Magnificent Seven fiction written by fans in which Chris Larabee is either the main character, or has an important part in the story.
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ADULT stories are not directly linked to this page. Readers will be required to provide an age statement in order to access them. (Please note that stories not classified as "adult" may still contain violence and profanity.)
ATF stories are set in a present-day alternate universe where the Seven are agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
LB stories are an alternate universe where Vin and JD are orphaned children in Chris & Buck's care There are several alternate universes within the Little Britches AU, including Old West, ATF and Star Trek.
VS Virtual Season episodes
AU - Alternate Universes other than ATF or Little Britches
The Magnificent Eight - K Hanna Korossy
The Magnificent Fight Before Christmas - Celeste
A Magnificent Fourth - LaraMee Deux ATF
The Magnificent Leap - Bunny (Crossover "Quantum Leap")
The Magnificent Pimpernel - Sue D. AU (Scarlet Pimpernel )
THE MAJESTIC: 1. A Place To Call Home - TJ AU
Make a Joy-full Noise - LaraMee
Make New Friends But Keep the Old
Making Rounds - K Hanna Korossy
A Man Ain't Made of Stone - Cass ATF
Man Against Water - Bernadette
Man, I Feel Like A Woman - Tidia ATF
Man In Black - Q'Mar ATF
The Man In Black (Poem) - ?
The Man Inside - Joy K ATF
Man on Fire - Rowdy Tanner
The Man With No Name - Debbi K. (xover A Fistful of Dollars)
Matches - Ladysmiths ATF
Matches - Seremela
A Matter of Heart - The Neon Gang ATF
Matter of Pride - Alex K.
A Matter Of Privacy - KT AU
A Matter of Trust - SoDak7
Mauled - Winnie
Maybe - Ruby
The Maze - Yolande
MCAT II: STRENGTH AND SOLIDARITY: 7. Written on the Wind Trilogy: Part I: Winds of Change - tannertexaslady AU
MCAT II: STRENGTH AND SOLIDARITY: 7. Written on the Wind Trilogy: Part 3: Voices in the Wind - Tannertexaslady and Sue M AU
The Measure of Trust - Linda Borchers ATF
Meet Me at the Fair: Chris and Mary - Catseye
'Memb'ring - Angie AU
The Memo - Zarina ATF
Memory - Amelia
Memories - Andrea M. ATF
Memories - Jenn AU
Memories of Eden - Susan Zell
Memories of the Past - Linda
Mending Fences - Monardia LB ATF
Merry Christmas, and Chicken Pox to You - LaraMee LB ATF
Merry Christmas, Chris Larabee - Chris [Poem]
Merry Christmas, Cowboy - Debbie P.
Mexican Sunscreen - Luna Dey ATF
Midnight - Jade
A Midnight Clear - Nancy W LB AU
Midnight Waltz - Cindy Brewer
Migraine - Hombre ATF
Mind Games - Winnie AU (The Firm)
Mind Jack - Neon Gang ATF
Mind Matters - Jeanne LB/AU
Mines and Other Dark Places - Jeanne ATF
Minions of Satan - Stacie
Miracles - Jadzia Dawson ATF (some content may be unsuitable for sensitive readers)
Mishap - ElenaRoan AU
Misplaced Guilt - Wgang
THE MISS JESS CHRONICLES: Meeting Miss Jess - Hunter LB AU
Miss You Most - BM ATF
Missing Link - Sue M ATF
Missing One Agent, Slightly Used - Ronnee ATF
Missing Scene: Vendetta - Helen Adams
Mission of Mercy - The Neon Gang
The Mistake - by Shywalker
The Mistake - Wendy
Mistaken Identity - Heather F.
Mistletoe Challenge - Cobalt ADULT
Misunderstandings - Purple Lacey AU
Mixed Messages - WendyW
Mixed Signals - KT
MizPrichard - LaraMee LB ATF
Moments - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
A More Perfect Union - Sue Bartholomew
More Than a Friend - Rasmussen
More than Friends - Yolande AU (Blood Brothers)
Mounting Distractions - Jesfrealo ATF [CHALLENGE #8]
Mountain High Revenge - Kelly A. AU (Search & Rescue)
Mother Love - Rowdy Tanner
Mr. Larabee for President - Karen Shannon ATF
A Mr. Murphy Weekend - Freespirit ATF
Mudslide - Sue M
My Beloved is Mine - Debby ATF
My Brother's Keeper - Sue M ATF
My Job is Done - Linda ATF
My Kingdom for a Match - Kath T.
My Name is Legion - Sarah B.
The Mystery of Larabee's Missing Hats - Brigitta B.
The Mystery Seller - Susie Burton ATF
My Rules - JudyL
My Team - Jill ATF
Naming Ceremonies - Jeanne LB ATF
Naughty or Nice - KBilier ATF
Necessary Apologies - Wgang
Necessary Evil - Quincy ATF
Negotiations (Collection) AU
Negotiations - Sasha
One of Our Own - Sasha - LaraMee
To Ride Again - Jen R
Neighbors - Susan Macdonald ATF Crossover "The Master"
Neither a Sender Nor a Larabee - Beth Green ATF [CHALLENGE #6]
Nemesis - Chya
Never Alone - Charlotte Hill (mild slash content)
Never Released - Kris
THE NEW AGENT (Series) - Kati ATF
New Beginning - Heather Hillsden
New Beginnings - Winnie (xover "Stargate")
A New Year - Sue M
Night Caller - Laramee ATF
Night Ride - Sue B.
Nightingale- atolar
Nightmare - Sandy Griggs
The Nightmare Takes a Twisted Turn - Wgang ATF (not suitable for all readers)
Nightmares - Bernadette
Nightmares, Dreams and Reality - Marian
No Cards or Flowers - LaraMee
No Greater Gift - Yolande
No Man is Useless While He Has A Friend - Heidi
No Matter What - Kayim
No One Like You - Gold Dust Woman ATF
No Rain - JIN
No Regrets - KRH ATF
No Rush - Sue M AU
No Way Home - Anne Tolar
No Way Out - The Muse 77
A Normal Day - Tidia ATF [DEATHFIC]
North Pass Ranch: Running Blind - Joy K LB AU
Not Again - Clair Beaubien
Not by Bread Alone - SoDak7
Not My Day - Joy K ATF
Not No but HELL NO!!! - Twyla Jane
Nurse Tanner - Anneack
Oblivion - Ruby ATF
Obsessed - Nickbait
Obsession - Anonymousisme
OCTOBER 31st (Collection) - LaraMee
Odd Man Out - Celeste ATF
odi et amo (Of Love and Hate) - Heidi
Of Mist and Moonlight - Deirdre AU
O Holy Night - Dawnsunrise ATF
Old Debts - The Neon Gang ATF
Old Friends - Alexa
Old Ghosts - The Neon Gang
OLD WEST CHRISTMAS (Collection) - Wendymypooh
On Chris and Shopping - atolar
On a City Street - KT AU RNLI
On a Wing and a Prayer - LaraMee
On the Count of Three - Aldaj
On Eagle's Wings - SoDak7
On My Knees - JIN ATF
On A Raven's Wing - Ithildyn AU
Once More - C.V. Puerro ATF ADULT
Once Upon a December - Amelia ATF
One Bullet - mcat
One Day in Sector Seven - Nancy W. AU ("Star Trek")
One Destiny - JIN ATF/OW crossover
One For All Or All For One? - Tiffiny ATF
One Hit - Tonny ATF
One Night in Purgatory - LaraMee
One Question - Kim ATF
One Reason - Kim ATF (Sequel to One Question)
One Sunday Morning - Sue Kelley ADULT
One Soul (Series) - Mary Ann AU
The Gift
One Week - LaraMee ATF
Only a Matter of Time - Kim Maddox
Only the Strong Survive - JJJunky (Crossover "Stargate SG-1")
Only a Today - CGSL AU
Only Wanted to Help - Phyllis Loafman
Only When it Rains - Sag ATF
Operation Cat - KT LB ATF
Orphans - LaraMee
Ours To Defend - Sue M. AU
Out Among The Stars - Holly ATF
Out of the Darkness - Alanna (Sequel to The Eternal)
Out of the Past - Rhiannon AU
Out of the Shadows - Deirdre ATF
Outcasts - Jeanne LB ATF
Outhouse Shootout - WendyW
The Outlaws - Desperado's Daughter
Over the Threshold - Quizegan ATF ADULT
Overprotective - Caitriona
Pacing the Cage - Greenwoman
Pain and . . . - atolar
Pain in the Butt - Yolande (Part of the Lone Wolf Series)
Pain of Memory - Kathy B.
PANTHEON (Collection) - ElenaRoan ATF AU
The Paper - Wen
Par for the Course - JudyL ATF
Paradise Lost - Tiffiny ATF ADULT
Parallax - BMP ATF
The Pardon - Tracy
Partners - Q'Mar ATF
Parts of the Past - Rose Larabee [Incomplete]
Passing Fancy - Charlotte Hill ATF (mild slash content)
Past Links - Jade
Past and Present - Dawn Drake
Past or Present - CGSL LB ATF
The Past Remembered/The Past Returns - Carla ATF
Past Sins - Catseye ATF
Patience Rewarded - Hombre
Payback in Pink - Rhiannon
Payback's a Bitch - The Neon Gang ATF
Paying on Sins - Heather F.
Payoff - Sue M.
Peace and Joy - WendyW LB
Peace and Quiet - SoDak7
Peaches - Flaw
Penitence - Derry
Perceptions of the Rock - Heidi ATF
Perchance To Dream: Chris - Tiffiny ATF
The Perfect Crime - KETanner
The Perfect Crime - KETanner ADULT Version
A Perfect Pair - Anneack AU
The Perils of Menial Labor - LaraMee
Perspective - Mitzi
Peso Strikes Again - senorabutterfly ATF
Pickoff Moves - Monica M AU
A Picture Is Worth - Tiffiny
Picture Perfect - Carole LB ATF
PIECES - The Neon Gang
Playing Hooky - KT LB ATF
Playing in the Snow - Susan K.
The Pledge - LaraMee
Please, Call Me... - Kaelyn
Poet's Heart - White Raven
Poetry in Motion - RonneeM (Poem)
Points of Authority - Twyla Jane AU
Poison - Heather F.
Poison Ivy - Kathy B
Pondering - JudyL
Ponderings - MMW LB OW/AU
Ponderin' Friendship - LaraMee
Pony - LaraMee
Pop Tarts - Sue M AU
The Power of Love - Phyllis Loafman LB ATF
Power of the Word - The Neon Gang ATF
Power Play - SilverWolf AU
Practical Joke - Tonny ATF
Precious - Anonymous
Preludes AKA Bath Night - Susan Zell
Present Bonds - Jade
Pressure - Linda AU (The Ranch)
Pressure - Tapestri AU
The Price of a Broken Promise - Winnie ATF [CHALLENGE #1]
Priceless - Charlotte Hill ADULT AU
A Pride of Lions - Deb (Facets Series)
Princes of the Universe - Kathy B. ATF ADULT
Professional Courtesy - Pat
Proficiency - Sue M ATF
A Promise to Keep - Raquel AU
Promises - Kimberly
Promises - Tiffiny
Promises To Keep - Raven LB ATF
Promises Kept - Winnie
Promises Made... and Kept - SoDak7
Proof of Innocence - SLR
Prove It - Elizabeth Sullivan (Alternate Universe)
Providence in Spurs - LaraMee Deux
Proving Ground - Anne Tolar
Pumpkinhead - Ruby
Punching Bag - Raquel ATF
The Punching Bag - Sylvia ATF
Puppy Love/Hate - LaraMee ATF
Pure Poetry - JIN
Purgatory - The Buffalo Gals
Purgatory - Maria M. (Poem)
Put It Aside - JIN
The Quandary - Phyllis ATF
Quatre-Mains - sevenall
A Question of Time - Twyla Jane AU ("Little Ezra")
A Quiet Lesson - SoDak7
The Quilt - LaraMee Deux
Quis Custodiet - Lara Bee ATF
Raisin Hell - Beth Green LB ATF
The Ram - Ruby ATF
Ramble For An Incredibly Hot Day - Robyn ATF
The Rancher's Wife - LT
A Ranger's Code - Maggie AU (Alternate Old West Universe)
A Rare Friendship - The Neon Gang ATF
Rattled - Xiola ATF
Razor's Edge - Charlotte Hill ADULT
A Real Father - JK LB
The Real Thing - Shirley
The Really Great Day - JIN
Reap a Bitter Harvest - Deirdre
Redbridge's Hostage - Wyvern
Rebuilding the Past - Yolande ATF
Rebels and Rogues (Trilogy) - Ruby AU
Some content may be unsuitable for sensitive readers.
The Reckoning - Scribe (#4 in "The Scrolls" series)
RED GLOVE: Understanding the Other Side - Kati AU
Red Star - Jenn AU
Red Zone - Deirdre ATF
Redeemed - SoDak7
Reflections - KellyA
Reflections on Giving Thanks - Jeanne LB
Refuge - Cindy Combs ATF (Crossover The Sentinel)
Regret and Obsession - atolar
Reindeer Games - Kathy B. ATF
The Reluctant Artist - Joy K LB-AU (North Pass Ranch)
A Renewal of Faith, Hope and Love - Holly
Repairs and Renovations - WendyW
The Replacement - Titan5 ATF
Reports of My Death - The Neon Gang ATF
The Rescue - LaraMee AU (World War II )
Resignations - KRH
Resolutions - Stormm ATF
Responsibility - Birgit Kohls ATF
Responsibility - Moose ATF
Rest and Relaxation - Sue M AU
Retliatory Measures - Rhiannon
Retribution - Bern
Retribution - Morgan
Retribution - Wyvern
Return Journey - WendyW LB
Revelations - Angela Gabriel
Revenge - Andrea M AU
Revenge - Winnie
Revenge And Childish Things - KT AU
Revenge is Mine - Winter
The Reverse Side of the Coin - Chris
The Ride - Angela B
Ride the Green Horse - LaraMee
Ride a Lonely Trail - Rhiannon
Riding For Home - LaraMee LB
Right Hand - Tonny
The Right Kind of Mirrors - Killash
The Right Path - MMW
Righting Wrongs - Hombre ATF
Riot Act - Wendymypooh ATF
Risk Gwendolen
Rivals - Wendymypooh
The River Styx - Estevana Rey
The River Wild - Violette ATF
The River Wild - Tonny AU
The Road to Yuma - Susan Zell
Rockface - Sasha AU (Search and Rescue)
The Rocker - Joy K LB ATF
Rockin' - Phyllis Loafman LB ATF
Rocky Ground - Hombre
Rocky Road - Sami-j ATF
Roller Coaster Beginnings - Sami-j ATF
ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY (Series): Then You Fall... - TJ ATF
Roses & Dreams - Carla ADULT
Rough Stones - Ruby J (sequel to "Blood Trail")
Royal Deception - Winnie AU (The Firm)
Rumble - Gina ATF
Run - Jeanne
Runners - Gil Hale AU
Running on Empty - Joy K, Winter, Nancy W AU
Sabbatical - ssinco
Sacrifice - Hombre AU
Samhain Night - SilverWolf
Samuel "Kansas" Black - The Neon Gang
San Francisco Way - Charlotte Hill
Santa - Marian
Santa Claws - Helen Adams AU (Little Ezra)
Santa's Little Helper - Loui ATF
Santa's Little Helpers - Charli and Andi ATF
Santa's Little Miracle - CGSL AU
Saturday Night Life - LaraMee LB ATF
Savage Company - Rowdy Tanner
Saving Vin - AJB LB ATF
Scars That Bind - LaraMee Deux and The Muse
Scenes of My Life - Raquel ATF
School Supplies - Jeanne LB
The Search - Bernadette
The Search - LaraMee Deux ATF
The Search Ends - Wgang
The Searchers - Rowdy Tanner
Second Nature - Armaita ATF
Secrets - Vickie G
Secrets (Series) - Carla Stinson ATF [In progress]
Secrets from the Past - Steelknight
Seeing is Believing - Carla Stinson ATF [CHALLENGE #5]
Seeking and Finding Wisdom - Anneack ATF
Seminar - Quincy ATF
Serendipity - Jesfrealo
Serpentine - JudyL Missing scene "Serpents"
Served Cold - The Neon Gang ATF
Served Cold - The Neon Gang ATF (different story than previous listing)
Settin' Things Straight - Rhiannon
The Set-Up - Pamela ATF
7 x 5 x 15: Book 1 - AJB LB (Alternate ATF Universe)
Seven - Séreméla
Seven - Tonny
Seven Days - Linda. T ATF [In progress]
Seven Hallows' Eve - Princess Nat LB ATF
Seven Deadly Hangovers - Sue Bartholomew
Seven Minus One - Desertsage and Becky M. (Contains possibly disturbing content)
Seventh Heaven - Cin ATF
Shackles - Heather F.
Shades of Grey - Heather Hillsden
Shadow in the Moonlight - Joan Curtin ATF
SHADOWS (Series) - Yolande
A Shining Place Called Hope - Deirdre
Shining Tears - atolar
Shock - Ronneem ATF
Shop With a Cop - AJB LB ATF
Should the Angels Call - the Traveling Dimestore Novelist
A Short Story - JIN
Shortcuts - JK
Shot at Again, Mr. Larabee? - Hombre
Shot in the Dark - The Neon Gang
Showdown - MMW (crossover)
Showdown in Four Corners - Jennifer (Crossover "Lancer")
Siege - Lady Angel ATF
Sight Unseen - Maggie LeMay
Silence - LT and Niteowl LB ATF
The Silence - Mods [death fic]
Silence is Golden - Winnie AU (The Firm)
Silent Dreams - Maggie
Silent Night, Deadly Night - Deirdre
Silent Wishes - Lisa Roeske
Simon Says - LaraMee ATF
Simple Pleasures - Hombre ATF
Simple Truths - Seagray
The Sin - Greenwoman
Sin of the Past - JJJunky
Since I Lost You - LaraMee ATF
Sins of the Father - SoDak7
Sins Of The Father, Part 1 - Susie Burton
Sins of Omission - The Neon Gang
Sins of the Past: Epilogue - Merl
Sins of the Writers - LaraMee
Sister-In-Law - Gold Dust Woman
Sizzle - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Sleeping with the Fishes - Kathy B. AU
Slippery Road - Raquel ATF
A Sliver of Night - Joan Curtin (The Legends Born Series)
Small Favors - Shellie Williams
Small Sacrifices - J. Brooks
Small Steps - Angela B AU (Little Ezra ) Sequel to Spilt Milk
Smoke and Whiskey - Sally M
Snake in the Grass - Not Tasha
Snake Oil, Dynamite & Pink Flamingoes - Twyla Jane ATF
Snake on the Loose - NotTasha
Snakebite - Winnie AU (The Firm)
Snow Angels - Winnie AU (The Firm)
Snow Biehnie and the 7 Whatsies - Sasha ATF
Snow Day - Sue M Alternate Universe "Brothers Larabee"
So Far From Home - NotTasha
SOLITUDES Series: To Remember - Hercat ATF
Somebody's Watching - Maggie ATF
Somethin' Wrong Chris? - Marianne
Something - Ruby ATF
Something New - Thalia AU (Street Gang)
Something Tangible - Yolande
Sometimes the Past Comes Back to Haunt Us - Kati ATF
Somewhere Along the Road - Estee LB ATF
Song for a Winter's Night - Susan Zell
Sons, Lost and Found - Black Rook AU
Sorrow - Hombre ATF [death fic]
Soul Survivor - Ice Hunter
Soulmates - Sarah Robinson ATF
Sound the Bugle - GSister ATF
Sounds of Silence - Joy K AU
Southern Thunder - Lady Standish
Sparklering - Kathy M LB-ATF
Spellbound - Jeanne LB D & D
Spilt Milk - Angela B AU (Little Ezra)
The Spine of the Matter - ElenaRoan AU
Spirit - Ruby LB ATF
Spirit of Friendship - JJJunky
The Spirit of the Wolf - SilverWolf
Split Second - The Neon Gang ATF
Spooky - Cindy Brewer ATF
Spring Cleaning - The Neon Gang ATF
Stagecoach - KellyA
Stakeout - Bernadette ATF
The Stakeout - Cecilia ATF
Stalker - Jeanne ATF
Stampede - Ice Queen ATF
Stand Alone - LaraMee
Stand Beside You - Maggie
Standing Outside the Fire - Winnie
Standoff - SoDak7
Star - Katrina Sanders
Star of Wonder - Joan Curtin
Start of a Beautiful Friendship - Tarlan
The Start of Something - MWK
Starting Over - Becky E ATF
Starting Over - Claire
Starting Over - CGSL ATF
Staying Afloat - Xiola ATF
Steal Of The Night - Tiffiny ATF
Step Back and Ponder - Jackie
Step by Step - Amelia
Sticks and Stones - Roo
Still Waters - Xiola
A Stitch in Time - SoDak7
Stolen Moment - MMW LB-AU
Stone's Throw - The Neon Gang ATF
The Storm - LaraMee LB ATF
Storm A' Brewin' - Derry ATF
Storm Damage - Tapestri
Storm in the Mountains - ssinco
A Storm in the Soul - The Neon Gang ATF
Storm Trouble - ssinco
Storms of the Past - mcat
Stormy Weather - Wendymypooh
Stranded - Winnie AU (The Firm) [CHALLENGE #7]
Strange Folk - KT AU
Strangers in a Strange Town - SasseyJ
Strays - SoDak7
Stressful Day - Hombre ATF
The Street - Maygra
Strum und Drang - Beth Green ATF
Stubborn Fool - LaraMee Deux
Stuck In the Middle With You - Gray ATF
Stuck On You - Judy S. & Bishonen Chan ATF ADULT
Stud Fees - Anonymouseisme ATF
A Stumble in the Dark - Luna Dey ATF
Stupid - Clair
Styles - Heather F. ATF
Sui Generis - Macx AU
Summer Heat - the KT (Alternate Universe "Runaways")
Sunday Blues - Carla Stinson ATF
Surprise! - LaraMee ATF
Surprise - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Surprise, Surprise - S. Larabee Tanner
Sweet Delight - VampyrAlex ATF ADULT
Sweet Revenge - The Neon Gang
Swinging Doors - KRH
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