Thanks for the beta, Marnie!
Floating, falling. Sweet intoxication. Touch me, Trust me. Savour each sensation. Let the dream begin Let your darker side give in...
The Music of the Night |
What am I doin' here? I know this ain't gonna bring me nothin' but trouble, but still, I just can't seem to stop myself from wantin' to be here. Wantin' to know what it's really like.It's all because of that fuckin' undercover assignment. Fuck, if I knew it was gonna spark somethin' like this in me, hell, I woulda run so fast. Then again, guess that ain't really true at all. Not if me sittin' in the dark, night after night, in this club is any clue.
It was all supposed to be so simple. We were after David Blake, an arms dealer with a kink for pretty boys in chains and pain. We had him under surveillance and we couldn't believe our luck when the man turned out to be a regular at a private S&M club owned by Damien Gray, one of Ezra's informants. So we used him and his place to set up the meet. Ezra was the buyer and me, shit, I was Ezra's playthin'. His boy.
Yeah, so simple. Ezra began to hang at the club. He did his thing, and with Damien's help, word got around that he was a player. After his first few times at the club, he started to show up with me. Damien let it be known that I was Ezra's property. Payment from a grateful client.
It was all pretty subtle at first. I mean, it ain't like Ezra had me walkin' around naked on a leash or something like that. Even though that was pretty much par for the course at the club.
It was more about attitude. It was like Ezra disappeared and some evil twin took his place. He'd have me get his drinks from the bar, hold his coat for him, wait on him hand and foot. I was no longer his friend, his equal. I was there to serve him and take care of his needs. It made us both uncomfortable, but we wanted this bust. Too many guns were endin' up in the hands of too many drugged up gang bangers who were killin' too many innocent people. We could both live with a bit of discomfort to put a stop to some of that.
It didn't take long for our mark to notice us. He started to ask questions about Ezra and we'd both seen how he looked at me. I even caught him starin' at me, lickin' his lips and grinnin'. Hell, I might as well have been naked, 'cause that's how he made me feel. It was like he knew somethin' that I didn't and that unnerved me. Lookin' back now, I guess he did at that.
One night, we were at the bar. Ezra was sittin' and I was standin' next to his chair. Blake was talkin' to Damien, when he looked over at us. A couple of minutes later him and Damien worked their way over. Ezra wanted him to believe our cover so just before he got to the table, Ezra jumped up and grabbed me. He slammed me face down onto the bar and grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back. I wasn't expectin' it and I was too stunned to move. He took advantage of my shock and grabbed my arm, yankin' it up behind my back.
"Forgive me, Vin," he whispered, "but it's showtime."
"You are trying my patience, Vincent. I've been far too lenient with you. No more. I WILL beat that defiance right out of you."
I wanted to make it look good, so I started to struggle to get away. Seems Ezra wanted to make it look good, too, so he tightened his hold on me and dragged me away from the bar and slammed me onto the table. I gotta say, I was surprised at how strong he was, and my eyes actually bulged when he told me, loud enough for our approachin' company to hear, that if I didn't behave, he was gonna take off his belt and beat my disrespectful ass right then and there.
I know it was all actin', but when Ezra got rough with me, and threatened to do that to me, I...I don't know, I just felt myself reactin' to it. I was real glad that I was face down on the table, 'cause things were stirrin' where they had no business to be. And I just...I just didn't understand why. Lucky for me, Mr. Blake and Damien made their presence known, and that got my mind right back where it was supposed to be. Takin' the asshole down.
"Having some trouble with your boy there?" Blake said.
"More trouble than he is worth, I assure you, but it's nothing that a refresher course in discipline won't cure."
Ezra loosened his hold on me, and when I tried to get up off the table, he slammed me down again. "Don't you dare move, Vincent."
Damien chose that moment to make introductions. "Ezra Sandoval, this is Mr. David Blake."
"Ah. Mr. Blake. I am quite pleased to make your acquaintance."
"Likewise, Mr. Sandoval. May I?" Blake asked, nodding over at me.
"Be my guest, Sir."
I heard the conversation goin' on around me, and it took all I had not to get up when Blake stood next to me. I felt like an idiot, sprawled across the table like I was, but I trust Ezra, and I knew he knew what he was doin', 'sides I was the bait, and our fish was lookin' to bite.
I couldn't help tensin' up when Blake wrapped his hand in my hair and pulled my head back. Hell, it fuckin' hurt and it was pissin' me off, but this was the part I was playin' so I bit my tongue and gave the bastard a defiant look.
Blake laughed as he pulled me off the table. "I do so love the one's that have some fight in them," he said, roughly sittin' me on the chair. He stood in front of me, lookin' me up and down, then, he stepped behind me. I kept myself still when he leaned over me, runnin' his hand along my face, but I couldn't stop myself from tryin' to get away when he grabbed my hair and pulled my head sideways and licked the side of my face. I reacted with my gut and got up, shovin' his hands away from me.
Well, that pissed him off. I wasn't sure what he was gonna do, but I knew he wanted to do somethin' to me. He ordered me to get back on the chair, but me, being me, well, I never did take kindly to bein' ordered around.
"Fuck you." I spat, not movin' to sit down.
If the man was pissed before, now he was furious. He started comin' at me, loosenin', then pullin' his belt from around his waist.
"Your boy needs a lesson in respect, Mr. Sandoval."
I stood my ground, didn't move a muscle. I was wonderin' how far Ezra would let this go, or more to the point, how far I would let it go. I got my answer as soon as Blake raised the belt, ready to hit me. His arm moved less that an inch before Ezra stopped him.
"I agree, Vincent does require a lesson, but I am his Master, and I decide when and where he gets it."
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughin' when Ezra said he was my Master. I was beginin' to feel like I was in a bad porno movie, but then I glanced around at the people in the club and I realized that this weren't no movie. This was real life for some of these people.
Hell, I've always been of the mind that 'whatever floats your boat,' just didn't realize that this was gonna start to float mine.
After Ezra stopped him from beatin' the crap out of me with his belt, Blake apologized for oversteppin' his bounds, and the two of them went off to discuss business. I was told in no uncertain terms to sit and wait, or I may just get up close and personal with that old belt after all.
I did what I was told and waited. I kept an eye on Ezra, and I could see Blake lookin' my way and pointin' at me. I saw Ezra look, shake his head 'no' then after some more talkin' nod his head, like he just agreed to somethin' and then shake Blakes' hand.
Ezra walked over to me. He didn't look all that happy.
"He didn't bite?"
"On the contrary, Mr. Tanner, he most certainly did bite."
"That's great, Ez. That's what we wanted. So, why the my dog just died face?"
"I told him what I desired to purchase and he agreed to provide the merchandise. I negotiated a very fair price, and the buy will be here in three days."
"Okay, it all went as planned, so what's your problem?"
"Mr. Blake had one stipulation that I could not dissuade him from. The deal maker or breaker, so to speak."
"And that was...???"
"You, Mr. Tanner. He wants you or no deal. I'm afraid that I had to solicit you, Vin."
"You sold me?" I was truly shocked that Ez would sell me off.
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
I didn't know if I wanted to burst out laughin' or if I wanted to kill both Ezra and Blake. This was all just too much.
"Well, hell."
"Indeed, Mr. Tanner."
"How much did ya get for me?"
"Not nearly enough, Mr. Tanner. Not nearly enough."
We both laughed, and just when the tension eased a bit, Ezra went an got all serious on me.
"The man desires to teach you a lesson, Vin. You watch your back, my friend."
"Always do, Ez. Always do."
We used the three days to work out all the details. On the night of the meet the team took their positions in the club and then we played the waitin' game.
Mr. Blake was punctual, if nothin' else. Soon as he saw Ezra, he walked over, shook his hand and had us follow him. The man totally ignored me, ignored me, that is, until we hit that room.
The meet was set up in a private room at the club. I ain't never seen so many whips and paddles in one place before. Ain't never seen so many different cuffs and collars either. Hell, there were things there that I still ain't got any clue as to what they were used for.
I took in everythin' that I saw in the room and at first I thought, you'd have to be completely fuckin' certifiable to get off on this shit. Yeah, that's what I really thought...At first.
The sound of Ezra's voice got my mind back where it belonged.
"Mr. Blake. Shall we get down to business?"
"In a minute, Mr. Sandoval." Blake turned away from Ezra and his attention was squarely on me. Now, I'm not one to scare easy, but I was real glad that this was a set up and that I'd never actually have to go anywhere with this guy. Man had the coldest eyes and smile that I'd ever seen.
"I'd like to see what I got for my money. Get over here, Vincent."
I chanced a glance at Ezra, gave him a here goes nothing face, and then I walked over to Blake. "Put your hands behind your back, and just stand there, nice and still." I did what he asked, and even though I knew he'd never get the chance to actually do anythin to me, I felt like he was the cat, and I was the mouse he was toying with before he ate me for breakfast.
He walked around me, lookin' me over. He stood in front of me and then smiled when he saw somethin' that caught his eye. He walked past me, took it off the wall, and came back behind me.
Blake was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my face. I saw the riding crop from the wall in his hand. He caressed my body with it, while he softly talked. "You belong to me now, Vincent. I'm going to take you home, chain you, whip that beautiful ass and fuck it. You will learn to respect me."
I didn't want that from him, I KNOW I didn't want that, but the words, the pictures that went through my head, the feel of the leather crop, well, it all overwhelmed me, and I just felt myself reactin', felt like electricity was poppin' inside of me.
I snapped out of it quick enough though, when Blake showed me the collar he planned on fixin' around my neck. He went to put it on me, and undercover be damned, I lost it. There was no way. No fuckin' way him or anyone else was puttin' a fuckin' collar on me.
I turned on Blake, ready to beat his ass, when Ezra stepped in before I blew the whole set up.
"Mr. Blake. While I'm sure you will find immense pleasure in schooling Vincent in the fine art of discipline, we have a transaction to complete, and his beautiful ass, as you so elegantly referred to it, still belongs to me until the deal is executed."
"My apologies, Mr. Sandoval."
"Shall we conclude our business?"
"Yes." Blake nodded. He led Ezra over to a table, he opened the crate that was sitting on it, and handed Ezra one of the weapons to inspect. Ezra smiled, lookin' as pleased as can be, then he put the briefcase he had carried with him on the table, opened it, and showed Blake the money.
The exchange was made, and just as Blake said, "Pleasure doing business with you," Team 7 went into action.
"ATF! Freeze!"
Blake was shocked. He looked at me, and I just couldn't resist. I grabbed him, pushed him against the wall, and grabbed a pair of handcuffs.
"You're under arrest, asshole." I kicked his legs apart, pulled his hands behind his back and frisked him. Then I read him his rights.
When I turned him around to face me, I expected to see him red faced and pissed off, but he wasn't. He had this know-it-all smirk on his face.
"Ah. Too bad, Vincent. I could have taken you places you never imagined."
"Thanks, but no thanks. It's not my thing."
He laughed at me. "You lie to yourself, Vincent. You wanted me to teach you, to discipline you. I know you did. I can see it in you."
"You're fuckin' nuts."
"Oh, you'll see. You won't be able to deny it now. I'm just sorry that it won't be me that shows you. I'm sorry I won't get to fuck you, Vincent."
"That was never gonna happen. Never."
"Maybe someday."
"Fuck you."
"One can only hope, Vincent."
And that was the end of it all. Well, for the Team anyway, but not for me. For me, it was just the beginnin'.
A few nights after the bust went down I found myself really restless. I tried to sleep, but I spent hours tossin' and turnin'. I couldn't stop thinkin' about the things I saw at Damien's club and I kept hearing Blake's voice, tellin' me that I wanted him to do the things he said. Tellin' me he could see that in me. Tellin' me I was lyin' to myself about what I wanted and didn't want.I started wonderin' about it all. How would it feel to give that much control of your life to someone else? To let someone tell ya what to do, and to let them beat on your ass if you didn't please them.
I kept picturin' the club, the people, the whips and chains and damn, if the blood didn't rush straight to my dick. The more I thought on it, the harder I got, and it weren't long before my hand and my dick were doin' the dance with each other. Weren't long before I came all over my sheets either.
I wasn't too worried about all of this at first. I mean, I never liked bein' held down, or bein' helpless. Fact is, any time I was ever in that kind of a position, it was never 'cause I wanted to be. So, I just took this for what I thought it was. Just a taboo fantasy that was good to jack off to. I figured it would lose its appeal real fast and that would be the end of it. Only, it wasn't. 'Cause that very night the dreams started.
Every night the dreams were pretty much the same. I'd be at Damien's in one of the private rooms. There was always a nameless, faceless man with me. I'd always keep my eyes lookin' down at the floor. The man would walk around me, touch me. He'd whisper to me and I'd slowly strip down for him. Soon as I was naked, he'd chain my hands above my head, he'd tell me how he was goin' to discipline me, all the things he was gonna do to me, and all the while he'd kiss me all over, whip my body with the riding crop, and stroke my dick till it was so hard that it hurt. I would plead with him to let me come, I'd beg and he'd laugh at me. He'd take me so close, so close, and just as I was about to get relief, I'd wake up.
Every fuckin' night I'd wake up horny, hard and frustrated. I was gettin' to the point where I didn't want to go to sleep. But then...then the dreams changed.
I was in a room, like the room at Damien's, but somehow familiar. The man was with me again, walkin' around me, touchin' me. Again, he'd whisper to me, but now, the voice was one that I knew, but couldn't put a face to. The man's hands were all over me, pulling my clothes off me. He chained my hands above my head again, and had me walkin' the line between pleasure and pain.
But now, when he got me hard and I begged him to let me come, he didn't laugh. This time, he caressed my face, kissed me passionately and stepped back, held up a collar and smiled at me. And this time, I let him snap that collar on me, fact is, I wanted him to, 'cause this time, there was no faceless man, this time, there was Chris Larabee.
Holy shit! I woke up to a wet stain on my sheets and my own juices on my body. Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! Damn! Awwww...Hell! Why'd it have to be him?
Night after night, it was Chris. The dreams became so damn vivid. Every night I'd be collared and tied up. I'd be at his mercy and he'd do anythin' he wanted with me, and I'd beg for more. He'd put me on my knees to suck his cock, and when he was ready he'd push me down on all fours and he'd take me, fast and hard. I'd wake up in a sweat, spent and wet. Sleepin' and dreamin' became pure torment for me.
I'd go to work, and I couldn't even look at Chris any more without gettin' hard. I know I was lookin' rough 'cause I wasn't gettin' any sleep, and he'd ask me if I was okay. I'd tell him, "No problem, I'm fine." He'd look at me and give me this strange smirk. Like he knew exactly what was goin' on. What the hell is wrong with me? He didn't know. He couldn't. Could he?
I started to wonder just what the fuck I did in my life that was so bad that I should be tortured like this. It was bad enough that I was in love with Chris. Had been since I first met him, but now I couldn't even escape him in my dreams. And, God, these dreams. He was so dominant, a force of nature, and so fuckin' sexy. Just like he really is. No wonder it's him wieldin' the whip and it's me offerin' my ass.
What makes it all so fuckin' pathetic is that he has no idea what I feel for him, has no clue that I swing that way. Don't think I've ever met a straighter straight guy than Larabee. But I wonder, if he did want me, and he wanted me to be like I am for him in my dreams, would I do it? It scares me to know the answer to that, 'cause I'd do any fuckin' thing he wanted me to. Pathetic!
This was just crazy. I had to put an end to this. Find out why this was happenin' to me. There was no way I could work with Chris everyday, spend time hangin' out with him at the Saloon or at his ranch, when I was feelin' all this craziness about him. It had to stop, or I was just gonna up and tell him how I felt, and then he could shoot me and put me out of my misery.
I decided that my answers were at Damien's. Hell, I never had the slightest itch for any of this S&M stuff until I went to that club, and now, in my dreams, I was the poster boy for S&M Livin'.
I went to the club and luckily had no trouble gettin' in. The bouncer's at the door remembered me, and soon as I went in, Damien saw me, led me to a quiet table and talked to me for a while. I didn't say why I was there, but I had a feelin' that he knew. Fuck, I was beginnin' to think everyone knew about me, but me.
I spent the first night and the nights that followed just sittin' by myself and watchin' what was goin' on around me. Instead of clearin' things up for me, I just confused myself more. All the things that I thought were crazy and too weird or wild before were all of a sudden excitin' to me.
I saw men chained, saw them on their hands and knees with their bare asses up in the air being whipped red, and I wanted it to be me. I was so hard that I had to go to the men's room and take care of myself. I just didn't understand. I don't want this! I don't fuckin' want this!
But I never could lie to myself. That's the reason why I keep coming here night after night. Yeah, I know this ain't gonna bring me nothin' but trouble, but I also know that I do want this, and I need it.
So, here I am. Sittin' at my usual table again. I musta been real interested in the scene cause I didn't even notice Damien until he sat across from me.
"Back again, Agent Tanner?"
"Vin." I said.
"Back again, Vin?"
I nodded and glanced back and forth between Damien and the people in the club.
"Have you found what you're looking for?"
I smiled at him. "Don't rightly know what it is that I'm lookin' for."
"Oh, I think you do know, Vin. But, you won't find your answers here."
"Really? How would you know, anyway?"
He laughed then, makin' me feel like I just said the most stupid thing in the world.
"When you've been in this life as long as I have, Vin, there are just certain things you know. Certain things you can tell and sense about people."
"Yeah? And what do you sense about me?"
"Ah, Vin. You want to know. You want to feel it, experience it all." He said, looking around the room. "You've been thinking about it. Wondering. Haven't you? It's consuming you. Isn't it?"
There's no sense in denyin' it. "Yeah." I said softly.
"Come with me, Vin. Let me show you, teach you." Damien said, getting up from the chair.
I thought about it for less than a second. I had to know.
I followed Damien out of the club. He led me to his car, opened the door and told me to get in. I watched him as he walked around to the driver's side. He took out his cell, made a call, and then climbed in the car when he was finished.
I was too caught up in wonderin' why the hell I was doin' this to worry about that phone call. Maybe I should have. Maybe I should just get out of the car while I had the chance. 'Cept, I really didn't want to. So I sat there as he started up the car, and I stayed put as he pulled away from the club and headed out of Denver.
We didn't say a word for the whole ride. As each mile passed, I just kept thinkin' on that old sayin', 'curiosity killed the cat.' It took about a half an hour to get to where we were goin'. We drove to one of those fancy, high end sub-divisions that are springin' up everywhere. We pulled into driveway and then right into the garage of a huge house.
When I went inside the house the first thing I thought was,there's good money in S&M. The place was beautiful. Hell, the livin' room that I was standin' in was bigger than my whole apartment.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
I smiled at that. It was such an Ezra thing to say, and I knew he'd really love this place. It was just his style. Too big, too expensive and it reeked of money. Lots and lots of money.
"Real nice place ya got here."
"Not what you expected?" Damien laughed. "Ah. You imagined barred windows, dreary concrete walls, chains hanging from the ceiling and a dungeon motif?"
I felt my face color with embarressment. I grinned at him and laughed a bit myself. "Yeah, that's exactly what I expected."
"Well then. Follow me, Vin. I'm afraid I can't give you a dungeon. As for the rest, who knows?"
I followed him. My fear, nervousness and excitement growin' with every step I took.
I expected to be brought to a basement and was surprised when we made our way up a couple of flights of stairs instead of down. We ended up in what originally was an attic, but was now a finished room. Although the room was just a beautiful as the rest of the house, and was well stocked with anything needed to keep guests happy, the entertainment here was of a darker nature.There were comfortable seats, tables, even a bar, but what stood out was the mirrored wall on one side, and the whips, chains, gags and toys reflected in it. I looked around, feelin' so unsure of myself. Part of me was screamin' to run out of here and never look back, but the more stubborn part of me just wouldn't move.
Damien sat down on a leather chair, facin' me.
"Take off your shirt, Vincent."
Him callin' me Vincent and the tone of his voice had me doing what he wanted. I guess I'm officially Vincent when I'm S&M boy. I wasn't sure what to do with the shirt, so I just dropped it at my feet.
Damien got up and walked toward me. "Come here, Vincent."
I went and stood where he pointed. Right above me were a pair of restraints hanging on a chain.
"Give me your hand."
I felt a little ridiculous standing there half naked, and I did feel some doubt about this whole thing creepin' in. Eyein' the chains and restraints, I hesitated.
"I won't force you to do anything you don't want to, Vincent. If this is not what you want, we will put an end to it right now."
I was takin' my time, givin' it some thought. I didn't know why, but I felt safe with Damien. I didn't know if I could do this with someone else.
"It's all about trust, Vincent. This won't work if you do not trust me."
Fuck it. I thought. I looked at Damien and let him take my arm. He put the leather cuff around my wrist and buckled it, then he did the same with the other one. He attached the chain that connected the cuffs to a hook that dangled from another chain. I heard a clankin' sound and found myself bein' stretched tight. When the chain was secured, I was tied tightly, hands over my head, standin' almost, but not quite, on my toes.
Damien picked up a ridin' crop. I tensed up as he walked around me, his hands rubbin' my arms, chest and stomach.
I literally jumped and tried to back away when he unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. He laughed and walked behind me. I jumped again, feelin' the sting of the leather crop on my ass through my jeans.
"Stay still, Vincent. Don't move."
I stood as still as I could manage. I closed my eyes, and bit my lip to keep from movin'. I felt him pullin' my jeans down. Not all the way. Just enough so that they were hangin' on my hips. Hangin' low enough that from the front the hair down south was visable.
Damien ran his fingers down from my belly button, into the front of my pants. "Ah, Vincent." He smiled. "Au natural? A true nature's child."
His fingers were strokin' my cock and I was squirmin'. He stepped back, and smacked my dick with the crop. Fuck! That stung.
"Stay still."
I tried, I really tried, but I was hard as a rock, and I kept imaginin' how that crop was gonna feel when there was no jeans between it and my skin. Damn, that thought had me gettin' even harder, and that had me movin' around even more.
"Settle down," he warned me.
I took some deep breaths. Used all the techniques that I used when I had to stay still for long periods of time on the job.
Damien walked away from me, returnin' seconds later with a black pouch.
"You are truly a beautiful man, Vincent. I would have loved to keep you for myself, to train and discipline you, but that's not possible."
Now I was really gettin' concerned.
"What do ya mean? You said you were gonna do this. What the fuck is goin' on, Damien? You said I could fuckin' trust you."
He opened the pouch and pulled out a black leather ball gag, and a blindfold. "No, Vincent. I told you it was all about trust. I didn't say you could trust me."
I really started to struggle. Did my best to get away, but all I ended up doin' was causin' myself sharp pain in my arms and shoulders.
"Don't do it, Damien. Don't ga..."
I never got the words out. My mouth was stuffed with the leather ball and the gag was buckled around my head. It wasn't comin' out until he took it out.
"You look absolutely stunning like this, Vincent."
I screamed "fuck you" through the gag, though it didn't sound like it. I know Damien understood what I said. I gave him my very best imitation of the Larabee glare, but it did no good.
He sat on the chair facin' me. I couldn't believe I let him get me in this position. I watched him smilin' at me. Hell, the man looked like he should be crunchin' numbers somewhere. Not tying up and whippin' ATF agents with no fuckin' brains. Shit. I bet he used to get picked on and beat up in high school, and now he gets off beatin' up idiots like me. Fuck!
Again, I tried to calm myself down, but it didn't last long. Damien put the blindfold on me, securin' it with buckles. Now, not only was I tied up half naked and helpless. Shit! Now I was fuckin' blind, too.
"I'm going to leave you for a few minutes, Vincent. I'm expecting company. I took the liberty of calling someone to work with you. I think he's much better suited to the task than I am. I think he can really give you what you want."
I heard the door shut and I listenend hard. I was alone. Alone with just my thoughts. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! How could I be so stupid? I know better than to get into a situation like this. I fuckin' KNOW better. Who the fuck was comin' here? What the fuck was he gonna do to me?
Shit. I blew it big time. My fuckin' career was over. Ain't no way anyone could get me out of the fall out from this if they decide to blackmail me. What the hell was I thinkin? Oh, God. Ain't no way I can face the guys if they found this out. No way I could ever face Chris. Stupid!
I don't know how much time passed. My arms were achin' and I just wanted whatever was gonna happen to happen and get it over with. I must have been there for awhile 'cause I was startin' to lose it.
Crazy thoughts kept goin' through my head. I found myself laughin' one of those I can't believe the shit I'm in kinda laughs. Just my luck. All tied up with no one to blow. Yep. Fuckin' goin' nuts.
The door opened. I was overcome with a paralyzing fear. What if Blake got out? What if he came here to teach me that lesson he so wanted to teach me. Hell, I deserved whatever was to come just for my stupidity alone.
Someone was walkin' a circle around me. I knew it wasn't Damien. The footsteps were of a heavier man, and a faint scent of cologne was in the air when the man came near me.
I heard someone sittin' down on the chair in front of me, and then Damien's voice.
"I think Vincent is overdressed. Don't you?"
Before I had a chance to try and somehow protest, a pair of hands were tuggin' at my jeans, pullin' them the rest of the way off. Leavin' me as naked as the day I was born. I am so fuckin' screwed! So screwed!
There was no sound for a few seconds and I let myself hope that they didn't like what they saw and they'd let me go. Shoulda fuckin' known better.
"He is exquisite. Isn't he?" Damien asked.
I had to strain to hear the answer, it was whispered so softly. Shit, guess I wasn't goin' anywhere after all. I tried to connect the voice to a face, but it was impossible. It was just a fuckin' whisper. My only peace of mind was knowin' that it wasn't Blake. No way he'd ever be that soft spoken.
"I'll leave you two to get better acquainted," Damien said, as he stood to leave. "Relax, Vincent. Let yourself go. You may be surprised at how much you will enjoy this." With that, he left the room. Leavin' me alone with a nameless, faceless man. Just like in my dreams.
As soon as Damien left, the atmosphere in the room changed. It was electric. I just felt waves of power comin' from the man. I felt kinda familiar with his presence, like I knew him, but I figured it was just 'cause of the dreams.
Hands were glidin' over my body. I was gettin' tingles all over, and I was enjoyin' it, despite the situation. I moaned with pleasure when the man squeezed and kneaded my achin' neck and shoulders.
It caught me by surprise when he unbuckled the gag and dropped it to the floor. He left me blindfolded, though, but I wasn't gonna complain. I'd take what I could get at this point.
The top of a bottle was pressed against my lips.
"Drink this," he whispered.
I was dyin' of thirst, so I took what was offered. He pulled the bottle away. I only hoped it really was just the water that it tasted like.
"Who are ya?" I asked. Damn, my voice was as raspy as hell.
I wasn't surprised when he didn't answer me.
Instead he started kissin' my chest. Then, his tongue was lickin' my nipples, replaced by his fingers pinchin' me. He kept at it, workin' his way down my body. I was overwhelmed by the sensations I was feelin' and I literally whined when he moved away from me just as he got to my dick. My rock hard dick.
He quietly laughed, and that pissed me off.
"Fuckin' asshole," I hissed.
He laughed again, then slapped my ass with his hand.
"Respect." Again, in that low whisper.
My ass was stingin'. But, I was willin' to risk getting hit again. I wanted to know who I was dealin' with.
"Who the fuck are you?"
Again, no answer.
"Look. I'm a chained up, blindfolded, naked man. My arms are killin' me, my ass is stingin' and I'm here with a complete stranger. I just want...Hell, if you plan on fuckin' me, I'd just like to at least know who's dick is goin' in my ass."
"Fuck! Say something!"
I guess I pissed him off 'cause all of a sudden that ridin' crop was introducin' itself to every inch of my body. He wasn't pullin' any punches either. The feelin' went from a little bit of a sting to out and out pain. Shit, it was really beginnin' to hurt. I tried to twist away from the blows, but hell, he had the advantage of sight, and I couldn't get out of the way.
"Enough! Enough!" I yelled. Totally glad for the blindfold when I felt my eyes tearin'. "Untie me, and let me go. I don't want to do this."
Apparently, my dick missed that message, cause the man ran his fingers along it, as if to prove a point. And while my brain was yellin' let me go, my dick was standin' at attention. Here for the duration.
"Shhhhhhhhhhh. Quiet. Be still," the man said.
I was startin' to feel frantic. There were so many feelin's and reactions goin' on in my mind and body. I wanted this. I didn't want it. Bein' tied up and helpless turned me on, yet it petrified me at the same time. I wanted it over, but I didn't want it to end. Most of all. I needed to know who this man was.
I caught my breath, stood still and waited. He was so close to me. His hands ran along my neck, and then I felt it, smooth and cool against my neck. A collar. A fuckin' collar.
Well, the hell with that. No way! I don't know why, of all the things that have gone on, this particular thing bothers me so much. I started strugglin' with all I had in me. I twisted, turned. I even kicked out at him.
I was so intent on gettin' away that when the crop landed on my ass, I was totally stunned. Stunned, that is, till the pain registered.
"Shitttttt! Fuck! Ahhhhh. When I get out of here, I'm gonna shove that thing up your fuckin' ass." Not the smartest thing to say considerin' but I think the man was enjoyin' this. I could almost sense a huge smile on his face.
He grabbed me, keepin' me still. "You want this. Relax. Trust me." Then he collared me.
I don't know why I trusted him, but I did. Ya think I woulda learned from Damien, but I always did learn the hard way. I thought that it had to be that voice. That aura that filled the room when he came in.
He didn't give me more than a second to think on it or to act up again. He was all over me. One hand was jerkin' my dick, the other rubbin' the crack of my ass, his fingers strokin' my hole..
Awww hell! I couldn't take much more of this. Much to my shame, I started to beg. "I need to come. Please! Please let me come!"
I thought I was gonna die right then and there, hangin' naked from the ceilin' when he pulled away from me. This was my dream, my fuckin' nightmare. After all this, he was gonna leave me hangin' here, hard and frustrated. Fuckin' bastard.
I was surprised when he came back to me. I heard him pop the cap off of somethin' and could smell a nice scent. It had to be oil, 'cause when his hand went for my dick again, and his fingers went for my ass, they were slidin' smooth as could be.
He slowed down strokin' my cock, concentratin' on the fingers he was slippin' inside of me. One, two, three, his whole hand. I didn't fuckin' know or care, it just felt so damn good. He expertly used his fingers to fuck me hard and deep, hittin' that spot inside of me that had me jerkin' and moanin.'
I was on the edge. I so needed for him to push me over. He was strokin' my cock now, and fuckin' my ass. I ain't never felt anythin' like this before. To be at someone's mercy, to give myself and my trust over to a stranger like this. And God. I had to come now!
"Please, please. I..."
"What do you want?"
"I wan...I want to come. Please. Please."
"Come for me, now," he whispered.
And I did. I fuckin' exploded. I never came like that before. Shit, it felt like I was never gonna stop. He was milkin' the last drops from me, when he grabbed a fistful of my hair, tilted my head and gave me the most passionate kiss I've ever had.
I was so surprised, so tired and spent that I didn't realize he had taken the blindfold off of me.
My eyes were closed, and when I realized that I could open them, I did.
It took me a second to adjust to the light. But when I did, I was floored.
"Hello, Vin," said in that voice I knew so well.
I was fuckin' shocked. Just completly fuckin' shocked.
I couldn't find my voice and now I was the one whisperin'.
The End ???