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Family By Choice |
Crossover The Sentinel
Dedicated to Melody, who comes up with the darndest ideas to make me crazy!
"Nathan... Nathan? Are you in there brother?"Nathan snapped his head up, "'Scuse me? Did ya'll say somethin' Josiah?"
"Something bothering you my friend?"
"What makes you ask that?"
"Possibly the fact that you have been rather vacantly staring at your telephone for the last five minutes," Ezra said. "Something was obviously articulated during that brief call that has bothered you. If you'd share it, perhaps we can assist you in some way."
Nathan looked up at the two men giving him worried looks. Josiah was on of his best friends and they had been friends long before the team was formed. Ezra, Ezra had been the hardest of the seven for him to get close to. It had taken time and more than a few battles to come to the point that they were now at, friends. Though if he were to be honest, sometimes he felt a little warmer about the southerner than he should. Either way they were part of this group of loners, outcasts and misfits that had formed a family, they were all brothers by choice and any one of them would lay down their lives for any of the others.
Nathan shook himself away from those thoughts and looked back into the worried faces. "That call was from a lawyer, said he needed to talk to me. Somethin' 'bout Mama, said he'd only just heard Daddy had passed on. Said he had some papers for me ta sign and then he'd give me a check. Daddy didn't have no money ta leave me, so I got no idea what's goin' on. He asked if he could come by the house tonight." He looked up to see Ezra playing with the cuffs of his dress shirt, a sure sign that he was nervous.
"This situation seems rather peculiar. I believe I would have your attorney check over these papers before you sign."
"I ain't got no lawyer Ezra. I sure can't afford ta hire one just fer this."
Ezra looked down at the floor, "Perhaps, if it wouldn't offend you, I could come by your home this evening and read over these papers for you. Mind you, I'm not an attorney, but I'm sure I could at least give you an opinion as to the legality of the papers and possibly aid in your making a decision as what would be in your best interest."
"Would you mind doin' that? That'd make me feel a lot better, havin' someone I trust who understands that stuff look over them."
"You'd trust my opinion?"
"Of course I would, why don't you come early and I'll make some supper."
Ezra shyly smiled and nodded. Josiah shook his head and chuckled. One of these days those two were going to realize why the sparks always flew between them and do something about it. "Well I see you're in good hands brother Nathan, so I'll leave the two of you to business." He ruffled Ezra's hair before moving off.
Later that evening -- Nathan's home
"Mr. Deacon, please come in.""Thank you. My time is rather limited so if you'd just sign here and here," The lawyer pointed to several lines on the papers, "then I'll leave this check with you. It's for $75,000 dollars."
"Pardon me, but Mr. Jackson will not be signing anything until I've had the opportunity to read it over."
"And you would be...?"
"Ezra Standish. I'm one of Mr. Jackson's colleagues at work."
"As I said earlier, my time is limited."
"Then I recommend that you leave the papers for me to peruse at my leisure." The lawyer shook his head no. "Then perhaps you could offer me some quiet so I can take up as little of your precious time as necessary." Ezra swept up the papers and calmly headed into the kitchen. A short while later his voice rang out. "Mr. Jackson, could I please have a moment of your time."
Nathan walked into the kitchen only to see Ezra motion to follow him into the back yard. "So what do they say? With that much money I could go back to school, maybe get my medical degree."
"Mr. Jac... Nathan. I urge you not to sign those papers. I have no logical reason, only my own emotional ones." Ezra wandered over to a park bench near the garden and sat down, looking down at the ground as he spoke. "I know nothing of my father. I do not even know if Standish was his name or not. I only know that I would give everything I have to know the truth, to be able to learn why he chose not to be a part of my life."
He looked up at Nathan, "Those papers say that Obediah Jackson was not your biological father. That your mother had an affair with this unnamed man and you were the result. By signing those papers you state that you will not attempt to learn the identity of said man and yield all claims that you might have to any estate there might be upon his death."
Nathan sat down next to Ezra and took his hands between his own and started gently rubbing them, trying to ease the tension apparent in the knotted fingers.
Ezra once again looked at the ground, "I'm not telling you not to do this because of the possibility of getting more money from said man." He lifted his face and Nathan saw the tears sliding down his cheeks. "You have the chance to learn the truth. You've had a father who loved and wanted you, now you have one who apparently does neither. But you can know the truth about the second, and no one can ever take the love of the first from you."
Nathan gently wrapped his arms around Ezra and held him as he cried. When Ezra had finally stopped shaking Nathan lifted his head and looked down into Ezra's shiny eyes. All the yearning that had been in his heart came to the forefront and he leaned down and softly kissed Ezra's lips. As he lifted his head once again he could see Ezra looking into his eyes as if he was searching for an answer there. He must have found it because suddenly Ezra hand was at the back of his head and pulling his head back down. The first kiss had been full of peace, this second was full of passion and fire. Nathan finally pulled away and smiled before taking his hanky from his pocket and wiping away the last remnants of the tears. "Ain't lookin' yer usual spiffy self Ezra."
Ezra took the offered hanky and wiped his nose, "I apologize for that outburst Mr. Jackson, I guess it just was a little too close for comfort."
"Ain't no apologies needed Ezra, and it's Nathan. Don't usually make love ta people that call me Mr., and I think we both might have makin' love on the mind." Ezra smiled up at him. "So those papers say my daddy wasn't really my daddy?"
"No, they say Obediah Jackson wasn't your biological father. Being a 'Daddy' hasn't got anything to do with biology. According to what they say some, shall we say monetary remuneration was offered at your birth and again when your mother died. The first was probably intended as hush money for your mother, the second as more of the same for your father."
"So you think I should tell Mr. Deacon no." Ezra nodded. "That's an awful lot of money for a signature though."
"You would not be selling your signature. You would be selling your silence, your peace of mind, even a bit of your soul. If you believe these things are only worth a measly $75,000 then I believe you are drastically understating your worth."
"What do you think they're worth?" Nathan asked curiously.
"How do I put a dollar amount on my own life?"
"'Scuse me?"
"You ask what I think your soul and happiness are worth and I tell you that I would give everything that I have, including my life to insure that any of my family is happy, especially you. You are one of a handful of people that I would do so for."
Nathan stood and pulled Ezra up into a quick hug. "Let's go tell Mr. Deacon to shove off. You gonna help me find out my biological father is?"
"Absolutely! No doubt we could enlist the other's aid as well. We'll call it a family project." Nathan laughed and threw his arm around Ezra's shoulder.
It took a bit of doing, but they finally convinced the attorney that Nathan was not signing the papers and he should just leave. Once they'd gotten him out of the door Ezra collected his suit jacket and headed for the door, "I suppose I should be on my way. Will I see you Sunday at Mr. Larabee's?"
"Nope, I don't suppose you should be on yer way, yep I'll be out ta Chris' Sunday. We have the rest a this evenin' and all tomorrow to talk about that kiss. Maybe even see where it might lead."
"Nathan? Are you sure about this?"
"Nope. But I've done a lot dumber things for a lot worse reasons. I told Josiah once that we were like oil and water, he tole me that we were more like sparks and gasoline, ready to start a fire at anytime." As Nathan was talking he took Ezra's jacket from his hand and hung it back up before turning back to start undoing the buttons on the smaller man's shirt. "Ain't been too much fire in my life, been alone most of it, a little fire to warm me up would be nice for a change."
Ezra just stood there, "Be sure that this is what you want Nathan. There is no turning back once we've started this."
Nathan leaned down and kissed him, "I'm sure, I'm real sure."
Suddenly he had a fireball on his hands, before he even realized what was happening Ezra had maneuvered them both into the bedroom, removed all their clothes and started feasting on Nathan's body. There wasn't an area that was left unkissed or untasted before he finally stretched himself out full length atop Nathan and carefully lined up their cocks and started rubbing. In what seemed like just seconds both men moaned their completion. After Nathan had managed to catch his breath and start his mind working again, he slid Ezra off, arose from the bed and returned in a moment with a towel and damp washrag. He carefully wiped them both off before climbing back into bed and pulling Ezra back on top of him. As they lay there he could feel movement from Ezra and realized he was laughing. "What is so damn funny?"
"When I went down to the fileroom the other day the ladies there were discussing an article from some women's magazine about if black men were really better endowed than white men or not. I wonder if I should go back down Monday and inform them of the fact that it is indeed a fact. Well at least if you are anything to judge by. You definitely have no reason to fear the 'size' police." Ezra got a sly grin, looking rather like the cat that had just eaten the parakeet.
"What are you up to? That look just screams mischief."
"Me, of course not. I was merely thinking how good that well endowed cock of yours is going to feel inside me." Suddenly the grin left his face, "That is if your interested?"
"I'm interested, only not tonight. Tonight we're gonna sleep, tomorrow we're gonna play and we're gonna take this relationship one day at a time. Okay?"
"Marvelous!" Ezra settled down like a blanket and in just a few moments they were both asleep.
Sunday Afternoon -- Chris' Ranch
"So did you finally convince this guy that you weren't gonna sign?" JD asked after hearing Nathan tell his story."Yeah, by that time he was begging and the amount was up to $150,000."
Vin gave a low whistle, "Lotta money."
"Yeah," Nathan agreed. "But when you've been told that yer happiness is worth somebody's life, then that's a pretty puny sum." All six looked at Ezra who shyly looked at the floor.
"'Sides, Ezra told me if I really wanted to go back to medical school he'd finance me." The remaining five once again looked at Ezra who had an almost guilty look on his face. "I told him no, cuz to do that I'd have to give up my family. 'Sides, I'm where I belong, doin' what I love with people I care about. Ain't nothin' better'n that."
JD suddenly yelled "Group hug!" and all of the men grabbed one another in a big hug trapping Ezra in the middle.
After a few moments a southern voice called out, "All right you behemoths. Set me free this instant."
Buck looked at Ezra after they'd all separated, "Is that a smile on yer face Ezra? Gol'dang, I think you enjoyed that didn't ya?"
Ezra sputtered a bit before replying, "As Mr. Dunne would put it, 'Buck, yer so full 'o crap'!"
Chris quietly cleared his throat and all eyes moved to him. "How did you want to go about this Nathan? You know you've got all of our support and help. Tell us where to start."
"I was gonna see if you could spare me'n Josiah fer a few days. My mom's sister Minnie lives in Memphis now, as does John Tyrone. He was one of my daddy's best friends. If Daddy told anyone the truth it would be John. Figured Josiah could help me convince them ta talk. Thought maybe JD and Ezra could look inta who mighta hired Mr. Deacon. I think he knows who my father is."
"I concur with that assessment. I can assure you Nathan that Mr. Dunne and myself will find anything there is to find."
JD cautiously raised his hand. "Um, Ezra? How come Nathan gets to be Nathan, but I still have to be Mr. Dunne? I want to be JD, not Mr. Dunne."
"Ya know what, I agree with the kid." said Buck.
"Are you sure?" asked Ezra.
"All right," Ezra turned so he was facing Buck. So, JD, what will you and the others be doing whilst Mr. Dunne and myself try to find the identity of Mr. Deacon's employer.
The rest started laughing at Buck's expression. "Shoot Ezra, that ain't what I meant. I meant family shouldn't call each other by their last names. I'm Buck, that's JD, Vin, Josiah and Chris. Give it a try, it won't kill you."
"Mr. Wil..." Ezra looked up to see six pairs of eyes glaring at him. "Very well, Buck. I'll give it a try."
Chris slapped him on the back, "That's all we ask. Nathan, you and Josiah might as well head out in the morning. JD, you and Ezra can work on Deacon when you have time. I think the McCalley case is gonna break soon." Ezra and JD nodded, "Good, let's eat."
One week later -- Chris' Ranch
"Ezra, you just keep yer ass on that couch. Don't make come over there again." Ezra opened his mouth, "Don't you go tellin' me yer fine neither. Damnit if that bullet had been an inch more ta one side..."Ezra just held out his hand until Nathan came over to take it, then he pulled him into a hug. "Nathan, I am fine. I'm alive and my family is intact. What more could I ask for?" All five remaining men drew closer and carefully laid a hand on both of the two men. After a moment Ezra drew back, "Enough of that. What did you and Josiah learn in Memphis?"
"Not much, both Minnie and John finally admitted that Obediah wasn't my father. John said it never mattered to him, I was his son no matter who had donated the sperm. Minnie gave us a first name, Bill. John thought the last name was Illerson."
JD and Ezra looked at each other, JD pulled out his laptop and checked something before saying, "We found out that Deacon's main employer was another law firm who worked exclusively for a corporation in Cascade Washington. The CEO's name is William. William Ellison."
"John had only heard Daddy say it once or twice, Ellison sounds awful close to Illerson..."
Chris wandered off to answer the phone and returned with a strange look on his face. "That was Travis, apparently McCalley's been tracked to Washington. Cascade Washington. The six of us are supposed to head there Monday morning."
Ezra cocked one eyebrow, "Six?"
"Six! You're on medical leave, remember?"
"If you think I am about to let the six of you out of my sight... Think again Chris. Besides I know how McCalley thinks, you'll need my help." He lifted a hand to stop the comments. "I promise to stay either in the hotel room or wherever we will be working out of. If I take over some of the research and communications that will free JD to help on the streets."
Nathan sighed, "Much as I hate to say this, we might as well take him. He'll just follow and this way I can keep an eye on him."
"I'll help Nathan keep him in line," Vin added.
Chris looked around, "You promise to listen and follow Nathan's instructions?" Ezra nodded. "I know I'm going to regret this, you can come. Why don't you all head home and pack up and I'll meet you at the office 9 AM."
Everyone nodded and headed for their respective vehicles. Nathan started to lead Ezra to his vehicle when Vin stopped them. "Why don't I take Ezra home and you could head to yer place and pack up. When ya get back ta Ezra's then I'll head home." Nathan looked at the two of them and agreed.
Just a few hours later found Nathan packed and back at Ezra's. He knocked on the door and Vin answered, "I got him to take a pain pill when we got here, he's in sleepin'. I'll see ya both in the morning." He nodded and headed out the door. "Hey Nathan, take care with him. He ain't as tough as he lets on." Nathan nodded and closed the door behind him. He really was going to have to talk with Ezra.
He went into the bedroom and stood in the doorway for a minute watching Ezra sleep, before pulling out a suitcase from inside the closet. He packed a few suits but mostly packed casual clothing, he liked seeing Ezra dressed normally, besides he really was on medical leave. He checked on Ezra before heading out to the kitchen to make some tea. As he sat on the couch sipping his tea, he thought about how close it had been.
He and Josiah had returned Wednesday after a frantic phone call from JD. The McCalley case had broke wide open and the bust had gone down. The backup team had failed to properly search the suspects and McCalley had managed to break free and tried to shoot Vin. Ezra had shoved him out of the line of fire but not in enough time to avoid being shot himself. The bullet had missed his heart by a little over an inch, an inch more to the side and he would have been attending a funeral.
He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't heard Ezra come in. It wasn't until he felt hands rubbing his neck that he realized Ezra was behind him. "Stop that Nathan. Stop thinking about what might-have-beens. It all turned out just fine." Ezra walked around the couch and started to sit next to Nathan. Nathan had plans of his own and pulled him down into his lap and offered him a sip of tea. "I'm okay Nathan. It's all okay."
"You want to explain to me what happened at Chris' with Vin?"
Ezra looked rather guiltily at the floor. "After I was shot, I didn't know how bad it was. I asked Vin to tell you that I loved if I didn't make it. I asked him to keep an eye out for you."
"That explains this evenin'. When I got here he told me that I had best be careful with you, you weren't as tough as ya think ya are." Nathan held on for a few moments breathing in the scent that was uniquely Ezra. "Come on now, we best be gettin' to bed. I packed yer suitcase and suitbag. Figured you wouldn't be awake enough in the mornin' ta do it. I put yer meds in my carry on bag. Can't trust you to take them as needed." He lifted Ezra up to his feet before standing up himself and leading the way into the bedroom. "Don't even start anything tonight. You need yer rest and I think I just need to do a little reassuring to myself." He quickly undressed the two of them and climbed into bed before pulling Ezra down to sleep on top of him. Sleep came quickly.
Cascade Washington -- Sunday afternoon
"Jim would you just relax, you're going to blow up a few brain cells and it isn't like you've got any to spare." Blair didn't even recoil from the glare sent his way. "Look, I know your dad and you have problems. That's why I thought you should go out to breakfast with him when he invited you." Another glare. "Look why don't you tell me what happened?""I knew it was a mistake from the moment I got there and he told me 'Hello Jimmy'. Damn it, I'm a grown man, I haven't been Jimmy since I was eighteen. The next thing was his remark that he was glad I had managed to dump 'that overgrown hippie' for a change." Blair started to say something but changed his mind after Jim glared at him once again. "Blair, you and I have been together as friends for a lot of years now. Hell we've been together as both partners and domestic partners for over a year now. He knows this, when is he going to accept that this is who I am. I'm not changing to suit him. I tried that as a kid and the only thing it did was rip me apart inside and make me shut down my senses." Jim headed out to the balcony and sat down on the floor and leaned back against the railing. "This is gonna sound crazy, but sometimes I just wish I had a brother to talk to."
"You do!"
"No, I don't. I love Stephen, but he's really nothing more that William Ellison Jr. I look at him and thank God that I got out when I did, otherwise I would have ended up just like him, one more Ellison clone. I used to wish I had a brother closer to my own age, someone that would understand how I felt. Now I just wish I had one that understood why I need to be a cop. I'm so tired of being told by my family that when I change my mind and want to get a real job it's waiting for me. Not if, it's always when. Like I should be ashamed of my life, of who I am, what I do, even who I love. I just can't do it anymore Chief. It's like pouring salt in an open wound, it just hurts too damn bad."
Blair slid down to sit next to Jim and wrapped his arms around the bigger man and pulled him into an embrace. They sat there for a few minutes before Blair finally said anything, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that's how he makes you feel. I won't push you to do this anymore. The truth is that it's his loss, it's both of their loss. Maybe I should look into finding you another brother. I have a cousin who has a junkstore in New Mexico, maybe he could find you a brother at a real good price?"
"Sandburg, I've met some of your relatives. If they told me they had a brother at a real good price, I'd ask two questions, first -- is he hot? Second -- what's wrong with him?"
"Hey, that's my family. Just cuz you'd probably be right. While you were out having breakfast Simon called. Feds are coming in tomorrow and we're supposed to help them, they're after McCalley, apparently they've got the evidence to nail him if they can only catch him."
"Oh God, just please tell me it isn't the FBI?"
"Nope. ATF, that hot shot team out of Denver. The one that's been nicknamed 'The Magnificent Seven'."
"Great, more Feds with attitudes. This whole week has already gone to hell-in-a-handbasket, and it's just started. Take me back to bed and fuck me into the mattress." Blair turned to look at Jim. "I really mean that. Maybe at least I can prove that my sex life doesn't suck along with my family life and professional life."
Blair stood up and reached down for Jim's hand and lightly pulled him up and led him up to the loft bedroom.
Monday afternoon -- Cascade PD Major Crimes
"Captain Banks, I'm Chris Larabee and these are my men." Chris pointed as he named names, "This is Vin Tanner, our sharpshooter, that's Josiah Sanchez, our profiler. JD, resident computer genius and surveillance expert, Nathan Jackson, the guy who patches us up, Ezra Standish, our undercover agent. That's... Damn it Buck, get yer ass over here. That's Buck Wilmington, our explosives man and Romeo. Buck, I meant now, not after she gets pissed off and kicks yer ass." Chris shook his head and muttered under his breath, "I'm not a boss, I'm a fucking cubscout leader."Simon started laughing at the murmured remark, "It's Simon, and I know that feeling. Let me introduce you to my problem children, I'm assigning them to you for the duration. Blair, Jim if I could tear you away from the donut cart?"
"Cool, donuts!" came out of Buck, Vin and JD.
"You know that stuff ain't good for you. It's gonna clog your arteries and rot your body." Nathan quipped.
"I keep telling Jim that all the time, he listens about as well as they listen to you. Not!" Blair held out his hand, "I'm Blair Sandburg and donutboy there is my partner Jim Ellison."
"Did you say Ellison?" asked Ezra.
"Yeah, why? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down or something?"
Nathan turned to check on Ezra just as he started to slide to the ground, "Damn it Ezra. I told you to tell me if you felt light-headed. Is there someplace he could lie down?"
"Bring him in here, he can take the couch. Jim, bring a few chairs in with you."
"Sure thing Simon." Jim turned to the other team members. "He okay?"
"Yeah, he got shot Wednesday. He's still on medical leave." Vin said.
"So why's he here?"
"McCalley's kinda personal, that's who shot him. He was tryin' ta save my life but he fell a little short when it came to coverin' his own ass and he took a bullet."
"Yeah, that would make it personal. My name's Jim Ellison and the curly haired guy is my partner Blair Sandburg."
"Ellison? You know a William Ellison?" JD asked.
"My dad, why?"
"Well..." JD winced as Buck stomped on his feet. "Nothing. Nevermind."
Vin glared at JD, "This ain't the time nor the place, but I promise we'll explain it all afore we leave."
Jim looked at him, "That's good enough for me."
Both Buck and Vin glared at JD as they walked to Simon's office. "What?" JD asked. Vin just shook his head.
When they entered Simon's office they found Ezra on the couch with a worried Nathan close by his side. "I told you if you didn't feel good ta let me know, you feelin; bad enough ta pass out counts as feelin' bad." Ezra opened his mouth only to close it at Nathan's next comment. "Don't go givin' me that 'I'm fine' crap either. It don't work with Vin and it ain't gonna work with you neither. Damn southerners, yer all pig-headed stubborn."
"Um Nathan? You 'n me are both from the South too." Buck offered his opinion.
"Yeah, that's how come I feel safe in sayin' all southerners are pig-headed stubborn."
Simon broke in, "Coffee?"
Nathan looked up, "Thanks, but is there any way I could get a cup of tea?"
"Hey I've got this great new herbal blend. I was going to make me a cup, I'd be happy to make you a cup too." Blair offered and Nathan nodded his thanks.
Vin accepted his cup of coffee, took one sip and handed it to Ezra, "Hey Ez, this is more yer style than mine. It's a little too fru-fru fer me. You got a pot around here that's been on fer a bit?"
"What Vin is trying to say is that if the coffee doesn't manage to start eating away the cup then he doesn't consider it fit to drink. I on the other hand appreciate fine coffee, unlike these heathens I work with. Colombian I believe... and I get a faint hint of... Vanilla? It's nice to meet someone who appreciates a fine cup of coffee. Look Vin, someone's brought you a cup of sludge! You should enjoy that." Jim handed Vin a cup from the bullpen pot just as Blair returned with tea for himself and Nathan. "Well now that we are all present and have fortification in hand we could perhaps begin the meeting."
The meeting got underway and all of the men shared what they knew and ideas of where to start, only Vin and Jim seemed to notice Nathan kept one hand on Ezra at all times, even after he'd fallen asleep.
Several Days Later -- The Loft
Chris stood on the balcony of Jim's loft and thought about the last few days. They'd managed to catch McCalley without any injuries, although Ellison had pulled off a few moves that left him wanting to know how he done it. The other thought that kept running through his head was Nathan and Ezra, damned if that one hadn't caught him completely flat-footed. As a friend and brother he was happy for them, as their boss... well if problems never arose then Larabee the boss would continue to be unaware. He more felt than heard Vin come out to join him."Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?"
"Ezra. I'm thinking that Nathan has a good influence on him. He actually pays attention to what he says, well at least as much as he pays attention to any of us. They're good for each other." Chris turned to see the amazed look on Vin's face. "Come on, you didn't think I'd notice? It's like someone stoked the fireplace when those two are together, they just kinda radiate love. I'm not saying that it isn't gonna be hard, their personalities are too different for this relationship to be easy. But that's what will make it strong and keep it lasting, they'll never take anything for granted so they'll work at keeping it special. As far as I know all the guys are aware, I've seen the look in Josiah's eyes, I think he knew this was coming a long time ago. I heard JD and Buck talking about it yesterday and both of them think it's good. JD hated Ezra being lonely and Buck... he doesn't think anyone should ever have to sleep alone."
They both stood there in silence for awhile before Vin finally spoke, "How the hell do ya think Ellison knew they were in there? It's almost like he could hear them, but that ain't possible is it?"
"Don't know, although Josiah had JD and Ezra looking up something for him, when they found it and read it, they all seemed matter-of-fact about whatever it was. Maybe we should ask him? Besides it's time he and Nathan had a little talk about William Ellison anyway."
Inside the loft Blair could see Jim's head cocked, he knew that he was listening to something. He softly whispered, "Jim, what's going on?"
"Chris and Vin are talking about Ezra and Nathan being a couple, they're also wondering about the warehouse."
"I think they already know, at least Josiah does. Also something about my dad? JD asked me I knew a William Ellison and the others shut him up, I don't know what's going on with him, but I intend to find out."
"I should have figured Josiah would know, after all he was an archeologist so there's a chance he heard of Burton and his theories. Here they come now, guess we're gonna find out what they know. Do you trust them enough to tell them if it comes to that?" Jim just shrugged and Blair had to leave it at that for now.
Chris stopped short of where Blair and Jim were talking, "Ellison, I got a few questions for you?"
Nathan stood up, "Chris? Let it go fer now. I've got a few questions of my own." He looked at Chris who nodded and stepped back. "You ever heard of a William Ellison?"
"My dad's William Ellison."
"I had a visit recently from a lawyer named Deacon who delivered these and wanted me to sign so he could pay me off. I... I needed to know the truth more'n I needed the money." He handed the legal papers over to Jim and Blair who quickly read them. "JD and Ezra found out that Deacon works for another legal firm. Thiel, Hill and Christie..."
"Who work exclusively for my father's corporation. You think that this unnamed man who had got your mother pregnant is my father."
"Yeah, when I talked to my mom's sister and my dad's best-friend they came up with the name Bill and Illerson."
"And Ellison could have been misheard as Illerson."
"Yeah. Is it possible?"
"Not only possible, but likely. It sounds like something the bastard would do. Hell he didn't want me because I was less than perfect, I can just imagine what he would have said about a son that was black." Jim suddenly started laughing a little bit hysterically. Blair watched him a little frightened. "Hell Nathan ain't we the pair of perfect sons. I'm the freak with over-active senses who also happens to be in his words 'fucking that little hippie fag' and you're the illegitimate black son having an affair with your southern teammate. He oughta just love that concept... two fag sons. Hell he'll have to take the blame for it now, up until this he's always blamed my mom for it, it came from her side of the family."
Jim sunk to the floor laughing until Blair suddenly realized that it wasn't laughter anymore, it was tears. Nathan apparently realized it at the same time and both men knelt down next to him. As they worked on calming Jim Josiah quietly explained about the over-active senses and what Sentinels were and all about what Blair had written in his disclaimed thesis. They finally got Jim calmed down and on the couch with a shot of scotch.
"So Mr. Ellison, I'm guessing from what you said that your father would be most adverse to meeting Nathan?"
"Jim, it's Jim. If you're dating my brother then the least you could do is call me Jim. Yes, my father would not be pleased to meet Nathan, but as Blair always tells me, that's his loss."
Nathan quietly remarked, "Yeah, but we don't actually know that we're brothers."
"Well you got the Ellison height. Blair, Josiah, even if my father wouldn't agree to a blood test without a lawsuit isn't there some way to check with mine and Nathan's blood?"
"Naw, he can't be your brother," Blair jokingly said, "he's got way too much hair. Seriously though, yeah, they could run a test on the two of you and at least decide if you were biologically related. It wouldn't be enough for a court of law..."
"But it would be enough for me. The truth is Nathan that my dad ain't the kind of father you'd want. After my mom walked out, Sally, my dad's housekeeper basically raised us. My younger brother Stephen is like a carbon copy of my dad, always more concerned with working, keeping up with the neighbors and worrying about what others will say. Neither one ever seems to worry about if something is right, they definitely don't understand me, keep telling me to get a real job."
Nathan nodded his head, "Yeah I understand that about the job, my daddy, Obediah Jackson, was always real proud of me, but he never could understand why I'd want to be a cop. He was proud of me for doing it, but he couldn't understand when I told him I had to be one. It was like being a priest, you don't pick the job, the job picks you. I always knew that I wanted to be in law enforcement, just like I always knew that I wanted to have something to do with medicine. That's what I love about my job now. I get the best of both worlds, I get to patch these idiots up, but I still get to do policework."
Sandburg started laughing, "Damn am I good or what Jim?" When Jim looked at him with a confused look Blair continued. "Remember last week after you and your dad had breakfast and you said you wanted a brother who'd understand being a cop and I said I'd find you one? Look!" Blair pointed at Nathan, "I found you one! Am I good or what?"
All of the men in the loft started laughing, when they'd finally stopped Ezra said, "I guess from the reaction or rather lack of reaction to Mr. El... Jim's remarks that Nathan and I being a couple isn't a surprise or a problem to any of you." Everyone smiled, "I must be losing my edge, if I can't hide something like that from ya'll then I'm in serious trouble."
"Ez, it ain't that ya couldn't hide it from someone that don't know it, ya can't hide nothin' this important from yer family. And when it concerns not one but two members of our family then ya got ta know that we'd find out. Even if ya could hide it, Nathan can't, he ain't no kinda actor. It's why he don't do undercover work." Buck carefully hugged Ezra, "'Sides I got one thing ta say ta both of ya," he turned to look at Nathan but didn't let go of Ezra. "You ever hurt him Nate and you got me ta answer to. He ain't as tough as he thinks he is, so you best be careful with his heart."
Ezra looked at all the members of his family, "Aren't any of you going to warn me about hurting Nathan?"
Chris shook his head, "Ezra, you could no more hurt Nathan than you could let one of us get hurt. You'd rip out your own heart and let it shatter before you'd do anything to hurt Nathan. Nathan sometimes doesn't think about how what he says affects you, but you on the other hand carefully think through every word. No, Nathan will probably hurt you first and more, we're here to make sure that when that happens you don't crawl inside your walls and hide away. He'll apologize and make it better, you'll have to allow him to do that and not just insist everything is 'fine'."
Ezra just smiled and nodded his agreement even as he pulled away from Buck and into Nathan's arms.
Cascade Airport
The seven ATF men and the three CPD men were all saying their good-byes. Blair and Ezra stood to one side quietly talking. "So you have both of our emails at work and both of our personal email addys?" Blair nodded, "You also have our home and cellphone numbers?"Blair nodded again, "You've got all of Jim's and mine, right? And the address both at home and the PD?" Ezra nodded. "I've got both of your home addresses and the federal building in Denver. I'll try to email you at least once a week, Jim isn't much for writing, although I think he'll probably call Nathan a couple times a month."
"I was so glad that your lab put a rush on the tests for us. It means a lot to Nathan to know the truth. He told me that he likes the idea of having an older brother, even if Jim isn't a lot older. I think he just likes the idea of having someone to talk to about a lot of things that he knows Jim will understand. Like being in a relationship with another man, being a cop. Family is very important to Nathan, he's looking forward to you and Jim coming out and meeting his sisters. How's Jim feeling about acquiring sisters?"
"He thinks it's pretty cool. He just hopes that Nathan explains the situation first so they'll understand and accept him."
Nathan and Jim interrupted the conversation. "Sorry to break this up boys, but Ezra and Nathan have to catch a plane."
Ezra hugged Blair and Jim, "Take care of each other, okay?"
Jim hugged him back, "We will, and you two do the same." He whispered in Ezra's ear, "Take good care of him for me, I don't find brothers everyday." Ezra nodded his assent. Jim and Nathan then hugged each other tightly, "I just want you to know Nathan, that no matter what my dad will say, I'm proud to have you as a brother. I... I love you." Tears slipped out of both men's eyes and they held on a little tighter for a few minutes.
"I'm proud to have you as a brother too, I love you and I know that when our sisters meet you they'll love you as well. It will mean they have one more older brother to abuse. Be prepared to eat, cuz they'll fix you a southern feast like you won't believe, and it ain't gonna be healthy stuff neither so you should appreciate that." The other three men looked interested in the idea of an all-they-could-eat southern feast. "'Sides, by the time they meet you they'll have dealt with the fact that their big-brother is in love with a white boy, a white brother'll be a breeze."
They said their last good-byes and Ezra and Nathan headed for the gate to join the rest of the team on the plane. "Nathan, have I told you lately that I love you?" Nathan shook his head, "Nathan I love you, very much! I just want you to know that you are the best thing in the world that has ever happened to me. The next best thing was joining the ATF and finding a family, and the third best thing I think is going to be meeting your brother and Blair. So you are involved in the three best and most important things in the world to me."
Nathan didn't even bother to look around at who might be paying attention, he just leaned down and kissed Ezra gently, a kiss that promised many years of them yet to come. "It's funny, the team and now Jim and Blair. They ain't family I was raised with, or family I had to have. They're family I chose. The best kind of family is that kind I think, not by obligation, but family by choice. Like you, the best kinda family."
December 2001
Comments to: turtle7761@yahoo.com