Disclaimer: I don't own the Magnificent Seven, not making any money, just cheap thrills.
Warnings: Angst, Slash, First Time
Summary: What will it take to make Chris realize the truth of his feelings?
Sequel to Lost
Chapter 1
Ezra wondered just who this informant they were meeting was? Chris was playing his cards very close to the vest. The only information he had been given was to dress nicely, as if he ever dressed any other way, and be ready by five. "Can you tell me now where it is we are going?""We're going to Arvada."
"Arvada? Who is it we're meeting?"
"Bill Watson," Chris replied, giving the name of an informant he knew Ezra would be familiar with.
Ezra shot his boss a puzzled look, "Don't you find it a bit odd that Mr. Watson would wish to meet in Arvada? Why not in Denver proper?"
"Something about the need for privacy," Chris answered with a shrug.
Ezra gave a nod, that sounded reasonable. Though, it did make him wonder who Mr. Watson was afraid of? The rest of the drive was made in silence. "The Golden Europe Restaurant? This is where we're meeting Mr. Watson?"
"Is that a problem?" Chris asked, giving no hint that he knew this was Ezra's favorite restaurant.
"No, it's no problem at all. Shall we?" Ezra asked stepping out of Chris' truck.
Chris grinned, this was going to be fun. Climbing out of the truck, he walked around the front to the sidewalk. "We shall," he answered, waving his arm in a you first gesture.
Inclining his head, Ezra stepped to the door and inside the small, cozy restaurant. "Do we have a reservation?"
"Yes," Chris replied as they stepped up to the greeting station. "Larabee," he informed the man.
"Right this way ," Joe, the owner acknowledged. "Good evening Mr. Standish," he greeted Ezra.
"Good evening Joe." As they walked, Ezra glanced around the restaurant for any potential trouble that Watson might have unwittingly brought with him. He was relieved to see no indication of danger, he would hate for his work to cause trouble for Joe and Emily. Coming up to the table, Ezra's view was blocked by Chris' back. His eyes widened in momentary surprise when he saw not Bill Watson, but his friends and co-workers.
"Happy Birthday Ezra," Chris smiled.
"Thank you Chris," he stuttered. His mother would be appalled at his inability to cover the disconcertion he was feeling.
"Come on Ez, have a seat," Buck boomed. Pulling out the seat at the head of the table for him, he sat back down next to Vin.
Still stunned, he let Chris lead him to the chair. Sinking into it, he looked around the table at his friends. Glancing at Chris, he belatedly realized who had arranged this. "You did this?" At Chris' nod, a smile began to form. "How did you know this was my favorite restaurant?"
Chris grinned. "You didn't think I was made SAC of team seven cause of my pretty face, did you? I checked your credit card receipts and saw that you came here more often than any other place. Using my superior math skills, I put two and two together and came up with five," he joked.
Ezra chuckled, "I have always admired your skills in the field of mathematics."
"So what do you recommend Ez?" Buck asked.
"It is all delicious Buck," Ezra replied, ignoring the shortening of his name. "My personal favorite is the raspberry duck, but you won't be disappointed with any of it."
Just then the waitress approached their table, "Good evening gentlemen, Mr. Standish, she personally greeted Ezra."My name is Rosie, I'll be your waitress today. What may I get you to drink?" Rosie quickly jotted down the drink orders of the seven handsome men. "I'll be right back with your drinks gentlemen."
"How long have you been coming here Ezra?" Josiah asked.
"I discovered it not long after I moved to Denver."
"Didn't know you liked German food Ezra," Nathan commented.
"As you gentlemen know, I attended several boarding schools as a lad. My favorite, and the one I attended for the longest period, was in Germany. While there, I fell in love with both the culture and the food." Ezra explained, deciding that his friends deserved an honest answer.
"Here you are gentlemen," Rosie interrupted. Setting out the drinks, she readied her pen, "Are you ready to order?"
"I think perhaps we need a few minutes Rosie," Ezra replied. After the waitress left, conversation ceased as the men began to look over their menus.
"Holstein schnitzel?" JD asked, screwing up his face in distaste as he read the description. "Why would you put an egg on a pork loin?"
"It is quite delicious I assure you JD," Ezra responded. "However, I believe you would like the Frikadellen best," he recommended.
"Frikadellen? Where's that?" Even as he asked, JD was searching the menu for the dish Ezra had suggested. Finding it, he quickly read the description. "Sounds kind of like meatloaf."
"It is similar, and yet so much better that you may never wish to eat meatloaf again," Ezra confirmed JD's comparison.
"Pork and beef patties, mixed with spices and fried. Served with German potato salad and sweet and sour cabbage," Buck read the description of the Frikadellen. "That does sound good, but I think I'm going to have the Hungarian Goulash."
"Goulash, ewww," Vin gave his opinion, several of the others around the table nodding in agreement.
"It isn't anything like that slop you probably had in school Vin," Buck assured his lover. "There was a Hungarian girl that worked with my mom, she used to make goulash for us sometimes. Beef stew meat, a brown sauce and them wide egg noodles. I think she put wine in the sauce too, it was really good."
"I think I'll have the Jaeger schnitzel," Vin decided.
Ezra hid his wince as Vin made the common American mistake of pronouncing the j as a j rather than a y. "The Jaeger schnitzel is an excellent choice Vin," he approved. "Interestingly, given your former occupation, jaeger is German for hunter."
"Cool," Vin grinned.
"I believe I will take Ezra's recommendation and have the raspberry duck," Josiah boomed.
"Y'all are going to clog your arteries eating like that you know," Nathan commented, after all he had a reputation to keep. "I think I'll have the Trout almandine," he finally decided.
"Are you gentlemen ready to order?" Rosie stepped up to the table just then. She quickly wrote down each order, answering any questions the men had. Turning to the blond sitting next to Mr. Standish, she took his order last.
"I'll have the Sauerbraten?"
"We have that made with beef brisket or with deer, which would you prefer?"
"Have the deer Chris, the Sauerbraten is so much better when made with deer," Ezra advised.
"I'll have the deer, thank you," Chris gave his order, handing his menu to Rosie.
"I must say this was quite a surprise," Ezra smiled. "I truly appreciate the effort you made," he told them.
"It was all Chris' idea Ez," Buck gladly informed him. "We just showed up when and where he told us to."
"I stand corrected, thank you Chris," he warmly expressed his gratitude. He didn't believe any of them, with the possible exception of Vin, would ever understand just what this small celebration meant to him. He honestly couldn't remember a time when anybody, including his mother; unless it served her purposes, had made an effort to celebrate his birth.
"You're welcome Ezra," came Chris' simple response. "Would you like to open your presents now or after dinner?"
"Sure pard," Buck boomed. "What's a birthday party without presents?"
"Indeed," Ezra acknowledged with a tilt of his head. "I suppose now would be a good time, if that is acceptable to you all," he asked uncertainly.
"Of course it is Ezra," Chris assured him. Silently he fumed, cursing Maude and anybody else who had made Ezra feel that he didn't deserve something as simple as a birthday party and a few presents.
"Here ya go Ezra," JD began the gift giving. Nearly bouncing in his seat, he waited for Ezra to open the gift.
Ezra took the offered package, carefully removing the wrapping paper. He smiled when he saw the gift, how appropriate and how like their youngest member. "Thank you JD, I shall enjoy the movie and the book." Holding up the Magnificent Seven dvd and the antique dime novel of the same name for the others to see.
"You're welcome Ezra, JD beamed.
"I hope you'll enjoy it," Josiah said, presenting his gift to the man he would be proud to call his son.
With the same precision and care, Ezra unwrapped the gift. "It's lovely Josiah," Ezra gasped as he gazed at the hand carved oak chess set. "Thank you," he quietly added.
"You're welcome Ezra."
"This is from me and Vin," Buck announced, handing him another package.
Ezra raised an eyebrow, "You and Vin? Does this mean it's official?"
"Yep," Buck confirmed. "Go on and open your gift Ez," he encouraged with a grin.
Something about that grin was making Ezra nervous, but he didn't suppose either of them would play a joke on his birthday. Even Buck had more class than that. Slowly opening the gift, he stared at what he held, shocked and amazed. "I don't know what to say gentlemen, thank you." He was quite touched by the gift, knowing they were both expensive and difficult to find.
"What is it Ezra?" the always curious JD asked.
"Pure silk sheets," Ezra replied, holding up the deep black sheets.
"Here's hoping you can find somebody to share them with," Buck grinned, holding up his beer in salute.
Ezra could feel himself blushing. He knew who he would like to share them with, they were even the perfect color. He wondered for a moment if Buck or Vin had realized where his affections lay. No, don't be silly Ezra. Buck is, as always, wanting everybody to be as happy as he is and they both know you like the finer things in life. There is no ulterior motive behind the gift, he lectured himself, lest he read more into the gift than was meant.
"Here's something from me and Raine," Nathan spoke up, giving Ezra a chance to compose himself as he passed his gift to the other man.
Ezra accepted the somewhat heavy gift and began to unwrap it. "Beautiful," he sighed as he ran his hands over the leather bound volume. "The Selected Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier," he read. "I thank you, and your lovely wife," he acknowledged with a tilt of the head.
"You're welcome Ezra, noticed you had a biography of him," Nathan responded, explaining the gift choice.
"It's not much Ezra, but I wanted to get you a little something," Chris said as he handed his gift to the other man.
Ezra smiled as he unwrapped the small gift. "How extraordinary," he breathed as he turned the gift over in his hand.
"What is it Ezra?" JD asked.
"A money clip," Ezra quietly replied. "Sterling silver, inlaid with mother of pearl, and a black onyx ace of spades."
"Know it isn't much, but it seemed to fit," Chris explained.
"Nonsense, it's the best gift I've ever received. No offense gentlemen," he quickly added as he realized how his words might sound. The others quickly assured him no offense was taken, understanding just what he had meant. "Ah, it would appear our meals are served gentlemen," Ezra announced.
Several hours later, Chris helped Ezra carry his gifts out to the truck as they bid the others good-night. "Thank you Chris for the party, it was quite enjoyable."
"You're welcome Ezra, I'm glad you had a good time," Chris smiled as he laid the gifts he carried in the seat. "You were right about the deer Sauerbraten," he said as he slid behind the wheel.
"I've always found Sauerbraten made with wild meat to be so much better than domesticated meat. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Hell yeah I did. I've only had it made with beef brisket before and that was good, but with the deer, damn." Chris smiled in appreciation, having greatly enjoyed the wonderful meal. "I'll have to remember that next time I have some deer."
"You know how to make Sauerbraten?" Ezra asked, clearly surprised.
"Yep. I found a recipe for it in one of Sarah's cookbooks. When I read that it would keep for a week, after it was cooked, without refrigeration, I learned to make it. Perfect food for long stakeouts or camping trips."
"An excellent point Chris, though wouldn't have been quite the reason I would have considered it."
"That was my first reason, but once I tasted it, I was hooked. I don't make it often, but I try to make a batch at least once a year. I'll invite you over the next time I make some," Chris offered.
"I look forward to it," Ezra grinned.
"Do you need any help?" Chris asked as he pulled up in front of Ezra's townhouse.
"I believe I can manage, but thank you Chris." Climbing from the truck, Ezra gathered his gifts and headed for his door. As the black Ram pulled from the curb, he turned to watch it go, a look of longing on his face. Turning away, he strode up the walk to his front door.
"Happy Birthday Ezra."
The sound of a familiar voice, one he'd heard only a few days earlier, speaking from the shadows startled him into nearly dropping his keys. Opening the door, he sat his gifts inside and turned around to face the man who at one time had claimed to love him. "What are you doing here?" he demanded, standing in the doorway, keeping the other man standing on the walk.
"Is that any way to greet me?" Doug Lawerence asked, stepping from the shadows.
"I have no desire to play your games Mr. Lawerence," Ezra coldly responded.
"No game Ezra," Doug softly assured. "Seeing you the other day, I realized what a fool I had been to let you get away."
"Let me get away?" Ezra sneered. "As I recall sir, you threw me out of your bed the moment the rumors of my corruption began to circulate."
Doug winced, both at the coldness and the formality of Ezra's speech. He had missed the green-eyed tempter from the moment he'd left. However, as a Deputy Director of the FBI, he could hardly be seen with a man suspected of corruption. Things were different now that Ezra's name had been cleared, and he had never stopped wanting the younger man in his bed. "That was a mistake Ezra, please won't you give me another chance?"
"I am sorry Mr. Lawerence but you forfeited any chance you had when you turned your back on me when I most needed your support. Now if you'll excuse me..."
"Is he the reason?" Doug interrupted.
"Pardon me?"
"Chris Larabee, your boss. Is he the reason you won't give me a chance to make up for my mistakes?"
Ezra choked back a laugh, "Surely you jest sir. If you bothered to check, ah but I forgot you can't be bothered with investigations," he sneered. "Chris Larabee was married to a woman he loved more than life itself, would still be married if not for her untimely death. He has no more interest in me than," Ezra paused, looking for a good analogy, "than I have in you," he smirked. "Now if you'll excuse me I wish to spend the remainder of my birthday in solitude," Ezra added, stepping back and slamming the door in the other man's face.
"This isn't over Ezra, I will have you again," Doug whispered as the door shut.
Chapter 2
Ezra stretched lazily, a small smile forming on his handsome face as he remembered the events of the previous evening. Even Doug's unwanted arrival hadn't served to dampen his good mood. He had never liked surprises, they had always been unpleasant occurrences in the past. Last night, however, Chris and his other friends, mostly Chris, if Buck were to be believed, had proven to him that a surprise could be a good thing. It had been a wonderful thing that had been done for him, he really should do something special to show his appreciation. He would have to give this some thought, whatever he did for Chris needed to be as meaningful as what the blond had done for him. Throwing back the covers, he climbed from the bed and began to get ready for the day."Wonder who it's from?" JD asked again, eyeing the package sitting on Ezra's desk. He glanced at Vin, "It was here when you got in?"
"Yes JD, I done told you that three times already."
"Sorry Vin," JD apologized, shooting his friend a sheepish smile. "Aren't you curious?" He couldn't see how the other man could just ignore the mysterious package resting on the desk across from his.
"None of my business," Vin shrugged.
"Leave it be JD," Nathan advised from across the room.
"Good morning gentlemen," Ezra greeted them as he stepped into the bullpen.
"Hey Ezra, somebody left you a gift," JD immediately informed the undercover agent.
Ezra turned towards his desk. Curious as to what it could be, he quickly crossed the distance to his desk. Picking up the beautifully wrapped package, he looked for a card. Seeing none, he carefully opened the gift, perhaps there was a card inside. Opening the elegant wooden box, the moment he saw the bottle of Germain Robin Old Havana Brandy he knew the identity of the gift giver.
"What is it Ezra?" JD asked, anxious to satisfy his curiosity.
"A bottle of very fine brandy, it is, however, a brand I no longer enjoy. Perhaps you would like to have it Josiah." He was sure the profiler would be able to appreciate the quality of the drink.
"Are you sure Ezra?" Josiah asked. There was something about the look on the younger man's face that was bothering him.
"Quite sure Josiah," Ezra confirmed. As he moved to place the bottle back in the box, he spotted a gift card. Removing the card, he placed the bottle inside and shut the lid, handing the box to Josiah.
"Thank you son, I'm sure I'll enjoy it," Josiah graciously accepted.
"You're welcome," Ezra smiled tightly. "If you gentlemen will excuse me, I believe I will avail myself of a cup of coffee."
"But Ezra..." JD called after him, Buck's hand over his mouth cutting him off. The moment Buck removed his hand, JD whirled on him, "What'd ya do that for? I was just going to remind him he'd brought in a cup from Starbucks."
"I figured that JD, it's why I stopped you."
"He obviously wants to be alone, didn't want you to take away his excuse," Buck patiently explained.
"Oh," JD's eyes lit with understanding. "You could've just said so, ya didn't have to grab me like that," he complained.
"I tell you what JD, you start talking slower and I won't grab you to keep ya from saying something ya shouldn't," Buck teased.
Ezra closed the door behind him, he leaned against it. With short, angry movements he pulled up the envelope flap, tugging the card from it.
Happy Birthday Tempter,
I remember fondly the many workdays which
ended over a snifter of fine brandy, followed by
a night of lovemaking. You are, as always, a
temptation I find myself unable to resist. I am
staying at the Denver Carelton, room 436. Please
don't destroy my hopes with a refusal to see me.
Doug"Bastard," he hissed between clenched teeth. What right did he have to attempt a reconciliation? Did he honestly believe there was any chance that he would ever be forgiven? Ezra had only to read the card to know the answer to that question. Of course he did, and calling him Tempter, the son of a bitch! He remembered those days too, the nights of lovemaking which Doug more often than not used almost as a punishment. Though Doug had made the first move, he always claimed that Ezra was a male siren, tempting men with the promise of pleasure to gain what he wanted, just as the sirens of myth had done. He had never understood the reasoning, hell until Doug approached him he had barely even been aware of the other man's existence. With an angry snarl, he slowly ripped the card into tiny pieces, dropping them into the trashcan. Calmer by the time he'd finished, he took a deep breath and returned to his desk. Ignoring the curious glances coming from his friends, he turned on his computer and got to work.
Doug looked at his watch, 11:30, hmmm, nearly lunch time. Picking up the phone, he dialed the offices of the Denver Federal Building.
"Standish," Ezra absently greeted his caller.
"Hello Tempter, did you receive my gift?" Doug asked in a low voice.
"I did," Ezra coldly replied.
"Do you remember those evenings..."
"I remember telling you I have no interest in pursuing anything with you," Ezra interrupted him. He gave Vin a grateful glance as the other man walked away, granting him some much needed privacy.
"Now Ezra, why must you play hard to get?"
Keeping his voice pitched low, Ezra quickly refuted Doug's claim. "I am playing at nothing. I wish for you to leave me in peace. Do not call me. Do not come to my home. Do not send me gifts. I fail to see how I can be any more clear with you. Good-bye." Ezra hung up the phone, glaring at the instrument as though it were complicit in Doug's games. Heaving a sigh, he attempted to return to his work, quickly discovering an inability to concentrate as he should.
Doug smiled as he hung up the phone. He wasn't fooled, he knew his Tempter was only playing hard to get. That was all right, he would let the minx have his fun; it would make their reunion all the more special when it happened. His hunger for the younger man was strong, luckily his patience was stronger. Humming a haunting tune, Doug climbed from the bed and headed downstairs for lunch.
"Hey Ez, we're going to lunch, you coming?" Buck asked.
"Pardon?" Ezra looked up, distracted from his thoughts by Buck's booming voice.
Buck raised an eyebrow, "Lunch, you coming?"
"No, I think not Buck, I'm not very hungry, but thank you." Dismissing the other man from his thoughts, he turned back to staring at his computer screen as he pretended to work.
Buck frowned, Ezra hadn't been acting like himself since opening his gift this morning. He opened his mouth to issue the invitation one more time, some instinct telling him not to leave the younger man alone.
"Buck come on," Vin interrupted him. Grabbing his lover's arm, he nearly dragged him from the room and towards the elevators, where the others waited.
"What'd ya do that for Vin? Ezra's upset by something, don't you want to help him?"
"Yep, but pushing him isn't going to work," Vin pointed out. "The muscles in his cheek were twitching Buck, if you'd pushed he was just going to dig his heels in more."
Buck sighed, he knew Vin was right but that didn't mean he had to like it. "How are we gonna get him to tell us what's wrong then?"
"We're not," Vin replied. "He is," he added, nodding towards Chris who was already returning to the office.
"Oh," Buck grinned, "thanks for stopping me sweetness."
"Buck," Vin growled, the effect ruined by the blush coloring his cheeks. He swore silently. He'd shoot his lover but then he'd have to find a place to hide the body. He glared as the taller man simply grinned; enjoying the embarrassment he was causing for Vin. He stalked into the elevator, his agile mind quickly considering and discarding ways to return the favor. \
Buck swallowed hard, following Vin into the elevator. He could tell by the look on his lover's face that he was plotting his revenge. Damn, one of these days I'm going to learn, he silently vowed.
Chris hadn't seen Ezra's reaction to the gift left on his desk, but he'd heard about it. Buck had come to his office within thirty minutes of the other man's arrival, quickly filling him in. He had spent the rest of the morning surreptitiously watching Ezra, he had seemed to have gotten past whatever upset the gift had caused him. Then the phone rang and Ezra, after a short conversation had spent the time since simply staring at his computer screen. He'd noticed the others watching Ezra and knew they were as worried as he was. When Buck and Vin emerged from the office without the undercover agent, Chris decided it was time for a talk. Stalking up to Ezra's desk, he perched on the corner, "We need to talk Ezra."
Ezra looked up, obviously startled to find Chris so close. "Is there a problem Mr. Larabee?"
"You tell me," Chris replied. He was surprised to discover that it hurt to hear Ezra being so formal with him. He shook it off, he could deal with that later.
"I don't know what you mean Mr. Larabee," Ezra feigned ignorance.
"Bullshit! I thought we were friends Ezra," Chris softened his voice.
"We are," Ezra confirmed.
"Really, because I don't call my friends mister and I don't lie to them."
Ezra blushed, Chris was right, he was letting Doug have control that wasn't his to claim. "I apologize Chris, you're right."
"Hell Ezra, can I get that in writing," he teased.
"You are my friend Chris, but I am not that foolish," Ezra flashed him an amused smile.
"What's bothering you Ezra?"
The conman sighed, "You know of the gift I received this morning?" He waited for Chris' nod before continuing. "It was from somebody who wishes to renew a relationship I have no desire to pursue."
"I see," Chris quietly spoke. "That's who the phone call was from?"
"It was," he confirmed. "I made it very clear that I have no interest in renewing our relationship, I am not certain the message was received."
Chris scowled, he didn't like the sound of that, "You think it'll be a problem?"
Ezra hesitated, he wasn't sure how to answer the question. He didn't want to worry Chris, especially as he had no reason to believe Doug would continue to pursue him. "Oh, there may be a few more calls or gifts, but I'm sure that if I ignore them the message will get through," Ezra assured his friend. "Shouldn't you be at lunch?" he asked, just realizing the time.
"Forgot something," Chris smiled.
"Well don't let me keep you."
"You won't, if you'll grab your jacket and come on," Chris said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his feet.
"You're what I came back for Ezra, come on and have lunch with your friends," he smiled.
"You know, now that you mention it, I believe my appetite is returning." Grabbing his jacket, he slipped it on as he followed Chris to the elevator. "Thank you Chris," he murmured while they waited.
Chris threw his arm over Ezra's shoulder, "No problem Ezra, it's what friends do for each other."
Ezra noticed that Chris kept his arm casually thrown over his shoulder as they stepped into the elevator. Though he knew that the blond was only expressing the friendship he felt; probably didn't even realize that he still held Ezra close to him, tucked into his side as if he belonged there; Ezra allowed himself to enjoy the feel of being in Chris' arms for the few fleeting seconds it lasted.
Chapter 3
Ezra sighed as he came home two weeks later to the sight of yet another package waiting on his doorstep. What was it going to take to get through to that man? Wearily he retrieved the box and let himself into his townhouse. He didn't even bother to open the gift this time. "Room 436 please," he requested a moment later."Hello."
"Mr. Lawerence..."
"Hello Tempter, did you like the gift?"
"Mr. Lawerence I have asked you repeatedly to cease sending me gifts. We are finished sir, have been finished for years and I have no desire to rekindle our relationship. If you do not cease and desist I shall be forced to have you charged with harassment, good day sir." Slamming down the receiver, Ezra began to rub at his aching head. Hefting the box, he carried it to the dumpster, wishing to rid himself of it as soon as possible. If only it were that easy to rid himself of Doug Lawerence. It had been two weeks since his arrival in Denver, hopefully his vacation time was nearly up and he would leave soon. It couldn't be soon enough for Ezra.
Doug smiled, he wasn't fooled. Ezra just needed to see that he was serious, needed to know that he wouldn't walk away again. Perhaps when he found out that he had taken the position of Deputy Director for the Western Division of the Bureau it would convince him that he was serious. Surely he would see that for Doug to give up all he had in Atlanta just so he could be closer to Ezra; he must be determined to make their relationship work. Work would begin tomorrow on his new home. By the time the renovations were completed, Ezra would be his again!
Chris watched as his undercover agent threw another small gift in the trash. He hadn't missed the number of gifts over the past few weeks, nor the stress it was causing Ezra; it was beginning to worry him. "Damn," cursing himself for not noticing sooner, Chris rushed from his office just in time to catch Ezra before he hit the floor.
Ezra could feel it coming on, the stress of dealing with Doug's continued presence in his life was becoming more than he could handle. Tossing the gift into the trash, he sat staring into the small receptacle as the nausea surged. A sudden blinding pain hit him directly behind his eyes, dropping him towards the floor. He was barely aware of the feel of strong arms supporting him as the pain threatened to rob him of consciousness; if only it would. A cacophony of sounds surrounded him; an involuntary whimper escaped as he burrowed against a soft body, desperately trying to escape the light and sound raging around him.
It took Chris a few moments to realize the effect the others were having on Ezra. The moment he realized it, he glared them to silence. Without a word, he scooped Ezra into his arms, carrying him into his own office and laying him on the couch. As he tried to move away, he was surprised to find the undercover agent had a death grip on his shirt. "Shhh, let go Ezra," he whispered, "I'm going to turn off the light." A pitiful whimper was his answer as the grip on his shirt increased. Damn, he needed to get the light out, but how? Suddenly the room was pitched into darkness.
"Figured you needed a hand," Nathan whispered as he backed out of the room, quietly closing the door.
As the silence and darkness did their work, Ezra's grip on his shirt lessened. Chris sighed with relief when he was free to move. He hadn't minded holding Ezra, but it had prevented him getting a warm washcloth for his forehead. Now that he could, it was the first thing Chris did. Returning from his small washroom within thirty seconds, he laid the folded cloth over Ezra's forehead. Resuming his seat on the couch, he drew the smaller man into his arms.
Awareness returned gradually as the pain receded. The first thing he became aware of were the strong arms that held him. The second thing was the scent of cologne and the feel of a hard chest against his cheek.
"You back with me Ezra?" Chris whispered.
"Chris?" Ezra questioned. What was he doing in Chris Larabee's arms? "Tired," he mumbled.
"I bet you are," Chris smiled. Since Ezra had confessed to getting migraines, he had done some research. The research hadn't prepared him for the sight of his friend collapsing towards the floor, his head held between his hands, his face a picture of anguish. However, it had told him the steps to take to help Ezra and what to expect when the migraine passed.
Ezra wanted to ask why he was in his boss's arms? He tried to find the words that would allow him to ascertain what events had brought him to this pass, but his tired mind refused to cooperate. "Happened?" he finally managed, wincing at the inelegance of his question.
"Migraine, you collapsed," Chris quietly explained.
"Mother," Ezra winced. His mother would be appalled.
Chris frowned, "Your mother isn't here Ezra." Maybe he'd better go see if Nathan was in the bullpen. He started to shift Ezra from his arms, stopping when the smaller man grabbed his shirt.
"No, please stay," Ezra plead. The show of weakness appalling him as much as it would have his mother, had she been there.
"I'm just gonna get Nathan," Chris explained, trying again to free himself.
"Don't...tired," Ezra mumbled.
"Ezra please let me get Nathan for you," Chris plead. Silently he thanked God that none of the others were in the office, especially Buck. He'd never let him live it down. Chris Larabee, the man who could instill the fear of God with nothing more than a look, pleading to be released by a man he could easily overpower.
Giving in, Ezra released the hold he had on Chris' shirt. He watched through hooded eyes as the tall blond moved to the door. At Chris' instruction, he closed his eyes before the door was opened, allowing the other man to leave.
"Nathan, can you come check on Ezra?"
"He's okay, isn't he Chris?" JD asked. It had scared him badly when Ezra had collapsed. Nathan had told them it was a migraine and Ez would be fine; but in spite of Nathan's assurances, JD had continued to worry about his friend.
"Yeah JD, but his migraine is starting to go away and I want Nathan to see if it'd be safe to take him home," Chris easily spoke the half truth. As he and Nathan stepped back into his office, he whispered his concern over Ezra's confusion.
Nathan nodded, making his way to the couch. "Ezra, how you feeling?"
"Tired," Ezra replied, one arm thrown over his eyes.
"Do you know where you are?"
"Chris said you thought your mother was here?"
"No," Ezra denied.
"He asked for her," Chris explained when Nathan turned a questioning glance his way.
"Appalled," Ezra tried to explain, but he was just so tired.
Chris suddenly understood, "Your mother would be appalled?" A small nod was his only answer, "Sorry Ezra, I misunderstood."
Nathan grinned, that was just like Ezra. Collapse from a migraine and worry about appearances. "How bad is the pain now Ezra?"
"You think I could get him home Nathan?"
Nathan thought about it carefully. Ezra would rest better in his own bed, but how to get him there? "Lock out the elevator so nobody else can use it. Take it straight to the parking garage and use his car, the tinted windows will be easier on him. Get him inside as quick as you can and into bed with a warm cloth on his head. Keep as much noise out as you can..."
"Soundproofed," Ezra quietly interrupted.
"What Ezra?" Chris asked.
"Bedroom soundproofed," he mumbled.
"Well that will make it easier," Nathan smiled. "You heard me telling Chris how to get you home, you think you can handle it?"
"Yes," Ezra quickly replied. As enjoyable as it had been to lay in Chris' arms, he knew he would rest much better in his own room with it's soundproofing and blackout curtains.
"Get him some sunglasses to wear until he's home," Nathan told Chris.
"Got some in my desk." Chris pulled the glasses from his desk and slipped them on Ezra's face. Gently helping the other man to his feet, he led him into the other room and out of the office. The trip home was painful for Ezra and Chris found himself grateful for Nathan's suggestions. He couldn't imagine how bad it would have been for his friend without Nathan's good advice. As he helped Ezra into his townhouse, he was unaware of the eyes that watched from a nearby car.
"What is he doing with my Tempter?" Doug growled as he saw Larabee taking Ezra into his home. "He has no interest in you," he spat. "I knew you were lying Tempter. Why must you try to deceive me?" Doug glared at the door of Ezra's home, becoming angrier with each passing moment. As he watched, his mind was filled with images of the two men moving together under the sheets of Ezra's bed. "It should be me," he slapped the steering wheel. "It will be me," he vowed.
Chris moved slowly, knowing from his research that each movement would be sending pain through Ezra's head. Helping the smaller man into the bedroom, he gently helped him into the bed. Reaching for Ezra's tie, he grinned when his hand was slapped away.
"What are you doing Mr. Larabee?" Ezra asked, though in truth he didn't mind, but appearances, after all are everything.
"Relax Ez, just helping you to get more comfortable so you'll rest better. Lie still now and let me help," Chris softly ordered. Moving as quickly as he could, he stripped the constricting clothing from his friend and pulled the covers over him. "You rest now Ezra, I'll be in the other room if you need anything."
"Thank you Chris," Ezra whispered gratefully.
Chris smiled softly, "You're welcome Ezra." Retreating to the living room, Chris stretched out on Ezra's couch and picked up the television remote. Keeping the volume low, he settled in to wait.
The green eyes of his lover sparked with lust as he lowered him to the bed. Lowering his head, Chris claimed the other man's lips in a passionate kiss. As though he were standing outside himself, Chris watched as the two bodies on the bed moved together in a dance as old as time.Chris stretched awake, the feel of his lover's lips so real that his hand moved to his neck, searching for evidence of the other's touch. Where in the world had that dream come from? He hadn't dreamed of making love to another man since the first time he'd seen Sarah. Over the years, he had managed to convince himself that his youthful experiences with male friends had been nothing more than curiosity. It hadn't been hard, his love for Sarah had been all consuming and he had never looked at another, man or woman, after meeting her. Even after her death, he had turned to other women only when need overrode his grief, usually prostitutes. It must be the similarity to Sarah's coloring and the sensation of holding a man in his arms that had brought about the dream, he told himself.
Shaking off the dream, he glanced at his watch, surprised to see how late it was. Pushing himself to his feet, he moved to the bedroom to check on Ezra. Quietly opening the door, he glanced into the room, smiling as green eyes turned his way. "Feeling better?"
"Much, thank you Chris," Ezra smiled. "I am surprised you're still here."
"Didn't want to leave until I was sure you were okay."
Ezra smiled softly, the caring gesture touching him deeply. "As you can see, I am feeling much better."
"Good, you think you could eat?"
"I believe I could."
"What would you like?"
"I have some vegetable soup in the refrigerator, would that be acceptable?"
"Sounds good to me, I'll heat us up some while you take a shower."
"Are you implying that I my scent is less than pleasant?" Ezra asked, pretending to be offended.
"Well I wasn't going to say anything, but now that you mention it," Chris teased. "I thought it might make you feel better."
"I agree, and thank you again. It seems I continue to be in your debt sir," Ezra said, giving a small bow of his head.
"No debt Ez, it's what friends do for each other."
Ezra smiled as Chris left the room. Throwing back the covers, he headed for his shower. A short time later, he joined Chris in the kitchen. "I see I'm just in time."
"Yep, it just got done. Where'd you get this anyway?"
"I made it, why?"
"Really? It smells great," Chris smiled.
"Thank you," Ezra responded, his face flushing red. "I suppose I'll be needing a ride to work in the morning," he commented as he took his seat at the table.
"Nope, drove you home in your car," Chris informed him as he joined him.
"Oh," Ezra mumbled.
"I was going to take a cab to the office to get my truck, but it's getting kind of late."
"Would you like to stay here tonight? The bed in the guest room is quite comfortable." Careful Ezra, he cautioned himself, don't sound too excited at the idea of Chris sleeping in your home.
"I was hoping you'd say that Ez," Chris grinned.
"Oh, but what of the horses?" he suddenly remembered.
"Buck called while you were in the shower, him and Vin already took care of it."
Ezra smiled, "Then it's settled."
Doug sat outside Ezra's townhouse, fuming as the hours passed. Damn him! He wasn't going to get away with this. Coming to the conclusion that the blond ATF leader would be remaining with his Tempter for the night, Doug started his car. "Ezra belongs to me and I will have him," he vowed as he drove away.
Chapter 4
Chris woke the next morning, confused not only by the dreams that had filled his night, but by his body's reaction to them. How could he be attracted to Ezra? Sure he was a good looking man, but he had never thought of his friend that way. Hell, the man irritated him as often as not. There was no way he was attracted to him, it was just a stupid dream. It didn't mean anything, he told himself, denying the evidence staring him in the eye.Shoving thoughts of Ezra from his mind, he climbed from the bed. "What the hell?" Crossing the room, he fingered his clothes in wonderment. When had the man found time to clean and press his clothes? Deciding answers could wait until after his shower, he made his way to the guest bathroom.
Walking into the kitchen a short time later, he received his second surprise. "I thought you didn't get up until nine?" He stared at the man in astonishment, not only was he up but he was busy cooking what smelled like a very good breakfast.
"Ordinarily I don't," Ezra lied. He would never admit it to his co-workers, but he was in fact an early riser. He simply preferred to start his day in a leisurely manner. That was information, however, that his co-workers and especially his boss, didn't need. "You will however need a ride, therefore, I thought it prudent to make an exception."
"I see," Chris nodded. "I could've taken a cab you know?"
"Yes, I'm aware of that. Let us just say I owe you one," Ezra shot him a grin.
"Fair enough," Chris conceded. "But, just so we're clear, I helped you cause you're my friend, no other reason."
Ezra dropped his head, looking embarrassed. "I apologize Mr. Larabee, I didn't intend to offend you."
"You didn't, just wanted to make sure you knew," Chris quietly assured him. Damn he'd like to teach Maude a lesson for making Ezra so unsure of himself in personal relationships. "By the way, when did you clean my clothes?"
"After you went to bed last night. My head felt much better and I was unable to return to my slumber right away. I assumed you would prefer to wear clean clothes to work, therefore I took the opportunity to clean and press your things."
"Thank you Ezra, that was real thoughtful," Chris smiled.
Ezra could feel himself relaxing, "You're welcome Chris. Now, how would you like your omelet?"
"Bell peppers, ham, cheese and balsamic vinegar?"
"That sounds delicious, I believe I will have the same."
"Looks like Chris beat us to work," Buck commented as he drove his truck into its spot.
"Nope," Vin grinned.
"What do ya mean no? His truck's sitting right there in its usual place." Buck eyed his lover suspiciously, "Did you hit your head and not tell me?" As he spoke, he leaned over, reaching for Vin and pulling him close.
Vin squirmed away, loosing a playful growl at his lover. "Stop it Buck, I didn't hit my head."
"Then why did ya say Chris didn't beat us here?"
"Buck take a close look at your truck and then look at Chris', do you see a difference?"
Buck did as the younger man asked, looking carefully between the two vehicles. Climbing out of his truck, he walked around it, then moved to his friend's truck. Scratching his head, he couldn't see what Vin meant. A grin spread over his face as the light bulb went on, "It ain't wet, realizing that with the light drizzle that had fallen all morning it shouldn't be dry."Ya suppose he spent the night with Ezra?"
Vin's eyes twinkled mischievously, "Good job Buck, we'll make a detective out of you yet."
Buck shot his lover a mock glare, "You're gonna pay for that boy."
"I'm counting on it," Vin winked. Turning away, he walked quickly to the elevator, leaving his dumb founded lover behind. "Hey Buck, you coming?"
Buck blushed, immediately grasping the double meaning in Vin's words. He always got a kick out of the way Vin could tease and flirt so boldly, yet compliment him or use a term of endearment in public and he'd turn forty shades of red. "Yeah," he rasped. Clearing his throat, he tried again, "Be right there." Locking the truck, he walked towards the elevator. Leaning back against the wall of the car, he rode in silence to their floor. As they stepped into the office, he went to his desk while Vin went to start the coffee pots. One for himself and one for everybody else. He loved the man, but he'd be damned if he could figure out how he drank that sludge he called coffee. Deciding Vin had been given enough time, Buck stood up and walked into the break room, closing the door behind him. "It ain't nice to tease sweetness," he drawled. God he loved to make his blue-eyed devil blush, it had to be one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen.
"Ain't my fault if you don't notice the evidence Bucklin," Vin retorted, refusing to acknowledge the blush.
Buck didn't say another word, he simply closed the distance between them. Lowering his head, he claimed Vin's lips in a passionate kiss as he pushed him up against the wall. Keeping the smaller man pinned, he kissed and nibbled his lover's lips and neck while his hands roamed over Vin's gorgeous body. Grinning widely, he stepped back from his lover, turned and headed for the door.
"Buck," Vin whimpered.
"Got work to do lover," Buck threw over his shoulder.
"Bastard," Vin muttered as the door closed behind his lover. A grin spread over his face. It had been hot though, and just what he'd wanted, but damn, how was he gonna get through the day now? "Should've thought of that sooner Tanner," he mumbled. "Oh well, ought to be fun tonight," he grinned. He knew that, though Buck had intended to tease him, he had also teased himself; by the time they got home, he'd be lucky to get in the house with his clothes still on.
"What ought to be fun Vin?" Chris asked from the doorway. A smirk spread over his face as his deadly sharpshooter blushed beet red and shot past him, mumbling threats about shooting smart-assed cowboys. Chris laughed, it sure was starting out to be a good day.
"Damn him!"
"Ezra?" Chris turned around, so much for good day. He stepped into the bullpen. He was surprised to see Ezra holding a box of unusual looking flowers. "Are you all right Ez?" he asked, the paleness of the other man worried him.
"No sir I am not all right," Ezra ground out. "I am far from all right, but I shall be," he vowed, his paleness quickly replaced by the redness of anger. Tossing the flowers aside, he marched out of the office.
Chris stared after him for only a second, before running after him. "Ezra wait," he called as the elevator doors began to close. Sprinting forward, he reached them just in time to grab the doors, tugging them open and stepping inside. "Where we going?"
"I am going to make a visit I should have weeks ago," Ezra replied. "I have no idea where you are going."
"I'm going with you," Chris firmly responded.
"I do not require your assistance."
"Getting it anyway, so where are we going?"
Ezra punched the emergency stop button, an angry glare on his face as he spun to confront his friend. "This is none of your business Chris. I do not need, nor do I want, your assistance."
"Ezra I'm not letting you go wherever it is you're going when you're this upset."
"I see, so it is concern for me that causes you to offer your aide? Ezra asked, his tone softening."While I appreciate the gesture, I assure you I am quite capable of taking care of myself."
"I'm sure ya are Ez, that's not what I'm worried about."
"Then what pray tell are you concerned about?"
"Don't want to visit you in prison."
Ezra stared at Chris, an incredulous look on his face.
"As mad as you are, I figure you're liable to kill somebody."
"I see, I suppose it is a valid concern. You won't interfere?"
"Not unless you reach for your gun, or the person you're going to see does."
"Very well, you may accompany me."
"Thank you," Chris smiled. As the car resumed it's descent, Chris couldn't help wondering what the flowers meant and why they had upset Ezra so much.
"They're Eglantine Roses," Josiah's voice boomed over the bullpen as he answered Buck's question about the flowers. He had arrived at the office at nearly the same time as Nathan and JD, only to find Vin and Buck looking worried and upset as they examined the box of flowers on Ezra's desk.
"You got any idea why they'd upset Ezra?" Vin asked.
"Ezra's seen them?"
"Yeah, he turned white as a sheet when he opened the box, then he got mad and took off. Chris went after him," Buck explained.
"In the language of flowers they mean, I wound that I may heal."
"That sounds kind of like a threat," JD observed.
"That's what it was," Vin confirmed. Now he understood why Ezra had reacted the way he did. "It's got to be whoever's been sending him these gifts the last few weeks."
"I thought that was a secret admirer or something," JD said.
"That's what we all thought JD, but now it's looking like maybe Ez has him a stalker."
"You think Ezra knows who it is?" Nathan asked.
"Judging by the way he reacted, yeah I think he knows exactly who it is," Buck replied.
"I just hope he'll let Chris go with him," Vin added. "Confronting a stalker on his own might not be the best idea."
"He did," Buck assured his lover. "If he didn't then Chris is following him, otherwise he'd be back here by now."
Vin nodded, "You're right."
"What do we do now?" JD asked.
"Nothing we can do JD," Josiah replied. "Just have to wait for Chris and Ezra to get back."
"Well, we can keep an eye out until we're sure this stalker got the message and backs off," Buck offered as the others nodded in agreement.
+ + + + + + +
Chris stood two steps behind Ezra as they waited for the occupant of room 436 to answer the door. Clenching his teeth, he did his best to control the itch in his hand that had him wanting to reach for his gun. After all that Ezra had told him, not only of the presents Doug had been sending him since the night of his birthday party, but also of the past relationship, he wanted nothing more than to kill the man. He wouldn't though, he had promised Ezra that he would let him handle it. God help Doug Lawerence though, if he gave him even a hint of an excuse to use his gun against him.
"Ezra, what a pleasant..." Doug trailed off as he spotted Larabee standing protectively behind his Ezra. The smile on his face quickly turned to an angry glare.
"I received the flowers Mr. Lawerence, I am here to give you notice," Ezra coldly informed his ex-lover.
Lawerence, tore his gaze from Larabee, focusing on his soon to be lover. "Why Ezra whatever is the matter?" Doug asked, pretending innocence. "I only wanted to let you know what you mean to me."
"No sir, you wanted to frighten me. I am aware that you are well versed in the language of flowers and I recognized, as you knew I would, the threat implicit in your selection."
"So you bring your new lover to intimidate me?" Doug boldly asked.
Ezra didn't dare look behind him to gauge Chris' reaction, to do so would only confirm Doug's false assumption. "You are operating, sir, under a faulty assumption. Mr. Larabee is no more to me than a friend, he simply wished to offer me the support of a friend during this confrontation."
"Is that what this is Tempter?" Doug smirked.
Chris listened to the two men talking, his anger growing with each word that fell from Doug's lips. The accusation concerning his relationship with Ezra took him by surprise, but he wished Ezra hadn't denied it. Perhaps if Lawerence believed they were together he would back off.
"Do not call me by that appellation," Ezra growled. "I have documented each gift you have sent to me Mr. Lawerence. In addition, I have saved every message left on my phone, some of which I'm sure the authorities would find quite disturbing. You will leave me in peace, or I will contact your superiors concerning your behavior. If that fails to convince you of the seriousness of my request, I will have you charged with stalking and harassment. Good bye sir." Turning on his heel, Ezra stalked off, leaving a shocked Doug Lawerence staring after him.
Chris stepped forward, leaning into Lawerence's personal space. "Back off Douggie," Chris smirked, "I still have plenty of places to hide the bodies." Leaving the suddenly pale man behind, he hurried to catch up with Ezra. He needed to make sure the younger man was all right, knowing full well that the stress of the confrontation, coming so close on the heels of yesterday's migraine could easily cause another attack.
Ezra raised an eyebrow as Chris joined him at the elevator, "Does Mr. Lawerence still live?"
"For now," Chris replied.
"Thank you Chris," Ezra whispered.
"You're welcome Ez."
Recovering quickly from the unexpected fear, Doug fumed with impotent rage. How dare he? Where did he think he was, the old west? Clearly the man was a Neanderthal, certainly he wasn't nearly good enough for Ezra. He didn't understand why Ezra would be interested in such a man. Oh, he supposed there was a certain rugged attractiveness, but surely that wasn't enough. He had no doubt, however, that Larabee would carry out the issued warning if he believed him to be a threat to his possession of Ezra Standish. Very well, he would simply have to let them assume they had won until his plans were in place. Picking up the phone, he called his contractor, offering the man a substantial bonus if he could complete the house within the next two weeks. Assured by the man that the job would be completed, Doug relaxed, secure in the knowledge that soon he would possess his Tempter once again.
Chapter 5
"What the hell did you think you were doing Ezra?" Chris yelled. Ignoring the stares of the officers around them, Chris backed Ezra against the wall as he demanded an answer. Only Ezra and Vin could go to pick up lunch just as a robbery was taking place. That was bad enough, but then the two of them had to play hero, and of course it was Ezra that made the first move. He had to admit, it had been a clever plan, but damn it they could have both been killed!"I thought I was apprehending a pair of miscreants," Ezra calmly replied. "That is our job, is it not Mr. Larabee?"
"Lay off Chris," Vin snapped, shoving away from Buck.
Chris' eyes never left Ezra's, "Stay out of it Vin."
"Can't do that Chris," Vin drawled. "Ezra wasn't the only one involved, so if you're mad at him, ya ought to be just as mad at me." He wasn't in any hurry to face Larabee's temper, but Vin wasn't about to let Ezra take all of the flak for what they'd done.
Chris growled, aiming his next words at them both. "What were the two of you thinking? You could've been killed trying a stupid stunt like that! I shouldn't be surprised that Ezra would try something like this, but I thought you had more sense Vin." Chris winced at the hurt he saw in Ezra's eyes, but he forced himself to ignore it. The man deserved to be told off for what he'd done, they both did. "Both of you get back to the office, write up your reports and go home. You're suspended with pay until the investigation is complete."
Josiah watched the two younger men walk away, the pair of them looking suspiciously like a couple of kids who'd just been read the riot act by their dad. "Kind of hard on them weren't you?" he calmly asked.
"Suspension is standard in an officer involved shooting Josiah, you know that."
"Yes it is, but being yelled at for doing your job and saving innocent lives isn't."
"So what should I have done Josiah?" Chris snapped. "Praise them for a job well done? They could have been killed, is that what you want?"
"They weren't killed though Chris and whether you praise them or not, they will both continue to behave like a pair of Robin Hoods."
Chris sighed, scrubbing a hand through his blond hair. "I know, but..."
"You were scared when the police called and told you what happened," Josiah completed the sentence.
"Of course I was!"
"You got to admit it was pretty smart," Buck grinned as he joined them.
Chris glared at his old friend, "Aren't you mad? Vin could have been killed, you could have lost him."
Buck paled slightly, "I know that Chris and I don't like it, but I can't change who he is. Truth is, that tendency of his to rush in where angels fear to tread is part of why I fell in love with him."
"How do you stand it?"
"The fear?" Buck shrugged, "I don't, but I make sure I savor every moment I have with him, just in case it's the last one I get."
Chris stared at his friend in amazement, he made it sound so simple. It wasn't that easy for him though, he'd already lost the two most important people in his life, he couldn't go through that again. Aw hell. "I was a real jackass wasn't I?"
"Well if the mule shoe fits," Buck grinned.
Chris shot his friend a sheepish look, "I'll apologize when I get back to the office." He looked around the small restaurant; it had been clever. He could imagine the looks on the faces of the perps when Ezra and Vin started their little con. It must have been a sight, the two of them yelling at each other for planning to rob a place that was already being robbed. From the witness accounts, the two men robbing the place had just stared at them, seemingly at a loss as to how to handle these two competitors. According to the witnesses, Vin had shoved Ezra away from him and faster than imaginable, his men had each pulled a gun, aiming directly at the perps. Only two shots had been fired, as the perps had prepared to fire at Vin and Ezra, the two men had fired, hitting, not the robbers, but their guns, knocking them from their hands. The scene secured, they had cuffed the two men and called the police. "It must've been pretty funny."
Buck grinned, "They probably never even knew what hit them."
"Come on Buck, lets go get some lunch for everybody." As he led the way out of the building, Chris glanced around, again imagining the scene. "You know, on second thought let's just call for a delivery."
"Okay," Buck agreed, obviously puzzled.
"I don't suppose there's much chance of us walking in on a robbery too, but if anybody could do it..."
"It'd be us," Buck chuckled. "Delivery it is."
+ + + + + + +
Ezra sighed heavily as he walked into his townhouse. He didn't blame Chris for being angry. Looking back on what they'd done, he realized with sickening clarity how easily it could have backfired, resulting in the death of innocent bystanders. Of course Chris wasn't as angry about that, he was sure, as he was at the idea of Vin being killed. No, they should have simply sat down and allowed the robbers to carry out their crime. Later they could have provided the police with a detailed description of the perps, who would most likely have been caught in short order. He couldn't help wishing that Chris had cared as much for his safety. "Don't consider the possibility Ezra, it will only bring you pain," he admonished himself.
Doug quickly hid in the guest room of Ezra's townhouse when he heard the key in the door. Why was Ezra home at this time of day? He hadn't had time to set everything up. "Oh well, I'll just have to do this the hard way," he whispered to himself. Since Ezra's visit two weeks ago, Doug had backed off, allowing the younger man to enjoy a false sense of security. His contractor had called yesterday to inform him that the house was ready. Soon Ezra would be his again and there would be nothing Chris Larabee could do about it!
+ + + + + + +
"Ezra already leave?" Chris asked as he walked into the office.
"You told him to go home," Vin replied. "Don't worry, I'm almost done with my report and I'll be gone too."
Chris sighed, damn. "Look Vin, I'm sorry for yelling earlier..."
"I know you were scared Chris, but ya had no call to say the things you did. I might not be as smart as you but I got plenty of sense and so does Ezra. Do you really think we would have taken them fellas down if we didn't know we had a good chance of succeeding?"
"No Vin I don't, but you're right I was scared and I had no right saying the things I did," Chris reluctantly admitted.
Vin smiled, "Apology accepted."
"Thank you."
"Chris, don't wait until tomorrow to tell Ezra," Vin quietly advised. He'd seen the look in the undercover agents eyes; Ezra would have himself convinced that he was going to be kicked off the team by tomorrow if Chris didn't talk to him.
"I'll go see him after work," Chris promised.
+ + + + + + +
Doug smiled when he heard the shower start, giving the other man a few minutes, he waited patiently. Judging the time to be right, he quietly left the guest room and made his way to the master bedroom. While he waited for Ezra to finish his shower, he looked around the room, examining it for evidence of his Tempter's infidelity. He was pleased to find none, perhaps he had been faithful to him after all, Doug smiled. The water stopped, taking him by surprise so that he was barely in position when the bathroom door opened.
He waited for Ezra to close the door, knowing that only the bedroom would be soundproofed. He pounced, wrapping his arms around the smaller man, "Hello Tempter," he whispered in his ear.
Ezra jerked, his instincts kicking in as he began to struggle to free himself. He froze at the familiar voice in his ear, "Let me go," he demanded.
"I will never release you Tempter, you are mine to love and possess," Doug vowed as he tightened his hold.
"Never," Ezra growled, coming back with his elbow in the taller man's gut. Breaking free, he dove for the table where he kept his gun.
Doug grunted, losing his hold on his lover, but only for a moment. Following the smaller man, he made his own dive, grabbing Ezra by the ankle and knocking him off course. The table crashed to the floor, the contents scattering around and under the bedside. The two men saw the gun, resting just under the edge of the bed at the same time.
No! Damn it, Ezra silently cursed as the table fell. Kicking behind him, he broke Doug's hold as he looked wildly around the area for his gun. There, under the bed! Scrambling for it, he reached out his hand, his fingers almost touching it...a sharp pain shot through his head and then the darkness claimed him.
Kneeling beside him, Doug ran his hands over the nude body that lay before him, tempting him to forget his plans. "No, I will not give into your temptations." Moving quickly, he dressed Ezra, paying no attention to the clothing he chose; he had new clothes for the man at home. Wrapping his arm around the smaller man's waist, he carried him to the car, speaking soothingly to him the entire way. To anybody who saw them, it would appear he was helping his sick friend to the car.
+ + + + + + +
Chris sighed in frustration, he couldn't believe how late it was. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to leave the office on time, he had attempted to call Ezra a few times. The man, however, wasn't answering his phone, not that Chris blamed him, he was probably expecting to be yelled at again. Finally the interminable meetings with the various bureaucrats were finished, freeing him to make amends with his friend. Driving as quickly as he could, he pulled up in front of Ezra's home a short time later.
Chris scowled, his repeated attempts to gain Ezra's attention were going unanswered. He knew the man was home, his car was parked in its usual spot, and he wasn't leaving until he got to talk to him. I wonder if he's in his bedroom? Damn, his irritation quickly turned to concern as he realized the day's events could have brought a migraine to the younger man. Once again relieved that he had insisted each of his men give him a spare key, he let himself into the quiet townhouse. He didn't want to intrude, but if Ezra was suffering it was his fault, the least he could do was help him until he was better.
Quietly he pushed open the door to the bedroom, his blood running cold as he took in the signs of a struggle. "Ezra!" he called into the empty room. Stepping across the threshold, he quickly searched the room and adjoining bathroom in the hopes of finding the other man. Hoping against hope that Ezra was in another room, he ran from the bedroom. The search took only moments; Chris had to face the fact that somebody had kidnapped Ezra. With a shaking hand, he dialed 911 to report the crime. That done, he called the man he always depended on, his voice which had been calm and steady a moment ago now shook with emotion; "Buck, Ezra's been kidnapped."
+ + + + + + +
Ezra moaned, his hand moving to the back of his head. What happened? Doug! The thought brought him upright, "Oh god," he groaned as pain stabbed through him.
"Careful Tempter, you'll hurt yourself," Doug admonished.
Peeling open his eyes, Ezra stared blearily at the man sitting next to the bed. "This isn't my bedroom," he whispered.
Doug smiled, "It is now, welcome to your new home."
Ezra shot him a disdainful look, "You don't seriously believe I will remain here, do you?"
"You have no choice," Doug calmly informed him. "I just bought this place recently and had it renovated especially for you."
"What do you mean?" Ezra nervously asked.
"The entire house is soundproofed, as well as being wired with the latest security system. All of the door and window locks can only be opened with a thumbprint scan, mine of course. Additionally the windows are tinted, insuring that nobody will be able to spy on us. You will remain here until you accept that we belong together," Doug smiled triumphantly.
Ezra stared at him, angry and horrified, "You are delusional."
"No my Tempter, I am simply determined to reclaim what we once had."
Ezra glared at his abductor, there was no way he would allow this man to keep him a prisoner in this gilded cage. Adrenaline obscured the pain in his head as he jumped to his feet, rushing his ex-lover in a bid to gain his freedom. Intense pain surged through him, bringing him to his knees. "What was that?" he asked, looking up at Doug, his eyes glistening with tears of pain.
"That my dear Tempter was a small lesson," Doug smiled. "Until I can trust you I felt it was prudent to insure you would be unable to attack me. If you will lift your right pant leg you will see a very special bracelet encircling it. With the touch of a button I can send an electrical charge through it, instantly incapacitating you, rendering you incapable of mounting an attack upon my person."
Ezra glared, "This is your idea of love?"
"No Tempter, this is my idea of control. After a time you will remember the love we once shared and accept that we belong with each other. While the entire house is secure, I must insist that for the time being you ask permission to enter any room other than this and your bathroom."
"Go to hell."
Doug paid no attention to him. "If you fail to ask permission, the sensors in the bracelet, which I might add is welded in place, will activate sending a charge through your body. Ask me if you may enter a room and I will turn off the sensors, allowing you to walk safely through the doorway. Eventually, as you come to accept your destiny I will gladly grant you more freedom," Doug explained. Kneeling next to the man on the floor, he lovingly caressed Ezra's cheek, ignoring the flinch. "I'll leave you now, I'm sure you would like some time to consider all I have told you. I'll return later with dinner for us, please be civil when I do Ezra; I would hate to punish you again so soon." Without another word, Doug stood and left his erstwhile lover to contemplate his fate.
Chapter 6
The moment Doug left the room, Ezra was up and searching. He went over it with a fine tooth comb, but it was useless, he could find no means of escape. Even breaking the glass in the window wasn't an option, the opening would be entirely too small for him to crawl through. Doug must have had them especially made for just that purpose; he wondered if the rest of the windows in the house would be equally small? It would appear that he had no choice, he would have to play along, to a point, in order to gain access to the rest of the structure."I hope you'll like what I have chosen, I selected it especially for you," Doug smiled as he entered the room, pushing a serving cart before him.
Ezra frowned, seeing the cart set for two. "Thank you, but I would rather dine alone if you don't mind."
Doug scowled, "I do mind and you will dine with me at every meal," he coldly informed the smaller man.
"I see," Ezra calmly accepted the order. "What have you chosen for our dinner?"
"That's better," Doug praised with a smile; with a flourish he removed the cover from their plates.
Ezra eyed his plate, his stomach rumbling with hunger the moment the scent of filet mignon, oven roasted potatoes and green beans almandine reached his nose. "It looks delicious, thank you," using a life time of good manners to cover his reluctance to eat anything Doug had prepared. He had no idea what was in the food, but he was sure there was some type of foreign substance present in the meal.
"You're welcome, Doug smiled. His smile quickly turned to a frown as he watched Ezra simply moving the food around his plate."If you wish to leave this room you would be advised to please me and it would please me to see you eating the meal I prepared for you.
Ezra offered his captor a smile and reluctantly took a small bite of the green beans,"Delicious.
"Good, now eat up.
Unable to come up with an acceptable excuse, and knowing that even if the food is drugged he will need his strength if he is to escape; Ezra ate.
Doug hid a smile as the other man consumed his meal. Watching carefully, he spotted the first sign of the drug taking effect as Ezra began to take on a dazed appearance. Soon, he knew, the younger man would be squirming in his seat as desire took hold. The combination of increased desire and lowered inhibitions that the drug caused would make Ezra like putty in his hands. Though he wanted to take the man, he wouldn't. This time their relationship would be different, Doug vowed. He would be in complete control and while he would certainly take advantage of what his Tempter offered, he would only do so when he wished, not when Ezra wanted it."Your desire is strong, isn't it Tempter?
"Mmmmhmmmm, Ezra replied, the sound of Doug's voice seeming to come from a long way off.
"Give me a show my Tempter, strip for me, Doug softly ordered.
The drug was in full force now and without a murmur of protest Ezra rose to his feet, his hands moving to undo the buttons on his shirt.
Doug stared hungrily as the smaller man performed a slow strip tease for him. He smiled, congratulating himself on the decision to leave Ezra clothed when he brought him here. It was well worth the denial of seeing that gorgeous body in exchange for seeing the wonderful show his lover was giving him now. Licking his lips, he took in the naked splendor before him. Sweeping his gaze over the younger man, he enjoyed the appearance of the hard body his lover possessed."I see you enjoyed the show as well, he commented, staring at the enticing erection sported by his lover.
Ezra dropped his gaze, smiling as he saw where Doug was looking. Instinctively he dropped his hand to his length, wrapping around it.
"Show me how much you enjoyed it, lie on the bed and pleasure yourself.
No, Ezra silently protested, ashamed of his easy acquiescence but the drug and his need for relief were in control now. Silently he laid on the bed, following the order Doug had given him. As his pleasure grew, his shame intensified. He hated the look on the older man's face as he watched him, his eyes alight with lust and hunger, almost as much as he hated himself for obeying.
Doug licked his lips as his Tempter found release, crying out in his pleasure. "Clean your fingers Ezra, appearances after all are everything, he snidely ordered. He enjoyed the power he could exert over the younger man with the help of the drug. Doug grinned, imagining the shame Ezra was feeling as he carried out every order given to him."I'll just leave you alone now Tempter, remember don't try to leave the room without my permission.
Ezra watched through a haze as his abductor walked out of the room, leaving the door open. It seemed like hours passed while he laid on the bed, waiting for the drug to wear off. Lord what had he been given? It felt, from the descriptions he'd read, like one of those date-rape drugs, but unlike with those drugs, he had been aware of what was happening, just unable to stop it. He quickly noticed another difference from the common date-rape drugs, as he recovered from the effects of whatever he'd been given, his memory of the events remained intact, leaving him with a deep sense of shame.
Doug stood in the kitchen, smiling as he washed the dishes."My poor little Tempter, he chuckled."The shame and embarrassment will be awful for him. He heard the door to Ezra's room close and he reached for the bracelet control. The cries of pain floating down the hall were like music to his ears, telling him that he had another opportunity to teach a lesson. He could have told Ezra earlier about the door rule, but had deliberately kept the information from the younger man. He knew that keeping the other man off balance would make controlling him easier as time went by.
Ezra looked up from the floor as the door swung open and the pain mercifully stopped."Why? he croaked, his voice hoarse from screaming.
"The door remains open Tempter, Doug coldly informed him.
"You didn't tell me, Ezra protested.
"I left the door open, did I not?
"You did, came the soft reply.
"That should have told you I wished it to remain open.
"So now I'm supposed to be a mind reader? Ezra snapped."That is an impossibility.
"No it isn't Tempter, you need only pay attention to my moods and actions to determine what I want.
"And if I fail to ascertain your wishes I will be hurt?
"Not hurt Ezra, punished, corrected. I can make you happy if you'll let me Tempter, but first you must make me happy. Do you understand? Doug frowned when the only response he received was a small nod."You will answer me verbally and with respect, now do you understand?
"Yes sir, Ezra reluctantly replied, giving him the respect he demanded but only to avoid more pain.
"Much better, Doug praised."Now about the door, you have not yet earned the right to privacy, therefore it will remain open at all times. When you have earned the privilege, I will recalibrate the sensors so you won't receive a shock when it's closed.
"I will forgive the lapse, but I won't again. You will call me sir at all times, do you understand?
Ezra swallowed hard; he was dealing with a madman."Yes sir...earned sir? he tried again.
"Yes earned, you must earn privileges by pleasing me. If you don't please me, you will earn punishment and a loss of privileges.
"You have already taken away my freedom and my right to privacy, what other privileges could you possibly take? Ezra growled, his anger at the other man rising to the surface.
Doug gave Ezra a sorrowful look; shaking his head, he pressed the button for only a second. It caused just a small jolt of pain this time, really just enough to get Ezra's attention."Toss your clothes into the hallway Tempter, you have just lost the privilege of covering your nudity.
"You bastard, Ezra snapped.
"Such a slow learner, the button was pressed again.
Ezra screamed, collapsing to the floor, his body spasming in painful jerks as the electricity shot through him.
"Do you need another lesson Tempter?
"No sir, Ezra nearly sobbed, his body still rocked by pain even in the absence of the electrical shock.
"Good, Doug smiled."Now gather all of the clothes in the closet and dresser as well and toss them all into the hallway.
"Yes sir. Though he was docile in his obedience of the order, inwardly he raged against the man he had once loved. He didn't know how yet, but he would find a way out of this madhouse and back to his friends. Ezra smiled, in fact Doug had better hope he did find a way to escape, before Chris Larabee and team seven found him.
"Something amuses you Tempter?
"Just considering your very painful demise when my friends find me.
"Ah yes, your friends, Doug smiled."These would be the same friends who are currently ensconced at the quaint bar you all frequent?
"Probably planning their strategy, Ezra replied. He knew what Doug was doing, he hadn't become the best undercover agent in the country by being stupid.
"Perhaps, Doug calmly agreed."I have an agent watching them, would you like me to call him, find out what they're doing?
"That's quite all right sir, not necessary at all, Ezra demurred.
"Nonsense, it won't take long at all. You wait right here, Doug smiled, chuckling softly at his small joke as he walked away. There was no agent of course, but Ezra didn't know that. He went to the kitchen, getting himself a drink and walking into the backyard. Looking around the lush lawn, the thick fragrance of flowers in the air, he could easily imagine bringing his lover out here; claiming him like an animal.
Ezra examined the door carefully while Doug was gone, looking for any type of sensor that would alert the man to it being closed. He could find nothing, leaving him to surmise that Doug had simply heard it closing. He would have to wait until Doug was gone before he tested his theory. Ezra's head came up at that thought, he would be leaving at some point, wouldn't he? Of course he will Ezra, he does have a job after all, he reminded himself. Deciding it would be best if he weren't seen at the door, he returned to the bed, pulling the cover over himself.
"Miss me Tempter? Doug asked from the doorway."Take the cover off, you will not cover yourself in my presence.
Without a word, Ezra pulled the blanket away, revealing himself to the other man's lewd gaze."No I didn't miss you sir.
"No matter, you will grow to crave my presence in time, Doug smiled. "I am afraid I have some upsetting news for you, Doug continued, his expression turning sad."My agent reports that the rest of your team are drinking, in fact he said it seemed they were celebrating something.
"I'm sure they were sir, Ezra calmly responded. He knew Doug wanted him to believe that his friends were glad to be rid of him. Perhaps, had this happened shortly after his arrival in Denver, he would have believed the lie he was being fed. Not now though, he had been with team seven long enough to know that they were true friends, family even, unlike the co-workers he'd left in Atlanta.
Doug smiled indulgently,"I can see you don't believe me. I wonder how long it will take you to realize they won't be coming for you. They are as glad to be rid of you as your mother was each time she left you with another so-called uncle, he smirked.
Ezra winced, the reminder of the many times his mother had left him behind still hurt him as nothing else could. Damn Doug for knowing just where to hit him, how to do the most damage. Holding his head high, he stared the man in the eye. Hurt might be what he felt, but he would not give him the satisfaction of seeing the pain his words had brought.
"Sleep well Tempter, I will see you at breakfast.
Ezra glared at the man's back as he walked away. The moment he was sure Doug wasn't returning, he jumped from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. The need for a shower was strong, the way he had behaved while under the influence of that drug had left him feeling soiled. Intellectually he knew he wasn't to blame, emotionally was another matter and he suspected the drug might be influencing him there as well.
The next morning began entirely too early as far as Ezra was concerned. His sleep the night before had been fitful at best, leaving him in no mood to deal with Doug Lawerence and his delusions. Looking to the door, he saw the other man standing there, the meal cart in front of him. Yet, it appeared he would have to tolerate his presence, in spite of his wishes to the contrary.
"Good morning, Doug greeted him, smiling brightly."It is customary to return a greeting, he sternly admonished.
"Good morning sir, Ezra quickly responded before the other man's finger could reach the button on the control.
"I brought us breakfast, Doug happily informed him, as if the admonishment had never occurred.
"Thank you sir, Ezra dutifully answered. As he sat up in the bed, he instinctively moved to cover himself.
"What did I tell you Tempter?
"What? Oh, Ezra sighed, moving his hand."I'm not to cover myself in your presence sir.
"Don't let it happen again.
"Yes sir.
"I brought you eggs benedict, I know how you like them, Doug smiled. He saw the hesitance in the other man,"Don't worry Tempter, nothing has been added to them today. Unfortunately I must go to work, wouldn't want to raise suspicions, would we?
"No sir, Ezra replied. He had to admit the man was right, if he ceased coming into work right after his ex-lover disappeared, it would raise suspicions. He almost asked him to stay home, hoping that if he did somebody would notice, allowing Chris and the others to put it together as they investigated. However, he couldn't depend on suspicion being raised and if Doug were home he wouldn't be able to look for a means of escape.
"Eat up Ezra, eat up, Doug encouraged.
Ezra nodded, following instructions even as he prayed there were no drugs hidden within the meal. He felt no different at the end of the meal than he had at the beginning, leading him to believe that Doug was telling the truth, this time.
"How was it? Doug asked, an anxious look on his face, much like that of a child offering a special gift to his parent.
Ezra had the insane urge to respond in the same tone and wording his own mother would have used, had he ever attempted to serve her breakfast in bed. Fortunately he thought better of it, no point in antagonizing the man unnecessarily."It was quite delicious, thank you sir.
"You're welcome, and now I'm afraid I must leave you alone. Leaning across the top of the cart, Doug grabbed the back of Ezra's neck, pulling him forward and ravishing his lips in a bruising kiss."Don't forget the rules Tempter, Doug quietly reminded."I would hate to come home and find you lying on the floor, writhing in agony because you forgot.
"Yes sir, I won't forget, Ezra assured him. He sat on the bed, making no move, other than to wipe his lips, until he heard the front door slam a few minutes later. Jumping up, he hurried to the window and looked out. Thankfully, his window faced the drive, allowing him to see Doug leave, providing him with the assurance that he was alone. He nearly slid down the wall, so great was his relief at being left alone. He allowed himself a moment to enjoy the first real privacy he'd felt since waking up in this gilded cage. Gathering himself together, Ezra pushed away from the wall,"Now to test my theory. Walking to the bedroom door, he cautiously pushed it shut."Well Mr. Lawerence it would seem your word isn't to be trusted, how shocking, he grinned when nothing happened. Having no idea when Doug would be home, he prudently reopened the door. He wasn't ready to allow the other man to know that he was aware of the lie he'd been given. Smiling grimly, he turned away,"Let's see if I can break out of this lovely cage you've provided me, he mumbled as he began to search for anything in the two rooms that would be useful in his escape attempt.