Things had been going too smoothly to last, Vin reflected as he rode
along behind Buck and the prisoner they had been asked to escort to
his trial in Blue Water, a town four days' ride to and from Four
Corners. He and Chris had been together for four weeks, the happiest
time of Vin's life, and one that Vin had been hesitant to change.
Vin had told himself, for the most part truthfully, that there had
really been no opportunity to sound Buck out on the big man's true
feelings, although Vin knew that if he had wanted to speed things
along, he could have found a way. No, being completely honest with
himself, Vin admitted that he had wanted Chris to himself for just a
little longer. He had no idea how things would play out, but just
in case he had been misguided by what his spirit guide had shown
him (there was no wrong or right interpretation of what she had
shown him, just what he could figure out from what she had shown
him) he wanted to have as much time as he could with Chris.
And, Vin also admitted, he also wasn't quite sure how to go about
approaching Buck. He did not want to bring up the possibility of a
relationship between the three of them until he found out whether
Buck could want him, and not only because it was the only way
that Buck could have Chris. Vin did not want Chris that way,
either, to accept Buck only because not to do so would mean losing
Vin had come to realise during the last few weeks, though, that he
genuinely liked Buck, and that he didn't want to hurt him, either.
Vin even suspected that he might feel more for the big gunslinger,
but that his feelings for Chris were too new to truly know yet,
and liking and caring were more than enough for Vin to take the
next step, if he could figure out what that was.
He knew it wouldn't be happening on the trip out. There was no way
that he could get Buck, or himself for that matter, to forget the
other man with them for long enough to even have a stray thought
about being together.
No, it would have to wait for the trip back to Four Corners. That
gave Vin four days to think about things. Or four days before he
completely destroyed everything that he had in life.
Four days later, they rode into the town of Blue Water. It had
been, in different ways, an agonising journey for both Vin and
Buck. The prisoner was delivered to the sheriff, and Vin and
Buck were at a loose end. They had warned Chris that they might
take a couple of days in Blue Water if they didn't feel that they
could just get back on their horses and ride after the four days,
and Vin had leapt at the suggestion (although Buck would never
know it) of one night in the hotel in Blue Water before facing
the trip once more. Vin admitted to himself that it was, at
least in part, a chance to have one more night of considering
what to say to Buck, because he knew that he would not have another
chance like this one for a long time, as Chris tried to keep him
in Four Corners as much as possible, or to send him out to the
isolated ranches and farms, to minimise the possibility of his
being recognised and jailed for the false charges he was wanted
under in Texas.
For a few moments, Vin felt a sense of peace. That sense of peace
was abruptly shattered by a few simple words from the desk clerk
of the hotel explaining that there was only one room available.
But, the clerk, added, there were two beds. Vin was half-relieved,
but he still felt that he was being tested more than a man should
be. If he had only known, Buck was feeling the same way.
After a rather good meal in the hotel dining room, and several
glasses of whiskey in the saloon, Vin thought that he could
retire, and if he went up first, he might be asleep before Buck
came to the room, judging from Buck's leisurely pursuit of one
of the working girls. Vin didn't even notice that the girl
Buck was half-heartedly coming on to had shoulder-length brown
hair and ice-blue eyes as he paid the barkeep and mentioned to
Buck that he was too tired to drink any more. Buck gave him a
grin, and went back to charming the girl on his arm.
Vin decided to order a warm bath before bed, it would be another
four days of trail dust unless he and Buck found a convenient
river on the way back, to wash off if he didn't. And there was
a small part of him that thought that maybe cleaning up a little
would make him a more attractive proposition, if he ever got up
the nerve to make one to Buck.
Vin sighed, lying back in the steaming water, running the rough
washcloth over himself. Life sure did manage to get complicated,
he thought. It would be so easy if it could be just he and Chris.
Oh, not easy, not like it really could be with a woman, following
all the rituals of courtship and eventually marriage, but simpler.
Much simpler. Still, Vin suspected that no matter how complicated
things might get, if they got through it all, life with Buck would
never be boring.
Vin rose from the tub, dried himself with a soft towel, and
pulled on his sleeping shirt. As he climbed into bed, he
thought he could hear Buck's familiar laugh coming down the
hall, along with unfamiliar female laughter, that was the last
sound he heard as he slipped from waking into sleep.
Sometime later, Vin woke up to find it was still dark. He had
heard something...then he heard it again. A soft crying from
the other bed in the room.
"Oh, god," Buck wailed, low, so as not to wake the other man. Vin
reached for the lamp on his bedstand, dipping the wick into the
oil, igniting the tiny flame that burned from earlier.
"Vin?" Buck sounded shocked and ashamed that he'd been heard.
"I'm sorry I woke you...then again, I keep doin' things I don't
want to do tonight. Or not doin' 'em."
Vin didn't know if it was his sleep-fuddled brain that couldn't
make sense of Buck's words, or if Buck wasn't sure what he was saying.
"It's okay," Vin sat up, stretching his muscles. Although he
didn't realise it, his shirt was halfway up his stomach, and he
generally slept with no underwear. He didn't realise that the
sight of his pale flesh was partially responsible for a fresh
burst of sobbing from the other man.
"Buck, what happened?" Vin asked, softly. He knew that the big man
was a gentle soul, one who generally relied on laughter to get
through the pain, even when he was injured, and it took a lot for
him to break down. It had happened once or twice when JD had been
hurt, and over a woman a couple of times that Vin knew about, but
Vin knew that Buck must be under a great deal of emotional stress
to break down like this.
"Vin, something happened tonight that's never happened to me before.
I don't know if I ever thought it could happen to me. I mean,
I've heard of it happening to other fellas, but not me. If there
was one thing that I always thought I could do, it was that. But
not tonight."
"What was it, Buck?"
"This is real hard for me to talk about, Vin, to anyone. Even
Vin wondered why Buck had qualified his statement, but the other
man had started to talk again.
"When I was with that little gal tonight, I couldn't be with
her. I couldn' know."
Vin nodded in understanding. He'd heard of that happening, and
had even experienced it once himself. He wondered if talking of
his own experience might help Buck, but he thought it would be
best to let the other man talk his own difficulty out first.
"The hardest part of it is that I know why I couldn't... I
think that's the part that hurts the most. I'm so twisted up
with guilt and sadness and envy and anger and even a little bit
of happiness that I couldn't get past it to enjoy some fun with
that girl."
"What are you so twisted up about, Buck?" Vin asked.
"You really want to know? Okay, but remember, you asked me."
Vin wondered for a moment if he did want to know if Buck was
so vehement in his disclaiming of responsibility for Vin's
reaction, but he knew that he would not be able to rest again
until he knew.
Buck continued when Vin said nothing.
"Chris told you about us, right?" Vin nodded. "He doesn't know
that I never stopped loving him, though. I still do."
"I would be impossible to stop loving Chris once you
started. I don't think he realises that about himself."
"Yeah. He never really thought I loved him. Not like I do. Oh,
he loved me, I know he did, but I knew that he wanted children,
a family, and that he couldn't let himself love me like I love
him. I thought, after Sarah...but he was so broken up I knew I
couldn't say anything. If I had, he'd probably have thought I
was just waiting for something to happen...god, if he only knew
how damn guilty I felt over asking him to stay one more night in
Mexico. I never thought that my deciding that I wanted to see a
horse would lead to what it did."
"Buck, it wasn't your fault! It was the bastards who set the fire
who were responsible."
"Yeah, but if I hadn't taken the chance to spend a night alone
with Chris, even though I knew nothing was going to happen,
which was at least half of why I wanted to stay...maybe
Sarah and Adam would still be alive."
"And maybe Chris would be dead, too," Vin replied. "Don't think
I haven't thought of that, and blessed you for staying with him
in the next breath. I know it was hard for him and for you, but
I would never have known him if you hadn't gotten him ta stay
with you."
"So I saved him for you. Yeah, that's about how it seems, isn't
"That's not what I meant."
"No, but it's how I feel. Of course it'd happen like that. I
save him for you, and I lose him. Yeah, that's just about what
Fate deals out to ol' Buck Wilmington."
"Buck, ya were goin' to tell me why ya couldn't be with that gal,
and ya haven't said it yet. Want to tell me that?" Vin asked,
wanting to know.
"I couldn't be with that gal because she wasn't Chris...or you,"
the last almost inaudible, but Vin heard the words as if Buck
had shouted.
"Me?" was all that he could squeeze past the lump of hope in
his throat.
Buck laughed, mirthlessly.
"Yeah. I know, you're with Chris and you'd never, ever dream of
cheatin' on him. God, I'd be funny if I weren't so damn pathetic.
I find two people in my life that I could really love, and they
both end up with each other."
"Buck...ya never said anything. Never even looked like ya were
goin' to."
"Yeah, I know. It was Chris, at first. I knew I still wanted him.
Then he started gettin' close to Mary, and I thought they were
going to get together, and I looked around...and, funny as this
sounds, there you were. I think it was after we looked for Chanu
that I looked at ya as more than a nuisance and a good tracker."
"Thanks," Vin replied, just a touch of sarcasm lightening the tone.
"You know what I mean."
"And now, that bastard kidnaps you and Chris and makes you
realise that you're meant for each other. God, I wanted to ride
out and shoot the bastard between the eyes when I realised that
he had both of you. Then when we found you and Chris, and he
said that you had been forced...JD nearly had to break my arm
to keep me from shooting that fucker."
"It could have very nearly was worse. If I hadn't
"What did you say, Vin?"
"I was the one who said that Chris and I know."
"Well, I guess that you got it, even though it wasn't true when
you said it."
"Yeah, but ya don't know what else Chris and I talked about. And
what Chris called in his sleep."
"What, Vin?"
"Chris called your name in his sleep...the first morning. And
what we talked about? When...Chris and I were going to...I said
that he was there, but you weren't."
"Yeah. You're not the only one who's looked...wondered. But...
there was Chris. And Mary. And everything else you said."
Buck emitted a harsh bark of laughter. "We shoulda consoled each
"We still could," Vin said, hesitantly.
"What? Vin...are you saying...?"
"Buck...have ya ever heard of a vision quest?"
"'s what the Indians do when they need some advice...
somethin' to do with the spirit plane?"
"That's it. I went on one the second night I was with Chris. My
guide...she showed me what was making me so restless and disturbed."
"What was it?" Buck asked, curious.
"I saw this forest. There were all these trees, in groups of
three. There were two together, and one that looked like it
was dyin'. There were three, kinda just stunted, not growin'.
There were three...two alive, one dead. And there were three...
tall and strong and proud. Ya couldn't tell where one ended and
the next one began...they were so perfect together, Buck."
"What did it mean?"
"It meant that there was something missing in my relationship with
Chris. A third part that wasn't there."
"Do you know what it was? Did you change it or get it?"
"Not yet," Vin whispered.
"What was it?" Buck asked, curiously.
Vin gathered his courage. It had to be now.
"Yeah. The thing that's missin' in my relationship with Chris
is you. I want it to be the three of us, Buck. If that's what
you and Chris want..."
"He doesn't know?"
"Not yet. I needed...needed to know that you wanted me, that
I wasn't just some annoyin' package that came along with Chris
for ya. But what ya said before, Buck, I know that ain't how it
"Why now? Is it 'cause you feel sorry for me?" Buck asked.
"Not like ya mean. I'm sorry you're feeling as hurt as ya are,
but I don't think I'd say what I did if that's all it was," Vin
"When were you goin' to tell Chris?" Buck asked.
"I want to tell him when we get back. I was goin' ta talk ta ya
on the trip back. Even had a bath and planned for it. There's..."
Vin hesitated, "One...other thing I need to do with ya, alone...
before I tell Chris."
"Buck, I need ta be with ya. I need to know, just for me, what
it's like to make love with ya. Ya've had so much time with
Chris...I know it ain't the same, but I'll feel more...right
about it, ya know?"
"Yes, I know, but Vin...what if Chris says no? He might not
still feel the same about me. Or you, if you tell him."
"Buck, ya know it's Chris I want, forever. I want both of ya
if I can. But if it's one of ya, it's Chris. If he says no...
then tonight never happened, and neither did anything that might
happen 'tween us on the road back to Four Corners. Can ya live
with that?"
"I hope I won't have to, but if one night, out of time, is all
that I can have with you, Vin, I guess it'll have to be enough."
"Well, there were a couple places on the road that we passed
that I thought we might check out on the trip won't
only be one night. But it might only be four."
"Better to know what I can't have than to wonder forever," Buck
whispered, half to himself.
Vin ached at the sound of the loneliness and defeat in Buck's
voice. He hated to hurt people, even unintentionally, and to
know that he was in any part responsible for the other man
sounding like that tore at his heart. Without thinking, he
walked to the other man's bed, and climbed in beside his friend.
At Vin's unspoken invitation, Buck burrowed into Vin's arms,
sobbing again, but in a different way. It wasn't the same
soul-destroying battery of emotion, more a kind of relief and
almost thankfulness at being held. Vin knew from experience
that often, all that someone needed was to be held, to know that
they weren't alone. He had had many times in his lonely life that
he would have given anything just to be held...and had, once or
twice, but it had never been enough. He stroked Buck's hair,
and felt his friend's shaking lessen as he soothed him. He liked
the feel of Buck in his arms, Vin realised as he placed a gentle
kiss on Buck's hair. He started as Buck moved to look at him,
just a tiny glimmer of the humour he associated so much with his
friend twinkling in the brown eyes.
"That was nice, Vin, but I'm sure you can figure out another place
that would feel much better for both of us if you kissed it..."
Vin gave Buck a genuine smile, relieved that his friend seemed
calmer. Now he could raise a different kind of emotional storm,
one that would feel good for both of them.
"Here?" brushing his lips over Buck's forehead.
"Here?" kissing his eyelids.
"Here?" nibbling on his earlobe, to the accompaniment of a
small moan.
"Or here?" finally ending the teasing and claiming Buck's lips,
almost giggling for a moment at the feeling of the mustache.
The room was silent for a long time after that.
"Damn," Buck said as they separated.
Vin gasped for breath. He'd known it would feel good, but not
like this. Buck kissed like no other lover he'd ever had,
including Chris. God, a part of his mind wondered, how had
Chris ever given that up?
"You okay, Vin?" Buck asked gently.
"Yeah...just a bit powerful. In the good way."
"That's okay, then," Buck smiled and kissed Vin again.
Much more than okay, the part of Vin's mind that remained
slightly rational thought.
Buck's hands roamed under the soft fabric of Vin's shirt.
"Damn, Vin, this thing is almost as soft as the nightgowns some
'a the ladies wear. What's it made from?"
"It's a real fine cotton. I guess Ezra could tell us what kind,
but it's just a real fine cotton ta me."
"I like how it looks on you and feels against me," Buck murmured,
kissing Vin again.
"God, Buck, this feels so good, so right."
"It does," Buck agreed between kisses.
Vin had a moment of worry. What if he couldn't give this up, no
matter what Chris said? But he knew...for Chris, he could do
anything. No matter how good Buck's hands felt on him.
Vin moaned as Buck unbuttoned the shirt, exposing his chest to
the air, and to Buck's gaze.
"'re more beautiful than I thought you'd be," Buck
gasped as he pulled the shirt from Vin, then moved to remove
the long johns he wore.
Vin gulped a little, he'd known Buck was a big man, but he hadn't
realised how well-endowed he was.
"You okay?" Buck asked.
"Yeah," Vin replied, caressing the nearest bit of skin he could
reach, a firm thigh. He was rewarded with a full-body shudder
from Buck. Vin did the first thing he could think of, he leaned
forward and followed the trail his fingers had traced with his
tongue. He felt almost scalded by the heat he could feel in the
other man. As his tongue traced the firm flesh of Buck's thigh,
his fingers moved toward the other man's hardness.
"Yesssssssss..." Buck hissed at the first touch of Vin's roughened
fingers on him.
Vin grinned, and followed the trail again with his tongue. Buck
jerked with surprise when he felt Vin's tongue on his burning
flesh, and Vin pulled back for a moment.
"Do ya want this Buck...or do ya wanna do somethin' else?"
"Don't stop!" was all that Buck managed to get through his
gritted teeth.
Vin didn't need to be told twice to do what he wanted, and he
took Buck as far into his mouth as he could, allowing the hot
flesh to touch all of his mouth, sliding gently down as he
relaxed his throat muscles to take it all in. Buck moaned as
Vin worked him with his tongue, adding some movements that his
first lover had taught him with his fingers over Buck's hips
and the soft rounds of his buttocks...for such a muscular man,
Buck felt soft, Vin thought as he plunged a finger into the tight
heat between Buck's cheeks. Buck moaned, and as Vin explored
further inside him he began to move more quickly, exploding
down Vin's throat as Vin stroked a swelling inside him.
Vin moved his fingers out of Buck and allowed Buck to slip out
of his mouth. He moved to take the bigger man in his arms,
feeling the uncontrollable trembling. He held Buck, murmuring
nonsensical endearments, until the other man calmed.
"Oh, Vin..." was all that he could say.
"Buck...was it all right?"
" was incredible. Maybe too incredible. I don't know
if I can give this up."
"I hope we won't have to. And isn't it better to have known
what we have if that's all it can be?"
"Well," Buck grinned, "There's one thing I want to know. I want
to know what you look like when you come. And I guess I can
figure out a way to make that happen." Buck moved a hand
between Vin's legs, finding the hardness that had grown during
the time Vin had been sucking him. Buck grasped the burning
flesh, causing Vin to moan with pleasure.
"That's good," Buck murmured, "It ain't gonna take long, is it?"
Vin didn't answer, he just bucked his hips into the large warm
hand, and a few minutes later, a shattering orgasm ripped through
his body, causing him to jerk so hard he almost had them both
on the floor. Buck kept a hold of him as he pumped and pumped
his seed into the waiting hand, a wordless cry escaping from his
"Wow," Buck said as they calmed, licking the cream from his
fingers. "You sound so good, Vin...but I already knew that."
"Well, the walls at the saloon aren't that thick..." Buck replied.
"Do ya think anyone else heard?"
"Probably Ezra. No one that you would have to be worried about."
"Good. Well, we better get some sleep. We got a long ride
ahead of us
"I know...that's why I didn't think it would be a good idea if know."
"You mean that you would have liked me inside you?"
"Liked? That's a word for it. But...maybe we should wait, Vin.
Leave it until we know what's happening."
"That might be best. Just in case."
"Yeah. Just in case," and with those last words, both men were
The End
Next story: Three of Hearts