"Hold on there, Mr Dunne!" Ezra called out, catching JD in his arms at the same time. The young sheriff was in quite a hurry, racing around the corner and past the Saloon where Ezra just happened to be going.
"Ezra, I gotta go!" JD implored, trying to get away.
"What's on fire?" Ezra joked.
"I am." JD gave up struggling to get away and took a deep breath.
Ezra Standish smiled. "Anything I can do to put you out, Mr Dunne?"
JD blushed furiously, but admitted, "Maybe. I need help, Ezra."
The gambler tipped his hat. "At your service, Mr Dunne."
+ + + + + + +
"You're trying to do what??" Ezra was shocked.
JD fidgeted. "Vin thinks I might have a chance."
"Well, then maybe Mr Tanner should help you with that fantastic scheme of yours." On second thought, Ezra liked that suggestion even less. Especially once he saw the hurt look in the kid's face. "No, never mind. I'll help you."
JD beamed. "Thanks. Thanks a lot, Ezra. I'll never forget this."
"Neither will I..." Ezra murmured. What was he getting himself into? "I suggest we begin planning our strategy. There are certain things to consider, things that you may find will make you uncomfortable."
Blushing, JD said, "I know what you mean, Ezra, but I've thought about that and to be honest..." he paused shyly. "I'd rather it was you than anyone else."
"Oh dear." Ezra Standish looked at his young companion, wondering whether Larabee or Wilmington would be the first to break every bone in his body.
+ + + + + + +
Buck Wilmington entered the Saloon later that evening, wondering where the kid had gotten to. Earlier on, they had gotten into another one of their childish banters and he had stormed off, sure that JD was right behind him. He really had to stop letting him get to him like that. Now, he was somehow disappointed that JD had not followed him so they could make up.
He was even more disappointed when he saw the young sheriff sitting with Ezra. He did that a lot lately and Buck didn't like it. He had nothing against Ezra as such, but as far as he was concerned, everyone but himself was a bad influence on the impressionable boy. And there was something about Ezra in particular that concerned him when it came to JD. The easygoing friendship they shared, just like JD and himself, was part of it, he knew that much.
Leaning grouchily on the bar between Chris Larabee and Vin Tanner, he ordered himself a Red Eye whiskey.
"You okay, Buck?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, old dog, sure." Buck couldn't stand it. He turned, wondering why JD and Ezra were sitting so close. Probably deep in one of their clever conversations. At times like this, he wished that he, rather than Ezra, was the one who could actually keep up with JD intellectually. The kid was smart and well-educated and never seemed to run out of things to talk to the gambler about.
Meanwhile, at the corner table, JD whispered, "Is he looking?"
Smiling, Ezra admitted, "Hardly stopped since he came in. It's only a matter of minutes before he comes over, I assure you."
JD grew bold. "Better give him a good reason." And he turned, leaning back against Ezra, whispering something to him.
"I'll be damned!" Buck exclaimed. "He showin' him the goddamned sunset now or what?"
Vin and Chris turned, curious what had upset Buck so much. What they saw was indeed unusual. Ezra was lounging back in his chair, pointing at something outside, while JD was kinda leaning back against him, laughing.
"They're just foolin' around, Buck." Vin Tanner smiled into his glass, guessing what was going on.
Buck glared at him. "Yeah, exactly!"
Chris said seriously, "So Buck, I thought you were gonna be spendin' the evening with Lola?"
Quickly trying to come up with an answer that would keep his reputation intact, he lied, "She went out of town for a few days."
"Must be losing your touch," Chris Larabee joked. "Not long ago, you would've convinced her to stay."
"What are you implyin'?" Buck growled.
"Nothing. Just wondering why you're spendin' all your time with us these days."
"I wonder myself." Buck downed some more whiskey. Then he sat his glass down with a thud and stormed out.
"Well...." Vin reached for the deserted glass and helped himself. "No use wastin' a perfectly good drink."
Chris' sharp eyes wandered from the angrily flapping Saloon doors to the table where Ezra and JD were deep in conversation. He could have sworn they were purposefully trying to upset Buck. Yet, now that he'd left, they didn't even seem to notice. Something odd was going on and he was going to find out what.
+ + + + + + +
"Ezra, where's Buck?" JD suddenly noticed that his constant shadow had left the bar.
Ezra shrugged. "I'm afraid we have missed his departure. Would you like to call it a night?"
JD looked a little disappointed. But he soon perked up when an idea came to him. "Mind if we go for a stroll, Ezra? Who knows, he might be outside somewhere."
"I'm going to regret this..." Ezra stood, waiting for JD to follow suit. "Well, I have agreed to your plan, so I suppose there's not much point in tryin' to back out now."
"No, there ain't." JD happily tugged at the gambler's elegant burgundy sleeve and they left the Saloon, acknowledging the presence of Vin and Chris with a tip to their respective hats.
+ + + + + + +
"What are they up to?" Chris asked, knowing Vin was in on whatever it was. Somehow, he always was. Probably because he was closer in age to JD than any of the others.
"Wouldn't have a clue, pard." Vin finished Buck's drink and picked up his hat off the bar. "I'm gonna call it a night."
"Yeah, me too." Chris Larabee followed his friend out the Saloon doors, only to see Ezra and JD walk off down the main street together. "Just hope they don't get Buck too angry," he said, knowing that his kind-hearted friend had a bit of a temper, especially when it came to JD whom he considered to be his personal responsibility. And who knows what else.
"Ezra knows what he's doing." Vin Tanner confidently walked across the street, Chris following suit.
+ + + + + + +
"So, Ezra, do you think he got jealous?" JD asked eagerly.
"As certainly as that sun is gonna come up again in the morning, Mr Dunne."
"Just in case Buck is around, you should really be calling me JD." The young sheriff suggested.
Deciding to make this rare exception, Ezra smiled. "Alright, JD, what do you suggest we do next?"
Having a lot of fun with all this, JD decided to play it for all it was worth. "Let's go sit under that tree at the edge of town. It's a real romantic spot, especially in the moonlight. Who knows, maybe..."
"...Buck will see us," Ezra finished for him, smiling. "Fine, why not?"
They slowly strolled to JD's favorite spot and once there, Ezra removed his waistcoat and spread it out on the dry grass.
"Have a seat, JD." Waiting until his young companion had settled in, he joined him. They spent a few minutes of comfortable silence looking up at a nearly full moon, enjoying the warm desert air playing on their faces.
"Thanks for helping me out, Ezra," JD said softly into the silence.
"My great pleasure, JD."
Turning to face his companion, JD said seriously, "No, I mean it. You could easily have called me a silly kid, or just plain crazy. I would have understood. But you didn't."
Speechless for once, Ezra smiled.
"Means a lot to me that you're helping me with this. It was all I could think of doing and nobody else seemed... right to ask for help. Why did you agree to this?"
'Damn, that young man is too observant.' Ezra blushed, grateful that the near darkness would hide the worst of it. "I like you, JD," he said simply and truthfully.
Smiling, JD leant forward, giving Ezra a quick peck on the cheek.
Inhaling sharply, Ezra jerked backwards. Then he remembered he was supposed to keep up appearances as well as teach JD a thing or two. "That's not the way to do it, JD," he said softly, taking the boy by his shoulders and drawing him closer again until their lips met.
Feeling every muscle in his body turn to mush, JD leaned into the kiss. Oh yes, now he knew why no matter how hard he had tried, he could never really get interested in girls. This was right. This was where he wanted to be.
When Ezra finally released him, JD took a deep breath. "Oh..." he gasped, his dark eyes reflecting the light of the moon, his pink lips parted and a cute flush creeping over his young face. It made him look simply ravishing.
Smiling, Ezra looked at him. "You know, JD, if Mr Wilmington doesn't appreciate what he could have, I certainly would."
JD felt himself flush even more. "Really?" He didn't need to ask. The desire was all over Ezra's face. It shone from his beautiful green eyes which looked almost silver in the moonlight. For a moment, JD had to try hard to remember why he wanted to make Buck jealous.
"Do you love him?" Ezra asked, his hands still on JD's shoulders. He was more than a little reluctant to let go and JD made no move to put any distance between them.
"Yes," JD said. It wasn't something he had to think about. It had been a given almost from the very beginning.
Ezra felt a little stab of pain somewhere deep inside. He wasn't in love with JD, but he wasn't far from it, either.
"You know," JD surprised him, "If I'd never met Buck, and if I didn't know you love someone else too, it would be you, Ezra."
Ezra's eyes widened.
"Don't look so surprised!" JD laughed softly. "It shows."
"Oh my god!" Ezra didn't know what shocked him more - the possibility of JD being in love with him or the fact that he knew his secret. His very well kept secret, at least so far.
"I won't tell him, but maybe you should." JD smiled, settling against him comfortably.
Ezra put his arm around JD and held him close. "Thank you for the advice, JD, but that will never happen, I assure you."
"Shame," JD declared. "You two would be incredible together."
"Incredible indeed..." Ezra mused, almost laughing. No one would agree with that more than the man in question, who, truth be told, would probably kill him if he ever found out.
"I'm serious," JD pointed out. "You're both so very handsome. If it ever works out, you must allow me to peek through the keyhole just once, please?"
Ezra nearly toppled over laughing. "You cannot be serious, my dear!"
"Oh, but I am." JD nodded for emphasis before joining in Ezra's laughter.
"I declare, you have given me an idea. Maybe I will sell tickets."
They were in hysterics for several minutes, finally simply collapsing backwards into the grass, holding onto each other as they began to roll around like a pair of young animals playing.
When they were too breathless to continue, Ezra slumped back.
JD took the opportunity to settle in on top of him, looking down at his smiling face. "May I kiss you again, Ezra?" he asked hesitantly.
Nodding, Ezra closed his eyes.
With his knees on both sides of Ezra's hips, JD bent down and kissed him, softly at first, but soon, the kiss grew hotter and fierier than either of them had intended.
Ezra's hands wound up around JD's face and he marveled at how exciting this young man had turned out to be. He as the older party should have the good sense to put a stop to all this, yet he wasn't sure he wanted to or could.
Still, when JD paused, taking a much needed breath, Ezra decided to try reminding him of the reason they were here in the first place. "Mr Wilmington is a lucky man," he said, meaning every word of it.
"Damn! I knew it!!" a furious and familiar voice called out, cutting off any reply JD may have had on his lips.
Ezra realized with regret that a fist was about to replace the soft pair of lips from a moment ago and he quickly moved aside.
"Let go of him right now before I kill you, Standish!" Buck Wilmington yelled, grabbing JD by one arm and pulling him up.
"Ow! Buck, you're hurtin' me!" JD protested.
Instantly, Buck became concerned. "Hell, I'm sorry, kid." He continued holding onto JD's arm, but much more loosely now. After a brief burning glance at Ezra, who was still on the ground, he hissed, "What did he do to you?"
JD looked at him defiantly. "Nothing I didn't want him to do."
When Buck merely stared at him in disbelief, Ezra began to laugh. He knew it was inappropriate, but the whole situation was and he simply couldn't help himself.
"This ain't funny!" Buck growled.
"Oh yeah, sure is." JD joined in the laughter. "Why are you angry anyway, Buck?"
Put on the spot, Buck didn't know what to say. "Why do you think, kid? I was worried about our fancy boy here takin' advantage of you."
Now or never, JD thought. "Buck, you will tell me right now why you're here or I'll be takin' advantage of him."
Buck gasped. As did Ezra. The kid looked like he meant it.
"Damn!" was all Buck could think of saying.
"You already said that." JD waited patiently.
Why did he ever let himself go nuts over this damn kid? Buck groaned. "Alright, I'll tell ya why. Because you're mine. And if anyone ever lays a finger on you again, they'll be answering to me."
JD wasn't letting him off the hook yet. "Was that a declaration of love, Buck?"
"Closest thing to it you're gonna get with him around." Buck broke into a grin, pointing at Ezra without honoring him with a look.
"I can take a hint," Ezra stated, clambering to his feet. Dusting some invisible dirt off his frilly white shirt, he said, "It's been a pleasure, JD."
"Mr Dunne to you," Buck growled, but when JD and Ezra both began laughing, he finally got it. "I don't believe this!"
"You see," Ezra began to explain, "It seemed the best way to get your attention and incidentally, your blood boiling."
"Get the hell out of here, Standish, or you'll never wanna be rollin' around the grass with anyone ever again - for real or for show." He meant to sound angry, but the laughter was contagious, and if anyone could laugh at himself, Buck Wilmington certainly could.
"JD." Ezra saluted the boy with a smile and JD winked at him.
"Thanks. For everything."
"Anytime." Just as Ezra was about to walk away, he said mischievously, "Should I ever have tickets to hand out, I'll be expecting one in return."
Before JD was too far into another bout of the giggles, Buck began pulling him away, leaving a laughing Ezra walking off in the opposite direction, away from the town. He wanted to be alone for a little while, but it turned out someone had other plans.
"Don't move! Don't turn around!" A voice hissed at him just as he had passed a roadside tree.
"I wouldn't try anything if I were you," Ezra said calmly. It never paid to show fear.
"Big words. And how are you gonna defend yourself? With that peashooter up your sleeve?"
Ezra stood still, mentally running through the list of people who knew about his hidden Derringer. If only the stranger didn't try to hide his voice like that. He sounded familiar, very familiar. "Who are you?" Might as well ask straight out.
Turning from the sharp hiss to a soft whisper, the voice said, "Who would you like to be alone out here with?"
Ezra gave a short, nervous laugh. "I don't think I want to tell you that."
"Are you sure?"
Ezra really wished he knew who he was talking to. The faint hope rising in him was a little more than he could stand after all that excitement with JD.
"I see it's a secret. Maybe if I came closer, you could whisper it to me?" the voice said.
A shiver ran down Ezra's spine. He was suddenly absolutely certain that who ever was behind that tree had been there for a long time, possibly throughout his entire encounter with Mr Dunne. In which case, he would have heard... "No," Ezra managed, remembering with relief that he had never used a name.
"But I'd really like to know," the voice whispered, infinitely closer.
Now Ezra was trembling. It was 'him'. He was certain of it. "What do I get if I tell you?" he teased, knowing he was playing with fire.
"I'll make it worth your while, if you tell me the truth."
That seductive whisper was even more seductive now that Ezra knew who it belonged to. His heart was beating furiously. "I wouldn't lie about anything this important," he assured.
"Glad to hear it. Now Ezra... tell me." The whisper was right by his ear now, purring as it formed his name.
Closing his eyes, Ezra whispered, "Chris..."
And he was rewarded handsomely as an unexpectedly soft mouth came to rest against the side of his neck and a tongue began to trail a line up to his ear.
Turning, Ezra moved into the arms of the black-clad figure and a duster was wrapped around him, shielding them from view as their lips met in a scorching kiss.
+ + + + + + +
Hours later, Buck still hadn't figured out everything. "What was that about the tickets, Hon'?" he asked, a little breathless.
"Buck..." JD murmured, his lips hovering just above his lover's mouth. "Shut up!"
"Oh yeah..." Buck gasped. "Anything you want, darlin'!"