Disclaimer: Magnificent Seven does not belong to me and never will. This story is for enjoyment only.
Author's Note: Thanks to Mog for creating the ATF universe. All spelling and grammar errors are mine. I am not an English teacher. This is for fun.
Warning: Vin is a little more needy in this story. Buck is not a nice guy at the beginning.
The six men sat in the hospital waiting room. The seventh member of their team, the youngest had been injured and they were anxiously waiting to see how he was doing.Josiah and Nathan sat together whispering furiously to each other. Every now and then they cast worried glances at the teams sharpshooter.
Ezra was playing Solitaire trying to keep his mind off the fact that another friend had been injured. He wasnt sure what had happened but he knew that Vin was not to blame. The younger man was to good at his job and to protective of his teammates to do anything to put JD in danger. It would be nice if Mr. Wilmington used his head and thought for a second instead of going off the deep end because his surrogate little brother was hurt.
Buck and Chris were standing in the corner arguing furiously. Chris was making sure he stood directly in front of Buck.
Damn it, Chris. JD is hurt and its Tanners fault. Im tired of you protecting his ass. Oh I forgot its his ass youre so interested in, Buck hissed. The big man was so mad his face was red.
Chris had never seen Buck so angry. He had known that Buck had not cared for Vin since the young man had joined the team six months ago. At first the blond had thought it was because Buck felt threatened by the close friendship that had sprung up between Chris and the newcomer. After a long heart to heart talk with his oldest friend Buck had revealed that he didnt trust the new guy. He refused to admit he was in any way jealous of the new guy. Vin had been a bounty hunter, a lone wolf. Buck just didnt think it was natural the way Vin was so quiet. He figured that meant the man was hiding something. The way Buck saw it; Vin lived in the seediest part of town because those were the kind of people he liked to be around. Which made him a low life someone not fit to be around the rest of the team.
Chris refuted all of Bucks arguments. So Vin was quiet big deal, there were days Chris hardly said two words. The reason the young man lived in Purgatory was to help the kids. Chris knew that Vin had a hard childhood and was just trying to help the neighborhood kids make something of themselves.
But once Buck Wilmington got something in his head it was hard to remove it. Then the shit hit the fan one night. Buck and Chris had gone out together on the anniversary of Chriss family's death. It was something they did every year.
That night Chris drank a little too much and let slip that he was in love with one Vin Tanner. While Bucks mouth was hanging open in shock Chris admitted that he had been subtly moving in on the younger man testing the water so to speak. He thought Vin felt the same way so he finally asked Vin to come out to the ranch for the weekend just to see how things went.
To his surprise, Vin had declined. Telling the blond that he while he felt connected with him, he didnt think it would be a good idea to go any further with their feelings. When Chris tried to press for more information Vin had just pulled into himself and refused to answer.
As far as Buck was concerned this was just one more reason to dislike the longhaired man. Who did Tanner think he was? He should be honored to have a man like Chris Larabee love him and want him.
To Vins credit he didnt let Buck get under his skin. He treated the big man just like he did the rest of the team. A mixture of quiet respect, gently teasing and friendliness. No he wasnt one for a lot of talk but when he did say something people tended to pay attention.
The rest of the team chalked Bucks prickliness with Vin as just a touch of jealousy, which hopefully would disappear with time.
But now the kid had been hurt and Vin was the only member of the team who had been with him. Therefore, in Bucks opinion it was all Vin's fault that JD was hurt.
Chris yanked on Bucks arm and pulled him further away from the rest of the team.
Lower your voice, Buck. You have no idea what the hell happened. Vin did not do anything to hurt JD. You heard Vin explain that JD stumbled onto a drug deal. The kid got his head grazed, the doctor said hed be fine. The CAT scan is just a precaution. I think you need to remember that Vin carried the kid over his shoulder several blocks to the car. If anyone is to blame its team 4 for not covering all the bases. If they had been paying attention then JD and Vin would have known there was a drug deal going down. Furthermore, as far as wanting Vins ass. That is between he and I not you. You do not and never will dictate my sex life and who I love.
Buck gritted his teeth. As per usual Vin Tanner got cut loose. Chris Larabee would allow no one to bad mouth the younger man. It so fucking pissed him off.
The object of everyones attention sat huddled by himself. Everyone with the exception of Buck had tried to engage him in conversation. He could tell they were concerned about JD. Thankfully only Buck seemed to blame him but having friends was new to him and maybe the others did blame him and were just better at hiding their feelings.
He just wished the doctor would hurry and come out and tell them about JD. Sure the doc had said earlier that JD would be fine, but they were running that test and Vin wanted to hear how that came out. Then he was going home. His head was pounding, he felt cold all over and he hurt. Buck had shoved him when they got to the hospital yelling that it was his entire fault. Hitting his shoulder against the wall pain had radiated through his body. If he was real lucky he could sneak home and take better care of his wound. He was not about to tell anyone that he had been shot. A graze like JDs but a deep one ran across his right side just below the rib cage. A quick sneak trip to the bathroom had seen him wrap it up. Right now he wasnt important, JD was but it sure would be nice if sometimes he was the important one.
The waiting room door opened and JDs doctor hurried in. All six men approached him.
First gentleman, Agent Dunne is going to be fine. He has a graze across the side of his head and a slight concussion. We are keeping him overnight just for observation. Now are there any questions?
As Nathan and Josiah pestered the doctor with questions, Ezra was watching Vin. Seeing Vin raise his hand and cover his eyes the Southerner saw red on the younger mans hand. Suddenly he got a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach. Starting to approach the sharpshooter he paused. Vin would not divulge anything to him, but he would to Chris.
As Ezra walked towards Chris, Buck made a beeline for Vin.
Ez was explaining to the blond leader that he thought Vin might be hurt and hiding it when a commotion erupted behind them.
Thats it Tanner cover your eyes in shame. Its your entire damn fault that JD is hurt. If that had been one of your Purgatory kids you would have thrown your body in front of his. Guess JD just doesnt rank as high as that trash you hang with.
Vin raised his head. His blue eyes were shining with tears of relief, but now there was anger in the blue depths.
Fuck off, Buck. You werent there and you dont know what happened. You can snipe and bitch at me all you want, but you leave the kids alone. The kids in Purgatory arent trash, but I guess youre just too fucking stupid to figure that out.
Everyone froze in shock. Vin wasnt known for losing his temper and he always controlled his cussing at least in public.
As Vin turned to ask the doctor if he could see JD, Buck let out a roar of rage. Buck grabbed him by the shoulders and whirled him around. Shaking the smaller man viscously he finally slammed Vin into the wall.
As Buck took a step forward to attack again, he stopped. His hand was wet what the hell.
Looking down he saw blood covering his hand just as he heard Chris yell for the doctor.
Buck watched as Vin slowly slid down to sprawl on the floor leaving a red streak on the white wall.
Everyone leapt into action; Chris and the doctor knelt by the unconscious man. Nathan and Josiah rushed out of the room to get a gurney.
Ezra approached the ladies man who still had not moved.
I do hope Mr. Wilmington that you are proud of yourself. Assaulting an injured man is certainly something I would aspire to.
Buck turned shocked eyes to face the undercover agent.
I I didnt know he was injured. Why the hell didnt he say something? Stupid idiot.
As Chris turned lethal green eyes on his oldest friend the doctor looked up at Buck and hissed. The doctor was pissed. He had come into the waiting room to give the rundown on the younger agent, but also to check on Tanner. He had seen when they had come in how pale the young man was and how he favored his right side. After talking to Agent Dunne he was pretty sure that Tanner was injured and planned on checking him out.
I dont know where you got your story agent, but Agent Dunne was very talkative. He told me to be sure to tell everyone that he was the one at fault. The stupid idiot as you called him told Dunne to be careful and he just ignored the advice. The shooting started and the stupid idiot tackled him. According to your own agent if Agent Tanner had not tackled him he would have been killed. So the stupid idiot you just verbally and physically assaulted saved his teammate. I guess Dunne at least knows what its like to have friends and treat them accordingly not like they were stupid idiots. Now who is the idiot around here?
Buck winced and felt shame and guilt sweep through his body. He definitely noticed the doctor using his own words to make him seem petty. And the damn thing was the doctor was right in everything he said.
As Vin was carefully picked up and put on the gurney, Buck took a step forward.
Chris whirled around to face him.
Stay the fuck away from him. Youve done enough damage tonight. I just pray that he wont quit the team over this. I suggest you talk to JD and do some heavy thinking Buck, because Im telling you right now, it wont be Vin leaving the team. Youve behaved like an ass towards him from day one and it ends now. I expect you to apologize to him and mean it.
Buck just dropped his eyes to the floor. Bile filled his mouth and he rushed to the bathroom. Heaving up the contents of his stomach he was rinsing his mouth out when he saw Josiah leaning against the bathroom wall watching him.
I know preacher. I fucked up royally. I swear I really dont know why I blame Vin for everything and pick on him. God knows he has never done anything to cause me to hate him. Shit I hit an injured man a teammate a man who used his own body to save JD and I blamed him for the whole crappy situation. Josiah, what the hell do I do. I wouldnt forgive myself why should Vin?
Because Vin is one of the most generous and forgiving men I know. If he wasnt he wouldnt have survived his childhood. What is sad is that deep down he expects people to eventually give up on him, turn on him and treat him like well like you said earlier trash. Hes had people treat him like that most of his life at least until he met Chris and joined the team. If you had bothered to spend time with him you would have seen what a special person he is. Its not like you Buck to treat someone the way youve treated him. Someone who hasnt done anything to deserve it. You need to look into yourself and figure out why youve behaved in the reprehensible way you have. Chris gave you an ultimatum and I think the whole team expects you to talk to the boy when he wakes up. Make no mistake Buck; Vin is only a little older than JD. Hes been around more and seen a lot more, more than someone his age should have seen. That is why we sometimes think hes older than he is. Im your friend Buck, but you need to fix this. The chapel is right down the hall, I suggest you make use of it.
Josiah patted Buck on the shoulder as he left the big man alone. Buck felt tears fill his eyes. Josiah was right. He needed to get his head on straight and think things through.
For once Buck did not give JD a thought. He knew the rest of the men would be there for the kid. As he shuffled his way to the chapel he never noticed Josiah, and Ezra watching him.
As the door to the chapel shut behind him, Ez said, Good job, Mr. Sanchez. If Mr. Wilmington does not get his head on straight, then I fear Mr. Larabee will force him to find alternate employment. Justifiably so I must say. The way he has treated Vin has been deplorable.
I just hope he figures it out, Ezra. Now lets go see about our injured brothers.
Ezra went to join Nathan at JDs bedside. The younger man was awake though groggy. He was upset that Vin had been hurt protecting him, but was assured that the sharpshooter would be fine. Josiah stayed for several minutes visiting with JD. After checking in at the nurses station to get the most current update on the young man Josiah headed down to Vin's room.
Josiah quietly entered Vin's room as the doctor and nurse were leaving. Chris sat on the side of the bed talking softly to the hurt man. He watched the two men for a couple of minutes and again marveled that these two men were so intune with each their souls bound together.
As Josiah walked around the bed to stand on the other side he saw Chris was brushing the long tousled hair off of Vin's forehead. The gesture was gentle and loving, the green eyes of the blond never left the emotive pools of blue looking up at him.
Doc said youre going to be fine. Should have told us or told at least me that you were hurt. I dont like to see you in pain, cowboy. You mean way to much to me.
Josiah watched as a shy smile crossed the injured mans face. When Vin had backed away from Chriss advances the blond had turned to Josiah to talk out his feelings and frustrations. Deciding to take the older mans advice; Chris had backed away slightly giving Vin some room. Josiah was right if he really wanted Vin in his life and in his bed then he needed to take it slow. While not known for infinite patience, Chris had found that with Vin he seemed to have an unlimited amount of patience. His strategy seemed to be working lately. Vin allowed him closer. The touches were brief, but gentle and fleeting. In no way could they be seen as sexual in nature. Chris just wanted the younger man totally at ease with him. Vin was definitely worth the effort.
There were times Chris felt a pang of guilt. After watching Vin's reaction to someone touching him or getting to close Chris had looked into his friends background. While he had the best of intentions he still felt guilty. Vin was a very private man, but Chris was determined to make the gorgeous man his and he needed all the knowledge and ammo he could get.
What he found was very upsetting. He knew that Vin had been orphaned at the age of five and then spent the next several years in different foster homes. The young man had run away from the last foster home at the tender age of fourteen. Checking into the foster family he had run from Chris had found out that the father was in prison for child sexual abuse and had been for a decade. The blond figured that was why Vin shied away from people. That and maybe the constantly looking over his shoulder while living on the streets. I mean damn Vin was flat beautiful now, as a young vulnerable kid he would have been candy to the perverts that hunted on the streets of Denver for the innocent. After reading the file Chris was even more proud of the young man. Vin had gotten his GED, went into the Army and became a sniper with the Rangers. Not an easy accomplishment for anyone. Yeah, Tanner was one special person and he was going to belong to Chris when the time was right. And Vin was going to set that timetable even if Chris did try to nudge it along at times.
Seeing Vin flinch, Chris turned his head and saw his oldest team member.
How are you doing, Vin? Josiah asked gently. He slowly put his hand on Vin's arm and was pleased when Vin didnt shake him off.
Im fine. Larabee here is just a mother hen and insists I spend the night, Vin complained although his eyes were filled with affection as he mock glared at the blond.
Well, you did bleed an awful lot. Of course if you had told us that you were injured you might not have to stay the night, Josiah replied.
Vin had the grace to blush; he dropped his head, as he mumbled, Wasnt important JD was hurt and he needed help. I knew how worried everyone was going to be especially Buck.
A low gruff voice at the door said, Youre important to, Vin. Im sorry for not letting you know that.
Three pairs of eyes snapped to the doorway. Buck stood there. It was obvious he had done some crying, but his eyes were clear and he looked right at Vin.
Chris, Josiah, Id like to talk to Vin alone.
As Buck walked into the room he noticed the way Vin's hand clutched at Chriss. The younger man refused to meet his eyes but it was obvious that he didnt want to be left alone with the man who had treated him so badly.
I dont blame you for not wanted to be alone with me. I promise you, Vin that I wont hurt you. I just want to clear the air and apologize. Hopefully you can find it in yourself to eventually forgive me, Buck pleaded.
Chris brushed the long hair and putting his hand under Vin's chin he waited until he could see the blue eyes.
Well be right outside the door. Itll be okay, cowboy.
Vin searched the blondes face then slowly nodded his head. Reluctantly he released the death grip he had on his friends hand.
To the surprise of everyone, Chris leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Vin's forehead. From the look he flashed around it was plain he was making a statement. Vin was his to cherish and protect and he would take out anyone who tried to harm the young man.
To Vin the gesture was to indicate that Chris was there for him and would do anything to protect what was his.
To Josiah the message was this is the way its going to be. I love this man so deal with it. Of course, Josiah was happy for his friends and just gave Chris a satisfied nod.
To Buck the message was very clear. Hurt him again and Ill take you out. Clean up your act or you are GONE.
Outloud Buck firmly said, Hell be fine, Chris. I just need to make it good with him.
Chris searched his oldest friends face. Seeing nothing but the truth he sighed in relief, maybe it would all come out okay. He was still staying right outside the door just in case.
When the two men had left the room Buck came over and stood by the bed. Seeing Vin look up at him a touch of worry on the expressive face, Buck sat down. He wanted to make Vin feel relaxed and at ease around him, though he was well aware that it might take some time and he had done nothing to put Vin at ease.
Buck said, Dont say anything until Im finished. This is going to take awhile and I need to get it all out before I chicken out. Ive been a number one bastard to you, Vin. Have been from day one. Youve done absolutely nothing to deserve it. You know since we were teenagers its been Chris and I against the world. Then he got married and they became my family to. When they died I was there for him. I pulled him out the drunken despair he was in, but couldnt bring the old Chris back. Then he formed the team and I thought it would be like old times, but it wasnt to be. So I made JD the focus of my attention and affection. I figured over time Chris would relax and join the land of the living. Again I was wrong. It wasnt until you entered the scene that Chris began to wake up. I saw the difference the first day the two of you looked at each other. That night you joined us at the bar I saw my old friend smile and laugh for the first time in years. I saw red. I was pissed off. You a young upstart someone no one knew anything about was bringing my friend back. Instead of being happy that Chris was living again I was jealous. I convinced myself that you had an ulterior motive for befriending Chris. Everything you did or said I put a negative spin on it until it got to be second nature to pick on you. And you just made it worse by always being pleasant and I know you held Chris back from decking me a few times. Instead of seeing how you were trying to get along for the team I just saw it as you trying to put me a bad light. Then tonight JD got hurt and wow I saw it as further evidence that I was right. You were to blame. But I swear to God Vin, I didnt know you were hurt. When I shoved you and I saw the blood a part of me just died. I suddenly saw how my behavior looked to everyone and they were right. I threw up after they took you away I was so disgusted with myself and what I had done. Then at Josiahs urging I went and had a long chat with the man upstairs. With his help I think my head is finally screwed on straight. I apologize again for my behavior.
Buck finally stopped talking taking a deep breath. He got up the courage and looked Vin in the eye.
What he saw made his stomach clench and his throat tighten up. There were silent tears rolling down Vin's cheeks.
Without thinking about it Buck sat on the side of the bed and gathered the young man carefully into his arms.
Slowly rocking the vulnerable man back and forth he waited for a few minutes then whispered, Dont cry. If you cant forgive me I understand.
Vin pulled away from Buck rubbing his eyes dry just like a little kid. Buck had to smile at the picture.
No, its not that. Its just that no one has ever figured I was worth enough to apologize to. They just shit on me and I took it just trying to get along. When you said you were sorry it was like you thought I was worthy enough to at least think about.
You are worthy, Vin. Everything I said about where you live and the trash you hang with was just my way of needling you further. You are a valuable member of this team. I will leave the team if you dont think you can work with me, Buck offered.
No, Buck. I dont want you to leave. I forgive you. Hell I can understand how you felt. I wouldnt want to lose Chris either. Just how about we start all over.
Vin straightened up and looked at Buck. He stuck out his hand and very seriously said, Hi, Im Vin Tanner your new sharpshooter.
Buck was amazed. Vin was willing to put all the nasty things he had said and done in the past. The young man would not hold them against him. Buck wasnt stupid he grabbed the olive branch quick.
Buck smiled and as he shook Vin's hand he said, Hi, Vin. My name is Buck Wilmington and Im the one the ladies love for a very good big reason I might add.
Vin's eyes widened then he busted out laughing quickly stopping when his side pulled.
Hurt bad, Junior? Buck asked helping Vin lay back down.
No, its fine. Junior? Where did that come from?
Well JD is the kid so you have to have a nickname. I thought Junior was appropriate. What do you think?
I love it. Ive never had a nickname before, Vin replied his eyes shining. How did he ever get so lucky? The day had started out lousy and now it was wonderful.
Buck decided to take a chance. After all he was happy now, he felt good about the friendship he was starting to build with Vin and he wanted Vin to be totally happy to. There was only one man to do that for the younger man. Leaning down he was relieved when Vin didnt flinch from him.
I know Chris cares about you a lot, Junior. Now its none of my business and I know we just got our shit squared away, but I gotta tell you, you are the best thing to happen to that man in years. You got the guts and the heart so take that chance with him. You wont be sorry, Buck whispered.
Ill think about it, Buck. You know I feel things for him Ive never felt for anyone else before. Just well before, I didnt want to come in between the two of you. You guys been friends for a long time and thats real important. Never had that before. Thanks for giving me the green light, the blond cowboy just might be surprised if I jump his bones.
Buck laughed while at the same time he felt a surge of protectiveness surge through him. A feeling he had only associated with JD and Chris. He felt ashamed as he realized that Vin loved Chris but had backed away from the blondes advances because he was worried about ruining Chriss friendship with Buck.
You are one of a kind, Vin. Dont ever change and thanks for hanging in there until I got my head out of my ass.
At that time Chris walked in. With the two men whispering he couldnt eavesdrop anymore. He had heard Vin's comment that he wouldnt want to lose Chris so that gave him hope that he would have a future with the young man.
Okay you two. Quit whispering. Makes me nervous wondering what youre cooking up, he pretended to snarl as he glared at them both.
That look doesnt scare me, cowboy, Vin said his blue eyes alight with mischief.
Buck realized that was true. Chriss glare and temper had never scared the young man. Hell, Chris could still scare the shit out of him at times. That just proved the fact that the two men were meant for each other.
The nurse bustled in and despite Vin's arguments she gave him a pain pill. It wasnt long before he drifted off to sleep.
Chris stroked the hair back and dropped a kiss on the sleeping mans mouth.
Buck watched touched by the blondes gentleness and obvious feelings for the injured man.
Im staying here with him, Buck. Why dont you go and check on JD. We can take them home tomorrow. Im taking Vin to the ranch so I can keep an eye on him. I told Travis we were taking a few days off.
Ill take the kid home. Dont want the two of them recuperating at the same place wed probably end up shooting them both. Hes a good man, Chris, but you already know that. Thanks for giving me the chance to set things straight with him.
Buck got to the doorway when he heard Chris say, You done good, Buck. You done real good today just like you always have for me.
Buck turned and the two men just gazed at each other. Then they both nodded and smiled.
Buck headed out to check on the kid and Chris settled in next to the bed. It was going to be a long night, these chairs were hell on a persons back but he wasnt leaving Vin alone.
Vin woke up to find Chris sitting on the edge of his bed watching him. As a blush stained his cheeks Vin dropped his eyes.
Hey, sleepyhead. You didnt even wake up when the doctor came in and checked you out, Chris teased feeling affection fill him as he brushed his fingers down the hot cheek.
Vin looked up excitedly. Does that mean I can go home?
No, that means you can come home with me. You arent staying by yourself. The bandage has to be changed, you have meds to take and you need to eat and rest, Chris replied. Then he just sat back and waited for the argument.
Vin put on his best innocent look. The blue eyes widened as the bottom lip came out. It was the foolproof way Vin had to get Chris to come around to his way of thinking. The young agent hardly ever used it and it was generally when he was hurt and wanted to go home and be left alone.
Chris swallowed at the Vin look and told himself he was the bad ass leader of Team 7 and this scrawny brat was not going to get his way this time.
But Chris. Im fine really. I dont want to put you out. You could even Vins voice trailed away as he saw the look in his best friends eyes. This was one time he was not going to get his way.
This must be a record Vin. You gave up the argument real quick, Chris applauded the young man.
Fuck off, Larabee. Think youre so smart, dont you? Well just wait I am not the most pleasant patient to be around, Vin said indignantly his chin raised in defiance.
A burst of laughter came from the door. Looking around the blond Vin saw Buck and JD. JD was in a wheelchair with a bandage around his head and a big smile on his face.
That is an understatement if I ever heard one, Junior, Buck boomed.
Pushing the chair further into the room, Buck ruffled Vin's hair getting a kick out of the young mans muffled cussing and batting at his hands.
Buck and Chris left the two younger men alone so they could talk privately. JD wanted to apologize for getting Vin shot and Vin wanted to make sure the younger agent was going to be okay.
Out in the hallway Buck looked at Chris and smiled.
You look happy, stud. Gonna take the boy home and spoil him rotten?
Id love to, but I dont think Vin likes to be coddled all the time. Hed probably shoot me after a few hours.
True, but we all like to be coddled a little. Some TLC and hed be eating out of your hand or maybe sampling something else, Buck suggested wagging his eyebrows.
Chris laughed, Buck you have a one track mind. I wont push Vin. I want him to set the pace.
Yeah, I know youre right. Now that I have my head out of my ass I just want the two of you to be happy.
Thanks Buck. Im sure well get there.
Fifteen minutes later they were on their way.
Vin had fallen asleep just twenty minutes into their drive. Chris kept glancing over at the younger man. Vin's head was bouncing off the window, but he never woke up.
Chris finally pulled at the slim body until Vin's head rested on his shoulder. Sighing Chris smiled; he could keep Vin close and make sure he was okay. Just the feeling of the warm body leaning against him made the feelings surge to the front.
He loved this young man so much and he planned on never letting him go. Vin was perfect for him; Vin made him a better man.
Far too soon he pulled up in front of his ranch. Patting the soft cheek of his friend he whispered that they were home time to wake up.
Vin's blue eyes opened and looked around confused. Finally he glanced up and saw green beams gazing down at him. Taking a chance and somehow knowing the time was right he leaned up and placed his mouth against Chriss.
He must have gotten it right because Chris groaned and wrapped him up tight in his arms. The graze on his side pulled a bit but there was no pain, so he ignored it as the tongue in mouth and the hands stroking down his back made him feel so good.
They finally had to part for air.
Vin why now , Chris whispered. Long fingers were placed over his mouth silencing him.
The blond pulled the hand away and kissed each finger sucking the last one into his mouth. Vin's breath caught, as his eyes grew wide.
I it just felt right, cowboy damn Chris youre going to make me mess up my pants, Vin said.
Dont want to do that, babe. Just wanted to see what you tasted like. Best thing Ive tasted in a long time. How about we take this inside.
Okay, so long as you remember where we left off, Vin teased. He had made up his mind after talking to Buck that he was taking this chance, he was going to take his chance with Chris and make his life with the blond. Looked like it might work out after all.
Chris stayed close in case Vin faltered, but the young man made it inside fine. In fact as soon as the front door shut Chris found himself shoved up against the door. A knee slipped between his legs and pushed them apart as a hot hard hand came down and rested on the bulge in his jeans.
Chriss eyes dilated with surprise. This was an aggressive side of his friend he had not seen before. He liked it as the hand stroked his cock he decided he liked it a lot.
Want me, cowboy, then here I am. Lets see if you can fill me up and make me scream, Vin dared the older man. His side didnt hurt, pain pills were great.
Chris was gentle as he grabbed a handful of Vin mane of hair. Hair he had wanted to touch and stroke but didnt dare to do it while Vin was fully conscious and healthy.
Vin's mouth opened under his as he covered it with his own hard mouth. For the next few minutes he devoured the sweetness of that hot mouth.
They were both gasping as they pulled apart.
How Vin youre hurt I dont want to hurt you more. The doctors and Nathan would shoot me if you ended up back in the hospital, Chris whispered as he urged Vin across the room to the sofa.
Wont Chris. Pain pills are working and there are ways for you to take me without putting pressure on my side. Trust me.
Always, Vin. I will always trust you.
First time, Chris were going to be so hot that itll be fast. Get something to smooth the way, Vin urged smiling as Chris blushed. The blond knew they would need something and he was slightly embarrassed that Vin had to remind him.
While Chris headed for the bathroom, Vin chucked his clothes. Didnt take long as he only had on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. Hadnt even bothered with underwear or socks. Moccasins had kept his feet warm on the to the ranch. Vin smiled as he kicked the warm footwear off.
A large white bandage covered his right side but he had not lied to Chris he felt no pain and had no intention of ending back in the hospital.
Hearing someone enter the room, Vin turned and saw Chris standing in the doorway. The man looked like he was in shock.
The blond was in shock. He knew Vin was gorgeous but now he saw his friend in the flesh very nice tanned flesh all over no tan lines. He was learning more and more about the fascinating man in front of him.
Stalking forward Chris stopped a foot away. He reached his hand out and brushed the back of his hand down Vin's cheek. He smiled as Vin turned his face into that warmth.
Chris tossed the lube and a towel on the table by the sofa. The lean blond then pulled the unresisting body into his arms.
I dont want to scare you, Vin. I sure as hell dont want to hurt you like others probably have in the past, Chris said hesitantly.
Vins puzzled eyes looked up at the blond.
I dont know what you mean, cowboy? Ive only been with a couple of other men and that was consensual. Once in school and once in the Rangers.
I know you spent time in foster families and I guess I was just real worried. Sure as hell dont want to dredge up bad memories, Chris was starting to wish he had never brought the subject up.
Vin smiled.
Thanks, Chris. No one ever cared enough before to worry about me. Last foster father thought he fancied me. I changed his mind when I kicked him in his family jewels. As he was moaning in pain I just packed my stuff and left. He never got to first base.
Chris shut his eyes and sighed in relief. Thank God!
But I sure would be appreciative if you would hurry up and get to first base. Im ready for the game.
Vin began working on getting Chris out of his clothes. As he unbuttoned the black shirt he kissed and nuzzled the skin that was revealed. Nipping sharply at the hard nipples he was rewarded when Chris placed a hand on the back of his head holding him in place as he suckled at the red nubs.
Chris moaned and pulled Vin upright. He latched onto the wet mouth and proceeded to steal Vin's breath. Between the two of them without stopping the kiss they got Chris out of his clothes. The blond had removed his socks and boots in the bedroom before he had come back out wanting to save a little time.
As Vin wrapped his arms tighter around Chriss neck, the ATF leader grasped Vin's hard wet cock and began stroking. Backing the sharpshooter up against the back of the sofa he put both his hands around both cocks. Letting the hard shafts rub against each other using their own juices as lubricant sent jolts of pleasure through both bodies.
Finally, Vin pulled away and gasped, Come on, cowboy. Not going to last long. Been too long since Ive been taken and wanted you for so long.
Chris gently turned Vin around and placed his hands on the back of the sofa. With an order not to move those hands Chris moved until he stood directly behind the lithe body. Reaching around he was careful not to touch the injured side.
He started out stroking and pinching from the neck to the groin making sure he didnt touch Vin's nipples or cock. As Vin began to whimper and fidget Chris pinched the hard nubs. While he tormented the sensitive skin with one hand he reached and stroked Vin's cock.
Finally, he reached for the lube and coated his hand. Placing one splayed hand on Vin's stomach holding him in place he inserted a finger into Vin's ass slowly inching inside. When Vin relaxed he inserted a second finger again going slow. He couldnt believe how tight and small Vin was. Just the thought of being inside that tight inferno made him pant with need.
By the time he added the third finger Vin was sobbing as he shoved backward trying to get the long fingers in deeper.
Fuck, Chris. You dont put that weapon in me I Im going to have to shoot you, Vin panted.
Couldnt have that. Think of all the paperwork, Chris soothed smiling. He had his cock coated with lube and paused at the puckered entrance.
As Vin opened his mouth to continue berating the blond he felt something large nudge his ass. He took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles as Chriss cockhead popped inside. Damn the blond was big so wonderfully big.
Chris slowly inched inside barely stopping himself from plunging inside the hot depths.
Finally he was in as deep as he could go. His balls brushing Vin's sweet body.
Just slid into home plate and it feels wonderful. Gonna move now, Vin, Chris whispered.
All he got was a nod and moan as a reply.
Chris set a slow even rhythmic plunging deep with every thrust. As Vin surged back they eventually had a hard and fast rhythm going.
Gripping low on Vin's hips ever mindful of the sore side Chris slightly bent his knees to get more thrust. Reaching around the slender hip he grasped Vin's cock and stroked. It only took a couple of hard strokes and Vin was yelling as he came. Chris groaned as Vin's inner muscles clenched and began milking his cock.
Moaning Vin's name Chris surged inside hard as he shot his seed deep inside that perfect hot body.
Both men were trembling as Chris pulled out. Grabbing up the towel he wiped Vin's down then himself.
Seeing Vin shiver, Chris scooped the slender man up in arms and walked to the bedroom ignoring the halfhearted protests coming from the wiggling body in his arms.
Tucking Vin into bed he spooned up behind the younger man.
How does your side feel, babe?
Fine, just a twinge or two. No big deal, Vin said. Then he yawned real big and rubbed his eyes.
Chris laughed then laughed harder as Vin turned his head and glared.
Just what the hell is so funny?
You look so adorable when youre sleepy, was the only thing Chris would say. He wasnt about to say that Vin looked like a little kid when he did that. A trip to the ER for a gunshot would wasnt really what he wanted he do.
Adorable. What the fuck! Im not a kid, Larabee, Vin stated.
Chris ran his hands down the lean chest and cupped his hand over Vin's lax genitals. He didnt want to arouse his lover just tease him.
Yep, youre right youre not a kid.
Vins eyes slit into blue fire.
You want to sleep alone? That can be arranged you know.
Chris kissed the petulant mouth until he felt the warm body melt into his.
Nope, not ever letting you go. Not sleeping by myself ever again. I want you to move out here. Dont mean to rush you, but I want you out here with me. Please, Vin, Chris whispered.
Looking deep into the green eyes Vin saw his future and loved it. He had finally come home
Tomorrow well go pack up my stuff. Just some clothes and personal stuff so we can do it alone. I have to go back and visit though Chris check in on the kids and stuff, Vin said.
I know. Ill go with you when you go back. Not letting you out of my sight for awhile. Besides I like looking at you.
Seeing Vin blush Chris just tugged him closer and pushed the tousled head down on the pillow.
Now sleep, babe. When we wake up Ill fix you something to eat then you take your meds. Then well think of something to do.
I already know what I want to do, Vin softly said. He shifted back slightly making sure his ass rubbed across Chriss genitals.
Behave, you wouldnt like it if I flipped you over my knee and blistered that ass of yours would you? Chris threatened.
So quietly that Chris really had to listen hard Vin replied, Oh, I dont know that might prove interesting
As Chris started to question the young man about his comment he felt the body in his arms get heavy as Vin fell asleep.
Chris made himself relax. Vin was a continuous bundle of surprises. The young man would keep him on his toes and he couldnt wait. In fact as soon as Vin woke up he would have to question him about his last little comment. A comment that had sent a surge of heat through his body. But anything even remotely rough would have to wait until the sharpshooter was at full speed. Besides Chris still had to find out how Vin was tanned all over. There had to be a good story in that one.
Sighing deeply Chris felt the pull of sleep and as he let go he thought of how his life had completely changed and how much better the future looked.
The End
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