New Fiction

Dancing Around - Farad (Chris / Vin)

Dancing in the Moonlight - Katherine - (Ezra / Vin)
(Alternate Universe "7 For Hire")

Dangerous Lace - Emerald (Ezra / Vin)

DANGEROUS LIAISONS: Blind Faith by Leila - ESC (Chris/Vin) |Josiah|

DANGEROUS LIAISONS: Charmed by Leila - ESC (Chris/Vin)

DANGEROUS LIAISONS: Cresting The Waves by Leila - ESC (Chris/Vin)

DANGEROUS LIASONS: The Cruise (Series) Leila ESC [Chris/OFC] [Vin/Ella Gaines] (Chris/Vin) (Vin/Guy Royal)

  1. Boarding Passes, Please
  2. Old Friends
  3. Promenade
  4. The Bet
  5. Below Desks
  6. Single File Drill
  7. Questions
  8. Desperate Measures
  9. Truth Or Dare
  10. Negotiations
  11. Answers

DANGEROUS LIASONS: The Ranch (Series) - Leila ESC (Chris/Vin) {Chris : OMC} {Vin : OMC} [ note: follows The Cruise series ] { warning: content may disturb some readers }

  1. North Range
  2. Single Cell, Divided
  3. Bargains

DANGEROUS LIAISONS: Open Handed by - Leila ESC (Chris/Vin)

DANGEROUS LIAISONS: Stillness and Light by - Leila ESC (Chris/Vin)

Dark Angels - Cattraine (Chris / Vin) (Chris / Buck)
(Alternate Universe)

THE DARK GIFT (Series) - Tarlan (Chris / Vin) VMP
(xover "Interview With the Vampire")

DARK KNIGHTS (Series) - Crow WLF

  1. Tangle (Ezra / OMC) (Chris / Ezra)
  2. Healing (Chris / Ezra)
  3. Belonging (Chris / Ezra)
  4. Breathing (Chris / Ezra)


DARK MOON (Series) - Cattraine (Chris / Vin) WLF

  1. Full Moon Rising
  2. Armistice Broken
  3. Another Country
  4. Hiding in Plain Sight
  5. Interlunation
  6. The Solstice Hunt

Dark Revenge - Kaed (Chris/Vin, OMC) ATF

The Dark Side - Carla (Vin / ?) ATF

Darkest Bond - Susan Foster (Chris / Vin) (Chris / Ezra) (Vin / Ezra) (Buck / Ezra) WLF
(Alternate Universe)

Darkness and Light - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Chris) ATF

The Date - mcat (Chris / Vin) ATF

Dawn - Sara (Chris / Vin)
(Sequel to "Bare")

A Dawning Light - Annie (Chris / Vin)

Day In, Day Out - KitiPurr (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Daydreaming - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Dead, But Not Buried - Willow (Ezra / Vin) ATF
(Sequel to "Club Scene")

Deadly Angel: Part One - Susan Foster (Chris / Vin) (Chris / Vin / Ezra) (Buck / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe)

Deadly Angel: Part Two - Susan Foster (Chris / Vin / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe)

Dear Diary - Peggy (Chris / Vin) (Charlotte) SF7
(Sequel to "The Birds and the Bees" [adult, non-slash])

December the 21st - MAC (Chris / Ezra)

The Decent Thing - SueN. (Chris / Vin)

Deception - Esmeralda (Chris / Vin)

Deception's Justice - Loke (Ezra / Judge Travis)

Deck the Halls... - Starwinder (Vin / Ezra) ATF

Declarations - Tarlan (Chris / Vin) EROTICA DAY CHALLENGE #7

Deep and Crisp and Even - Sammy Girl (Buck) WLF

Deep in the Heart of Taxes - Kathy B (Chris / Vin) ATF

Degrees of Separation - Sammy Girl (Buck / Ezra) ATF

Déjà vu (all over again) - Peggy (Chris / Vin) ATF

Delinquent - ami_chan200 (Chris / Buck) (Vin) ATF
(Alternate ATF universe)

The Delivery - Wildcat (Chris / Vin) ATF

Demons - Athea (Josiah / JD) ATF

Denim Dreams - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

DENUO (Series) - Macx & Lara Bee (Chris / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe - Old West)

DENUO (Series) - Macx & Lara Bee
(Alternate Universe - Present Day)

Depth Perception - Limlaith (Buck, Ezra) ATF

Derailed - KlingonCat (Chris / Vin) ATF
(Follows "Reality Sets In")

Desperado - Valentine (Ezra / Buck) (Chris / Vin)

Desperate - mcat (Vin / Chris) ATF

Desperate in Love - The Neon Gang (Chris, Vin)

Desperation of Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin) ATF

Destinations - Farad (Chris / Vin)

Destiny - VampyrAlex (Vin / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe "Search and Rescue")

Deuces Wild - Luci (Ezra / JD)

Devil and Josiah Sanchez - Delphi (Josiah / Ezra)

The Devil Inside - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Vin) ATF

The Devils You Know - Charlotte Hill (Chris / Buck) ATF

The Diamond Jungle - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Chris)
(Alternate Universe, Sequel to "Through the Heart of the Jungle")

Did You Hear That? - Angie (Buck / Ezra) ATF

DINNER (Series) - Annie (Ezra / Buck) ATF

Disagreem ents - BlueKat (Ezra / Vin)
(Sequel to "Uneven Odds")

Disarmed - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Disclosures - Katherine (Ezra / Vin)
(Alternate Universe)

Discovery - TexasAries (Ezra / Vin) SF7

Discoveries - Joanne Collins (Vin / Buck)

Discoveries - mcat (Chris / Vin) ATF

Discredited - Klingoncat (Chris / Vin) ATF

Do You? - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Do You Know? - Cass (Chris / Vin) ATF

Doctor's Orders - Stan Lee (Buck / Chris) ATF

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel - Starwinder (Ezra / Vin / Chris) ATF
(Sequel to "'Tis the Season")

Done Talking - Tiffiny (Chris / Vin)

Don't - Lady Q (Josiah / Ezra)

Don't Cha - Carla (Vin / Chris) ATF

Don't Come Much Livelier - SueN. (Chris / Vin)
(Follows "So Much fer Easy")

Don't Gamble With Love - Deanna (Ezra / JD)(Buck / JD)(Ezra / ?)

Don't Get Much - Gwyneth Rhys (Chris / Vin)

Don't Let Go - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Don't Say A Word - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

Doors - Mirna Cicioni (Vin / Chris)
(Sequel to "Threshhold")

Dot to Dot - Annie (Chris / Vin) ATF

Doubts & Denials - KlingonCat (Chris / Vin) ATF

Dovetailed - Sammy Girl (Chris / Josiah) ATF

Down In It - Chaz (Chris / Ezra) ATF

Downpour - Annie (Chris / Vin)

Downpour of Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)

Down & Dirty - Annie (Chris / Vin)
(Conclusion to "Downpour")

Draggin' The Line - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin) ATF


Dream Come True - Helen Adams (Buck / Ezra)

Dream Come True - The Neon Gang (Josiah / Vin)

A Dream is a Wish - Storm (Vin / JD) ATF
(Sequel to "Dreaming")

Dream Lover - Tiffiny (no spoiler)
(Alternate Universe)

Dream Teams - mcat (Vin / Ronon) (Chris / Vin)
(Crossover Stargate Atlantis)

Dreaming - Storm (Vin)

The Dreaming Pool - Kris (Ezra / ?)

Dreams - Tracy (Chris / Buck)

Dreams of the Spider - Sig (Chris / Ezra / Vin) ATF

Dreams of You All Through My head - Heart Quest (Chris / Vin) ATF

Dreamscapes - Tiffiny (Vin / Chris)

Dress Rehearsal - BlueKat (Ezra / Vin)

Drift Currents - Farad and Artisan447 (Josiah / Vin)
(Alternate Universe)

Drifter - Artisan477 (Vin / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe)

Drowning in His Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin) ATF

A Drunkard's Dream - Sara (Chris / Vin)

Duct Tape and Wine - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

The Duel - Silver (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Duet - Cattraine (Chris / Vin)

Duende - Cattraine (Chris / Vin) ATF

DUST (Series) - Athea (Chris / Ezra)

Dust in the Wind - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

DUST TO DUST (Series) - Athea (Ezra / Nathan)

A Dying Rain - Olivia (Vin / Ezra) (Vin / Chris)

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Author A Author B Author C Author D Author E Author F Author G Author H Author I Author J Author K Author L Author M
Author N Author O Author P Author Q Author R Author S Author T Author U Author V Author W Author X Author Y Author Z

Author Index

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