New Fiction

The Wager - Kathy B (Chris / Vin)

Wagon Train: Missing Scene - Judy (Chris / Vin)

WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE (Series) - Giselle (Chris / Vin) ATF

Waiting for Tonight - Cecilia Standish (Ezra/JD, Chris / Ezra, Buck / JD)

Waiting for You - Willow (Ezra / Vin) (Chris / Buck)

Waits for No Man - Susan Foster (Chris / Vin) (Ezra / Vin) (Chris / Ezra)
(Crossover The Sentinel, Without a Trace)

Wake Up Call - Wgang (Chris / Vin)

Waking Dreams - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)
(Sequel to "Unrequited, Too")

Waking the Monster - Jin (Chris / Vin) (Chris / Mary) ATF

Wallflower - mcat (Chris / Vin)

Walk Unafraid - JIN (Chris / Vin)

Walking Drag - JJ (Chris / Vin)

WANTED BY LOVE - TexasAries - Vin Tanner crossover pairings;

A Wanted Love - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)

Wanting More - Quizegan (Ezra / Chris) ATF
(Sequel to "Over the Threshold")

WANTINGS (Trilogy) - mcat (Chris, Vin, Buck)

War's Own? - Aramis (Chris / Vin)
(xover "Hercules")

A Warm Fire to Soothe the Souls - mcat (Chris / Vin)

WATCH MY DUST (Series) - Athea (Ezra / Buck)

Watch Your Angle of Approach... - Kathy Teresa (Chris / Vin) ATF

Watching - Lady Q (Josiah / Ezra) ATF

Water - Charlotte C Hill (Chris / Buck)

Watermark - Delphi (Josiah / Ezra)

Watershed - Lumina (Chris / Ezra) (Follows "Offering" and "Yearning")

The Way Life Used to Be - Tiffiny (Chris / Buck)
(Sequel to "Reflections of...")

We Wish You a Merry Christmas - The Neon Gang (Chris / Vin)  ATF

Weak Point - Sammy Girl (Chris / Buck) ATF

WEAVING (Collection) - Farad (Chris / Vin)

Wedding Night - TexasAries (Chris/JD/Buck)
(Alternate Universe)

Weekend Plans - TexasAries (Chris/Buck) (Vin/Ezra) (Joisah/JD) ATF

Week-end Plans - Kim (Chris / Vin) ATF

Weighty Issues - Evil Jacquie (Chris / Buck / Vin) ATF

WELCOME TO HELL (Trilogy) - Kathy B (Chris, Vin, Buck)

Welcome Home - Oracle (Chris / Vin) ATF

Welcome Home - Stan Lee (Chris / Buck) ATF

Welcome to the Team, Ezra - Judi Winters (Chris / Ezra) ATF

Wet Vin - WendyJ (Chris / Vin)

Wet Day in Denver - Deanna (Chris / JD) ATF

WET DREAMS - The Dirty Dozen (Vin / himself, Vin / Chris)
(Various universe settings - OW, ATF, Star Fleet)

What Are Friends For? - KlingonCat (Chris / Vin) ATF

What Changes Come - Sue N (Chris / Vin)

What Counts as a Win - Charlotte C. Hill (Chris / Buck) (Chris / Buck / Vin)
(Alternate Universe "Skip Trace")

What Do You Want From Me (It's Not How It Used To Be) - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

What's in a Name? - The Tenth Muse1 (Chris / Vin)

What's in a Name? - Timberwolf (Vin / Ezra)

What Kind of Love Is This? - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

What's Not to Love? - C.V. Puerro (Chris, Buck, Sam & Dean Winchester)
(ARTWORK. xover "Supernatural")

What is Love, Really? - Willow (Ezra / Vin) ATF

What It Takes - mcat (Chris / Vin)

What Just Happened Here? - JensenRick (Ezra / Vin) ATF

What Kind of Love - Limlaith (Ezra / Chris) ATF

What Took you so Long? - TexasAries (Chris / Nathan)

What You Need - Charlotte C. Hill (Chris / Buck)(Chris / Vin) ATF

What Tomorrow May Bring - Peggy (Vin / OMC) ATF

What We Do - Katherine (Buck / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe)

What We Hope to Learn - Annie (Chris / Vin) ATF

When a Door Closes - Kerry (Ezra / Vin) ATF

When Faith and Fear Collide - Denorios (Chris / Vin)

When a Man Loves - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

When I Listen to My Heart - Cass (Chris / Vin) ATF

When in Vail - Kathy Teresa (Chris / Vin) ATF

When it Happens - Ladysmiths (Vin / Ezra)

When One Door Opens - Mac (Ezra / Chris) ATF

When Push Comes to Shove - Wgang (Chris / Vin) (Buck, OFC) ATF

When Trust Isn't Enough Part I - Wgang (Chris / Vin) ATF

When Trust Isn't Enough Part II - Wgang (Chris / Vin) ATF

When You Love Something - Charlotte Hill (Chris / Buck) ATF

When You Say Nothing At All - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin)

Where Do We Go From Here? - mcat (Chris / Vin)

Where The Blacktop Ends - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin) ATF

Where The Heart Is - Stan Lee (Chris / Buck) ATF

Where the Lilac Grows - Mac (Ezra / Vin)

Where No Shadows Fall - Firefox (Chris / Vin) ATF

Where You Get Your Appetite - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

Where You Lead - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin) ATF
(follows "Sweet Torture")

Whiskey, You're the Devil... - Rita Lois Clark (Chris / Vin)

Whisper on a Scream - Chaz (Vin / Ezra)
(Alternate Universe Search & Rescue - Sequel to "Joker on Jack")

White Heat - Peggy (Chris / Vin) ATF

White Sheets - Cattraine (Chris / Vin)
(Alternate Universe "Dark Angels")

Who I Am - Kaed (Buck / Ezra) ATF

Who I Am - Sammy Girl (Chris / Vin) ATF
(Sequel to "Maybe")

Who'd Have Thought? - Artisan447 (Chris / Buck)

Who's Game? - Sabro (Chris / Buck / Vin)

Whom My Heart Loveth - The Neon Gang (Josiah / Vin) (Chris / Vin)
(Sequel to "To Love One Another" )

Why? - Tammy (Ezra / Vin/ Chris) ATF

Why Can't We Be Friends? - Angie (Chris / Vin) ATF

Whys and Wherefores - Katherine (Ezra / Vin)
(Alternate Universe)

Wild Card in the Pack - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Vin)

Wild Night: Breathless - Ruby (Chris / Vin)ATF

Wild Night: Rushed - Maygra (Chris / Vin)ATF

Wind Change - Blackbird (Chris / Vin)

Windows to the Soul - Tree Climber (Chris) ATF

Wings - Cattraine (Ezra) (Chris / Vin) ATF

A Winter's Trail - Raven (Chris / Buck)

Winter's Turn - Sue Kelley (Chris / Buck) ATF

A Winter Stampede - KlingonCat (Chris / Vin)

Wish Upon a Star - mcat (Chris / Vin)

Wishes - Tarlan (Chris / Ezra)

Wishing Them Home - Kaed (Chris / Vin) ATF

With Age Comes Experience - Laura H. (Chris / Ezra)
(Sequel to "Ties That Bind")

With a Little Help From Friends ATF - Silver (Ezra / Vin)

With a Touch - SueN (Chris / Vin) ATF

Without You - Tarlan (Chris / Vin)

A Window Left Open - Kerry (Vin / Ezra) ATF
(Sequel to "When a Door Closes")

A Woman Scorned - Ice Bear (Chris, Vin, Mary) ATF
(Follows "And Then There Was Light")

A Wonderful Christmas - VampyrAlex (Ezra / Buck) ATF

Wondering - Aramis (Chris, Vin) ATF

The Wooing - Kay (Chris / Ezra)

Words - Annet (Chris / Ezra) ATF

Words of Healing - Joanne Collins (Chris / Buck, Vin / Ezra, Josiah / Mary)
(Depiction of rape)

Words of Love - Suzy (Chris / Vin)

Words and Music - Kaed (Chris / Vin)ATF

The Words We Could Never Find - Joanne Collins (Chris / Ezra)

Worth Everything - The Dirty Dozen (Chris / Vin)

Worth the Fall - Katherine (Ezra / Vin)
(Alternate Universe)

Worth the Risk - Bishonen Chan (Chris / Vin) ATF

Would You Die for Me? - KETanner (Chris / Vin)

Wrong Again - Jo Ann (Ezra / Vin)
(Alternate ATF Universe)

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Author A Author B Author C Author D Author E Author F Author G Author H Author I Author J Author K Author L Author M
Author N Author O Author P Author Q Author R Author S Author T Author U Author V Author W Author X Author Y Author Z

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