ATF Universe
Disclaimer: Not mine...yes I really do know this's just I like to keep them busy....the PTB sure don't.
Happy B-day Jesse. This is for you!
Chris Larabee was just passing downtown Denver when his cellphone rang. "Larabee," his gruff morning voice barked into the mouthpiece.
"This is Memorial Medical and we have a deathbed request." A female voice said at the other end of the line.
"Who is it?" Chris didn't even know how to begin to feel.
"We aren't allowed to divulge the name over the phone, sir." The same voice said.
Chris raked his fingers through his hair, "Okay, I'll be there in ten." Chris figured it was a deathbed confession, a perp trying to clear his conscience before dying.
Chris strode through the emergency room doors with purpose. He went directly to the admitting desk, grateful that he wasn't there for his team. When the admitting nurse looked up he announced, "I'm Larabee."
The nurse swallowed slowly, wishing she hadn't drawn the short straw, of course she knew he was Larabee. It was standard policy now that all new hires were trained to recognize every member of the ATF team on sight. They were taught the rules that were bent for them, even how to handle the more aggressive members, though by Meegan's count, they were all aggressive on occasion. They were also taught how important discretion was, as their jobs were life and death most of the time. This new policy has saved problems from escalating out of control.
She took a steadying breath and said, "Mr. Larabee, may we step outside?" Making eye contact and imploring the imposing man to do as she asked without questions.
Sensing her seriousness, Larabee followed her outside.
Meegan looked all about, checking if they were alone before beginning. "Mr. Larabee, the admitting and surgical staffs are now being trained to recognize all members of your team on sight without aid of a name. We have also been instructed to notify you, Mr. Larabee in the safest manor possible." She paused and Larabee would have smiled if worry wasn't pooling in his belly. "Mr. Standish was brought in a couple of hours ago from multiple gunshot wounds. They are considered fatal. He was not admitted under his name, but an assumed one, Eric Salmon."
Chris's mind was caught on that his wounds were considered fatal. My god he couldn't lose one of his team...he just couldn't. Tears formed at the back of his eyes, but he didn't allow them to fall. Instead, he asked of the nurse, "May I see him now?"
She nodded and led him in and through the surgical doors. She handed him a doctor's gown to put on over his clothes and motioned for him to put the stethoscope about his neck. Down a hall, they stopped in front of a door with city cops guarding it. The nurse looked at Mr. Larabee and very slightly shook her head no, and proceeded inside.
Chris' heart clenched sharply at all the tubing and IV's that were attached to the supine figure. He noticed the cop longing in the only chair in the room. The nurse said to the man, "The doctor needs to re-examine him and wants privacy." The cop nodded and walked out. To Chris she said, "I'll wait outside and keep them distracted."
Chris watched her leave, then approached the bed. He picked up Ezra's hand, the only part that didn't have some tube attached to it. Quietly, he spoke into the right ear, "Ezra, what the hell happened?" A lot of his real concern leaked into his voice.
Ezra opened his eyes and attempted a smile at his team leader. "Matter's seemed to go array."
Chris looked seriously into his undercover man's eyes, "What happened?"
In a weak voice and closed eyes, Ezra answered, "One of the city policemen alerted the arms dealer that I was an agent and bullets seem to fly from everywhere."
"Ezra, why were you there? The meet was suppose to be this evening." Chris asked, trying to piece together all the events.
"Phone call this morning, upped the meet. I was there, already in place, I could not place a call out. I did manage an email, but, obviously, it came too late."
Chris nodded, understanding. Then asked gently, "Do you want to see Vin?"
Ezra winced at the name, tears pooling in his eyes, he shook his head clearly to the negative.
Chris nodded again. "The others will want to say goodbye."
"Can't," Ezra's voice rasped out. Chris' eyes locked onto Ezra's as he continued. "The buyers are unaware of today's events, they will show tonight. Can't disclose my name, Eric is the one that need's to die." Ezra swallowed painfully and looked up into Chris' eyes again, "Thanks for everything, ya know." The man that was last to join their ranks tried to smile, but instead his head lolled to the side and the machines began beeping.
Chris stood aside as the resuscitation team raced into the room. He walked outside as the doctor shouted orders. He pulled his cellphone out and dialed.
"Josiah, there is no easy way to say this....shit....Ezra's hurt and not expected to make it." Chris' voice cracked as he stared wordlessly at the phone.
Josiah responded immediately with, "We'll be right there....."
"NO!" Chris practically yelled, "He's undercover and that'll ruin whatever he's got in place."
Josiah was dumbfounded, "We...we can't say goodbye?"
Chris could hear Josiah's voice break, so he gave him something to do. "No matter what Vin's been saying, this will hit him hard. Watch him."
Josiah nodded at the phone, tears running down his face, forgetting that Chris couldn't see him.
Chris knew that Josiah complied and added, "I'll call with news."
JD, ever sensitive to the changing moods of his team members, could feel the fear building in his stomach, "Josiah.....what is it?"
The son of a preacher man had no secret to delivering bad news, he took a breath and expelled it slowly. "That was Chris............he's at the hospital.......Ezra's hurt and not expected to make it."
A wail broke into the air, it's keener then collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Buck or Nathan were not able to get to him before he fell.
Nathan rushed to Vin's side, forcing his thoughts to be focused on Vin and not Ezra.
JD cried out, "What?! I don't care, we gotta go, Ez can't die.........alone......oh god." Tears ran down his face.
Buck was right there to give JD what comfort he could, not wanting to think of the team without Ezra.
Josiah was filled with dread, the team was in jeopardy, but it was the individuals that mattered more. The thought of Ezra dying......that was hard to wrap his thoughts around. For him to pass without the others, that had always been one of Ezra's fears. Josiah suppressed the tears that wanted to fall. He knew that JD was a lot closer to the undercover man than most had realized. Buck would help him through it, but it was a tough loss for one so young. But who'll help Buck, sometimes Buck got lost as he helped the others.
And then, oh lordy, Vin. He may have tried to convince himself that he really didn't care, but after what they heard and saw the other morning, Vin was lying to himself. This would leave a gapping hole in his person, and Josiah wasn't sure that Vin would work through it.
The anthropologist thought ruefully to himself that working with the long dead was a hell of a lot easier than the living.
Vin was vaguely aware that Buck and Nathan were over him, but he didn't care. Ezra dying...Ezra dead.... Vin gripped his sides harder and rocked himself, little sounds of anguish coming from him. He let his thoughts drift back three days.
He and Ezra had had range time and both were working hard for the up coming "Law Enforcement Olympics." Afterward, he had gotten Ez to agree to go out behind Chris' property and practice the mile and two mile shots. Vin loved the memory, Ez had taken off his shirt to make sure it wasn't damaged. He had loved the way Ez's chest looked. Muscular, tanned and gleaming with sweat.....just the remembrance had him licking his lips. He had watched as Ezra lined his sight and took his shot, only he hadn't watched the shot, only Ezra. Vin figured the longing he felt for his co-worker must of showed in his face, for Ezra blushed. Just the fact that he hadn't turned away in disgust had Vin at his side and pulling him into an embrace and locking his lips in a deep kiss that relayed exactly how he had felt, and what he wanted.
He had then felt Ezra's hand tangle itself in his hair and Vin deepened the kiss further still. Pressing his body close to feel if Ezra was as excited as he. His groin found what it was seeking, the fully erect shaft pressing back against him. Vin knew that he wasn't about to stop, to give Ezra a chance to change his mind, he ran kisses down his throat and nibbled where the shoulder and throat met. The little moans that were escaping, were vibrating against Vin's lips and that excited him more. He ran his tongue all across the bare chest, loving the taste that was Ezra. It matched the smell that he had memorized. The odor alone had left him hard on many occasion.
Vin had loved how Ezra's hand had found it way inside his shirt and played with his nipples. Vin had wanted more, he unzipped Ez's trousers and pulled them and his boxers off in the same move. He had caught his breath at the sight of the engorged cock resting against the chestnut curls. But it was the single drop of fluid the emerged as he watched, that brought the total loss of control. He had to taste and he fully enveloped the long member in his mouth, naturally relaxing his throat muscles to house the entire length. With his nose pressed against Ezra's sacs, Vin sucked and swirled his tongue all along the velvety surface. He held his lover's hips down and he sucked harder and faster. Ezra had been incoherent from the moment of swallowing and only guttural sounds escaped. Vin felt the build up, felt the sacs quiver in readiment of release and sucked all the harder. He swallowed every drop that Ezra released, milking it, leaving nothing behind.
As Ezra came down from his exploding orgasm, Vin shed his own clothes. He started kissing Ez's stomach, sucking at his navel, nipping the muscle lines. He worked his way up to the nipples, where he sucked one and played with the other. It didn't take long for Ezra to begin writhing under Vin's handy work. Vin used his tongue all along his throat to finally capture the tongue. He had then sucked it like he had sucked his cock. He rubbed himself over Ezra, checking if he was hard again. Vin remembered smiling, cause Ez had been harder than the first time. He reached for his pants, rubbing his cock against Ezra's as he grabbed a tube of lotion. He had coated Ezra's erection, and before Ezra could grasp the meaning, Vin impaled himself on the quivering shaft. He hit his prostate and howled at the rightness of the feeling. Ezra had grabbed Vin's shaft and matched Vin's thrusts. Vin fucked himself on Ezra's cock as Ezra pumped his. Just as his orgasm exploded, Vin looked at Ezra and had told him he loved him.
Vin hadn't been sure if they had blacked out or fallen asleep, but the sun was considerably lower when he became aware of it. He untangled himself and began dressing. Ez had awoken and smiled at Vin with a tenderness that Vin had never received before. They had driven back in silence, but the smile had never left Ezra's face. Vin had just dropped him off at his car and had gone on a long drive.
Fear, he had felt fear at the look of tenderness that Ez had given him. He had regretted getting carried away with Ezra and he had to stop it now.
It had been late the next day when the team had realized that Ezra had missed his check in time, but it wasn't til the following morning that they all went to Ezra's condo to look for clues. Vin shuddered as he remembered.....Chris had seen the blinking light on the answering machine and pressed it to check the incoming messages. The whole team froze as they heard Vin's voice speak out, "Ezra, Vin here, to get things straight, this afternoon was a one time deal. You are a great lay, but that's all it was. I just wanted to see what you were like....and saying I love you always achieves the goal. Later."
The phone could be heard disconnecting, but the machine was still going.....shit....Vin then knew that Ezra had picked up, but never said a thing. So the team was privy to Ezra's reaction. They heard him fall to the floor. A strangled sob was torn from his throat, it was followed by a wail that sounded so forlorn. They heard sobbing for several minutes, then the sound as if a mirror had been broken.
Then they heard Ezra's voice, the self mocking hatred rang from each syllable, "I made the mistake of believing that circumstances in my life had changed. I let my guard down. I should have known better." The tone of the voice changed then, from the one of devastation to one that was cold and hard, "I won't make that mistake again." They heard Ezra stand and walk away, slamming the door on his way out.
The team had stood there, in shock. They looked accusingly at Vin. Vin didn't look up, didn't try to meet their eyes.
JD's cellphone had rung and after he listened, he had said aloud, "Team four spotted Ezra on their surveillance tapes. He's meeting with the buyers."
Four pair of eyes looked at Chris, he just signaled for them to wait outside. Staying were he was, he asked of Vin, "What was all that about?"
Vin had just talked off the top of his head. "I thought I had wanted to go bi. I had sex with Ezra, but, when I was faced of having a relationship with a guy, I knew it wasn't for me."
Chris had turned and looked at Vin, Vin could recall the expression that Chris wore, one he hoped he would never have to see again. It had been a mixture of disappointment, anger and scorn. It was in his voice too. "Vin, I didn't think I'd ever say this about You, but you're a chickenshit. It's not about Ezra being a guy or whether you're straight or bi. You're afraid to lay it on the line with your heart. Ezra touched yours, didn't he?......Hell, you'll take a chance with your life anytime, but nothing with your heart. All the pain I've had and I wouldn't trade a second of it if it meant not having known Sarah........ We all worked for two years to get him to trust us, and in one afternoon you break him. He'll be worse now than the shell he wore when he first came to Denver."
Chris held up his hand to stop anything that Vin might have uttered, "Pard, right now there ain't anything you could say that wouldn't want to make me punch you in the mouth. I'm outta here."
Vin stood there, bereft of words, as he watched his friend slam the door behind him.
Now, Ezra is dying or even dead and he never got to talk to him again. He's gonna die thinking that......Vin could hardly say the words to himself......words he really didn't have the courage to use. He opened his eyes and saw Buck next to him. He knew he had to say it out loud, maybe if it was out in the airwaves, it might make its way to Ezra, he didn't know, he hoped it wasn't too late, "Buck...he's gonna die thinking I don't love him."
From behind Buck, JD commented bitterly, "That's cause that's what you told him."
Vin rocked himself some more, tears squeezed out from eyes that were shut. He whispered so softly that Buck only thought he heard, "I do love him."
Buck looked pityingly at Vin and said gently, "It was him you shoulda told." As Vin began to sob outright, Buck held him close and let the tears cascade down his shirt.+ + + + + + +
Josiah watched from the surveillance van, the sting operation that Ezra set up was going down. He was grateful for all the work that the undercover agent had put in, for the team was running it by the numbers. But their hearts weren't in it, it was as if each man was just marking time, waiting for the moment they heard of Ezra's passing.
Buck got Vin to participate in the bust as originally arranged, only by promising that they would sneak into the hospital later.
Chris was absent from the operation, he had stayed on the hospital, to be close to Ezra, even if he couldn't stay with him.
Chris Larabee had the hardest time just waiting at the nurse's station. He wanted to be in there with Ezra. They had saved him once tonight, but the alarms at the nurse's console beeped again and the Code Blue team rushed in again to work on their patient.
Chris paced, mimicking the movements of a caged cheetah. Back and forth, back and forth. Mentally fighting himself about entering the room where they were taking care of Ezra. Fifteen minutes later the medical team exited the room with their heads down. The cops on guard left their stations and headed for the elevator.
Chris' heart sank, Ez was gone. He called Josiah.
As he closed the cellphone, Meegan the admitting nurse signaled him over. "I thought you might want a few moments alone with him before we move him out and down to the morgue." She kept her face down cast as she issued the offer.
Tears stung Chris' eyes, "Thank you, I would." His voice was rough with the held back tears. He took a breath and entered his late friend's room.+ + + + + + +
Josiah took Chris' call and relayed how smooth the bust went down, "Clockwork, just as Ezra had set it up." Then Chris informed him that Eric Salmon was dead. He was staying to sign off on any paperwork.
As Josiah closed his cellphone, Nathan knew the news was bad.
"He's gone, Nathan." Sadness was overwhelming in Josiah's voice.
Buck and Vin entered the van to drop off their mics. Buck looked at the identical expressions of sorrow and cried aloud, ""
Vin turned bleak eyes to Josiah, who had tears falling from his eyes and Vin said hoarsely, "No! No!"
Buck was pissed, "Which fucker, that we arrested, shot Ezra?" He was ready to kill him with his bare hands.
Nathan looked up from the list, his voice dismal, He's not with the bunch we got."
With that news, Vin was already out the door, Buck followed on his heels.
Josiah looked at JD and handed him the address, "Do what you can to keep 'em anchored. We'll follow as soon as we wrap up here."
JD took the slip of paper and jumped out of the van, running to catch up with Vin and Buck.
They arrived at the address and the home looked like a fortress. Buck had suggested that they wait for Josiah and Nate, but Vin was not to be deterred from exacting his revenge.
JD knew they had to arrest the guy, he also knew that Vin just wanted to kill him. If they had more time, Buck would be able to just arrest him, but right at this moment, Buck would cheerfully help Vin string the bastard up. JD slugged Buck in the arm and pointed out to him the surveillance cameras and electrified fence.
Buck in turn showed them to Vin, who dismissed them out of hand. Buck turned to signal JD closer, when he turned back to Vin, he was gone. Buck shook his head until he saw where JD was pointing. He too saw Vin climbing the tree closest to the fence.
JD and Buck, listened and watched for any sign of Vin. JD whipped out his night vision goggles and pointed out to Buck where Vin was. He had made it to the hedge that surrounded the house.
Buck thought to himself, a determined Vin could not be restrained. Vin seemed to almost make himself invisible as he crept closer to the main house.
Josiah and Nathan pulled up, search warrants in hand. Buck stayed to watch the perimeter as the other three went to front gate for admittance.
The flood lights came on, the dogs were chained and the front door opened to admit the officers.
Julio Cervante crept out the back through a hidden exit. Only he hadn't counted on anyone being there. One second he was moving along the dark side of the hedge, the next, he was flat on his back, knife at his jugular.
The arms dealer looked up into dead eyes. He recognized the look. This man would kill, no hesitation, no regret.
In a low, feral voice, Vin told him, "Move a hair and I'll slit your throat. I would prefer that you did move."
Cervante believed him and even tried to slow down his breathing as not to set off the knife.
"You killed him, you mother-fucker, and now I'll kill you."
Cervante closed his eyes as he mumbled a prayer, preparing for death. He was as startled to hear a voice, as was the man holding the knife.
"Ez, would hardly want you to rot in jail over that slime bag." Buck stated calmly into the night.
"He killed him. I want him dead!" Vin growled.
"Hell, so do I. But not at your expense. Vin, there are cameras everywhere. We couldn't talk ourselves outta this one."
Cervante tried to stop his shaking limbs, this wasn't the first time for these men. They had taken revenge before without reprisals. "I confess. I shot the agent five times. The gun is in a hidden compartment under the toaster. The gun is there."
Vin drew the knife slowly against the man's neck, nicking the skin many times along the way. Blood beaded up, but his jugular remained intact. Vin placed his foot on the man's groin and ground his foot as he pressed down. "Cuff him."
"You got it, Pard." Buck roughly turned the perp and placed the cuffs tightly on Ezra's killer.+ + + + + + +
Two AM and Chris wandered about his place, almost pacing between rooms. Worried for his team, worried he couldn't handle this by himself. He picked up the phone and punched in a series of numbers. He said gruffly into the receiver after it was picked up, "It's Larabee, I need you out here now!"
+ + + + + + +
Chris had the door open as soon as he saw the headlights pull in the driveway. Chris almost smiled as he said, "Thanks for coming. I need you back here."
Nathan followed Chris to the back of his house, not quite sure what Chris needed. He seemed more composed than he'd expected. Chris opened the door and waited for Nathan to enter first. Nathan was sure he, himself, was going to need medical help.
"Chris, how?" Nathan felt a rush of tears. "Oh, god, Ezra." He took in the IV hookup, the monitor beeper, but he was still alive. "Dammit Chris, how could you let us think............"
Chris looked at Nate gently as he broke in, "I didn't know either." Chris walked over to the other side of the bed and brushed Ezra's hair back. "The head nurse and doctor devised this with Ezra. They knew who he was when he was admitted, but they didn't let on. Eric Salmon is dead, but Ezra is still hanging on....thank god."
Nathan could hear the relief in the leader's voice. The team had survived another day. Then anxiously he stated, "We have to let the others know."
Chris held up his hand. "We will, tomorrow they'll come for Ezra's wake. That would be expected .......If you're asked, you came out to give me something so I could sleep. We can't tip the city cops, and it's best if no one in any of the agencies know."
"Better get to Josiah so he don't call Maude. We don't really need her out here anyway." Nathan thought a moment then picked up the phone. A puzzled Chris watched him. "Josiah, Nate here. I need you to come out to Chris' place, I need you to sit with him. I gotta go check on the Kid, Buck's a bit anxious."
A groggy voice answered, "Okay, see ya within thirty minutes. He's got Maude's number, I'll call from there."
"Thanks Josiah." Nathan turned to Chris with a question on his face.
Chris smiled, "Very believable."
Nathan moved his head in the direction of Ezra, "What's his condition?"
"They removed five bullets, but he had his vest on, so they missed the vital organs. He's suffering more from blood loss. The doctor'll check on him tomorrow."+ + + + + + +
Josiah wept at the sight of Ezra, relief flooded his body, the deadness dissipating. He looked at Chris, "Vin, Buck, JD, they gotta know." Imploring him with his voice.
"They'll be here at nine. Vin's passed out at Buck's. Maybe Ez will be awake for his wake."
Josiah took another breath of relief.+ + + + + + +
Buck and JD had to drag Vin to Buck's truck.
"Don't wanna go."
"Ya haveta for Ezra's sake, for the rest of the team. Now git yer ass in there."
JD followed and pushed Vin to the center. Buck climbed behind the wheel. Vin was stuck in the middle. He laid his head back and closed his eyes. He could shut out the light, but he couldn't shut out the images of Ezra surrendering to his touch or in the throes of orgasm. Vin was tormented.
Buck pulled up to Chris' and noted that Nathan and Josiah were already there. They sluggishly climbed out of the vehicle, keeping a hand on Vin so he couldn't split for the barn and the horses. They entered the house and only saw Chris, a calm Chris, something Buck hadn't expected.
"We're gathering in the den at the very back of the house." Pointing down the hall.
The men walked mechanically into the room 'till Buck stopped short. Vin ran into Buck and JD ran into Vin. JD said, "What the ......" his voice froze and his mouth fell open at the sight before him.
Ezra in a hospital bed with a heart monitor that claimed that he was still alive.
"Oh Yeah!" JD got out, then with more feeling, "OH YEAH!.....EZ."
Buck had already advanced to his side. Vin stared as though he were looking at an illusion. He looked back at Chris, then over to Nathan, as he asked, "...He's not dead?"
Nathan grinned, "Nope. Man's too stubborn to die."
Vin moved up along side Buck and picked up Ezra's hand, his voice almost broke completely, "Oh, god, Ez." Vin stopped as he choked up entirely.
Chris looked at his team and said, "Guess this wake was a success."+ + + + + + +
JD and Josiah worked on the computers, trying to trace the bad cop. They all took turns sitting with their teammate.
The doctor showed up as a cab driver in the late afternoon. It had been his idea, he was all into the subterfuge. He was pleased with Ezra's condition, changed the IV and the blood drip. "This should be the last blood he'll need. I think he's been hurt so many times, his body just goes into automatic heal." JD was the only one that laughed and the doc said as he shrugged, "Medical humor."
Under his breath, Josiah muttered, "Bout as good as JD's."
The doctor stayed for dinner and departed after checking his patient once more.
Ezra woke on Chris' watch and the pensive team leader grinned at him. "Glad you're still with us."
Ezra tried to speak and switched to swallowing instead. Chris placed a cup of water to his lips and Ezra drank gratefully. "How long?"
"Two days."
"The bust?"
"Went down fine."
"Everyone okay?"
"Everyone is fine now."
Ezra nodded.
"We all thought you died." Chris let the statement stand for it self. The very starkness of his voice conveyed more than he would ever let on.
Ezra sighed and fell asleep.+ + + + + + +
Vin usually stayed with Ez while he was sleeping. He would slip out whenever Ezra would wake. He needed to talk with him, but he didn't want to stress him and Ez had already made it clear, he didn't want to see Vin.
Vin watched and waited as Ezra recovered. Vin thought about Ez, himself, his life and his fears. He'd come to realize that he had to take some kinda chance. The way he'd felt thinking Ezra dead.. well, he couldn't do that again. But Ezra didn't seem inclined to forgive him.+ + + + + + +
Ezra was grumpy, he wanted out of his medical prison. This was the mood Vin found him in. Ezra watched him enter through hooded eyes, then turned his head to the opposite wall.
"Ez, you gotta let me tell you I'm sorry."
No response from Ezra came. No words, no body movement. "Ez, my heart broke when I thought you had died."
"Is there some reason I'm expected to believe that you have a heart?"
"Ez, ...what I said......wasn't what I meant."
"You're words made it quite clear," he paused, then whispered, "I will not open myself up that way again." He closed his eyes and turned his body completely away from Vin.
Vin turned away in defeat and left the room, the house, the ranch, the town.
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