Ezra released a long shaky breath as he pushed forward, feeling himself being slowly enveloped by the tight heat of another body. For a moment the surrounding muscles clenched, holding him even closer, squeezing around him with an almost painful pressure and his hands clutched at the other's hips. He waited, riding out the feeling, and then groaned with a mixture of relief and pleasure when that powerful grip eased and he was able to move once again.
In and back, smooth yet hard, the strokes established a pattern and Ezra heard his partner groan as he picked up a bit more speed, aware that he had found the sweet spot. The inner muscles squeezed him again, but briefly this time, just a reflex gesture, a sign of encouragement that he followed eagerly. His breath began to hitch in time with his thrusts as he stroked one trembling hand over the other man's sweat beaded flank, traced the bony outline of his spine, and brought it back to his hip.
He considered reaching forward, grasping his partner's sex to try bringing him pleasure equal to that which he was enjoying but something stopped him. His gaze travelled down that tanned, sporadically scarred body, watching the way the hands held onto the soft feather mattress, gripping and releasing in time with his own rhythm. His partner's face was hidden, half buried in the mattress and the rest hidden by a curtain of soft brown hair. Quiet grunts of satisfaction emanated from the hidden throat as the other man began to move, pushing his body back to meet the oncoming thrusts.
Ezra smiled, knowing now that he was doing everything necessary to bring pleasure. Except perhaps, for one thing. His partner clearly craved deeper contact. Slowing his desperate motions, he turned both hands inward to clutch the lean curve of the embracing buttocks, pulling them apart and squeezing as he pushed forward with his hips, forcing his cock just a little further inside.
He was instantly rewarded by a deep moan of satisfaction, a sound he matched as he felt the ripples of completion surrounding him. Knowing he was mere seconds away from his own climax, Ezra simply rocked his hips, unwilling to lose even a centimeter of the glorious scorching tightness that embraced him.
"Vin!" he cried out, feeling his need growing even more intense. So close now; so very close! "Oh, God, Vin."
Suddenly, the sound of pounding intruded upon his enjoyment; pounding and the sound of a voice calling out to him past some obstruction. "Ezra?" it called out. "You okay in there?"
No, he thought, not now. Not now!
"Ezra?" the voice came again, and this time recognized it as Vin. But wait, Vin was here, with him. Wasn't he? The voice was somewhere else, but it did sound like Vin. He frowned as it hissed, "Open the door!"
With a sharp gasp, Ezra awoke. He was alone, lying on his stomach in his rumpled feather bed, dripping with sweat. One hand was still wrapped tightly around his painfully rigid cock. Oh, God, he realized. It had all been a dream! He had been asleep, probably humping the mattress like some overheated adolescent as his unconscious imaginings took over his body. How humiliating!
The pounding sounded again, louder than before. "Ezra, you don't answer me in about five seconds, I'm breakin' this door down!"
He jumped. The voice was real. Vin was out in the hallway, beating on his door for some unknown reason. "Go away!" he called out. "I'm fine."
Sounding suspicious, Vin called back, "Why don't you open up the door so I can make sure of that for myself, then I'll go 'way and leave you in peace."
Ezra sighed in exasperation. He would bet anything he owned that Vin had drawn his gun in anticipation of some danger. If he did not obey, the tracker would almost certainly make good on his promise to break in. "Just a moment, then."
Struggling up out of the bed, Ezra took a step forward but then paused. He couldn't answer the door in his present state, naked as the day he was born and still fully erect, his cock weeping with anticipation of a dreamt event that was not going to take place in reality.
Not wanting to take the time to search out his dressing gown, particularly as he was not sure that it would hide the evidence of his arousal, Ezra pulled the top blanket off of his bed and wound it around his body, folding the last layer toga style across his chest before throwing loose the bolt and unlocking his door.
In the hallway, Vin Tanner stood waiting, his sawed off rifle poised and ready. When he saw only Ezra, sleep rumpled and wrapped up in a blanket, glaring at him for intruding upon his rest, Vin lowered the weapon and offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Ez. When you didn't answer I thought maybe you was in some trouble."
Ezra rubbed his face with his free hand. "It's all right. I think I must've been dreaming. And rather loudly too if you felt the need to come charging to my rescue."
The uncomfortable expression and rising color in Ezra's face gave away his embarrassment but Vin only smiled. "Guess so. Don't reckon anybody else heard, though, if that makes you feel better. I just got off night patrol. Was passin' by on the way to my room when I heard you shout out my name. You sounded kind of excited and when I found the door locked, I got a mite concerned."
Ezra's blush deepened. Vin had heard him shouting out his name? Oh, dear Lord. If he had called it out in the same tone which he had called it in his dream, then how could Vin possibly have any doubt as to what sort of dream had disturbed him?
Ever since the shootout last week which had made a ventilated wreck of the boarding house where he customarily laid his head down during cold weather, Vin had been sleeping in one of the rooms above the saloon. Right next door to Ezra's own room. It was sweet torture knowing that Vin was there night after night, lying in bed only a few feet away, separated from him by a thin board wall that might as well have been a spiked iron gate built to bar Ezra's private fantasies from becoming reality. It had been so much easier to control his secret longings when Vin was all the way across town, or safely tucked away in his moldering old wagon.
Tonight, those longings had proven to be too much for Ezra's subconscious mind, and now he had been discovered by the one person he had never meant to reveal himself to. If asked, he would just have to bluff his way out.
"I'm perfectly all right," Ezra tried, pulling his covering a bit tighter. As he did so he noted wryly that with all the blood in his body seemingly centered in his face, at least there had been none left to sustain the embarrassing evidence of his dream. "There's no need to delay yourself any further. I'm sure you're ready for bed."
He shifted uncomfortably as his traitorous cock gave another unexpected stir of interest at those words. Vin noted the motion and smiled at him in a knowing way that made Ezra want to sink straight through the floorboards.
"Reckon I'd best take a look inside and settle my mind before I move on," Vin said, brushing past Ezra to come fully inside his room.
Ezra tensed, wondering if Vin could possibly have done it deliberately as he felt the buckskin fringe on the man's worn coat ghosting over the side of his chest. It tickled the nipple that had been exposed by the shifting of his blanket, causing the small protrusion to harden into a stiff peak.
His eyes widened in surprise as Vin lit the bedside lamp, looked around under the guise of checking the room for intruders, then went to the bed and ran his palm lightly over the surface. Ezra hardened further as Vin commented, "Still warm. Reckon you ought to be getting back in here before all that nice heat fades off. This time of year makes it hard to get a man's bed warm; least, it does when he's all alone of a night."
That slight wise smile was still hovering over Vin's lips, his half lidded blue eyes glinting in the dim lamplight. Ezra could not quite make up his mind if he was being teased or issued an invitation. Licking his lips, he shut the door and slowly slid the bolt home again, raising one eyebrow in question as he did so. Vin's reaction would tell him everything he needed to know.
The tracker's smile widened as he shucked out of his coat and tossed it, along with his gun and hat, into the seat of Ezra's rocking chair. The gesture was made as easily as if he'd been here and done this thing a hundred times before. "Why didn't you ever tell me you felt those feelin's for me?" he asked simply, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver of anticipation up Ezra's spine. "We could've done something about 'em a long time ago."
"Are you sayin' that you want me?" Ezra asked cautiously, his own voice roughening with renewed desire.
Vin nodded, his body moving with the languid grace of a stalking cat as he crossed back to Ezra's side. Leaning his face close to Ezra's, he surprised the gambler by not planting the kiss he had expected. Instead he nuzzled him gently with the rough surface of his cheek, inhaling deeply through his nose. There was something shockingly primal about the gesture; an animal sniffing out its mate before coupling and Ezra responded instinctively with a low growl. Vin smiled against his skin, and this time he did press his lips to the softness of Ezra's neck, only to suck that bit of skin inside and nip it with his teeth. When Ezra jumped at the unexpected sharpness of pain, he kissed the spot again then slowly brushed it with the warm tip of his tongue, making Ezra sigh and lean his head back, exposing the area in a silent request for more.
Moving to the other side of Ezra's throat, Vin took his time, nipping delicately along the sharply flexed tendons and lapping gently against any area of skin that he'd bitten. "Wanted you for months," he whispered. "Kept thinkin' that if it ever happened we'd both come out on top of the game, but couldn't make up my mind if you'd be . . ."
"Amenable?" Ezra murmured, eyes closing with a soft moan as Vin began to nibble his ear while at the same time snaking a warm hand inside the fold of blanket covering Ezra's chest and casting the material aside so that he could stroke the roughened pads of his fingers over that smooth surface.
"Yeah," he breathed, darting his tongue inside Ezra's ear for a moment and chuckling softly as he squirmed in response. His fingertips found one hard little nipple and gave it a squeeze, causing Ezra's reflexes to engage, his arms sliding around Vin's still clothed body as his hips jerked once, hard, against Vin's hip. "Was this anything like what you was dreamin' about?"
Ezra opened his eyes, surprised by the question. Somehow he had not expected Vin to bring up the event that had brought him here and he wondered if, after all, he really was just being teased. As he looked into Vin's eyes, however, he saw only warmth, a trace of fond amusement and unmistakable lust.
It was time to take another chance. Watching closely to gauge Vin's reaction, he replied, "I dreamt that you were naked in my bed, face down beneath me; crying out in pleasure as I drove myself inside your body." He smiled at the intense excitement that flared in Vin's eyes. Allowing his drawl to grow thicker, he continued, "In my dream I took you deep and hard, rode you until we couldn't, either of us, tell for certain which was your body and which was mine."
Vin's eyes had darkened as he listened, hands responding to the seductive words by travelling down Ezra's sides and pushing until he had dislodged the blanket from his hips. He broke eye contact, looking down over the exposed surface of Ezra's body and smiling as his callused fingers stroked the rapidly renewing erection he found, his rough but light touch drawing a sound of intense longing to spring from Ezra's throat.
Having come so close to spending before, only to be denied his release, Ezra knew that he would not be able to hold himself back for long if things went much further, but he wanted more than this. Setting his nimble fingers to the task of freeing Vin from his many layers of clothing, he asked, "What about you, Vin? You say that you've been dreaming of this for months. Tell me what you dream of."
As Ezra's hands began to undress him, Vin immediately moved to help peel away his two shirts, pants, boots, socks and warm union suit. He shivered a bit as the layers fell, skin reacting to the sudden kiss of wintry air against it, but he was far too intent upon his goal to let such a consideration slow him down. "I've thought about what you said more'n a few times," he said. "Sometimes with me on top, sometimes with you. Reckon I'll want it both ways if I can get it."
"You can," Ezra told him, pulling the newly exposed body closer and simply returning Vin's favor of nuzzling and nipping for a few seconds as he subtly swayed in place, making light intermittent contact with the surface of Vin's body and bringing forth grunts of mingled frustration and pleasure. "I would find that most enjoyable."
Vin suddenly moved, both hands taking a bruising grip on Ezra's backside as he pulled their groins together and ground against him, the hot friction of their twin erections pulling a deep groan from Ezra. "You can go first," Vin told him, easing the contact as he seemed to realize how close the other man already was. "See if the real thing's as good as your dream. After that, I got me a little dream you could maybe make real too."
Excited almost beyond the ability to speak, Ezra pulled away and drew Vin over to his bed, gesturing him to get in first. "Whatever you like."
A low laugh sounded. "Careful, Ezra. You don't know what I want yet. I might want to cover ya in honey and spank ya with a riding crop or some such."
Startled out of his absorbed contemplation of Vin's nude body by these words, Ezra barked a laugh. "My dear Mr. Tanner. Where on earth did you come up with that?"
Vin laughed too, the humor temporarily lightening the heavy atmosphere of lust choking the room. "Just popped into my head. Buck told me a story involving them things one time."
Ezra shook his head. "I hope that isn't really what you want. I don't own a riding crop and I refuse to let you get honey all over my new sheets."
Vin winked. "Reckon I'll just have to pretend it's there when I'm lickin' you all clean then."
The suggestion drained the hilarity from Ezra faster than a pin could let the air out of a child's balloon. He dove forward, pinning Vin to the feather bed as he attacked him with kisses and caresses, quickly turning the other man into a writhing, moaning mess of wantonness. Vin did not seem to know whether he wanted to return the gestures or simply experience them, his hands rising and falling jerkily as Ezra lavished his body with attention. His cock, medium length and sturdy as an iron rod, stood out from his body like a beacon.
Ezra's own penis, longer but slightly thinner than Vin's, was equally hard. "Oh, God. Vin, I don't think I can last for much longer," he panted. "I need to be inside you. "
Gathering his wits, Vin rolled over and got his knees under him, raising his hips high in an invitation that required no words.
Grateful, part of him wondering if he could still be dreaming, Ezra slicked the pre-cum dribbling messily out of his cockhead over the entire length, lubricating himself for the tight passage. He touched Vin's hip and poised himself, then paused. Some men required digital stimulation to ready them for this act. He never had, good foreplay was enough to prepare his body for even a totally dry penetration, though he did prefer some form of lubricant, but he realized that Vin might be different. Swallowing to clear his constricted throat enough for speech, he asked, "Do you need anything before we begin? Any sort of . . . of special preparation?"
Fortunately, Vin understood exactly what he meant. "Nah," he grunted. "Just slick yourself up a smidge first. Use your spit if you ain't got anything else."
Ezra made a face at the suggestion, though he honestly did not know why the idea of covering his cock in spit should be any more disgusting than covering it in seminal fluid. He spread more of the anticipatory liquid over his length, then poised himself for entry, took a deep breath which was matched by Vin, and pushed.
A deep moan escaped as he slid inside. Dear Lord, this was no dream. The reality of Vin's warm passage was so much better than what his imagination had conjured that he nearly came right then and there. He stopped for a moment, adjusting his position, forcing his climax down and giving his partner time to get used to his presence.
Vin sighed deeply, arching his back and clenching his nether cheeks together tightly as Ezra pushed just a little bit further inside. "God, I needed this," he grunted. "Feels so damned good. Move for me, Ezra. Slow and hard as you can."
Ezra was pleased with the direction. He had never particularly enjoyed a passive lover, preferring some indication of what gave the other person satisfaction. Steadying his balance with both hands on Vin's hips, Ezra leaned back slowly until he had pulled out all but the very tip of his penis, then lurched forward again, slamming back inside as deep as he could go.
"Oh, God, yeah," Vin groaned. "Again, just like that."
Happy to comply, Ezra rapidly found his rhythm. Slow, then fast. Easy, then hard. Soon his hips began to roll with the rhythm and shortly thereafter he was able to snap forward in quicker shorter strokes as Vin joined in and pushed against his every thrust.
As he had in his dream, Ezra gripped Vin's buttocks and took him deeper as soon as he felt Vin began to shiver with oncoming release, and the result was just as he had imagined. Vin cried out and shoved himself backward, his inner muscles clamping and rippling with reaction as the climax burst from his body. Feeling this, Ezra shouted out an inarticulate sound of triumph and thrust his hips forward hard, jerking them against Vin in tiny grinding thrusts that kept him as far inside as possible.
"Give it, Ezra," Vin gasped. "Come for me!"
The words were all the encouragement he needed. Ezra felt as if his previously denied climax had somehow combined with this one, doubling the impact. Holding tightly to Vin, he let go a strangled sound as he felt the seed gush into the other man's willing body, going on and on until there was not a drop left in him to give.
For a long moment they stayed locked into position, bodies pressed together in rigid tension. Then Ezra's muscles abruptly released and he fell forward, only barely managing to catch himself on one trembling forearm.
Vin seemed to realize how much effort his partner was expending not to crush him. He pulled forward so that Ezra's rapidly softening cock could slip free, and then rolled to one side of the bed, allowing Ezra to collapse next to him.
"Dear Lord," Ezra panted, a grin spreading across his face. "That was truly an admirable example of physical chemistry and fulfillment."
"Hell of a good fuck," Vin agreed, his far more blunt definition making Ezra snicker.
Ezra's reaction proved to be catching and the two men simply lay there and laughed for several minutes. Every time one of them started to regain control, the other would set him off again.
"So, how you feelin' now?" Vin asked when they finally began to settle down.
Grabbing his headboard, Ezra arched his back and stretched, enjoying the popping of his vertebrae and the lovely long-absent feeling of satiation. "I feel wonderful. How about you?"
He grinned. "Not bad at all." Rolling to his side, Vin studied Ezra's face for a few seconds, his smile stretching out into something a trifle wicked. "Y'know, you don't look ready for sleep just yet."
Ezra raised an eyebrow, folding his hands behind his head and crossing his ankles as he adopted a pose of total relaxation. The first rays of dawn were beginning to creep into the room as they drifted past the light muslin curtains and Ezra watched them absently, noting how the light had begun to cast an odd glow where it struck the pale fully exposed expanse of his skin. "I normally abhor this time of day and do all I can to sleep through it and rise at a more civilized hour," he drawled lazily, smiling at the sensations trickling through him as Vin stroked one splayed hand over his body. "However, I am never one to pass up the opportunity for a more interesting diversion. I believe you were going to share your particular favorite fantasy with me?"
Leaning forward, Vin captured Ezra's nearest nipple between his teeth. Circling it with his tongue, he nibbled and suckled and teased it until Ezra was pushing against his mouth and making soft gasping noises.
Ezra grunted in pleasure when Vin switched sides, leaving his fingers to tease at the already sensitized nub. The tracker's long hair tickled at Ezra's chest and he squirmed at the odd combination of sensations washing over him. He was surprised to realize that he was already rising up and becoming hard again as the gentle assault moved down to his ribs, stomach and hips. Normally it took him a bit longer to recover, but he was hardly going to complain!
Vin's nipping, licking and occasional blowing against a dampened patch of skin was soon driving Ezra mad with renewed desire as his hip bones, thighs and flanks were given attention, but his jutting cock was completely ignored.
"There, that ought to do it," Vin said at last, sitting up and smiling at the raging erection pointing toward his mouth as if begging to be let in.
"Wh-what do you mean?" Ezra said, dismayed to hear his voice actually squeak on the final word. "You aren't planning to leave me like this!"
Vin winked at him. "Course I'm not, but before I take care of you, you got to do something for me. My fantasy, remember?"
Gathering his wits, Ezra too sat up, staunchly refusing the temptation to touch himself and finish what Vin had started. He had a feeling that patience would be far more amply rewarded. Trying not to sound too eager, he asked, "What would you have me do?"
"I told you I been wantin' you a long time, but I didn't tell you when it started." Ezra's brows rose in question and Vin grinned, hopping off the bed and walking casually over to the low crowned black hat sitting atop the vanity table in one corner of Ezra's room. Flipping the hat over to Ezra he said, "Put that on."
"My hat?" he said, confused.
Vin nodded. Picking up Ezra's boots and gun belt, he tossed those over as well. "And these, and this. Put 'em on and stand over by the door. I don't reckon you'll need no tablecloth this time."
A deep blush washed over Ezra's face, anger filling him as he realized to what his companion was referring. Vin wanted him to relive one of his greatest moments of personal humiliation, just for his own selfish amusement. Throwing the items down, he stood and snarled, "How dare you remind me of that! Is this some form of petty revenge for my having laughed at your request that night in the saloon when I was too inebriated to know what you were actually saying?"
Seeming to understand his reaction, Vin raised both hands in a placating gesture. "Take it easy, Ezra. I reckon I'd feel about the same way if you'd told me to stand over here naked by the window and read you some poetry, but that ain't how I intended it."
"No?" Ezra said, willing to let his ruffled feathers be smoothed if the explanation was good enough.
"Nope. Y'see, before that day when I saw you stridin' down the main street wearing nothin' but that tablecloth an them trappings, I'd never had a thought toward you and me getting together like we did tonight. After I'd got a look at all the purties you keep hid under them fancy clothes, I couldn't stop thinkin' about it. Been wishin' I could get a look at what else was under there ever since." The blue of his eyes grew more intense as he strode slowly forward, once more a big cat on the prowl, and reached out to skim his hand down Ezra's body, this time brushing his knuckles against the tender surface of the erection Ezra's surge of anger had only strengthened. Turning his hand, he stroked the rigid organ with the roughened skin of his palm, making Ezra's breath hitch. "That's what I dream about, Ezra. I want you to put on them boots, and that gun belt and your hat, and let me get down on my knees and disarm this here weapon you done drawn on me."
Taking away his contact with the burning cock and causing Ezra to emit a small protest, Vin circled around his partner's body and lightly stroked his ass. "Then, after I make sure that gun ain't got no more ammunition in it, I'm gonna press you up against that door right there," Vin continued, his low voice rasping against Ezra's eardrums like raw silk, "And you're gonna spread your legs and surrender to this here lawman while I do me a real thorough search and see if you got any more weapons hid."
Ezra moaned in anticipation as he pictured Vin's scenario. His cock had begun to weep again at the mere suggestion. His momentary ire had faded and all he could think about was helping Vin to fulfill his tantalizing fantasy. Unable to form the words, he simply picked up his gun belt and fastened it around his lean hips, discovering that he had to pull it in an extra notch to make up for the deficit of clothing. Removing the pistol to a safe place, Ezra quickly sat down and struggled into his tall black boots. Stomping them into place, he plopped the hat onto his head and flung both arms out to his sides, allowing them to drop with a slap of hands against bare thighs in a deliberate mimic of the frustrated gesturing he had done that day out in the streets of Four Corners.
Licking his lips, Vin's eyes gleamed in anticipation as he beheld his dream come to life. Reaching out, he traced his fingers over the well defined shape of Ezra's pectoral muscles and the surprisingly hard surface of his lean stomach. His own cock bounced up with renewed life as he took in this vision.
Ezra swallowed hard at the sight. Enjoying the predatory look in Vin's eyes, he leaned his back against the closed door and braced himself for what was to come.
"God, you're amazin'," Vin breathed. Dropping to one knee, he took hold of Ezra's hips above the gun belt, allowing his pinkie fingers to remain in contact with the leather as if to keep the reality of this situation in perspective. He stared up Ezra's body, eyes shining as they met Ezra's. "Just like one of them Greek statues Josiah was showin' me pictures of."
Feeling his face growing hot once more, Ezra averted his gaze and scoffed, "Really, Mr. Tanner, I'm not nearly as . . ." The words were lost in a gasp of shock as Ezra felt the hot, soft wetness of Vin's mouth closing over his cock. He moaned, pressing his shoulders back harder against the door as the exquisite sensation continued. Vin's tongue rasped against the bottom of his shaft while his teeth scraped enticingly over the top, his head bobbing back and forth as he worked the long organ, slurping and sucking as eagerly as a child eating an icicle. Ezra's trembling fingers came forward to tangle in Vin's soft curly hair; not pulling, simply holding him in place and directing him with gentle pressure toward the actions that felt best.
Vin obeyed the silent directives, releasing one hip to add his hand to the action, squeezing Ezra's cock lightly while he stroked the base with his thumbnail.
Arching forward, driven past the point of conscious control by this added stimulus, Ezra gave a soft choking cry as his balls suddenly tightened. Vin noticed his reaction and sucked harder, lowering his squeezing hand to grip his partner's testicles, massaging them in his palm; coaxing them to give up all they had as he swallowed their offering.
Ezra had to let go of Vin's head and brace his hands against the door to help hold him up as his knees suddenly started to shake, threatening to buckle beneath him. His head was pressed so hard against the door that his hat became unbalanced and tumbled right off his head, but he could do nothing to catch it.
Taking note of this, Vin gripped the outside of Ezra's thighs, encouraging him to hold on just a bit longer as his mouth eased its action, turning the hard sucking into a soothing caress; a reward for a job well done as the tumescent organ softened and shrank, finally slipping past his lips to lie tiredly against Ezra's trembling thigh.
Vin waited until he was sure that Ezra had his balance firmly set again, then rose, a satisfied smile upon his face as he beheld the dazed look in Ezra's eyes. "Like that?" he asked, grinning as Ezra only nodded dumbly. "Ready for the rest?"
Ezra glanced below Vin's waist, seeing the unsatisfied erection jutting out from his groin. Remembering that he had so far come out of this encounter far ahead of his partner, Ezra drew in a deep breath and smiled. "I'm lookin' forward to it," he said, turning around and bracing his forearms against the door as he laid his head upon them.
Noting that Vin did not immediately move to take advantage of his offer, Ezra spread his legs and wiggled his ass, making the other man laugh.
Vin gave one pale globe a playful slap, drawing a squawk of indignation from Ezra. "Just takin' a second to admire the goods," he commented, running his hands over the attractively rounded posterior. Sliding his palms over Ezra's body, he pretended to pat him down, taking his time stroking each long leg and feeling around his torso for impossibly hidden weapons.
Ezra smiled, enjoying the surprisingly gentle touches as he realized that Vin was giving him a little more time to recover after his show of sexually induced weakness. "I'm fine, Vin," he said. "I'm more than ready for you."
"You sure?" he asked bluntly. "How about what you asked me before about needing extra preparation?"
Pleased that this sometimes rough-edged man was considerate enough to ask, he shook his head. "No, apparently we have that in common. A little something to help you slide smoothly is all that I require." Then he grimaced as he recalled Vin's earlier suggestion. "You aren't really going to spit, are you?"
Vin let go a surprised chortle at the disgusted question. "Forgot who I was talkin' with for a minute," he chuckled. "Reckon I got enough juice to get me goin', or did you have somethin' fancier in mind?"
Dimples formed around Ezra's mouth as he grinned and pressed his ass back further, treating Vin to another invitational shake. "At your pleasure, Mr. Tanner."
Sliding his hands between Ezra's thighs, Vin reached his fingers up and teased at the puckered surface he was about to enter. Ezra hummed a soft noise of contentment and scooted his legs just a bit further apart, allowing Vin better access. Vin took the hint and positioned his slicked cock at the entrance, pushing up just hard enough to get the head in place. The two men were the same approximate height and with Ezra's legs splayed as they were, the positioning was perfect. Clutching Ezra's shoulders tightly, Vin poised his hips and pushed upward inch by inch until both men stood nearly upright again and he was buried to the hilt.
"Exquisite," Ezra breathed, tightening his rectum to better feel Vin's presence. Hearing Vin's soft moan of enjoyment at that sensation, Ezra relaxed and then did it again. "Vin, I would very much appreciate it if you would help me out here," he suggested after a few more repeats.
"Huh?" Vin said blankly.
Giving a hard shove backward that drew a surprised grunt from Vin, he said, "Move, for God's sake!"
Vin seemed to awaken from the daze he had fallen into. "Sorry, Ez. Whatever you were doin' just now felt too good to quit until you did." He suited his actions to his apology, drawing his hips back and then snapping them forward in quick shallow thrusts.
By necessity due to their position, Vin could not managed the long slow strokes Ezra had used on him but he received no complaints as Ezra pushed back against him, uttering low grunts of pleasure as their stance caused Vin's hard shaft to repeatedly rub against the knot deep inside of him that always sent shocks of ecstasy rippling through his body. He was too drained for his penis to offer anything more than a half-hearted stiffening, but even that brought a surge of deep satisfaction.
Ezra's hips rolled and thrust back in time with Vin's increasingly erratic movements, and when a few minutes later Vin's hands clutched at him, one gripping his holster, the other his hip, Ezra held himself still, allowing Vin the same fulfillment he had received as he felt the hot rush of liquid shooting into him. Resuming his gentle clenching motions, he milked his partner dry, then turned as Vin withdrew and caught him before he could collapse.
"I think we'd better get back into bed for a while," he suggested, maneuvering him back to the soft mattress. A faint grimace flickered over his face as he noted the cold sticky-looking spot where Vin had spent himself earlier. Reaching into his bureau, Ezra pulled forth a hand towel and flipped it over the area, making certain to lay Vin atop it. He took a moment to remove his gun belt and boots, and then settled his tired body in the empty space and pulled the covers over them both. Seeing that Vin was staring at him with glazed but happy eyes, he chuckled. "Rest yourself, Mr. Tanner. The sun is getting ever higher in the sky and while nobody will expect to see me for quite some time today, you might have some explaining to do, particularly if you go staggerin' down to breakfast all knock-kneed and tremblin'."
Shocking him right out of his teasing, Vin slid an arm under Ezra's shoulders and hauled him closer until their heads were resting side by side on one pillow. "Reckon nobody'd figure out the reason except for Buck, and even he ain't likely to guess who got me that way. Less'n you want him to."
Ezra heard the question and again felt a surge of delighted surprise in this unexpected display of consideration. "Let's just keep it between us," he said, feeling Vin's head nod next to his own. He smiled and closed his eyes, letting fatigue settle over him like an extra blanket.
Vin smiled and snuggled just a touch closer as he too settled in for a well-deserved nap. "You're right. Let 'em take care of their own fantasies."
A soft appreciative chuckle was the last sound heard in the room until a few minutes later when twin snores filled the air.THE END