He sat behind his desk at the Federal Building, typing random words into the Google search engine. "Terminator," 908,000 responses. "Pancreas," 268,000 responses. "Pine tree," 1,180,000 responses. "Selfish bastard," 43,100 responses. "Selfish irresponsible bastard," 1,500 responses. "Selfish irresponsible no-good womanizing son of a bitch," no matches. "Theodore Buck Wilmington," no matches. Coincidence? JD didn't think so.It was well past five in the afternoon and Buck had still not returned to the office. He and Chris had been called to a meeting across town at the Federal Center, but what routine government meeting ran past 5pm on a Friday? None. Ever. Not unless they were in the middle of some high-profile case, which they weren't. Besides, it was poker night at Chris's place.
He should never have ridden in with Buck that morning. He should have taken his motorcycle; then he wouldn't be stuck here, waiting while Buck was off doing God knew what! But he was here because Buck had made a point of offering him a ride this morning, as if it had been important. And JD had just looked at him, stared at the earnest expression on his face for only a moment before agreeing. It was Buck after all, and he never said no to Buck how could he?
"JD?" Josiah, with Ezra at his side, was standing in the middle of the bullpen; they looked like they were ready to leave for the day. Vin and Nathan had both left nearly forty-five minutes ago. "You're not waiting for Buck, are you?"
Foul names directed at the over-due man filled JD's head, but he just nodded in response.
"Would you care for a ride?" Ezra offered and Josiah nodded his head agreeably, silently offering as well.
"Thanks, Ez, but you live on the other side of town. You, too, Josiah."
"Yes, but we're all heading out to the ranch this evening. Or had you forgotten?" JD shook his head. "Well, then, come with me, or with Josiah, and you can ride home with Buck after you've all lost your weekly wages to me." Ezra smiled with such self assurance that JD knew there would be cheating going on tonight.
Finally, JD nodded. He might as well hitch a ride. Who knew when Buck would drag his sorry ass back here to pick him up? "Okay, if you're sure. Just let me get my stuff." But just as JD set to gathering his things, his cell phone rang. He pulled it off his hip and checked the display. He would have recognized the number even if the name above it hadn't read "Buck."
"Hello? Yeah, I'm still here." You thoughtless prick, he felt like adding. "No, don't bother. I'm getting a ride with What? T-tonight? What's her name? Shelley? Um ... yeah, okay. Yeah, I can drive your truck out to Chris's tonight. Yes, I'll be careful with it. Extra careful. I will! Look, if you don't trust me Okay. Where are the keys? Top drawer? Got it. And don't worry; I won't let anything happen to your precious truck. Yeah, I will. Later."
"Let me guess," Ezra said.
"Buck?" Josiah asked.
JD nodded. "Told me to take his truck. Acted like I was gonna drive it off a cliff or something, though."
"Well, you know how he dotes on that vehicle," Ezra reminded him.
"Cares more about his truck than Vin cares about his Jeep."
"Except Vin doesn't list the top 100 things to do to avoid scratching the paint when you have to drive it," JD grumbled.
"Well, as Vin's Jeep could use a new paint job, that doesn't surprise me," Josiah laughed.
"Yeah, well, I'll see you guys out at Chris's tonight. I'm just gonna go home and change. And I still have to stop and buy chips, so I might be a little late. Game starts at seven, right?"
"Right," Josiah confirmed, then headed out with Ezra on his six.
"Drive carefully, young man," Ezra shot over his shoulder with a chuckle. JD quickly looked around for something to throw at his retreating form, but came up with only a stapler that he knew would make too large of a dent in the wall should he miss.
"No driving faster than 55 on the freeway," Buck had told him. The man probably would have forbidden him from driving on the freeway at all, if there had been any other way to reach Chris's ranch. Buck was just lucky JD hadn't left the truck at the apartment and taken his motorcycle instead. He would have loved to see the look on Buck's face when he was told he would have to ride home on the bitch seat!But JD had done as he'd been asked, because it had been Buck doing the asking, and he was just now signaling to take the exit off the highway. A mile up the road, he pulled into a gas station with an attached 24-hour mini mart and purchased five large bags of potato and corn chips his contribution to the evening's snacks. He hesitated in front of the pre-made dips; certainly Nathan would bring something besides hummus this time.
Back on the road, another two miles stretched before the turn off to the ranch. JD slowed the GMC just before the pavement gave way to packed dirt. He wondered if Buck would see fit to nag at him for the dust that would unavoidably settle over the car's exterior. Just to be on the safe side, though, JD rolled up his window; at least he could keep the interior clean.
"The things I do for Buck," he sighed. And, really, when it came down to it, there probably wasn't anything that he wouldn't do. And he didn't even mind, really not as long as Buck refrained from treating him like a five-year-old.
The tall trees along with the quickly setting sun had the road out to Chris's ranch steeped in deep shadows; JD turned on the headlights just a bit sooner than he normal would, not so much so that he could see, but so that anyone who might be coming down the road in the opposite direction would be able to see him. As he slowly rounded a lazy curve in the road, JD caught sight of someone standing just off to the left. The person obviously saw him and started waving. JD slowed the truck even more and came to an easy stop just across from what turned out to be a young woman.
She was pretty: tall and curvy with lots of honey brown hair. Just Buck's type, JD thought. But, then again, when had Buck ever met a woman who wasn't his type?
"You okay, miss?"
"No." To JD, the woman sounded upset and angry, among a whole lot of other things. "My boyfriend make that EX-boyfriend ditched me out here!"
JD was about to get out of the truck and help the woman when she started walking toward the truck. He didn't want to intimidate her, so he stayed put. "Are you hurt?"
"No. Just pissed."
"What're you doing way out here anyway?" It seemed like a strange place to JD most of this land was privately owned.
"Picnic under the stars. That's what he told me. What he really meant was sex on a blanket in the middle of a patch of weeds."
"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're not hurt," JD said.
The young woman shrugged her shoulders in response.
"Can I give you a ride somewhere?" JD offered.
"Yeah, that would be great."
"Um, do you live in the city?" JD didn't really want to drive all the way back into Denver Buck would probably chew him out for putting the extra miles on the truck, even if it was for a good cause but he couldn't just leave the girl stranded.
"Yeah, I live in Englewood." JD knew that was on the south side of town, past the University of Denver. By the time he got all the way down there and then all the way back to the ranch, poker night would pretty much be over. "But, if you could just drive me to a phone ... I've got a friend who'll pick me up."
"I have a cell phone." JD pulled the device from the clip on his belt and held it out to the woman. She came right up to the driver's side door and took it from him. A moment later, JD was staring down the barrel of a 22mm handgun. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Taking your truck."
"But, it's not mine!"
"But, I said I'd drive you"
"I'd rather drive myself. Now, get out ... and leave the keys in the ignition."
JD knew he didn't have a choice. He couldn't risk this woman letting off a shot and possibly damaging the interior of the truck; Buck would kill him if that happened.
Slowly, JD climbed out of the truck.
"Hands up, where I can see 'em."
JD raised his arms until his hands were above his head.
"Now, turn around."
JD turned, and then felt something hard pressed between his shoulder blades had to be the gun, he thought. He was then shoved forward. He slowly walked toward the far side of the road, surreptitiously glancing both left and right along the road, wondering if all the guys were already at Chris's place and if there would be any cars along the road that might see them and intercede. But the road remained clear and there were no sounds other than a few birds and the rapid thundering of JD's heart.
As they reached the edge of the road, JD hesitated, though his feet kept moving of their own accord. He wondered if he should make a move, if he should try to disarm the woman, but before he could make up his mind, the woman said, "Stop right here."
She moved to stand beside him. JD wondered if he should try to make a run for it.
"Hold out your left hand," she told him and as he did, she slapped a silver handcuff around his wrist. "Now, put your hands around that tree and lock the other cuff in place."
"Around the tree?"
"Just do it," she said as she impatiently waved the gun at him.
"Do. It."
JD reached around the nearest tree, a sturdy aspen, and then closed the cuff over his wrist. The woman immediately stepped over to check the security of the handcuffs. She wiggled them on his wrists; they weren't cutting into his skin, but there was no way he could slip his hands free, either. As an ATF agent, he knew better than to get himself stuck in a situation like this. He was helpless to prevent anything that might happen next.
As the woman turned and started to walk away, back in the direction of the road, she said over her shoulder, "Thanks for being so cooperative. Have a good night."
JD waited. He wasn't exactly sure what he was waiting for, though. After a few minutes, he heard the truck's engine turn over and then tires crunching over the dirt road, slowly fading away. He hoped to hell that Buck's truck would be okay.
He listened for the sound of any approaching cars on the road maybe Ezra was running late, as usual but there was none. The sun was now behind the mountains and JD could feel the temperature dropping. He wondered why he hadn't thought to wear something heavier than a t-shirt. His jacket was still in the truck.
He almost jumped when he heard a sharp crack, followed by crunching sounds. JD was positive the sounds could only have been made by a very large animal, like a bear, or....
"Hello! Is someone there? Hello?"
The crunching kept on, growing louder, drawing nearer.
"Hey! Over here!"
The remaining light of the day was quickly fading. JD could barely see across to the nearest tree. The crunching like twigs and dry leaves beneath a foot or large paw continued and he could tell that it was now coming from behind him. JD turned, trying to look over his shoulder, to peer between the trees, but he could make out nothing in the twilight.
"Hello?" JD called out again when the noises stopped. "Hey, I'm here!" JD swallowed hard; maybe it was some large animal after all. Maybe he was being watched, stalked. At any moment, the bear or ... or mountain lion might leap out of the undergrowth and attack.
JD felt something touch his left hip. He froze.
He didn't dare look, even though it was too dark now to see much of anything.
Something touched his right thigh, moving up to his hip, then forward. Hands, human hands, circled his waist from both sides, and then met at the button on his waistband. The two pieces of fabric were rent apart, each of the five buttons along the fly putting up little resistance.
The denim was then pushed down his legs and JD couldn't deny what was going to happen to him: left by that woman, alone in the woods, handcuffed to a tree, completely helpless, someone had found him, but JD knew that rescue was the last thing that would happen to him.
He felt hands at his waist again. Fingers slipped beneath the elastic of his briefs. He could feel calluses against his skin. He could feel blunt nails. Undeniably, the hands belonged to a man, the man who was about to take JD in these very woods.
Fingers grasped the cotton fabric, twisting and pulling until the weave began to tear under the assault. When one leg hole had been ripped wide, the hands moved to the other, pulling until the second leg hole gave way. The fabric was then pulled from between his legs and JD heard it land on the ground, somewhere in the darkness.
JD tried to calm his breathing. His heart was pounding fast and loud in his chest, but it wasn't loud enough to drowned out the sound of the steady breathing of the man behind him. A wave of panic washed over JD before he could rationalize it away; he tugged at the handcuffs, even though he knew it was useless. There was no escape. He would submit; how could he not?
The hands now moved over his bare skin; they were firm, but not enough to bruise. He felt the hands slip up beneath his t-shirt, carrying the fabric upward, up to his shoulders, only to be yanked over his head and then deposited on his out-stretched arms.
The hands snaked around to his chest. Fingers worried his nipples until they began to peak, then the fingers squeezed. JD gasped at the intensity. This shouldn't feel good, he knew, but that didn't change the fact that it did. The fingers were now alternating between stroking and pinching; jolts raced down JD's body, concentrating in his groin, pumping blood, hot and fast, into his swelling penis.
A hand slipped from his bare chest, down his stomach; the fingers paused, curling briefly in the hairs at his crotch before wrapping around his hard, sensitive dick. The fingers were warm, the tips smooth, and the palms slightly callused. JD's breath caught painfully in his throat as the hand moved roughly over his length. JD gripped hard to the tree as he felt his knees weaken. He was scared and excited and he couldn't stop himself from trembling beneath the large, strong hands coercing him into submission.
Suddenly, he felt a hand behind him, spreading his cheeks. A wet finger moved over his hole, and then pushed inside. JD tensed with the sudden invasion. He wasn't ready for this. He thought he'd have more time, time to steel himself, to prepare. The finger moved in and out, quickly working over the ring of muscle. Then, it was pressed deep until the tip bumped against his prostate.
JD gasped as sparks ignited deep inside his gut. His knees buckled, but the two hands dominating his body held him upright. He didn't know how much more of this he would have to endure, how much more he could take.
Then the finger was gone from inside of him. A moment later, JD felt hot breath on his neck; a tongue licked his jaw and down his neck before teeth clamped possessively onto his shoulder.
"Please," JD begged, leaning his head back as his heart rate increased and his breath came fast and shallow. He then felt something large and soft press against his hole. He knew what was going to happen next, knew without conscious thought, and his body automatically responded, relaxing an instant before a firm, slick penis was pushed inside of him.
The hand on his own dick was gone. Two hands were now on his hips, holding him steady as the long, thick shaft was slowly and relentlessly pushed deep inside of him.
JD could barely believe how big it felt, how much it filled him. His mouth hung open, caught between a moan and a silent scream. He clutched at the tree, wishing he could get his hands on the man taking him.
JD felt the invading penis give ground and he used the respite to catch his breath, but soon the hard shaft was being shoved deep again, more swiftly this time, slipping against and past his prostate before retreating again. A smooth, quick rhythm began as JD felt a hand return to his dick, tightening around the hard length. The fingers moved up and down his shaft in an odd, yet complimentary, rhythm.
Soon JD found himself fighting the urge to thrust into the fist gripping him, to push back and drive the man's penis harder and deeper into his bowels. Sensations were building in his loins until JD could think of nothing else, until all he could picture in his mind's eye was an enormous dick disappearing into his body, until all he could feel were the tingles and sparks and shards of raw need lancing through his lower body.
"Oh, God!" he cried as everything narrowed down to a pinprick and then exploded into the most exhilarating waves of release. Pulses of cum licked up his channel, splattering his stomach.
Then, a moment later, he heard the man behind him grunt and groan. The man's balls slapped against his ass as JD was penetrated by several sharp, quick jabs of the man's dick. Hands gripped firmly onto his hips, pulling JD closer, pushing the man deeper.
Then strong arms wrapped around his waist. JD felt heavy breathing against his neck. He turned his head and met warm, moist lips that captured his as the last eddies of orgasm pooled in his fingers and toes before beginning to fade.
A soft, languid tongue explored his mouth for a few moments, as if lapping up the remaining droplets of thrilling exhilaration, before the mouth pulled away and JD was able to breath again.
He leaned his head back on the man's shoulder as light kisses peppered over his neck.
"You okay?" The voice was soft in his ear, gentle.
"Yeah, Buck. I'm fine, but could you uncuff me now?"
JD heard a gentle exhalation that he took as a happy little laugh. Buck then moved away from him to the other side of the tree and began unlocking the cuffs. Once free, JD rubbed at his wrists, which he'd made sore from unnecessary tugging. He'd have to suggest padding for the next time they tried this.
"So, what did you think of Shelley?" Buck asked as he did up his pants.
"Pretty. Did you give her the whole lecture about driving your car?"
"Of course. I might trust her not to hurt you, but I don't trust no one with that truck not after all the effort I put into restoring her."
Buck grabbed JD around the waist and hugged him close, pressing their lips together once more. "Damn. That was fun! Thanks for playing along."
JD smiled. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for Buck, and that was the truth. But next time maybe he could convince Buck to be the one handcuffed to the tree. "Yeah, it was, Buck, but I bet I had a better time than you did . . ."
The End
July 2003Please do NOT repost this story anywhere, for any reason.Characters from "The Magnificent Seven" were used without permission and this story in no way signifies support of, or affiliation with, The Mirisch Group, MGM, Trilogy Entertainment, or CBS Worldwide, Inc. The M7-ATF universe was created by Mog, and extra thanks go to her for allowing other people to play within it. The story itself and any non-Magnificent Seven characters belong to the author. This story will not be sold for any reason.