WARNING: This story implies a scenario which some readers may find offensive. Proceed only if you understand this, and please do not flame the author or the owner of this website if it contains material with which you are not comfortable.
ATF Alternate Universe
October 8, 1999
Rated NC-17 - If you ain't of age, then y'all better git!
Author's note - Thanks to mog for the use of the ATF sandbox!
"Come on, JD! Hurry!" Buck whispered harshly. "We've only got a half an hour before the cleaners get in here!""Tell me again why we're doing this, Buck?" the younger ATF agent responded, watching out for the night cleaning staff as Buck jimmied the lock.
"Because it's tradition, JD," the older man replied. "I always rig up something in Chris's office on April Fools' Day," he added, finally getting the door to their boss's office unlocked.
"And because it's tradition, won't Chris be expecting that you'll have booby-trapped his office, like he always does?" JD said with a sigh.
"Yeah, but this year its gonna be different," Buck replied with a grin.
"That's what you say every year, Buck," the young agent muttered.
JD kept an eye on the door and an ear out toward the office as he watched Buck set up some little tricks and traps throughout Chris's office.
"Don't you dare mess with his cowboy hat, Buck!" JD hissed, following Buck head in the direction of the brass coat rack in the corner. "I don't want no part of that!"
Buck was about to reply when they heard the distinctive 'ding' of the elevator out in the hall. Then they heard Chris's voice.
"You sure you don't mind coming up here?"
"Shit!" Buck whispered, looking around the office desperately.
He grabbed JD and shoved him into the closet, following him in and shutting the door as quietly as he could. He could tell the younger man was glaring at him, even without the advantage of light in the small closet.
"What's he doing here so late?" JD whispered. "What are we gonna do, now?"
"We're gonna keep real quiet and wait 'til he leaves," Buck retorted, putting his hand over JD's mouth.
"You look so hot tonight. Those jeans look like they were painted right on you."
JD's eyes bugged out at the words that came out of his boss's mouth. He felt Buck's hand touch his chin as it pushed up on his open mouth.
"Told ya that was Mary's car we saw," Buck whispered.
"Right here? On the desk? You are horny tonight, aren't you?"
"Oh, shit, Buck!" JD swore, squirming. "What are we gonna do?"
"Like I said, we're gonna be real quiet like and enjoy the show, JD," Buck replied with a grin, hushing his young friend.
Buck heard the distinctive sound of zippers unzipping and stifled the giggle he felt coming.
"Oh, yeah. That feels so good. Yeah, suck me hard."
"'Bout time the boy got some again," Buck whispered, only to get an elbow from JD.
"God, I need to be inside you. Bend over the desk. Yeah, that's it. Such a sweet ass."
"I can't believe we're in this closet listening to this," JD lamented.
"Open up for me, baby. Yeah, that's it. Open wide."
"Oh, man, she must be hot!" Buck gasped.
"Oooohhh! You're so hot! So tight!"
"Shit, shit, shit," JD whispered over and over.
"Oh, you feel so good! Oh, yeah. You want it harder?"
"Damn!" Buck gasped, feeling his pants get tight, his hips starting to squirm.
JD covered his ears. He did not want to be there. In a closet with Buck, the voyeur. Listening to his boss having skin slapping sex on his desk. How could it get any worse?
"I'm coming! Oh, God, yeah!"
"Oh, God, yeah," Buck chuckled, elbowing JD. "Can't get any better than this."
"VIN???" the two men in the closet questioned simultaneously.
The two sat there in shock for several minutes, barely hearing the zippers being rezipped, the desktop being rearranged. They yelped in surprise when the closet door opened, sending the two eavesdropping agents tumbling out of the closet onto the floor of the office. They looked up to see Chris and Vin standing side by side, grinning.
"April Fools, Buck!" Chris shouted.
Author's note - Now YOU decide what really happened!
Continued in Tumbling Out, Too