Follows JD's Story.
JD's head was in a whirl.
In the past 24 hours his life had changed completely: a new job, a new home, and new friends. He wasn't sure yet what he thought about it all, hadn't even had time to catch his breath since announcing to Buck and Chris that he wanted to accept a place on their team. All he knew was that Buck seemed happy, and although he wasn't as confident about what Chris was thinking, the man did, at least, look pleased at JD's decision.
"You're not gonna regret it, kid," Buck said, slapping him heartily on the back.
JD smiled at him, still a little disconcerted that he had walked in on Buck and Chris in the middle of making love to each other. Vin had said they wouldn't care, and they certainly hadn't seemed overly concerned when he and Vin had tumbled into their bedroom to tell them his news. The two men had pulled apart in a leisurely way and had re-arranged themselves on the bed, Buck tucking Chris into his arms and pulling a sheet over their bodies. JD could clearly see how Chris continued to stroke up and down his partner's erection, even while they chatted amiably about JD's place in their business. It was both confusing and gratifying to be so quickly accepted in this way.
His smile widened in response to Buck's broad grin.
"I'm gonna take him around and show him the rest of the house," Vin said, and JD, who was perched on the edge of the bed, stood up hastily.
"I'll catch up with you a little later," Buck smiled, his already turning towards Chris, who rolled onto his back, arms coming up eagerly to wrap around Buck and squeeze tightly.
JD started to walk out of the bedroom, turning briefly when he got to the door to glance back surreptitiously towards the bed.
"You want to stay and watch for a while?" Vin asked and JD recoiled, unable to hide his shock. Sure he was a prostitute and he'd participated in his fair share of offbeat sexual situations, but he'd never been asked so casually if he wanted to watch others making love. Not when there wasn't any money being exchanged. Somehow that seemed wrong.
Vin smiled, apparently reading his thoughts. "Honest, kid, they won't mind," he said softly.
JD considered for a moment. Buck and Chris didn't even seem to notice that he and Vin were still in the room, so intent were they on each other. Buck was kneeling over his partner, and JD didn't need any of his professional skills to realize that he had penetrated Chris and was rocking gently inside him, Chris arching his back and moaning in pleasure. JD felt a remarkably strong surge of lust rip through him, spiking when both men turned eyes on him without stopping what they were doing. He locked gazes with Buck, swallowed hard when the man smiled faintly at him, and turned away swiftly before his friend saw too much.
"Nah. Let's go," he muttered, but it was too late. Vin was already walking back towards the bed. Overcome with curiosity JD stepped forward a pace or two, manoeuvring so that he could more easily see what was happening.
Vin let his hand trail up Buck's back, tangling it in the tall man's hair and pulling his head around. JD watched, surprised and intensely aroused, when Vin leaned in to glue his mouth to Buck's in a hard, passionate kiss that was a whole lot more than friendship. JD couldn't see Chris' face, but he clearly heard a loud gasp when Buck jerked his hips and began to drill him harder and faster. Vin let his hand wander back down over Buck's body, still continuing the deep kiss, until he reached between the two men and cupped Buck's balls. Buck groaned and reared his head, breaking the kiss for a moment while he pushed forward into Chris' body and shuddered.
JD was mesmerized. He moved closer, forgetting his previous shyness and the feeling that it was not right to be here. But he stopped dead in his tracks when all three men turned to look at him. He felt a cold trickle of sweat run down his back, wondering if he had overstepped the bounds. These men didn't know him, how could they possibly want him here at this most intimate of moments. But Vin only held out a hand, and encouraged by the small smile on the man's face, he took a step or two closer, coming to stand beside the bed, able now to see the glazed, transfixed look on Chris' face.
Neither of the men on the bed overtly acknowledged his presence, but they began to move in unison again, Buck intent and focused, Chris rapt and absorbed, welcoming him not with words but by including him in what they had between them. And what they had was unmistakable, profound, unshakeable love. So clear that JD, who had harboured hopes about his relationship with Buck, saw immediately that nothing would ever come of it. These two were joined together, heart and soul, mind and body. It was startlingly obvious.
He made a small sound in his throat, and was distressed to see Buck and Chris still their movements and turn to look at him, concern in both sets of eyes.
"Don't stop," he blurted, surprising himself and sighed in relief when Buck immediately picked up the pace again and began to thrust into his partner. JD didn't know what had come over him, only knew that these two had given him a hard-on like he'd never had in almost a year of tricking.
Buck cupped his hands under his lover's ass and raised Chris higher so that the man's shoulders were pushed down on the bed, and his thighs trembled with the effort to hold himself up, giving Buck deeper access. Chris's head thrashed from side to side and he hissed out a sharp breath, one hand thrown back to clutch at the headboard, the other gripping hard at Buck's hip. His cock was twitching against his stomach, swollen, flushed, skin pulled taut and JD had a sudden overwhelming urge to lean over and suck the shaft into his mouth to provide some relief. But before he gathered up the nerve to act on his impulse, Vin did exactly that, moving swiftly and surely, Chris' cock disappearing deeply down the younger man's throat. Chris' body stiffened and his eyes went wide with pleasure, and when Buck drove into him hard and fast, Chris let out a muted yell and both hands flew to cradle Vin's head and hold the man steady while he pumped vigorously down his throat, gasping and moaning as Vin sucked steadily and Buck thrust rhythmically.
JD was almost trembling, overwhelmed by so many emotions, craving and want at the forefront. When Chris jerked wildly, groaning long and loud, he felt the man's release echoing through his own body and almost staggered under the intensity of it. His hand clutched at the nightstand, needing something to steady himself, and before he knew it, Vin had stood up quickly and gathered him into an embrace, his hand moving to rub along JD's erection and help him reach completion. JD buried his face against Vin's shoulder and clung on tightly, thrusting into the warm, strong hand and shuddering out his climax.
But when he was finished he was suddenly acutely aware of the other men in the room with him, and embarrassed at how easily he had come. What the hell must they think of him? He raised his head, feeling a heated blush spread slowly across his face. He peeked at Chris and Buck, but they were both smiling at him so tenderly, with absolutely no judgment in their eyes, that he couldn't help but return the smile, tentatively, but genuinely enough.
Buck eased himself out of Chris' body, and JD's eyes widened in surprise to see that he was still erect, that he hadn't come. Vin caught the look and laughed.
"He's just showing off," Vin said fondly.
Buck grinned and rolled onto his back, pulling the sheet up over himself and Chris, throwing an arm around his lover's waist and jerking him close. Chris laughed and allowed himself to be manhandled into position, arms folded across Buck's chest, chin resting on his hands, looking content and sated.
Chris smiled kindly at JD. "You okay?"
JD nodded his head, still a little stunned. Vin had an arm wrapped around his shoulders and he squirmed out from under it. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He'd scarcely even spent a day under this roof and he was already having sex with these men. Well. Sort of.
When he didn't reply Buck sat up, gently moving Chris aside. "Kid? Hey, we didn't mean to spook you," he said, concern obvious in his voice. "You don't have to do anything in this house or in the job that you're not comfortable with…"
"No. I'm fine, Buck," JD interrupted. And he meant it. "I'm really fine."
Buck gave him an appraising look, then he grinned and lay back against the headboard, reaching out to pull Chris closer to him again and JD couldn't help but notice the way Chris' hand slid down to cover Buck's cock.
Vin smiled at the pair of them. "We'll leave you to it then. Still need to show the kid around."
JD jumped, realizing that he was once again staring at the two men in the bed. He started to back away, grinning foolishly in response to their smiles. When he reached the door he heard his name called out and glanced back. Chris had pushed himself away from Buck's body and was sitting up.
"Welcome to the family," Chris said. "It's good to have you on board."
"Thanks, Chris. Good to be here," he replied. Understatement of the fucking century, Dunne, he chided himself as he followed Vin out of the suite.
Vin led the way down to the second floor and paused in the doorway to JD's apartment. "Probably shower first, then I'll show you the rest of the place," he said slyly.
JD ducked his head, embarrassed again at how easily he had succumbed.
"How come you didn't…" he began tentatively.
"Oh, I did," Vin laughed. "Always do when either of those two are involved." JD threw a surprised look at him. He certainly hadn't been aware that Vin had climaxed.
"Soon as Chris did," Vin clarified. "Buck gave me a hand, so to speak."
Somehow JD had completely missed that, hadn't even been aware that Buck's hands had been anywhere but on Chris' body. Vin read his confusion. "Gotta watch out for that boy," Vin said, amusement colouring his voice. "More damned arms than an octopus."
"And he really didn't come?" JD asked, impressed. He had gotten hard just by watching the others, and had orgasmed with barely a touch of Vin's hand. Buck had held back even though he'd been the one doing the fucking. Vin's mouth quirked up into a grin. "He's the blueprint for the energizer bunny. Can fuck like a jackhammer for hours on end. Makes him very popular with the clients."
JD considered for a moment, wondering whether he really wanted to hear the answer, but in the end his curiosity got the better of him. "Chris really doesn't mind that you joined in? You said he was the possessive type where Buck's concerned."
Vin cocked his head to the side and seemed to consider his answer. "Mostly he's okay with it," he said carefully. "But sometimes…." he paused, looking for the right words. "Sometimes we know to keep our hands off. There are times Chris likes to keep Buck close, doesn't want to share so much. You'll recognize the signs and figure it out soon enough."
JD wasn't so sure, but he nodded his agreement anyway.
"Give me ten minutes to get cleaned up, then I'll come get you and we can finish the rest of the tour, 'kay?" and Vin turned and walked down the hallway to his own suite.
JD walked into his bathroom, thrilled all over again that this apartment was really going to belong to him. He was still amazed at how things had turned out. Yesterday he was a street hustler, dodging drunks and coke-heads, trying to hide money so that the pimp wouldn't clean him out at every turn, never knowing if he'd have enough cash for a decent meal or a roof over his head. Today he had his own place, people he liked and was already becoming attached to and the promise of clients who wouldn't want to work him over violently then try to dodge payment. And even if what the others had told him was too good to be true, it was still a hell of a lot better than he'd ever had.
He showered quickly, and walked into the living room of his suite, surprised to find Vin sitting on the couch waiting for him. He pulled the towel more tightly around his waist, glad that he had thought to cover himself with it. Not that he was a prude, but he hadn't expected to find anybody in his place.
Vin stood up quickly. "Listen, kid. I'm sorry about barging in like this. Your door was open so I came on in," he stammered. "I should have explained sooner that when the door is open we just presume that you don't mind company. We're pretty free and easy around here. Most of us only close the door when we want a bit of peace, otherwise we kinda come and go in each other's places all the time."
JD laughed at the rush of apologetic words. "Hey, slow down, Vin. It's fine. Can't see that I'll have my door closed over much. But I'll remember what you said when I want some quiet."
Vin looked relieved, and sat down again. "You don't have to do what the rest of us do. My door is usually always open, so's Josiah's, and Chris and Buck hardly ever close theirs. Ez and Nate like a bit more privacy, though. So you don't have to feel any pressure."
"I won't," JD smiled. He cast a look around the room and located the jeans and tee-shirt he had been wearing when he arrived at the house last night. They were dirty and wrinkled, and he felt embarrassed about putting them back on, but he had nothing else to wear. He pulled on the tee-shirt, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the sour-smelling material, then reached for his jeans and pulled them on, knocking off as much dirt as he could. He'd slept on the floor of a flophouse two nights ago, carefully avoiding a puddle of vomit in the corner, but unable to completely skirt the trash that had accumulated from months of neglect. He hoped that Chris would send him out on a job soon. He needed some quick cash desperately.
Vin watched carefully as JD hunted up clothes and dressed himself. He was a mess. His jeans and tee shirt were filthy and the smell of the streets clung to them, nearly overwhelming in the small room.
"Hey, kid," Vin called out softly. "Why don't you let me lend you something to put on, then you can throw that stuff into the washing machine." Throw it in the garbage more likely, but he didn't want to insult the boy. He had a sneaking suspicion that JD didn't have anything else to wear, and he didn't want to put the kid on the spot.
JD looked up gratefully. "If you don't mind, I'd really appreciate it," he said.
Vin couldn't help smiling. This kid was a bit of a sweetheart. No wonder Buck was crazy about him.
"Come on over to my place, then."
They crossed the hallway and into Vin's suite, and he laughed to see how JD's eyes lit up when he saw the place. In truth it was a mess right now. But that was mostly the way he liked it. He shoved a pile of magazines off the armchair and waved JD into it, but the kid stepped up to his entertainment unit instead, his eyes growing round at the plasma TV hanging on the wall.
"You mind if I look?" JD asked, pointing to the shelf that housed his large collection of DVD's.
"Help yourself, kid," Vin offered. He started towards his bedroom, glancing back to watch as JD carefully pulled out one of the movies.
"You have Le Mans," he said, sounding awe struck.
"Hot off the presses. It was just released last week. You wanna put it on?"
"Can I?" JD whispered, his eyes shining in anticipation.
"Course," Vin replied.
He hurried into his bedroom and pulled open the closet doors, selecting a clean tee-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. His jeans would probably hang off the skinny little kid, but sweats could be cinched in at the waist so they wouldn't fall off.
When he returned to the living room JD had figured out the TV and DVD player and was sitting on the floor, rapt attention focused on the screen as Le Mans roared into life. And damn it if he didn't look like a little boy, mouth falling open at the sound and picture quality, great eyes turning towards him, as round as saucers. The proverbial kid in the candy store.
"This is awesome," JD breathed, swiping at his wet, unruly hair as it swung down over his face. Vin resisted the urge to walk over and push it out of his eyes for him. Instead he tossed the clothes over to the kid, and averted his eyes as JD scrambled to get out of his dirty jeans and hastily pull on the clean things Vin had brought him.
Vin sat down on the couch. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable up here?" he asked.
"Didn't want to mess up your chair," JD confessed, flushing a deep red colour.
Vin smiled. "Don't worry about that, kid," he said kindly. "Make yourself at home."
JD grinned shyly, then slid up onto the couch, perching on it nervously. Vin watched the kid out of the corner of his eye, and as the film progressed and JD got more involved, his body relaxed so that before long he was more or less sprawled out and looked a hell of a lot more at ease.
"You like movies, kid?" Vin asked.
"Love 'em and Steve McQueen's one of my favorites," JD said, not taking his eyes off the screen. "I used to go a lot…" he hesitated and Vin waited, not wanting to crowd the kid. "Used to go with my ma," JD continued quietly. "Haven't been so much lately."
There was something sorrowful in the kid's tone and Vin knew better than to push. "We could go sometime if you want," he said instead, and the kid's face lit up, split by a huge grin and he nodded vigorously.
Vin allowed the kid to return his attention back to Le Mans, and when he felt JD was sufficiently distracted he asked gently, "you need to pick up your stuff from somewhere?"
"Ain't got any stuff to pick up," JD replied, frowning a little.
"Popcorn?" Vin asked quickly, before the kid could think to be embarrassed. He rose and stepped into the small kitchenette, rifled around in a cupboard until he found a box of microwave popcorn, and set about making a bowl full. It was obvious that the kid had nothing, only the clothes he'd arrived in, and they were only fit for the dumpster. He wondered if Chris and Buck knew how sadly off this kid really was. Well, they'd have to do something about it. Couldn't have the boy wandering around in their cast-off clothing much longer.
Tipping the popcorn into a bowl and grabbing up a coke from the small refrigerator, he returned to the couch and handed both to JD.
"Listen, JD, I have to step out for a few minutes," he pushed the kid back down when he started to stand. "No. You stay here, finish watching the film."
"You sure you don't mind?" JD asked tentatively, and it was obvious that he wanted nothing more than to settle down with the snacks and the Steve McQueen movie.
"Totally," Vin said, firmly. "Help yourself to whatever you want. Lots more drinks in the fridge. Beer if you prefer. I'll be back soon as I can."
JD smiled and returned his wave and Vin walked out of the room, closing the door behind him so that the kid wouldn't be disturbed.
Chris was dozing when Vin entered the bedroom, sprawled out across the bed, his face nuzzled into Buck's pillow. Vin grinned and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting until he heard the shower in the attached bathroom turn off, and Buck's slightly off-key singing grind to a halt. He reached out absently to stroke a hand down Chris' warm back, and the man snuggled up close to Vin's side, then relaxed back into a deeper sleep with a loud sigh.
Buck walked out of the bathroom, scrubbing a towel through his wet hair, his skin damp and rosy. He smiled at Vin, not the least put out to see how he had made himself comfortable on the bed.
"Hey, slick. How's JD settling in?"
"Good, Buck. He seems like a nice kid." Vin climbed off the bed and took the towel out of Buck's hands, turning him around and reaching to help him dry his back. Buck leaned back into his hands, stretching into the touch like a cat, and Vin laughed to himself, wondering if Buck even realized what a sensation-slut he was.
"I figure the kid needs a few things," Vin said. "I had to lend him some clothes today. He doesn't even have a pair of clean jeans to wear."
At that moment, Chris raised his head off the pillow and looked around blearily. "God damn it you two, quit yer yammering," he growled. "Can't a man get five minutes peace in his own bedroom without half the world coming in to talk?"
Buck shrugged Vin's hands off him and turned around to exchange a grin. He walked purposefully towards the bed and ruffled a hand, none-too-gently, through his lover's short hair. "Come on darlin', time's a wastin'. Move that beautiful ass of yours and get out of bed."
Chris made a grab for his partner, but Buck stepped smartly aside and Chris' hand closed on a fistful or air. Cursing under his breath, Chris flopped back against a pillow. "Why don't you move that beautiful ass of yours back into this bed," he flirted. "Not sure I'm finished with it yet."
"Been putting viagara in your Wheaties again, boy?" Buck laughed. "Forget about your dick for a minute, Chris. We got things to do."
"Like what?" Chris asked, suspicion clear in his voice and Vin had to turn his head away to hide his smile. Sometimes these two sounded like a pornographic version of Laurel and Hardy.
"We need to take JD shopping, that's what," Buck declared. "The kid doesn't have a damn thing to call his own."
Buck made the mistake of stepping too close, and Chris reached up quickly and tumbled him back onto the bed, rolling over to pin him down. But Buck was not to be deterred and he rolled back again, using the element of surprise to flip his lover over and deliver a stinging slap across his backside. "Move it, Larabee," he ordered. "You're not ready in ten minutes, I'll put you over my knee," and this time Vin laughed out loud to see the look of consternation on Chris' face.
Buck began to pull on his clothes. "Why don't you come with us, Vin?" he asked. "JD will probably feel more comfortable with you around."
"Yeah. Why not?" Vin replied. "I'll go hustle the kid. You get Larabee's lazy butt moving. See you downstairs in twenty minutes."
He left the room, laughing as he heard Buck's clear warning, "You better be moving by the time I pick that belt up, pal."
* * *
"How come when I ask you to come shopping all you do is piss and moan, but when the kid needs something you're off like a fucking shot?" Chris knew he was bitching. But he couldn't seem to stop himself. Not that it was doing him the damnedest bit of good because Buck was refusing to take the bait.
"Aw, don't be like that, darlin'," Buck said genially, reaching out absently to pat him on the ass.
They rounded the corner and started down the stairs to the ground floor, and suddenly Chris' bad mood evaporated totally. Vin and JD were standing at the bottom of the staircase waiting for them, and the kid looked so pitiful in Vin's too-large sweats and jacket, that Chris felt a surge of remorse.
JD looked particularly down-at-heel in comparison to the three of them. He and Buck were similarly dressed; tailored pants, crisp cotton shirts, leather jackets, the whole look elegant, though understated. Vin had gone for the casual style that looked so hot on him, tight faded jeans, a soft suede shirt and a buckskin jacket with fringes, that would have looked stupid on most anybody else but that looked perfect on his tall, lean frame.
Chris didn't realize quite how long his gaze had been focused on Vin's groin and the way the tight denim moulded itself to his cock, until he heard Buck's throaty chuckle behind him and he raised his eyes quickly. Vin threw him a saucy wink, and turned on his heel, wiggling his ass purposefully as he led the way out of the building. Damn the pair of them. They thought they had his number. He walked out of the door, and strode to the car.
"Tanner, give me my keys and get your scrawny butt in the back seat," he growled.
"Aw, Christ. You drive like an old lady. I want to get there sometime this fucking century," Vin groused back, although he moved his ass quickly enough and slid in beside JD. Buck climbed into the front, laughing quietly to himself and Chris wondered what his lover thought was so damned funny.
"Where we going?" JD asked, and Chris caught Vin's eye in the rear view mirror. He obviously hadn't told the kid what this trip was for.
"We need to pick up a few things, JD," Buck said swiftly. "Thought maybe you could use a pair of jeans, maybe a tee-shirt or two. And don't worry about the money," he hurried on as the kid drew in a breath to speak. "Just consider it an advance."
They had decided on one of the upscale malls, although Buck had persuaded Chris not to head straight for the highest end stores figuring that the kid would feel uncomfortable in those snooty places. They settled on Cordell's, an established family business that catered to the younger, more upmarket banker and lawyer types and Buck slipped an arm around JD's shoulders and led the charge into the store.
Chris hung back a little, watching as Buck took the kid under his wing and guided him from rack to rack pointing out things he thought JD should consider. He shook his head in amazement as Buck worked the room, and the two assistants assigned to look after them, flirting outrageously with both, caring not a whit that one was male, the other female, treating them both to a heavy dose of his infamous charm.
"Hundred bucks says he fucks at least one of them in the changing room before we leave," Vin breathed into his ear, his body pressing lightly against Chris' back.
Chris chuckled, but he shook his head. "Not a chance," he said quietly, smiling softly when Buck looked over and flashed him a grin. Buck flirted as easily and as naturally as breathing, but he never acted on the many and varied invitations to take it further. Chris leaned back slightly, enjoying the way Vin shifted to accommodate him.
"It's not the sex, it's the challenge," Chris continued, watching as Buck snaked a hand up the male assistant's back, lingering for a moment longer than strictly necessary. "He won't be happy 'till he's been propositioned by every man and woman on the Eastern seaboard."
Ten minutes later JD slipped away from Buck and made his way over to Chris and Vin. He looked worried.
"What's up?" Vin asked.
"It's too much," JD said softly, a flush rising over his pale cheeks, making his expressive eyes stand out more clearly under the shock of dark hair. "I'll never wear all the stuff Buck wants me to buy, and I'll never be able to pay you back. I just want a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I can buy myself the rest when I start earning some money for you."
Chris slipped an arm over JD's shoulder and turned the kid around. "Look at him," he ordered softly, pointing towards Buck, who was fingering a cashmere sweater and smiling broadly at the female assistant. "I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for him. He's happy. And I don't care what it cost to put that smile on his face and keep it there." He turned the kid back around. "Do me this favor, JD," Chris asked. "Let him buy you whatever he wants."
JD still looked a little dubious, but in the end he shrugged and nodded, allowing Buck to gather him back up and direct him towards the jackets, missing the wink Buck threw at Chris.
"You're a goddamned soft touch. Admit it," Vin chuckled.
"What?" Chris asked innocently.
"It's not to keep Buck happy and you damn well know it. You fed the kid that story so he wouldn't feel guilty about spending so much money."
"He needs to get used to it. He's gonna have plenty once he starts working. He should learn what to spend it on," he said, a touch defensively.
"I thought you were the big bad, Larabee. But you're as soft as… as that goof over there," he jerked his head towards Buck.
"Hey, watch that mouth, slick," Chris warned.
"Pair of clucking mother hens," Vin teased.
"Keep that up boy and I'll show you 'mother hen'. I'll sell your scrawny ass to the next 300 pound, red-necked, ham fisted, mean-mouthed motherfucking son-of-a-bitch who asks for it. We'll see if you're still so fucking mouthy after you've bitched for him for a couple of months."
Vin snorted. "Course you will, darlin'," he drawled, using one of Buck's favorite techniques for shutting him down, and Chris decided he really had to lock his lover away from the rest of the team, seeing how they were all picking up his bad habits.
* * *
Two hours later they were stuffing boxes and bags into the trunk of the BMW and JD was feeling shell-shocked, exhausted and elated all at the same time. He had never in his life had so much stuff. Up to this point the most his wardrobe had consisted of was a couple of pairs of jeans, battered sneakers and several ratty tees and sweatshirts. Now he had hand-tooled Italian leather shoes, shirts and pants for every day of the week, and two of the most beautiful suits he had ever seen. On top of that, Buck had taken him to a dozen other stores to stock up on underwear and casual clothes and had bought him a fantastic leather jacket as well as jeans and new sneakers.
After Buck had helped him pick out a few items at Cordell's, Chris had run a critical eye over the suits the assistants had spread out for them, and picked out two, after a brief discussion with Buck on the merits of Bruno Magli versus Kenneth Cole. JD's eyes had almost fallen out of his head when he caught sight of the price tags. Eight hundred fucking dollars! For each suit. He could rent a whole apartment for a month for that kind of cash. He wondered if this was the trick, the downside to this arrangement. Would they get him so far into debt with them that they'd own him for life?
When they finally finished picking things out for him, when even Buck was satisfied that they were done, at least in this store, he had fished in his pockets for the two hundred and fifty dollars Chris had given him last night and had held it out.
Chris frowned briefly. "What's that for, kid?"
"I want to help pay," JD said, as firmly as he could. That was all the money he had in the world and he had hoped to hold onto it for a bit, a back up in case things turned ugly. But he couldn't stand here and let Chris and Buck pay for all this stuff, not without trying to pull his weight a little.
Chris smiled and exchanged an amused look with Buck and JD blushed furiously, embarrassed that this man might think him foolish.
"JD," Chris said, patiently, kindly, "this is a business expense. This is your working wardrobe."
Buck stepped up behind him and bent to speak quietly into his ear. "Listen, son. That jeans and torn tee-shirt look only works with a couple of our clients. The rest expect something different. This," he gestured with his hand, taking in all of the expensive clothes boxed up neatly for him. "All of us have to dress like this for the clients. The company pays. Hell, half of it is a tax deduction."
JD glanced at Chris, trying to gauge the truth of Buck's words. He wavered, but he wasn't entirely convinced.
Vin pushed himself off the counter he'd been leaning against and took a step closer. "Kid, you think there's a snowball's chance in hell I'd spend my own money to dress like a fucking undertaker? If Chris wants me to dress like that so he can make more money off my ass, he can sure as shit pay for it."
Buck laughed in delight and JD caught an odd look passing between the two men. Chris cleared his throat and although he tried to frown and look serious, his eyes were smiling when he said, "Strictly a business investment, kid."
JD finally nodded, shoving his money back into the pocket of the gray charcoal pants he had settled on to wear out of the store, matched with a shirt and cashmere sweater. In truth his cash wouldn't have paid for a pair of shoes or a single shirt, even the ties they had chosen for him cost more than the two hundred and fifty dollars he had.
He almost had a heart attack when the final total was tallied and the assistant presented a bill for over ten thousand dollars. The others didn't so much as bat an eyelid and Chris handed over a credit card without a word, cutting a glance over at him and smiling again. JD closed his mouth with a firm snap, not wanting to look more of a hick than he already did.
He'd thought that was the end of it, but Buck looked at him in mock-horror and slung an arm around his shoulders, directing him to stores he felt a little more comfortable in and heaping nearly a thousand dollars worth of casual clothes into his arms. In the end he had given up resisting the whirlwind that was Buck Wilmington, who wouldn't even let him put his hand in his pocket to pay for the cokes and coffees they refreshed themselves with halfway through the shopping trip.
Chris and Vin followed them from store to store like a pair of puppies, making suggestions, arguing mildly with each other about the most trivial things and JD caught them more than once brushing up against each other or touching discreetly. He kept glancing towards Buck, wondering if the man noticed that his lover and his friend were so intimate. But if Buck noticed, he didn't show it, just kept up a happy running commentary about clothes and cars and baseball and women and a hundred other inconsequential subjects on which he seemed something of an expert.
When they finally finished, each man weighed down with bags of clothes and shoes, all JD's, they staggered back to the car and loaded up the trunk. JD was surprised when Buck slid into the back seat with him, exchanging another look with Vin, who smiled at him sweetly and climbed up front with Chris.
"So, kid," Buck said, "you're all set for clothes. Now we just gotta let Ezra loose on you for the finishing touches, and you'll be ready to face the world."
When they got back to the apartment building they all grabbed handfuls of bags and carried them as far as the den, then Chris stepped up close to Buck, really close, and looked deeply into the man's eyes and something passed between them although JD didn't know what. But Buck smiled and bent his head, and Chris lifted his mouth and kissed his lover so passionately that JD thought for sure he knew what would come next and that both of them would disappear back up to their rooms.
Instead, though Chris stepped away, and Vin walked up behind Buck and slid his arms around the man's waist, leaning in to whisper something into Buck's ear that made him smile. Vin gave him a peck on the cheek, then JD watched in open-mouthed amazement as Chris reached out, not to Buck, but to Vin and they walked out of the den hand-in-hand.
Buck watched them go for a moment, then turned and rubbed his hands together vigorously. "Okay, kid," he said heartily. "Let's get this stuff up to your room and help you unpack. Only you should try some of the stuff on again just to make sure you really like it."
But JD was frozen to the spot.
Buck glanced at him when he didn't move. "What the hell just happened, Buck?" he asked, his voice shaking a little.
Buck looked momentarily confused, his face clearing when JD continued to stare at the door through which Chris and Vin had just disappeared.
"Them? Just a buddy-fuck," Buck said nonchalantly. "If you really hate anything we can send it back to the store…" JD's head swivelled sharply and he trailed off.
"Chris and Vin have gone off together? They're gonna…" he paused, not wanting to say the word in case he hadn't heard properly or had misunderstood.
"Screw each other," Buck eventually supplied calmly. "Now give me a hand here." He picked up dozens of bags, waiting with his head cocked to one side while JD tried desperately to process that information. But unable to make much of it right now, he snapped to attention instead and picked up as many of the bags as he could carry.
He followed Buck up the stairs, trying not to think too hard when it registered that the door to Vin's apartment was closed. Buck didn't seem to notice, just dragged his bundles into JD's apartment and dumped them into his bedroom.
Buck continued to chat, sitting on the edge of JD's bed while he tried on the suits they had bought him, changing ties and shirts at Buck's suggestion to see how they mixed and matched. JD's mind was racing a mile a minute. Chris had taken Vin off to screw him. And Buck knew about it!
"So it was bullshit, what the others told me?" he finally blurted, and Buck stopped mid-sentence and looked at him quizzically. "About Chris," JD clarified. "He's the pimp and he gets to fuck whoever he wants. Will I have to screw him too?"
Buck looked flabbergasted. "It isn't like that at all, kid," he said, sounding genuinely amazed. "They're close, JD. Chris and Vin are real good friends."
"But you and Chris are together," JD said, confused as hell. "I wouldn't let my friends fuck my lover," he exploded. "And Vin says Chris doesn't let you…" he stopped suddenly when Buck's head reared and a look of anger flashed across his handsome face. JD cursed himself. He'd said too much. It was obvious that Buck didn't like having his private life discussed behind his back, especially with a newcomer.
But Buck's expression softened quickly. "Sometimes Chris likes to keep it between us, that's all," he explained. "We're all friends, here, JD. We're pretty free and easy," he said, echoing a phrase Vin had used earlier, under very different circumstances. "But I'll tell you again, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Not business, Chris will never ask you to take on a client you don't want; and not at home either. Nobody here will put pressure on you to do anything, ya hear?"
JD nodded, even though he still couldn't quite believe it. Buck might want to put a more acceptable face on it, but Chris was fucking around on him plain and simple, and JD couldn't stand to think of his friend hurting over it.
A half hour later he and Buck were in the den, sitting on the couch together and watching a ballgame. JD tensed when Chris walked into the room, although there was nothing to show where he'd been or what he'd just been up to.
He walked over to the couch and stood in front of JD. "Shift yer ass, kid," he instructed and JD slid onto the floor as Chris dropped into the seat he had vacated, shuffling up against Buck who slid both arms around his waist. JD watched surreptitiously as Chris settled himself more fully into Buck's embrace before turning his head and giving his lover a long, hard kiss.
JD felt a flare of disgust and anger. He stood up wordlessly and flew out of the door, almost knocking Vin over as he sauntered into the room.
"What's up with him?" Vin asked, walking over to the couch and dropping a kiss onto Buck's cheek.
Buck shrugged, but Chris felt a sudden tension in the man's body and loosened his lover's grip, turning to face him.
"Spill," he ordered quietly.
"He's a little bent out of shape by some of the things we get up to," he explained.
Chris frowned, not understanding and caught the look Buck threw at Vin.
"Oh," Vin said, obviously understanding more than Chris did. "Chris and me fucking," he said and Buck nodded.
"He'll have to damn well get used to the way we do things around here, Buck," Chris said firmly. "Otherwise he's gonna have to move on."
"He'll be fine," Buck hurried to assure, patting Chris' arm. "Let me go and talk to him, explain a few things. He'll come around, I promise." "I'll go," Chris said, standing suddenly.
"You think that's wise?" Buck asked, uneasily.
Chris scowled at him. "I'm not gonna bite his head off. I can be diplomatic, you know." He ignored the snort of laughter from Vin and the wide-eyed disbelief on Buck's face. He even held his tongue when Vin sat down next to Buck and whispered something into his ear, making his lover shake with the effort to suppress his mirth.
"Yuk it up you two," he said, insulted by their lack of faith in him. Vin just grinned and settled himself in exactly the same position Chris had just been in, wrapping Buck's arms around him and snuggling in close.
"Go on then, Henry Kissinger," Vin encouraged, and Buck buried his face against Vin's neck, trying unsuccessfully to hide a smirk.
He gave them both the finger and turned on his heel, and Vin murmured something else he couldn't quite hear, making Buck howl with laughter.
"Bastards," Chris muttered to himself. He could do this; he'd show them. He'd have a nice long talk with the kid and put him right on what was what around here. And if JD didn't like it, he could find himself an apartment close by. Chris would pay his rent for him until he started earning his own money.
Even though JD's door was open he knocked and waited for the kid to acknowledge him. JD reluctantly invited him in and he perched on the arm of the chair the young man waved him into. He glanced around. The apartment could do with a little sprucing up, he mused idly. The kid needed to bring something of himself into the place. He made a mental note to ask Vin to take JD shopping again, this time for whatever he felt he needed for his place, music, movies, books, whatever it was the kid needed to feel more at home. If he decided he wanted to make this his home.
"You okay?" he started, when JD sat down on the couch opposite, biting nervously at his nails, eyes downcast.
"Sure," JD replied, diffident.
Chris stopped himself snorting in disbelief. Christ, maybe he should have let Buck handle this after all. Or even Vin who was much closer to the kid's age and seemed to have an understanding of the way his mind worked. Well, finesse had never exactly been his strong point, as his friends so often pointed out, so he jumped straight in.
"This is a pretty free and easy household, kid," he began.
"So I've heard," JD said dryly.
Chris paused, but the kid didn't seem inclined to elaborate. "We're all friends here, we're all consenting adults and we like to help each other out," Chris continued. "Sometimes its alleviation of stress or tension, our clients don't exactly reciprocate after we've got 'em off and we need to find some sort of relief. Sometimes its fun or friendship, a way to relax, enjoy each other's company. And sometimes, kid, sometimes it's just sex," he said, thinking it was better to be straight.
JD's head reared. "And what is it with Buck?" he challenged, and all the pieces fell into place. The kid had feelings for Buck, it was obvious in the way he blushed furiously and looked away from Chris' gaze, in his protectiveness towards the man who had befriended him these past weeks.
Chris examined that knowledge. Was this going to cause complications? Would the kid be able to accept that Buck could be a devoted friend and a loving colleague but would never be anything else? He decided to be straight on that matter too.
"I love him, JD," he said simply.
JD's head swivelled back around and he stared into Chris' unflinching eyes. "What we do with the others, it doesn't affect what we have together," Chris said. "Wouldn't do it otherwise."
The kid was silent, although it was obvious that he was chewing over what Chris had told him. "You gonna be able to live with all this?" he asked.
JD nodded. "I'm not uptight, Chris," he said. "I've been around, seen a thing or two. Just…" he trailed off, looking at the floor again.
"Just you don't want to see him hurt," Chris supplied gently and JD's blush deepened. Chris stood up and crossed the room, squatting down in front of the kid so that they were eye-to-eye. He didn't do this often, didn't feel comfortable "sharing" as they liked to say these days. But the kid needed to know where he stood.
"He's my life," Chris said, matter-of-fact. "We fight, we argue, sometimes we knock the crap out of each other, but he's everything to me and that will never ever change, no matter what."
JD nodded slowly. "I understand," he said, and Chris thought he really did, maybe including the subtext, that Buck belonged to him and always would.
He straightened, resisting the urge to reach out and ruffle a hand through the kid's dark hair. It was uncanny how this boy looked like Buck had when they were youngsters together. It stirred something profound and tender in him that he wasn't sure how to deal with just yet.
He walked out of the room, inviting JD to come downstairs when he was ready so they could rustle up something to eat. On his way downstairs he thought about what the kid had suggested, that Buck was being hurt. Was there even the slightest truth in that? Was he taking advantage of his lover's good nature, his unwavering loyalty and devotion?
When he walked back into the den Vin was fast asleep, head resting on Buck's thigh and his lover was absently surfing through the channels on the TV. He looked up and smiled. "The kid okay?" he whispered.
Chris nodded, bending to kiss Buck's mouth, letting his tongue explore the familiar warmth and taste. He pulled back and said fervently, "I love you."
Buck looked startled, probably at the slightly frantic tone. "Love you too," he returned.
Chris straightened and wandered to the window, glanced out for a moment, then wandered back and came to stand in front of his lover.
"I don't need the others you know," he blurted.
Buck looked up at him, clearly confused. Ah fuck it. He sucked at this soul-bearing, touchy-feely shit. But he wanted Buck to know how he felt so he soldiered on.
"I'm good with just you and me," he tried again. The blank look on Buck's face didn't shift.
"I'll stop fucking the others if you don't like it," he hurled out, desperate.
Buck's face softened and his mouth quirked up at the corners. "That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me, darlin'," he teased.
Aw shit. Buck was laughing at him. He turned away, but Buck reached out for him, grinning as he snagged a wrist and held him fast. With his free hand he manoeuvred Vin off his leg and tucked a cushion under his head.
"C'mere, Casanova," Buck growled. He wrapped Chris in a loose embrace, rubbing little circles into his tense back. "What brought this on?" he asked. "It was the kid, wasn't it? The way he reacted to you and Vin?"
Chris looked away, but he nodded his head minutely.
"Chris," Buck chided gently. "Don't you think I'd a told you if I was bothered by you fucking the others?"
Chris shrugged. Would he have? Buck put Chris first in his life and always had. If he thought it was what Chris wanted, he'd have stepped aside and given him free rein, no matter how he really felt about it.
Buck looked at him, and shook his head. "I'd have said something," he assured firmly. "Listen, there are four beautiful, available men living in this house with us, five if you count the kid. And they all know how to have a good time, and how to give a good time. We'd be crazy not to want to take advantage of that."
Chris looked into his lover's eyes, searching for the truth in the words.
"I love you, Chris," Buck continued, "and I know I'm damned irresistible to you," he laughed as Chris rolled his eyes. "It doesn't bother me, darlin'. I know where I stand."
Chris dropped his head to Buck's shoulder and breathed in deeply, letting out a sigh. God but Buck put him to shame sometimes, wearing his heart on his sleeve, so open where he himself was wound so tight.
"Besides," Buck whispered, sending a shiver of anticipation right through him, "I fuck 'em all ten times more than you do and if you stop doing it, I'll have to. Then I'll just have your scrawny ass to keep me company."
Chris raised his head, and huffed, "That's the last time I try to say anything nice to you, boy."
And Buck laughed, a deep rumble. "Don't be like that. Why don't you let me give you a nice blow-job to make up for it. One of my five hundred dollar specials?"
"Why don't I just get one of the others to do it for me, since you don't seem to give a shit?" Chris countered.
Buck smiled and bent his head so that his mouth was beside Chris' ear. "Cos I've had more practice than them," he murmured. "I know it drives you crazy if I lick you slowly on…" and he lent closer to whisper into Chris' ear all the things his talented mouth and hands were going to do.
Chris shivered in delight but he drew back, shaking his head. "You can make it up to me by making me lunch," he counter offered.
Buck grinned. "Vin wear you out?" he laughed.
"You know better than that, stud," Chris said, smiling softly. "I can always get it up for you. No, I invited JD down. Want him to feel more comfortable here with us. How 'bout it?"
Buck laughed and hugged him tight. "How about stir-fry?" he offered.
"Count me in," Vin's voice said. "Won't let a man catch forty winks, least ya can do is feed him."
* * *
JD walked downstairs, drawn to the smell of food and the voices coming from the kitchen. His stomach growled and he realized that all he'd eaten since breakfast was a bowl of popcorn and he was starving.
He pushed open the door and found Buck, Vin and Chris in the middle of making a meal.
"Hey, kid," Buck bellowed across the room. "Pull up a stool and start dicing." He pushed a red and a green pepper across the kitchen counter, rifled through a drawer and pulled out a chopping board and a knife, and pushed them over too. Vin was already seated at the counter busily cutting up onions and Chris was pulling a wok from a cupboard and muttering something about peanut oil.
JD smiled, settled on a stool and began to work. One by one the other men joined them, drawn too by the delicious smells, and Buck added more and more vegetables to the pile in front of JD and Vin, while each of the other men picked up a task for himself. Ezra was the last to wander in, sniffing the air in appreciation.
"Buck's stir-fry," he said. "Don't forger the water chestnuts. I bought two cans especially."
"Well open 'em up, boy," Buck ordered, throwing great handfuls of vegetables into the wok, adding them to the chicken he had already fried. Ezra muttered a complaint, something about slave labor, but the others just ignored him and carried on with what they were doing. Bowls appeared out of cupboards, forks, heaped baskets of bread, condiments and sauces and an assortment of beer bottles and soft drinks. Josiah was busy steaming a huge pot of rice, and JD could tell that this was a routine for these men, and felt a deep satisfaction that he could be a part of it.
The way they traded quips and insults, the way they tussled and jostled each other as they moved about the kitchen, the way they knew what the others wanted without having to ask made them seem like six very different but devoted brothers. And it was only the looks they traded, the tender smiles, the gentle touches, the occasional kiss brushed against a cheek, that belied that and showed the real relationships at the heart of this family.
JD watched intently, especially the way Chris, Buck and Vin behaved towards each other and he thought that if he didn't already know it, he would have no idea from looking at this scene who was paired. All three men seemed so close, so in tune. And it wasn't until all of them sat down around the kitchen table that he saw, simply and stunningly, what he'd missed up to now. When everybody was settled and the noise level had subsided, JD realized how everything Chris and Buck did revolved around each other; how they never strayed too far out of touch, how often they exchanged smiles, how they laughed at the same things. How Buck's hand rested on Chris' thigh all through the meal, how when Chris finished eating he pushed his chair closer to Buck's and tucked himself up against his lover's side, snuggling closer when Buck dropped an arm over his shoulder.
And JD could tell by the way the other men took it all in stride that this wasn't a show for his benefit, that these two were glued together because they couldn't be apart, because they belonged together. JD glanced over at Vin, who didn't look the least bit left out, just grinned at him and winked as though he could tell what JD was thinking.
JD shook his head. This was going to take some getting used to. But he was damned glad he'd been given the chance to be a part of this team, this family of friends.
Conversation was so easy, laughter so frequent, the atmosphere so much like a family, that JD was startled when Chris pushed his plate away and began to talk business.
"Vin, you know Sophie called in for Buck so I have to pull him off the 8 o'clock. You're up, okay? What is it Buck?"
"Vanilla fuck," Buck replied.
"Him or me?" Vin asked.
"Him. Hey, Chris, you're gonna have to give the client a discount of course. He probably won't even know that Vin's got it in him."
"Hardy ha ha," Vin said, making a face. "Sophie told me last time you fucked her she was so bored she had to turn the TV on just to keep her awake while you humped away at her."
"Nathan," Chris said loudly, cutting Buck off before he could whip out a comeback, "you and Ezra are double teaming. Couple of gals in Boston on business. Treat 'em sweet; they come in to town about once a month and this could turn into a regular gig."
JD wondered why Chris didn't give any instructions to Josiah. Maybe he wasn't working tonight. He looked up tentatively. "What about me, Chris?" he asked softly.
Buck reached out and yanked him out of his chair, pulling him sharply forward and manhandling him until he was straddled across the man's lap, facing him. He tensed and glanced over at Chris, but he just smiled reassuringly.
"Hey little stud. You're not ready to go out yet. You have to be Ezrafied first."
JD glanced over doubtfully at the cool man with whom he had had little contact so far.
"What exactly does that mean?" he asked.
"Well, first we have to do something about that egregious hairstyle you are sporting," Ezra sniffed.
"What's wrong with my hair?" JD protested.
"Nothing that my stylist and 150 of Chris' dollars won't fix," Ezra smirked. "A hundred and fifty fucking dollars for a haircut!" JD squeaked. "I've never paid more'n ten dollars in my life."
"And it shows," Ezra said, tartly. "Then there's the manicure of course…"
"Manicure!" JD growled. "Nuh uh. No way. Manicures are for girls."
"I beg to differ," Ezra said haughtily. "Manicures are for anybody who needs to present a certain image. And I don't mean that of a farmer or common laborer. You, my young friend, most certainly need one."
JD looked at his hands, nails bitten and broken, skin rough and calloused. He tossed a pleading look at Buck.
"Buck, do I have to?" he asked plaintively.
Buck laughed. "Sure you do, kid. Gotta look after yourself now, the clients expect it. Even Vin here gets 'em and he's half Neanderthal."
Vin was at the refrigerator getting another beer and he reached out and smacked Buck smartly on the back of the head then held up his hand with a grin.
"Looks great, and won't stop you being able to do that," he said. "And it hurts the fucker just as much."
"Anyway," Buck continued, rubbing at his head, "Ezra needs to learn you some of them fancy manners of his."
"You could do with a refresher course yourself, Mr. Wilmington," Ezra said, holding up a staying hand when Buck opened his mouth to speak. "And don't tell me you can't teach an old dog new tricks."
Buck smiled faintly. "Was gonna say you can't shine shit, son. No matter how hard you polish. I'm a lost cause."
Out of the corner of his eye JD saw Chris flinch, then reach out to squeeze Buck's shoulder.
"Don't say that, Buck," Chris whispered harshly.
The two men looked at each other, and JD saw so much anguish in Chris' eyes that he figured they had somehow stumbled onto some kind of pain that lay between them.
"You'll do well enough," Ezra said, and his tone had softened, was almost tender. "Our society clients should have half your class."
"When will I be ready to start paying my way around here?" JD asked, breaking the sudden uncomfortable silence.
Buck glanced over at Chris. "What do you think?"
Chris considered for a minute. "Jennifer's party, end of next week?" he suggested, and the men all exchanged looks and grinned.
"Jennifer's party," Buck confirmed
And JD wondered what he was letting himself in for.
* * *
A week later he was standing in the den being inspected by Chris "like a side of prime beef," as Vin put it. "Like a sweet virgin daughter on prom night," as Buck suggested. "Like Eliza Doolittle by Professor Higgins," was Ezra's offering, and the one JD liked the least. He wasn't sure he knew who this Eliza was, but he didn't appreciate being compared to a girl.
Chris walked around him, flicking imaginary lint off his suit, straightening his already perfect tie, turning his beautifully manicured hands over to check his nails.
"You'll do," Chris proclaimed and the other men groaned.
"He'll be the most ravishing little thing at the party and you know it," Buck said. "We'll be beating 'em off with sticks." He stepped forward and slid his arms around JD's waist, pulling him up close.
"Boy, we are gonna make a fortune off that sweet little ass of yours," he said, giving it a firm squeeze, sending a shiver through JD. He couldn't help glancing over at Chris, even though he was pretty sure the man wasn't bothered by Buck's attention to him. Chris winked at him and he smiled back. Damn it but his boss looked handsome tonight. They all did. It was the first time he'd seen them all dressed up like this, designer suits, expensive cologne, freshly trimmed hair, closely shaved, subtle jewellery glinting gold against smooth skin. They were an incredible looking bunch of guys, and JD was as pleased as he had ever been in his life that he had "cleaned up real good," as Vin put it. He had been secretly thrilled at the transformation he'd seen in his bedroom mirror, all outward traces of the street hustler gone, replaced by this sophisticated, smartly dressed young man he barely even recognized.
"Now," Chris said. "The rules." And Buck let him go with an affectionate kiss and stepped aside.
"Nobody touches you. Nobody, ya hear?" Chris said firmly.
JD frowned. "I thought that was the point of this thing. I'm a whore, aren't I?"
"No. You are a professional escort," Ezra corrected. "And getting pawed is most definitely not the point of this evening. Remember what I told you. The more unattainable you seem, the more they'll want you."
"Anybody tries it on, anybody gives you a hard time, you walk away and find one of us. Clear?" Chris instructed.
"I got it," JD said, a little peevishly. He'd been hooking for almost a year now. He hardly needed lessons in how to handle abusive tricks.
Buck cocked his head to one side and regarded him thoughtfully. "It's not the same, kid," he said. "It's not as easy as you think to recognize when these people have stepped over the boundaries. They don't do it the same way as the street johns do," and JD was astounded all over again at how these men seemed to always know what he was thinking.
"We'll keep it simple for tonight," Chris instructed. "You're in and out in an hour, tops. You come in with Vin like I told you, you work the room the way Ezra taught you. A handshake, a little polite conversation…"
"Avoiding politics, religion, sport or sex," Ezra reminded.
"Then you move on to the next person," Chris continued. "You don't accept a drink unless one of us gives it to you, you don't leave the room with anybody, male or female, no matter what they tell you, you don't accept their business cards or phone numbers. You feel uneasy about anything, anything at all, I don't care how stupid it seems, you come to me or find one of the other guys. Got it?"
JD nodded. The door opened and a short, burly man JD had seen outside the house from time to time walked into the room.
"JD, this is Mike. He's gonna be your new best friend for the next little while," Chris said. "Mike, JD Dunne."
Mike stepped forward and pulled off his leather driving gloves, holding out a huge hand that JD grasped and shook.
"Nice to know you, Mr. Dunne," Mike said, and JD smiled. He'd never been called that before by anybody and he kinda liked it.
"Mike will accompany you on all your dates to start with," Chris said and JD couldn't help wondering what this tough looking man though about all of them, guys selling their asses for a living. Mike's face remained impassive and if he had any thoughts about it, he was way too professional to betray them.
"Okay," Chris said. "I think we're ready. Mike, JD's gonna need a ride home at about 11:30. Vin, you leave with him. You can drop them home then come back for the rest of us. We're all out of there by one at the latest. Questions?"
"Clients?" Ezra asked.
"Not tonight, Ez," Chris said. "I want us all home. Okay JD, go with Mike, he'll show you to the car."
Chris waited until JD had cleared the room, then he turned to his waiting colleagues. "Right. I want somebody on the kid at all times. Tag-team if we need to, but don't let him out of your sight. Okay, let's roll."
They began to walk out of the room and Buck threw an arm around Chris' shoulder. "Now don't be getting all soft on me, Larabee," he chuckled "Your bad ass rep will be ruined."
"Can it, Buck," Chris growled. "You damn well brought a kid into the team. Now I gotta baby-sit him for the next few months 'till he finds his feet."
"Go on," Buck laughed. "You love it."
"Move your butt into that car," Chris said, stroking a hand over his lover's ass and giving it a firm squeeze. "If you're a good boy tonight, I'll maybe put out for you."
* * *
Chris entered the ballroom first, smiling briefly at his hostess before turning around to watch the reaction to his team. He was used to the nudges and the stares, to the licked lips and raised eyebrows, but tonight he watched with a slightly different awareness.
Couples reacted most strongly to Josiah, who had a well established clientele amongst tonight's crowd. Mostly female heads turned when Nathan and Ezra walked into the room. He laughed quietly to see that an equal number of men and women smiled when Buck sauntered in, filling the room with his presence, making more than his fair share of hearts flutter, including Chris' own, he thought dryly.And then the boys walked in and Chris didn't think he imagined the momentary hush that fell. Vin was pretty well known to the people in the room, had fucked his way through a good number of them. JD was fresh meat, and the sharks began to circle him before he'd gotten more than ten steps into the room.
And with very good reason.
He looked breathtaking. Shining black hair, trimmed and shaped, given the $150 treatment, but still brushing his shoulders. Skin pale, almost translucent; expressive dark eyes wide with wonder. He looked younger than his 19 years, sweetly innocent, and Chris knew that there were plenty of men and women in this room who'd willingly pay top dollar to contribute to his debauchery.
"Stunning, ain't he?" Buck whispered against his ear and Chris leaned back slightly to brush up against his lover.
"This the part where you say 'I told you so'?" Chris murmured.
"This is the part where I say let's start planning our retirement. That boy's gonna make us rich."
JD worked the room like a pro, unaware of the 6 pairs of eyes that watched his every move, until one of the slightly drunken guests slid an arm around the kid's shoulder and found himself suddenly surrounded by the whole Access 7 team. The man paled, pulled his arm off the kid, and beat a hasty retreat.
Chris signalled Vin with a raised eyebrow, and the young man hustled JD out of the room, but not before Chris had leaned in close and whispered, "You did good kid. We're all real proud of you."
JD blushed and stammered, "thanks, Chris," before leaving the ballroom, Vin practically plastered to his side. Dozens of heads swivelled to watch him go and Chris thought, Buck's right, this kid is a licence to print money.
He wandered off in search of his lover, tired now that the tension of JD's debutante appearance had peaked. Buck was chatting to an attractive blond, but he excused himself as soon as he saw Chris and walked over to the bar to join him.
"Ready to go home?" Chris asked.
"Whenever you are, darlin'. He did good, didn't he?"
Chris smiled. "I've already had more than a dozen inquiries for tomorrow night alone." He paused when he saw Buck frown. "Don't worry," he hurried to assure, "I won't send him out yet. Not until we've had a chance to vet each and every name. Then we'll choose a nice, docile one to get him started."
The frown cleared and the beautiful smile slipped back into place. "So, you gonna put out for me, boss?" Buck teased.
"You been a good boy?" Chris countered.
"The best I know how, darlin'," Buck whispered, and Chris felt his cock tighten in response.
Tonight had been good; for JD, for the clients, for the team.
And it was about to get a whole lot better.
The End