Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be - I couldn't afford to feed them. Buck and Josiah alone would eat me out of house and home.
On the 12th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Vin opened the flap to his wagon and found 12 shot gun shells in the shape of a heart sitting on the base board. Smiling he looked around hoping to see the person who left them, but if it was who he hoped it was then he would just be crawling into bed since he had patrol last night.
Gathering up the shells he placed them in his pocket and pulled his coat tighter to ward off the chill in the air.
Pushing open the doors to the salon he walked over and poured him some coffee before sitting down at their usual table. "Mornin' Cowboy," Vin said as he lifted the cup as Chris walked in.
Chris just grunted and headed for the coffee pot.
"Thought you'd be in bed," Vin commented. "Didn't ya have patrol last night?"
Chris barely nodded his head as he sat down.
"Mornin' fellas!" Buck called as he walked in and then stretched until his bones popped.
"Hey guys!" JD bellowed as pushed past Buck and grabbed the chair closest to the stove.
"Hey Kid that was my chair!" Buck fussed.
"Was is right. I beat ya to it," JD boasted with a grin.
"Kid's right Bucklin'," Vin said and let his gaze wonder up the stairs to rest on a certain door. Slipping his hand in his pocket he took one of the shells out and began playing with it.
"What cha got there Vin?" JD asked.
JD just shrugged and looked over at Chris who had his head resting in his hand and appeared to be almost asleep. "I thought you'd be in bed Chris. Didn't you and Ezra have patrol last night?"
Chris sat up and turned narrowed eyes on JD and said, "I wanted to thaw out a bit first." Turning his eyes on the tracker he snapped, "What the hell do you have to grin about so early?"
Vin sat up straighter and grinned all the bigger, "Nothing. Just thinking is all."
"About what?"
"Christmas." To which the jaded gunslinger snorted and got to his feet.
"What are we gonna do about Christmas?" JD asked getting all excited.
"That's a good question JD. Hows about we wait until the others are here too talk about it," Buck suggested. "We need to decide on gifts as well."
Later that afternoon as the others sat around enjoying a late lunch they heard a door opening and looked up to see Ezra emerge and make his way down the stairs. "Top of the morning to you gentlemen," he greeted them with a wide grin and tipped his hat.
"It's after noon Ezra," Nathan pointed out.
"Oh well then, top of the afternoon gentlemen," he amended his earlier statement.
"Someone's in a good mood today," Josiah teased. He liked seeing Ezra like this. His green eyes nearly sparkled with life.
"Ezra you been hitting the sprites a little early today," Buck teased.
"I'll have you know I haven't had a drink all week," Ezra told them then with a wink stole a biscuit off Vin's plate and nearly laughed out loud at the heat that flooded his cheeks.
"Uhm Ezra it's only Tuesday," JD pointed out which caused Ezra and the others to laugh. Once the laughter died down the young sheriff placed his elbows on the table and said, "We need to talk about Christmas. Especially gifts. Do we want to draw names? Or what?"
Vin only half listened to the conversation going on around him. Right now he was more interested in watching Ezra's mouth move as he spoke. He couldn't believe he hadn't kissed Ezra or hell even touched him since Thanksgiving night. Vin still remembered that night as if it were yesterday.
Him and Ezra had just returned from patrol and were brushing their horses down. Vin had already finished with his and turned to watch Ezra with Chaucer. This was one of the few times that Ezra allowed himself to be just himself. Vin's eyes narrowed as he saw Ezra remove his coat and he watched the muscles play across his back and found himself standing by the stall without realizing he'd even moved.
Vin watched as Ezra turned and his breath caught in his throat at the smile on his face. Reaching he held the stall door open as Ezra stepped out and headed for the tact room. Vin's eyes followed him and he sighed as he disappeared from sight. Shaking his head he tore his hat off and asked himself, what the hell was the matter with you. You are not on the reservation anymore. This is Ezra for God's sake! He's your friend. But he's so beautiful, his heart reminded him. And besides you care about him for more than just a friend.
"Vin!" he heard a southern voice call out for him causing him to jumped. "Ezra?" he called as he stepped into the tact room. Suddenly he felt himself gently grabbed and pushed up against the wall. With startled eyes Vin looked up and relaxed as he saw it was Ezra. "What's...." the rest of his words were swallowed by Ezra as he pressed his lips to Vin's.
The tall Texan stood in shock for a full twenty seconds before realizing that Ezra was kissing him. Him! But by then Ezra had stepped back and mumbled an apology and headed for the door, which had been kicked shut just seconds before. Hearing Ezra grab the latch broke Vin out of his daze and he grabbed Ezra's arm and spun him around pushed him up against the door and pushed one of his legs between both of the gambler's and whispered, "Kiss me again."
"Vi..." was all he allowed Ezra to say and he laid claim to that mouth.
"Ezra," he sighed as they broke for air and he felt those oh-so-talented fingers slipped inside his now opened shirt to pinch his nipples causing him to shiver. Vin's own hands tugged at Ezra's shirt until he could run them up his back. Leaning his head against Ezra's he began to unbutton his shirt cause he wanted to get to the chest beneath. Smiling Vin lowered his head and just as he was about to kiss the pulse beating wildly in Ezra's neck they heard someone bellow causing them to jump apart.
"VIN!! EZRA!!" they heard Chris shout as he headed toward them
Stepping back into the shadows Vin buttoned his shirt as he watched Ezra opened the door and say, "In here."
Vin jumped back to the present as he heard someone call his name. Blinking he looked up and refused to even look in Ezra's direction because he knew that he'd be able to read his mind. "What?"
"Dang Vin where ya been," JD teased. "I asked ya if you wanted to come with me to Ms. Nettie's?"
"Sure," Vin said and was about to get to his feet when he felt a warm hand on his thigh.
"Are you all right Vin?" Ezra asked with an innocent expression on his face. "You look a little flushed. Do have a fever?" He reached out to touch Vin's face only to have him get to his feet.
"It's just a little warm in here is all," he said. Do I have a fever, he repeated in his head. Hell yeah I got a fever for a certain southern gambler and if something don't happen soon I'm gonna burn slap up, he muttered under his breath. It's your own fault, his heart told him. Don't remind me, he mind responded as he walked out with JD right behind him. It was your idea to wait and make sure what ya felt was real and not just the spur of the moment, he thought. Yeah, but it was Ezra's idea to give them until Christmas.
Vin suddenly stopped causing JD to run into him. "How many days 'til Christmas?"
JD frowned and quickly counted on his fingers, "12. Well 11, not counting today."
"11! Aww hell," he swore, "I'll never make it."
"Make what?"
Ezra laughed as he heard what Vin said, "Patience Mr. Tanner. Patience."
Vin pivoted on his heel and with a growl headed straight for him, "I'll show you patience."
"Now. Now," Ezra said with a laugh placing a hand on the tracker's chest. "We had a deal."
Pushing against that hand Vin leaned closer and whispered so that only the gambler heard. "You're killin' me Ez," he groaned.
"It's not all my fault Vin," he replied smiling all the wider.
JD couldn't hear what was being said and was starting to get nervous and worried that maybe the two men were gonna come to blows. "Uhm guys? What's going on? You're not gonna fight or anything are you?"
Vin stepped back and took a deep breath. "Believe me JD when I say nothin' going on between me and Ezra," he replied with a frown on his face, but the twinkle in his eyes clearly said; yet.
On The 11th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Vin was saddling his horse and reached for his saddle bag and heard a rustling sound. Probing the bag on a bail of hay and reached inside and pulled out a small package. Tugging on the string Vin grinned as he saw the candy sticks inside. After quickly counting eleven he popped one in his mouth and closed his eyes as the sweet taste of peppermint flooded his mouth. Hearing someone coming he quickly retied the package and put it away.
"Vin," Chris said as he walked in.
"Cowboy," he mumbled around his stick of candy.
"You got any more of that candy?"
"Nope sorry," Vin replied with a grin and headed out of the livery pulling his horse behind him.
Later that night six of the seven sat in the saloon and grinned as Vin warned everyone away from his candy, which he had in a faded bandanna resting on the table. Chris walked in and grabbed a bottle and sat down and immediately noticed the broken bits of candy. "I thought you said you didn't have any more of that?"
"I lied," Vin said without explanation.
"If you didn't want to share then that's what ya shoulda said," Chris complained.
"I don't wanta share," he promptly replied.
"Fine I don't want any of your damned candy anyway," the black clad man snapped.
"Good," Vin said picking up the candy filled bandanna and held it close to his chest and tried to ignore the twinge of guilt he felt for not sharing.
Ezra watched the happenings and had to duck his head in order to hide his grin.
"Where you get the candy anyway?" Buck asked.
"Don't know. I found it in my saddle bags," he explained. "Ya'll want a piece?" he asked holding up the bandanna. Everyone took one; even Chris.
"Oh, oh someone has an secret admirer," the ladies' man teased. "I betcha it's from Miss Becky. She's real sweet on you and has been trying to catch your eye for some time."
"Well it ani't gonna do her no good," Vin told them.
"Why not? She's pretty enough," Chris added then wished he hadn't as everyone turned and looked at him. "What? Just cause I ani't interested don't mean I don't notice a pretty face when I see one."
"Trust me she ani't my type," he explained and wished he'd kept his mouth shut.
Ezra saw Vin's discomfort and decided to come to his rescue. "Buck I think it would be wise not to pursue this any further," he advised. He for one didn't want Buck trying to fix his soon to be lover up with someone else.
"Why not?"
"Need I remind you what happened you the last time you teased him in such a manner?"
Buck sat up straighter and shuddered. "Hell no! You don't need to remind me. I can still feel the damn thing crawling on me."
"Look Buck there's a spider!" JD hollered causing the ladies' man to jump to his feet and the others to laugh.
"Dammit JD that ani't funny!" he fussed and flopped back down in his chair. "How'd you like it if I done that to you?"
"You have done that to me," the younger gunslinger snapped and took his hat off before Buck could knock it off.
Chris smiled as he got to his feet and asked, "Well Ezra you ready?"
Ezra cringed at the thought of going out into the cold. "Must we? It's freezing out there. No one in their right minds would be fool enough to be out in it," he tried to reason with the black clad man.
"You're absolutely right," Chris agreed pulling on his coat, "but the men we deal with aren't usually in their right minds. So come on."
Resigned to his fate Ezra begrudgingly got to his feet and put on his coat and followed. Once at the door he turned back. "Mr. Tanner since it is so cold why don't you make use of my room tonight?" he suggested.
"That's right nice of ya Ez. I appreciate it," Vin replied. Then called out, "I'll be thinking about you as I lay in your nice warm bed."
"That was not kind Mr. Tanner. Not kind at all," he started to say something else but was grabbed by the arm and yanked out by Chris.
On The 10th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Early the next morning Vin headed down the stairs as Ezra was headed up them. Quickly looking around and not seeing anyone he beat a hasty retreat and backed up the stairs and went back in the room he'd just left with Ezra following him. Once inside he pushed Ezra against the closed door and shivered as he pressed up against him. "Damn Ezra you're cold."
Ezra reached up and wrapped his arms around his waist and whispered, "So warm me. You have ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?" Vin questioned as he unbuttoned his coat.
Nodding his head Ezra explained, "That's my gift to you today. Ten minutes of whatever you want."
"That's not enough time," he complained, "when's it start?"
Vin's eyes flared with desire as he cupped Ezra's chin in his hand and lowered his head and touched his lips to Ezra's. He sighed as his tongue was captured by Ezra's and shuddered as the gambler began to suck on it.
Ezra moaned as he felt a leg wedge itself between both of his and let his hands glide over Vin's lean hips to grab his ass and bring him closer still. But it wasn't close enough. Tearing his mouth from Vin's he groaned, "It's not enough." Seeing the confusion in those blue eyes Ezra continued. "I want to stripe you of your clothes and then I want to taste every inch of you. I want to feel your body against mine. I want...."
The tracker suddenly pressed his fingers to Ezra's lips stopping any further words. His mind was reeling from the images those words were causing. "Ezra stop. You have to stop," he pleaded in a husky tone, "I..."
"VIN!!" Buck bellowed as he bounded up the stairs.
"Shit!" Vin swore and laid his head on Ezra's shoulder and gripped his waist tight as he fought to bring his body back under control. "I told you ten minutes weren't enough time."
Ezra smiled and pressed a hard kiss to his lips and gave him a quick hug. "I don't know I'm feeling pretty warm."
"You ani't alone," Vin quipped, but smiled in return. Stepping back he opened the door just as Buck was about to knock.
Buck looked past Vin and saw Ezra removing his jacket. "Hey Ezra you and Chris see anything?"
Ezra snorted, "No. I told Chris it was to cold to be out."
"Well, you know Chris," Buck said to which Ezra just rolled his eyes and nodded his head. "See ya later. Come on Vin lets get this over with."
"Thanks for sharing your bed with me Ez," Vin said with a grin and quickly closed the door.
"Oh, just you wait until I get my hands on you Vin Tanner," Ezra mumbled under his breath. Then laughed and shook his head as he heard the tracker ask if Buck had seen his gloves. The man could find tracks in a blizzard, but could not keep up with a pair of gloves.
That afternoon when Ezra came down stairs he spotted most of his friends already in the saloon. "Top of the afternoon to you gentlemen," he said in greeting. Then look directly at Nathan continued, "See Nathan I can learn."
"Well wonders never cease," Nathan teased and pushed the whisky bottle toward Ezra.
"No thank you Nathan I don't care for any," he commented.
"You still not drinking Ezra?" Buck asked as he tossed back one.
"I have no need to drink," Ezra told them. I am high on life, he silently told them.
"Hell Ezra there's always a need for a drink," Chris confirmed.
"Where's Josiah?" Ezra asked looking at JD.
"At the church," JD told him. "I tried Ezra, but he's in a mood or something."
"Did he snap at you?" JD nodded and with narrowed eyes Ezra said, "I'll be right back."
"What's was that about?" Chris asked as soon as the man left. "And for that matter what's up with Ezra lately?"
"What makes you thing something's up?" Vin asked with a frown.
"I don't something's different about him. It's almost like he's.... happy," Chris said as if the word was distasteful or something.
"Yeah he acts like he's got a secret of something," Nathan added.
"Hell Nathan, Ez has always acted like he knew the secret of life," Vin said with a laugh.
"That's true," Nathan started to say more, but Ezra and Josiah walked in.
"What's so important Ezra? I have things to do," Josiah complained as he was pushed into a chair.
"Coffee?" Josiah shook his head, but Ezra poured him some anyway. Then to everyone's surprise he grabbed Chris' hat and placed little slips of paper in it and gave it a little shake. Setting the hat in the middle of the table he said, "Now draw a name." Then placed a hand on Josiah's shoulder as he made to leave. "You too."
"Ezra I...."
"I don't want to hear it," Ezra snapped his earlier good mood gone. "Look Josiah aren't you the one that's always telling us we need to think of others? So how about you practice what you preach." When the ex-preached still didn't reached for a name Ezra did it for him and slapped it on the table. "There."
Josiah hung his head, but made more to pick up the paper.
"Dammit Josiah you are not the only one that's ever had a shitty Christmas," Ezra pointed out. "JD, Chris I don't mean to cause you any distress by what I'm about to say," he wanted them to understand before he opened his mouth. "It hasn't been that long since JD lost his mother. Or Chris his family. But you don't see them hiding. Hell we're all willing to look for the good in the season instead of dwelling in the past. Why can't you?" he asked then threw up his hands. "Fine Josiah, I give up. I don't wish to make you uncomfortable. I apologize for over stepping my bounds. Give the papers back and we'll just take Josiah's name out all together," Ezra suggested and held out his hand.
Josiah saw Ezra reaching for the name he'd been given and placed his hand over it stopping him. "No Ezra. You're right I was stuck in the past, but I want to be included in this," he said. "I'm sorry."
"No need to apologize," Ezra told him with a smile. "It wouldn't have been the same without you." Then handed back the paper and gave Chris his hat back. "Now if you will excuse me I feel the need for some air."
"Dammit Ezra I don't understand you at all," Chris snapped. "Why do you want to out in the cold now when you didn't last night?"
"Because I'm not being forced to do so," he said with a cheeky grin. "Gentlemen," he tipped his hat and left.
On The 9th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Vin swore under his breath as he tossed things over his shoulders. "Where the hell are they?" He'd been looking for his gloved for two days now and hadn't found them yet. Reaching to look under his pillow Vin froze as he touched something hard. Throwing the pillow to the side he saw a box tied with sting and smiled as he picked it up. Pulling on the string he then opened the box and laughed out loud at what was inside. Shaking his head Vin quickly counted and found that he now had nine pairs of gloves.
"Come on Vin!" Buck shouted. "Let's go. I got plans later."
"I'm comin'," Vin said as he climbed out of his wagon pulling on his gloves.
"Hey where'd you find your gloves?"
"My wagon."
"So who's name did you draw?" Buck asked as they rode out.
"Ezra's. You?"
"JD's," he grinned. "And he got mine. Who'd Chris get?"
"Me. Josiah got Nathan."
"Nathan got Chris."
"Ezra got Josiah," they both said at the same time.
"So what are ya gonna get Ezra?"
Vin snorted and shook his head causing Buck to laugh. He wasn't about to tell Buck what he wanted to give Ezra for Christmas.
On The 8th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Vin had just returned from patrol and was putting his jacket in his wagon when he saw it. There sitting on his folded blanket was another package. Shaking his head he tore it open and laughed as he saw all the socks. Eight pairs of socks, to be exact. Damn he's gonna have to be more careful about what he said around Ezra. He'd taken his boots off to thaw his feet out yesterday and when he noticed the holes he jokingly said he needed some socks.
Reaching in his pocket he popped a piece of hard candy in his mouth and smiled, "Damn Ezra you're spoiling me." All these gifts and treats was starting to erase all bad Christmases of his past and he knew he had Ezra to thank for that.
When he first met Ezra he would have never have believed that Ezra would have spent this much time and effort or money to impress anyone. Let alone someone like him. All this shows just how much Ezra and him both had changed. Vin had to pinch himself sometimes just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. It couldn't have been a dream though, because dreams never felt this good.
Putting the socks in the same box with his gloves Vin climbed out of the wagon and went in search of his gambler.
On The 7th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Ezra watched from the boardwalk as Vin climbed into his wagon only to stick his head out and look round and then smile at him. Tipping his hat Ezra continued on his way.
Josiah frowned as he watched the exchange from his position outside the jail. Now I wonder what that's about, he thought to himself, it might pay to keep an eye on those two.
Vin grinned as he settled back in his wagon and took a bite out of one of the seven muffins he'd just found. Let's see I got twelve shot gun shells, eleven sticks of candy, ten minutes of bliss, nine gloves, eight pairs of socks, and now seven muffins, he counted down. Damn Ezra, what's next.
"Vin," JD called from outside the wagon.
"Come on in JD."
"I wondered if you .... Oooh! What cha got there?" JD asked getting a little excited, "muffins?"
"Yeap. Want one?" Vin asked holding out the basket.
"Thanks," JD said and took a bite. "This another present from your secret admirer?" Vin just nodded. "Look what I got Buck," he said showing Vin a knife.
"He's gonna love it JD," Vin said, "you did good."
"I don't think he ever found his other one, but if he did then he'll just have two," the young sheriff said with a smile. "What are you getting Ezra?"
Vin shrugged and said, "I don't know. I was thinking about some handkerchiefs or maybe a new deck of cards."
"Either one would be great," JD commented and took another muffin before saying, "See ya later Vin I gotta get to the jar. Thanks for sharing."
"No problem JD."
JD popped the last of his muffin in his mouth as he stepped into the jailhouse.
"What cha eating Kid?" Buck asked.
"Muffin," he mumbled.
"Where'd you get muffins? Nettie?"
Shaking his head no he said, "Vin." Then washed down the muffin with some water.
"Vin? Where he get 'em?"
"It's a secret."
"Damn. He got any more?"
JD shook his head no and sat down. "Sorry Buck, I was lucky to get the one I did."
"Double damn."
On The 6th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
The seven men sat in the saloon playing poker and groaned in defeat as Vin had yet another winning hand. "You're cheating Vin. I just know it!" Buck fussed as he threw his cards on the table. "That's the sixth game you've won in a roll. There ani't no way you could be that lucky; unless someone's helping you win," he shot an accusing glance at Ezra.
Ezra winked at Buck and dared, "Prove it."
Shaking his head Buck said, "I can't."
"Then shut up."
"Aww quit your grumbling Buck it's all just for fun," Vin smiled as he raked in the pot. "Ani't like I won a huge pot." Vin had been wondering what present he was gonna get today. He had to admit that he was starting to get worried cause the sun was nearly down and he hadn't found any surprises. But this was well worth the wait. Vin felt all warm inside at the thought of how much Ezra must really care for him to let him win six hands. The tracker suddenly sat up straight and smiled as he realized that they had only five more days to wait.
"Vin you all right?" Nathan asked.
"Yeah I just realized that there are only five more days 'til Christmas," Vin replied still smiling.
"Yes indeed and I can hardly wait," Ezra added with a huge smile.
Josiah had been watching Ezra and Vin off and on since yesterday. And he noticed two things right off. The first was that they always seemed to end up sitting together just like now. The other was how close they stood to each other. Last night when Vin had been standing at the bar Ezra walked up to him and leaned in close and whispered something only Vin heard causing him to laugh. And although, Ezra did move they were still close enough so that their shoulders touched. And Vin was no different. Just yesterday him and Ezra sat outside the saloon when Vin walked up and instead of sitting in one of the empty chairs he sat with Ezra on the bench. A small bench at that. It was as if they just had to have that contact.
Suddenly Josiah tensed as he remembered glancing up earlier and catching a flash of longing in Ezra's eyes that he hadn't been able to hide. But what he remembered most was how it vanished as soon as Vin walked in and sat down next to him. Looking at them now he noticed that they each had only one hand on the table and couldn't help but wonder where the other one was. Seeing that Nathan had dropped his handkerchief on the floor Josiah took that as a sign and as he bent down to pick it up he glanced under the table he smiled and saw that their legs were touching at the knee and they had their hands resting on their legs with their pinkies linked. Sitting up he saw that Ezra was looking at him and he smiled his approval. Ezra was like the son he'd never had and Josiah was glad he'd found someone that made him happy. It didn't matter to him if it was a woman or a man. Vin would keep Ezra grounded and Ezra would help Vin open up.
On The 5th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Josiah looked up as he heard someone walk in and waved at Vin. "Brother come warm yourself by the fire."
"Thanks Josiah," Vin said as he sat down by him and then looked around. "Where is everyone?" he asked with a tinge of disappointment in his voice at not seeing Ezra anywhere.
"Nathan's got a patient. JD's gone to give Casey her gift before her and Nettie leave to visit some cousin. Buck is probably with a lady friend. Chris rode out to check on his cabin," Josiah told him.
"A...and Ezra?" Vin hoped he didn't notice the stammer.
"Vin you know I think the world of each of you boys," Josiah said looking at him. Vin nodded. "And I'm sure you know Ezra is especially special to me."
Again Vin just nodded not real sure what Josiah was getting at, but had a pretty good idea. Looking into Josiah's eyes he saw nothing but understanding and decided to be honest with him. "I love him Josiah," he whispered.
Josiah smiled and gave Vin a gentle shove and said, "That's just what I needed to hear. You're well suited for each other." He was happy to see Vin smile. "So what did your secret admirer give you today?"
Vin blushed and looked away. "I..I c..can't tell y..you," he stammered.
"Because you don't want to? Or because you think you can't? You can trust me Vin. You and Ezra both can," Josiah vowed.
"He surprised me," Vin heard himself saying. "Me! Five times!" he still couldn't believe it. Ezra had first snuck up on him as he climbed out of his wagon that morning. It was still kinda dark and just as he put both feet on the ground Vin was grabbed around the waist and spun around, but had no time to react as a tongue was suddenly thrust into his mouth and just as suddenly removed as he heard a rough southern voice say in his ear, "That's one four to go." Then he was gone leaving Vin reeling from the thrill of it. The second time was as he walked by the ally near the general store. The third time was in the jailhouse. The fourth happened as he while he took a break from chopping wood for the boardinghouse. Each time Ezra counted them down and told him how many was left. So Vin eagerly awaited the fifth surprise. He'd been in the livery and had just stepped out of the tack room and looked up and smiled as he saw Ezra standing in front of him. Ezra placed one hand on Vin's chest and pushed him back into the shadows and then gave him the gentlest most sweetest kiss Vin had ever experienced. "Four days Vin. Just four more days," he whispered in his ear his husky southern voice making him shiver and then he was gone.
"What did he do? Kiss you?" he asked careful to keep his voice down and laughed as he saw Vin blush even harder. "Good for him. You need someone to keep you on your toes."
"Oh he does that. I never expected all these gifts."
"When did he start?"
"Seven days ago," Vin told him with a smile and shake of his head.
"Seven! And you have four to go."
Vin nodded and started to say something when the Ezra walked in causing him to blush yet again.
"Gentlemen," Ezra said as he sat down. "Vin? Are you all right? You look a little flushed."
"No. He needs you to sneak up on him more often," Josiah teased then laughed out loud at the expressions on both their faces. Slapping Ezra on the back he got to his feet and leaned down so that only the two of them could hear and whispered, "I'm gonna go and leave you to love birds alone."
"I didn't tell him Ezra he figured it out," Vin urgently told him.
"Calm down Vin. I don't care who knows," Ezra assured him and gave his leg a squeeze. "I want to shout it to the world. In fact, let's do it right now," he said and jumped to his feet.
Vin looked at Ezra liked he'd lost his mind and jumped up and slapped his hand over his mouth as he got to his feet. "Don't you dare," he said and pulled him back down. Vin really loved this playful side of Ezra's. Loved to see him laughing. Hell, he just loved the man. Briefly closing his eyes Vin relished the feel of Ezra in his arms and reluctantly released him.
Ezra felt Vin releasing him and pressed a quick kiss to the palm of his hand. Picking up the paper that Josiah left behind he held it up and leaned in close and whispered, "Oh Vin, what you do to me."
"Hey guys!" JD hollered as he walked up the table. "What cha doing?"
Lowering the paper Ezra looked at JD and said, "I was just telling Vin what I got Josiah for Christmas."
"What is it? I won't tell," he promised.
Ezra made a show looking around to make sure no one could hear and told him that he found an Indian necklace and had it blessed by a Shaman.
"Really! Wow Ezra he's really gonna like that," JD said.
"Where'd ya find the Shaman?"
"I went to see Chanu," Ezra told them.
"Ezra you never cease to amaze me," Vin said with a shake of his head.
On The 4th Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
"Hey Vin you lose something?" JD asked as he tossed the tracker his jacket.
"It was a little wet so I left out there to dry," Vin explained, "thanks for bringing in."
"Damn Vin what have you got in those pockets?" Buck wondered as he joined them.
"Don't know," the tracker said and started pulling out bandanna after bandanna in assorted colors.
"Damn Vin that's four bandannas you got," Nathan said. "Who they from?"
Vin shrugged and began stuffing them back in his jacket pocket. "Don't know, but I beginning to like getting these gifts."
"Gifts?" JD repeated.
"Yeah this and the candy," he was all he was willing to tell them about.
"Best be careful Vin. Someone might want something in return," Chris warned as he sat down.
"Is there no note?" Ezra asked and Vin shook his head no. "Well then I wouldn't worry about it. I would just enjoy it in the nature in which they were intended."
"In what nature were they intended?" Chris questioned.
"Why for the pure pleasure of it, of course," Ezra smiled.
"Don't matter cause ani't no body getting nothing from me unless I want to give it," Vin stated with a quick nod of his head.
On The 3rd Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Vin sat on his horse and listened to the whistle of a distant train. Hearing the lonesome sound brought back memories of his mother. Vin remembered that last year they were together and her asking him what he wanted for Christmas and he proudly told her a train set. But then she died and he was sent to that orphanage and never did get that train. Vin hated trains for long time after that, but had finally come to realize it wasn't the train's fault. It was just something that happened. So he accepted it and put it behind him. Besides, he liked traveling by horse much better.
With a sigh he turned his horse and headed for home. Vin could have gotten himself one, but he figured he was too old.
Ezra stood at the window and sipped a cup of coffee and pretended not to be worried about Vin, who had been gone way longer than he said he would. Turning on his heel he sat down at a table and began a game of solitaire.
"Vin's back," Josiah said as he walked into the saloon.
Thank you Lord, Ezra silently prayed as he waited to see him for himself.
"Best get your coat Ezra. We'll be heading out in half an hour," Chris said as he stepped up to his table.
"What? You mean we're leaving early? But I haven't even eaten yet," Ezra complained.
"You have half an hour Ezra. It don't take you that long to eat."
"Dammit Ezra can't you ever do anything with out complaining?" Chris asked interrupting him.
"Of course, I can....."
"Good. Then go get you something to eat," Chris told him, "cause you now have twenty-five minutes."
Without at word Ezra got to his feet and walked out. Fifteen minutes later he returned and walked up to the others.
"It feels like it's going to be bitterly cold tonight Mr. Tanner. Please feel free to make use of my room."
Vin opened the door to Ezra's room and pulled his boots off and then his clothes. Flopping back on the bed and he winced as he hit his head on something. Quickly lighting a lantern he saw it was a box with his name on it. "Ezra how did ya know," he whispered and wiped his eyes as he saw what was in it. Reaching in box he pulled out a three piece wooden train set. Swallowing hard Vin held it closer to the light and then looked up toward heaven and said, "Look Mama I finally got it."
On The 2nd Day 'Til Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:
Ezra opened the door to his room and smiled at the sight that greeted him. Not only was Vin sleeping in his bed but he held then train in one of his hands. Locking the door he quickly undressed and climbed in behind Vin and pulled him close.
Feeling arms wrap around him caused Vin to stir but not fully awake. Instead he snuggled deeper into the warmth that surrounded him and sleepily mumbled, "Ezra." Then reality began to penetrate his sleep fogged brain and he suddenly sat up and said in a loud whisper, "Ezra!" And began raining kisses over his face. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," he said in between kisses. "But how?"
Ezra finally captured Vin's head in his hands and gave him one long lingering kiss. "Now what did you ask?"
"How'd you know about the train?"
"I've watched you watch them and took a gamble that it was the train itself that fascinated you and not the journey it was taking," Ezra explained.
Vin hung his head and blinked his eyes. "Yeah it's the train. My ma was gonna get me one for Christmas that last year, but she died and..."
"Shh," he whispered and pulled Vin down until he was nestled in his arms. "It's ok Vin, you don't have to tell me. I understand. Every child should have at least one toy of their dreams."
"Did you?" he couldn't really picture Maude giving into the whim of a child; even for Christmas.
"Yes I did. It was a stick horse," he smiled at the memory. "It was one of few presents that Maude gave me that I truly appreciated it." Gathering Vin closer Ezra gave him a tight hug. "I'm glad you like you train."
"Like it? I love it," the tracker said raising up to rest on one elbow. "Almost as much as I love you." Vin saw as the shock in those beloved green eyes sparkle into happiness and then spread over his face until Ezra smiled the most dazzling smile Vin had ever seen.
"Really? You l..love me," Ezra repeated and couldn't keep the smile off his face or the warmth from spreading all over his body. He saw Vin nod and smile in return. Sitting up Ezra faced Vin and gently trailed a finger down his cheek. "Oh Vin, you are like a burst of spring to my cold winter soul and I love you with all my being," he whispered and leaned closer and gave him a sweet kiss.
Vin nearly glowed from the happiness he felt and rested his forehead on Ezra's and asked, "Why'd we ever agree to wait for Christmas? I don't think I'm gonna make it."
"We have only one day left. We'll make it," Ezra reassured him and absently ran his hand down the chest in front of him causing the body it belonged to shiver.
Capturing that wayward hand Vin said, "Not if you keep doing that. Now keep your hands to yourself and kiss me." Their lips just touched when they heard an all to familiar stomping up the stairs and try as they might to ignore it; they knew they couldn't as a voice suddenly bellowed and a fist pounded on the door. "I swear if he doesn't that tomorrow I'm gonna shoot 'im," Vin vowed causing Ezra to laugh.
Ezra sighed as Vin got out of bed and grinned as lay back in the bed and watched him dress. "Don't worry Vin we won't have to worry about Buck or the others tomorrow. Chris said there would be no patrols tonight or tomorrow. Said he was going to allow us to sleep in if we wanted and we'd open gifts in the church around ten." Then he yawned and blinked his eyes. Now that he was warm he was starting to get sleepy.
Vin smiled as he watched Ezra slip off to sleep and pulled the covers more securely around him then pressed a kiss to the top of his head and left.
Later that day Vin sat in his wagon trying to wrap the handkerchiefs he gotten Ezra for Christmas when he noticed two books tied together by ribbon sitting on his pillow. Picking them up he pulled the ribbon off and opened the one of top and saw that it was a book of poems and knew what him and Ezra would be doing; well not tonight but some night in the future. Vin loved to hear Ezra read. Although, he could now read pretty good he liked how patient Ezra was with him as he still had some trouble pronouncing some words.
But tonight there would be no reading. Only loving. Setting the books aside he quickly finished with the gift and gathered him some clean clothes and headed for the bathhouse. Vin wanted to be ready for Ezra.
Later that night Ezra brought out the best bottle of scotch he owned and poured each of them a shot. Raising his glass he said, "To friends and family. Merry Christmas gentlemen." The others returned the toast and tossed back their drink.
Chris closed his eyes and savored the slow burn that made it's way to his belly. "Damn Ezra that's smooth."
The seven of them laughed and joked and generally enjoyed their selves. It was nearing midnight when Ezra noticed that it had started snowing. "It's snowing!" he exclaimed and they all ran to the window. Placing an arm around both Vin and JD Ezra pulled them close and proposed that if their was enough snow tomorrow that the three of them would challenge their elders to a snow ball fight. Vin and JD eagerly agreed.
"Oh no, that's never a good sign," Nathan said as he noticed their youngest huddled together.
"Well I don't think we have to worry about them tonight," Josiah assured them and smiled as he noticed how Vin leaned into Ezra.
"Hey Vin where ya sleeping tonight?" Buck hollered across the room. He saw Vin shrug. "Hell son, don't ya see it's snowing out there! You'll freeze to death in that wagon of yours."
"There's a spare room up the stairs that I'm sure Inez wouldn't mind him using," Ezra suggested.
Again Vin shrugged and said, "I'll use the spare room tonight, and clear it with Inez in the morning."
"Speaking of morning," Ezra started and then looked at each of them before continuing, "I intend to sleep in in the morning and do not want to be interrupted for any reason. You have been warned."
"Ok Ezra how about we just plan to met up at the church around ten to exchange our gifts and then we'll come back here and have lunch with Inez. Ok?" Chris said. Everyone agreed and they bid each other good night.
On Christmas Day My True Love Gave To Me:
Ezra said he'd lock up and told Vin to go on up the stairs. Once everything was locked and put away Ezra sprinted up the stairs and threw open the door to his room and leaned back against it and looked at Vin then turned the lock.
Vin sat on the bed in just his underwear and smiled as he watched as Ezra began to undress. First his jacket, then his vest, his shirt was half way unbuttoned when he sat down in the one chair in the room and removed his boots and then his pants. Vin got to his feet and made to close the distance between them, but Ezra held up one hand stopping him.
"You have one present left Vin," Ezra told him.
"Yeah and I can hardly wait to unwrap it," Vin whispered and took another step closer and stopped just shot of touching him.
"I feel I must explain this one to you," he began. "It's one dapper..."
"Diaper?" the tracker teased.
"No! Dapper," Ezra laughed. "One dapper jaded southern gambler slightly used that... that must be handled with care because he's not always as strong as he seems."
Vin wiped the one tear that trailed down Ezra's cheek away and leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips and vowed, "Oh Ezra, I would rather cut off my own arm than ever willingly cause you any pain. I love you."
His next words were swallowed by Ezra as he backed him up to the bed and slowly lowered him never breaking contact. His hands made quick work of unbuttoning Vin's underwear and it was pushing it out of the way.
Swearing under his breath as his fingers fumbled with Ezra's buttons so in frustration Vin ripped the shirt out of his way and brought their chests together and shivered at the contact. Feeling Ezra suck hard on his neck he knew he'd just been branded and growled deep in his throat at belonging to this man. Rolling over he pinned Ezra underneath him and returned the favor; twice. One on each side of his neck. Sitting up Vin straddled Ezra's waist and looked at his handiwork. Getting to his feet he pulled his underwear the rest of the way off and then helped Ezra removed what was left of his shirt. Reaching into the drawer near Ezra's bed Vin took out a bottle of oil and knelt between Ezra's legs and poured some onto his fingers and gently began to prepare his lover to receive him.
Ezra tensed at first, but now withered on the bed as he felt Vin's fingers stretch him. His eyes widened as he felt the tip of Vin's manhood enter him. Once he was in all the way Ezra reached down and grabbed Vin's hips and held him still. "Wait," he sighed.
"Am I hurtin' you?" Vin whispered and then groaned as he felt Ezra clinch and unclinch his muscles around him.
"No. I just wanted to tell you I loved you," Ezra whispered and then trailed his fingers up and his back.
"I love you too," Vin replied and wrapped his hand around Ezra's shaft and moved his hand in time with his hips.
They knew it would not take long their first time together, but held on as long as they could and finally they reached heaven together. They pulsed into and onto each other until they had nothing else to give.
Vin bonelessly collapsed on Ezra's chest and felt arms gather him closer. It was with great regret that he felt himself slip out of Ezra and with his last remaining strength reached for a wash cloth and cleaned them both off.
Crawling under the covers Ezra turned his head and watched as Vin put the bottle of oil on the table. Lifting the end of the blanket he held his arms open and smiled as Vin climbed in and laid his head on his chest. Kissing him on the top of his head Ezra reached down grabbed Vin's leg and put it between both of his and they both drifted off to sleep himself.
The next morning Ezra felt something wet work it's way down his chest and sucked in a deep breath as he felt his manhood engulfed in wet heat. Opening his eyes he lifted the blanket and moaned as he saw and felt nibble on his rapidly hardening shaft.
Vin grabbed Ezra's hips and held him still as he feasted. All it took was for him to place one finger in Ezra's opening to have him gushing. After swallowing every drop Vin kissed his way up Ezra's body much the same way he had earlier.
Ezra tasted himself in Vin's mouth and felt Vin's hardness press into his belly and quickly rolled over and copied Vin's every move. Reaching Vin's throbbing manhood he lightly kissed the tip before drawing the rest in his mouth.
Gripping the covers tightly in his hands Vin could have died from the pleasure surging through his veins; except that would have meant leaving Ezra behind and he could never do that. Grabbing a pillow he covered his face and screamed Ezra's name as he milked him dry.
The new lovers shared a kiss and snuggled back under the covers and fell asleep to listening to or feeling the other's heart beat against them.
A little later that morning the other peacekeepers slowly made their way to the church and sat around in various pews waiting on Ezra and Vin to show.
"Where the h...heck are they?" Buck fussed and saw JD frown and open and close his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if he should. "What ever it is just spite it out Kid?"
JD looked at Buck and wondered if he should them what had just registered in his brain. Taking a deep breath he took a chance, "I saw Ezra and Vin kissing under the mistletoe last night."
"Really?" Buck asked sitting up. "Well it's about da...darned time. Those two have been dancing around each other for months."
"You noticed that too did you," Chris grinned and shook his head.
"Ezra and Vin?" Nathan frowned and scratched his head. "Well now that I think about it I have noticed that seemed to have become each other's shadows."
"Yeah I noticed that too," JD agreed then grinned, "they balance each other. Don't they?"
"Yes JD they do," Josiah said as the doors to the church opened. "Merry Christmas brothers."
"Merry Christmas gentlemen," Ezra grinned.
"Merry Christmas," Vin replied and noticed how everyone was looking at them.
The grin faltered but never left Ezra's face as he placed himself between Vin and the others prepared to protect his love from all harm. "Is there a problem?"
"No Ezra. No problems," Chris told him and got to his feet. "We just managed to put some things together and we couldn't be happier for you both."
Vin grinned and wrapped one arm around Ezra and the other one he held out to Chris. "Thanks pard that means a lot."
Chris shook first his hand and then Ezra's with the others quickly following his lead. Josiah lightly tapped them both on the cheek and gathered them both in a big bear hug.
Ezra started protesting and pushed against Josiah and pulled away from Vin and straightened his clothes before saying, "Really Josiah must you carry on so!" Seeing that he hurt the older man's feelings he relented and said, "Well since it's Christmas I will allow one hug." Ezra stressed the one and held open his arms.
Josiah wrapped his arms around Ezra and hugged him tight and smiled as Ezra returned his hug.
"Thanks Josiah," the southerner whispered and blinked tears away, "you don't know how much your approval means to me."
"You could never disappoint me Son," Josiah whispered in a gruff voice.
Vin slapped them both on the back and said, "Ok fellas break it up I'm starting to get jealous here." Causing everyone to laugh and Ezra and to quickly step away from Josiah.
"Let's exchange these gifts," Nathan suggested.
They each exchanged gifts and took turns opening them. Chris went first and smiled at the cigars Nathan gave him. Nathan went next and laughed at the checker game Josiah gave him. Buck tore open his gift and started laughing at the knife. JD frowned until he opened his and laughed as he saw that Buck had given him a knife as well. Vin smiled and thanked Chris for the gloves and winked at Ezra. Ezra grinned and thanked Vin for the handkerchiefs. Everyone turned to Josiah and watched as he opened his gift. Tearing open the paper Josiah carefully lifted the Indian necklace and looked at Ezra and had to swallow a couple of times before being able to get his thank you out.
Ezra held the door opened as everyone left to go to the saloon and grabbed Vin's jacket as he went by and kissed him.
"Merry Christmas Ezra."
"Merry Christmas Vin."
The End