Weighty Issues

by Evil Jacquie

Pairings - Chris/Buck/Vin

(Beta'd by Wolf and Boar - many thanks Pard! Only the errors are my own.)

Chris spit the coffee he'd just sipped out. "What?" He could not believe his ears, this was crazy even by his seriously lax standards.

"You heard me. I'm going on a diet," Vin Tanner announced, from his sprawl on the sofa in the other room. He lay there looking thoroughly despondent, biting at his lower lip.

Buck just stood there still holding out the blueberry muffin he'd offered Vin. "You're kidding me, right?" His deep blue eyes crinkled at the corners as he tried hard not to laugh.

Vin yanked up his shirt, exposing tanned flesh, a sprinkling of chest hair, a few scars, and brown nipples, all over washboard abs, a tantalizing navel, and a trail of coarse hairs leading downward. Buck sucked in an appreciative breath and Chris moved closer. "Just look!" The indignant sharpshooter groused. "A tub of lard. I must have gained a ton over the last month!"

Chris cast a confused glance at Buck. "I don't..." The blond leader of the team started to ask how Vin had come to this erroneous conclusion when Buck interrupted.

"It's not that bad Vin, just more of you for us to love. Ain't that right Chris?" Buck snuck a quick wink at his lover and Chris decided to play along for the moment.

"What made you notice, pard?" Chris still wanted to know.

"Hell I can't even button those jeans I left out here the other day." Vin sighed, "They was my favorite pair too. Had 'em broke in just right." The way his lip seemed to quiver made Chris want to lean in for a kiss, so he did.

Sliding his hand over the perfectly flat stomach, "I still love you Vin, you know that don't you?" He whispered as he licked at the shell of Vin's ear, nuzzling the long hair out of his way and going to work on making a nice vivid mark on his lover's neck.

Buck grinned and moved to lean over the back of the sofa. Trailing calloused finger tips over Vin's chest and following the trail of dark brown hair, "You know what they say is the best cardio vascular workout?"

Vin humped up into his hand when Buck's hand slid underneath the waist band of the sweat pants. "What?" He already sounded breathless.

"Sex." The answer came in unison from both his lovers.


An hour or so later with Chris making a fresh pot of coffee and Buck humming as he flipped another pancake over on the griddle. "So you going to tell him what happened?" Chris asked Buck.

"Yeah, eventually I'll work it into the conversation." Buck smiled. "In a day or two."

Chris snorted, "That's the last time JD does any laundry here." They met each others eyes and grinned.

