Authors Note: This story was done as a reward for participation in a group activity on our list. Everyone who participated was rewarded with a kiss fic in their name, with the Mag 7 character of his or her choice. The person who is the object of this fic has given her permission for the fic to be posted on an open site. This one was written for Rick (JensenRick). Thanks, for allowing me to post it, Rick.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. They are the property of MGM, Mirisch, and Trilogy Entertainment; however, if they ever come up for sale, I will be in the front row at the auction.
Feedback: Feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated, but no flames please.
Rick sat and watched Vin ride out of town. The day had turned into a real scorcher, and he had a pretty good idea where the tracker was headed. He had seen him disappear on days when the heat was so intense that simply walking across a room left you dizzy and drenched in sweat. Today was one of those days. The shopkeeper debated on closing the shop for the afternoon. He doubted he would have any business until it started to cool off at sundown.Sweat trickled down Rick's neck and under the collar of his shirt. That made his mind up for him, as he ran his fingers through his short brown hair. It was too damn hot, and he had seen Tanner riding back into town looking energized instead of wilted like the rest of the town's folk. He got up and put the closed sign in the window then locked the door.
Even the ride out of town was slightly cooler than sitting back at the shop. The air stirred slightly around him as the horse carried him toward his destination. Rick rode on past the pond where many of the town's youngsters and a few of the adults had gathered to try to cool off. A couple miles farther and he turned his mount off the road toward a distant copse of trees. It took several minutes to reach the shade beneath the branches, and the drop in temperature was welcomed with a deep sigh. Deep into the wooded area, he finally saw Peso happily munching on a patch of grass. Rick smiled to himself. He had known that Vin would come here instead of the pond nearer to town.
Rick left his horse with Peso and quietly walked toward the sound of rippling water. When he reached the edge of the small stream-fed pond he stopped in the shadow of a large tree. Vin was swimming lazily in the middle of the pond. Water dripped off his hair and ran down his face as he raised his head from the water. The shopkeeper watched in fascination as Tanner's lean form skimmed slowly across the surface. He knew he couldn't just stand here and stare. With a little effort, Rich found his voice and spoke up in a cheerful voice. "Are you planning to keep this place all to yourself?" he asked good-naturedly.
Vin started at the sound of the other man's voice, and he turned to see who had spoken. He smiled when he saw it was Rick. "Nah . I think there might be room fer two. How did ya find me here?" he asked in curiosity.
"I found this place by accident one day. I thought I would take a swim to cool off, but I didn't want to go down to the pond with all the kids there. I decided to ride a little farther and come out here." Rick tried to make it sound as if he had come across Vin by accident.
"Ah . I thought ya might've been following me," the tracker said with a sly grin. "Well, are ya gonna to stand there all day, or are ya gonna swim?"
The shopkeeper didn't need a second invitation. He quickly stripped to his underwear and then glanced shyly at Vin. Just at that moment Tanner kicked hard and ducked under the water, allowing a brief glimpse of his bare backside. Rick blushed slightly, but slid out of his own undergarments and eased into the cool water. It felt like a little bit of heaven to have the cool liquid swirl around his overheated body. Suddenly, without any warning, he felt something grab his ankles. The next thing he knew he was pushing himself up out of the water, gasping for air.
Vin surfaced a few feet away. The broad grin on his face and the gleam in his eyes made Rick's heart skip a beat. He had dreamed of getting the tracker off somewhere alone, and now that it was a reality, he didn't know if he could keep from making a mistake and letting his feelings for the younger man become known. He swallowed hard, turned to Vin with a grin on his face, and exclaimed. "You know, this means war!"
Tanner watched as the shopkeeper disappeared under the water. He kicked, trying to put some distance between them, but it was too late. Rick surfaced just in time to see the tracker burst up out of the water with a loud whoop as he surged upward. The war was on.
Several dunkings later, Rick found himself backed up against a large stone that protruded out into water that was nearly chest deep. He looked around, but there was nowhere he could go to get away.
Tanner moved in for the kill, but when he placed his hands on Rick's shoulders to force him under the water, he paused. He had caught a glimpse of something in the older man's vivid blue eyes. He hoped what he saw was real, but he wasn't sure. There was only one way to find out. He summoned his courage and leaned in to press his lips to Rick's.
The shopkeeper's heart pounded wildly in his chest as he felt the touch of the younger man's mouth on his. Gently, he began to respond to the pressure of the soft lips as the lightly massaged his own. All too soon the contact was broken, leaving Rick longing for the return its warmth.
"I have wanted to do that for a long time," Vin said softly, as he watched Rick intently.
Rick raised his eyes to meet the gaze of the man he loved. "So have I," he responded breathlessly.
Tanner smiled and allowed his hands to slide over the light sprinkling of hair on the chest of his secret love. His fingers traced the muscles of the older man's solid chest as they traveled upward to snake up around his neck. He laced his fingers into the dark hair and pulled Rick to him. Again he pressed his lips to the other man's, but this time he didn't hold back. His desire and his need could not be denied. He took the kiss deeper, hungrily crushing his mouth to Rick's, who moaned softly as his own desires flared. His lips parted, allowing access to Vin's questing tongue. Their tongues danced together as they each tried desperately to taste all of the other's mouth. The two men clung to each other when the kiss ended, both breathing heavily and wanting more. "We've wasted too much time, pretendin' not to notice each other," Tanner sighed into lover's ear.
"Way too much time," Rick agreed.
"Then I say let's make up for lost time," Vin said with a seductive smile, and he pressed himself against Rick as he captured his lips for another kiss.
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