About Angels by Chris J. Ueberall — ATF (Slash-General) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Acceptance (series) by Silver — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

  1. Invited and Accepted
  2. After Dinner
  3. Morning After
  4. Faith
  5. Believe In

Accident of Fortune by Ladysmiths — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Acclimation by MAC — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Aches And Pains by Ladysmiths — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

ADIUTOR AMOR CERVUS (series) by Sammy Girl — ATF (Slash)

  1. What Have I Done? - (Buck/Ezra) (JD)
  2. Reassurances And Revelations - (Buck/Ezra)
  3. Entertaining At Home - (Buck/Ezra)
  4. The Long Weekend - (Buck/Ezra) (Chris/Vin)
  5. First Encounter - (Chris/Vin)
  6. The First Time - (Buck/Ezra)
  7. Only For Me - (Buck/Ezra)
  8. Play Acting - (Buck/Ezra)
  9. Dance Lessons - (Buck/Ezra)
  10. Greetings, Ezra - (Buck/Ezra) (OMC)
  11. Struck Down - (Buck/Ezra) |JD| |Nathan|
  12. Case Conflict - (Buck/Ezra)

After The Storm by Kitipurr — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Afternoon Delight by Turtle — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/JD) Afternoon Delights - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)

Afternoon Playtime by Kris — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

AGAINST ALL ODDS (series) by VampyrAlex — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

  1. Against All Odds
  2. Love Is A Battlefield
  3. Sweet Delight

AGAINST THE ODDS (Series) - Jo Ann Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)

  1. Kindred Spirits
  2. Deepening the Bond
  3. A Different Kind of Love

The Alchemist's Fortune by Kay — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)

All Clear by Ashlyn — ATF (Slash-General) |OMCs| (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven|

All I Want by Ladysmiths — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

All I Want For Christmas by C.V. Puerro — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)

All That Remains by Artisan447 — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

All Tied Up by Ladysmiths — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

ALL TOO... (series) by Delphi — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)

  1. All Too Common
  2. All Too Familiar

Alleys by Charlotte C. Hill — ATF (Slash-General) |Buck| |Ezra| (Buck/Chris)

Along The Same Lines by Ladysmiths — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Ambiguous Disclosure by Kris — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

An Unexpected Threat - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)

Anatomy Of A Storm by Limlaith — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

ANCHORS (series) by Athea — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

  1. Anchors Away or Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?
  2. Before The Night Is Over
  3. The Monk And The Indian — (Josiah/Vin)
  4. Beginnings, part 1
  5. Beginnings, part 2
  6. Moving In
  7. Shopping
  8. Achoo!
  9. Beauty And The Beast, part 1
  10. Beauty And The Beast, part 2
  11. Beauty And The Beast, part 3
  12. Beauty And The Beast, part 4
  13. Beauty And The Beast, part 5
  14. Beauty And The Beast, part 6
  15. Beauty And The Beast, part 7
  16. Snow White, The Huntsman And The 5 Miners, part 1 (Seven)
  17. Snow White, The Huntsman And The 5 Miners, part 2 (Seven)
  18. The Woods On A Snowy Day (Chris/Ezra)(Josiah/Vin)
  19. The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep & (Josiah/Vin)
  20. Dragon's Mate (Josiah/Vin)
  21. Dragon's Paw (Josiah/Vin)

AND STILL TO LOVE (series) by Ange — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

  1. Left Unsaid
  2. The Patrol
  3. Cattle Rustlers
  4. Into Town
  5. The Clinic
  6. The Saloon
  7. The Church

And The Young Shall Lead by Tiffany — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/JD)

And Yet So Far by Limlaith — ATF (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven|

Ankle Deep by Jordan M — ATF [Het-Mature] (Ezra/OFC)

Another Distraction by Zool — Old West (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin) [ missing scene from the episode 'Working Girls' ]

Applied Pressure by Pharaoh's Kitty — ATF (Slash-General) (Chris/Vin) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) |OMC|

April Shower by Zool — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

An Arresting Holiday by Fiercy — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

ART (multi-author series) — Old West (Slash)

  1. The Art Of Kissing by Valentine - (Ezra/JD)
  2. The Art Of Loving by Turtle - (Chris/JD)
  3. The Art Of Living by Turtle - (Buck/Ezra)

As I Promised by Rose Taylor — Old West [Het] [Ezra/OFC]

As Luck Would Have It by Dana M. — Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)

As My Master Commands by Angie — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) (Seven)

As You Wish - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)

Automaton by Kitipurr — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Awakening Of Comfort by Ladysmiths — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Aware Of You by Tiffany — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)


BABBLES (series) by Zool — ATF (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin)

  1. Frisky
  2. Break

Before by Sammy Girl — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) (Buck/Chris)

Behind Closed Doors by Hombre — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/OMC) (Buck) { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Being There - Jo Ann ATF (Slash) (Ezra / Vin)

Bending Reality by Wgang16 — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Beneath The Skin by Polly Esther — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)

THE BEGINNING (series) by VampyrAlex — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

  1. The Beginning
  2. One Last Time

Being A Star (Isn't Easy) by Tammy — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Betrayal by Tammy — ATF [Het] [Chris+Mary] (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Ezra/?)

Betwixt Night And Day by Wyndewalker — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Bestowing Love by Kris — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

THE BIGGEST GAMBLE (series) by Draig — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) [ sequel to the episode 'Vendetta' ]

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
  4. Part 4
  5. Part 5: The Christmas Present
  6. Interlude
  7. Part 6
  8. Part 7: The Shirt
  9. Part 8: A Nightmare for Their Future

A Birthday Under Wraps by Ladysmiths — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Bitter by Allaire Mikháil — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Black Limosine by Deanna ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

BLISS (series) by Suzy B. — Old West [Het]

  1. Wedded Bliss - [JD/Casey]
  2. Unfettered Bliss - [Buck/Miss Millie]
  3. Illicit Bliss - [Chris/Lydia]
  4. Golden Bliss - [Ezra/Li Pong]

Borderlines (series) by Lara Bee and Macx — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) (Buck/Vin)

A Bowl Of Fruit by Ladysmiths — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Boxers or Briefs? by Angie — ATF (Slash) (Buck/Erza)

Breaking Habits by Ladysmiths — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Brimstone And Roses by Hawk Dancing — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)

BUBBLES by Quizegan — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

  1. Bubbles
  2. Bubbles, Too

Buck's Discovery by MAC — Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)

By My Side by Steelknight — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin) { warning: content may disturb some readers }

By The Light Of The Silvery Moon by MAC — Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)


Call Of Nature by Zool — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

...Calma! by MAC — Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)

Camino del Diablo by Diamondback — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin) |Seven| { warning: content may disturb some readers }

Catching Up by Rebel Yell -  ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Caught By The Dance by Kris — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

THE CELEBRATION (series) by Dana Ely — Old West (Slash-Mature) (Buck/Ezra)

  1. The Celebration
  2. Slow Train To Tucson

Chain by Ladysmiths — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

CHANCES (series) by Helen Adams — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Chris/Ezra)

  1. Taking A Chance
  2. Love Lesson
  3. Coming Clean

Changes by Sammy Girl — Two Blood-ATF (Slash-Mature) (Buck/Ezra) |Seven| |Maude| |OMC|

The Changes that Come by Lokomele Alternate Universe (Slash) (Josiah/Ezra) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)

The Chestnut-Gatherer by Zeke Black — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra) 

Choose Life by Sig — ATF (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)

The Christmas We Get We Deserve by Julia Verinder — ATF (Slash-Mature) (Ezra/Vin) |Buck| |Chris|

Cicatrix by Graculus — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)

Close Calls by VampyrAlex — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Close Quarters by Julia Verinder — Old West [Het] [Ezra/OFC/Vin]

Close To The Vest by Zeke Black — Old West (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Come What May by Kayim — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Comfort by Katiekat ATF (Slash) (Vin/Ezra)

Comfort And Joy by Julia Verinder — Old West (Slash) (Buck/Ezra)

Comfort And Joy by Limlaith — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

The Commitment by Kimber — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Companion by VampyrAlex — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Companions by Tiffany — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

The Confession by MAC — Old West (Slash-General) (Chris/Ezra) |Buck| |Nathan|

Conjured Affection by Farad — Old West (Slash) Ezra / Vin)

Contrition by Ashlyn — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)

The Convention by Lyn — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin)

Convergence (series) by Ladysmiths — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

  1. Awakening
  2. Revelations
  3. Closure

Corfu by Delphi — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)

Could I Have This Kiss Forever by Silver — ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

Counting The Cost by Tree Climber — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Vin), [Maude] { warning: content may disturb some readers } [ sequel to Consequence by Cobalt (no longer available)]

Country of the Heart by Charlotte Hill Two Blood (Slash) (Buck/Ezra) (Buck/Vin) (Chris/Buck)

Courting Locard by Jordan M — ATF [Het] (Ezra/OFC)

Crossroads by Allaire Mikháil — ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)

Crossroads by Katherine — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Vin)

THE CROW (series) by TexasAries — Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Ezra/Vin) (Seven) [ crossover with The Crow: Stairway To Heaven (tv program) ]

  1. The Beginning
  2. The Return
  3. Vin's POV
  4. Ezra's POV
  5. Chris's POV
  6. Nathan's POV
  7. Buck's POV
  8. JD's POV
  9. Reunions
  10. Introductions
  11. Ezra's Song
  12. The Crow Emerges
  13. The Prophecy
  14. A New Identity

Cut And Thrust by Graculus — Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Nathan)


(Arranged by Title)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(additions, corrections, questions)
(Include "Ezra Standish Adult Page" in your subject line)

Adult Chris | Adult Vin | Adult Buck | Adult Ezra | Adult Josiah | Adult Nathan | Adult JD