Magnificent Seven fiction written by fans in which Chris Larabee is either the main character, or has an important part in the story.


If you are looking for a specific story, click on the first
letter of the title (excluding the words "A" and "The")


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Titles F - L
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Titles T - Z

ADULT stories are not directly linked to this page. Readers will be required to provide an age statement in order to access them. (Please note that stories not classified as "adult" may still contain violence and profanity.)

ATF stories are set in a present-day alternate universe where the Seven are agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

LB stories are an alternate universe where Vin and JD are orphaned children in Chris & Buck's care There are several alternate universes within the Little Britches AU, including Old West, ATF and Star Trek.

VS Virtual Season episodes

AU - Alternate Universes other than ATF or Little Britches


Table Manners - WendyW

Taken by Mistake - Mary Ann ATF (Crossover "Without a Trace")

Taken to the Grave - Michelle and Amanda ATF

Taking the Blame - Jill ATF

A Tale at Chris's Expense! - Brenda Lee Jackson

A Tale of Woe - Heather F. ATF

Talisman - Rowdy Tanner

Tangled Web - Tidia ATF

Target of Opportunity - The Neon Gang ATF

The Taste of Home - Helen Adams

A Taste for It - MMW LB ATF

Tears of a Clown - Sue M

Tell Me There's A Heven - Helen Chavez ATF

Temper - JudyL

A Test of Faith - Winnie

A Test of Friendship - Winnie

Testimony - May Robinson ATF

Texas vs. Tanner - Susan Macdonald Crossover

Thanksgiving- ATF Style - Lady Angel ATF

Thanks To One - SoDak7

That Look - Ruby

That's What Friends Are For - Ruby ATF

That's What Friends Do - Lynda LB ATF

Then Came You - Sue M ATF

Then I'll Feel Better - Mog ATF

Then There Were Five - Winter ATF

There for You - Gypsy

There For You - Michelle

There for You - Rowdy Tanner ATF

There Has Got to be a Better Way to Spend a Saturday - Robyn Quincy ATF

There's an Angel Here - Beth

There's No Such Thing as Vampires - Brate (Crossover Angel)

These Friends of Mine - Ronnie ATF (A Thanksgiving Story)

These Men-- Chris Larabee - Merle

Thief - ssinco LB-AU

The Thing About Time - Cass LB-AU (Future LB)

Things Better Left Unsaid - Jordy

This Every Day Love - Phyllis Loafman ATF

This Is for the Birds! - Anneack LB-AU

This Man's Life - LaraMee

This Man I Know - Sue M and Robijean ATF

This Man's Life - LaraMee

This Side of the Grave - The Neon Gang

This Time - tigs

Thoughts of Adam - Carla

Thoughts (Or Realization) - Twig

Thrawn - Linda T. AU ("Star Wars")

The Thread - Phyllis Loafman

Three Brothers Connected - Mary Ann ATF

Three of a Kind - Robyn

Three Long Hours - Sue M  ATF

3 Years - Zentry ATF

Through A Child's Eyes - The Neon Gang LB ATF

Through a Glass Darkly - Winter ATF

Through the eyes of the Rabbit - Twyla Jane AU

Through the River of Fire - Deirdre ATF

Through Thick and Thin - C.V. Puerro ADULT

'Thumbody' Special - LaraMee LB ATF

Thunder Road - Robin Moore

Thwart and Amend - Kris ATF VS

Tick, Tick, Tick - Kathy Teresa ATF

TIDE AND TIMES - Susan Foster AU (Old West crossover "The Sentinel")
     Part 1
     Part 2
     Part 3
     Part 4
     Part 5

Ties of Friendship - The Neon Gang

Ties That Bind - Gold Dust Woman

The Ties That Bind - Dawnsunrise ATF

Tight Spot - The Neon Gang

Tijuana Jail - Twyla Jane ATF

Till Death Do Us Part - Kelly A

Till We Meet Again - Laurie Ann

Time and Again - BMP LB ATF

Time in a Bottle - Lady Chris

Time Out of Time - Charlotte Hill ADULT

Time and Tide - Susan Foster (Xover "The Sentinel) - sensitive reader warning

Times Past - Jenn

The Times that Try Men's Souls - Cindy Shannon

The Timex - Cheryl W. ATF

Tin - NotTasha

To Answer the Call - LaraMee

To Be Seen Through Tears - Xiola LB Future AU

To Chris and Ezra, From Vin - Iggy (poem)  

To Hear the Angels Sing - KT LB AU

To Hope... and Second Chances - Jesfrealo  

To the Last Breath - The Neon Gang ATF

To Ride the Green Horse - LaraMee

To See the Stars - Carole

To Survive - KT AU

To Walk a Mile - Mitzi

Together - Amelia (Poem)

Together - Greenwoman

Tolerance - Sue M AU

Tomorrow - Tarlan

Too Hot - Joy K

Too Many Memories - Maggie (Part of the Lost Legacy Series)

The Too Strange, Very Bad, Right Confusin' Day - LaraMee

Too Stupid To Learn - Rhiannon

Toothless Wonder - Hombre

TOWNSEND (Series) - Sablecain ATF 

Trace and Sign - Non Sequitur AU

Tracking Footprints in a Snowstorm - LaraMee ATF XOVER SUPERNATURAL

The Tractor - Mary Ann ATF

Traffic Stop - Winter ATF VS

Tragedy - Angie LB ATF

Tragic Mistake - doc

Trapped by the Past - Julia Verinder

The Traveler - Tarlan

The Travelers - SoDak7

Travelling Companions - LaraMee

TRAVINER VARIANT - The Connection - Q'Mar AU

TRAVINER VARIANT (Series): The Connection, Flip Side - Q'Mar AU

TRAVINER VARIANT: Under Pressure - Q'mar AU / ATF

Travis Family: Getting Even - Demaris AU

Travis Gains! - Jo Larabee

Tree Fall - KT LB ATF

Treehouse of Terror - Joy K LB ATF

The Trial - Cecelia and Emily F ATF 

Trouble - Aldaj

Trouble Rides a Black Horse - Susan Macdonald Crossover "Blazing Saddles"

Trouble Times Two - Wendymypooh

True Grit - Sue M ATF

Trust - Bernadette

Trust - Helen Adams

Trust - Tonny

Trust Proven - Carole

Tumbling - Angie LB ATF

Turkeys - atolar

Twas the Night Before Christmas - Linda Borchers

Twas the Night Before School Starts - Estee LB ATF

Twenty Years Later - Carole

Twice Around the Park - Sue M LB ATF

Twister - Rita Clark

Twister - Kelly A.

2 am - Marian

Two Days Out West - Englishspirit ATF/OW crossover

Two as One - atolar

Two Full Moons - SoDak7

Two Guns - Tiffiny

Two Hearts - Estee LB ATF

Two Hundred Miles - LaraMee AU

Two Iced Long Necks - Angie LB ATF

Two Men and a Babe - LaraMee and Muse AU

The Two Shall Be As One Flesh - Debby ATF


Ugly Eddie - BMP ATF

Ultra Vires - Heidi AU (FCPD)

Unarmed (Series) - Alex K. ATF

Unclaimed Baggage - Twyla Jane ATF

Under a Killing Moon - The Neon Gang ATF

Under the Stars - Kathy M LB

Under the Wire - Sally-Ann AU ("The Great Escape")

Undercover - Cecilia ATF (Follows The Trial by Cecelia and Emily F)

Unfinished Business - Aislynn AU ("Star Wars")

Unfinished Business - Teri

Unforgettable - Winnie ADULT

Unforgotten - Gil Hale ATF

Uninvited - Lady Chris

Unlikely Brothers - Enola and Steve Jones AU (Triad ATF Universe)

Unseen Force - Winnie and Renegade AU (The Firm) (Some content may be unsuitable for young or sensitive readers)

The Unwanted Gift - KlingonCat

Unwanted Attention - Winnie AU (The Firm)

Up to Standard - Astraea ATF

Upon the Midnight Clear - Dawnsunrise


Valentine Gift - Tonny ATF

Vengeance! - LaraMee [In Progress]

The Vigil - Helen Chavez

Vin and the Month of February - Wgang AU

Vin's Deployment - Vickie G ATF

Vindicable - Purple Lacey AU

Vision of an Eagle - Tarlan

The Visit - Maria Villa

The Visit - Crow  ATF (Some contented my be unsuitable for sensitive readers)

Visit in the Night - LaraMee LB

The Visitors - Stan Lee ATF ADULT

Voices of Fear - KRH ATF


The Wager - Kathy B. ADULT

The Wages of War - Phyllis LB AU

Wagon Train - Helen Adams ATF

Wagon Train - Conversations - Courtney M.

Wagon Train: Missing Scenes and Epilogue - Merl 

Waitin' - Phyllis Loafman ATF

Waiting for a Place to Happen - JK ATF

A Walk Through Hades - Ness Ayton (Vin, Chris) ATF (Some content my be unsuitable for sensitive readers)

A Walk in the Woods - LaraMee ATF

Walk With Me - The Muse 77

Walking in Another Man's Soul - The Neon Gang

Walkin' 'n' Whisky - Gil Hale 

Wall of Silence - Catseye (Some content my be unsuitable for sensitive readers)

Wall of Water - Jade (ATF / Crossover The Sentinel)

Walls - Cass Smith ATF

A Wanted Man - The Neon Gang

The War - KRH

War Shorn - Princess Nat ATF

Wardrobe Malfunction - Helen Adams

Way of the Jedi - Linda T. AU (Star Wars)


Ways to Honor - Stacie

A Weak Christmas - Mystdogs ATF

Weather the Storm - Sue M POEM

WEAVING: Prophecy or Chance - Farad (not suitable for all readers)

WEAVING: Cause or Cure Part 1 - Farad (not suitable for all readers)

The Wedding Announcement - GSister ATF

The Week After - Sassey J (A sequel to "Friendship")

A WEIGHT TO BEAR: Chris - Yolande

Welcome to Hell Trilogy - Kathy B. ADULT

Welcome Home - Stan Lee ATF ADULT

Weeds - Ruby LB ATF

Weekend Plans - LaraMee LB ATF

Welcome Home - Lyn LB ATF

We'll Sing On - Ithildyn AU Crossover

What About That Bounty? - SoDak7

What Breaks a Man? - Sue M AU

What a Dad Will Do - Amelia LB ATF

What Friends Do - LaraMee

What Happened? - Amelia ATF

What Has Been, Has Been - Dawn Cunningham

What Hides in the Darkness - LaraMee

What a Reputation is Worth - Cheryl W.

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - JK LB ATF

What If - J.C.

When It Rains, It Pours - Megan

When the Leaves Fall - Terrance Keith Harrington

When Rivers Rise - Tipper

When Strangers Come To Town - Wolfa Moon (Alternate Universe, xover "Star Trek 2009")

When the Sun Comes Back! - Winnie

When We Fall - Susan Zell

When'd We Meet? - Pamela

Where the Heart Is - Stan Lee ATF ADULT

Where You Are - Jilly Harris [deathfic]

Which one of Them - Suzy ATF

Whispers in the Darkness - LaraMee (sensitive reader warning)

Whistle - Flare

The White - Scribe AU ("Star Trek")

Who Has Known Heights - Secheti AU ("Star Trek")  

Who's That Knocking II ???????? - Pamiekae ATF

The Whole Pie Factory - Elizabeth Sullivan AU

Why I Didn't Keep Last Year's Resolution - Winnie AU (The Firm)

Wide Awake - Gingerrozz LB ATF

Wild Kingdom - Twyla Jane ATF

Wild as the Wind - SilverWolf [In Progress]

Wild Cards - Mods ATF

The Window to my Soul - Susie Burtion (Poem)

Windows of the Soul - May Robinson

Wine & Tequila - Gina ATF

Winner Takes All - Winnie ATF

A Winter Night - Lori Anne

Wise Choices - Carole LB-ATF

Wishing on the Moon - Holly ATF

With Eagles Wings - Deirdre

With A Friend Like Me - Niteowl ATF

Within a Dream - Big Ham  ATF

Without You - LT ATF

Witness - Heather

Witnesses - Kay Brown

A Woman Scorned - Ice Bear ATF

Wolf Dreams - Mods

Wolf Pups Daze - Pat Merritt AU (Two-Blood) [sequel to Wolf Pups Tails]

Wondering - Aramis ATF
(Some content my be unsuitable for sensitive readers)

Words of Honor - Kathy B.

Words Once Spoken Can't Be Taken Back - MMW LB ATF

Working Girls - Winnie

Worse Than The Cure - The Neon Gang

Worst Case Scenario - The Neon Gang ATF

Worth It - Dawnsunrise ATF

Worth It All - Anne Tolar

Worth Living - Xiola

Worth Waiting For - Lynne

Worth the Worry - SoDak7

Wounds - LaraMee

Wrongfully Accused - Bernadette


X-Magnificence - Rhicy AU (Evolution Series)


Ye Olde Costume Shoppe - Tiffiny ATF

Yesterday's Shadows - Susan Zell

Yielding To It - Gray ATF

You Got a Friend - Dreamer (VIDEO)

You Have to Trust Someone - Phyllis

You Want Me To Do WHAT? - Ruby ATF (sequel to "That's What Friends Are For")

You’re Not the Type - LaraMee Deux

Young Warriors - Yolande AU (Blood Brothers)


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letter of the title (excluding the words "A" and "The")


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