When Push Comes to Shove

by Wgang

Disclaimers: I do not own Magnificent 7. I wish I did but I don't. I am only borrowing the guys.

Note: Thanks to MOG for creating the ATF Mag 7 universe.

Summary: Chris lusts after Vin never thinking he can have his hearts desire. Because Vin is straight isn't he? This story has Chris a little darker. If I do a sequel I plan on making him even darker yet.

Warning: M/M graphic sex. Language, mild violence.

Pairing: Chris/Vin, Buck, OFC

The whole team had the week off. Chris had invited Vin to spend most of the week with him at the ranch. Chris had three very good reasons for wanting Vin to be at the ranch.

One it got the young man out of Purgatory. Chris hated the thought that Vin lived in that hellhole but he hadn't been able to convince his friend to move to a better neighborhood. Chris worried constantly that Vin was going to be shot by some gang member who wanted to make his bones by killing an ATF agent.

Two Chris could always count on Vin to help him around the ranch. Hell he didn't even have to ask because Vin loved to work around the ranch. In fact it was Vin who noticed that the fence needed some work. Also he told Chris that there were some boards in the deck that needed to be replaced.

The last reason was the hardest for Chris to accept, and it was the easiest for Chris to accept.

Chris was in love with Vin Tanner. He wanted the sharpshooter with every fiber of his being. However he also fought against that want. Chris knew his need for the man bordered on the obsessive, it was dark side of himself that he didn't like but one he had come to accept.

However he didn't want to run Vin off. The need to have Vin in his life was important even if that was as his best friend not his lover.

Chris found it hard to accept that he had fallen in love again. He had figured after Sarah he would never have a serious relationship again. Larabee had never envisioned wanting to spend his life with anyone after his wife had died. Then Vin had burst onto the scene and without even trying had wiggled his way right into Chris's heart. The fact that Vin was a man was of no consequence to the blond ATF team leader. After all back in college he and Buck had gotten it on for several months until Sarah had hit the scene. In fact since his wife's death when the need became too much Buck was right there for him. It was amazing to Chris how Buck just seemed to know when to show up and help Chris relieve his stress with a quick toss in the bed.

At first Chris felt like he was using his old friend but Buck assured him that he enjoyed their buddy sex. Chris had made Buck promise him that if that changed he wanted to be told.

Buck made the promise, a promise he had no intention of keeping. He loved Chris and he would take what he could get from the enigmatic blond. Buck had no illusions about a long-term future with Chris. They were best friends with benefits would be the best term for it.

Standing at the sliding glass door looking out over his pool Chris smiled as he thought of Buck. There wasn't a better guy around unless it was the man currently in his pool.

It was so easy to love Vin. The man was not only gorgeous on the outside but he was beautiful on the inside. Vin put everyone first, he never thought about himself. Chris had felt so honored when Vin had allowed him to read some of his poetry. Chris had been in awe at the deep meaning and the thought that Vin's poetry contained.

Chris sighed how he wanted that man in his bed to love and cherish. But there was no way.

Because Vin Tanner was straight and Chris would never endanger their friendship by making a move on the younger man.

Vin had been dating a lady for several months. Chris had met her. He wanted to hate her because she was taking away the man he loved but he couldn't.

Amy LaRock was a short brunette with a cute figure. Not tall with an hourglass figure like Buck went after. No this woman was perfect for Vin. Amy's green eyes were always shining with laughter; she loved to tease Vin and the other guys whenever she visited at the office.

Chris would just grit his teeth and go back to his office when the couple went out for lunch. His cold sandwich tasted like dust whenever he thought of Vin and Amy sitting across from each other smiling and talking as they ate their lunch.

Now while Chris was busy watching Vin, Buck was busy watching them both.

Chris was easy, the blond had the same shell-shocked look on his face that he had when he realized he was in love with Sarah.

Vin on the other hand was much harder to read which didn't surprise Buck at all.

Buck knew about Vin's childhood. It would have been a safety measure for the young man to hide his emotions so that he wouldn't be hurt.

However Buck Wilmington was a student on love and all the signs whether they were blatant or subtle.

Vin didn't like anyone in his space unless he initiated the contact, which wasn't often. However Chris was allowed into Vin's space on a daily basis.

Chris would pat Vin's shoulder, squeeze the back of the sharpshooters neck, and when Vin was upset about having to take someone out the blond would put his arm around his friend or rub his back.

Yes Chris Larabee was allowed into Vin's space quite a bit even more than Amy.

Vin watched Chris when he didn't think anyone would notice. It was subtle but that was Vin. Buck even saw longing in those expressive blue eyes before Vin masked them over.

However Vin Tanner would never make the first move.

That was one reason Buck was now walking into the ranch house. It was time for the two stubborn men to get together and he was going to be the catalyst in having that happen.

Buck wandered over to the oblivious blond and peered over his shoulder. He smiled when he saw Vin floating on the raft in the pool. It was nice to see the young sharpshooter so relaxed and at home at the Larabee ranch.

Buck noticed Vin's perfect body and how the broad shoulders tapered down to a slim waist and perfect abs. However Vin tended to be very shy and modest.

Therefore instead of some skimpy swim trunks Vin had on a pair of loose fitting trunks. Of course in Buck's opinion that was much better. Loose fitting trunks would just slide off slim hips. Hands could slide inside the waistband to grasp hard hot pieces of flesh easier.

It made Buck hot to think about what Vin was hiding underneath those swim trunks. If Chris's red cheeks and bright eyes were any indication then his old buddy felt the same way.

Glancing down at Chris Buck noticed that the blond was wearing only swimming trunks. Obviously Chris was about to go join their young teammate.

Buck whispered, "Go after him stud. He is just ripe for the picking."

Chris jumped turning to glare at his friend.

"Damn Buck. Scare the shit out of me. What the hell are you doing here? I thought you had women lined up to warm your bed all week."

"Won't work Chris. Don't change the subject."

"I don't want to talk about Vin. You know I'm in love with him but it won't go anywhere. I refuse to loose his friendship over my raging hormones," Chris admitted.

"What makes you think you will loose Junior?"

"Where have you been Buck? Remember Amy she stops by for lunch a couple of times a week."

"Yeah I remember Amy. I also know that they are just friends. I also know that Vin isn't as straight as you think he is."

Chris stared at his old friend a spark of hope in his green eyes.

"How do you know that?"

"Well for the last two weekends I have rented a car. I followed Vin. . .now don't get your back up he never knew I was following him. He picked Amy up and they headed for a bar on the far side of town. When the bar got good and crowded I slipped inside. I watched Junior and believe me he isn't totally straight. The bar caters to all people. Amy was cuddled up in a back booth with a hot looking blond; she had curves in all the right places. I can assure you they were not strangers."

Chris choked out, "What about Vin?"

"Junior. Well he was standing at the bar talking to another guy. This guy was about your height, blond and wearing all black. Sound familiar? Vin also didn't mind the guy rubbing his arm or brushing fingers across his cheek. Then the guy touched Vin nicely shaped ass. Now stud you know how observant I can be when I want to be," Buck paused waiting to see how Chris reacted.

Chris gritted his teeth as the green-eyed monster took over. Just the thought of someone else especially a man touching Vin like that made him want to rip the guys head off.

Vin was his, of course Vin didn't know that but it was the truth. The moment the younger man had strolled into his life with those sparkling blue eyes that saw straight to his soul Vin had belonged to him.

"Just tell me what happened?" Chris demanded his jaw clenched tightly.

Buck carefully hid his grin.

"Junior shut his eyes and slightly swayed towards the guy. The guy was zooming in for a kiss when Amy strolled up and broke it up. I think Junior was slightly pissed at her."

"So Vin wanted the guy," Chris glumly stated.

"Nope, Vin wants you. You see as they were leaving Amy saw me. She never let on to Vin that I was there. Needless to say later that night she showed up at my place. We had a nice long talk. When I finally convinced her that I was not a threat to either her or Vin I learned a hell of a lot. Vin is head over heels in love with you."

Chris felt a jolt in his gut. Glancing out the glass doors he gazed for a second on the slim body in his pool. Was it possible? Would he finally get what he wanted?"

"How. . .I mean why didn't he ever say anything?"

"Same reason as you. Didn't want to loose your friendship. Amy said they protect each other and have for years. If they pretend to be a couple no one will try to fix them up with someone else. She told me this just so Vin would finally be happy."

"Why did she stop Vin at the bar? Seems to me he wanted what the guy was offering?"

"According to Amy Vin hasn't been with a man for a long time. However Vin told her that night that he needed to get some release, it had been to long and he was tired of his hand. Amy stopped it because she knew deep down it wasn't what Vin really wanted. The guy was just a pale substitute for you. Vin would feel guilty if he had a one-night stand. Amy said Vin doesn't do one-night stands. So Chris, Junior is just waiting to fall into bed with you."

Chris turned away from the door. Doubts still assailed him. He walked into the kitchen to get a beer.

Buck just watched his friend. Time to get out the big guns. Quickly Buck stripped out of his clothes until he only had his boxers on.

What Chris didn't know was that Buck and Amy were going to do their best to get the two men together. Amy was going to talk to Vin and put the bug in his ear that Chris really did want him. Trying to coax Vin into making the first move.

Buck was going to do the same thing with Chris.

By the time Chris walked back into the room Buck was out at the pool.

Chris stalked over to the glass doors. What the fuck did Buck think he was doing?

Buck admired Vin's gorgeous body as he went to the shallow end of the pool. Walking slowly in the warm water he approached Vin.

Floating on the raft Vin was well aware that someone was in the pool with him. Slitting his eyes open he saw it was Bucklin.

"Don't even think about dunking me Bucklin," he drawled.

Buck smiled pure innocence fill his face.

"I wouldn't think about it Junior."

As Buck quietly swam laps in the pool, Vin shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep under the hot sun.

Buck watched carefully, he knew when Vin had dozed off. He knew Chris was glaring at him from the house, he could feel those green lasers aimed right at his back.

Now to put his plan in motion, hopefully his friends would forgive him.

Buck being a former Navy Seal could be very quiet in the water when he wanted to be.

Diving under the water he came up under the raft grabbed it tightly around the middle trapping Vin. Then Buck went down pulling the raft and his struggling friend with him.

Now Vin was no slouch when it came to fighting but he was caught totally off guard. Swallowing a lot of water he wasn't able to get any air into his lungs before he went under.

Chris gasped as he watched Vin pulled under the water. Choking on his beer he put the bottle down on the table and dashed outside.

By the time he reached the pool. Buck had released Vin and was helping the man out of the pool.

"Damn Junior. I'm sorry. I was sure you knew what was coming. I was just playing around," Buck said his arm around the slender waist.

Chris waded into the pool pulling the coughing man into his arms away from Buck.

"Damn it Buck. What the hell are you doing?" Chris snapped as he helped Vin from the pool.

Vin leaned heavily on his best friend as he gulped in much needed oxygen.

Chris held on tightly to Vin's waist as he led Vin into the house.

Buck followed his friends. While he did feel a little guilty at least it got Chris's hands on Vin. However he hadn't intended for Vin to swallow that much water.

As they stepped into the house Vin shivered. The air conditioner combined with his wet skin made him cold.

Chris glared at Buck again as he headed Vin down the hallway to the bedroom Vin was staying in.

Vin had stopped coughing much to his friend's relief.

When Buck went to follow them into the bedroom Chris held up his hand.

"You have done quite enough. Go make some hot coffee."

Buck slanted his eyes at Vin and then slyly said, "Vin you best get those wet things off before you freeze to death."

Buck walked out of the bedroom ignoring the two glares he was now receiving.

Chris hurried into the bathroom and grabbed up a towel. Striding back to Vin he began to dry the slim body off.

Vin finally took the towel to use on his dripping hair.

Chris stalked over to the dresser and pulled out some sweats.

"Put these on. I'll tone the air conditioner down a bit."

"Hell Chris. Don't hover. I'm fine. You don't have to change the temperature," Vin protested though he quickly reached out for the clothes.

"I know that. But I don't want you getting sick. Maybe Nathan should come out and check on you."

Vin gaped at his friend. Damn Larabee was sure in a mother hen sort of mood.

"I swallowed a bit of water. Bucklin was just goofing around so don't be mad at him I feel fine. I promise."

Chris was watching as Vin stripped out of his swim trunks his mouth drying as that perfect body was revealed to him.

Mumbling louder than he intended Chris said, "You felt real good in my arms and you look good enough to eat."

Vin however was gifted with exceptional hearing. He overheard what his best friend said.

Vin turned an innocent look to Chris and said, "What was that cowboy? I didn't hear what you said,"

Chris blushed furiously much to Vin's amusement. Vin could feel hope and wonder build in him. Amy had tried to convince him that Larabee cared for him but he was afraid to dream.

Hell it looked like she might just be right. Have to play it by ear and see where things headed. Wouldn't want to do anything that would cost him the best friendship he ever had.

Chris backed up to the door he had to escape before he betrayed his real feelings and tumbled Vin into the bed.

"I'll go change. Buck's in the kitchen we can have some coffee and some of that cake Nettie brought over."

Vin tried a little subtle flirting the rest of the week at the ranch but Chris either didn't get it or wasn't interested.

Buck knew better and he was about ready to kill his best friend.

The first Friday after going back to work Vin called Amy and told her he was going to the bar. Amy pushed her friend and Vin admitted that Chris was not remotely interested in him. So he had decided it was time to leave the dream behind and get back into the dating scene. It was time to find that perfect someone. Since Vin sounded so depressed Amy called Buck and they talked.

Buck told her to keep Vin at the bar and he would somehow get Chris there. It was time to move the matchmaking up a notch.

Chris had been snapping at everyone at work all week. However Buck noticed that when Chris snarled at Vin the sharpshooter just smiled and went on about his business. After a bit Chris would call Vin into his office or would stop by the younger man's desk so he could make amends even if he didn't come right out and apologize. Though by Friday even Vin was tired of it and had even given Chris a smart ass comment a couple of times.

Buck hung around work after everyone but Chris had left.

Finally about 7:00 Chris strolled out of his office he was surprised to see Buck was still at his desk.

"What the hell you still doing here Buck?" Chris asked.

Buck raised his eyebrow at the tone in his friend's voice.

Chris looked sheepish as he deeply sighed and said, "Sorry about that. I know I've been a real bastard this week. Guess the guys are real pissed at me."

"Well they passed pissed on Wednesday now they are alternating between furious and worried. You aren't usually this moody especially since Junior came on the scene. What did the boy do make a pass at you?" Buck commented.

Chris gave his friend a sharp look at the comment.

"Vin has nothing to do with my mood and no he didn't make a pass at me," Chris said.

"Oh. . .so that's why you've been snippy all week. Junior didn't make a pass at you," Buck observed.

"Damn it Buck. This has nothing to do with Tanner," Chris denied as the two men got on the elevator.

"Really! Then you don't care that he called Amy today to cry on her shoulder."

Chris lasted about two seconds before he asked, "Why did he do that? What's wrong with him?"

Buck told Chris exactly what Amy had told him about Vin being depressed and giving up on Chris.

The next thing Buck knew Chris was bundling him into his company SUV and was driving through town.

"Get me to this bar. That damn scrawny assed Texan is mine. I wasted enough time fighting this. . .whatever the hell this is that we have together. Tonight it ends with Vin in my bed where he is going to stay," Chris growled.

"Well I guess you might be able to keep Junior in the bed all weekend. But after that I'm not sure you can keep him there indefinitely. I mean after all. . ." Buck replied trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit.

"Shut up Buck. You know what I mean," Chris snapped back.

Buck decided that it would be prudent to keep silent. Chris was in his aggressive mode and he didn't want to be the recipient of the blonde's temper.

The big man just hoped that Vin hadn't hooked up with anyone yet. There was no doubt in Buck's mind that Chris wouldn't set out to hurt Vin but if there was another man involved then all bets were off. The other man might just end up in the emergency room.

Buck remembered Chris with Sarah. If anyone even looked at her sideways Chris was ready to unload on them. Once the blond gave his heart and soul to a person he became very possessive and protective of his lover.

Buck had a brief sampling of the blond's obsessiveness when it came to his lovers when they were fooling around. Thankfully it had just been some fun times between two friends and had not developed into anything serious. Buck preferred to keep things light and lively with his lovers.

Vin however would be totally different just as Sarah had been different. Now that Buck thought on it Vin and Sarah had a lot in common. They both had come into Chris's life in need of his strength, his loyalty and his honesty. Both of them in their own ways had bad childhoods. Vin losing his mom so early as had Sarah. A brooding ill-tempered father had raised Sarah, while a hateful violent grandfather had raised Vin. Of course then Vin had to suffer through all those foster homes.

Chris provided them with what they needed. They both benefited from the safe secure haven that the blond provided, a place where they were loved unconditionally and could be themselves.

Chris was provided with what he needed. Someone to love, cherish and protect. Chris was at heart a protector and he was at his best when he was in love. Vin like Sarah would allow the blond to hover over him to an extent but would have no qualms about pushing back at the enigmatic ATF leader. However Chris didn't push that easy.

Arriving at the bar Buck had to rush to keep up with Chris who stalked towards the entrance.

Once the two men were inside they glanced around but didn't see Vin anywhere. The sharpshooter was here because his jeep was still outside.

Buck grasped Chris's arm and pointed out Amy who was walking towards them. Buck became worried when he saw the apprehensive look on the woman's face.

Chris didn't waste time on pleasantries.

"Where is Vin?"

Amy swallowed nervously and replied, "He went to one the back rooms with a guy just a few minutes ago. I tried to stop him but he was in such a rotten mood he didn't listen."

Chris turned his back on the Buck and Amy. Shoving his way to the bar Chris got the bartenders attention.

"A friend of mine just went into one of the back rooms. His name is Vin; he is a tad shorter than I am, long curly light brown hair, vivid blue eyes and a beautiful crooked smile. Which room did he go into to?" Chris demanded.

The bartender almost flinched at the ferocious look on the blonds face but he was made of sterner stuff.

"Yeah I know him. Beautiful face, real quiet, kind of shy and has an ass to die for," the bartender replied.

Chris gritted his teeth at the description but said, "That sounds like him. Now which room is he in?"

"Now listen. Your friend is a big boy and he can. . ." the bartender began

Chris calmly reached over the bar grabbed the man and hauled him forward until they were face to face. The people around the bar eased away from the irate blond.

"Now you listen. Vin belongs to me. You either tell me where he is or I will make sure the local cops make your life a living hell. I could do that very easily. With very little work I could get your liquor license revoked. Would you like to try me?"

The bartender gulped.

"Stuart the man your friend is with asked for room 5 that is his favorite one."

Chris shoved the man back, curtly thanked him and headed straight for the back rooms. Everyone cleared a pathway for him.

Buck and Amy followed closely. They wanted to be nearby in case Chris tried to kill this Stuart guy.

Amy whispered to the two men.

"Vin has never gone back here before, he is way to shy. I think he just decided that this was all he was going to get so he was going to take advantage. I mean believe me he gets offers all the time."

Chris turned his lethal glare on her at the 'offers' comment.

In a terse cold voice he hissed, "Well after tonight he won't be coming back here and there will be NO offers coming his way. I don't share my lovers and Vin will be hell of lot more than just my lover."

Just then a door opened down the dimly lit hallway. Vin walked into the corridor with a large blond man right behind him.

"I'm sorry Stuart. I thought I could go through with it, but I just can't. I don't think this is my scene after all," Vin was saying.

"Oh come on Vin. You are the most gorgeous guy here. I mean hell this is the first time anyone has gotten this far with you. You are like THE challenge of the bar," Stuart was saying as he pressed Vin back against the wall leaning forward trying to claim those full pouty lips.

A black wall of seething fury was suddenly standing between the two men.

Vin watched in astonishment as Stuart went stumbling back a right hook catching him on the jaw.

Chris turned his back on the man who had dared to touch Vin. . .his Vin. Buck approached Stuart helping him to stand up shaking his head in warning when the man started towards Chris.

Buck quickly flashed his badge then led Stuart back into the bar. Amy followed knowing she could talk to Stuart and calm him down. The man was a good guy he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Vin pressed back against the wall as Chris whirled around the look in the searing green eyes startling him with the tumult of emotions.

Vin tried to organize his scrambled brain his thoughts all over the place.

What the hell was Chris doing here? Why was the blond so furious? Why had Chris hit Stuart? Why did Chris look like he wanted to totally devour Vin?

The last question in Vin's brain was answered as Chris stepped closer pushing Vin further back against the wall with his body.

As Chris lowered his head with the very clear intention of kissing the younger man he whispered, "You are mine Vin. I love you. You now belong to me. I don't share my possessions especially my most precious one."

Vin felt all his frustration that he would never get Chris to be more than just his friend melt away as dry firm lips descended on his. Vin shuddered at the possessive forceful way Chris pulled him into his arms holding him tightly as his mouth was devoured.

Devoured that was the only word for it Vin vaguely thought as Chris's tongue slipped between his lips proceeding to map out every inch of his mouth.

One arm was like a band of steel around his upper back pressing him close to the hard body of the one ATF agent most of the agency was afraid of.

Except Vin, he had never been afraid of Chris and now was no exception.

Chris let his free hand wander down to that perfect ass encased in those skintight jeans. Chris pulled until they were pressed groin to groin.

Vin moaned as Chris nipped sharply at his lower lip then began to nuzzle his neck. The hand on his ass kneaded the firm flesh.

Vin was in heaven.

Chris pulled back intent on taking this one step further when he remembered where they were.

No way was he taking Vin here up against the wall in front of anyone walking by. Chris didn't want anyone seeing Vin's gorgeous naked body. The slim tanned young man was all his and he intended to enjoy Vin in totally privacy.

Chris grabbed a handful of curls and pulled Vin's head back. The blond saw the flash of lust in the blue eyes as Vin was manhandled.

So Vin liked to be dominated well Chris was certainly willing to accommodate that.

"I'm not taking you here. We are going to the nearest hotel. I have to have you soon or I am going to bust," Chris growled smiling as Vin clutched at his shoulders.

"But. . ."Vin started to talk and ended up whimpering as Chris yanked him forward burying his teeth in the soft skin of Vin's neck.

Vin cried out as sharp teeth gnawed at his neck, there would be a mark there, which of course was exactly, what Chris was aiming for. Chris alternated between biting and sucking Vin's neck marking the man as taken. The blond made sure the mark would be in plain sight for all to see.

Vin melted against Chris all protests died as the scent of the blond surrounded him, rough hands glided over his super sensitized body touching and pinching until he was throbbing all over.

Fuck he wouldn't have cared if Chris had slammed him over a table and taken him right in front of everyone.

Chris felt it when Vin began to surrender to him. The primal part of him, which was a lot bigger than he cared to admit at times, exulted at the way his future mate submitted to him.

Chris knew Vin felt it to. Vin's soul had always been a part of him now Chris was overpowering Vin's mind showing him who the alpha male was and before to long he would claim the delectable body writhing in his arms.

Once more Chris crushed Vin's lips with his tasting the sweet nectar of his soon to be young lover's mouth.

Vin shivered as hot breath washed over his cheek.

Chris whispered in Vin's ear, "Time to go Vin. I've denied myself long enough. I want you and I know you want me. It's time I make you mine. This is your last chance to say no. After we make love I will never let you go. If you ever try to leave me I will hunt you down and bring you back."

Vin trembled at the words. There was no doubt Chris meant every word he said. One time Buck had a little too much to drink and had divulged that Chris was one possessive jealous bastard. After that conversation Vin had dreams that night of Chris taking him, riding him hard, marking him repeating that Vin was his. . .all his. It had been the most erotic and satisfying dreams he had ever had. No one had ever cared enough for him to want to own him body and soul. Chris would do just that.

Chris pulled back just enough so he could see into Vin's blue eyes.

Vin licked his kiss-swollen lips secretly delighting in how avid green eyes watched his every move.

"I say yes and I will never want to leave you," Vin whispered blushing.

Chris smiled the predator in him preening now that he had his mate in hand and under his control.

Chris kept his arm around Vin's waist holding the smaller man close to his side as they walked through the bar. Vin was secretly amused as he watched people get out of the way of the formidable blond.

Chris was still sending off signals that warned everyone to stay away from his mate. Green eyes glared at anyone who got to close to the precious man next to him. At one point a man had turned and inadvertently bumped into Vin.

Chris had growled leveling his lethal deadly glare at the poor hapless man. Only Vin placing a placating hand on his chest prevented the man from suffering a bodily injury.

Buck and Amy were watching intently. Amy was thrilled that Vin was going to be with the man he loved. Buck was also happy for his friends but a part of him was slightly worried. There was no mistaking the mark on Vin's neck, Chris had already staked his claim on the slim sharpshooter. While Buck had no doubt that Chris adored Vin he was afraid his friend might come on a little strong for the quiet Tanner.

Of course he should have thought of that before he pushed them together but what was done was done. Vin was certainly no shrinking violet and would no doubt push the blond back if Chris became to overbearing.

Vin insisted on stopping to say goodbye to Amy. Chris didn't want to wait but he agreed. Amy was a friend of Vin's and was no threat to their new relationship.

As Vin talked to Amy Buck walked over to his old friend.

"I see you already put your mark on him. I think everyone in this place will give Vin a wide berth next time they see him," Buck commented.

Chris barely glanced around the bar his attention totally focused on Vin making sure no one approached the man.

"Guess so. Doesn't matter Vin won't be coming back again. I will give him everything he needs," Chris replied.

"Vin does have friends stud. You can't keep him isolated like a monk."

"I'm not going to keep him isolated. However he won't have any reason to come back here looking for anything, I have everything he needs. If he really wants to visit his friends I will come with him."

Buck wisely let that go figuring Vin could take that argument up if he wanted to.

However Buck was more worried about something else. When he and Chris had fooled around there were times Chris wouldn't prepare him as well as he could have. Of course Chris would have been drinking or they just wanted to be particularly rough that night but Buck wanted to make sure Vin would be okay.

"You know Chris. It has been a long time since Vin had a lover. The boy is bound to be tight. . .real tight."

Chris turned to Buck and hissed, "I fucking know that Buck. You think I'm just going to bend him over the nearest piece of furniture and slam into his ass. I want him and I want him bad but I love him. I will take care of him. I know there were times I hurt you when I'd been drinking but I'm stone cold sober. Okay?"

Buck smiled.

"Okay. Just for the record I know it was only when you were drinking or hell there were times I wanted it rough. Just to remind you old buddy. You never hurt me bad; even drunk you knew how far to go. I was just worried about Vin."

Chris calmed slightly.

"I know Buck. Sorry for going off on you like that. I feel like a kid in the candy store about to get everything he wants. I won't hurt Vin. If I ever hurt him you can beat me the hell up. How's that?"

Buck slapped Chris on the back.

"I can deal with that. Now go get your new lover."

Chris turned around to see Vin and Amy staring at them.

Chris stood close to Vin pulling him into his arms.

"Ready to go babe?"

Vin's eyes grew wide at the endearment. Then an instant later he figured he really liked it.

Shyly he ducked his head and mumbled yes he was ready to go.

Chris smiled affectionately at his shy lover.

"Give Buck your jeep keys. You won't need them this weekend. I'll take you to work Monday," Chris ordered.

Vin nodded his head and quickly handed his keys over to a grinning Buck.

As Chris steered his young partner out of the bar he could feel his lust and desire rise up again at the feel of the slim body so close to his. Fiercely he clamped down on it. Tonight it would their first time; he didn't want to come on to strong and scare Vin away. There were times Vin reminded him of a skittish colt. It had taken a while for Vin to realize that he was a part of a team and that he was wanted for himself not just for his skill with a gun. Before Chris had realized that he wanted Vin as a lover he had taken the younger man under his wing showing him that it was okay to have friends. It was okay to confide in others, he didn't have to be alone.

Now it was like Vin had known the men forever. The young man meshed with the other six men like they had been raised together.

Now Chris wanted to take their relationship to the next level and it was satisfying that Vin wanted it to.

Chris ushered Vin into his truck tugging the younger man over for another toe tingling kiss then drove a few blocks to a very nice yet discreet hotel. It was a hotel that he and Buck had used every now and then. It catered to mainly to men who wanted a safe clean place to rendezvous with their significant other away from prying eyes.

Chris parked the truck and with Vin at his side walked inside to the front desk. Vin blushed at the shameless look from the clerk.

Chris glared at the man who just smiled.

"No offense meant gentlemen. I just admire beauty when I see it. My mate Johnathan would have me by the balls literally if I did anything other than look," the man teased.

Chris calmed down at the words. He could understand the sentiment concerning Vin. Tanner was gorgeous and thank God he belonged to Chris.

The man handed over the key with a flourish and gave them directions to their room.

As the two men got on the elevator to go to their room the clerk watched them avidly. Actually he was an ass man and my oh my he was enjoying looking at two of finest he had ever seen.

Chris waited until the doors shut then pressed Vin up against the wall. Pinning the smaller body there Chris ran his hands up and down the lithe figure.

Chris nuzzled into Vin's neck letting his hot tongue trace around the young man's neck. Chris's hard possessive mouth found Vin's and proceeded to steal his very breath.

Vin gasped when his mouth was released. Shit Chris was going to kill him before they even got to the room.

Chris released Vin as the elevator door opened. Gripping Vin's hand the blond led him down the hallway to their room.

Opening the door the two men walked inside and glanced around the room.

The big king sized bed was the centerpiece of the room. The lights were on but dimmed. In fact the lights that were on were flickering on the walls simulating candle flames. The furniture was tastefully done in oak and earth tones. The carpet was a honey color and very thick plush.

Chris turned to face Vin framing the beautiful face with his hands.

"Like it?" he huskily asked.

Vin shyly smiled.

"It's a beautiful room but we could have gone to my place or yours. You didn't have to spend the money on the. . ."

Chris put his finger over Vin's lips silencing the young man.

"I want this to be special. Besides once I get you to the ranch I may never let you leave. Know this Vin I want you as my life mate not just my lover. I want you to move to the ranch with me."

Vin gaped at the older man. Talk about moving fast.

"Don't look so shocked babe. We have waited long enough to be together. We love each other why wait to live together?"

"What will the guys think? The ATF?" Vin asked.

"I don't care what anyone thinks. The guys won't care. Hell they know Buck and I have gotten together in the past. . .and that is in the past by the way. The ATF won't know. We can be discreet. If they find out so what we can start up that horse ranch we discussed."

Vin still hesitated which got Chris worried.

"Don't you love me enough to live with me?" Chris demanded.

Vin quickly said, "I love you so much Chris. I. . .well I don't know if I'm an easy person to live with. I've never lived with anyone before as a mate."

Chris laughed at the sheer naiveté of the comment. If anyone were going to be difficult to live with it sure as hell wouldn't be Vin Tanner.

Vin frowned at the blond wondering if he was being laughed at.

Chris quickly sobered up.

"I'm not laughing at you sweetheart. You could never be difficult to live with. I on the other hand am another story. I tell you what keep your place for a couple of months to see how we adjust to living together. How's that?"

"Okay that works for me," Vin replied.

Chris smiled because he knew that in two months Vin would give up his apartment in that hellhole. They were perfect for each other.

Chris then gave Vin a long look the passion flaring up in the green eyes.

"Now that we have discussed that how about getting down to some serious love making?"

Chris slipped his hands to Vin's waist pulling the shirt out of the jeans. Slowly Chris unbuttoned Vin's shirt kissing every inch of skin that he exposed. Vin was trembling by the time he finished.

Chris saw the bulge in Vin's pants and knew Vin was as aroused as he was.

Pushing the shirt off to fall to the floor Chris then removed Vin's belt then with slow. . .excruciatingly slow. . .fingers he unzipped the tight jeans.

Vin groaned as his hard cock found some relief in the now loose jeans.

Chris slipped his hands down Vin's bare back to slide between the jeans and the tight white briefs he saw Vin was wearing. Cupping handfuls of the tight hot flesh he kneaded the globes pulling Vin tight into his body.

"Like that baby?" he whispered nipping sharply at the full pouty lip.

Gasping as Chris licked a path of fire from his collarbone to his ear Vin replied, "Oh damn. I love it cowboy."

Chris bit at the tender skin behind Vin's ear just enough to make Vin yelp but not enough to really hurt.

"What have I told you about calling me cowboy? Do you have to be punished like a bad boy?" Chris whispered.

Vin whimpered at the words thrusting his aching cock up against Chris's body.

Chris chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes. But not tonight I'll just have to remember that you were bad and take you in hand at a later date."

"I. . .I sure as hell wish you'd take my cock. . .in hand right now," Vin hissed.

Chris was delighted. Vin would be a handful but what a delightful handful. Chris loved the different facets of his young lover. The shy slightly uncertain Vin or the demanding Vin who thought he needed to be punished. Either one was a joy to behold and a joy to love.

"Patience Vin," Chris whispered as he nudged Vin backwards towards the bed.

Vin willingly wanted nothing more at that moment than to feel Chris's big cock buried in his ass.

But Chris Larabee was going to make him wait. Chris was just mean that way.

Chris laid Vin back on the bed with the long legs dangling off the bed.

Chris pulled Vin's shoes and socks off. Gently he rubbed the soles of Vin's feet until the man was practically purring in pleasure.

Grabbing the waist of the jeans Chris tugged until Vin arched his back allowing the blond to pull the jeans off.

The jeans followed the way of the rest of Vin's clothes onto the floor. Vin lay quietly in the bed dressed only his tight white briefs.

Chris quickly yanked off his own clothes, boots and socks. Like a predator on the prowl he crawled up Vin's body straddling the slim waist.

Vin gulped as he found himself staring into intense green eyes. Chris had been in control the whole evening but now Vin knew what a baby rabbit felt like when being stalked by a hungry wolf.

Chris looked like he was ready to swallow Vin whole as though Vin was the tastiest dessert he had ever seen. It was a little disconcerting to be on the end of the intense Larabee look.

Chris saw a fleeting uneasy look pass through the expressive blue eyes. Backing his intensity off a bit he leaned down and kissed Vin's cheeks then placed a light kiss on the swollen red lips.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you," he promised.

"I know that. It. . .its just been a while for me and I've wanted you for so long," Vin softly said a blush covering his face.

Chris grinned.

"I love it when you blush," he admitted when Vin looked at him funny.

"Damn Chris. You going to get all mushy on me," Vin teased.

Chris pressed another kiss on his lover lips.

"Only for you baby. . .only for you."

Chris then devoted the next several minutes to making Vin writhe beneath him until the younger man was whimpering in need.

Chris slowly lost himself in the smell of Vin, the soft yet firm muscles in the lithe body that was arching up against his.

Chris savored Vin slowly. Lapping at the brown nipples sucking them into his mouth until they were hard as little pebbles.

Kneeling between Vin's long legs Chris placed Vin's feet flat on the bed. Spreading the legs further apart he reached out and rubbed the hard cock that was still encased in Vin's briefs. The damp spot on the white briefs just seemed to beckon to him.

Leaning over Chris tongued the damp spot then suckled the cockhead through the cotton material.

Vin arched up reaching for Chris with his hands.

Chris quickly rose up pressing Vin's hands down to the bed with a quick warning to leave them there.

With a hitch to his voice Vin quickly begged, "Please. . .Chris. . .I need you cowboy."

Warm fingers slipped from rubbing Vin's cock to stroking over Vin's balls finally pressing against the hot entrance to Vin's body.

Finally taking pity on the incoherent man in the bed Chris slipped off the white briefs. Vin's cock sprang free of the restricting material eliciting a sigh of relief from the younger man.

Gently Chris wrapped his hand around Vin's cock and stroked it once. Vin's juices were making his hand slick. Chris stared into Vin's blue eyes as he slowly leaned over and licked the cockhead tasting his lover's essence for the first time.

Closing his eyes Chris savored the taste knowing he would never get enough of the taste of Vin.

Vin groaned in frustration. Damn it when was Chris going to take him.

All thought fled his mind though when Chris swallowed his cock using tongue and throat muscles to massage and tease his aching shaft.

While Chris suckled at Vin's cock he used Vin's pre-cum to slick up one finger.

Carefully Chris pressed against Vin's hole then slipped the finger inside moaning as tight hot heat surrounded his finger. He could only imagine what that impossibly tight sleeve of heaven was going to feel like wrapped around his aching throbbing cock.

Vin was so far gone in pleasure he didn't even feel the second finger slide into his passage.

Chris leaned up over Vin and felt around in the bedside table for the lube he knew was there.

Vin gazed up at Chris's chest and admired the lean taut body.

Rising up he latched onto one nipple sucking it into his mouth.

Chris whimpered as Vin moved over the other nipple. But Chris was not about to let Vin control this first time. Maybe he would let Vin take control tomorrow but not tonight.

Then again he liked to be in control and Vin was his. . .all his.

Chris pulled back his nipple slipping out of Vin's mouth with a pop. Glancing down he saw the smile on the gorgeous face.

Chris grabbed a handful of the long hair and gently pulled Vin's head back.

"Proud of that sneak attack are you? Well before to much longer I'll have you screaming my name," Chris lightly threatened.

Vin's eyes glinted, he loved to be challenged though he had feeling this was one he was going to loose.

"We'll see," he whispered.

Chris slicked up a couple of fingers and slid them inside his lover tight ass. Vin arched up with a hiss.

"No it won't take anytime at all," Chris said satisfied with his lover's response.

As Chris thrust his fingers in and out of the tight hole he pulled Vin up and claimed the swollen lips.

When the fourth finger slid inside the hot passage Vin was all but begging for his lover to take him.

Chris quickly slicked his cock up making sure to liberally coat it. He didn't want to hurt Vin.

Chris slowly spread Vin's thighs back and further apart baring the sweet puckered entrance of his lover's body.

Chris lined up his cock and slowly thrust inside Vin's hot depths. The blond groaned as he felt Vin heat pulse around his aching throbbing cock.

With a slow tender motion Chris began claiming the young man as his. Vin's asshole clung to the cock so sweetly plundering as though not wanting to let go.

Chris grasped Vin's cock in his fist and began stroking the hard shaft.

Vin arched up lights began to dance in front of his eyes; his balls began to tighten up.

With a keening scream he cried out his lover's name his body convulsing on wave after wave of pleasure.

Chris picked up his thrusts as he felt the tight muscles clench around his cock. The blond roared his pleasure as he sent his seed deep into the bowels of his lover.

Chris slumped down on top of Vin who wrapped his arms around his lover.

Still buried in his lover's ass, Chris pulled Vin's face towards him kissing the trembling mouth.

"You're mine Vin. I will never let you go," Chris strongly stated his green eyes staring down into dazed blue ones.

"I don't want you to. I feel like I am finally coming home," Vin whispered back.

For several minutes the two men kissed and lightly caressed each other. Then Chris carefully slipped out of Vin.

Chris ushered his lover to the bathroom where he took extra special care of the younger man. Vin felt so loved and cared for. Chris gently washed him paying particular attention to the slightly red hole.

To Vin's surprise Chris insisted they get dressed and leave for the ranch.

Vin blushed as Chris explained.

"The only reason I stopped here was because I knew that I didn't have the willpower to wait until we got home before I had to make love to you. Now though I think I can last until we get home and I can tumble you into our bed."

As they left the room Vin shyly said, "Home. Does that really mean. . .I mean you said our bed. . ."

Climbing into the truck Chris turned to Vin and pulled him in for a long hot kiss.

"I told you that I want you to move to the ranch. I meant that. It has only been a house since Sarah and Adam died. With you it will a home again. . .our home. I have that great bit king sized bed that is way to large for just me. I want you to share it with me every night of the week."

Vin blushed even hotter much to Chris's enjoyment.

"What. . .do you think we are rushing things?"

"No. We both have wanted this for a long time. Neither one of us was willing to risk losing our friendship. Now that we have taken that final step I want the whole thing. I want you by my side at work and at home. It will work Vin. We love each other so much. . .you know it will work," Chris said his green eyes holding uncertain blue ones.

Vin hesitated for a few seconds. He really wanted this to work but it was moving so fast. Glancing at the intense green eyes staring at him he made up his mind. Chris was right he wanted this and they would make it work.

"Okay! I want this to last just as much as you do. Now I have just one question?"

"What is it babe?" Chris asked the love he felt for the man in his arms showing in his eyes.

Vin smiled sweetly as he said, "How fast can we get home. I think I need I need another sampling of your lovemaking."

Chris grinned with delight.

Planting a hard lust filled kiss on red swollen lips Chris growled, "Oh I think I can make it to our home in record time especially if I use the siren and lights."

Vin laughed in pure pleasure. He barely got the seatbelt on before Chris peeled out of the parking lot heading for home.

It would be the first night making love in their home. . .the first night of many to come.

The End
