ATF Universe
Disclaimer: Wish I did, but I don't. Trilogy Entertainment, The Mirisch Group, MGM Worldwide, CBS and TNN all have that priviledge.
Comments:Okay, this is my first attempt at this. I don't mind criticism, just make it constructive.
Ringing. He heard ringing. Was that the phone? His hand flayed about trying to find the receiver, finally grabbing it as it fell off its hook toward the floor." Yeah? H'llo? H'llo?" He spoke into the earpiece, Oh. He turned the phone around to its correct position. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Hell-" It rang again. In his ear. The phone. The phone ringing in his ear? Wait a minute. No. Not the phone.
Ring. Ring. RIIIING.
What the hell? He looked around.
Doorbell? Geeze, no one ever knocked, his door was always unlocked, most just gave a quick rap, then entered,
He didn't even realize he had a doorbell. Who would ever use his doorbell? Had he always had a doorbell?
"Okay, Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming." He slid off the sofa, pulling his pants back up as he hurried to the door. He rubbed a hand over tired eyes, reaching for the knob and wondering who the hell this could be ringing his previously non-existent doorbell at this hour.
What the hell time was it, anyway, two, three in the morning?
"Who th'hell are ya and what th'hell d'ya want at this ho-", he stopped mid-sentence as he pulled open his front door. His jaw dropped, his stomach lurched and he felt the hair on his neck rise in fear.
Vin Tanner was staring face to face with the devil.
And the devil was grinning.
"Trick or Treat, Vin"
The federal offices of the ATF had been enjoying a very satisfying friday mor ning. The members of Team 7 had finally put to bed one of the most convoluted cases they had worked in some time, and all were breathing easier."I think we all deserve the rest of the day off." Buck Wilmington was literally bouncing on his desk. "Shit, Chris, it's Halloween, its 1:30 and we ain't starting anything 'til Monday, let's go grab a beer before going to the Center. Let's go, let's go, let's go."
"Yeah, Chris. Paperwork's done, ain't it?" Vin Tanner was anxious to get started on his Halloween plans for the evening. Every year the children in his neighborhood were treated to a Halloween party at the local community center, and this was his first time directing the festivities. He felt relieved when most of the others had agreed to help, he'd already told the center they would.
"Yeah, for all of you. Paperwork's just beginning for me. I've got a whole new stack of forms to tackle before I'm through. Vin, I'm afraid I won't be making it to the party anywhere near on time. Plus, I have a dinner meeting with several of the directors and I know that's going to run fairly late, I'm sorry."
"S'okay Chris. There'll be plenty of help, I'd kinda like t'get a move on, though, if it's okay..."
"Yeah, why don't you all get going, have a good Halloween and all." Chris smiled as he watched each of his team members make no hesitation about leaving him stranded with paperwork. They'd all worked hard and deserved to cut out early. He started back to his office when he heard the raspy drawl.
"Sorry you're gonna miss this, the kids are gonna have a great time. They'll miss ya not bein' there."
"I know Vin. And I am sorry. The forms could probably wait but this dinner is a must, even if it is on Halloween. If I can, I'll come but..."
"Don't sweat it, Chris. I'm not. Thanks for the offer of help, though, I really do 'preciate it. I...uh guess I'll go on now, don't want Buck drinking all the beer 'fore I get any m'self. 'Member, if ya do show up, you're s'posed to be in costume. Got one?"
"Yeah, I did have something in mind. If I make it to the party, you'll see it. If I don't well, I guess there's always next year."
"Right. See ya"
Lunch and several beers each later saw the remaining members of Team 7 happily finishing the final touches of the soon-to-be successful Halloween party."Looks great, Vin. Y'done good, kid." Buck stepped back, admiring the transformed room. Halloween decorations, food and music were all in place. Now all that was needed were the children.
"Yeah, it does, don't it," Vin was pleased it had turned out so well, so far. He and the others just needed to change into their costumes for the evening and then await the arrival of the kids and their families. "I guess we oughta go home and change, let's meet back around 6:30, that'll give us all a half hour 'fore the kids arrive. I'll let the center staff know we'll be back in a little bit."
At seven o'clock the party started and an hour later it was in full swing. Thirty or so children plus their families, all from the neighborhood, were enjoying themselves to the fullest. As were the six ATF agents. Each had dressed in costume. Nathan and Josiah had laughed when Buck and JD arrived, both dressed like members of the old sixties 'Star Trek' television show.
"I know, I know." JD was frustrated. "Buck was supposed to have bought the new show uniforms, but, oh no, he buys the Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock ones. We look almost as bad as they did wearing these."
"Now kid, speak for yourself, ain't nothin' I could wear make me look bad. Hell, I look my best wearing nothing." Buck grinned, smoothing his shirt.
"Oh, thank you for sharing that most vivid picture. Now I will be suffering from nightmares." Ezra Standish was trying to reach around Josiah's trident to get to the punch. "Good Lord, will you move that thing before someone impales themselves on it?"
"Sorry brother Ezra, even mighty Neptune, King of the S-"
"King? I thought you were mighty Chicken of the Sea, Josiah"
"Y'now Buck, JD's right, William Shatner did look better'n you do in that polyester..."
"Whoa now, Josiah, let's not exaggerate or nothin'. Why, looky here, I think I spy a cowboy finally coming to say hey. Geeze, Junior, where ya been? We all been standin' 'round waitin' t'congratulate you on such a nice party."
"Thanks, Buck. Yeah, it did turn out good, huh? The kids really seem t'be enjoyin' all of it."
"Forgive me if I'm incorrect, Mr. Tanner, but if memory serves, were you not attired in that same ensemble during last year's Halloween festivities? I don't think my retinas have yet healed from last year's parading about in that horrendous shirt and now here it has resurfaced to inflict more damage."
"What, you don't like my shirt? What's wrong with it? It's a cowboy shirt."
"Precisely, Mr. Tanner. You were a cowboy last year. You are once again, a cowboy, And, quite frankly, you remain, to some degree, a cowboy on a day-to-day basis. What is the point of masquerade if one comes as oneself?"
"Oh hell, Ezra, leave the boy alone, 'Least we know what he's s'posed to be, what is that get-up you got on, anyway?" Buck squinted, cocking his head to one side as he awaited an answer.
"I am, of course, the Phantom of the Opera, You'd know if you'd ever partake of some of the more refined entertainment offered by our fair city, instead of those all-you-can-eat buffet and striptease night-"
"Wait a minute," Nathan had to get in on this. "Ezra, didn't the Phantom wear a mask to hide a facial disfigurement? You ain't wearing no mask, and I sure don't see no disfigurement. Rain and I went to see this show last year, I know he wears a mask, so where's yours?"
"Oh, I have the mask right here," He pulled out a small, triangular shaped white mask.
"Then why not wear it?" JD was still sulking over having to wear the wrong costume. Leave it to Buck.
"theadhesivesgivingmearash" Ezra mumbled, reaching to refill his punch glass.
"What? I didn't catch that?"
"I said, theadhesivesgivingmearash."
"What's giving you gas?"
"NO, not gas. Rash. I said the adhesive's giving me a rash. I'm breaking out. With...with...with, y'now... pimples."
"Zits? You got zits? Geeze, Ezra, even the kid here don't get zits, do ya kid? Lemme see, I don't see any zits, Ez. Here, Nathan, take a look, maybe one o'the kids here'll have some acne cream on him."
"Good Lord, can we please find another topic to discuss besides my current facial blemishes?" Ezra pulled out of the firm grasp Buck had taken around his upper arm. "Besides, your manhandling is making me spill punch all over King Chicken's robe."
"Neptune. King Neptune. King of the Sea."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Josiah: King of Something."
"Y'now, I can break all o'y'alls backs and y'now I'm the-"
"Yeah, yeah, we know. You're just the King to do it."
"And don't you forget it." Josiah chuckled, refilling his punch glass. He was on at least his fifth glass of the sweet grape liquid. Which was a little surprising, considering he didn't have much of a sweet tooth and he really didn't care much for grape anything.
"Hey, Vin, what's in this bug juice, anyway. I can't seem to get enough. It really is pretty good."
"Don't know, ask Buck, he made it. But I know what ya mean, I think I've had seven or eight glasses m'self."
All heads turned to Buck. They all had been drinking the punch since their arrival, all finding the urge to refill over and over. This was no ordinary bug juice.
"Well, let's just say it's an old family recipe." Buck smiled, then winked at his teammates.
"What kinda recipe?" JD wanted to know what he'd been consuming for well over two hours. "Am I gonna end up in the emergency room 'cause o'this?" He definitely wanted to know. He now thought he could feel the slightest fever developing under his skin. The more he thought, the hotter he seemed to be getting. A fine sweat started breaking out on his upper lip and brow. Jesus. What the hell'd Buck do, poison them all? God, Buck, what did you put in the punch? He was inwardly screaming. He had to know. Now.
"You ain't lettin' any o'the kids drink this?" Vin was seething at the idea of Buck spiking the punch at a kids Halloween party. He was feeling decidedly warm, though, and that wasn't so bad. Hmmm, not bad punch,
"No, no, no, This here's strictly been for adults only. The kids have drinks over there. See, I even put a sign here, I can't believe y'all'd think I'd give this to kids. What kind of person d'ya think I am?"
"No, I don't wanna know. Here, let's all have a refill."
"I notice you ain't been drinking any of it."
"Well, someone's gotta be designated driver, y'now. So y'all go on, have some fun. 'Specially you, Vin. You worked real hard to do this party, now sit back and enjoy it.
"Okay, but what'd ya spike this with? I can't taste any liquor."
"I can't taste much of anything."
"Me, neither. Buck you've ruined us."
"Naah, just made ya more relaxed. It's just an old frat house recipe, a little grain, a little tequila, a little o'this, little o'that, and magic. Tastes just like grape kool-ade."
"That's magic? Turning grape kool-ade into loaded grape kool-ade?"
"I'd rather have a vodka martini."
"Oh, well. too late. Happy Halloween."
By midnight, the party had ended. Most of the children and their families had wandered home before eleven, the remaining adults surrounding Buck's punch bowl finally departing when it remained empty, Volunteers from the nearby church were coming to clean in the morning, so Buck rounded the members of Team 7 up and into his SUV."Good thing, you can still walk, Vin. I'd never get one more body in this vehicle."
"Yeah, Buck. I can see that. I'm feeling fine, I'll see y'all later. Drive carefully."
Vin waved at his departing friends from the door of the center. He thanked the remaining staff members for their help, then slowly made his way down the street toward his apartment. He'd been real pleased with the way the evening had turned out. The neighborhood families had really loved the party. His teammates seemed to have had a great time, with a little help from Buck's special concoction, true, but all-in-all, it seem everyone had enjoyed themselves. He smiled, and tiredly made his way home.
He entered his apartment, throwing his jacket onto the hook by the door, then flopped down on the sofa. He was so tired. The walk home, instead of being invigorating, just seemed to have drained him of any remaining energy. He felt exhausted, yet in a pleasant way.
He replayed in his head, several moments from the party. He unbuttoned his shirt and the fly on his jeans to get more comfortable, but had no strength to undress fully. His bedroom seemed miles away and he settled deeper into the sofa with no thoughts of moving. His only regret of the evening was that Chris hadn't made it to the party. If he had arrived, the night would have been perfect.
His thoughts wandered back to Chris. He wondered what the man was doing now. Sleeping, probably, He could picture the team leader perfectly. Short blond hair. Strong jawline, firm lips, prone to scowling when displeased, yet when they formed a smile....He thought about the last few months, thought about his ever-evolving relationship with this man. Theirs was a deep friendship, more like brotherhood, there had always been that connection, right from day one. Now, there was more.
Vin grinned shyly to himself when he recalled their first foray into this new area together only several weeks ago. It hadn't been easy for either of them, and certainly hadn't been expected. Events had unfolded and the next thing he knew he'd wound up in bed with his boss. And if that wasn't bad enough, his boss was his best friend. And, oh yeah, one other small detail, his boss was a man.
He shook his head, 'God, if the others ever knew.' Actually, he wondered if Buck didn't already have a suspicion, having been Chris's closest friend for years. But he would never ask Buck if he suspected, and he was fairly sure Buck would never approach him about it. Besides, Chris and he would deal with any situation should there be the need, but so far there hadn't been any indication that their work relationship had changed. Things were and would remain the same. They were still two individual parts of a stronger unit, they would never compromise the team. The team, what a great family he'd fallen into. His thoughts returned to the evening's events. 'Ahh Chris, I wish you'd been there tonight.' He was smiling as his eyelids grew heavier. In a matter of moments, he was asleep.
Ringing. He heard ringing. Was that the phone? His hand flayed about trying to find the receiver. finallly grabbing it as it fell off its hook toward the floor." Yeah? H'llo? H'llo?" He spoke into the earpiece, Oh. He turned the phone around to its correct position. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Hell-" It rang again. In his ear. The phone. The phone ringing in his ear? Wait a minute. No. Not the phone.
Ring. Ring. RIIIING.
What the hell? He looked around.
Doorbell? Geeze, no one ever knocked, his door was always unlocked, most just gave a quick rap, then entered,
He didn't even realize he had a doorbell. Who would ever use his doorbell? Had he always had a doorbell?
"Okay, Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming." He slid off the sofa, pulling his pants back up as he hurried to the door. He rubbed a hand over tired eyes, reaching for the knob and wondering who the hell this could be ringing his previously non-existent doorbell at this hour.
What the hell time was it, anyway, two, three in the morning?
"Who th'hell are ya and what th'hell d'ya want at this ho-", he stopped mid-sentence as he pulled open his front door. His jaw dropped, his stomach lurched and he felt the hair on his neck rise in fear.
Vin Tanner was staring face to face with the devil.
And the devil was grinning.
"Trick or Treat, Vin"
Vin was speechless. "Uhhhh"
"Come now, don't you have a treat for me?" The devil winked at him.
'God', he thought, 'Well, no, it's the Devil, but still... I musta had waaay too much o'Buck's punch.'
"Treat?" he said aloud. The devil had pushed him backwards into his apartment. Vin just backed up until he felt the arm of the sofa against his thighs. He was staring, jaw agape, at the red face in front of him.
"Better close that thing, Vin, you're gonna attract flies."
The devil was smirking at him. Smirking. Grinning, He knew that grin. Hey, wait a minute. He was just about to say the name aloud when he was pushed back onto the sofa. A warm, wet tongue plunged deeply into his mouth, effectively silencing him. His mind started to reel and his body soon followed. He wrapped his hands around the smooth red skull, peeling back the tight fitting headpiece.
"Shit, Chris. Y'nearly gave me a coronary here." He smiled up into green eyes smiling down on him.
"Good thing I know CPR, then, huh?" A hand snaked its way into his shirt, lightly dancing over sensitive skin.
"Hell, I thought you was a figment caused by Buck's wicked punch. Was a little afraid I's gonna start seein' pink elephants, too. I can't believe your costume, I sure wish you'd a come to the par-"
"Y'now, Vin, It's customary to give out a treat to persons coming to your door on Halloween. I'm still waiting for mine. Hmmm? Treat?"
"Yeah, well, it's said 'Trick OR Treat', so gimme a trick first. Then ya get your treat." Vin laughed, he was thrilled just to have Chris here, looking like the devil or not.
"Oh, you want a trick? I think that can be arranged." Chris stood up, eyes locked on Vin's, reached down and in less than a blink, slid Vin's pants off his body and onto the floor.
"Oh, God, good trick." How'd he do that?
"No, Vin, it's 'oh Devil.' Now, where's my treat? Ahh, here it is,"
Chris grinned, eyeing Vin's hardening member. He wrapped one hand around the base and leaned down to fold his tongue around the head. Vin moaned as he felt the soft warmth enveloping him.
Chris rolled his tongue around and around, then slid the hardened organ deeply into his mouth. Up and down, around and around, he swirled his tongue, then sucked firmly onto the flesh, creating a slow, rhythmic pattern. His other hand he placed firmly on Vin's abdomen, just below the navel. He could feel the younger man's muscles tense, could feel the body beneath his hand reacting to his slow ministrations. He slid a hand down the inner thigh, slowly and deliberately stroking the flesh there, then slid further down and cupped the soft sac with a firm, yet gentle touch.
Vin was breathing heavily through his mouth, emitting small moans of pleasure. His body felt alive and he hoped this all wasn't just some delicious dream brought on by too much to drink. He reached out and felt firm shoulders beneath his fingers. Good, not a dream.
The rhythm playing at his groin increased and he shut his eyes firmly, letting all his senses concentrate on the pleasure they were receiving. His slender fingers clenched and unclenched as he felt himself approaching climax. Suddenly, a firm finger pushed between his buttocks, gently entering the opening within. He gasped, then moaned as he felt another join the first, both softly turning, easing into the tightened area. He felt the warm body above him slide onto his chest, skin embraced by skin, and he felt first the warm breath at his ear before the words were spoken.
"Relax, Vin. Relax. I've got it all under control. Keep your eyes closed. Enjoy this."
Vin smiled, 'Yep, Sure sounds like Chris.' He relaxed into the voice, letting his body respond freely to the caressing hands and lips. "Didn't know the Devil was allowed in heaven."
"Shhhh", came the response. The kneading fingers withdrew, replaced by tremendous warmth, fully filling him. Vin gasped again, slight pain at the onset, then fading to an arousing heat as Chris gently moved within him. The slight movements quickened, becoming full rocking in a matter of moments, and Vin arched his neck as pleasure intensified. Lips skimmed his throat then slid lower, leaving a moist trail down his torso. A strong hand wrapped around his hard shaft, pumping firmly and color patterns danced before his closed eyes. He stiffened again, then came quickly when he felt teeth graze over an erect nipple. He growled softly, his body shuddered, and he felt his own release as it erupted. Chris's orgasm followed and Vin felt the liquid heat fill him, felt his muscles relax as the fullness within him eased.
"Better'n candy?" he whispered as he lay in his lover's arms.
"Oh, yeah. Oh yeah," came the quiet response.
"Y'now, I'm sure glad y'showed up, but y'oughta be glad I didn't jus' shoot first. Mind tellin' me what possessed you t'appear this time o'night?"
"Yeah, well, the Devil got in me. Now shut up and go to sleep."
Vin smiled. "Yeah, well, guess the Devil got in me too."
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