New Fiction

I Came for You - Giselle (Chris / Vin) ATF

I Love Buck - Artisan447 (Chris / Buck)

I May Hate Myself in the Morning... But I'm Gonna Love You Tonight - Carla (Chris / Vin) ATF

I Want Love - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Icing on the Cake - Annie (Vin / JD

The Idea of Need - aesc (Chris / Vin) ATF

The Idea of Want - aesc (Chris / Vin) ATF

Ideas - Tiffiny (Chris / Vin / Buck) ATF

If the Shoe Fits - Annie (Buck / Ezra) ATF
(Conclusion to "Table for Two")

If Walls Could Talk - Thalia ( ? / ? )
(Any universe)

If You Can't Stand the Heat... - Tracy (Chris / Vin) ATF

If You Live That Long - Ashlyn (Ezra / Vin)

If You Love Something... - Tiffiny ( Chris / Vin ) ATF

I'll Be Home For Christmas - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

I'll Be There - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

I'm Sorry - Lady Q (Josiah / Ezra) ATF

Impulse - WendyJ (Chris / Vin) ATF

In a New Light - The Neon Gang (Vin / Ezra)

IN APPROPIATE PLACES (Collection) - C.V. Puerro (Chris / Ezra) ATF

In for a Penny - Suzy (Chris / Vin)

In the Arms of Another - Tiffiny (Chris / Ezra)

In the Beginning - Charlotte Hill (Chris / Buck)
(Alternate Universe "Family Matters")

In Between - MAC (Ezra / Chris)

In the Details - MAC (Buck / Ezra)

In the Foothills - Giselle (Chris / Vin) ATF

In Heat - S T (Chris / Buck) (Ezra / Vin)

In the Heat of the Night - Jodi (Chris / Vin)

In Hiding - Annie (Chris / Vin) ATF
(Follows "The 12-Pack")

In Life, In Love - Heart Quest (Chris / Vin) ATF

In the Mood - Maygra (Chris / Vin)ATF

In the Morning, After the Night Before - MAC (Chris / Ezra) ATF

In My Arms Again - Jade (Ezra / Vin) ATF
(Sequel to "Missing You")

In My Bed - Kaed (Josiah / JD) ATF

In Sickness and in Health - Storm (Chris / Vin) ATF

In Silence - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

In the Spirit - Oracle (Chris / Vin) ATF

In Vino Veritas - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Buck)

In Your Pocket - TrueEnough (Chris / Vin)

Incomparable - Nancy (Ezra  / JD)
(Unspecified Universe, xover "Velvet Goldmine")

Inmate 78: Missing Scenes Rita Lois Clark (Chris / Vin)

Innonence? - Joanne Collins (JD / Buck)

Innocent Encounter - Storm (Vin / JD) SF7

Insights and Answers - Katherine (Ezra / Vin) (Buck / JD)
(Alternate Universe)

Interest - C.V. Puerro (Ezra / Vin)

INTERLUDES (Series) - Athea (Buck / JD) ATF

Interplanetary - Limlaith (Chris / Buck) ATF

Interruptions - TimberWolf (Vin / Ezra)

Intersection - Sammy Girl (Chris / Buck) ATF

Into the Darkness - EzrasCat (Ezra / JD)

Introductions - Katherine (Ezra / Chris) ATF

Irrational Behavior - Ladysmiths (Vin / Ezra) ATF

Inspired Performance - TexasAries (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) ATF

The Instant Fic Drabble Challenge 2007 - varios authors (Chris / Buck)

Inversion - Giselle (Chris / Vin) ATF

Iridescence - Giselle (Chris / Vin) VMP

Is It Me You're Looking For? - Joanne Collins (Chris /Ezra)
(Sequel to "Forever Love")

Is That What I Think It Is? - Angie (Chris / Vin) ATF

It Ain't Right - Carla (Chris / Vin) ATF

IT STARTED WITH A KISS (Series) - Chameleon (Chris / Vin) ATF

It Was - Firefox (Buck / Ezra)
(Music Video - 6+ Megs)

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Its Own Place - Farad (Chris / Vin)

It's A Wonderful Life - Angie (Chris / Vin) ATF

It’s a Wonderful Life for a Sinner - Evil Jacquie (Chris / Buck)

It's In His Kiss - mcat (Buck / Vin)

It's In The Way That You Love Me - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

It's Not Just a Job, It's an Adventure - Tiffiny (Buck / Ezra) ATF

It's NOT! MY! FAULT! - Kim (Chris / Vin) ATF
(Companion story to "The Musical Tastes of a Badass")

It's a Small World, After All - mcat (Chris / Vin) ATF

It's What I Do - Sammy Girl (Buck, Ezra, Daniel Jackson)
(Multi-fandom AU "Case de Corazon")

Title A Title B Title C Title D Title E Title F Title G Title H Title I Title J Title K Title L Title M
Title N Title O Title P Title Q Title R Title S Title T Title U Title V Title W Title X Title Y Title Z

Author A Author B Author C Author D Author E Author F Author G Author H Author I Author J Author K Author L Author M
Author N Author O Author P Author Q Author R Author S Author T Author U Author V Author W Author X Author Y Author Z

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