Those eyes. That hair. That smile... slowly, surely, sweetly driving him mad...
Chris Larabee stood with his hands pressed against the window of his office overlooking Denver. The usually cool glass would have been a comfort, but not in this damn heat wave, not when the oppressive heat outside was converging on the ATF building, surrounding it, smothering it, not allowing for escape.
And it was worst of all in Chris' office. The air-conditioning couldn't keep up, but even if it could have... he just kept getting hotter and hotter inside.
JD's voice could be heard through the half-open door and Chris turned, hoping against hope that he'd get the view to go with it. No such luck.
Chris always left that door ajar, just so he could torture himself with that voice. And with that pure, crystal clear laugh and what it did to him.
The thought that he wanted that beautiful mouth to be making a whole different range of sounds, too... wild sounds, desperate sounds... He wanted to hear JD scream out his name, shout out his release, whisper endearments, any damn thing, so long as he did it to him! It would have meant that he was his.
Chris needed him more than that trickle of cool air laboriously pumping in through the air-conditioning, more than that glass of water on his desk which barely kept him from dying of thirst in this goddamn heat.
Chris went to the washroom just off his office. He couldn't keep from glancing through the narrow opening in the doorway - it gave him a direct view of JD's desk.
It was close to finishing time and everyone was beginning to relax and get in a 'going home' mood. So JD sat there quite unguarded, laughing at one of Buck's jokes, his eyes sparkling.
Looking at him like that, one could easily think he was just a lofty post-teen cutie, not a care in the world and not taking anything seriously. But Chris knew better. They all did. They were all aware of how strong JD was beneath that carefree manner, growing up without parents and having to work for a living since he was a kid.
But just then, in the afternoon sun streaming into and across the office, JD looked like nothing bad had ever happened to him. Or ever could.
God, Chris wished he could believe that. As much as he loved having him around, needed him around, he wished like hell that JD had picked another line of work. Something safe.
Chris didn't realize he'd stopped dead watching JD. Watching the way he threw back his head when he laughed, showing off his broad neck and perfect teeth and that vulnerable spot underneath his ear, unaware he was driving Chris mad with desire...
Chris only figured out he'd been staring when JD suddenly faced him and smiled at him. And Chris smiled back, almost not guarded enough. With too much need, too much affection.
Quickly turning to continue on to the washroom, Chris fled, feeling like a dirty old man. Alright, it wasn't that bad. He wasn't anywhere near old and JD could only just be his son, but he wasn't. And he wasn't a child either. But it still felt to Chris like he was lusting after pure innocence, dammit!
Splashing his face with cold water - or it would have been cold if that heat wave wasn't damn near boiling the water in the pipes - Chris tried to forget that face, that body, for just a moment. Just a little relief from the heat. But no such luck.
When he straightened up again, Chris saw his own reflection, the heat inside of him lingering beneath the sheen of water, the too warm droplets traveling down from his forehead over his nose and past his lips. He caught a few of them with the tip of his tongue, which only made him wonder what JD would taste like. Wet, dry, any way at all.
"I'm goin' to hell!" Chris exclaimed, reaching for a towel.
When he got back to his office, he realized he hadn't cooled down at all. Maybe a drink would do it?
Too hot for alcohol. Too hot for coffee. Definitely too hot to be thinkin' about JD.
Chris half filled a tumbler with ice cubes and then realized he wanted clear water. The one thing he'd have to go out into the main office for. Shit!
Buck was sprawled across his desk, illustrating some prank or other, while Ezra lay back in his chair with a smile, somehow managing to turn the office chair into a laz-ee-boy. Vin was off for a few days and Nathan was already packing up, clearly not interested in fun and games. Josiah grinned like the Cheshire cat and JD was listening to Buck's anecdote, close to rolling on the floor.
"Hey, Chris!" Buck stopped in mid-sentence and called out. "The fellas and I were gonna go for a swim after. Care to join us?"
A swim? Chris suppressed a hysterical laugh. He'd die a horrible, torturous death if he did that to himself. "Can't. Sorry," he said, shrugging.
"That's a damn shame, Chris," JD said softly. "It's so hot."
Chris turned, feeling almost in physical pain when he saw the disappointed expression in JD's eyes. "Yeah. It is."
JD kept at it. "We were gonna go out to that lake, ya know? The one out past the off-ramp to Buck's and my place."
Oh yeah. Chris knew the lake. Deep blue, cool, half-shaded by a forest and mountains in the distance, cool, hidden from the rest of the city, so cool, not open for public use...
"The forbidden one, Chris," JD said with a grin which had Chris groaning softly.
"Forbidden..." he murmured, unaware of Buck slowly making his way over to him until his friend slammed his big hand down on his shoulder hard.
"Chris, old buddy, I think I'm gonna have to insist on you joining us. You look as damn close to a heatstroke as I've ever seen a guy in his prime."
JD giggled. "He's right, Chris."
JD wanted him to come along. All the more reason to say 'no', Chris knew that much. He'd be mad to go. The heat was torture enough, JD in jeans and a white T-Shirt hugging his broad chest was worse. JD in... damn near nothing would be his death.
"Okay, I'm comin'." The heat would probably kill him anyway, so what the hell?
+ + + + + + +
Chris got to the lake not long after Buck and JD.
Ezra was, of course, fashionably late to arrive. According to Buck, he'd gone off to buy himself a new set of swimming trunks. Designer ones with a recognizable label, probably.
Josiah was already halfway across the lake, parting the waters with grim determination like Moses himself.
Chris smiled, at least until he spotted JD standing by his motorbike, peeling himself out of his leather gear. Swallowing hard, Chris made a token move as if he was about to go away, but he couldn't. Damn, who could?
JD was down to his jeans by the time he realized Chris was there. "Hey, boss. Ya made it." That infuriatingly unaware smile again!
"It was either that or barbecuing myself on the sofa." Chris licked his lips when JD's fingers moved behind his waistband, pushing the jeans down and revealing more and more smooth, white flesh. He'd be roasting way worse than he would have done on his relatively safe sofa before the day was up.
JD gave him a funny look then.
Oh hell, what if he'd noticed the way Chris was looking at him?
Chris grinned self-consciously, turning to walk away and find himself a secluded spot to get changed. He'd need to be there for a while - getting out of his jeans in a hurry was out of the question.
"Hey, JD! Chris!" Buck called out, waving to them before jumping into the water from a huge, pointy rock reaching out over the gently rippling surface. He landed with a splash.
JD laughed softly and Chris was grinding his teeth. How could Buck stand to live with JD? Hearing that laugh, seeing him in varying stages of undress, sleeping a few metres away from him... Suddenly, Chris felt less than charitable towards his oldest buddy.
"I'm gonna get undressed," he said to no one in particular.
"Meet you in the water, Chris," JD called out and walked past him. Closely enough past him for his bare arm to slide along Chris' long-sleeved shirt which was plastered to his skin.
Chris stood in place indecisively for a moment. He considered heading home, but didn't wanna look like an ass. Not to mention now that he was here, he didn't think he wanted to do without that sight over by the water again...
JD spread out a towel, hindered continually by Buck reaching out from the water and tugging at it as if to pull it in. They were laughing, playing with each other like unruly children.
Chris was jealous. And horny. God, he needed to cool down fast!
+ + + + + + +
Ezra did indeed reveal seriously stylish speedoes when he finally arrived. Someone probably appreciated that sight a whole lot, but Chris' eyes were plastered to JD like those wet trunks he was wearing. He'd been in the water for a few minutes, splashing around with Buck, and now he was drying off in the sun.
Chris had been watching, knowing it was totally inappropriate, not to mention borderline obsessive. But he couldn't stop himself. And all that time, he only got hotter and hotter.
Buck called out, a cheeky grin on his face as he emerged from the depths of the blue pool. "You gonna be dinner, Chris, or are you comin' in?"
Chris sneered. Then again, at least if he went into the water, he might have a chance to cool off a little.
Fate had other ideas for him, because when he went to the far edge of the rock, he noticed that JD had gone back into the water. He was looking up at him from just far enough away to not have Chris land on top of him.
"Come on in, Chris!" he called out, splashing around cheerfully. "You look way too hot."
Chris' eyes connected with JD's for a moment and he thought, just maybe, that he hadn't imagined the implication. Stretching his arms above his head, Chris got ready to dive in as elegantly as he could.
When he emerged, blinking and shaking water out of his hair, he heard Buck in the distance. "Show off!"
Chris grinned. He turned, treading water. For the first time in days, he felt truly, blissfully cool. At least until he realized that JD hadn't budged. In fact, he was swimming towards him.
"That was a great dive, Chris," JD huffed, admiration coloring his soft voice even more beautifully.
"Thanks, JD."
Chris was about to swim away to somewhere colder when JD called out, "Race ya to that rock on the far side!"
Damn! JD was already headed past him, his muscular arms - normally hidden under way too much clothing - slicing through the water.
All Chris could do was follow. Despite his longer arms, JD got there before him and had already crawled up onto the rock.
Chris found that looking up at a dripping wet JD in a barely there strip of blue nylon ruined any chilling effect the water might have had. "You won," he said, shocked to find himself seriously out of breath. And it wasn't the swimming that was taking his breath away either.
"Yeah." JD beamed, reaching out to give Chris a hand and pull him from the water.
"I think I'll stay in here. It's cooler." Chris didn't miss the disappointed look from JD but was instantly distracted when JD splashed right back into the water beside him.
"Can I ask you somethin', Chris?"
Oh hell. "Sure, JD."
JD paddled in place, using one hand to push his longish, wet bangs back from his face. "Did I... I mean, is there something I didn't..."
"Just ask, JD," Chris said more harshly than he intended, instantly hating himself for it.
JD looked for a moment like he was going to swim away but changed his mind when Chris said more softly, "Really, you can ask, whatever it is."
Nodding, JD came right out with it this time. "Do you have something against me, Chris?"
Sweet Jesus, that was worse than he'd expected! "Hell no, JD. Why would you ask a thing like that?"
JD shrugged and laughed nervously. "Just kinda got the feeling, Chris. Sorry."
"No!" Chris reached out to JD but withdrew his hand before it could make contact with his glistening, pale shoulder. "Don't be sorry, JD. If I've been kinda weird, I'm sorry."
"Just to me..." JD said, so quietly that Chris figured he hadn't even been supposed to hear it.
"To you?" Chris asked.
JD looked at him openly now, smiling, a little embarrassed. "I just thought you've been avoiding me, that's all."
Chris wondered if JD wouldn't be a whole lot more concerned if he knew why. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.
"Hunh?" JD looked up. He hadn't heard him.
Chris moved closer to him, close enough to have drops falling from JD's hair onto his own shoulder. "I said, I'm sorry, JD. Real sorry. You were never meant to... notice."
JD's face contorted with something like pain. "Notice? So you did? Damn it, Chris, why?"
He'd asked for this, Chris realized. Maybe he'd actually been this dumb on purpose because his subconscious wanted him to just come right out with it.
JD had kept talking. "If you want me to transfer, I'll... I'll get it sorted out as soon as I can. I don't care where to, I..."
Chris cursed under his breath and reached out, taking JD's face in his hands and drawing him close. "You're not goin' anywhere, JD!" he breathed, and then he kissed him.
JD forgot to paddle. He inhaled sharply just as Chris' mouth descended on his, and he'd have gone under if Chris hadn't reached for him, lifted him safely out of the water and into his arms, keeping them both afloat.
That was when JD finally understood. He threw his arms around Chris' neck and clutched onto him, kissing him back hard.
Chris felt his strength leaving him. It wasn't that he couldn't keep them both above water, but he wanted to hold JD so tight, use all his energy on that.
"Don't lemme go, Chris," JD breathed when their lips parted for a moment. "I don't..." He pressed his mouth to Chris' cheek. "... want to." He burrowed his head against the side of Chris' neck and took a shuddering breath.
Chris held him close, squeezed him so tight it nearly took JD's breath away. "Let's get outta here, JD." And he drew back and started paddling to the closest stretch of secluded beach - a spot right behind the rock they'd raced to earlier.
JD was right behind him, letting Chris pull him from the water the moment he got to the small alcove.
They didn't bother standing up, just crawled onto land, Chris immediately reaching out to JD and pulling him close again. "Come here." He cupped JD's face in his hands and half covered his body. "And stay."
JD smiled up at him, his beautiful eyes moist from more than the lake water dripping off his lashes. He nodded, sliding his hands into Chris' wet hair. "Whatever you say, Boss."
"You better believe it."
Chris kissed JD tenderly, nipping at the full lips he'd dreamed about for months, finding out, finally, what they tasted like. How unbelievably sweet they were. He parted them a little with his tongue, testing their velvet texture, feeling it with the tip of his rough-textured forefinger as he ran it over them and parted them further.
JD was breathing heavily. His eyes were wide, staring up at Chris full of something Chris wouldn't yet allow himself to think of as love.
"I've been wanting you so bad, JD," Chris said huskily. "I thought I'd go crazy."
JD gasped. "Oh god, me too!" He arched against Chris when that exploring finger traveled down over his chin and along the line of his throat, lingering on his Adam's apple and moving on until Chris rolled off him a little so he could keep moving lower.
When Chris' mouth followed the way his finger had led, JD shifted impatiently, moving against him, pleading for more just as he had done in Chris' fantasies.
"It's okay now, JD." Chris kissed JD's belly, his mouth moving up to slide over his chest, his fingertips smoothing over JD's nipples, feeling them grow harder beneath them. And he kept kissing - JD's hipbone, his thighs, the sensitive skin on the insides of them...
"Will you..." JD cleared his throat. "Will you fuck me, Chris?"
Not sure whether to concentrate on the fear or the arousal in those words, Chris smiled. "Not yet."
JD nodded. "But I want you to, you know. I really do." He meant it.
"For now, I just need to feel you in my arms, JD, so I know I'm not dreaming."
"You ain't dreaming, Chris." JD smiled. "Would you..." He actually didn't know how to ask for what he wanted, so he decided to show Chris instead.
Chris watched as JD led his hand downwards to cup his substantial erection through the tight, wet trunks. He groaned when he felt the hard swell beneath his palm, felt it grow even harder and hotter when he began to rub it. "Damn, JD, you're gonna make waiting so hard."
"That's the idea," JD said, smiling mischievously. He reached to pull Chris closer and kissed him. "I don't wanna wait too long."
Chris snorted, realizing that JD looked confused. "I've been beating myself up over your innocence, ya know."
JD smiled sweetly. "Rightly so. I've been saving myself for just the right guy, you see."
"I love you," Chris blurted out, the feeling suddenly too strong and insistent to keep it in. He bit his lip.
But JD nodded, his mirth gone and his eyes suddenly serious and very adult in their earnestness. "I love you too, Chris."
Chris kissed him, and kept kissing him until they were both jolted back to reality by Buck's voice calling out to them from a distance.
"Damn, he's gonna come over here any moment." Chris rolled off JD reluctantly.
JD grinned. "He probably thinks we've drowned. Let's just wave to him, maybe he'll leave us be then."
But Chris shook his head and said at the same time with JD, "That wouldn't be Buck."
They laughed and peered around the rock, waving to Buck and the others to let them know they were okay.
Buck waved back and then turned towards Ezra, settling down and reclining on the rock alongside the Southerner. They were clearly involved in a chat and Buck had just taken a moment to make sure his friends were okay.
Chris' heart skipped a beat and when he glanced over at JD, he noticed a sparkle in the soft brown eyes, too.
"Josiah?" JD asked.
Chris peered further around. "Sunbathing," he said. Then he turned back to find JD smiling at him.
Sliding his fingers behind his still damp swimming shorts, JD slowly began to push them down past his hips, his eyes never leaving Chris'. "No time like the present," he said with an embarrassed little smile.
Chris moved towards him, the desire in JD's eyes taking his breath away. He grasped JD's hands and helped him peel out of the wet fabric, sliding his palms underneath it and over the firm, round buttocks as they were exposed.
JD began to shake a little and Chris stopped his movements and just held him for a while. "You're safe with me, JD, I promise you that."
"I know." JD sniffled and Chris withdrew to see what was wrong. But JD was smiling at him. "Guess I just... just want you so much, Chris."
Chris sank to his knees and wrapped his arms around JD's middle, leaning into him and holding him tight until he felt his hands on the back of his head and looked up.
"Anything you wanna do to me, Chris... I'm game."
Chris looked up and smiled. Then he peeled the trunks the rest of the way off, carefully.
JD's eyes were closed when Chris untangled the fabric from around his legs and held them apart far enough to admire the view and touch the firm shaft rising towards him lightly.
JD sucked in a deep breath and Chris smiled. "Okay?" he asked.
"More than okay." JD grinned, his eyes still closed. But they flew open when he felt one hand on his butt, pulling him forward, while Chris' lips closed around him gently and a warm palm cradled his balls. "Oh, way more than okay..." he gasped, staggering a little.
Chris wanted to take his time. He really did. But the wet, sweet, slightly salty taste was driving him mad. He knew that JD wouldn't hold on long, but there'd be time for leisurely exploration later. Right now, he just needed him to come and come hard. There just wasn't enough of that taste, but he was getting there, drawing harder, squeezing tighter, swallowing.
JD moaned, his hands on Chris' shoulders. His nails were digging little trenches in the firm, tanned skin and when he came, he was sure he left a semi-permanent mark someplace.
Chris drew JD down to the ground, throwing one leg over JD's thigh and holding him close that way.
"I'd say 'wow' but it would only sound stupid," JD said sheepishly.
Chris grinned, moving back a sweat-soaked strand of JD's hair. "Does it cover it though?"
"Not even close."
JD grinned. He was gathering a heck of a lot of energy from someplace and Chris whimpered when JD kept sliding against him, rubbing against his erection.
"JD!" he groaned finally, a shudder running through his body when he was once more pressed too close, too tight, against the wetness surrounding JD's already again half-erect cock.
JD turned them then, rolling on top of Chris and crouching over him. "Lemme help you?" he offered huskily.
Chris nodded, swallowing.
And JD slid down his body a little until his hand could easily reach back to the bulge in Chris' swimming trunks. He didn't torture him by squeezing it or rubbing it, he just slipped his hand right in and shoved the nylon out of the way, exposing Chris so suddenly to the hot, dry air and his own heated touch that they both gasped.
"Make me come, JD, please!" Chris begged, pushing his groin up against JD's hand.
JD started pumping him, not too sure what he was doing but knowing Chris was loving it.
The blue eyes looking up at him were glazed over and Chris kept licking his lips and pushing up. "Faster, JD!" he demanded huskily. "Oh god, yes!!"
A moment later, JD was lying back in the sand again with Chris pressing down on him, his hard shaft sliding between JD's thighs and against his buttocks, making him long even more to feel Chris inside him. Really inside him.
JD was hard again, pressed up against Chris' belly, feeling Chris' hand on him, stroking him hard once. Twice. Then, with a harsh groan, Chris came, lathering the space between JD's thighs even while he kept pumping until JD's essence mingled with his.
Then he slumped down on JD, rolling off him just far enough so they could both rest comfortably. With smiles on their faces, they both dozed off.
+ + + + + + +
"Hell, finally!" Buck again. Too damn close.
Chris' mind was hazy and so was his voice when he said, "Go away..."
Buck laughed. "Just came to tell the kid I told him so."
Chris sat up with a jolt, and so did JD. "Buck, dammit! Get the hell outta here!"
With a laugh, Buck ran off and jumped back into the water. Once he resurfaced, he called back, "Don't get anything... important sunburned, you two!" And he was off, splashing back across the lake to where Ezra and Josiah were stretched out on that rock like a pair of salamanders.
Chris cursed Buck, but JD started laughing. "What did he tell you?" Chris asked.
"That you were so weird to me 'cause you had the hots for me."
Chris snorted. "The hots? You know, JD, what I have for you ain't gonna go away come winter."
JD kissed him stormily and then beamed at him. "I'm countin' on it, Chris."