ATF Universe
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Trilogy, Mirisch, MGM and Etc. do. And obviously they don't appreciate 'em or we'd still be seein' 'em. So, I don't feel too bad for playin' with 'em. Not makin' anything off of 'em so don't suggest you try and sue me unless you want custody of two pesky cats. <G>
Warning: Extremely high schmaltz content. If you can't abide syrupy sweet, turn back now. Although, the heavy steam at the end does melt the syrup quite nicely <WG>. I have a terrible fondness for romantic Christmas Eves and just couldn't resist.
Comments: Contains a minor reference to an OFC in another story in progress which I promise will eventually be finished (hopefully sometime this Millenium <G>) A special Thank You to Mog for creating the ATF sandbox. It is soooo much fun to play in.
Acknowledgements: To Sphinx's gorgeous music video of Celine Dion's Seduces Me which gives me goose bumps every time I watch it for the inspiration that started the ole wheels turnin' about the whole music thing.
This is my first attempt at slash so please don't be too brutal.
Feedback welcome.
Size: Approx 84K
Vin worked in one of the back stalls, cleaning out the old straw. His breath puffed white in the crisp air as his hands completed the tasks automatically, his mind elsewhere. Vin Tanner held a debate with himself. It was a tough decision. He didn't want to bring up painful memories for Chris but he thought it might be about time to make some new ones. Hence, the debate. The sharpshooter had noticed during the previous Christmases he had been with the team that his boss and best friend didn't have a tree during the Holidays or make any attempt to decorate the house at his ranch. Though last year, he noticed that the Christmas cards from the other members of Team 7 made an appearance on the mantle and someone (he suspected Ezra) had donated a poinsettia.This was the first Christmas since he had unofficially moved in with Chris. Though he still maintained his apartment in Purgatorio, he had found another former resident of the seedy area willing to sublet his place and keep an eye on the building and it's residents. One of the young men he had helped out of the area who had wanted to move back and make a difference for the kids as Vin had. It had been the perfect answer for the ATF agent who found himself spending most of his time and almost all his nights at his boss's ranch. Yet he didn't want to abandon the area he had kept watch over for so long.
The young sharpshooter debated bringing up the subject of Christmas decorations with his housemate and lover. He didn't want to do too much but he'd been thinking a Christmas tree would be really nice. It would fit in with some other plans he had made. The problem that now concerned him being just how to approach Chris.
"Hey, cowboy," said a voice from the next stall. A blond head peeked over the top of the rails, smiling at the sight of a nice tight derriere peeking out from under Vin's jean jacket as he bent over.
"Yeah," responded the husky voice from his almost upside down position, checking a loose board in the stall. "Think I better fix this one," he commented, "'fore Peso knocks it plumb loose."
"I'll get the hammer," said Chris. He returned shortly with it and some nails. Handing them to the tracker he leaned on the stall door and enjoyed the view a little more. As Vin finished hammering the board down and straightened up, he made his move.
"I was just thinking," said Chris, "how would you feel about having a Christmas tree this year?"
Vin whipped around, the most incredible look of joy and astonishment on his face. Chris loved putting that expression there. That little boy on Christmas morning look. He knew that a lot of the Christmas mornings Vin had experienced growing up hadn't exactly been magical and he'd been thinking about that with the holidays coming up. The team leader hadn't been interested in any decorating since he'd lost his family but this year...with his own best Christmas present living right in the house with him, he'd found himself wanting to do something. A tree seemed the best choice. He could imagine Vin sitting on the floor gazing up at a glowing tree, eyes bright with happiness.
"Really, Chris!" said Vin, unmistakable excitement in his voice. Then he seemed to get himself under control and turned back to his work with the hay. "You sure? I didn't have one last year."
Chris sauntered into the stall, coming up behind the younger man and wrapping his arms around him. He leaned over and whispered in his ear.
"Last year, I didn't have as much to celebrate...or anyone I wanted to decorate a tree with. It's not much fun by yourself, you know. I've been thinking...since this is our first Christmas together...that I wanted to have a tree. So, pard, what do you think? You willing to help me on this? I'm really lousy at the decorating part." Vin turned to look into Chris's eyes, his own wide and bright with emotion.
"Ya know, Chris," he said huskily. "I never had no tree of my own...least not that I c'n remember."
"Then that settles it!" said Chris firmly. "We're having a tree this year... and every year from now on!" Vin turned in Chris's arms and put his own around the taller man. He buried his face in Chris's shoulder.
"Thanks, cowboy," he said in a muffled voice. "It means a lot ta me."
"Now, I was serious about the decorating," said Chris, tightening his arms around the slender body. It still never ceased to amaze him how the smallest things he did could totally pierce all the sharpshooter's walls and reduce him to a quivering bundle of emotion. The blonde knew well that he was the only person who could do this and accordingly, he tried to leave the man's walls intact most of the time. But there were times he felt it wiser to punch a few holes. It was well worth the results in that it brought them closer together. He grinned as he recalled all the times that Vin had done the same to him. The long-haired Texan knew how to get past his barriers and under his skin as skillfully as he fired his weapons. Vin raised his head and smiled into green eyes.
"Don't you worry, cowboy," he said, his eyes twinkling. "I got it covered. I got lots of ideas."
"Why does that worry me?" asked Chris, chuckling. Vin gave him his best mischievous smile.
"You'll see," was all he would say.
+ + + + + + +
Chris burrowed deeper into the covers and tried to ignore the insistent ringing. Knowing they didn't have to go in to work on Christmas Eve he and Vin had slept in. Even the early rising Texan had laid abed late with him. Now, he snuggled closer to the warm body he had his arms wrapped around, but Vin was having none of it.
"Better answer, cowboy," he said. "It might be important. 'Sides, I'm awake now. May as well get up and get started on things." Chris groaned and rolling over, snatched the phone from the nightstand.
"Larabee," he growled. Vin chuckled and climbed out of the other side of the bed, not envying whoever was on the other end of the line. The lean Texan stretched and heard Chris's voice break behind him. Knowing he was being watched he proceeded to do a few deep knee bends and some Tai-Chi moves. Finally, taking pity on the strangled sounds coming from behind him...he made his way to the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later, just in time to duck the flying cordless phone.
"Damn stupid bureaucrats," exclaimed Chris.
"Don't tell me..." said Vin, a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, "we're being called in."
"Not you," said Chris in a disgusted voice, "just me!"
"You!" exclaimed Vin, really aggravated now as he saw all his plans going awry. "What can they have for just you to do on Christmas Eve?!"
"Paperwork, of course," he snorted. "Some stupid asshole of a CPA is going to a meeting day after Christmas and he decided he has to have those statistics I've been working on..." Chris ran his hand through his hair. "And of course, I left the files at the office. Didn't think I'd be working over Christmas!" Vin sighed. All wasn't lost then. "I'm really sorry, Vin. Either I do it today...or I'll have to go in tomorrow."
"And with the rest of the guys coming tomorrow, that'd never work," interposed Vin. "I understand."
"I'll hurry, but I have to finish the report and then send it to his e-mail. Shit! I can't believe this! On Christmas Eve!"
"That's what you get paid the big bucks for, cowboy," Vin said, smiling. "Hey, it's OK." He crossed the room to stand in front of his partner and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll take care of the horses and get started on things here. We'll still have this evening." He grinned. "And tonight."
"But we were supposed to decorate the tree this afternoon," said Chris, looking into his eyes, searching for disappointment or hurt. He saw only understanding.
"Aw, hell," drawled Vin, "ya tole me you ain't any good at that anyway, so I figured on doin' most of it myself anyway."
"Yeah, but I wanted to be here to be with you..." Vin squeezed his shoulder.
"Iffen I gotta give up something, I'd much rather it be this afternoon than tonight or tomorrow. So, get yourself dressed, pard, and get outta here. The sooner you go...the sooner you'll be back."
Chris grinned and wrapping his arms around his partner gathered him close.
"I don't know what it was I ever did to deserve you, cowboy," he said, "but I sure don't remember doing something that good!" Vin chuckled.
"Iffen we had to do somethin' 'specially good to find each other, pard, we woulda been outta luck fer sure." Chris gave the young man a quick hug and kiss.
"I'll make this up to you tonight," he said, his eyes glittering. "I promise."
"I'll hold ya to that," said Vin. He grabbed Chris's backside and pulled it towards him to brush his growing erection against the older man's stomach. "But right now, cowboy, ya better go before I start celebratin' early. 'Coz you're just too temptin' standin' there like that." Chris leaned in for a more extended kiss. He grabbed Vin's ass and pulled him tight, grinding his hips into the sharpshooter's. When Vin's mouth opened in a gasp at the flash of desire that shot through him, Chris flicked his tongue into his lover's mouth, stroking the warm cavern thoroughly before withdrawing.
"Just a little something for you to think about today," the blond threw back over his shoulder as he headed towards the bathroom. Vin groaned.
"I'll remember that next time I go somewhere pard," he called to the retreating figure and was treated to a seductive grin and wink as the bathroom door closed.
"Just you try it!" came the muffled reply.
After Vin had seen Chris out the door and watched the black Ram down the road he hurried to get things ready. Heading to the kitchen he began to pull out what he would need. He planned to take full advantage of the time Chris was gone to prepare several surprises. Then, when the blond did arrive home they would have the rest of the evening to enjoy the things he had so carefully planned for their first Christmas Eve together.
+ + + + + + +
Chris opened the front door of the Ranch, dropped his briefcase on the floor and unzipped his coat.
"Damn traffic..." he exclaimed and stopped, stunned at the sight that met his eyes.
Vin stood by a Christmas tree... their Christmas tree. The glow of the lights lit him as a slow lop-sided grin spread across his face.
"Welcome home, cowboy," he said softly. Chris advanced slowly across the room, enjoying the vision before him. Vin wore faded blue jeans and a red plaid flannel shirt. His partner's eyes glowed with pleasure at the expression on his face.
"I'm not sure which looks better," Chris said, returning the smile, "you or the tree." Vin chuckled.
"I missed you too, Chris," he said, reaching out an arm to loop around the blond's waist and turning to look at the tree with him.
"Ya like it then?" asked Vin. Chris could only nod, pulling the sharpshooter closer with an arm around his shoulders. He reached out to touch one of the ornaments, a miniature silver spur. It was an ornament he hadn't seen. He'd known Vin had kept some of his purchases secret from him.
The team leader knew that Vin had been very busy the last few weeks looking for the decorations he wanted for this tree. He and Angel seemed to often have their heads together. Vin had confided in him that he'd sought her advice. Chris had worried at first that his partner seemed to be confiscating too much of Angel's time. After all, it was the first Christmas she and Josiah had been able to be together too. Josiah had chuckled, saying Angel had a passion for Christmas decorating and was thoroughly enjoying herself.
Vin had drug Chris into a few of the Christmas stores as well, looking for ornaments they would both like to add to his growing stash. They had debated quite a while over the merits of a real tree or an artificial one. Finally, they had settled on an artificial one in the house, neither being inclined to clean up the mess of a real one. The purchase of a live one in a tub for the front yard, to be planted on the property later had satisfied the Texan's inclination towards a live tree. He and Vin had wrestled with those lights last week-end. It glowed, welcoming him in the early December dusk as he pulled up this evening. Now, the end result of all Vin's work stood before him.
Chris had argued for blue lights, being partial to the color of Vin's eyes, while the other man wanted white. They had compromised, buying both. The team leader saw that Vin had alternated the blue and white lights on each string and produced a very pleasing effect. The strings wrapped around each branch lighting the interior of the tree as well as the edges. Faded blue denim and black denim bows were scattered over the branches. Chris fingered a garland of painted wooden cranberries and smiled to see another of popcorn done the same way. The silver and turquoise ornaments they had decided on were carefully placed, some deep within the branches, giving the tree a depth Chris hadn't seen before except on the professionally done trees in the Christmas stores Vin had taken him to. Apparently, his sharpshooter had been looking and learning. Vin had chosen to use raffia instead of icicles for the finishing touches and strands of it had been artfully placed.
"You've done a great job, Vin," said Chris, tightening his arms around the younger man's shoulders. "It suits you."
"What's more important," responded Vin, "is...does it suit you?"
"It suits me," said Chris, his eyes still taking in all the details. Vin heaved a happy sigh.
"I saved a couple of things for you to put on," he told his boss. Chris grinned.
"I think I can handle a couple of things," he said, sensing it meant a great deal to the sharpshooter for them to do this together. And he had planned to grit his teeth and fumble through it before the phone call this morning. Vin turned to the table nearby and handed him a matching spur to the one that already hung on the tree.
"A set, huh, pard," asked Chris. Vin smiled that crooked smile.
"Uh huh," he replied. "Thought that was appropriate," he said. The older man looked carefully at the tree before choosing a spot adjacent to the other spur.
"Like a reflection," he said.
"Or two halves of a whole," said Vin, softly. "Got one more thing for ya to add," he said, grinning. He returned this time with a box, which he opened to display to the blond, who laughed aloud.
"Where on earth did you find that?" he asked.
"Took a lot of lookin'," admitted Vin, grinning mischievously. "Wanted a blond one with green eyes, dressed in black but that was impossible to find."
"I can imagine," said Chris, chuckling. "Not much call for angels dressed in black. I think I prefer brown curls and blue eyes."
"Thought ya might," said Vin. "At least he's dressed right too."
"I never would have thought they made angels dressed in red plaid and blue denim." Vin shrugged.
"Angel says if you look long enough you can find almost anything these days. Would ya put it on the top of the tree?"
"Sure, pard," said Chris, reaching up to settle the unusual angel atop the tree. He thought of Team Seven's own guardian angel, always perched on high during any bust keeping an eye on them all, and felt the denim clad angel made the perfect final touch to their tree. They stood arm in arm for a long moment, just drinking in the soft lights and warm feelings their very own Christmas tree gave them. "Thank you, Vin. It's beautiful. I'd forgotten what a wonderful feeling a lighted Christmas tree can give you."
"I wanted to share that with ya," said Vin. "Thanks for lettin' me." Chris wrapped his arms around the younger man, drawing him to his chest and resting his head on the soft curls.
"You're always sharing, Vin," he said. "I've never met anyone as giving as you are. Wish I could give half as much back..."
"Ya do, Chris," said Vin, pulling back to look into his partner's eyes. "Ya give me so much...every day. Every day I wake up with you beside me... every time ya look at me and I know what you're thinkin'... every time ya smile at me with that special look you seem to save for me... every time I fall asleep with your arms around me at night... and every time ya love me. Oh, god, Chris, every time ya hold me and love me... you give me so much. I can't even begin to figure out how to give back to you. I keep trying to find ways to tell ya and show ya...but it never seems enough." This long speech from the usually quiet sharpshooter left Chris stunned. He just gathered him close and laid his lips over the tempting ones before him. Attempting to show him just how much his efforts had succeeded. When they finally broke apart breathless, the blond laid one hand on the young man's face, cupping his jaw and looked deeply into the glowing blue eyes before him.
"I love you," he said simply.
"Love ya too," said Vin, his eyes telling just how much. They wrapped their arms around each other and held on, letting the words they didn't need to speak flow directly from one heart to the other.
+ + + + + + +
After a long moment of silent communion, Vin lifted his head to look into Chris's eyes. "Hungry, Chris?" he asked.
"You have to ask?" asked Chris, a wolfish smile lighting his face. He dipped down and captured his lover's lips in a deep sweet kiss.
"Mmmm," said Vin. "That's for dessert. I'm talkin' 'bout dinner."
"So was I, pard," said Chris, still grinning. He leaned forward again. Vin laid a slender finger on his lips, chuckling.
"Kinda figured... you being an old man and all, ya might need somethin' to eat know...keep up your strength. Wouldn't want ya not bein' able ta keep up with me tonight."
"We'll see who keeps up with who!" growled Chris, grabbing Vin's hips and pulling them tight against his own growing erection. "But we better get some food into you so you don't fade away in the long haul, pard..." Vin's eyes narrowed and he rotated his hips, grinding against his lover.
"Iffen you don't stop, pard, you're gonna find out real quick about fadin' and it ain't gonna be me that's doin' it," he teased. He tunneled his fingers into his partner's hair and pulled his head down to suckle strongly on the older man's lower lip. Chris groaned and began to gently rock his hips. Vin pulled back quickly, his eyes glittering with mischief. "But we were talkin' about dinner..." He licked his lips in a long slow swipe. The young man turned towards the kitchen and taking Chris's hand drew him along. "Come can help."
Chris came to a stunned halt at the entrance to the kitchen. A white tablecloth covered the table. Plates and silverware were already set and candles ready to be lit. There was even a bit of greenery decked with ribbons placed in the middle of the table as a centerpiece.
"My, my," said Chris, his face lighting in a big smile. "You have been busy..."
"You ain't seen the half of it, cowboy," said Vin, with a cat ate the canary look.
"Nice candlesticks," commented Chris. The younger man cast him a sideways look out of narrowed eyes.
"Uh huh," he said. "Ez loaned 'em to me for tonight."
The team leader grinned. He'd been hoping for a blush and been denied. Never mind, he thought, Plenty of time. I'll get lots of blushes out of him later.
Vin sent Chris out to start the grill and put the steaks on while he finished up things in the kitchen. By the time Chris returned with the smoking meat, done to perfection, the kitchen was filled with the enticing smell of baking bread. A bowl of tossed salad sat on the table.
"Mmmm..." he said, setting the plate on the counter beside another one containing foil wrapped baked potatoes. "Smells wonderful in here." He turned to watch Vin and saw that he was cutting thick slices of fresh warm bread just out of the oven. Chris reached out and snagged a slice, getting a slap on the wrist from the sharpshooter. "If I'd known you were such a good cook, I would have had you doing it all!"
"Ain't a good cook," responded Vin. "I can do simple stuff."
"I never considered home-baked bread to be simple," said Chris, devouring the slice. "And this is really good!" Vin blushed.
"Rain showed me what to get. It's these loaves that are froze. You just take 'em out and put 'em in the pan. Then you let 'em rise and stick 'em in the oven. Angel tole me about rubbing butter on the crust after ya take 'em out though." He finished with the last slice. "All ready. Let's eat 'fore this gets cold."
Chris lit the candles as Vin brought the basket of bread and plates of meat and potatoes to the table. Vin had set the two places for them adjacent to each other on the corner. They sat down and their eyes met. Chris wrapped his hand around Vin's that rested on the table.
"This looks great, cowboy," said the blond. "You've put a lot of time and effort into making this special. Thank you! It's wonderful!"
"Better wait till you taste it 'fore you say that," said Vin, trying not to blush more and failing miserably.
"Doesn't matter how it tastes. Matters that you did it." Vin ducked his head.
"Dig in," the Texan advised, "or I'm gonna eat yours too. Can't let this much stuff go to waste. But ya better save some room for dessert."
"And what's for dessert?"
"Pumpkin pie."
"You made that too?"
"Nope. Nettie did. She dropped it by this afternoon."
"Is there anyone you didn't involve in your plans?" Vin grinned.
"Yep, parts of the city of Denver..." Chris laughed.
"Well, pard, much as I appreciate Miss Nettie's cooking, I was kind of hoping for a little something different for dessert."
"Got lots of whipped cream to go on top..." The sharpshooter grinned wickedly. Chris's eyes darkened with desire.
"I'll be sure to save room," he said and giving his lover's hand a promising squeeze started to cut his steak.
They enjoyed the meal...talking quietly about the case they'd just finished and the plans for tomorrow when the rest of Team Seven came over to celebrate Christmas. By the time they had both finished pieces of pie topped with whipped cream, Vin's so covered that Chris wondered how he could find the piece of pie underneath, both men were just about miserable.
"You really like that whipped cream, huh?" commented Chris. "I'll have to remember that..." Vin blushed. It never ceased to amaze him how the young man could tease him till he thought he would explode, make innuendos that had his pants so tight he wondered if he'd be able to get them off, be wild and verbal in bed, yet still blush at subtle references to sex. He found it irresistible and seldom missed an opportunity to provoke a rosy face in his beloved sharpshooter.
Vin insisted on getting the dishes rinsed and into the dishwasher.
"Don't wanna have to mess with it in the morning," he simply said. They made short work of the task. Vin poured two of their terra cotta coffee mugs full of thick eggnog he had stashed in the refrigerator. Chris looked on smiling as the young man added a dollop of rum to both cups. As they made their way back to the Living room and the lighted tree, Vin spoke up.
"Got something I want ya ta open tonight, Cowboy," he said.
"That reminds me," said Chris, looking positively wicked. "I haven't put my presents under the tree yet. Would you like to open one of yours tonight too?"
"I can wait till tomorrow," responded Vin, "Unless ya really want me to. I got a reason for this one." He went to dig under the tree. Chris had noticed earlier that Vin had already placed his gifts to the other members of the team under the tree as well as the ones he had wrapped and ready. They had been collecting them in a box until the tree went up. What Vin hadn't known was the whereabouts of his own gifts from Chris. The team leader noticed a few packages under the tree that he hadn't seen in the box previously also.
"Well, let me think about it while I get yours and put them under the tree," said Chris. Vin moved to light the already laid fire in the fireplace all the while furtively watching him as he went from place to place pulling out hidden presents. The young sharpshooter's eyes got wider and wider as he began to realize that his gifts had been scattered throughout the house, in easily accessible places, though locations he would not normally have noticed. The back of the shelf in the entryway closet... behind a row of books on the bookshelves... above the refrigerator in the kitchen. He laughed when Chris pulled a plastic wrapped one out of the antique brass spittoon in the corner. The blond stood in the center of the room a minute, stroking his lower lip with his thumb, lost in contemplation. Vin was just about to cross the room and attack him, since he found it totally irresistible when the team leader did that, but Larabee snapped his fingers.
"I remember!" he said and bounded up the stairs. He returned with the last of his stash and grinning, placed them all under the tree.
"I didn't get ya near so many things, cowboy," Vin said sadly. Chris quickly pressed his fingers over the tempting mouth.
"Don't you even think it, Vin...let alone say it! It doesn't matter if we give each other the same number of presents. That's not what this is all about... It's about what's in here..." He tapped the younger man's chest, then grinned wickedly. "Besides, you're easy to buy for...and I' I was informed every year by both Sarah and Buck...I'm a bitch to buy for. I'm too picky and don't need much anyway." Vin chuckled.
"Yeah, it's not like you need extras to match different colored pants or shirts or stuff," he joked. "On the other hand...I know all I gotta do is get black and there's at least a chance you're gonna like it!" Chris laughed and sliding a hand under the brown hair pulled him close for a soft kiss.
"You bet, pard," he said, "and you know there's something else I'm always gonna like too."
"You got a one track mind, Larabee," said the blue-eyed man, with his crooked smile. "But I like where your train's a goin'." He handed the older man a small flat package. "Here, open your present."
Chris eased himself down onto the floor, with Vin settling beside him and opened the wrapping paper. Inside he found a CD in its case. The picture on the front was of a flat brimmed black cowboy hat that had apparently been tossed onto a table. The title at the top of the cover was "Wanna Slow Dance, Cowboy?" Chris looked up into blue eyes that held a strong hint of hopefulness.
"Is this an invitation... I hope," he said softly. Vin's smile reappeared.
"Ever since we been 'boot-scootin' with Angel and the others, I been noticin' how good a dancer ya are, cowboy. I'd really like to give it a try." Chris smiled seductively.
"So would I, would I. I've been thinking about dancing with you for a long time. I just wasn't sure how to bring it up." Vin chuckled.
"I shoulda guessed we was both thinkin' the same thing." He stood up and extended a hand to the man still on the floor. "Let me help ya up, old man," he offered. Chris took his hand and hauled himself up. He stood for a long moment, looking deep into the sharpshooter's eyes, telling him without words how he wanted to hold him close in his arms and sway to slow music. Vin felt a shudder of desire run through his body and took a sharp, deep breath... feeling suddenly as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the room. The darkclad man turned away then and went to the stereo, putting the CD in to play.
"This is one of those custom made CD's, isn't it?" asked Chris as he placed the disk on the tray.
"Yep..." said Vin. "I was looking for some good music to slow dance to at the music store in the mall and..." Chris held up a hand.
"Let me guess....J.D.?" Vin grinned.
"Uh huh, he had a friend that does these... but Buck knew a lot of good songs. Angel had some good ideas too. The first one was hers... and the last." He laughed. "And Josiah said I had to have 'Crazy' by Patsy Cline." Chris laughed along with him.
"The number of people in Denver not involved is shrinking!" said the blond.
When he turned around Vin was right behind him, smiling that damn teasing smile he had that made his already tight jeans get even more snug.
"Just got one question for ya," the young man said, tilting his head to one side. "Who's gonna lead?"
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