Vin stared up at the night sky, slowly counting the stars as they twinkled a greeting. "Hello to you too, my friends." Tanner smiled as they seemed to brighten after his words."You say something, Vin?" Chris raised up on his right elbow and glanced down at his partner.
The sharpshooter turned his gaze to that of the hazel eyes he loved. "I was just greeting some friends." Vin stretched his naked body slowly and was pleased when he heard the sharp intake of breath from the man next to him. "Something wrong, cowboy?" Tanner sneaked a peek at Larabee through half closed eyes and felt his blood start pumping at the desire staring back at him.
"We come out here so you could rest," the leader tried to berate the younger man but his glance starting drifting down his lover's body and he his earlier thoughts went out the back of his head.
"I am resting. I was also told I needed a little TLC. I thought that was your job." Vin let his voice drop to an octave making his drawl slower and smoother.
Chris reached out his left hand and lay it softly on the other man's chest, letting it trail a languid line downward. Vin couldn't keep the moan from escaping his lips as Larabee's hand swept feather like over his groin. Back and forth, back and forth, the touch kept slowing down with each pass until the older man's hand was encompassing Tanner's desire. He started a slow sliding movement as he inched closer to the man beside him. He heard the sharpshooter's breath begin to match his hand motion and decided to add to the pleasure.
He bent his head forward and licked first one nipple, then another.
"How's that for TLC?" Chris couldn't keep the mischief from his words as his hand increased the speed. Tanner tore his eyes open and looked lovingly at the man who was giving him such ecstasy.
"I knew you were the man for the job." Vin also felt giddy as he reached up and pulled Larabee into a hard kiss as he began thrusting his hips upward to match Chris's rhythm. The kiss deepened as did the thrusts until they had to break apart first to breath and then to let the seed of their love erupt around and on them.
As they fell back onto the soft earth, they let soft moans of satisfaction escape their throats. "Damn, if this is the treatment I get for getting hurt on duty, I think I'll do it more often." Vin felt his eyes drift shut from the exhaustion of pleasure and the safety he knew was surrounding him. Before he could succumb to the blackness, he sensed the breath beside his ear as he heard the soft words.
"You even try that, and I'll personally chain you to the bed and refuse you your TLC. Understand me, cowboy?" Chris's voice had a deadly tinge in the whisper that didn't go unnoticed by the younger man.
Tanner forced his eyes open for a fraction of a second to respond. "Loud and clear." He shut his lids once more and was even more content as the strong arms of his lover encased him from behind, pulling him into spoon style. "Night." He didn't wait for a reply as he snuggled into the embrace and feel asleep.