MCAT: A Force To Be Reckoned With by Sue M. — Alternate Universe [Het] [JD+Casey]

MCAT: Good To Be Home by Sue M. — Alternate Universe [Het] [JD+Casey] [Seven+OFCs]

MCAT: A Typical Saturday by Jan — Alternate Universe [Het] [Seven+OFCs] |OMCs|

Measure Of A Man by LaraMee Deux — Old West (Slash) (Seven)

Merilee by EA Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]

MODERN DAY JUSTICE (series) by The Tenth Muse1 — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)

  1. Forming Up
  2. A Get Together
  3. All I Want
  4. Problems
  5. Confrontations
  6. Confrontations, continued
  7. The Worst Luck
  8. Confessions


Naughty Game by Dreamer — ATF [Het] [Chris+Casey+Vin] [Buck+Mary+JD] (Slash) (Buck/JD)

A Need Satisfied by Spice — Two Blood (Slash) (JD/Vin) |Buck|

New Year's Eve by Suzy B. — ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)

Not a Kid Anymore, I'll Prove It by Wolf and Boar — Old West (Slash) (JD/Vin)


One Dark And Stormy Night by Tiffiny — ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)

One Day Out West: A Cowboy Tale by Claire — Old West (Slash) (Seven) [ a cartoon in the style of South Park ]

One Night After Too Much Beer by Loke — ATF (Slash) (Seven)

Only Time by Raven — Old West Mature Content {JD : OMC} |Seven| { warning: content may disturb some readers } [ work in progress ]

THE OTHER SEVEN (series) Old West [Het] [Seven+OFCs] |OMCs|

  1. The Other Seven by Mallory
  2. Trouble Comes To Watsonville by Mallory and Linda
  3. Wedding And Loss In Four Corners by Linda { warning: content may disturb some readers }

OUR BIG SECRET (series) by Giselle — Old West (Slash)

  1. Our Big Secret - (Chris/Vin) (Chris/JD)

Out of the Light by Ezra's Cat — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (follows "Into the Darkness")

Out To Lunch by Annie — ATF (Slash) |Seven| (Chris/Vin)


The Poker Game by Cecelia Standish Old West (Slash)  (Chris/Ezra) (Buck/JD)

Pursuit by Bonnie Lass — Old West [Het] [JD+Casey] |Ezra| |Vin|



Refrigerator Memories by Lady Q — ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)

REVELATIONS (series) by Anonymous, a.k.a. Nobody — ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)

The Ride Home by C.V. Puerro — Old West [Het] [Mary+Seven] < epilogue to the episode 'Wagon Train' >

ROUGHHOUSING (series) by C.V. Puerro — ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)

  1. Rocky Mountain High
  2. Backfire
  3. Comeback
  4. Fifteen Minutes
  5. Truth Or Dare
  6. Blue Skies From Pain
  7. Viva Las Vegas
  8. Good Samaritan
  9. Bring It On
  10. A Change Of Plans

A Rubber By Any Other Name by The Muse — ATF Mature Content |Buck| |Ezra| |JD|

Rumpelstiltskin by Lady Q — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/Josiah)


'S Ain't Valentine's Day by C.V. Puerro — ATF [Het] [JD+Casey] [Nathan+Rain] (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |Buck| |Josiah| |Ezra| |Mary|

Saddle Sore by C.V. Puerro — Alternate Universe (Slash) (JD/Nathan)

Save The First Dance For Me by Debbie K. — Old West [Het] [JD+Casey]

Scorching by Deanna ATF (Slash)  (Chris/JD)

The Scoundrel's Apprentice by Deanna Old West (Slash)  (Buck/JD)

Sentimiento by Deanna Old West (Slash)  (Chris/Raphael/JD)

SEVEN FOR HIRE (AU) (collection) by Katherine Alternate Universe (Slash)  (Ezra/Vin) (Buck/JD)

  1. Illusions (Ezra / Vin)
  2. Answering the Call(Ezra / Vin)
  3. Later (Ezra / Vin)
  4. Morning Rituals (Ezra / Vin), Nathan
  5. Celebrating (Ezra / Vin)
  6. Disclosures (Ezra / Vin) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
  7. Contiuing Revelations (Ezra / Vin) (Buck / JD) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
  8. Furthermore (Buck / JD) (Ezra / Vin)
  9. Insights and Answers (Ezra / Vin) (Buck / JD) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
  10. Whys and Wherefores (Ezra / Vin)
  11. Process of Evolution (Ezra / Vin) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
  12. Motivations (Ezra / Vin), Josiah
  13. Home, or Something Like It (Ezra / Vin)
  14. Mail Call and Memories (Ezra / Vin)
  15. Moving Water (Ezra / Vin)
  16. Too Little Luck (Ezra / Vin)
  17. Virtual Hugs and Kisses (Buck / JD)
  18. Fireplace (Ezra / Vin)
  19. First Dance (Ezra / Vin)
  20. One True Thing (Ezra / Vin)

Seven Rides for Seven Brothers by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/JD)

Shame by Tiffiny — Old West (Slash) (JD/Josiah)

Shelter by Ange — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

Skydiving by Tammy — ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)

So Much To Lose by Stan Lee — Family Matters (Slash) (Buck/Chris) |JD| |Vin|

Solace by Deanna Old West (Slash)  (Chris/Raphael/JD)

A Spot At The Keyhole by De Orakle — Old West (Slash) (Seven)

Spring Is In The Air by Lofn — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Ezra)

Staff Meeting by Angie — ATF (Slash) (JD/Seven)

A Subject Of Torture by pfps — Old West Mature Content {Buck : OMCs} {JD : OMCs} { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Survival by Winter — ATF Mature Content {JD : OMCs} {Vin : OMCs} |Seven| { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Sweet and Innocent by Deanna  Old West (Slash)  (Buck/JD)


Taking Chances by Laura H. — Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD)

Taking The Bull By The Horns by Luna Dey — ATF Mature Content |Buck| |Ezra| |JD|

Taxing The Bonds by Sammy Girl — Family Matters (Slash-General) (Buck/Chris) |JD| |Vin|

Top 10 Reasons by Tiffiny — ATF Mature Content |Buck| |JD|

THREE'S A CROWD (series) by Wendy — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |JD|

  1. Three's A Crowd
  2. Two's Company

Timing is Everything - SueM - Alternate Universe [Het] [JD+Casey

A True Friend by Sammy Girl — Family Matters (Slash) (Buck/Chris) |JD| |Vin|

TRUTH IN THE BALANCE (series) by Tiffiny — Old West (Slash) (JD/Vin)

  1. Truth In The Balance
  2. To Know A Thing


Unbidden by Tarlan Old West (Slash) (Chris / JD)

Unrequited by Kat — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)

Unspoken by Kay — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Ezra) (Ezra/JD) [Untitled] by Kat — Old West (Slash)  (Buck/JD) 


Valley Of The Shadows by The Dirty Dozen — Old West [Het] [Vin+OFC] (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |JD|

Variations Of A Kiss: JD (collection) by Gwendolyn — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

VIN & AMY (series) by Jan — ATF [Het]

  1. Just the Two of Us - [Vin+OFC]
  2. A Surprise For Meg - [Buck+OFC] [Vin+OFC]
  3. Heart's Desires - [Chris+OFC] [Vin+OFC]
  4. Rock And Roll Weekend - [JD+OFC] [Vin+OFC]


Waiting for Tonight by Cecilia Standish — Old West (Slash)  (Ezra/JD) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Ezra)

We Don't Kill The Messenger by C.V. Puerro — Old West Mature Content {JD : Nichols Brothers} { warning: content may disturb some readers } < missing scene from the episode 'Vendetta' >

Welcome Home by LaraMee — ATF [Het] [JD+Casey] |Buck|

Wet Day in Denver by Deanna  ATF (Slash) (Chris/JD)

What Have I Done? by Sammy Girl — ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) |JD|

When You Love Someone by Thalia — ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) |JD|

White Christmas by C.V. Puerro — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)



YES, SIR (series) by Fiercy — ATF (Slash) { warning: content may disturb some readers }

  1. Saved by Strength - (Chris/JD)
  2. Testing Strength - (Chris/JD) (Buck/JD)
  3. Learning Limits - (Buck/JD)
  4. Breaking Barriers - (Chris/Vin)
  5. Appetites Acknowledged - (Chris/Vin)
  6. Passion's Punishment - (Buck/JD)
  7. Fear of Falling - (Chris/Vin)

You Know I Want It by Kim — Old West (Slash) (?/?)

You Know You Want It by Mady Bay — Old West (Slash) (?/?)

YOU'LL THINK OF ME (series) by Angie — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

  1. You'll Think of Me
  2. Paint By Numbers



(Arranged by Title)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(additions, corrections, questions)
(Include "JD Dunne Adult Page" in your subject line)

Adult Chris | Adult Vin | Adult Buck | Adult Ezra | Adult Josiah | Adult Nathan | Adult JD