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Heart's Desiresby Jan |
Vin sat at the table cleaning his guns. Amy watched his hands caress the gun parts as he cleaned and reassembled them. He felt her watching him and glanced up at her with a smile; she smiled back and said Pretty bad, to be jealous of a gun.Vin laughed and winked at her Just wait darlin. Youre turn is coming.
Chris shook his head, laughing at their banter going back to reading his book. He debated about going to his room and leaving them alone but it didnt seem to bother either of them that he was there plus he was going to take Holly away tomorrow night so Vin and Amy would have the house to themselves the whole weekend.
Vin was putting away his cleaning supplies when Amy walked out of the kitchen carrying a tray with three plates of chocolate cake with ice cream on it. He nodded toward the couch and she nodded back with a smile as she handed Chris a plate before she sat on the couch with her and Vins plates. Youre spoiling me Amy Chris said as he ate his cake.
Only because you deserve to be spoiled Amy winked at him with a laugh.
Vin joined Amy on the couch and grabbing his plate dove into the cake with a relish that made both Chris and Amy laugh. When they finished their cake and ice cream Amy noticed that Vin had a little bit of cake on the side of his mouth, without thinking about it she leaned over and licked it off him. Hmmm, that was nice Vin sighed.
Very nice Amy agreed as she took all three plates and the tray back to the kitchen. When she came back to the living room Vin stood up and grabbed her hand.
Night Cowboy he told Chris leading Amy to their room.
Night Chris Amy waved with a giggle.
Night guys, hey Vin remember you need to bring your jeep tomorrow because Im leaving from work to get Holly Chris smiled at them.
Got it Vin hollered back just before Chris heard the door close muffling the sounds of laughter and giggling.
Your turn Vin whispered as he nibbled on her ear. Lets get you naked and on the bed.
Bout time Amy laughed pulling off her clothes.
Face down, babe Vin told her once they were both naked.
Why she asked.
I told you it was your turn, ya cant have a turn without the full treatment Vin waggled her eyebrow at her with a wicked grin on his face.
She lay down on the bed face down and slid over a little so he could sit next to her. Putting some lotion in his hand he rubbed them together and then started to apply the lotion on her left foot and up that leg.
Ummm, that feels so good Amy moaned as his hands worked the lotion in with a gentle massage.
Arent you glad you listened to me Vin asked moving to the right leg.
Always Amy answered sighing when he started on her rear and up her back.
Vin smiled at the soft moaning sounds of pleasure she was making. He did her shoulders and both arms and then asked her to roll over. He started again with her feet and worked his way up paying special attention to her hips, lower belly, and breasts. Their breathing had sped up by the time he finished giving her the massage.
Youre turn Amy said as she reached up and rubbed his chest. Face down, babe. Amy straddled his legs and paid him back by giving him a full massage too, occasionally bending down to kiss different parts of his body.
Amys eyes were full of desire when she leaned down to kiss his lips, their tongues mating as soft moans filled the room. He rolled them over so she was under him again, her hands roamed freely over his body then lower to cup his rear end and pulled him tighter against her. Lifting his head from her mouth, he started to work his way down her body licking and suckling her breasts as she wiggled under him. She wrapped her left leg around him and rocked her hips against him trying to ease the building ache between her legs.
Vin kissed his way lower down her body to lap up the juices from her sweet center, his mouth worked her as she bucked with her orgasm. He made his way back up her body to claim her mouth in a deep passionate kiss. He let her push him to his back so she could return the favor sucking and licking her way down his body to pull his hardening shaft into her mouth, he was at the edge when he pulled her away and at her whimpered Please he entered her body filling her with pleasure. Vin pumped in and out of her to their mutual climax to their join whispers of I love you. He collapsed on her and she kept him securely wrapped in her arms. When Vin started to pull out of her Amy sighed Wait, I love the feel of you inside me, just a little longer please. She always asked so little but gave him so much, he didnt think he could deny her anything. Finally he slid from her rolling off her pulled her into his arms as they both drifted off to sleep.
Amy reached out for Vin only to find an empty spot next to her, the clock said 3:40 and she glanced around the room. Vin stood looking out the window bathed in moonlight. Amy walked over to him saying softly Hey knowing to touch him without him knowing it was her was a mistake.
Hey he replied then he opened his arms to her.
Whats wrong babe she asked snuggling up against him.
Nothing he tried to evade answering.
Sweetie, nothing doesnt make you leave our bed in the middle of the night Amy gazed into his eyes. Talking about it could help.
Vin sighed Its stupid.
Vin if its bothering you its not stupid, please let me help
Youre leg is getting better.
And thats a problem because?
How much longer you think Chris will let us stay here after your well and back to work? Vins looked her in the eye. I like having you in my arms each night and waking up to you in the morning. Just knowing I have you to come home to makes my day.
I dont have a place to move to, maybe I can she started but Vin stopped her.
Theres no way in hell youre moving to Purgatorio. Im not putting you at risk like that. Vin said his voice hard.
There are good people that live there too Amy tried to change his mind.
Babe, Vin said softly I know that but there are bad people too. I couldnt concentrate at work worrying about you and if you got hurt it would kill me. Smiling at her he added Plus you couldnt take all your animals there.
Oh Vin, I love my animals and I dont want to give them up but for you I would in a heartbeat. Dont you know how much you mean to me? Its like a piece of me is missing when you arent around she told him smiling when one of the hands that had been caressing her back lower to her rear and pulled her against him. And I dont just mean sex, just being in the same room as you makes me feel whole. Sighing she added Im not explaining it right.
Yeah, you are. I feel the same way. Vin pulled her head to his shoulder. I dont want you to give them up, I cant believe Ive gotten so damn attached to pigs and a duck. He heard her soft laugh and continued I love watching you with them, I couldnt stand the thought that you had to give them up.
Your apartment in Purgatorio isnt the only place we can go Amy said as she kissed his neck. Hell, Denvers a big area we should be able to find some place we can be together that we can both be happy with. Too bad your cabin is so far out, I loved it there.
Im used a lot of my savings for that cabin, but it was worth it just for that weekend we spent there Vin said kissing her forehead.
I have some money saved, I wanted to get a place of my own. Lets do it together Amys eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked up at him.
I think I know a place that would be perfect Vin was getting caught up in her excitement. Let me check it out tomorrow. Dropping to his knee he took his hand I dont want to just live with you. I want to be a part of each others lives forever, to know its going to be my child you have, and wake up next to you for the next 70 years at least. Marry me Amy and let me spend the rest of our lives thanking God for making you mine.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pulled him up Yes, you always have the best ideas. I love you so much she started to nibble at his neck.
Vin moaned and lifted her chin to claim her mouth in a passionate kiss. Scooping her up he carried her back to the bed where they loved each other both emotionally and physically.
The next morning both Amy and Vin looked tired but happy. Ill see you Sunday night Amy, Vin see you at the office Chris told them as he got ready to leave.
Wait she stopped him for leaving. I get a hug before you go. Hugging him tightly she whispered Have a great time and dont worry well take good care of everything here.
Vin was in a great mood all day, he seemed to get happier as the day went on.
The others figured Chris wasnt the only one who was going to enjoy some private time with his lady this weekend. Buck couldnt resist temptation to tease Vin a little bit but Vins mood was so good he just smiled and made more phone calls. Around 3 pm Vin announced he had an appointment and would see everyone on Monday.
He stopped by the ranch to pick up Amy and took her to the place he thought would be perfect for them. Seeing it Amy couldnt keep the smile off her face. You have the best ideas she laughed as she hugged Vin its perfect.
Vin had known the owner who was thrilled with their plans for the place so they were able to work out a great price and payment arrangements that was very reasonable. Vin had arranged for the papers to be signed right there and then. It was all official they were now the proud owners of a home.
Chris pulled into Hollys driveway and jumped out to help her with her suitcase. A little impatient arent you he teased as they were pulling out of her driveway.
Heck yeah, Ive been waiting to get to all to myself for sometime now and the sooner we get there the sooner I can ravish your body Holly said with a wicked smile that made Chris laugh as she rubbed his thigh.
Sounds like fun, you can ravish me all you want, sweetheart Chris winked at her. Want me to use the red lights and sirens to get there faster.
Can you she laughed.
No, but its not far and I have plans for your luscious body too Chris smiled.
As they drove Holly thought back to when they first met, she couldnt believe she thought he was cold then. She now knew what a caring man he was and for all his glaring to get his way he could be putty in the hands of those he cherished. As a physical therapist Holly knew the benefits of the handicapped riding program so she asked her cousin Amy to work with her, their cousin Bess, and Anna another therapist she worked with to set something up. Amy, Anna, and Bess were quick to agree and Amys boss let them use his ranch for it. The problem was they could only have it for a short time so they decided to Saturdays and have bigger groups at one time. Amy told them the man she was dating, Vin, was great with horses and she would ask if he could help them out. He agreed and said the rest of his team would do it too.
Team Seven showed up ready to work. At first Amy and Holly thought they would have a problem when both Bess and Chris tried to take charge. They butted heads with Josiah trying to keep them apart and everyone happy. Holly, with Bess and Anna in agreement, werent sure these hard men were what the kids needed but Amy defended them and told her if she pushed them out Amy would walk too. Holly knew that Amy was one of the most easy going people she knew and if it meant that much to Amy that they were involved she was willing to give it a try. Amy reminded Bess that she could be pretty bossy when she was working on a project and that Team Seven wasnt used to her yet, once they knew how good a job she did they would relax and let her run with it just like the rest of them did. Bess thought about all the times Amy had been there for her and she knew if Amy wanted it they would stay. Not to mention that Josiah was rather appealing to her, she found herself annoying Chris just so Josiah would be around to break things up before they got out of hand, something she apologized to Chris for the next week. Anna didnt have the faith in Amys judgment that the others did but the thought of working with all those attractive men thrilled her, not to mention the attraction she felt for the member of the team they called Nathan so decided what could hurt to give it a try.
All of their concerns were answered as soon as the first child showed up. These hard men became the most gentle of them all as they dealt with the kids. Entertaining them and making them feel safe and secure on the horses. Holly, Anna, and Bess found themselves standing with Amy wiping away the tears at the happy smiles on the kids and mens faces.
The session ran though the summer, Bess and Josiah and Anna and Nathan became couples but Holly couldnt seem to penetrate the barrier Chris had set up. Shed seen him drop it with the kids and sometimes with her but there was a part he held back. Bless her heart Amy would invite them to dinner and make it relaxed like friends rather than like a fix up which neither she nor Chris would have liked. As their season was coming to an end Holly worried she wouldnt she Chris much anymore and was surprised how sad that made her. She was thrilled when Chris invited her to an ATF affair, it was their first step and they had been dating ever since. She found out later that Amy and Vin had been the ones to encourage him to ask her, she definitely owed them a big one.
They pulled into the hunting lodge and Chris told her to stay in the truck while he went to register and get the key to their cabin. One of the reasons they picked this spot for their romantic getaway was they offered private cabins set away from each other for complete privacy. Chris was smiling when he came back and tossed her the key saying Cabin Seven, think thats a sign.
Once they had all their supplies put away Chris stood in the center of room staring at her. Well, Im waiting he said with a smirk.
What she answered confused.
You promised to ravish me when we got here he smiled. Were here.
She laughed as she grabbed his hand and lead him to the bed Well then lets get started with the ravishing. She pulled at his shirt baring him to the waist then pushed him back on the bed.
She lifted his left foot and removed the boot then repeated the process on the right. She straddled him as she crawled up his body kissing him along her way. He brought up his right hand to cup the back of her head and pulled her to his mouth for a demanding kiss. Holly felt him take control of the situation and was more than happy to yield to him, the man knew how to satisfy a woman. She was barely aware of him removing her clothes until he rolled them over and she realized she was naked. Damn, hes good she thought. Of course that fact that he was naked too was a huge plus. Their hands roamed and caressed each other driving their passions higher and higher. Chris kissed down her neck to her breasts as she arched up to meet him. Reach down she began to stroke his shaft, flicking her thumb over the sensitive tip then reaching down to caress his balls. With a growl he grabbed her hips and entered her with a swift stroke. Yes, oh God Chris, faster she moaned. Reaching their peak he rolled over carrying her with him so she collapsed on top of him instead of the other way around.
Once she recovered she kissed his neck A whole weekend of loving you, if I dont survive at least Ill die happy she told him making him laugh.
At least well go out together Chris said stroking his hand up her back. Better get some rest before round two.
They slept for awhile then feed each other dinner in bed making love again before sleeping the rest of the night. The next day Chris had rented a couple of horses for them to go riding on but he wanted her to wear a long skirt he had brought for her. All he had to do was smile at her and say please and she did it, heck if he wanted her to ride naked she probably would have.
Once they were down the trail a ways and out of sight he pulled his horse up. He lifted her down and moved their picnic and blanket to her horse. Kissing her deeply he reached under her skirt to remove her underwear. Ive always wanted to try this, you game he smiled at her.
She had an idea what he wanted and it sounded exciting so she nodded in agreement with a huge smile saying Oh yeah, Im game.
He mounted his horse and then helped her up in front of him but facing him. Holly laughed as he got them situated just like he wanted he started down the trail again with one hand guiding the horse and the other stroking her bare crotch. Dang Chris, youre driving me crazy she told him breathlessly.
Chris just smiled as he nibbled on her neck and then inserted a finger inside her.
Holly decided two could play at this game as she freed him from his jeans, stroking and pulling him to hardness. They were both breathing heavy when he lifted her to impale her on his rigid shaft, then he kicked the horse to a lope using the movements of the horse to fulfill each other. Holly lay limply against him when they reached the spot for their picnic, she looked up at him and sighed Wow!
Yep, wow says it Chris kissed her. Glad you wore the skirt?
Ummm she nodded against his chest.
Sweetheart, you need to lean back a little so we can get off the horse for lunch Chris smiled.
He dismounted the horse and asked if she was okay for a minute. When he returned he lifted her down and carried her over to the blanket he had just laid out. Just rest, darlin. Im going to take care of the horses and bring over our lunch he told her as her eyes were closing.
They both slept for awhile then ate lunch. You up for the ride back Chris asked. You can ride behind me this time.
Holly enjoyed the ride back, not as much as the ride out but having Chris in her arms and being able to let her hands caress his hard muscles was heaven.
They spent the rest of the weekend in their cabin loving each other. He thought a weekend would satisfy his itch but he wanted more time with her so he brought her back to his ranch Sunday night instead of taking her home. He promised he would drop her off in time to get to work in the morning.
Vin and Amy could hardly wait for them to get in the house to tell them their news. Holly and Chris would be the first to know which they both felt was the way it should be. Come and sit down, we have some news Amy told them.
We decided to move in together Vin started.
Like hell youre taking her to Purgatorio to live with you Chris roared shocking the other three.
What the hell are you talking about Cowboy, who said anything about Purgatorio Vin replied hotly.
Wait Amy told Vin laying her hand on his arm please she said softly.
Chris, you know dang good and well Vin would never let me live with him in Purgatorio so whats the real problem Amy asked him gently.
Chris shook his head and at first she thought he would answer tell he look up and said I know, Im sorry Vin. I like having you both here, it makes it feel like a home again instead of just a house. Looking over at Amy he added Told ya you were spoiling me, I dont want you two to leave.
Well, youre going to have us around for awhile yet Vin told him. We bought the Henderson spread next door.
The Henderson spread, my closest neighbor Chris asked hopefully.
Yep Vin answered him with a huge smile. We decided to do it Thursday night and signed the papers Friday afternoon, course it needs work before we can move in so we hoped we could stay here with you until it was ready for us.
Congratulations Chris said sincerely as he stood to shake Vins hand and hug Amy. Holly joined in hugging them both.
Theres more Amy told them looking over at Vin.
She agreed to marry me, Cowboy Vin said pulling Amy in for a one armed hug. I was hoping youd be the best man for me.
Hell yes, I will Chris said with a huge smile. This time he hugged both Amy and Vin. Im happy for you both.
That night as they lay in bed Holly asked Chris Are you really okay with this?
Yeah, Im happy for them. They belong together I was just being selfish, itll be lonely here without them Chris confessed to her.
Well, I havent seen the Henderson place but what Amy told me it needs a lot of work before they can move in. She said they got a great deal on it because the owner knew they would take care of the place and not subdivide it Holly said snuggled up against him.
Holly he said with a hint of hesitation. I know its not the best timing but how would you feel about moving out here with me.
She pulled back and looked up at him Are you sure, this isnt just a knee jerk reaction.
I was afraid youd think that Chris confessed. Ive been thinking about it but didnt want Vin and Amy to feel like I was in a rush for them to leave so I put it off. I havent been fair to you, no one till you touched that part of me that belonged to Sarah. Vin and Amy convinced me Sarah would want me to move on and be happy. It scared the shit out of me to let you in because I knew how much it hurts to lose that person, I wasnt sure I could go through it again. After this weekend I know not trying hurts just as much, I dont want what we had to end. Give me a chance to prove to you that this broken down old Cowboy is worth your effort.
Oh Chris, youve always been worth the effort and if youre sure thats what you want I would be thrilled to move in here with you Holly had tears in her eyes as she started to kiss him. Pulling back she said When?
How about I tomorrow? Chris said kissing her.
Perfect Holly said as she rained kissed on his face, neck, and chest.
Love you lady Chris whispered in her ear just before he proceeded to show her that love in a physically way.
The next morning Chris and Holly shared their news with Vin and Amy who were both thrilled. Bout damn time, Cowboy Vin said to Chris with a smile.
Do you need some help packing? Amy asked Holly.
That would be great Holly agreed. I called work and told them I needed the today and tomorrow off so we can spend the day packing if your game.
Sounds like a plan to me Amy laughed. How are we going to tell everyone else all the news?
Lets invite them to Hollys for dinner and they can help us move her out here, we can order pizzas and tell them then Chris suggested and the others nodded in agreement.
The End