As he headed toward the office he shared with his teammates, JD gingerly blew on the surface of his coffee. He was actually starting to like the syrup Vin was in the habit of making first thing in the morning a little sugar, a little cream, and the stuff wasn't half bad. But, as he approached the doorway, he unexpectedly heard his name."... get JD. The look on his face alone is gonna be worth it!"
JD's feet ground to a halt outside the office. He wasn't one to eavesdrop, but three things had put him high on alert: his name, Buck's voice, and the words "get JD." All was fair in love and war, Buck had often told him, and that man had just uttered fighting words! JD pressed himself against the wall next to the doorjamb and listened carefully for what more would be said.
"I would appreciate you being careful with those, Mr. Wilmington. In the wrong hands, I dread to think what might happen." It was Ezra's voice now. But what were they talking about?
"Don't worry, pard. I'll be careful. They sure do look real enough, though."
Damn! What were they talking about? JD was dying to know. He'd have to sit tight and see if they said anymore, but just then, the elevator at the end of the hallway dinged. He couldn't let anyone find him, lurking. So, he straightened up and walked, as quietly as he could, into the bullpen, hoping to catch a glimpse of what the two men had been discussing.
All he saw was Buck pulling his hand away from his top left drawer. JD would check there first, as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
He smiled innocently at his friends, who nodded a bit too casually given the circumstances. JD would turn the tables on Buck, if he could. The man just didn't know when to stop with these stupid practical jokes; he was getting to be as bad as Vin.
"Hey, kid?"JD had been in his bedroom, reading, and came out at the sound of his roommate's voice. "Hey, Buck. Whatcha got there?" he asked, pointing at the white plastic bag the man was carrying.
"Video. Thought we could watch it later."
"Sure," the kid nodded, wondering what the man had picked up. With Buck you could never tell; anything from "Aliens" to "Debbie Does Dallas" suited his tastes.
"Oh, but here, got something ta show ya," Buck said, and JD noticed a disturbing twinkle in the man's blue eyes. "Ezra showed me a new trick."
"Buck, I'm not really in the mood for cards...."
"No, ain't cards. Ezra, he knows other stuff, too. Said he once went undercover as a magician, back in Atlanta. He showed me this real neat trick."
JD nodded, indulging the man, as usual. He really wondered how someone as serious as Chris Larabee had put up with someone like Buck Wilmington for so many years.
Buck pulled a chair from the dining table over, into the center of the small living room, and sat down. Then, he produced a pair of handcuffs.
"I'll bet ya ten dollars that I can escape from these here 'cuffs in under one minute."
"No way, Buck," the kid shook his head. "Not even Ezra could do it. He may be good, but he ain't that good!"
"Well," the man laughed, "if ya don't think I can do it, then what do ya have to lose? Ten dollars. Come on."
The kid was still shaking his head, but then decided to see how far Buck was willing to take this. "Twenty," he finally countered.
"Twenty? No, that's too much."
"Gee, Buck, you sounded so confident. Not so sure anymore?"
Now Buck laughed again. "Just didn't wanna take ya for that much money, but if yer sure...."
"It's a bet, then," the kid said, reaching out his hand, but before Buck could shake it, he pulled it back. "On one condition."
Buck raised his eyebrows, waiting for the kid to continue.
JD crossed his arms. "No cheating."
"I don't cheat."
"Yeah, but Ezra showed you this trick, and I don't trust him as far as I can throw him which isn't very far."
Buck threw up his hands. "Fine. No cheating. I give ya my word."
"Take off your shirt." There was no way he was going to let Buck get take advantage of him. "Take off your shirt. I wanna make sure you don't have anything hidden up your sleeves or stashed in the seams."
Buck's face showed first surprise, irritation, and then indulgence. "Fine. I'll take off my shirt." Buck undid the buttons, and then threw the dress-shirt and the undershirt onto the couch. "Happy?"
"Pants, too."
"Now hold on...."
"You made the bet, now I'm making the rules. For twenty dollars, who knows what you might have stashed away. Take 'em off."
Buck shook his head, obviously disappointed that the kid didn't trust him anymore than he trusted Ezra. But, he removed his shoes, and then peeled off his pants anyway. "The boxers stay," he insisted.
"No argument from me there!" JD agreed. "Okay, now what?"
Buck sat down in the chair, and then held out the handcuffs to JD. "Fasten 'em on my wrists." He moved his arms around and behind the backrest of the chair, and then held them there for JD.
The kid took one hand and slapped the very real looking 'cuff around one wrist. Then he slipped the other metal ring between two rails of the backrest.
"Hey, what are ya doing?" Buck asked, squirming to turn around.
"Making sure you don't cheat," JD replied as he secured the ring around Buck's other wrist. "Now what?"
"Okay, come stand over here, so ya can see the clock," Buck instructed his roommate and JD moved to stand in front of him. "Now, start counting down the seconds. And get ready ta be amazed!"
"Go ... 59 ... 58 ... 57 ... 56 ..."
"Ten more dollars says I make it in under 30," Buck chuckled, so confident.
JD just nodded in agreement as he continued to count: "... 51 ... 50 ... 49 ... 48 ..."
He watched Buck as the man started to struggle. Maybe this wasn't as easy as he thought it was going to be? Maybe he was beginning to wonder if Ezra had showed him wrong? Maybe he was starting to believe that old Ezra had pulled a practical joke on him?
"... 31 ... 30 ..." And JD had just made ten dollars. "... 27 ... 26 ... 25 ..."
Buck was now squirming pretty hard. "I got it, I got it. Don't ya worry, kid. Ol' Buck'll show ya! Yup. Just ... need ... another ... few ... seconds ... and...."
"... 15 ... 14 ... 13 ... 12 ..."
"Yup ... almost got it. Al ... most ... got ... it...."
"... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1. Time's up, Buck. You lose!"
"What? No, I can't lose! Ezra said it would work. He showed me!! Dammit, Ezra!!" Buck had disintegrated into simply tugging at the restraints, though as a former police officer, he should have known the futility of it. "Get me outta these, kid!! "
"You gotta key, Buck?"
"A key?"
"For the handcuffs. They all come with one, you know."
"No, I ain't got a key. Ezra didn't gimme a key!! There's this little lever yer supposed to press. Go look. It's right there on the inside of each ring."
JD went around to the back of the chair. He ran his fingers over the smooth, cool metal surface. "There's no lever, Buck. These are real 'cuffs."
"No, no, no!!! They can't be!"
"Guess you owe me twenty dollars oh, no, that's right: thirty." Smiling wide, the kid walked over to where Buck had tossed his jeans. He pulled the wallet from the man's back pocket. "May I?" Then he opened it and let his roommate watch as he removed two bills. "Thanks a lot, Buck. Easiest money I ever made." Then he tossed the wallet on top of the jeans and headed toward his room.
"JD! Ya come back here!! We ain't done!!"
"Oh, yeah, I forgot. You brought a video." The kid grinned wide again as he headed over to the dining table where Buck had left the bag. He pulled out the plastic case and read the title: "Time Bandits I haven't seen this in years. Good choice."
"That ain't what I meant!! Ya gotta call Ezra. Ya gotta tell him ta come over here and get me outta these 'cuffs!!"
JD just continued on to the VCR, but when he pulled the tape out of the case, he noticed a different title on the label another of Buck's practical jokes, no doubt. Well, Buck would be getting a little back of what he too frequently dished out! JD smiled as he turned on the television and VCR before sliding the tape into the machine.
Then he headed for the couch as the usual FBI copyright warnings flashed up on the black screen.
"Yer not gonna leave me like this! Are ya?" Buck continued to protest.
JD just shook his head, then got up and moved behind the man. He pulled a white handkerchief from his pocket, twirled it into a long rope; as soon as Buck opened his mouth again, JD slipped the gag across the opening, and then tied the ends behind his head. Buck immediately began to struggle, making muffled sounds of protest as he rattled the handcuffs against the rungs of the chair.
"Would you stop making noise so we can watch the movie?" the kid insisted before returning to the couch. Damn, he thought to himself, this is fun! He was finally beginning to appreciate a well-executed practical joke. Maybe Buck was, too.
Just then, a burst of music filled the room, and bright white letters flashed up onto the television screen. "Ass Bandits," it read, and JD looked over at Buck's face; the man was surprised, and that struck JD as a little odd. But, maybe the man was still hoping to salvage his joke. JD, however, wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
He let the video continue to play. On screen, there was a fairly crowded bar scene, at the counter was a man wearing leather chaps, his bare-ass completely exposed. Another guy, wearing a t-shirt with a fringed edge approached him.
"Move and you'll get it good," the guy threatened in the man's ear. The man in chaps promptly shoved his ass backwards. The other guy grabbed him, spun him around, and then kissed him so hard JD thought his own eyes were going to pop out of his head! He looked over at Buck and found the man was having a similar reaction.
This wasn't the light-hearted, quirky English film they both obviously thought it was going to be.
The guy in fringe grabbed the other man's ass, and then pushed him toward the back of the bar. They brushed through a pair of bat-wing doors, and then headed down a dark hallway. At the end was an open door. They entered into the small room.
The guy in fringe began to undo his pants, while he watched the man in chaps rubbing himself, slowly, up and down, over the soft-looking material of the g-string that covered his crotch.
JD felt his heart racing, and wasn't sure why his dick was suddenly growing hard. Almost afraid to, he forced himself to look over at Buck. The man was quiet now, sitting perfectly still as he stared at the television screen. JD glanced down and saw the tenting of the fabric of his boxers. Watching this was making Buck hard as well.
The kid looked back at the screen. The guy in fringe was now sitting in a chair, his legs spread a bit, his pants simply gone. The man in chaps was kneeling in front of him, his bare-ass filling the lower corner of the screen. He moved his hands to the guy's crotch, taking the swollen cock firmly between his fingers. He then began to stroke the shaft, slowly up and down. The guy sitting lulled his head back and began to moan.
A slight movement caught JD's attention and he turned to see Buck squirming in the chair, though he no longer seemed to be struggling to get free of the 'cuffs.
He then realized that he was just beyond Buck's peripheral vision, that the man couldn't see him sitting on the couch not unless he turned his head, and Buck looked too enthralled by what was happening on the screen to do any such thing. JD reached down then, and began to move his hand over the bulge in his own jeans.
Porn had never been JD's thing. He'd always felt a little uncomfortable watching two people going at it; plus, the girls were always so skanky looking, and the guys were a bunch of slimy grease-balls, like too much make-up and too much gold jewelry were the prerequisites to landing the job. But Buck kept bringing home the tapes and he'd just gotten in the habit of watching them Buck seated at one end of the couch, himself at the other.
Oddly, he didn't even mind when Buck would pull his dick out to stroke it though he always wondered why Buck wasn't uncomfortable doing that with him sitting right there. Not that he'd ever asked the man.
Still, this was the first time he'd ever brought home gay porn. Maybe not intentionally, but still. And, JD had to admit, he liked it a lot better. No stupid plot, no whorey-looking girls. And the guys didn't look like rejects from the seventies there was no gold jewelry, no slicked-back hair, no thin pencil mustaches, and no horrible polyester suits which made JD itch just looking at them!
No, these guys had tans and muscles; they had cool clothes, and cooler looking haircuts. Except for the chaps, maybe, these were guys JD could see himself hanging out with, guys he'd gone to school with. Of course, there was the fact that these two guys were going at each other, but and JD had to really wonder about this it didn't seem to bother him as much as he thought it would.
He let out a long, quiet breath, and then went so far as to undo his zipper and slip his hand inside his pants. He wrapped his fingers around his dick and began to stroke it as he watched the two men on the screen. The one in fringe now had his dick buried in the other man's mouth.
JD hadn't ever been out with a girl who'd do that sort of thing. Though, he'd seen it done often enough in the videos Buck brought home. It looked incredible, and he always wondered what it would feel like, to come in someone's mouth.
As his hand continued to move over his hard, hot dick, a low groan inadvertently sounded in his throat. He quickly looked over to see if Buck had heard it and found the man looking at him. JD blushed with embarrassment, but he noticed that Buck wasn't embarrassed at all. And he suddenly realized that it wasn't the groan that had drawn the man's attention he'd been watching, staring.
JD swallowed hard. Buck raised his eyebrows high and tried to smile behind the gag still in his mouth.
A moment later, JD was on his knees in front of the man, not knowing how he'd gotten there. He moved his hands forward, slipping them inside the fly of Buck's boxers until his trembling fingers touched the rock-hard dick. He brushed his fingers lightly up and down the man's shaft, just feeling the skin, the texture, and comparing the subtle differences to his own, as his other hand stroked over his shaft.
He was afraid to look up at Buck, afraid of what he might see in the man's expression, in his eyes. And he was a little startled when he heard a low moan from the man, though he also found it encouraging. He wrapped his fingers around the thick shaft, and then began to move his hand up and down, in time with the strokes over his own dick.
He then remembered what he'd last seen on the screen. The man in chaps going down on the guy in fringe. His curiosity was suddenly overwhemling, so he gently pulled Buck's dick free of the material, then dared to look up at the man.
Buck was staring at the television again, but seemed to sense JD's eyes on him. He looked down, and the kid could just see the corners of his mouth tugging the gag upwards. Buck nodded, so JD scooted himself forward, holding the man's dick with his one hand, while still keeping his own dick tightly clasped in his other. Then he lowered his head and rubbed his lips over the smooth skin of the exposed head.
Buck was cut, like so many men of his generation, so the tip looked like a large, red mushroom, and it felt as smooth as satin against JD's trembling lips. He opened his mouth and dared to taste the flesh with the tip of his tongue. He didn't know what he thought it would taste like, but he was glad it didn't taste bad. He moved his tongue over the smooth skin, finally reaching the small slit, where there was an odd taste salty, and maybe even a little sweet, though he wasn't quite sure.
He then ran his tongue down the man's shaft, lingering for a moment at the edge of the glans, running his tongue around the swollen ridge. He heard Buck moan again, so he continued. He plied his tongue down the entire length, and mimicked the motion with his fingers along his own shaft. Then he began to lick his way back up to the tip, taking it fully inside his mouth once he'd reached the peak. He felt a tremor race over Buck's body then, and he smiled, realizing that he was the cause of that reaction.
He began to gently suck on the head, drawing just a little more of the length into his mouth, as he continued to run his tongue over the warm skin. Buck wrapped his feet around JD's hips then, pulling him a little closer, as he caressed JD's thigh and ass with a bare foot. JD felt a shudder run over his own body then.
He couldn't believe he was doing this. And to Buck of all people!
But he knew he couldn't stop, not now. Nor did it feel like Buck wanted him to. So he continued sucking on the man's shaft, taking more and more into his mouth, until he thought he might choke on the swollen head. Then he pulled back, stroking the length with his tongue and lips, as he slipped his hand inside the boxers, seeking and finding Buck's sac. He ran a light finger over the skin, feeling it contract, then he took the heavy balls in his palm, as he moved his other hand down to compare the weight with his own. Buck was a bigger guy all around, but JD wasn't entirely sure the man had it all over him in the balls department after all. This gave him a little more confidence as he continued to move his mouth up and down Buck's hard length.
He squeezed his own sac and liked the sensation it sent through his groin so much that he did it to Buck. The man squirmed in the chair, so JD squeezed again, then began to knead the man's nuts as his other hand moved up, stroking his own length in time to the rhythm he was setting with his mouth on Buck's dick.
Then he felt a tingling in his groin and knew he was close, so he removed his hand and brought it up to concentrate on Buck. As one hand continued to fondle the man's sac, his other hand began to make quick, short strokes right at the base of his dick, as his mouth continued to suck and tease the head.
A ragged groan escaped from Buck then, and JD knew the man was almost ready. He sucked a little hard, longer, as he squeezed the man's balls and firmly stroked the two inches of hard flesh above his root. He felt the man shudder, heard another groan, then suddenly hot liquid was squirting against the back of his throat. JD tried to hold his breath, tried not to gag as the salty cum coated the inside of his mouth.
When he was certain that he could without coughing, he swallowed, drinking down his roommate's jizz. He sucked on the head, making certain there was no more to come, but Buck's feet clenched around his ass he should have known how sensitive the man's dick would be right after orgasm so he eased away, slowly pulling his hands from the man.
JD sat back on his heels, still trying to process what had just happened, why he'd done it. He wasn't even thinking about his own hard-on until he felt Buck's foot on it, rubbing up and down the length. He looked up at the man, who just wiggled his eyebrows at him.
He swallowed, trying to find his voice again, though he didn't have any idea what to say. Buck just kept stroking his shaft, until JD realized how much it was aching for release.
But Buck was still tied, and the man certainly couldn't bring him off doing what he was doing, so JD spit into his own hand. Buck moved his foot away as JD wrapped his fingers around his shaft. He looked up and found Buck staring down at him, watching as he stroked himself slowly up and down. He felt the heat rising in his cheeks, but was surprised that it wasn't embarrassment that he felt. His heart was racing, knowing Buck was watching him, knowing the man wanted to see him come. And he was surprised when his dick seemed to swell even harder with these thoughts.
He moved his hand up and down his shaft, and Buck reached out with his foot, which he placed beneath JD's sac. He felt the man gently caress his balls, as he stroked faster and faster over his dick. He ran his eyes up the length of Buck's body, noting that he was no longer struggling with the handcuffs, that his shaft was not entirely flaccid despite his recent orgasm, that his chest was still rising and falling with rapid breaths.... When their eyes met, JD realized what a huge turn-on this was for the man, as well as for himself.
A ragged breath escaped him then, followed by a quick intake of air, as the muscles throughout his groin spasmed. The kid threw his head back as his seed raced up his channel, squirting high into the small space between him and Buck. He felt his balls tighten as another squirt of jizz pumped from his shaft. Wave after wave crashed over his body, and JD's limbs were weak from it. He continued to squeeze his eyes shut, never having felt such a powerful orgasm before.
Another spasm took him, clenching his stomach muscles, and he threw his head forward. His whole body was shaking now, but he couldn't pull his hand away from his dick. He continued to stroke until the flesh began to soften, until his heart stopped thundering in his ears. Then he slumped to the floor, only then daring to look up at Buck again.
The man was smiling wide, this time hardly hindered by the gag. JD took a deep breath, and then struggled to his feet. He reached out and pulled the gag from Buck's mouth.
"Damn," was all the man said, in a single exhalation of breath.
JD just nodded, and then pulled his pants up onto his hips before digging into his pocket and pulling out the key to the handcuffs.
Buck's eyes went wide, but he didn't say a word.
JD then moved behind him and unlocked the restraints. Once he was free, Buck began to rub his wrists. "Ya had that key the whole time? And ya didn't say anything?" he finally asked.
"You didn't ask me."
"Ezra put ya up ta this?" the man asked as he stood, tucking his dick back into his boxers before stretching.
"Nope. I overheard you two talking and decided to turn the tables!" JD grinned wide in triumph.
Buck shook his head and laughed for a moment. Then he suddenly grabbed JD around the waist. "Why you! I oughta ... I oughta ... bend ya over this here chair and ... and do that to ya!"
Buck pulled JD about so that he was facing the television screen. The man in the chaps was bent over the back of the chair, his bare-ass high, as the guy in fringe came at him, his hard cock held firmly in his hand as he pushed the tip against the man's hole.
JD stared. He had never seen anything like it before, and he had to wonder if Buck had either. They both watched, frozen in place, with Buck still behind him, an arm wrapped securely around his waist. The guy in fringe pushed his cock forward, until the swollen tip entered the man in chaps. JD cringed, thinking how much that must hurt, but a quick cut of the camera revealed nothing but intense pleasure on the man's face. JD felt his dick suddenly twitch as he became aware of just exactly what piece of Buck's anatomy was now pressed up against his ass.
"You wouldn't dare," he heard himself say, though he hardly recognized his own voice.
Suddenly, Buck was tugging his pants down his legs, and then JD found himself pulled over to the chair. The arm around his waist and a firm hand between his shoulder blades bent him over the top rung. He was still fixated on the television screen, watching as he guy in fringe moved his dick so smoothly in and out of the man in chaps. It didn't look like it hurt at all, it even seemed ... natural. There were soft moans coming from the video and JD had to wonder if it would feel as good as those two cowboys were making it look.
Then he felt Buck's hand on his ass, parting his cheeks. His dick jumped to attention and he felt as if he'd just swallowed his own heart. He stared hard at the television, watching the guy's long, hard cock thrusting in and out of his partner. He felt Buck's finger moving over his hole and it felt ... incredible.
Then suddenly the touch was gone. "Don't move," he heard Buck order, then the man was gone.
JD felt his knees growing weak, wondering where Buck was, when he'd be back, and if they were really going to do this. He was about to straighten up when he felt a gentle hand on his back again. "Told ya not to move."
"Make me," JD said, suddenly wondering how Buck had managed to turn the tables on him.
Buck pushed him forward again, bending him over the chair. Then hands returned to his ass, though this time they were cold and slick. A finger rubbed up and down his crack, but it might as well have been rubbing over his dick the effect was the same. He was growing hard again, and, as he continued to watch the video, he really did want to feel Buck inside of him. He couldn't believe he was having these thoughts, but he was. It just looked like the most intense, pleasurable thing he'd ever seen.
JD then felt something soft and large against his hole. He knew Buck had removed his fingers, knew he now had the tip of his dick against him. Buck pressed forward, and JD tensed, waiting for the entry, but it didn't happen.
"Harder, Buck. Push harder," JD told him, because there wasn't anything else he could do to help, bent over the chair as he was.
Buck pressed forward and suddenly the head of his dick was inside. JD let out a sudden gasp and Buck just froze. "Does it hurt?" he asked.
"No," JD moaned, though it did. Hurt worse than just about anything, but at the same time it felt good. "Keep going," he told the man, hoping the pain would recede. Buck pushed forward, pulled back slightly, then pushed forward again.
God, it hurt! JD wanted to cry out, to tell Buck to stop, but he couldn't. He suddenly wanted this more than he'd ever wanted anything. He grabbed onto the edge of the seat, his knuckles quickly turning white as he tried to breathe through the pain.
Buck continued to push into him, pulling back, pushing further, until JD felt the man's thighs press against the back his own. The man was deep inside him now, and JD could feel the fullness, though the pain was easing. He felt hands on his hips and ass, kneading the flesh, and then Buck began to thrust, in and out, creating a slow, tantalizing rhythm.
The pain faded as the pleasurable sensations of Buck's dick moving inside of him increased. His eyes rolled back in his head, as the pleasure seemed to engulf him. He couldn't believe how incredible it felt, how incredible Buck was making him feel.
And he suddenly couldn't believe that they'd never done this before. It just seemed so right.
Buck's rhythm increased, as his grip on JD's hips tightened. The man was starting to make noises low and guttural sounds JD had sometimes heard through the wall between their bedrooms when Buck would bring some girl home, except he was making these sounds because of him! He was pumping his hard dick inside of him!
JD shuddered as his orgasm tore through him. He couldn't believe the feeling and no one had even touched his dick. He was suddenly thankful that the chair was there, just to hold him up.
But, even though he was spent, Buck continued to move, and the sensations continued to send waves of pleasure over his body, prolonging the orgasm until the kid's head was spinning with the euphoria.
Then Buck drove in hard, deep. JD cried out with him. Buck pumped again, quickly, as he held tight to JD's hips. Then JD felt the man's chest come to rest against his back, as Buck wrapped strong arms around his body. He pulled JD up slightly from the chair, hugging him tight, and JD could feel the spasms wracking Buck's body, as he continued to rut into him.
Then a long, low moan filled the room, and JD knew Buck had come inside of him though he hadn't felt the squirting of the liquid, he could feel the pumping against the tight ring of muscle around his hole.
Then he felt Buck's hand slide between them as he pulled his dick free. The man had kept one arm around JD and was now using it to pull him away from the chair. They staggered back, finally collapsing onto the couch, their legs tangling together as JD's slick ass slipped off Buck's sweaty thigh and onto the cushion.
They both just lay there, breathing hard for the longest time. It was Buck who spoke first. "Oo-wee! That has got to be one of the best lays I've ever had!"
JD grinned and nodded, not yet capable of doing anything else.
"Would ya, ah, ever wanna do that again?" Buck asked, and JD didn't miss the hesitation in his voice, secretly glad it was there.
"Maybe," JD finally said, nodding slightly. He had liked having Buck at his mercy at the beginning. Of course, he didn't exactly mind the way Buck had gotten back at him for it. "Kinda curious what it felt like for you...."
Buck grinned wide. "Felt good. Really good."
Suddenly, a loud groan came from the television and both pairs of eyes turned. Then their heads tilted to side, curiosity and wonder filling their faces.
"Course, there's always that we could try, too...."
The End
April 2002Please do NOT repost this story anywhere, for any reason.Characters from "The Magnificent Seven" were used without permission and this story in no way signifies support of, or affiliation with, The Mirisch Group, MGM, Trilogy Entertainment, or CBS Worldwide, Inc. The M7-ATF universe was created by Mog, and extra thanks go to her for allowing other people to play within it. The story itself and any non-Magnificent Seven characters belong to the author. This story will not be sold for any reason.Thanks to my beta reader for all her helpful suggestions!