RATING NC-17 for explicit sexual description
WARNING Includes some behavior which some may view as mild 'kink'.
SERIES Intimacies
ARCHIVE Yes, but ask first please.
SUMMARY Ezra has the perfect birthday gift for his lady, now all he has to do is give it to her.
DISCLAIMER If only wishes did come true Reality is harsh
John Watson and CBS own The Magnificent Seven and all of its characters.
I seek, nor shall receive, profit from this narrative.
I claim All Original Characters as my own.
Please, DO NOT use them without my express permission.
WRITERS NOTES This story is the result of a good friend having a bad day a few of them actually and I said Id try to help.
And, so a promise fulfilled, I hope... although I wasn't sure about it for a while there.
Id like to dedicate this fic to my friend and beta, Amy. Happy birthday, kiddo! I hope your day turns out to be everything you hoped for
Thank you, to Antoinette and Amy, for their fine beta work What would I do without you?
Standing in one of Denver's most prestigious floral establishments, Ezra marveled at the multitude of blossoming species that the shop had to offer. He'd been brought up with the knowledge that flowers were an important and intricate part of nature's bounty. Furthermore, and more importantly at this particular point in time, a well-chosen bouquet or exceptional bloom could be very meaningful to a lady.Drawing in another large breath, the ATF agent sighed heavily, knowing that he couldn't remain there all day.
"Ah! There you are, Mr. Standish," a thick accent called out rather loudly.
The southerner turned to see the shop's owner arriving, a hand held out in greeting.
"A pleasure to finally meet you, sir," the elderly gentleman smiled.
The shake the two men shared was full of enthusiasm and energy. Ezra grinned uncharacteristically, "Mr. Francisco " he began.
"No, no," the old-world Italian smiled waving a well-meant finger in the agent's direction, "You will call me Gino!" he thumped his chest with insistence.
Raising an amused eyebrow, Standish nodded hesitantly. "Well, sir, as this grand institution," he motioned his surrounding, "is your castle and you are, unmistakably, its reigning monarch." Licking at his lips, the agent smirked. "I fear, I cannot dispute your command."
Clamping his patron about the shoulders, Mr. Francisco returned the offered smile but quickly, letting his expression slip into a scowl, he tugged Ezra into a huddled stance. "Yes But, the customer is always right," he announced, happily withdrawing his arm.
The exchange was brief, yet exceedingly pleasant and within the few brief seconds, Standish felt right at home. The mark of a successful businessman, he pondered silently.
Regaining his composure, the agent's expression remained cordial. "As I am currently on my 'lunch break'," he offered, " I would like to attend to the matter at hand Gino," he said with the dip of his chin. "The telephone message I received, indicated that the specified blossom I requested is indeed available for purchase at your establishment."
Immediately exchanging his casual persona with a more professional approach, the elderly Italian waved his arm indicating the small enclosure at the back of the horticultural boutique. "Right this way, sir," he took the lead.
The two men proceeded to a partitioned room and Mr. Francisco showed his client to the selection on the furthest table. The gentlemen exchanged a glance before the owner stepped back, allowing Ezra to examine the plants more closely. Several minutes passed as leaves and stems were compared. Color quality was examined carefully in the low lighting and the assortments of available pots were scrutinized.
Meticulous study and some intense consideration finally resulted in a choice. Smiling with the satisfaction of his accomplishment, the ATF agent indicated his selection to Gino. "All of these Phalaenopsis are exceedingly pleasing to the eye, Mr. Francisco. But, I came in search of this particular bloom."
The proprietor's exuberance returned with all due haste as he looked over the chosen flower and then, its new owner. "You have excellent taste, Mr. Standish. The Oberhausen Gold is somewhat unique when compared to the others." Indicating the other displays, Gino continued "And, of course, the other varieties, the Cattalayas, Cymbidiums, and Oncidiums," he pointed to the species as he named them, "are considerably different in their presentation."
"I quite agree," Ezra smiled. "The purchase of an unequaled bloom is a necessity, yet, I wished to avoid the eccentricity of say the Peristeria Elata."
The older man laughed. "My niece calls that particular variety, 'wacky'," he related as he pointed to the exit. Motioning Ezra to take the lead, Gino followed close behind. "Please, allow me to offer you some of my special cappuccino, Mr. Standish. I will have Angelina prepare your selection while you wait."
"A gracious invitation, sir," the southerner smiled. "I humbly accept."
~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~
Coming out of the coffee room, Dunne froze in his tracks; his mouth hung half open, and the can of Coke stalled midway to its intended destination.
Close on the younger man's heels, Wilmington frowned as he almost ran into the kid. "What's the matter with " the words drift off as he spotted what had stilled his teammate's behavior.
He noticed his associate's reactions to his entrance but Standish, ever calm and reserved, refused to acknowledge their stunned responses. He offered a small smile and proceeded to his office space, unruffled by the other stares he received as he made his way.
Reaching for his coffee cup, Josiah had spotted the undercover agent immediately. He frowned at the man, noting with considerable interest, the rather awkward bundle Ezra was carrying.
Going over his medic's report, Larabee glanced up to see what movement he'd caught out the corner of his eye. Brows knitted as his mouth gapped open.
Nathan, intently reading the section Chris was indicating, suddenly noticed his boss' lack of concentration. He looked up into the pale green eyes, frowned and then followed the mystified gaze. He, too, couldn't believe what he was seeing. His stumped expression said it all.
Tipping the door with the point of his shoe, Ezra made his way to his desk, carefully setting down the rather large pot he was transporting. An appreciative whistle drew the undercover man's attention. He looked up and smiled at his office partner.
"Nice orchid, Ezra!"
"That what it is?" Buck blurted from the open doorway.
John Dunne huffed. "Kind 'a ugly, if you ask me."
Ignoring the uncouth entourage at the entrance, Standish cocked his head questioningly. "Why, Mr. Tanner, you continually amaze me. How is it that you know of the Oberhausen Gold?"
Vin looked at Buck and JD as they edged into the smaller office. Josiah had managed to prop himself in the doorway, too. Glancing back at the southerner he offered a non-committal shrug, covertly conveying his 'I'll tell you later' look to his 'cellmate'.
Ezra was quick to pick up on the expression. "Well, no matter," he smiled graciously. Turning, he began to clear the small space beside the printer desk.
Over at the door, Wilmington nudged Josiah's arm, indicating with his chin that the older man should make some inquiries.
Sanchez shook his head, No! He was curious, yet always made a point of keeping his questions subtle. The profiler could never be accused of 'butting in'; where as, certain other team members were proficient at the art
"What you doing with the flower, Ezra?"
Josiah and Buck exchanged knowing grins.
"Right on cue," Sanchez mumbled.
The rogue couldn't agree more. "Yep," he added quietly.
Seemingly oblivious to those standing beside him, John Dunne frowned at the undercover agent's raised eyebrows. "What?" he blurted out. "You've come in here with some pretty strange things before now, Ezra. Now you show up with some funny looking flower that you're aiming to hide away in a dark corner. Man's got a right to know what goes on in his own office, don't he?"
From the back of the growing crowd, Jackson's voice sounded loud and clear. "JD's got a point there, Ezra."
Josiah glanced back at Nathan and smirked as their team leader joined in the query with his confirming nod.
Seeing six expectant pairs of questioning eyes, Standish sighed heavily. "It has become increasingly evident that my highly regarded privacy departed, the day I assented to compliment this team."
~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~
Amy laughed aloud. "Oh, please tell me you didn't actually say that," she begged through her giggles.
Ezra raised his eyebrows feigning displeasure. "I did indeed," he grinned.
"Well," Amy reached across the restaurant's table and tickled the tips of the southerner's fingers. "You went to so much trouble to get this little surprise finally finding it today picking it up on your lunch hour having to store it in your office and putting up with the questions from your teammates." The petite brunette frowned. "How come you call them 'cellmates', anyway?"
Standish licked his lips coyly. "I was referring specifically to Mr. Tanner when I employed that sobriquet. He and I share a smaller office within the spaces availed to our contingent."
"The illustrious Team Seven!"
Ezra acknowledged the lady's inquiry with a shy nod. "The very same."
Amy smiled at the seemingly elusive regard the undercover man had for the group he worked with. Obvious heartfelt attachments, yet, for some personal reason, kept at a safe distance. She was as curious as ever about this extended relationship, and how, if any, it might affect her own budding affection with this handsome ATF agent.
Shaking away the deepening thought, the pretty woman refocused on their previous topic, "So, when do I get to see it?"
The man frowned, "My office?"
Amy smiled and squeezed Ezra's hand again. "No my present, silly."
~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~
Waiting for the valet to bring the Jaguar around to the restaurant's entrance, Amy hung on tightly to the southerner's elbow. She was comfortable here. Standish was a gentleman and on his arm she was his lady. Any other time or place she was just plain old Amy. Well, Dr. Brynner at work, but even there, she didn't exactly feel special, although, Ezra would probably disagree, again, with her assessment
"And, in conclusion, I'd like to reiterate the findings of this esteemed citizen's award panel," Travis motioned to the members of the board. "Denver's prestigious ATF, Team Seven, would not have been able to render a satisfactory conclusion to this case without the valued assistance of the city's leading forensic botanist, Doctor Amy Brynner."As the applause rang throughout the auditorium, Larabee offered the young woman a grin. "Afraid, the AD's right about that, Ma'am," he said, waiting in the wings. "You identifying that stuff so fast enabled us to tie in all the missing pieces before the suspects skipped town. Once the connections were confirmed well, we cracked the case wide open."
"All thanks to your findings," the southerner smiled.
Amy peered through the curtain nervously. She considered the recognition she was being given today, and thought about how all of this had come about. Moreover, how one, Ezra P. Standish had entered her life...
The unsuspecting agent had delivered some unidentified powder, a liquid sample, and, what appeared to be plant roots, to the city's leading forensic lab for analysis. He was directed to the botany section for assistance. The local branch of the ATF required findings on the substances soonest, and Agent Standish would report promptly when answers were available.Having him drop everything just to come back to her well, that idea alone had intrigued Amy immensely, and not, necessarily in a purely professional way . Add to that, the fact that the young doctor had felt a natural curiosity about the charming, handsome man. 'A little too sophisticated for the job he's obviously doing,' she'd mused as she watched him leave
Her interest peeked; Dr. Brynner had taken on the task herself rather than assigning it to one of her staff, as was customary. The results weren't anything that unusual
"I beg your pardon," Agent Standish frowned.
"Atropa Belladonna," Amy repeated with a smile.
Ezra pursed his lips. He knew the substance but wasn't aware that it could be found in so many forms. "All three samples?" he questioned curiously.
Dr. Brynner nodded as she stepped closer. "All three samples. Although... I'd say from different parts of the plant if not entirely different plants altogether given that the alkaloid rates were substantially varied in the samples you supplied."
Standish appeared to be thinking over the information.
She watched him closely, unconsciously looking for any way to keep his interest. "Juliet's sleeping potion," Amy offered
Ezra's eyebrows rose considerably and he smiled. "Of that, I was not aware" he mused the poetic description, knowing instinctively the reference to Shakespeare's masterpiece.
'Ice broken!' the lady thought to herself. She pursed her lips, carefully considering the man before her. Drawing closer to his handsome features, she, ever so slowly, reached up to caress the side of his cheek. "It can be a very deadly poison, Agent Standish. However at the same time " she cooed. Gently touching his eyelid, the woman momentarily caused him to blink. She smiled again, "You have lovely eyes, Agent Standish."
Ezra was slightly taken aback by the unsolicited touch and the gracious compliment. Not to mention, of course, the seductive pitch in the botanist's voice, whether that was intentional of not, he wasn't quite sure. Clearing his throat, the undercover man managed a reply. "Thank you, Dr. Brynner... but I'm not sure what any of this "
Amused with the man's reaction, Amy managed to pull herself together long enough to continue with her explanation. "Ever have those eyes examined, Agent Standish?"
Ezra's eyebrows knitted. "I have had occasion to visit an Ophthalmologist, yes. Why, do you ask?"
Reluctantly retrieving her hand from the man's strong cheekbone, Amy nodded in affirmation. "So, you've experience those drops, then? The ones that allow your eye doctor to see right to the back of your gorgeous green reflections."
Ezra was intrigue by the lady's directness yet, more than confused by her conversation. "Dr. Brynner," he insisted, "Surely, there is a point to all of this?"
"Yep," she grinned. "Same stuff!"
"I beg your pardon?" Standish frowned, yet again. "Did you not just confirm for me that this substance is Atropa Belladonna. More commonly know as Deadly Nightshades, I believe?"
The doctor nodded a confirmation to his question.
"Is that not a lethal poison?"
"I said, it can be. And, given the variety of derivatives that you have here," she pointed out the three samples. "Plus the fact that there are, I presume, some sort of illegal activities going on "
Unable to avail specifics of the current investigation, Standish simply cleared his throat at her less than subtle question.
The lady acknowledged her 'hint' with mild disdain. Huffing off the reply, she sighed. "My professional opinion leads me to conclude that the refined Belladonna in these samples is being used as some sort of nerve toxin. Either to incapacitate or kill . I'd guess you have a pretty good idea which."
Although some important pieces of the puzzle quickly came together in the southerner's mind, he failed outwardly to recognize the woman's query, instead employing his practiced 'poker face' to dispel her curiosity. "I'm sure your expeditious analysis has greatly assisted the ATF in its current investigation, Dr. Brynner. On behalf of our agency, I'd like to convey our deepest gratitude," he forced a smile. "I must also request that you treat this matter as confidential. The information exchanged here is privileged and, as such, I must ask that you refrain from discussing specifics of this case until the investigation has terminated."
A long moment of silence passed between them.
Although he knew Dr. Brynner and her laboratory were 'cleared' and accredited for ALL government caseloads, the southerner was obliged to reiterate federal regulations and await confirmation that they were understood. Standing here, staring at the pretty brunette, that's all Standish was supposed to be doing
Amy, on the other hand, was studying her specimen carefully... as fastidiously as any professional might do, especially considering the uniqueness of said specimen. Oh, she knew what he was waiting for, all right. She'd just prefer to bide her precious time drinking in rather than give him what he wanted causing his immediate departure, of course.
"Dr. Brynner?" the southerner finally went looking for her conformity. "I trust we can rely on your agreement to the required terms."
The young woman grinned. "Its Amy " she sidled up to the agent and ran an alluring finger down his arm. "Do you have a first name, Agent Standish?"
Ezra's eyebrows rose considerably. So, too, did the corners of his mouth. "Might I inquire as to the nature of your interrogation, Dr. Brynner," he asked slowly.
"I'm interrogating you now am I?" the doctor mused aloud. "Could prove a very interesting and perhaps, worthwhile endeavor don't you think Agent Standish?"
With Travis' speech almost finished, Sanchez turned slowly and pondered the sly grin on the woman's lips. "Think we've lost her, boys," he joked, not really understanding the look.
"Now, come on, Josiah," Wilmington insisted. "Give the lady some breathing room here. Not everyday this little filly gets dragged out of her lab to face the people. Poor gal must be a might skittish by now."
Stunned from her recollection by the rogue's firm grip, Dr. Brynner spied the big man through narrowing eyes. "Buck," she began "I'm NOT a horse and I'm not skittish in OR out of my lab," she pulled her arm from his grasp not so playfully.
Sanchez and Larabee exchanged knowing grins, backing off slightly in hopes of escaping the coming storm.
"Now, Miss Amy, you know I didn't mean it like that," the ladies' man refuted.
Ezra smiled as he interceded between his ladylove and his teammate. "My dear," he announced curtly, "It is not at all nice to get Mr. Wilmington's feathers ruffled before he has to present himself before an audience of available ladies."
Buck frowned. "Before I do, what?" his ears perked, "Ladies?"
In the background, Amy heard the assistant director announce her arrival and she knew that Ezra had succeeded in easing her nervous tension without even trying too hard. She smiled teasingly at the rogue before taking the arm Standish offered. "If I can get through this, Buck, I'm sure there'll be plenty of available ladies at the reception," she answered. A quick smirk at her escort drew the couple into the spotlight as they walked onto the stage
"Are you all right, my dear," the southerner inquired. The way Amy had quickly pulled his arm closer reminded him of a night many months ago.
The brunette stirred from her memories. "Umm," she looked up into his brilliant green eyes. "Oh oh, yes." Finally stepping back into reality, Amy smiled lovingly at the undercover man. "I was just reminded of how comfortable I've always felt on your arm," she snuggled ever closer.
Standish returned the grin. "And I delight in having you here," he squeezed her hand as it held him close.
Standing in front of the pre-occupied couple, the valet held out the ignition key again, hoping this time to get the gentleman's attention. When the jingling of the key ring failed once more, he resorted to using his voice. "Your car is here, sir," he cleared his throat.
Ezra smiled at Amy, waving her towards the car. As the valet opened the passenger side for the couple, Standish assisted his lady into her seat. Tipping the young man as he closed the car door, the agent walked around and quickly slid into his own chair.
Matching the 'click' of her seatbelt with his own, Ezra slipped the key into the ignition, started the car and drove away.
~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~
Pulling into his driveway, Standish put the car in park and, unbuckling his belt, he turned, sending a sly look in his lady's direction. "Soooo," he raised a questioning eyebrow. "Shall I just run inside, retrieve your gift and take you home Or would you care to "
Amy reached across and quickly placed her hand at his mouth.
Feeling her fingers slowly tracing the pucker of his lips, Ezra grinned seductively. He opened slightly, allowing an inquisitive digit to slip inside. His tongue meshed with the intruder for a few brief moments. As Amy began to slowly withdrawn from his mouth, the southerner sucked the appendage back in again, releasing it only when he was satisfied that the sparkle in her eyes conveyed the message he was hoping for.
Leaning over toward the lady, Standish kissed her wantonly. A hand drifted down to disengage her seatbelt before traveling up her arm to gently massage her shoulder.
Their kiss slowly waned and Ezra's fingers reached up to softly caress Amy's cheek.
The couple stared at one another, their eyes exchanging words of desire and longing.
The corner of her lips curled as the brunette inhaled a heavy breath.
The southerner smiled ever so slightly at his companion as he settled back into his seat. Hitting the automatic garage door opener, he waited until the entranceway was lighted and completely accessible before pulling into the enclosure.
The garage door slowly closed behind them.
Climbing out of the Jaguar, Amy waited for Ezra to unlock the adjoining door to the house. Once he'd done that, she left him to secure everything in the garage and walked down the long hallway and into the living room. Discarding her coat on the back of the easy chair, she slipped out of her footwear. Ooh, she thought, I hate those damn shoes! Bracing herself against the furniture, she rubbed each foot with the other, curling her toes when she was done.
"I know how much you detest that particular pair of shoes," Standish whispered in her ear as he snuggled up behind her.
The woman tried valiantly to hide her smirk. "I was just thinking that," she sighed, "But, going to an upscale dining room does sort of put a damper on wearing my lab slippers or even my hiking boots."
Kissing the side of her face, Ezra moved around her. "Dr. Brynner," he began, "It would be my esteemed honor to escort you anywhere in any manner of footwear that you desire," he bowed graciously.
The woman giggled. "Flat, white lab shoes and this black evening gown " she shook her head and frowned humorously. "Somehow I don't think so."
Taking her arms, Standish pulled her close. Instantly, their movements ceased, their lips only inches from one another. Once more, their eyes were doing all of the communicating, telling of contentment in their relationship, satisfaction in their lives and desire in their hearts.
The kiss was exceedingly slow when it came. The distance covered gradually, heightening anticipation of a renewed passion each was trying desperately to temper. As the supple flesh met, tongues darted out to halt the merging. The strong muscles did their own dance, like guardians; they refused entrance to all that dared try.
Yet, sanctuary was finally granted.
A tender burning embrace that saw bodies meet, as well as mouths. The couple curled wayward arms, pulling each to the other, capturing the growing desire in their sensual hug. Yet, their lips commanded the moment, moist flesh abducting its twin and exalting exquisite compensation, penance for the lingering, and a covenant of bounties still unexplored.
Finally drawing away from the mouth that claimed hers, Amy gasped for air. As her brown pools closed, her chin dropped. Another calming breath and mischievous eyes glanced up into the southerner's warm smile. "And here I thought, you actually had a present for me," she teased.
Ezra cleared his throat, roused at her ploy. "I do believe, I have just been insulted," he mused aloud.
Arms reached up to encircle the man's broad shoulders. The seductive inflections were clear in her whisper, "you are an extraordinary gift, Ezra I want, for nothing more." Her mouth met his again but just long enough to tickle his lips with hers. Hands released their hold and snaked across his shoulders, traveling tantalizingly down his arms.
The smirk on Ezra's face was playful, as he perceived her mood. His arms slipped from her teasing grasp and spread wide. "Up there," he pointed toward the stairs, "are the bedchambers." A tongue appeared to wet his lower lip. "Through the sitting room is the terrace " he turned slightly, "where the hot tub is housed," his coy expression said it all. "Either can accommodate the ice bucket that cradles our champagne." Looking into Amy's eye, Standish cocked his head, "The locale in which we consume the chilled libation is entirely in your hands, my dear."
Pressing a forefinger and thumb to her chin, Dr. Brynner lowered it thoughtfully. The hand spread across her cheek and she massaged it, pretending to be deep in thought. "Ya know," she finally offered. A finger rose in the air waving her attention to Ezra's face. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that word."
Watching hands move quickly to her hips, a single eyebrow rose. "I beg your pardon," the southerner's inquired.
Amy laughed, the amusement brightening her whole face. "Why don't you go get our 'liberation', Ezra," she laughed, pointing towards the kitchen. "I'll be waiting for you in the hot tub." With that announcement, the lady tapped his cheek lightly and gleefully danced her way through the living room, headed for the back of the house.
Standish smirked at her misconstrued word. A hand rose, intending to ask his lady if she required suitable clothing for a midnight excursion, but she was already gone. The echo of her playful laughter, however, made him think twice about the suggestion. An equally amused smirk crossed his face as he moved towards the kitchen.
~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~
Dressed in his deep ruby robe, Ezra appeared on the veranda. Two cream colored towels and a warm white terry housecoat hung over one arm, the ice bucket was held securely in his hands. He smiled at the woman as he approached; peering curiously into the swirling water as his load was carefully set down. "I see you wasted little time in making yourself comfortable," he observed.
Her head moved slowly from side to side before the brown eyes popped open. "Umm?" she sighed. "What was that?"
Seeing the dreamy look on her face, Standish licked his lips. "Perhaps the bedroom would have been a better choice," he debated. "You look perfectly ready for a night of welcomed slumber."
She stretched, arms spiraling above her head. Again, her head moved from side to side before Amy slipped from the jetted seat and floated to the middle of the large tub. "Why don't you come on in, the water's delightful maybe you can wake me up."
Draping the housecoat and towels on one of the deck chairs, the agent smiled at her seductive overtones. "First, the champagne," he reached for the upturned flutes currently housed in the ice. Setting them on the table beside the Jacuzzi, he proceeded to peel the protective covering from the bottle as he picked it up. Untwisting the securing wire when he arrived at it, Ezra pointed the bottle skyward and jiggled the cork.
Amy's hands covered her ears in anticipation of the pop. She giggled merrily as the cork disappeared into the night. Seeing her gentleman pour the bubbly liquid, she skirted to the near side of the hot tub. Her eyes batted playfully as he filled one glass, then the other. "Are you going to stay out there all night long," she questioned alluringly.
Finished with his preparation, Standish stepped back, "It was not my intention to remain on the outside looking in, shall we say." With that statement, he undid the tie of his robe and let it slip from his shoulders.
The lady frowned.
The southerner noticed. "Is there something wrong?" he taunted.
Pursing her lips, Amy huffed. "No," she shot back, quickly alleging disinterest in his bathing suit.
"Good," Standish announced with a smug grin. He wasn't stupid, but he did like to play games. Mounting the stairs, he carefully slipped into the tepid waters, a deep sigh escaping his lungs. Allowing his body to float for a moment, he opened his eyes, only to be met with a champagne flute and a sultry lady.
"Your libation," Amy declared, handing him a glass.
The southerner grinned. "Why thank you, my dear," he hovered. "But I do believe you have this all wrong. It is I who should be providing for your needs on this, the celebrated day of your illustrious birth."
"Ezra," the woman grinned.
"Yes, my lady?"
"Sit down and shut up," she ordered.
The utter shock on his face was enough to send her into a fit of giggles. She sipped at her drink, still laughing. "I hear your boss tells you that all the time. I just wanted to try it myself." She bounced gently, the water lapping at her submerged breasts as they became less so. "You know to see if it works," she giggled.
Without acknowledging the playfulness in which he was willingly engaging, Standish did his level best to ignore her enticing motions. Pursed lips proclaimed his displeasure. Settling back into the opposite corner, he replied with as much umbrage as he could muster. "It would appear that my teammates have been engaging in the disbursement of malicious anecdotes again," he scoffed. "Mr. Larabee has not assailed me with those particular admonitions in quite some time. In fact, I do believe he has become accustomed to the verbalization in which I partake."
Taking a large amount of her champagne into her mouth, the lady set her glass at the edge of the Jacuzzi and slid over to the southerner's position.
His arms spread wide as she floated closer, his chin rose as water splashed between them.
"Ezra," she whispered, almost touching his nose with hers.
A raised eyebrow signaled his, yes?
"Shut up," she clamped her mouth over his.
With one hand securely holding his glass, Standish responded in kind, yet allowed Amy full reign over the embrace that he drank in so eagerly.
Beneath the water, the woman had straddled her partner. Their body parts met at her urging. Breasts pushed against his magnificent chest, parts lower hovering, and her nakedness rubbing against the material of his bathing suit. Amy's hands cupped his face, allowing her control of the kiss. When she was satisfied with the insistence of their mouths, she slowed her pace, fingers walking a path out over his strong shoulders and up his arms.
He watched her eyes as she pulled away. The demand for air was apparent for them both, and they partook readily.
She smiled wantonly and then her eyes narrowed. The edge of her lips curled before a tongue appeared to moisten them.
He couldn't help it. Ezra got the distinct feeling that she was up to something. His gaze followed her as she move away, returning to her glass before continuing on to where the table lay hidden below the wall of the hot tub. He heard her giggle and watched intently as she rose from the water to drape her upper body over the side of the enclosure. Viewing the slender muscle of her back as they emerged, the southerner suddenly found himself wishing to be the droplets that clung to her mercilessly.
Enticing moments passed far too quickly and Standish found that he could breath again as she slid back into the water, her glass held tightly in one hand. His eyes tracked her as she returned to his lap, the wiggle of her hips against his groin announced that she was once more, where she wanted to be.
"Hey," she said casually, another sip of the champagne lingered on her lips.
The agent frowned as he spied the glass, obviously displayed for his attention. He was curious at its contents and even more inquisitive about the intent of his lady. He grew increasingly playful. "Dr. Brynner, I presume?" an intentional pun. He grinned, his free hand drifting into the water to settle at her hip.
Amy smiled coyly at the word play. Her mouth met his in the gentlest of pecks. "Trust me?" she whispered, her lips grazing his as they moved.
Ezra smiled ever so delicately. "Implicitly, Darling."
They kissed again.
Slipping away from the southerner, the brunette cocked her head when she reached the middle of the hot tub. Her free hand appeared above the water line and one finger beckoned him to join her.
Standish could think of nothing more that he wanted to do. Casually taking another drink, he glided to his lady's side.
Playfully, Amy floated closer and then drew away. She licked at her lips before taking more champagne into her mouth, but she did not swallow. Instead, she met Ezra's mouth again. The bubbly liquid coursed between their tongues as they danced.
The lady giggled as the excess nectar ran down their chins.
The agent's expression was tempting. "Your champagne is rather cool against the warmth radiating from beneath."
The look in Amy's eyes was nothing short of lecherous. "Stand up," she cooed.
He frowned.
"Stand up," she repeated, the words barely audible over the hum of the jets.
Curiosity got the best of him and Standish complied.
Amy followed, her breast pressing into his chest as the cool night air enveloped them.
Ezra could feel her taut nipples against his skin. His free hand circled her waist, drawing her closer. His green eyes locked her sultry brown orbs in their sights and the southerner leaned down to kiss her once more. The hand on her body slid lower to cup her buttocks. He squeezed tenderly.
The woman let out a fervent groan, her other hand fingered the waistband of his bathing suit. His very noticeable erection was sandwiched between their heated bodies.
The kiss ended more abruptly than it had begun. Looking up into the eyes of her companion, Amy pulled back slightly and drew her glass between their bodies. "Hold this," she directed in a salacious tone.
Recognizing the lowering pitch in her voice, Standish did as he was asked without reservation. He grinned, both hands now completely occupied.
As Amy's fingers relinquished control of the glass, they tracked back along the length of his arm. The other hand joined the first at his shoulders, and together the ten digits took in every inch of his strong body, journeying down his chest, across the washboard abdomen and coming to rest at his hips.
Ezra's eyes opened as the movement ceased. Having been captivated by her caress, he longed for more. As their reflections met, he could see the mischievous glint.
Amy's hand slipped into the waistband of his swimsuit and reached round to cradle his buttocks. She massaged them gently, her eyes never leaving his.
Standing there with both hands full, the southerner considered his options. The only one available seems to be his mouth, so he employed it. Searching out Amy's luscious lips, he nibbled and pecked, trying to draw her closer.
The lady had other ideas. Spreading her hands wide, she pulled the material enough to slip it over his hips. Leaving the warmth of his mouth, she trailed kissed down his neck and chest. Tempting her way to each nipple in turn, she flicked them with her tongue before continuing, teasingly nipping and licking as she slowly settled into the water. When her mouth passed his belly button, Amy slowly began to lower the bathing material, exposing the engorgement she was seeking.
Ever glad for the secluded location of his Jacuzzi, Ezra stood in all his glory, a voracious female, half sat, half floated at his manhood.
Glancing up before cupping him in her hands, Amy teased the tip of his penis with her tongue. When she saw his eyes close, she moved in for the kill, engulfing as much as she was able, all at once. A loud moan emanated from above and the lady smiled.
Standish did his best to remain standing as Amy's mouth made gentle love to him. Her lips worked sensual magic; her hands tickled his fancy. However, after just a few minutes, she stopped.
His eyes opened as she rose. They questioned the naughty twinkle, and, receiving no reply, they watched as she reached for her glass, took a slow drink, all the while holding tightly to the flute with both hands. When she appeared done, she settled back to the water.
Taking him back into her cool hands, Amy smiled when she heard the small, 'Ooh'. She pursed her lips, trying to restrain the giggle. Intending to go back to her previous task, she shifted a little closer and took him in her mouth.
Ezra gasped, barely able to stop his knees from buckling. "You witch," escaped his lips in a long hiss. The playful words displayed both his shock and arousal.
Amy snorted back her laughter but didn't let up. She mouthed him without mercy, twirling the ice cube all over his organ.
The moments ticked slowly by and the incredible mixture of sensations slowly began to merge. Standish gripped the glasses in his hands, fearing that they might drop if he lost concentration. When his eyes finally opened, the woman was at his lips again and he drove into her mouth lustfully, wanting her to know exactly how he felt.
Wrapping her arms quickly around his shoulders, Amy took advantage of his merciless hunger. She responded in kind, knowing that her cravings for his body were growing with every passing second.
Their lips parted in a swirl of gasping breaths.
Their eyes met, and the brunette smiled. "More?" the question seemed so innocent.
The agent didn't know how to answer her. He dearly wanted more, yet, he was unsure if he could handle too much of it.
She didn't wait. Taking her glass from his hands, Amy swallowed down some of the iced champagne before collecting another cube in her mouth. She then proceeded to repeat her previous action, complete with the tantalizing peck at the head of his penis, before engulfing him in one stroke. His gasp set fire ablaze in her body; his constant wiggling and groaning sent shivers down her spine.
Her need was growing as much as his. Her hands roamed his torso and buttocks as her desire grew. Her enthusiastic actions at his cock were making her wild. She wanted him needed him deep within.
The succulent motion of her mouth slowed, and Ezra sighed. Relieved that the control he had garnered was no longer needed, yet, abashed that the glorious feelings he had been riding were no longer there. The coolness of the night air seemed not to affect him anymore.
She rose quickly, the drive coming from deep inside, and far below. She was flushed with need. The contradicting sensations of hot and cold had done as much to her body, as his. The warmth from the hot water stood in stark contrast to the ice cold in her mouth, the blending of temperatures meeting halfway, somewhere in the depths of her body.
Ezra's physique always had this effect on her. She likened him to Adonis, his chest clean and broad, his shoulder strong and wide. His touch, sure and pleasing, his manhood so much
She couldn't stand it any more. Taking the glasses from his hands, Amy quickly set them aside and pushed him down into the water. As his legs rose against the swell of the wave, she pulled the material from his calves and moved into his lap.
Standish stopped her there.
With a firm grip on her shoulders, he pulled her to his waiting mouth and they kissed a burning desirable embrace that was more wanton than any before. His hands trailed the length of her back, pushing her hips to him as they went lower.
The whimper was exquisite to his ears. Impaling her in the swirling waters, Ezra released her mouth to find the soft contours of her neck as she sounded out her ecstasy.
Their bodies wiggled together, finding the perfect position for their intended foray.
The brunette leaned back into the swirling waters, her knee bent, her body joined with his. As the sensations settled into a rhythm on her flesh, she released control to the tide, and her man.
Amy floated on the surface in front of him, her breast within easy reach. The southerner released her hips, secure in the knowledge that her strong thighs had his. He reveled in the tightness now surrounding his cock and never wanted to let it go. Nevertheless, her nipples stood proudly awaiting his attention. He was urged to see to their reward.
Amy's breath caught as the tenderness of his touch encircled her breasts, each hand kneading softly, fingers traveling the short distance to tweak her nipples.
Delicately, Standish played. Running laps around the engorged flesh, ending the 'race' at the pinnacle of the circuit. He kneaded and vexed her chest until the soft moans became insistent. The hands that clamped his forearms were strong in their touch.
As her hips began to wiggle, the agent leaned forward to take a pert bud in his mouth, the other, still held securely in his hand. He sucked and licked the nipple to fullness, swapping his mouth and hand to distribute his attention evenly.
Amy growled, "Ezra!" as she sat up slowly.
The man smiled. "Amy?"
The explicit intent conveyed by their eyes was more than either could stand. Lips met again, yet this time, the kiss was ignited by the sheer power of want. Amy's arms wrapped tightly around the southerner's head, drawing his mouth to her in a lustful, energetic embrace. Ezra's arms sunk beneath the surface to find the woman's hips. Once he had them firmly in his grasp, he began to stroke into her.
Her eyes fluttered close with the first few strong drives. She savored the intrusion, never wanting it to end. Her head found the comfort of his shoulder and there it stayed, resting cozily, while the rest of her body indulged in the exquisite manipulation it was afforded.
Standish used the flotation provided to easily maneuver her body to and fro. He met each down push with his upward drive, moving deeper into Amy's body, propelling both towards fulfillment. Their moans were timed with his thrusts, each growing in intensity as the minutes ticked slowly by.
Amy felt so wonderful. The warmth of the water was nice. The jetted pulses that surrounded her were invigorating and Ezra's touch was so stimulating on her body. All those wonderful sensations culminated to heighten the want building in her depths. She forced her body against his penis, pushing their essence together with all the energy she could muster.
Her enthusiasm for their lovemaking pushed the agent closer to the abyss. His breath was ragged; his throat dry as his mouth hung open to enable enough air into his lungs. He pushed harder, his head turning slightly so his lips could kiss her cheek.
She was at full gallop when the brunette felt him tense. His hands clamped tightly to her hips, grinding their bodies together as he came. The floodgates opened, Amy could do little but allow him the pleasure. His ecstatic groan was exceedingly pleasing to her ear. When his spasms had subsided enough for him to relaxed his hold, she returned her slowed rhythm to its previous speed, continuing her own search, knowing she was so close to the relief that her body begged for.
It came within a few moments.
The first spasms of orgasm creating a giant swell that rushed through her body like a tidal wave. Each nerve, in succession, rode out the tumultuous energy the surf created.
Amy squealed and pulled in tight, her arms closing around the southerner shoulders, her inner muscles milked his length, drawing every ounce of pleasure from its power. "Oh, Ezra," she moaned. Her breath labored as she continued to exact her indulgence from his flesh.
Standish allowed her everything that she demanded. He slowly began to massage her lower back and then her thighs as her tempo slowed. The softness of his caress aided in her journey back to the here and now. The deep groans subsided too, allowing the softness of her whimpers to call to him subtly.
When her motion finally ceased, Amy lifted her head to gaze into the green pools that had first attracted her attention. She smiled. That complacent, 'all is right with the world' grin, that sent the southerner's heart aflutter.
"Was it good for you?" he asked cockily.
Her eyes rolled, her forehead coming to rest at his lips.
Kissing her gently, the agent's eyebrows rose. "I'll take that as a, yes!"
Her chin lifted, her mouth searching out his. They found each other in the night, lips bestowing final affirmation to their mates.
They sat for a time; arm in arm, their bodies still joined as he softened within. A final kiss saw them part and Amy floated on the waters that still caressed her blush with tenderness equal to his touch.
Ezra watched her hover, her body a thing of beauty, her soul more spirited and free than any he had ever known.
"What are you thinking about?" her quiet words broke the indulgences of his mind.
The glazed look in his eye slowly waned and Standish smiled. "Libation," he mused.
She frowned.
Joining her in the center of the hot tub, Ezra gathered her in his arms. "The words has many meanings, my dear," he said softly. "Other than that, for which I usually employ it, drink," he grinned, "The word can also signify sacrifice, oblation, offering, or a gift."
Slowly understanding the true nature of his choice in words, Amy's expression softened. "So," she cooed. "Which did I already have and which remain?"
His laughter made her glow. As he swept her up into his arms, she squealed.
"Shall we explore that possibility, Dr, Brynner?" he teased, climbing from the Jacuzzi, Amy held securely in his strong protective grasp. He kissed her once more before setting her down. They dried and clothed themselves in the robes and then Ezra, again, swept her up into his arms.
"Put me down," she demanded playfully.
"I think not."
"Where are we going?" she giggled.
"In search of more libation, my dear," Ezra's voice echoed in the night as he carried Amy into the house, "I'm sure we'll get to the gift, eventually."
~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~~
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