by The Empress
God damn it's hot! the lanky sharpshooter thought, unsaddling his horse.He looked up at the cloudless sky and sighed as he wiped the sweat off his brow with the back of his sleeve. He shook his head, wondering when it would cool off. Three days of the intense heat already and that was enough for him! The long ride had felt wonderful, the breeze blowing his hair back away from his face, refreshing him. And it felt good to get away from the crowds, as well. Granted, he was still working hard, mending some fences at Chris's place, but he'd take that over a day catching and fighting bad guys any day. But again, this heat had to go.
Hearing the familiar sound of the water spraying, he knew relief was nearby. He quickly let the horse loose, knowing it wouldn't go far. The water was cool. He didn't blame the horse for heading for it. He wasn't far behind, shucking his boots and clothing, leaving a trail as he headed for the cold water.
In no time at all, Vin was lounging back, nude body basking in the sun as the cool water spray covered him at the same time. After a while the goosebumps on his flesh disappeared as his body accustomed itself to the water's temperature. He sighed in content as his body relaxed.
His thoughts began to meander away from his basic physical needs, no longer hot or thirsty. Now thoughts of other physical needs came to mind. As usual, his mind conjured images of one Chris Larabee.
The sharpshooter smiled lazily as his hands began to react to those thoughts. He imagined that they were Chris's hands on him, slowly caressing him, spreading out the cool water droplets that continued to fall. Fingers of one hand slowly moved their way up his neck, over his jaw and chin, finally grazing his lower lip as the other hand stroked his chest, making lazy circles around first one nipple, then the other.
He took a deep breath and then hissed in pleasure as the cool water mist hit his now engorged cock.
"Chris," he moaned aloud, gently guiding a hand down along its length, hips rising up, thrusting. "Mmm, yeah, lick me," he murmured, spreading the sweet seeping juice around the tip.
Vin wrapped his fingers around the thick shaft, picturing Chris taking him into his mouth. He began to thrust his hips in earnest, wishing it was Chris deep-throating him.
"Oh, yeah," he gasped.
He raked his other hand through his water and sweat soaked locks, tucking them behind his ears, just like Chris does. I want to see those blue eyes of yours. He traced his fingers down his jawbone, moving over to caress his lips again. He sucked his middle finger into his mouth, wishing it was Chris's hardened flesh, instead. He sucked on the finger, licked at it in time with the thrusting of his hips, still forcing his erection through his grasp.
He had a sudden memory of the first time he and Chris had sucked each other off at the same time. It had been so erotic. And before he knew it, hot drops of his seed were mingling with the cool water drops on his belly, and he cried out.
Gasping for breath, he wasn't aware of the other man's approach. But then, the water suddenly stopped and a shadow fell upon him. Vin opened startled eyes and nearly fell out of the chaise-lounge. Chris stood over him, green hose held kinked in his strong hand.
"Ain't you a little old to be playing in the sprinkler, Vin?" he asked, green eyes twinkling under arched eyebrows.