About Angels by Chris J. Ueberall ATF (Slash-General) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Acceptance (series) by Silver ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Accident of Fortune by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Acclimation by MAC ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Aches And Pains by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
ADIUTOR AMOR CERVUS (series) by Sammy Girl ATF (Slash)
- What Have I Done? - (Buck/Ezra) (JD)
- Reassurances And Revelations - (Buck/Ezra)
- Entertaining At Home - (Buck/Ezra)
- The Long Weekend - (Buck/Ezra) (Chris/Vin)
- First Encounter - (Chris/Vin)
- The First Time - (Buck/Ezra)
- Only For Me - (Buck/Ezra)
- Play Acting - (Buck/Ezra)
- Dance Lessons - (Buck/Ezra)
- Greetings, Ezra - (Buck/Ezra) (OMC)
- Struck Down - (Buck/Ezra) |JD| |Nathan|
- Case Conflict - (Buck/Ezra)
After The Storm by Kitipurr ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Afternoon Delight by Turtle ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD) Afternoon Delights - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
Afternoon Playtime by Kris ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
AGAINST ALL ODDS (series) by VampyrAlex ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
AGAINST THE ODDS (Series) - Jo Ann Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
The Alchemist's Fortune by Kay Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
All Clear by Ashlyn ATF (Slash-General) |OMCs| (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven|
All I Want by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
All I Want For Christmas by C.V. Puerro ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
All That Remains by Artisan447 Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
All Tied Up by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
ALL TOO... (series) by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
Alleys by Charlotte C. Hill ATF (Slash-General) |Buck| |Ezra| (Buck/Chris)
Along The Same Lines by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Ambiguous Disclosure by Kris Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
An Unexpected Threat - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
Anatomy Of A Storm by Limlaith Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
ANCHORS (series) by Athea ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
- Anchors Away or Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?
- Before The Night Is Over
- The Monk And The Indian (Josiah/Vin)
- Beginnings, part 1
- Beginnings, part 2
- Moving In
- Shopping
- Achoo!
- Beauty And The Beast, part 1
- Beauty And The Beast, part 2
- Beauty And The Beast, part 3
- Beauty And The Beast, part 4
- Beauty And The Beast, part 5
- Beauty And The Beast, part 6
- Beauty And The Beast, part 7
- Snow White, The Huntsman And The 5 Miners, part 1 (Seven)
- Snow White, The Huntsman And The 5 Miners, part 2 (Seven)
- The Woods On A Snowy Day (Chris/Ezra)(Josiah/Vin)
- The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep & (Josiah/Vin)
- Dragon's Mate (Josiah/Vin)
- Dragon's Paw (Josiah/Vin)
AND STILL TO LOVE (series) by Ange Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
And The Young Shall Lead by Tiffany Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)
And Yet So Far by Limlaith ATF (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven|
Ankle Deep by Jordan M ATF [Het-Mature] (Ezra/OFC)
Another Distraction by Zool Old West (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin) [ missing scene from the episode 'Working Girls' ]
Applied Pressure by Pharaoh's Kitty ATF (Slash-General) (Chris/Vin) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) |OMC|
April Shower by Zool Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
An Arresting Holiday by Fiercy ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
ART (multi-author series) Old West (Slash)
- The Art Of Kissing by Valentine - (Ezra/JD)
- The Art Of Loving by Turtle - (Chris/JD)
- The Art Of Living by Turtle - (Buck/Ezra)
As I Promised by Rose Taylor Old West [Het] [Ezra/OFC]
As Luck Would Have It by Dana M. Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
As My Master Commands by Angie Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) (Seven)
As You Wish - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
Automaton by Kitipurr ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Awakening Of Comfort by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Aware Of You by Tiffany Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
BABBLES (series) by Zool ATF (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin)
Before by Sammy Girl Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (Buck/Chris)
Behind Closed Doors by Hombre ATF (Slash) (Ezra/OMC) (Buck) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Being There - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)
Bending Reality by Wgang16 ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Beneath The Skin by Polly Esther Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
THE BEGINNING (series) by VampyrAlex Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Being A Star (Isn't Easy) by Tammy Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Betrayal by Tammy ATF [Het] [Chris+Mary] (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Ezra/?)
Betwixt Night And Day by Wyndewalker Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Bestowing Love by Kris ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
THE BIGGEST GAMBLE (series) by Draig Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) [ sequel to the episode 'Vendetta' ]
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5: The Christmas Present
- Interlude
- Part 6
- Part 7: The Shirt
- Part 8: A Nightmare for Their Future
A Birthday Under Wraps by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Bitter by Allaire Mikháil Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Black Limosine by Deanna ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
BLISS (series) by Suzy B. Old West [Het]
- Wedded Bliss - [JD/Casey]
- Unfettered Bliss - [Buck/Miss Millie]
- Illicit Bliss - [Chris/Lydia]
- Golden Bliss - [Ezra/Li Pong]
Borderlines (series) by Lara Bee and Macx Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Buck/Vin)
A Bowl Of Fruit by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Boxers or Briefs? by Angie ATF (Slash) (Buck/Erza)
Breaking Habits by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Brimstone And Roses by Hawk Dancing Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
BUBBLES by Quizegan ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Buck's Discovery by MAC Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
By My Side by Steelknight ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon by MAC Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Call Of Nature by Zool Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
...Calma! by MAC Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Camino del Diablo by Diamondback Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven| { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Catching Up by Rebel Yell - ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Caught By The Dance by Kris ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
THE CELEBRATION (series) by Dana Ely Old West (Slash-Mature) (Buck/Ezra)
Chain by Ladysmiths ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
CHANCES (series) by Helen Adams Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Chris/Ezra)
Changes by Sammy Girl Two Blood-ATF (Slash-Mature) (Buck/Ezra) |Seven| |Maude| |OMC|
The Changes that Come by Lokomele Alternate Universe (Slash) (Josiah/Ezra) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)
The Chestnut-Gatherer by Zeke Black Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Choose Life by Sig ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
The Christmas We Get We Deserve by Julia Verinder ATF (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin) |Buck| |Chris|
Cicatrix by Graculus Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
Close Calls by VampyrAlex ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Close Quarters by Julia Verinder Old West [Het] [Ezra/OFC/Vin]
Close To The Vest by Zeke Black Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Come What May by Kayim Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Comfort by Katiekat ATF (Slash) (Vin/Ezra)
Comfort And Joy by Julia Verinder Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)
Comfort And Joy by Limlaith ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
The Commitment by Kimber Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Companion by VampyrAlex Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Companions by Tiffany Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
The Confession by MAC Old West (Slash-General) (Chris/Ezra) |Buck| |Nathan|
Conjured Affection by Farad Old West (Slash) Ezra / Vin)
Contrition by Ashlyn ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
The Convention by Lyn ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)
Convergence (series) by Ladysmiths Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Corfu by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Could I Have This Kiss Forever by Silver ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
Counting The Cost by Tree Climber Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin), [Maude] { warning: content may disturb some readers } [ sequel to Consequence by Cobalt (no longer available)]
Country of the Heart by Charlotte Hill Two Blood (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) (Buck/Vin) (Chris/Buck)
Courting Locard by Jordan M ATF [Het] (Ezra/OFC)
Crossroads by Allaire Mikháil ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
Crossroads by Katherine Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)
THE CROW (series) by TexasAries Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) (Seven) [ crossover with The Crow: Stairway To Heaven (tv program) ]
- The Beginning
- The Return
- Vin's POV
- Ezra's POV
- Chris's POV
- Nathan's POV
- Buck's POV
- JD's POV
- Reunions
- Introductions
- Ezra's Song
- The Crow Emerges
- The Prophecy
- A New Identity
Cut And Thrust by Graculus Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)
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