Follows When Trust Isn't Enough Part I
Disclaimer: I don't own Magnificent Seven. I am just borrowing them.
Summary: Buck and Ezra believe lies about Vin. Vin leaves the ranch after Chris fails to back him up. Will things get resolved before tragedy strikes? Yes I know I made Buck the heavy again. I really do love the guy.
Pairing: Chris / Vin
As the fire trucks and ambulance drove up Vin began violently coughing, Chris pulled Vin into his arms to recline against his chest. The position made breathing easier.Vin was pretty much out of it, he was light headed due to lack of oxygen from Pennington trying to strangle him and the smoke, his throat hurt inside and out and his shoulder was throbbing but he remembered the kids and he felt strong arms wrapped around him holding him still.
As Vin began struggling against his friends and the EMT's Chris realized what was wrong.
Chris leaned forward and whispered in one ear, "The kids are fine, cowboy. JD has the kid's safe and Pennington is in custody. You just relax and let them take care of you, we have your back."
Whether it was Vin still trusting Chris despite everything or the fact that he was injured but whatever it was Chris nearly had a heart attack as the man he loved suddenly went limp in his arms.
Nathan pulled Chris away so they could lay Vin flat on the ground. The EMT's got the oxygen mask on Vin and then they quickly loaded him in the ambulance. Buck practically shoved Chris into the passenger seat of the ambulance as the two kids were put in the back with Vin and the second EMT.
Josiah told Nathan and JD to go on to the hospital. JD to keep the kids calm since they knew him and Nathan to keep a worried frustrated Chris Larabee from tearing the place apart.
Buck took over the task of handing Pennington over the police with the instructions that he was not being taken to the same hospital as Vin and the kids. Josiah gave his statement to the police while Ezra talked with the fireman to make arrangements for anything that could be salvaged from the small house.
Soon they were speeding on their way to the hospital. Nathan had called and said the kids were fine, Vin had been taken to surgery and Chris was pacing the waiting room like a lion on the prowl. JD had disappeared to find everyone something to eat and drink.
They got to the waiting room just as JD arrived with food for everyone. The kids were a little leery of all the men but since JD and Josiah liked them they figured they must be okay.
A little while later the doctor came out and was met as he walked into the room by six worried anxious men and two kids.
The doctor held his hand up and asked if they were Agent Tanner's relatives, Larabee growled that they were all the family that Vin had.
Deciding not to piss the intimidating blond off any further the doctor told them that Vin had come through surgery just fine. The bullet had not hit anything vital but he would need therapy on his shoulder, he was keeping the agent in the hospital for a couple of days and was going to keep him on oxygen due to the smoke inhalation and the bruised throat.
Chris then informed the doctor that Vin was to be put in a private room because someone would be with him at all times. The doctor wasn't stupid he agreed and then hurried off to issue his orders to the nursing staff.
Just then a nurse came up to Josiah and whispered something that made the profiler smile.
Josiah then announced looking down at the two kids that their daddy had just woke up and was asking about them.
The kids were ecstatic; Chris told Josiah that he and JD needed to take the kids to see their dad while they would go to see Vin.
JD swung the little girl up in his arms then paused while Josiah somberly stated, "You better make it good with Vin."
Josiah then took the little boys hand and they headed down the hallway.
After Vin was moved into his room Chris immediately grabbed a chair and sat as close to the bed as he could take up Vin's hand in his. Nathan went out to the nurse's station and talked to them getting as much information as he could on his friend's condition.
Buck and Ezra stood at the foot of Vin's bed, both men looked very uncomfortable but resolute. They had screwed up big time and they were going to make it right with their friend.
Vin remained unconscious much to his friend's worry and dismay.
When Josiah came back he said that JD was with the kids and would be taking them home with him. Casey would help keep an eye on them.
Chris asked Josiah to please go back to the office and start the paperwork since he knew the most about Pennington's motives.
Josiah hesitated then he looked his boss square in the eye and said, "I think I should stay. Vin will want to see a friendly face when he wakes up."
"Now wait a damn minute, we don't plan on hurting the boy," Buck complained his temper igniting at the comment.
"You already have," Josiah replied effectively shutting the man up.
Chris looked at Josiah then stated, "We need to make our peace with Vin. It is the only way this team will stay together and function. I personally need him back in my have no idea how cold my life is without him in it warming everything with his kindness and sense of humor."
Josiah slowly nodded his head, "Okay, but I'll call later. If anyone hurts that boy again I'll take it out of their hide. Understood?"
Buck and Ezra quickly nodded their heads; they had seen the profiler in action before and didn't want to be on the end of that big fist.
Chris smiled.
"We understand and thanks Josiah for being such a good friend and standing by him."
"I did it for him, Chris," Josiah simply said as he left.
Nathan came back inside after talking to the nurses and doctor he cornered.
"The doctor said Vin should be waking up soon," Nathan said.
No sooner had Nathan uttered those words than Vin moaned and weakly turned his head. Chris kept a firm grip on Vin's hand.
"Why don't the three of you go wait outside, I want to talk to him alone first," Chris ordered.
"We'll just go down to the waiting room," Ezra stated.
The men left the room just as blue eyes slowly opened and looked around dazedly. To Chris's dismay Vin didn't really wake up the anesthetic still keeping him for the most part out. It was several more hours before the sharpshooter actually woke up and realized where he was even if he didn't know what had happened.
Vin raised one hand to remove the oxygen from his nose, Chris smiled as he reached out and captured that hand. The blond held both of Vin's hands with one of his.
"Easy cowboy. The doc says you need that oxygen so leave it alone," Chris softly said.
Slowly Vin turned his head until he faced Chris. It was apparent by the confused look on Vin's face that he had no recollection of what had happened to bring him to the hospital.
"Listen carefully Vin. You will be fine. Pennington shot you in the shoulder and there was a fire. The kids are fine, in fact Lonny is awake and JD took them up to see their dad. JD took them to his place, Casey is there and they will watch them. Pennington is in another hospital, Buck refused to have him admitted to the same hospital as you," Chris said then watched as a frown marred the beautiful face. He thought he knew what had caused it. In fact he was sure of it as he saw the blue eyes clear as the memories came back.
"Buck pulled you of that fire, babe, he and Ez are outside and they want to talk to you. Give them a chance, they made a big mistake...but I made an even bigger one. I should have defended you the very second they brought the whole IA thing up. I knew that you hadn't worked for the IA and that if you had testified then the cops deserved it. I think I was upset that you never told me, which is ridiculous everyone has a past. I let things slide and I should have sat down with you and we could have talked it out. Then my temper got involved and I was pissed that you had just left the ranch without trying to talk it out, so I waited some more. I have been a real shitty team leader the last two months and the team has paid the price especially you. I let everything go on to long and that is my fault. I hope you can forgive me, my life has been hell without you and I need you back...please Vin say you'll at least think about it?" Chris was all but begging by the end of his little speech.
Vin looked long and hard at Chris and he thought about the last few weeks. Chris made sense or was it because he so desperately wanted to be back with his lover, back at the ranch a place that he so easily could call home.
Vin had to admit that Chris had a point, he hadn't given Chris a chance to talk, he had just packed up and left. Besides neither one of them was real good about talking about things, of course this was the first real blow they had since they had gotten together.
Vin chewed on his bottom lip then licked it nervously not realizing that Chris was watching every movement of that pink tongue and worrying that he would never get to taste his mouth again.
Finally Vin looked up and gave his little crooked smile.
"Well, I guess neither one of us have ever been big conversationalist. I think...maybe we need to try again and this time talk more. You're right I shouldn't have just packed up and...and left. I was scared and I...I just didn't want to hear you say that it was over so I ran. I am..."
Chris reached out and placed his finger over Vin's lips.
"Don't apologize. You reacted to protect yourself, believe me I understand that. How about tomorrow when you get out of here I take you our home and we talk. Let's learn from the last few weeks and remember how miserable we have been and not let it happen again," Chris said.
Vin smiled in relief then sighed as Chris leaned forward and gently kissed him.
"It's a deal, Chris. Why don't we leave now?"
Chris laughed, "No, the doctor said tomorrow. I won't risk your health and besides Nathan would kill us both if you left before the doctor allowed it."
Vin pouted for a minute then decided that as long as Chris was by his side he could handle the hospital overnight.
Chris sat on the edge of the bed and kissed Vin again then he whispered, "I love you Vin Tanner."
Vin's whole face brightened up as he blushed and replied, "I love you to Chris Larabee."
"Vin, Buck and Ezra are waiting outside and they want to talk to you," Chris said and then wished he could have snatched the words back as he felt the slim body tense up.
"I...I'm sorry Chris, I really don't want to talk to them right now. Maybe in a couple of days, but not now, I'm just not ready yet. They...they really hurt me the way they turned on me, not the way I thought friends would behave. that okay?" Vin asked looking at him with pleading blue eyes.
Chris would not deny his lover anything at that moment. Buck and Ezra were just going to have to wait until Vin was ready to talk to them.
"That is fine, when you are ready you let me know," Chris assured his lover pressing a kiss on top of the tousled head.
Vin yawned turned a little and put his arm around Chris's waist tucking in close to his lover.
"I think I'll just rest for a minute," he whispered then drifted off to sleep.
Chris held very still until he knew Vin was asleep. Slipping from the bed he made sure Vin was going to remain in dreamland then he left the room.
Buck and Ezra jumped up when Chris entered the room, their faces fell when they saw the look on their boss's face.
"Mr. Tanner doesn't want to see us," Ezra said sitting back down.
"Not right now, he said in day or two," Chris replied.
"Exactly what did Vin say? We want to know," Buck demanded.
So Chris told them exactly what Vin said about being hurt by their actions and words and that they had not behaved like friends should.
Buck slumped in the seat next to Ezra, he felt utterly ashamed.
"I don't blame Junior, we treated him horribly. I wouldn't blame him if he never forgave me," Buck said defeat echoing in every word he said.
"I concur. How we could have believed that miscreant Pennington over Mr. Tanner I cannot fathom," Ezra commented.
"At least...he did forgive you didn't he Chris?" Buck asked hope filling his voice.
"Yes he did, thank God. We talked for a bit and while he is recuperating at the ranch we plan on talking some more. We are going to get a second chance and I won't fuck this one up," Chris firmly stated.
Buck sighed in relief at least his thoughtless actions had not destroyed his old friend's life.
"That's great. You let us know when Vin wants to talk. You make sure he knows that we will come out when he is ready, he is calling all the shots," Buck said.
Ezra nodded in agreement but his green eyes were filled with worry, shame and anger at himself for not seeing through Pennington.
Chris watched as the two men left, he hoped it would turn out okay but no matter what he would not lose Vin again.
Over the next two days Chris pampered Vin waiting on him hand and foot. The shoulder pained the sharpshooter but Vin wasn't one to complain. Chris kept an eagle eye on him and when the white lines of pain was etched across his lover's forehead and the mouth was clamped shut he held out the pain pill and water watching as Vin grimaced but took it.
Chris would sit behind Vin on the sofa and tug his lover close and they would stay like that until Vin went to sleep, Chris just enjoying holding the warm body close to his.
On the third day Vin woke up curled up next to his lover a place that several days ago he never thought he would enjoy again. Vin sighed and shifted a little, he smiled as Chris's arms tightened around him, even in sleep Chris didn't want to let him go. If anything the whole Pennington mess had brought them closer together. Long talks while resting on the deck watching the sunset or sitting on the sofa cuddled up together had gone a long way to settling things between them.
Lonny was recuperating very nicely; JD and Casey or Nathan and Rain were keeping his kids with them until he could get out of the hospital, which according to the doctor should be in another week. Lonny was still planning on settling in Denver, he had told Vin that he was lucky to have such good friends.
That had made Vin think. Buck and Ezra had made a mistake...granted a BIG one, but still a mistake. Vin knew that his past was not lily white and he resolved to listen to the two men.
Josiah, Nathan and JD had all been out to see him and had told him how bad the two men looked. They said that Buck hadn't been out on a date or even talked about women since Vin had been in the hospital. Ezra had come to work in clothes that were not quite up to his usual standards and one day had even come to work without shaving.
Vin had been shocked at the revelations, for Buck to swear off women and Ezra not to worry about his appearance was a clear indication that the two men were very upset.
Vin pressed a kiss to Chris's bare shoulder and shifted to get up, he needed to shower and make a couple of phone calls.
Chris muttered irritated when his warm live teddy bear left his side. Vin smiled and patted his shoulder until he drifted back to sleep.
Putting on a pair of sweats Vin padded to the family room and called the office.
Buck answered.
"Buck, it's Vin. I would like you and Ezra to come out to the ranch tonight...say around seven. Is that good for you?" Vin asked keeping all emotion from his voice.
Buck sat up straight when he heard Vin's voice, his stomach tightened...this was what he and Ezra had been waiting for to make amends to their teammate.
"If that is good for you Junior that will work for us. How about we bring out something to eat?" Buck said.
"No, Chris is planning a big meal for the two of us, but if you want you can bring out something sweet for later," Vin replied.
"Okay, Vin, that would be great. We will see you at seven," Buck said.
Ezra was standing by his desk as he hung up the phone.
"That was Mr. Tanner I take it?" Ezra said.
"Yes, he wants to see us at seven tonight. At least he said bring something sweet for later, no dinner invitation but we can't expect that. Hopefully the fact that he called is a good sign," Buck hopefully said.
Ezra commented, "If we are lucky, however did he call you Bucklin?"
Buck grimaced.
"No, but that will take a while. Ez, we have to really grovel, apologize do whatever we need to do to make this up to Vin."
Ezra smiled and said, "I am going to call that little bakery down the street that Mr. Tanner likes and order all his favorite sweets. We can take them tonight as a sort of peace offering."
Buck nodded his head, "That would be a good start, but you know Ezra I've been thinking..."
"That if Mr. Tan...Vin cannot forgive us, we should resign. It would not be fair to force him to work with two men he feels he cannot trust," Ezra finished Buck's sentence.
"That is exactly what I was thinking," Buck said in relief, it looked like they were on the same page and God willing Vin would forgive them.
That night it was two very worried anxious men who stood at the front door of the ranch.
Chris answered the door and let them in.
"Vin is in the family room, I make him rest after dinner," Chris informed them.
Vin looked up as the men walked into the room he was shocked when he saw his teammates. Both men had dark circles under their eyes clearly they had not been sleeping. Ezra had stubble on his face something that Vin couldn't ever remember seeing on the undercover agent before. Buck's usual smile wasn't present and he could barely meet Vin's eyes.
Box after box of wonderful smelling food was set down on the coffee table in front of him.
"We come bearing gifts Mr. T...I mean Vin. Every kind of pastry and chocolate that little bakery you like makes we bought."
Buck piped up, "Yeah, the lady Mrs. Anders who owns it was thrilled and told us to tell you hello and that she hopes you get better soon."
Chris came over and sat down next to Vin resting his arm on the back of the sofa his fingers tangling in the curls at Vin's neck. Just a slight touch but enough to let his lover know he wasn't alone.
"Thanks guys," Vin said a little overwhelmed by all the goodies the two men had bought.
The two men had sat down in two armchairs across from the two lovers.
Buck very soberly said, "Don't thank us for anything, Junior. This is just a very small way for us to begin our apologies."
"We were a hundred percent wrong to listen to Pennington and his lies. My only excuse is that what that miscreant was saying was to close to what happened to me when I was with the FBI. I am afraid I let my past problems color my perceptions and I reacted as though I was being attacked again and you were the aggressor. You have never been anything but a friend to me and I do humbly apologize for the heartache and the trouble that I have caused you. I will do anything to make it up to you and I am willing to resign if you feel you cannot forgive me," Ezra explained.
Vin's eyes grew wide at the resignation comment but before he could say anything Buck spoke up.
"I wish I had an excuse for my actions and the nasty things I said but I don' least not a realistic one. Josiah told me I was jealous of you and he was right. For years Chris and I were best friends and I was there for him, then you arrive and it's like everyone else faded into the background, Chris only saw you. Then I realized that Chris was falling in love you and you with him. I wanted to believe Pennington and just to let you know Ezra was never as gung ho about what Pennington said as I was. If it will make you feel better then...well just hit me, I deserve it. I came between you and Chris, I messed with the team, I became the one thing I have always hated...a narrow-minded son of a bitch. I believed only what I wanted to and to hell with anything and everyone else. I'm with Ezra I will resign so that you won't feel the need to leave the team. It's the least that I can do after making your life a living hell for all these weeks."
Chris watched his lover carefully, Vin shifted he was very uncomfortable with big emotional scenes preferring to get along with people and keeping a low profile.
Chris leaned over and whispered in his lover's ear, "You have to settle it now babe. You were the injured party and only you can forgive them or condemn them."
Buck and Ezra didn't know what Chris had said but Vin turned red and then slowly stood up.
Buck and Ezra stood up and faced their teammate ready for his judgement, only Chris remained seated, he knew his lover and had an idea what Vin would do.
Vin said, "I was very hurt by the fact that two men I called my friends believed someone who was almost a stranger, that they didn't have the common courtesy to ask me what had happened. I was just condemned out of hand. I almost lost Chris the most important person in my life due to your actions. I guess I should make you suffer some more or let you quit the team, but I can't do that. No one has led a perfect life, myself included. I just want for things to be as they were but that will take some time. As far as hitting you Buck, maybe after my shoulder is healed I might take you up on that offer, I just don't know about that. I do know that I don't want either one of you to leave the team, we are a family and as a family we can get past this. I will let you know that if either one of you do this again I won't be so understanding. Got it?"
Buck and Ezra looked at each other relief and joy filling their faces.
Ezra stepped forward and shook Vin's hand promising never to just to conclusions again.
"I got it. Thank you, Vin for being so understanding. You will not regret it," Ezra said.
Buck wanted to grab Vin up in a hug but knew that it was still a little to soon for that so he shook Vin's hand holding onto it a little longer than necessary.
"Thanks Vin and if there is anything we can do for you just let us know. It will never happen again. Like I said if you want to hit me go for it, I deserve it whenever you want to deliver it."
Chris stood up and went over and put an arm around Vin's waist.
"How about we take some of those desserts out on the back deck and enjoy them," he suggested as he rescued his lover.
Vin smiled in relief, he had felt a big weight lift off when he had finished talking. As far as he was concerned it was over and done with.
The four men went out to the deck and enjoyed a quiet evening, while it wasn't as relaxing as it had been before Pennington it was still far better than it had been the last few weeks.
It was another week before Chris would consent to make love to Vin, he was afraid of further damaging the injured shoulder.
Late on a Saturday night Chris came out of the shower and crawled into bed, Vin turned onto his side to curl up next to him. It was their favorite position to sleep in, Vin's head resting on Chris's shoulder arms wrapped around each other.
Vin was surprised when Chris gently pushed him to his back and began nuzzling into his neck. Chris had been very careful not to start something they couldn't finish, Vin had been on pain meds for several days that unfortunately had an adverse reaction on his cock being interested in sex.
Chris framed Vin's face with his hands and looked deeply into the vivid blue eyes.
"I want to make love to you, babe. Are you ready?" he asked in between pressing kisses to his lover's eyes, tip of his nose and then a gentle one to the full lips.
Vin shyly smiled and glanced down causing Chris to glance down also. Vin's shaft was already half hard with just the little bit of foreplay.
"I think I'm getting there," Vin said.
"Good, because I can't wait to feel your heat surrounding my cock," Chris replied.
"Then what are you waiting for?" Vin teased.
Chris then proceeded to worship the slim body beneath his hands and mouth.
Chris kept any pressure off Vin's shoulder as he licked and nibbled his way down to the hard brown nubs.
Suckling at the nipples he enjoyed the little whimpers that came from his lover as Vin wiggled on the bed.
Chris knelt between the long legs, pushed them until Vin's feet were flat on the bed his legs spread wide.
Chris slicked up his finger and stroked over the tiny puckered asshole. Finally he slipped one finger inside moaning as the tight sleeve gripped his finger tight.
Vin was tight as a virgin, they had only made love twice before the whole Pennington mess and the sharpshooter had told him that it had been years since he had allowed a man to take him.
Chris was very aware of the trust and love Vin was giving him by allowing him the pleasure of taking him.
Sliding two fingers into the tight passage Chris twisted them around loosening his lover up.
By the time he had worked up to three fingers Vin was fisting his hands into the sheets begging him to hurry up and get inside.
Chris made sure the tight grasping passage was slick and then coated his cock up.
Taking Vin's ankles he placed them over his shoulders and then thrust into his partner. Slowly he pumped his cock all the way in and then slowed down giving Vin a chance to adjust to the invader in his body.
Chris pulled out and then began a slow tender motion rocking their hips together.
Vin clenched his muscles tight upon every withdrawal of his lover's hard shaft; Chris arched his neck back. The feeling of Vin's ass grasping his cock so tight were sending him spiraling towards the edge.
The two men felt completed, they were connected in mind, body and soul the heat generated by their escalating desires consumed them both.
Chris grasped Vin's red dripping cock in his hand and began stroking the cock. Vin arched up thrusting his aching shaft in the circle of his lover's hand.
Chris came first shouting his release as he filled his lover's bowels with his hot cum.
Vin felt the hot seed of his lover lay claim to him, then he cried out as Chris rubbed the top of his cockhead sending his body convulsing on wave after wave of pleasure.
Chris groaned as Vin's inner muscles clamped down like a vise on his hyper sensitive cock.
Chris let Vin's legs drop slowly to the bed and then gently pulled out of his lover. Padding to the bathroom he grabbed up a couple of washcloths and wiped them both down.
When Chris was finally back in bed Vin curled around him, their fingers laced together on the blonds stomach.
Their lips met in one long sweet kiss and then Vin snuggled in close.
Chris whispered, "No one is ever going to touch you again, hurt you again. You belong to me now. You are mine. I love you so much Vin."
Vin blushed a little at the possessive protective tone in his lover's voice.
"That goes two ways, you belong to me Chris forever and always. I will always love you."
Chris pulled him even closer and then with all right in their world they fell asleep, their future looking bright and happy after so much heartache and turmoil.
When Vin went back to work Buck and Ezra to the amusement of the rest of the team would hardly let him raise a finger to do anything.
Buck was the worst one, Ezra was starting to treat him like normal after Vin had delivered the Tanner glare at him one day.
Vin tolerated their hovering knowing it was their way to make further amends but he was close to shooting them.
One day he dropped a paperclip on the floor as he went to bend over to pick it up he heard Buck's chair move as the big man hurried over to pick it up for him.
Vin stood up, met Buck in the aisle and hit him in the shoulder hard enough to stagger him.
All movement and sound stopped in the office, Chris came to his doorway to watch. Vin had lasted longer than he had thought with the two mother hens clucking over him.
"Okay, that was the hit you said I could have and that you deserved. We are now even. Do you understand me Bucklin?" Vin growled poking Buck in the chest with his finger.
Buck's face changed immediately, he smiled great big gently picked Vin up in a bear hug and twirled him around.
Vin had called him Bucklin...for the first time since the Pennington fiasco. Everything was okay now.
Vin frowned as he was gently set back down on his feet.
"I understand Junior," was all Buck said but his bright eyes and happy smile said it all.
Life was good and the team was back to normal or at least what they called normal.
Buck met the eyes of his old friend and they exchanged nods of satisfaction.
All was well in the world of Team 7.