MCAT: A Force To Be Reckoned With by Sue M. Alternate Universe [Het] [JD+Casey]
MCAT: Good To Be Home by Sue M. Alternate Universe [Het] [JD+Casey] [Seven+OFCs]
MCAT: A Typical Saturday by Jan Alternate Universe [Het] [Seven+OFCs] |OMCs|
Measure Of A Man by LaraMee Deux Old West (Slash) (Seven)
Merilee by EA Old West [Het] [JD+OFC]
MODERN DAY JUSTICE (series) by The Tenth Muse1 Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)
- Forming Up
- A Get Together
- All I Want
- Problems
- Confrontations
- Confrontations, continued
- The Worst Luck
- Confessions
Naughty Game by Dreamer ATF [Het] [Chris+Casey+Vin] [Buck+Mary+JD] (Slash) (Buck/JD)
A Need Satisfied by Spice Two Blood (Slash) (JD/Vin) |Buck|
New Year's Eve by Suzy B. ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Not a Kid Anymore, I'll Prove It by Wolf and Boar Old West (Slash) (JD/Vin)
One Dark And Stormy Night by Tiffiny ATF (Slash) (JD/Vin)
One Day Out West: A Cowboy Tale by Claire Old West (Slash) (Seven) [ a cartoon in the style of South Park ]
One Night After Too Much Beer by Loke ATF (Slash) (Seven)
Only Time by Raven Old West Mature Content {JD : OMC} |Seven| { warning: content may disturb some readers } [ work in progress ]
THE OTHER SEVEN (series) Old West [Het] [Seven+OFCs] |OMCs|
- The Other Seven by Mallory
- Trouble Comes To Watsonville by Mallory and Linda
- Wedding And Loss In Four Corners by Linda { warning: content may disturb some readers }
OUR BIG SECRET (series) by Giselle Old West (Slash)
- Our Big Secret - (Chris/Vin) (Chris/JD)
Out of the Light by Ezra's Cat — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (follows "Into the Darkness")
Out To Lunch by Annie ATF (Slash) |Seven| (Chris/Vin)
The Poker Game by Cecelia Standish Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Buck/JD)
Pursuit by Bonnie Lass Old West [Het] [JD+Casey] |Ezra| |Vin|
Refrigerator Memories by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)REVELATIONS (series) by Anonymous, a.k.a. Nobody ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)
The Ride Home by C.V. Puerro Old West [Het] [Mary+Seven] < epilogue to the episode 'Wagon Train' >
ROUGHHOUSING (series) by C.V. Puerro ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD)
- Rocky Mountain High
- Backfire
- Comeback
- Fifteen Minutes
- Truth Or Dare
- Blue Skies From Pain
- Viva Las Vegas
- Good Samaritan
- Bring It On
- A Change Of Plans
A Rubber By Any Other Name by The Muse ATF Mature Content |Buck| |Ezra| |JD|
Rumpelstiltskin by Lady Q Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/Josiah)
'S Ain't Valentine's Day by C.V. Puerro ATF [Het] [JD+Casey] [Nathan+Rain] (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |Buck| |Josiah| |Ezra| |Mary|
Saddle Sore by C.V. Puerro Alternate Universe (Slash) (JD/Nathan)
Save The First Dance For Me by Debbie K. Old West [Het] [JD+Casey]
Scorching by Deanna ATF (Slash) (Chris/JD)
The Scoundrel's Apprentice by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Sentimiento by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/Raphael/JD)
SEVEN FOR HIRE (AU) (collection) by Katherine Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (Buck/JD)
- Illusions (Ezra / Vin)
- Answering the Call(Ezra / Vin)
- Later (Ezra / Vin)
- Morning Rituals (Ezra / Vin), Nathan
- Celebrating (Ezra / Vin)
- Disclosures (Ezra / Vin) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
- Contiuing Revelations (Ezra / Vin) (Buck / JD) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
- Furthermore (Buck / JD) (Ezra / Vin)
- Insights and Answers (Ezra / Vin) (Buck / JD) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
- Whys and Wherefores (Ezra / Vin)
- Process of Evolution (Ezra / Vin) (Joe / Levon) xover Houston Knights
- Motivations (Ezra / Vin), Josiah
- Home, or Something Like It (Ezra / Vin)
- Mail Call and Memories (Ezra / Vin)
- Moving Water (Ezra / Vin)
- Too Little Luck (Ezra / Vin)
- Virtual Hugs and Kisses (Buck / JD)
- Fireplace (Ezra / Vin)
- First Dance (Ezra / Vin)
- One True Thing (Ezra / Vin)
Seven Rides for Seven Brothers by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/JD)
Shame by Tiffiny Old West (Slash) (JD/Josiah)
Shelter by Ange Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Skydiving by Tammy ATF (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)
So Much To Lose by Stan Lee Family Matters (Slash) (Buck/Chris) |JD| |Vin|
Solace by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Chris/Raphael/JD)
A Spot At The Keyhole by De Orakle Old West (Slash) (Seven)
Spring Is In The Air by Lofn Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Ezra)
Staff Meeting by Angie ATF (Slash) (JD/Seven)
A Subject Of Torture by pfps Old West Mature Content {Buck : OMCs} {JD : OMCs} { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Survival by Winter ATF Mature Content {JD : OMCs} {Vin : OMCs} |Seven| { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Sweet and Innocent by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Taking Chances by Laura H. Old West (Slash) (Chris/JD)
Taking The Bull By The Horns by Luna Dey ATF Mature Content |Buck| |Ezra| |JD|
Taxing The Bonds by Sammy Girl Family Matters (Slash-General) (Buck/Chris) |JD| |Vin|
Top 10 Reasons by Tiffiny ATF Mature Content |Buck| |JD|
THREE'S A CROWD (series) by Wendy Old West (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |JD|
Timing is Everything - SueM - Alternate Universe [Het] [JD+Casey
A True Friend by Sammy Girl Family Matters (Slash) (Buck/Chris) |JD| |Vin|
TRUTH IN THE BALANCE (series) by Tiffiny Old West (Slash) (JD/Vin)
Unbidden by Tarlan Old West (Slash) (Chris / JD)
Unrequited by Kat Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Unspoken by Kay Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Ezra) (Ezra/JD) [Untitled] by Kat — Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD)
Valley Of The Shadows by The Dirty Dozen Old West [Het] [Vin+OFC] (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |JD|
Variations Of A Kiss: JD (collection) by Gwendolyn Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
VIN & AMY (series) by Jan ATF [Het]
- Just the Two of Us - [Vin+OFC]
- A Surprise For Meg - [Buck+OFC] [Vin+OFC]
- Heart's Desires - [Chris+OFC] [Vin+OFC]
- Rock And Roll Weekend - [JD+OFC] [Vin+OFC]
Waiting for Tonight by Cecilia Standish — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Ezra)
We Don't Kill The Messenger by C.V. Puerro Old West Mature Content {JD : Nichols Brothers} { warning: content may disturb some readers } < missing scene from the episode 'Vendetta' >
Welcome Home by LaraMee ATF [Het] [JD+Casey] |Buck|
Wet Day in Denver by Deanna ATF (Slash) (Chris/JD)
What Have I Done? by Sammy Girl ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) |JD|
When You Love Someone by Thalia ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) |JD|
White Christmas by C.V. Puerro Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
YES, SIR (series) by Fiercy ATF (Slash) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
- Saved by Strength - (Chris/JD)
- Testing Strength - (Chris/JD) (Buck/JD)
- Learning Limits - (Buck/JD)
- Breaking Barriers - (Chris/Vin)
- Appetites Acknowledged - (Chris/Vin)
- Passion's Punishment - (Buck/JD)
- Fear of Falling - (Chris/Vin)
You Know I Want It by Kim Old West (Slash) (?/?)
You Know You Want It by Mady Bay Old West (Slash) (?/?)
YOU'LL THINK OF ME (series) by Angie ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Previous | ----- |
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A | B | C |
D | E | F |
G |
H | I | J |
K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(additions, corrections, questions)
(Include "JD Dunne Adult Page" in your subject line)
Adult Chris | Adult Vin | Adult Buck | Adult Ezra | Adult Josiah | Adult Nathan | Adult JD