
by Ruby

Disclaimer: The Magnificent Seven is owned by Trilogy, Mirish and MGM. No money is being made. This fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes.

Author's Notes: A big thanks to Judy for betaing this. Feedback is always greatly appreciated. :)

Vin came out of JD's bathroom and stood, his hands on his hips. His gaze swept over his fellow teammates watching the game and then landed on JD. "Yer toilet paper has butterflies on it, JD."

JD glanced over the back of the couch at him, shrugging. "It does? I hadn't noticed."

"Ya bought toilet paper that has butterflies on it?" Vin lifted an eyebrow accusingly as his mouth quirked up in a grin.

"No." JD defended as he looked back at the TV. "It just came that way. It was on sale and it looked soft, so I bou-"

"Looked soft?" Vin interrupted him. "It's toilet paper, JD. It's for yer ass. 'Looked soft,' " he snorted as he rolled his eyes.

JD looked back at the sharpshooter. "I know it's fer your ass, Vin. But it don't hurt that it's soft. In fact," he grinned impishly, "that's exactly the point. What do you wipe your ass with, Vin? Sand paper?"

Vin walked towards him, looking like a tiger stalking prey. He cocked his head to the side, his hands on his hips again. "You're askin' awful personal questions, there, JD." He raised his eyebrow. "Somethin' you need to tell the rest of us?"

"What?" JD squeaked and then winced. "What?" he asked again, his voice a normal octave. He glanced around at his teammates and then back at Vin. "What are you implyin', Vin?" His eyes narrowed.

"Nothin'." Vin held his hands up in surrender as he walked the rest of the way into the room. He sat down next to Buck, on the opposite end of the couch than JD. He shrugged slightly as he leaned forward to look at JD, his eyes evil. "Not implyin' nothin', kid. 'Cept you got butterflies on your toilet paper." He shook his head somberly, hiding his grin.

JD threw his magazine down in disgust. "How do you even know it's *my* toilet paper. How do you know Buck didn't buy it?" JD glared, his face red.

Vin looked Buck up and down and then returned his gaze to the youngest. "Buck don't look like the 'butterfly toilet paper' type." He sneered.

"Agghhh!" JD launched himself over Buck, landing squarely on top of Vin. The two wrestled, falling off the couch and onto the floor. After a moment, Vin had JD pinned.

The sharpshooter looked up, winking at his friends. "Did you boy's see that? He just jumped right on top of me. Boy can't control his 'lust.' "

"AGGGHHH!" JD screamed again as he punched Vin in the chest. "Get off me, you buffoon!" He wiggled underneath the heavy weight.

Vin shook his head sadly as he stared at JD. "Does Casey know about this?"

"Get off!" JD yelled as he punched the laughing sharpshooter in the stomach.

Vin shook his head. "Now, now, now, JD. You don't have to yell directions. I know what I'm doing."

JD let out a loud sob as the meaning behind Vin's words sunk in. "Get...off...of...me!" He repeated loudly, emphasizing each word and ending it with a hard punch.

Vin finally rolled off JD and pushed himself to his feet. He reached down to help JD up, but Dunne slapped his hand away.

Vin rubbed his wounded hand. "Ouch, JD. That hurt."

"Oh, just shut up!" JD glared at him as he got to his feet. He put his hands on his hips and leaned forward. "And just 'cause I've got butterflies on my toilet paper...don't...mean...a...THING!"

Vin shrugged as he turned away. "All right, JD. All right. Simmer down, now." He sighed deeply. After a moment, he looked over his shoulder, grinning deviously. "Just never can tell which way your friends swing, now can you?"

"EEERRRGGG!" JD screamed as he jumped on Vin's back, one arm around his neck, the other pummeling Tanner's ribs.

Vin laughed as he ignored the younger man on his back, his gaze coming to rest on Chris, their eyes locking. "Nope, you sure can't, can you," he said as he winked slyly and shared a knowing look.

the end

Comments to: Ruby