ATF Universe
Chris was whistling, when he stepped into the kicthen and shut the door with his foot. His briefcase was in one hand and the newspaper was in his other. Larabee, dumped the briefcase onto the bar along with the paper and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator.Picking the paper back up, Chris headed for the den and the six o'clock news. He was in an extremely good mood over the upcoming three day weekend, of which he planned to spend at least half of it in bed with Vin. If only Vin would get here.
Stepping into the den, Chris couldn't help but smile. His weekend plans, was already here, sound asleep on the den couch. Chris took the television remote off of the coffee table in front of the couch Vin was sleeping on and sat down in his recliner and cracked open the beer.
Flicking the channel button repeatedly, until he found the news, Larabee reflected on how good his life had gotten since one long haired ex bounty hunter had come into it. He sipped at the beer and thought about the first time they'd made love.
Vin had been nervous - - Hell, they'd both been as nervous as two kids in the back seat of a car. But, they'd fumbled through it, without either one of them injuring the other. And Vin had looked at him with those blue eyes practically melting and Larabee had been hooked.
He'd known from the moment he looked into those eyes just after making love, that Vin was it for him. It had felt strange, being totally in love with another man. But, Vin wasn't just any man. He was Vin, the person who could tell what he was thinking with just a glance. Possibly the only person on the face of the earth who was immune to "the Larabee glare," Chris thought with a smile.
Vin stirred then and Chris put down the half empty beer can and walked over to the couch. Vin's eyes opened and looked up at him sleepily and the sharpshooter moved over to make room for Chris to sit in front of him. The blond leaned down and brushed a light kiss over Vin's lips.
Vin smiled and bunched the quilt up around his neck. "Took ya long enough," he mumbled with his eyes half closed.
"Sorry, had to finish up payoll and the expense reports," Chris replied and leaned over to nuzzle Vin's neck.
The younger man stretched his head back on the pillow, so that his neck was fully exposed and reached one hand out from under the blanket to cradle and stroke the back of Chris's head. "Uhhhmmm," he murmured. "S'worth waitin' for."
"Mmmm," Chris agreed as he nibbled on the tender skin of Vin's neck. His hands pushed the blanket down and began efficiently unbuttoning Vin's shirt. When he had the first few buttons undone, he licked and sucked and bit his way down Vin's chest.
The Texan was completely awake now and arched his body up against Chris's hot mouth. His own hands slid under the soft sweater Chris wore, to stroke the hard muscles of Chris's back.
Chris's hands finished unbuttoning Vin's shirt and quickly moved down to unfasten the jeans the sharpshooter was wearing. When they were open, Vin lifted his hips and let Chris slide them down his legs. As soon as the jeans passed his knees, Vin kicked them off. He wasn't wearing underwear and Chris sighed pleasurably at the sight of the lanky body stretched out before him.
Vin shrugged out of his open shirt and tugged on the bottom of Chris's sweater. The blond bent his head, so that Vin could pull the sweater off. He unfastened his pants and as soon as Vin had the sweater off, he stood and let them fall to the floor. He was about to remove his boxers, when he felt strong fingers at the waistband.
Vin slipped his hands into the back of Chris's boxers and began cupping and squeezing the older man's ass cheeks. He pressed his face against Chris's cotton covered erection and began rubbing his cheek against the hardness.
Larabee groaned at the sensations the Texan was creating in his groin. He stroked Vin's hair and enjoyed the way Vin was fondling him for several minutes, before he finally tugged lightly on Vin's hair so that his lover looked at him questioningly.
"Lie down on your back," he said hoarsely, as he stripped off the boxers.
Vin complied and Chris stretched out over him. He found the longhaired man's hands and twined his fingers with Vin's and stretched both their arms out over Vin's head. Their fingers opened and closed around one another's. The older man's head bent down at the same time as Vin's strained upwards so that their mouths met in deep pleasurable kisses.
Chris rocked his hips, letting Vin know wordlessly what he wanted. The other man's hips met Chris's in silent acquiesence. They didn't make love like this very often, but tonight Chris wanted to feel every inch of Vin's body against his own from the fingers stretching and twining in his, to the toes curling against his ankles.
Vin's erection slid easily against Chris's, the precum that was pouring from both of them lubcribrating their shafts. His narrow hips matching Chris's slow rocking rhythm. Their lovemaking was usually passionate and sometimes rough. But tonight, it seemed, they both wanted it slow and gentle. Chris couldn't help the sighs that escaped him and he suspected that Vin didn't have much control over the purring sound he was making. He could feel himself getting close to the edge and his rocking motion intensified. Vin's body seemed to move quicker against his and again he suspected that it wasn't entirely the sharpshooter's choice.
As if to confirm Chris's thoughts, Vin's mouth broke away from his and the Texan gasped out, "Chris - so - close."
"Open your eyes," Chris urged and the younger man did so immediately.
Vin's blue eyes were dark with passion and emotions when they met Chris's. He could see the things he was feeling mirrored in Chris's green eyes. The icy depths the blond showed to the world, seemed to have turned to green fire and Tanner felt a thrill run through him, knowing that he was the cause.
They kept their eyes locked together, as they felt their releases coming ever closer. Neither one was sure who found fulfillment first. They cried out each other's names and then Chris was lying on top of Vin, feeling the sharpshooter's cock throbbing and jerking against his own equally spastic cock.
Except for their ragged breathing and the background noise of the television the room was silent. Chris managed to roll to his side and he pulled Vin over onto his side so that they were facing each other again. He wanted to watch Vin's face, while the Texan recovered from their lovemaking.
Vin finally got his breathing back under control and opened his eyes to find Chris watching him. He smiled and closed his eyes and snuggled closer to his lover. Their weekend plans were off to a great start.
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