Dangerous Lace by Emerald Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
THE DARK GIFT (AU) by Tarlan Alternate Universe (Slash) [ crossover with Interview With A Vampire ]
- The Dark Gift (Chris/Vin)
- Under The Sun (Buck) (Chris/Vin)
- Zenith (Chris/Vin)
- Solstice (Chris/Vin) (Chris/OMC)
- Between Heaven And Earth (Chris/Vin)(Josiah/Vin)
- Full Moon Rising (Chris) (Ezra) (Vin)
- Promises In The Dark (Chris/Vin) [Ella]
- Endless Night (Buck) (Chris) (Vin)
DARK KNIGHTS (Series) by Crow Two Blood (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Ezra/OMC)
Darkest Bond - Susan Foster Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris / Vin) (Chris / Ezra) (Vin / Ezra)
Darkness and Light: The Gambler and the Renegade by Susan Foster Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (Ezra/OMC) (rapefic)
Darkness And Light by VampyrAlex ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
A Day in the Life - Scribe Old West [Het] (Ezra/OFC) (Buck/Inez) (Chris/Mary) (Vin/OFC) (JD/Casey) (Nathan/Rain) (Josiah/OFC)
Daydreaming - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
Deadly Angel
- Part One by Susan Foster Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Chris/Vin/Ezra) (Buck/Ezra)
- Part Two by Susan Foster Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Vin/Ezra)
December The 21st by MAC Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Deception's Justice by Loke Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Judge Orin Travis)
DECK THE HALLS (series) by Starwinder ATF (Slash)
- Deck The Halls... - (Ezra/Vin)
- 'Tis The Season - (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
- Don We Now Our Gay Apparel - (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
DECLINE AND FALL (series) by Rose Ferguson Old West (Slash) (Ezra/John Ringo) [ crossover with Tombstone ]
Degrees Of Separation by Sammy Girl ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
DENUO (series) by Lara Bee and Macx Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Buck/Vin)
Depth Perception by Limlaith ATF (Slash-General) |Buck| |Ezra| (Buck/Chris)
Destiny by VampyrAlex Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Deuces Wild by Laura H. Old West [Het] [Ezra/Inez]
Deuces Wild by Luci Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
The Devil And Josiah Sanchez by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
The Devil Inside by VampyrAlex ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Did You Hear That? by Angie ATF (Slash) (Buck/Erza)
DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS (series) by Wyndewalker ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
- Kiss This
- Appearances
- What Happens Now?
- First Excursion
- In Plain Sight
- Helloooo, Stud-Puppy!
- Does A Body Good
- Secret No More
- Valentine Vows
- In The Blink Of An Eye
DINNER (series) by Annie ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
A Distance To Cross (series) by Wyndewalker Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
Don't by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Dragging the Line - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
The Dream by Bean ATF [Het] [Ezra/OFC]
Don't Gamble With Love by Deanna Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD) (Buck/JD) (Ezra/?)
Dream Come True by Helen Adams Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Dream Come True by Wyndewalker Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
DREAM OF GENIES by TexasAries Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
The Dreaming Pool by Kris Old West (Slash) (Ezra/?)Dreams Of The Spider by Sig ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Drifter by Artisan447 Alternate Universe (Slash-General) (Vin / Ezra)
The Duel by Silver ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
DUST (series) by Athea Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)(Seven)
DUST TO DUST (Series) by Athea Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
- Part 6
- Part 7
- Part 8
- Part 9
- Part 10
- Part 11
- Part 12
- Part 13
- Part 14
- Part 15
- Part 16
- Part 17
- Part 18
A Dying Rain by Olivia Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (Chris/Vin)
Eeyore's Lost Hope by Rowan Cody ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
EMPIRICAL RESEARCH (series) by Helen Adams Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Empty Bottles by Sig Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Endings And Beginnings by Indigo Cat Old West/ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Ephemeral Parting by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Evening's Treat by MAC Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Everybody Wins - Artisan 447 & Charlotte Hill Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Buck) (Ezra/Vin)
The Evidence Before You by Sammy Girl Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) (Gil/Nick) [ crossover with CSI: Fossil Hunters ]
Evidence Of A Culprit by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Expressions Of Love by Annet ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Ezra's Broken Heart - MrsDvlDg — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/OMC)
Ezra's Halloween Treat by Jean ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Façade by Graculus Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
Faith, Hope, And Love (series) by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Family By Choice by Turtle ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan) (Jim/Blair) [ crossover with The Sentinel
Fantasia by VampyrAlex ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Fantasy by Helen Adams Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Fantasy Or Reality? by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Fearless by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah) [ missing scene from episode 'Working Girls' ]
Felicity by Lissa Grinstead Old West [Het] [Ezra/OFC]
Fevered Dreams by Kay Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Field Of Need (series) by Starwinder ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Fighting For Freedom by Sammy Girl ATF (Slash-General) (Buck/Ezra) [ Artwork > Photo-Manipulation ]
- In The Beginning
- Building The Blind [note: work in progress]
Fighting Midnight by Firefox ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Fighting Urges by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Fine Line (series) by Wyndewalker Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
Finessed by MAC Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)Fire And Ice by Luna Dey Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
First by Limlaith Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
First Dance by Katherine ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
FIRST KISS (series) by Helen Adams Old West [Het-General] [Ezra+Inez]
First Poem by Emerald Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) The First Time by Quizegan ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Five Days' Journey Into Night by MAC Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)Five Dollars (series) by Starwinder Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Five Things That Never Happened by Graculus Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/various) [Het] [Ezra/OFC]
- Five Dollars
- Putting Down Roots
- The Past Comes Calling
- Putting the Past to Rest and Securing the Future
Floods, Spiders And Firelight by Sammy Girl ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Food For The Soul by Kitipurr ATF (Slash-General) (Ezra/Vin)
Fool Traditions by Kay ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
For The Love Of Ezra by Gold Dust Woman Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
For Today by Kim Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) [ prequel to AU's establishing story, The Sadist's Grin by Cobalt (No longer available)]
FOREVER LOVE (series) by TexasAries Old West (Slash)
- Forever Love (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
- Houston's Plan (Ezra)
- Ezra Traveling To Morrisville (Ezra/OMC)
Forging Copper by Farad Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Found by Vinmouse ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Foundations by Kitipurr ATF (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin)
FOUR PLAY (Collection) - TexasAries ATF (Slash) (Varios Pairings)
- 1: Proof of Ownership (Chris / Ezra / Buck)
- 2: To Grab a Dream (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 3: Inspired Performance (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 4: Sweet Illusions (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 5: Surprises (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 6: Weekend Plans (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 7: First Date (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 8: Secrets Revealed (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 9: Tailgating (Chris / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
Friends And Lovers by Helen Adams ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah) [ sequel to A New Beginning ]
From Dreams to Reality - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Buck / Ezra)
Frottage by Ashlyn Escorts (Slash-Mature) (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin)
Frozen by Silver ATF (Slash) (Erza/Vin)
Funny by De Orakle ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Gains And Losses by Tarlan Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
THE GAMBLER AND THE RENEGADE (Collection) by Susan Foster Alternate Universe (Slash)
- The Worth of a Man (Ezra / OMC) (Ezra / Vin)
- The Hunter Becomes the Hunted (Ezra / Vin)
- Darkness and Light (Ezra / Vin) (Ezra / OMC)
- The Bad Element (Chris / Vin / Ezra)
- The Road Travelled (Chris / Vin / Ezra)
- Four Corners (Chris / Vin / Ezra)
- Second Chance (Chris / Vin / Ezra / Buck)
Game Over by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
- Part One (Chris, Vin, Ezra, Buck) Alternate Universe (pre-slash)
- Part Two by Susan Foster Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Vin/Ezra)
Gentle Prodding by Kris Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Buck/JD)
Getting At The Truth by Angie Old West (Slash-General) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven| |OFC|
Getting Kinky by Julia Verinder ATF (Slash) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
The Gift by Firefox ATF (Slash) (Buck/Erza)
The Gift by MAC Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
The Gift Horse by Graculus Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
Going To Church by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Good For You by Jade Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
A GOOD, HONEST MAN (series) by Silver ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
- Nightmares
- Connected
- Siren's Call
- False Impressions
- Chance Meetings
- The Disregard of Timekeeping
- Paradox of Dreams
- Dishonorable Impersonation
- The Difference of Time
- Cleansing the Air
- Confidence
- Healing
The Grand Finale by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Green-eyed Monster by Sharmini ATF (Slash-General) |Chris|(Ezra/Vin)
Green-eyed Monster - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
Green Eyes by MAC Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Ground Rules - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
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(Include "Ezra Standish Adult Page" in your subject line)
Adult Chris | Adult Vin | Adult Buck | Adult Ezra | Adult Josiah | Adult Nathan | Adult JD