Afternoon Delight by Turtle — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

All Made Up - Lofn (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/JD)

And The Young Shall Lead by Tiff — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

AND STILL TO LOVE (series) by Ange — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

  1. Left Unsaid
  2. The Patrol
  3. Cattle Rustlers
  4. Into Town
  5. The Clinic
  6. The Saloon
  7. The Church

Another Year Over by C.V. Puerro — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/JD)

ART (multi-author series) — Old West (Slash)

  1. The Art Of Kissing by Valentine - (Ezra/JD)
  2. The Art Of Loving by Turtle - (Chris/JD)
  3. The Art Of Living by Turtle - (Buck/Ezra)


Backward Glance by Angie — Old West [Het] [JD+Inez]

Bad Choices by Shellie Williams — Old West Mature Content {JD : OMC} { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Birthday Surprise by Tracy — ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)

BLISS (series) by Suzy B. — Old West [Het]

  1. Wedded Bliss- [JD+Casey]
  2. Unfettered Bliss - [Buck+Miss Millie]
  3. Illicit Bliss - [Chris+Lydia]
  4. Golden Bliss - [Ezra+Li Pong]

Bluebird by Renee — Old West [Het] [Buck+OFC] [JD+OFC]

A Bottle Of Rye by Annie — Old West (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)

Boy Meets Dildo: A Love Story by JensenRick — ATF Mature Content |JD-self|

Boy Talk by Tiffiny — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Seven)

The Breath in His Prayers by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/Raphael/JD)

Brothers And Lovers by Turtle — Old West (Slash) (JD/Josiah)

Butterflies by Ruby — ATF |JD| |Vin| |Seven|

By A Nose by Turtle — ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)


Camping - Katie  — Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]

Can't Compare by Dayna — Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD) (Chris/Vin)

Chasing A Rainbow by Marg — Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]

A Cock And Bull Story by Tiffiny — ATF (Slash) (Seven)

Curious by Tiffiny — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)


Dalliance by Sue M. — ATF [Het] [JD+OFC]

Demons by Athea ATF (Slash) (Josiah/JD

Deuces Wild by Luci — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

A Dish Served Cold by pfps — Old West Mature Content {JD : OMCs} { warning: content may disturb some readers }

A DISTANCE TO CROSS (series) by Wyndewalker — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

  1. From Afar
  2. Crossing The Distance
  3. Coming Together

Don't Gamble With Love by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/?)

DREAMING (series) by Storm — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)

  1. Dreaming
  2. A Dream Is A Wish


Early Riser by Kaed Old West (Slash) (Vin, JD)

EDUCATING JD (series) by The Tenth Muse1 — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)

  1. Swimming Hole

Endless Road To Nowhere by Tiffiny — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)


Family Of Adam by conjured — ATF [Het] [JD+Casey] (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) [ note: this story is still in progress ]

FIRST TIMES (series) by C.V. Puerro — Old West (Slash) < missing scene from the pilot episode >

  1. Not The Type - (Chris/JD)
  2. The Thing's A Body's Own - (Buck/Chris)

FOUR PLAY (Collection) - TexasAries ATF (Slash) (Varios Pairings)

Freak Show by Lopaka Tanu — Alternate Universe [Het] [Nathan+Rain] (Slash) (JD/Vin)


Getting Kinky by Julia Verinder — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Seven) { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Guard Duty by pfps — Old West Mature Content {JD : OMC} { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Guardian Stars by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/Raphael/JD)

A GUILTY HEART (series) by Julia Verinder — Old West (Slash)

  1. A Guilty Heart - (Buck/JD)(Chris)(Vin)
  2. No Harm in Looking - (Buck/Chris/Vin)


Have Yourself by Stan Lee — Escorts (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)

A Healing Salve by Carol Pahl — Old West [Het] [JD+Casey]

Helping Hands by Deanna Old West (Slash)  (Buck/JD)

Here Comes Santa Claus by C.V. Puerro — ATF (Slash) (JD/Josiah/Vin)

HEROES' HEARTS (series-complete) by C.V. Puerro — Old West (Slash-Mature) [Het]

  1. Where Heroes Lie (JD/Vin)
  2. Men Will Rise (Chris/Vin)[JD+Casey]
  3. When Ardors Collide (JD/Vin)
  4. Pathos Runs High (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)
  5. As Thoughts Stray (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)|Buck|
  6. All Is Gray (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)(Buck/Chris)|Ezra|
  7. On Christmas Day (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)(Buck/Chris)
  8. In Every Way (JD/Vin)(Chris/Vin)(Buck/Chris)(Buck/JD)|Ezra|

High Tide by Raven — Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD/Vin)

How Long We Were Fool'd by Ange — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)


Icing On The Cake by Annie — ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)

In My Bed by Kaed ATF (Slash) (Josiah/JD)

Incomparable by Nancy —  (Slash)  (Ezra/JD) [ crossover with Velvet Goldmine, featuring Gerry Devine]

Innocence? by Joanne Collins— Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)

Innocent Encounter by Storm — Star Trek (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)

INTERLUDES by Athea ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)

INTIMACIES (series) by TJ — ATF [Het]

  1. Wild Dreams - [Chris+OFC]
  2. Libation - [Ezra+OFC]
  3. Untapped Passion - [JD+Casey]

Into The Darkness by Ezra's Cat — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

It by TJ — Alternate Universe [Het] [Seven+OFC]


JD Dreams by K — Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]

JD'S STORY (multi-author series) — Escorts (Slash)

  1. JD's Story by Stan Lee - (Buck/Chris) (JD)
  2. Settling In by Stan Lee - (Buck/Chris) (Chris/Vin) (B/C/JD/V)
  3. First Date by Charlotte Hill - (Buck/Chris) (Chris/JD)
  4. First Date: Epilogue by Raven - (JD/OMC) |Seven|

JD's Adventures In Embarrassment by Jan Marie — ATF [Het] [JD+Casey]

Just A Dream by Laura H. — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

Just A Man by Tiffiny — Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD)

Just Couldn't Wait - SueM (JD / Casey) MCAT

Just Desserts by Ange — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)


Kissing Him by Annie — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (JD/Vin)


THE LATIN SERIES (series) by Raven — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

  1. Caveat Emptor
  2. Meretor
  3. De Rerum Natura
  4. Temperantia
  5. Insanescere
  6. Dominus Ludi
  7. Homo Enodatus
  8. Arma Virumque Cano
  9. Metus Ipse
  10. Ianua Caeli
  11. Via Obscurans
  12. Tessellae
  13. Subtemen
  14. Animae Dimidium Meae
  15. Ars Vivendi
  16. Mutatis mutandis
  17. Fides
  18. Tritus

LAYING... (series) by Limlaith — ATF (Slash)

  1. Laying Blame - (Chris/Vin)
  2. Laying Bets - (Buck/JD) |Ezra|

Left Unsaid by Ange — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

LEGEND CHRONICLES 2. Brothers in Arms - The Quest of the Broadsword SueM - Alternate Universe [Het] (JD+OFC) (there is no adult version of the first story)

Lessons by The Tenth Muse1 — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)

Letting In The Jungle by Lethe — Two Blood (Slash) (B/C)(B/C/V)(E/JD)(J/N) [Het] [JD+OFC] [Josiah+OFC] [Vin+OFC]

Lion Cubs, Tigers, And Bears! Oh My! by Wendy — Old West (Slash) (Seven)

The Little Drummer Boy by C.V. Puerro — ATF (Slash) (JD/Seven)

Loser Takes All by Raven — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Seven) (JD/Vin)

Love Potion by The Tenth Muse1 — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)


(Arranged by Title)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(additions, corrections, questions)
(Include "JD Dunne Adult Page" in your subject line)

Adult Chris | Adult Vin | Adult Buck | Adult Ezra | Adult Josiah | Adult Nathan | Adult JD