
"Yeah, you're right. That is exactly how they would react. Personally though I think a nice hot shower and then a nice soft comfortable bed all snuggled up with each other sounds like heaven."
Vin cocked his head to one side contemplating the blonde's logic.
"Sounds real good, especially if I get to rub your back."
"You can rub anything you want, babe, anything at all."
As the two men climbed to their feet, their lips met for a long satisfying breath stealing kiss.
Looking deep into each other's eyes both men said, "I love you cowboy," at the same time.
Laughing in pure joy they headed for the shower. It was several hours before they actually got use that bed just for snuggling. After all beds are good for other things than just sleep.
The End
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