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Forever Love |
Disclaimer: I do not claim any rights over the Magnificent 7 characters used in this story, which has been written for the joy of writing only (whether it be good writing or no) and for no other purpose (such as monetary gain). Trilogy Entertainment Group, the Mirisch Group and MGM own the Mag 7 characters/aspects of the story.
Notes: I want to thank MotherRati for beta-reading this story and for the kind comments and encouragements in helping me write this story.
Size: Approx 115K
Chris Larabee held the tempting body closed to his as he deepened the kiss that would have to satisfy both he and his lover till he got back from Eagle Bend. His lover's satin skin was warm from the bed they had shared until a few minutes ago. He lifted his head to look down into the bewitching green eyes that were sparkling with total happiness from the beautiful flushed face of Ezra Standish. His lover's arms were holding him close so that he could feel the heat of his skin through his shirt and Ezras arousal pressed into his hip.
It had been six months since Ezra was shot preventing the assassin from killing Mary. When Id seen Ezra laying in the dirt the thought that he was dying enraged me and I wasn't the only one. All I wanted to do was tear the assassin apart with my bare hands.
When I met up with Vin later he told me the same thing. It took all his control not to kill the assassin, but he knew the man who hired him was just as responsible for Ezras death and Vin wanted everyone involved to be punished.
After the dust cleared and the assassin was dead we found out that Ezra wasn't going to die. He had a broken arm and some bruising which would make him sore for a while, but the most important thing was he wasn't going to die.
Rage had quickly replaced relief as I watched Nathan pull a wad of money out of Ezras jacket. I was ready to lay into him when I saw the look of utter self-loathing and fear in Ezra's eyes. That brought me up short for Ezra was never one to back down, but there he was huddled around himself like a dog waiting to be beaten. It make me realize that this man whod unselfishly stepped in front of a bullet to save Mary was afraid of me. Then another fact came to light as I looked at the money; Ezra was going to leave us.
Something had driven the younger man to leave town.
Leave us all without a word.
That hurt, but when Ezra turned his face away from me I realized I was the one whod done this to him. I was the one who was driving Ezra to leave with my doubt and my actions. The others condemnations mirrored my own actions - all except for Vin. Vin had told me that Ezra could be trusted but I hadnt listened. Looking into Ezras eyes and seeing the pain and self-hated there and knowing that I was responsible for it, that I had made this confident man doubt himself and had torn his self-worth to shreds, I realized that I wasnt any better than his mother Maude.
When Nathan took Ezra up to the clinic to set his broken arm Josiah had come forward to tell me what he had done to Ezra, how hed driven him from the church when he came seeking his help and instead tore apart Ezra's soul. It took all of my willpower not to hit Josiah, even knowing it really wouldn't solve anything; it would only hurt my hand and still leave the mess that I had created.
As Id started to turn away I realized something else, something that scared me far more than anything else had for a long while. Ezra had never drawn his guns, he hadnt been going to defend himself against the hired killer.
OH GOD! He wanted to die.
I had given Ezra a second chance because hed come back to save us; he had never failed any of us since, but we had failed him. Now it was our turn to ask for forgiveness and a second chance.
Id asked Josiah to tell the others that I had something important to talk to them about and to meet me at the church. As Josiah walked away to talk to Buck and JD I hurried to Ezras room, knowing that the rest of the money was there.
As I passed the clinic Ezra called out to me about the money, fear evident in his voice. All I could do was give him a supportive smile, hoping to at least to reassure him before continuing on to the church. I knew that Nathan would make Ezra lie down to rest and I wasn't wrong.
Vin and Nathan were the last to arrive with the money that had been in Ezra's jacket, around three thousand dollars. Nathan started to count the money to see if it was all there. A quiet "Huh!" escaped the healer; he sat back, looking at the money, only to turn his puzzled gaze to me. "Damn, Chris! Theres two thousand more here than when we found it."
Now I knew why Ezra had asked about the money; that two thousand was his own stake and hed taken less than his share of the $10,000. "Give it here, Nathan. Ill give it back to Ezra."
A look flashed into Nathans eyes that I didn't much care for, and I wasnt too pleased with his next statement either. "Maybe Ezra should lose this, teach him a lesson about taking what doesnt belong to him."
"What lesson? That its perfectly all right for you to take what doesnt belong to you but it isnt all right for him?" came the quiet drawl from Vin. "Give Chris Ezras money."
I figured it was time for me to give a little talk to the boys. "Do you know that Ezra took less than his share of the money and he was leaving us?"
A gleam entered Nathans eyes and I started to get a little pissed at his attitude towards Ezra. Looking back, I realized that Nathan was always finding a way to belittle him in some form or manner. Well, it was going to stop. I watched as Nathan sat up a little straighter, satisfaction reflected in his eyes and his voice. "I figured hed run out on us sooner or later, this just confirms what Ive been telling you all along. Hes a no good coward and a swindler, just let him leave. Were better off without him."
Before I knew it I had Nathan by the collar, shaking him. "DAMN YOU, NATHAN! Doesnt it mean anything to you that Ezra didnt draw his guns to defend himself? He wanted to die and we drove him to do it. If Ezra had died today we would have been just as responsible as the assassin."
I watched Nathans eyes widen and his face pale as what I was telling him registered. I let him go, disgusted with him and with myself as well for I had condoned all their actions against Ezra; the only one free of the blame was Vin. When I looked at the other four I saw how stunned they all were, but Vin recovered first. He got up to go to Ezra and keep our seventh from doing anything foolish. Picking up Ezras money and the fourteen hundred dollars that was his share of the pot, I handed it to Vin. Holding his gaze I told him, "Ill be by later to apologize, and if he still wants to leave I wont stop him. But I hope he stays so that I can make it up to him."
"I tell him, Cowboy." And with that Vin was gone.
Turning back to the other four men, I had a very long talk with them and told them theyd have to start treating Ezra better because I wouldnt put up with it any more and from the look of Vin he wouldnt either. I told them that Ezra had more than earned our trust and respect. HELL the whole town respected him and it was about time that we did the same.
Once I was satisfied that I had made my point I handed out their share to them and then left them to think things over while I went to make a long overdue apology to Ezra in person. On the way there a number of townsfolk stopped me to ask how Ezra was and to comment on how brave he was for going after the assassin. It shamed me that these townsfolk had seen the changes in Ezra that the rest of his supposed friends never did well, except for Vin.
As I got up to Ezras door I had to swallow my nervousness. Here I was, the notorious Bad Element, and I was afraid of facing a man I had wronged. I wouldnt blame him for refusing to see me or to accept my apology, but no one loves a coward and so I knocked. Vins voice told me to enter and I opened the door to see Ezra curled up in Vins arms, eyes swollen from the tears hed refused to shed in front of anyone but Vin.
Ezra tried to pull himself out of Vins arms but Vin just tighten his hold and Ezra relaxed in his embrace. Looking into Ezras green eyes I knew that he expected me to kick him out of town. All his walls were shattered, laying his soul bare before me, and I hated myself for what I had done.
"Mr. Larabee "
I looked into those shattered windows of his soul and told him, "No, Ezra let me speak first. Im sorry about not trusting you with the money. I know that you wouldn't take a cent that wasnt yours, but I was afraid that someone might have hurt you to get to it. Thats why I wouldnt let JD look after it either. Im sorry, and if you want to leave I will understand and I wont stop you."
His eyes widened and a look of wonder flashed in the green depths. He looked up at Vin to see if hed heard the same thing. Vin smiled and told him, "Id like you to stay too. Us southern boys have to stick together, I reckon"
"Mr. Larabee Mr. Tanner I "
This was one for the books, Ezra Standish speechless. I couldnt resist a little teasing. "Call me Chris, Ezra, its only fair and friends should call each other by their first name." I paused; here I was assuming again that Ezra would consider me a friend. So I added, "If you want to be my friend."
It was like watching the sun come out from behind rain clouds as he smiled, showing those dimples and his gold tooth. He then held out his hand for me to take. "Chris, Vin. I would be honored to have two such fine men as yourselves consider me a friend."
"No Ezra, Im honored to have a brave man like yourself willing to be my friend." And figuring the best time to start over was now, I asked him, "So, how would you go about investing this money for me?"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I think that was when we truly started to become friends and not just colleagues. Id had a hard time keeping a straight face when the practical jokes started a month later; I had my suspicions as to who the culprits were and I caught them red-handed one night sneaking in Bucks room with a dummy dressed in womens clothing. You could hear Buck yell from all the way across town the next morning.
The others quickly put two and two together and cornered the pair, who promised that they wouldnt play anymore jokes, but for some reason I couldnt resist starting my own joke spree. I hadnt played a joke on anyone since before Sarah and Adam died, but now I enjoyed it to the hilt.
At first the rest though it was Ezra and Vin, but when both of them fell victim as well the others quickly realized someone else was doing it. I should have known those two would go to any lengths to catch the mysterious joker. The look of total shock and then joy that crossed their faces made it worthwhile for me. I confessed the next morning to the rest of the seven, and after a shocked silence Buck welcomed me back to the land of the living.
Under Ezras and my tutorship Vin not only started to learn to read but also to write as well. Thinking back, I realized that Id started to fall in love with Ezra and Vin when Ezra presented Vin with a blank book to write all his poetry in. Seeing the joy that came over both Ezra and Vins faces broke the last wall around my heart. I rejoiced in being friends with two men whod had a harder life than I and yet could still express joy. Under Ezras wing Vin became more outgoing and had the women of Four Corners eating out of his hands or, more to the point, he was eating out of theirs since every time Ezra and Vin turned around the women were giving them cakes or cookies. Both men had such a sweet tooth that I was surprised they hadnt rotted all their teeth from the amount of sugar they consumed.
Then one day in Eagle Bend, Vin and I watched as Ezra ran loving hands over a painters box. In his eyes I saw want and desire. He wanted that box, but instead of buying it he turned away from it and schooled his expression to be a blank wall. Looking over at Vin I saw that he had come to the same decision I had; Vin kept Ezra busy while I purchased the painters box and some rolled up canvas to sneak into my saddlebags.
When we arrived at my shack I made them dinner and asked Ezra why he didnt buy the painters box since he obviously wanted it. He told us that one of his aunts had taught him to paint, but his mother discouraged him when he left the aunt's care. Id never wanted to hit a woman until that moment. That women had tried to rip every bit of goodness from this man instead of nurturing him like a mother should.
I pulled out the box and canvas and his face light up with joy that all too quickly dimmed. Shoving the box back to me he told me, "No, Chris. You shouldnt spend your money on me. Return it and get your money back. Besides, Im not any good. Mother told me so."
Thank god Maude wasn't here because I think Vin and I would have killed her. Taking a deep breath, I squatted down beside Ezra and told him, "No, Ezra, Im not taking it back because you deserve this gift. I dont care if you are any good, I just want you to enjoy yourself. Think of it as an early birthday present from Vin and I."
Green eyes flickered between Vin and me to see if we were serious about what Id told him. Vin knelt down at Ezras other side. "Ezra, let me do this for you. You and Chris have encouraged me to write poetry, so let us encourage you to paint. Please?"
Ezra reached out a tentative hand and pulled his hearts desire to his chest. "Thank you both. I hope that I wont embarrass you with my pitiful attempts."
Shaking his head, Vin told him. "No, you wont. All we ask is that you just enjoy yourself."
Then Ezra looked up at me with eyes full of mischief and told me, "I got you both something and I hope you will accept it. Its for your birthdays, but with the Spring Festival starting next week I though you might like to wear them to the Social."
He quickly went to his saddlebags and brought out two wrapped packages, handing one to Vin and the other to me. Itd been a long time since anyone had given me a gift and I tore the paper off to see the beautiful dark green shirt that Id been eyeing in Eagle Bend. It seemed that I hadnt been the only one to see something another wanted. Everyone assumed that I always wore black because I was a widower, but that was only half true. When my house burned down it took everything with it, and since I moved around a lot it didnt make any sense in having a lot of clothes. It was just easier if I wore black and gray. Looking up into the anxious gaze of one man that I cared very deeply about I told him. "Ezra, its beautiful. Thank you."
Looking over to Vin I saw that hed received a shirt the same color as his eyes. The look of joy and wonder was reflected in his eyes. "Thanks Ez I dont know how I can repay you."
All Ezra told us was, "You have already, by giving me your friendship and trust."~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I think Vin and me knew we did the right thing in buying Ezra those paints when we saw what he was capable of creating. It turns out Josiah was looking to purchase a picture of the crucifixion to hang in the front of the church, and Ezra must have overheard his inquiries for the next thing we knew Ezra had disappeared for about a week and only appeared for meals and his patrols. Then one evening he came down with no jacket, shirt undone and paint smeared on one cheek to get Josiah.
The rest of us followed them up the stairs as Ezra told Josiah, "I know you were looking for a painting for the church, I hope you could use this until you find one better." Then he opened the door and all of us stood in wonderment at the scene he had painted. To say it was a masterpiece would be an understatement for each stroke, each color made me want to fall on my knees to pray.
Me, a man who hadnt prayed or been to service since Sarah and Adam died.
Josiah turned to look at Ezra with wonderment and joy plain in his eyes and face as he embraced the man he considered his son. "Ezra its beautiful and I would be honored to hang it in the church - and I WONT be replacing it. Ezra, son, I have seen some of the greatest paintings in the world and yours surpasses any of theirs. The only thing that comes close to yours is the painting in the Sistine Chapel."
That was the first Sunday I showed up for service and I think it was Vins as well. A sheet concealed the painting until after Josiahs sermon and then he told the congregation, "Brothers and sisters, I was presented with a gift depicting our saviors crucifixion which was created by one of our brothers." With that he unveiled Ezras painting. The gasp of wonder and awe that ran through the crowd made Ezra blush and his eyes shone with pleasure. I was struck dumb by the sheer beauty of the man seated beside me and all I wanted to do was to reach out and touch him. Then I saw Vin hug Ezras arm, his own face alight with joy and happiness at his friends achievement. That was the moment I consciously acknowledged that I was in love with both men.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For the next two months I kept my feelings to myself, knowing that to reveal my feelings would make them run from me, so I contented myself with just being near them and enjoying their company.
Until one day Vin and Ezra came to help me expanded and fortify my home for the winter. I was only twenty minutes outside of town and I decided that I was too old to live in a rundown shack or at a boarding house. With that in mind I decided to change the shack into a home where I could welcome my friends and enjoy the quiet of the countryside. With the help of Ezras investment advice I was able to do this without putting myself into debt. Really each one of us owed him a debt of gratitude for had quadrupled our stakes in a short amount of time.
At noon I called a break so that we could sit and eat a quick meal before going to cool off in the stream running by my place. I watched as they undressed, and my mouth went dry and my jeans suddenly became uncomfortable as the sunlight caressed each piece of normally forbidden skin. It took all my control not to ravish them both on the spot, but I knew if I did they would either run from me or kill me. They were like young godlings that had come down from the heavens to mesmerize mortal man as they played.
It wasn't until Ezra was standing beside Vin that I noticed how much smaller he was. Hell, JD is probably taller than he is, but Ezra was perfect. His smooth, sweat covered chest tempted me with cinnamon nipples that hardened as the slight breeze caressed them. The slender waist and hips would be perfect to hold on to as I made love to him and he had the perkiest little butt I have ever seen on anyone. Strong muscular legs, dainty feet and skin the color of cream completed the package; I hoped that he would turn so that I could lay eyes on what I most desired to see. Then he shifted slightly, granting my wish. Nestled in auburn curls was a gorgeous shaft that was just as perfect as the rest of his body; I had seen pictures of the statue David and Ezra put it to shame. There was a feline sensuality about Ezra, not a mountain cougar but some sleek jungle cat, every movement a graceful dance.
There wasnt an ounce of fat on him, really not on either of them. Vin was slender but there was steel under his golden skin. He had long legs that I imagined wrapped around me as I buried myself in the warmth of his body, a body that rippled with power and a deadly, feral grace in every movement that made me shiver with desire. If anyone wanted to see Nature represented in all her glory then they just had to look at Vin. From his lake-blue eyes and golden skin to his dusky rose nipples and the perfectly formed mounds of his ass, he was every bit as perfect as Ezra.
They turned and asked me if I was coming in, and I told them I would in a while but I just wanted to enjoy sitting for a few minutes. I couldnt tell them that I was so hard I could barely move. Ive had one or two male lovers over the years before I met up with Buck and after that discreetly when he was otherwise occupied. The love affairs were fleeting at best, but when I saw Sarah that first time I knew Id found the person I wanted to share my life with.
When she and Adam were taken from me I never thought I could feel that way about anyone and since Ella I couldnt trust another woman. I never thought I would feel the same forever love for anyone again, but I was proved wrong. I had the same feeling a little different but still the forever feeling for Ezra and Vin.
I felt my manhood relax so I stripped off my boots and pants, then turned around to see want and desire but also confusion in two pair of eyes as they looked at my naked form. They quickly dropped their eyes, but I could tell they were still watching from under lowered lids.
Neither man was prone to sleeping around and I think it was due to the fact they didnt or couldnt trust anyone enough. The only reason Vin fell for Charlotte was that he saw the same loneliness in her eyes as was in his. While Ezra hmm, I hadnt seen him take up with any woman other than Li Pong and I dont think he even slept with her.
I saw a chance, but I didnt want to scare them off. Id have to court them gently, getting them comfortable with the idea of male loving. I had to seduce them and if they didnt want it or it was just for the one time then I would have to accept that, but it was a chance I wanted to take. So I started a game of roughhousing with a double purpose, the first to get them to relax and the second, pure selfish indulgence on my part, to be able to brush my hands along their skin. Not the purest of motives, but having my hearts desires so close I gave in to temptation.
That night I talked them into staying as I dished out some of the Irish stew I had been cooking all day. We sat talking and sipping whiskey, and I watched, as both men got a little tipsy. Then I brought up the subject of love and as Id suspected neither of them had ever trusted anyone enough to have truly given their hearts. They werent virgins by any means except for the heart and male-to-male loving, and so that night I opened their eyes to that possibility by telling them about my loves. This was my opening move in my campaign to win their hearts and love for I had already given both of them mine.
It took three weeks before Vin and Ezras curiosity got the better of them and they asked what it was like to make love to another man. Fear was reflected in both sets of eyes as I asked them if they would like me to show them, but also desire and curiosity. I pulled Vins tense body from the chair and clasped him against me. Looking down into the blue pools of his eyes I asked him, "Do you trust me, Vin?"
He searched my face and I saw only gentleness and friendship. His pink tongue gently licked his lips and he whispered, "Yeah, Chris, I do."
Gently I turned his head so that I could claim those soft lips. I kept it gentle and soft at first, then when I felt him relax in my arms I deepened the kiss and pulled him closer. A slight gasp escaped from his parted lips and I took advantage by dipping in to touch his tongue, teasing it to come out and play. He tasted like the whiskey he drank but there was also the wild taste of the man himself. I didnt want to let him go, but we were running out of air so I gently decreased the intensity of the kiss before lifting my head. I could tell hed enjoyed the kiss by the reaction of his body, but looking into those blue depths to see the flame of passion that had been ignited in him for me was all the reward I could want.
I couldnt resist asking him, "So, what do you think?"
The only response I got sent shivers of delight through my body, for his normal raspy voice was husky with desire when he said, "Damn, Cowboy."
I kissed him gently and I directed him to sit so I could begin Ezras lesson. Panic was in Ezra's expression as I approached him; Id known that he would have some problems trusting me but I hoped seeing Vins reaction would help calm him. I squatted down near him, not touching, trying to calm him by my peaceful demeanor. Looking into those panicked green eyes I told him, "Ezra, you dont have to do it if you dont want to. I wont force you." His eyes shifted to Vin, taking in his still dazed expression. Thinking maybe if Vin kissed him he might be more willing to let me try, I offered, "Ez, would you like to kiss Vin? I dont mind."
In a voice so soft I had to strain to hear him he replied, "I ... I would ... I think ... Yes."
Smiling, I held out my hand to him he grasped it as if I was his lifeline; I could feel him tremble as I drew him closer to Vin. Ezras skin was flushed and his eyes lowered, not daring to see what Vin's reaction would be to his request, but looking in Vin's eyes I could see the deep love and affection he had for our friend and I realized then that both of them were in love with each other but until Id opened their eyes to the possibility of expressing that love theyd been content to remain friends.
Vin stood as I led Ezra to him, and I felt like the father of the bride would feel giving away his child to the man who loved her. I had wished that I could be the first to kiss this tempting man but I couldn't refuse my other love the pleasure, so I watched as Vin and Ezra embraced one another. Both of them had love shining from their eyes as Vin bent to touch his lips to Ezra's. That simple touch seemed to set off a fire in both men and the kiss deepened. When a man kisses a woman he is gentle, not wishing to harm her, but when kissing a man you can use your full strength and give in to your passion. Vin might have started off dominating the kiss but it quickly became a toss up as to who was the kissee and who the kisser. Lack of air finally made them pull back, and desire was plain in their faces as they looked at one another.
It broke my heart, but knowing that I wouldn't and couldn't interfere in what was obviously true love I was starting to turn away when a hand stopped me. I looked back expecting to see Vin but instead it was Ezra who had stopped me. Sensuously hooded eyes looked up into mine and I saw love and desire there for me. I couldn't move as Ezra stepped closer to press his tempting body close to mine. He reached up to drag my head down, and the first touch of those lips made me crush him against me so I could feel every bit of him. His scent inflamed my senses, and the slight taste of whiskey overlaying his own exotic taste awakened a hunger that could never be satisfied.
My body's need for air finally forced me to release that wicked mouth only to find that I was holding Ezra off the ground. I gently allowed him to slide down my body to the ground and became lost in the worshipful and loving gaze of Ezra's eyes.
HE LOVED ME as much as he loved Vin. It was there in his eyes as it had been in his kiss and as I allowed him to see my true feelings for the artist of my soul. Joy made the love in his eyes burn even more brightly as he read the depth of my feelings.
I held Ezra close, enjoying the feel of my soul mate in my arms and holding out my hand for my heart mate to join us. That night only kisses and gentle caresses were exchanged, but to wake up the next morning having my blue and green eyed lovers in my arms was like finally coming home after five lonely years.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the two weeks that followed they allowed me more and more freedom to touch and be touched till the day we finally made loved to one another.
Id returned to my shack after my morning patrol figuring to take a nap when I walked in to find them waiting for me naked as the day they were born, asleep in each others arms. Vin was cradling Ezras upper body and head against his chest with Ezras right leg between Vins so that his lower body was straddled over Vins leg. The morning light played along their bodies like a lovers caress, outlining the muscles under the silky skin. They were the most beautiful sight I had ever beheld and I quietly put down my saddlebags and walked over so that I could just watch them sleep.
As I watched them I became aware that they were perfect for each other. Both men were different sides of the same coin, both of them young, strong, independent men that didnt need an old, broken-down drunk in their lives. I should let them go and let them have each other.
I hadnt noticed that two pairs of eyes had opened to watch me as my doubts traveled across my face for I thought they were still asleep. My two godlings reached out to me, a mortal man, and pulled me into bed. It was slow and gentle loving that took place in the filtering sunlight as I taught them to make love to each other and to me.
Ezra and Vin together drove me mad with desire and had me begging them to finish their torture. But they ignored me instead, playing my body like a fine instrument, pushing me to greater and greater heights of passion but never allowing me to fall. I could feel Ezra running his talented hands down my quivering sides as he gently nibbled and sucked on my nipples. From somewhere Vin had gotten lotion to help prepare me for his claiming of my body; he was gentle as he entered me, fearing that he might hurt me, but he did everything perfectly and I was very vocal in my approval.
Then I felt Ezra carefully wrap his hand around my engorged shaft as he kissed and nuzzled my neck. Needing to feel more of my talented artist than just his lips, I pulled Ezra across my body so that he was straddling me. Our passion-inflamed flesh caressed each other while I devoured his sweet mouth and swallowed his whimpers of pleasure.
Thank god were miles from anyone, for we let free our moans and cries of passion as we made love in the warm sunlight. We exchanged whispered words of love and devotion as Vin thrust gently but forcefully into my body. Id never before felt anything like I did as Vin allowed me to encase his warm, hard shaft in my body, it was like paradise. The rightness of this moment was burned forever into my soul as Vin drove Ezra, himself and me over the precipice into completion.
Ezra gently cleaned Vin and me up and I pulled my love into my arms. We lay there wrapped in each others arms, just enjoying the righteousness of this moment, and I must have dozed off but was awakened by my green-eyed lover suckling on my right nipple. I titled his face up to mine and felt my heart surge when he whispered, "Make love to me, Chris. Let me know what it is like to be loved."
I gently shifted so that I lay between his legs, enjoying the feel of his body all along mine. The maleness of his taste, touched, and smell were like ambrosia to me. Both Vin and I kissed, sucked, nibbled and licked our way down Ezras neck to his shoulders and at the hollow of his throat I nipped and then sucked, leaving a dark love mark to tell all that this man was mine.
Vin must have decided that I need a similar mark, for he leaned in to the hollow between my neck and shoulder to suck and then nip. I gasped and held his head there, enjoying the pain and pleasure he was giving me. Pulling back, I gazed into fierce blue eyes as he told me, "MINE!" Then looking down at Ezra, he proceeded to mark him as well.
I simply watched as Ezra wiggled in pleasure at Vins possessiveness of us both. Catching Ezra eye I raised an eyebrow questioning if we shouldnt mark Vin as ours as well. See a resounding YES in the green depths, I allowed him to rectify the matter; Ezra grabbed Vins head to devour his mouth and all I could think of was how wonderful they were. He then turned Vins face away so that he could latch onto Vins virgin throat and I could match him on the other side. I would swear that I heard both of them purring, so I pulled back and listened. They were purring. Id always told them that they were part cat now I had proof.
I spied a perfect little cinnamon nub just waiting to be tasted and caused Ezra to arch his back groaning in pleasure. I reached for the little container of lotion as I watched Vin lavish his attention on the other cinnamon treat. Moving down Ezras writhing body I left a trail of kisses, nibbles and licks as I drew closer to his weeping manhood, pausing at his navel to lavish my attention on it before continuing down the gentle slope of his belly. Ezra was moaning both Vins and my name in pleasure and trying to direct me to his aching cock, but instead I moved down one hip to leave another love mark. Then I suckle, kissed and licked my way to his inner thigh where I drew my fingernails down the tender skin, watching as it quivered in pleasure at my assault. I then duplicated my attention on the other thigh before trailing my tongue up his other hip to mark it.
Ezra was groaning his need and reached out to touch his aching member but I captured his hand, preventing him from reaching his goal. His growl of frustration became a scream of pleasure as I gently licked and kissed my way down his silky shaft and to finally lick the rose plum head. He tasted both sweet and tangy and I wanted more of this wonderful elixir so I swirled my tongue around the head before slowing engulfing Ezras shaft, gently using my teeth as extra stimuli as I then just as slowly withdrew him from my mouth.
Ezra cried out in a voice husky with pleasure and desire, "CHRIS OH GOD VIN OHGODOHGOD!!!" Gently and slowly once more I went down on him, humming along his entire length. He was twisting and turning, so lost in pleasure that he could only keen his delight. He tried to thrust into my mouth but I was ready for him and held him in place. When I reached the top of the silky head I stopped to suck on it and dipped my fingers into the container I had placed near me. I started to caress and roll Ezras downy sacks in my hand as Vin reached his navel and was playing his tongue around the sensitive skin of the tiny indention. Once again I swallowed Ezra to his root and I could tell he was on the peak of his orgasm. Reaching behind his balls I gently inserted my finger, humming at the same time; Ezra arched his back and screamed his release, and I continued to suck until he softened and his body relaxed.
I swept Ezra up into a passionate and probing kiss, allowing him to taste himself as our tongues caressed each other, then I gently laid Ezra down and reached across his body to pull Vins head closer so that he could taste the essence of our lover. Looking into Vins desire filled eyes I told him, "Lay down, Vin." Vin stretched out beside Ezra and both men watched as I again dipped my fingers in the lotion and then ran my hand over Vins aching manhood. Vin gasped and then groaned as I wrapped my hand around his shaft, sliding up and down the beautiful length, causing him to thrust against my hand.
I reached for the lotion and brought it towards Vin so that he could dip his fingers into it, then I told him, "Vin, why dont you do the same thing for Ezra here as I just did for you." Vin nodded and reached for Ezras manhood, but I stopped him. "Just a minute, Vin let me get him ready."
Setting the lotion down near me again I gently rolled Ezra over so that he rested on his side with one leg stretched across Vins body; Vin turned slightly so that Ezras shaft rubbed slickly against his. Then I tucked pillows in behind Vin so that his body would be supported in this position and I spooned up behind Ezra who was now open to me. From the gasps and whimpers that were coming from Vin and Ezra I figured Vin was following my instructions to the letter while Ezra decided to play as well.
Liberally coating one finger I gently rubbed against the rosy puckered entrance to Ezras body. Ezra tensed at the feeling but slowly relaxed as I gently rubbed and kissed his back. Then very carefully I inserted my finger and started to massage his sweet, tight, hot virgin channel. Ezra gave a slight shuddering gasp as the intense feeling of being filled washed over him, then relaxed once more, first grinding his erection against Vins and then pushing back onto my waiting finger.
I gently withdrew my finger, dipping back into the lotion and allowing the excess to drip onto Ezras puckered opening before slowly reinserting my finger again. This allowed Ezra to get used to me moving in and out of his channel. Once I could tell he was relaxed I slowly inserted two fingers into the body of my lover and then paused; Ezra groaned and bore down on the two fingers filling him and I started to scissor them, working at stretching Ezras guardian muscle.
Once Ezra could easily accept both of my fingers I inserted the third, pausing once again to allow Ezra to adjust, and he began rocking back and forth, rubbing first against Vins erection and then rocking back onto the three digits that were invading his entrance. To ensure that my virgin lover was really ready I inserted a fourth finger; Ezra gave a grunt of surprise, then groaned when Vin cupped and rolled his testicles in his fingers.
Waiting until Ezra rocked back onto my four fingers I then twisted my hand to help stretch the opening while avoiding rubbing Ezras prostrate. I could tell how close he was but I didnt want him to come before I was seated inside of him. I wanted to feel his muscles clench around me as he climaxed.
Leaving my four fingers in my lover I reached my other hand for the lotion so I could thoroughly coat my aching shaft. Removing my fingers caused Ezra to whimper at the loss, but when I placed the head of my shaft against his entrance and carefully pushed the head through the tight ring of muscle he gasped, and I checked to see that I hadn't caused him any pain.
Ezra moaned and then started to keen both Vins and my name as I slowly rocked deeper into his virgin channel. I stopped once I was fully seated inside of his beautiful body, allowing him to get use to the feel of me there, and Vin helped by lifting Ezras leg to rest higher on his body which opened Ezra up more for my attention. I kissed and rubbed Ezras neck, back, shoulders and any part that I could reach, waiting till Ezra decided that he want me to move.
Ezra finally couldnt stand it any longer and started to rock back onto my shaft and I responded by lifting and hitching Ezra leg higher onto Vin and thrusting deep into that hot, tight, velvet home, then stopped again to see what he would do.
Ezra screamed, "CCCCHHHRIIISSS"
"What darlin? What do you want?" I whispered in his ear.
"Mmmmooovvveee make me yours claim me," was the panted response.
"Anything, Beautiful anything"
I withdrew almost all the way before thrusting back hard into Ezras body, and I knew that I had hit my lovers prostate when Ezra screamed my name. Soon all three of us had found a rhythm as old as time and love. Ezra came first, overwhelmed by the dual stimulation he was receiving from us, and passed out from pleasure. Vin came next, and I gave one last thrust before I joined them in my own shattering climax.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Chris, Vin will be waiting." Ezra gave me a quick kiss and pushed me away. "Look after each other and come home safe."
I gently caressed Ezras face before turning and leaving not realizing that this would be the last time that I would see him.