Afternoon Delight by Turtle ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
All Made Up - Lofn (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/JD)
And The Young Shall Lead by Tiff Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
AND STILL TO LOVE (series) by Ange Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Another Year Over by C.V. Puerro Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/JD)
ART (multi-author series) Old West (Slash)
- The Art Of Kissing by Valentine - (Ezra/JD)
- The Art Of Loving by Turtle - (Chris/JD)
- The Art Of Living by Turtle - (Buck/Ezra)
Backward Glance by Angie Old West [Het] [JD+Inez]
Bad Choices by Shellie Williams Old West Mature Content {JD : OMC} { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Birthday Surprise by Tracy ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)
BLISS (series) by Suzy B. Old West [Het]
- Wedded Bliss- [JD+Casey]
- Unfettered Bliss - [Buck+Miss Millie]
- Illicit Bliss - [Chris+Lydia]
- Golden Bliss - [Ezra+Li Pong]
Bluebird by Renee Old West [Het] [Buck+OFC] [JD+OFC]
A Bottle Of Rye by Annie Old West (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)
Boy Meets Dildo: A Love Story by JensenRick ATF Mature Content |JD-self|
Boy Talk by Tiffiny Alternate Universe (Slash) (Seven)
The Breath in His Prayers by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/Raphael/JD)
Brothers And Lovers by Turtle Old West (Slash) (JD/Josiah)
Butterflies by Ruby ATF |JD| |Vin| |Seven|
By A Nose by Turtle ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)
Camping - Katie — Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]
Can't Compare by Dayna Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD) (Chris/Vin)
Chasing A Rainbow by Marg Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]
A Cock And Bull Story by Tiffiny ATF (Slash) (Seven)
Curious by Tiffiny Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Dalliance by Sue M. ATF [Het] [JD+OFC]
Demons by Athea ATF (Slash) (Josiah/JD
Deuces Wild by Luci Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
A Dish Served Cold by pfps Old West Mature Content {JD : OMCs} { warning: content may disturb some readers }
A DISTANCE TO CROSS (series) by Wyndewalker Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Don't Gamble With Love by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/?)
DREAMING (series) by Storm ATF (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)
Early Riser by Kaed Old West (Slash) (Vin, JD)
EDUCATING JD (series) by The Tenth Muse1 Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Endless Road To Nowhere by Tiffiny Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Family Of Adam by conjured ATF [Het] [JD+Casey] (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) [ note: this story is still in progress ]
FIRST TIMES (series) by C.V. Puerro Old West (Slash) < missing scene from the pilot episode >
- Not The Type - (Chris/JD)
- The Thing's A Body's Own - (Buck/Chris)
FOUR PLAY (Collection) - TexasAries ATF (Slash) (Varios Pairings)
- 1: Proof of Ownership (Chris / Ezra / Buck)
- 2: To Grab a Dream (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 3: Inspired Performance (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 4: Sweet Illusions (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 5: Surprises (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 6: Weekend Plans (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 7: First Date (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 8: Secrets Revealed (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 9: Tailgating (Chris / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
Freak Show by Lopaka Tanu Alternate Universe [Het] [Nathan+Rain] (Slash) (JD/Vin)
Getting Kinky by Julia Verinder ATF (Slash) (Chris/Seven) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Guard Duty by pfps Old West Mature Content {JD : OMC} { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Guardian Stars by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/Raphael/JD)
A GUILTY HEART (series) by Julia Verinder Old West (Slash)
- A Guilty Heart - (Buck/JD)(Chris)(Vin)
- No Harm in Looking - (Buck/Chris/Vin)
Have Yourself by Stan Lee Escorts (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)
A Healing Salve by Carol Pahl Old West [Het] [JD+Casey]
Helping Hands by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Here Comes Santa Claus by C.V. Puerro ATF (Slash) (JD/Josiah/Vin)
HEROES' HEARTS (series-complete) by C.V. Puerro Old West (Slash-Mature) [Het]
- Where Heroes Lie (JD/Vin)
- Men Will Rise (Chris/Vin)[JD+Casey]
- When Ardors Collide (JD/Vin)
- Pathos Runs High (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)
- As Thoughts Stray (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)|Buck|
- All Is Gray (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)(Buck/Chris)|Ezra|
- On Christmas Day (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)(Buck/Chris)
- In Every Way (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)(Buck/Chris)(Buck/JD)|Ezra|
High Tide by Raven Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD/Vin)
How Long We Were Fool'd by Ange ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Icing On The Cake by Annie ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)
In My Bed by Kaed ATF (Slash) (Josiah/JD)
Incomparable by Nancy (Slash) (Ezra/JD) [ crossover with Velvet Goldmine, featuring Gerry Devine]
Innocence? by Joanne Collins— Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Innocent Encounter by Storm Star Trek (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)
INTERLUDES by Athea ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)
INTIMACIES (series) by TJ ATF [Het]
- Wild Dreams - [Chris+OFC]
- Libation - [Ezra+OFC]
- Untapped Passion - [JD+Casey]
Into The Darkness by Ezra's Cat Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
It by TJ Alternate Universe [Het] [Seven+OFC]
JD Dreams by K — Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]
JD'S STORY (multi-author series) Escorts (Slash)
- JD's Story by Stan Lee - (Buck/Chris) (JD)
- Settling In by Stan Lee - (Buck/Chris) (Chris/Vin) (B/C/JD/V)
- First Date by Charlotte Hill - (Buck/Chris) (Chris/JD)
- First Date: Epilogue by Raven - (JD/OMC) |Seven|
JD's Adventures In Embarrassment by Jan Marie ATF [Het] [JD+Casey]
Just A Dream by Laura H. Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Just A Man by Tiffiny Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD)
Just Couldn't Wait - SueM (JD / Casey) MCAT
Just Desserts by Ange ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Kissing Him by Annie ATF (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)
THE LATIN SERIES (series) by Raven ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
- Caveat Emptor
- Meretor
- De Rerum Natura
- Temperantia
- Insanescere
- Dominus Ludi
- Homo Enodatus
- Arma Virumque Cano
- Metus Ipse
- Ianua Caeli
- Via Obscurans
- Tessellae
- Subtemen
- Animae Dimidium Meae
- Ars Vivendi
- Mutatis mutandis
- Fides
- Tritus
LAYING... (series) by Limlaith ATF (Slash)
- Laying Blame - (Chris/Vin)
- Laying Bets - (Buck/JD) |Ezra|
Left Unsaid by Ange Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
LEGEND CHRONICLES 2. Brothers in Arms - The Quest of the Broadsword SueM - Alternate Universe [Het] (JD+OFC) (there is no adult version of the first story)
Lessons by The Tenth Muse1 Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Letting In The Jungle by Lethe Two Blood (Slash) (B/C)(B/C/V)(E/JD)(J/N) [Het] [JD+OFC] [Josiah+OFC] [Vin+OFC]
Lion Cubs, Tigers, And Bears! Oh My! by Wendy Old West (Slash) (Seven)
The Little Drummer Boy by C.V. Puerro ATF (Slash) (JD/Seven)
Loser Takes All by Raven ATF (Slash) (Chris/Seven) (JD/Vin)
Love Potion by The Tenth Muse1 Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
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