ATF Universe
IDEAS - Prologue This is all JD's fault. Damn kid never could leave well enough alone. 'Stead of keepin' quiet and drinkin' like the rest of us, he had to go and start that business again about how much I look like that fella from Casey's favorite show - Once In A While, it's called. Or maybe Now & Later. Awww Hell. Who cares what the show is called? I ain't never gonna watch it, that's for damn sure. Anyway, we were all sittin' around in Inez's saloon, unwinding after wrappin' up a big arson investigation. I expect we were all feelin' a bit punchy cause it'd been one bitch of a week, but that don't excuse JD none. If he hadn't started in talkin' about that show, then those gals at the next table wouldn't have come over and Buck wouldn't have invited them to join us and I wouldn't be standin' here freezin' my ass off right now. I've done some wild, stupid, borderin' on the insane, things in my life, but what I was thinkin about doin' right now had them beat all to pieces. Those two gals had seemed nice enough, at first. Course, now I know different. They could've talked about last week's prison riot or the price of tea in China or just about anything except what they did. Givin' a man ideas like they done just ain't nice. One of the gals was a redhead and the other was a pretty little blonde thing. Buck hadn't wasted any time stakin' his claim to the redhead and I saw Ez give the blonde the eye once or twice. And I reckon a man will do just about anything when his blood is runnin' hot. So when those two gals started expoundin' on their theories about male bonding on TV and how that show with what's his name, the fella that looks like me, was a perfect example of repressed sexual tension between two guys - well, Buck and Ez hardly batted an eyelash. They just nodded their fool heads and pretended to look interested. Chris just shrugged his shoulders. Nathan and Josiah both love a good argument, no matter what's bein' talked about, so they jumped in feet first. And JD sat there with his ears turnin' red, drinkin' his whisky like it was water, embarrassed as all get out. Served him right for mentioning the damn show in the first place. So there we all were, sittin' around that table in the saloon, listenin' to Josiah talk about the peaks and valleys of some mountain that was supposed to be the summit of brotherhood. And there was a waterfall in there somewheres, too. I think he was tryin' to explain male bonding to them two gals. I don't think they got it, though. Cause one of the gals turned to Buck right in the middle of Josiah's speechifyin' and asked him which one of his friends he'd most like to have sex with. Just askin' in fun, of course, she claimed. Yeah. Real fun. Leave it to Ol' Buck, though. Any other man woulda either hightailed it outta there or been struck dumb or somethin'. Buck just raised an eyebrow and said, "Ezra, cause he's got them purty green eyes." Then he grinned real devilish and you could practically see that redhead start purrin'. He was gonna get it good tonight. Ez just can't stand to be outdone, so he jumps in with, "I wish I could return the compliment, Mr. Wilmington. I do believe Mr. Jackson is more my type, however." Ez likes to needle Nate and I reckon he figured this would get his goat but good. Nate surprised him, though. Instead of gettin' all huffy, like Ez expected, he said, "Sorry Ezra. If I was gonna cheat on Rain with one of ya'll, it would be Josiah. Size does count, you know." Then he smiled, a big shit eatin' grin, cause he knew he'd bested Ez. And Nate likes doin' that every now and then. Considers it part of his sacred duty to keep Ez humble. After everyone quit laughin' at Nate's explanation, Josiah rubbed his chin and looked thoughtfully around the table. "A hard choice, my friends." He pondered a bit longer. "I think I'd have to say Brother Tanner. Still waters run deep and all that. And I always was partial to a good mystery." Josiah winked in my direction and I hunched a little further into my chair after givin' him a dirty look. Sometimes havin' friends ain't worth the aggravation. Everyone was staring at me now, waitin', so finally I said the first thing that came to mind. "Chris." Oh shit. Now everyone was really starin' at me. No one else had been brave enough, or stupid enough, to say Chris's name. I expect they thought about it, though. With that long, lean body and those icy green eyes of his - he's got everyone here beat hands down in the looks department. And he's got somethin' about him, too. Something that kinda sets him apart from everyone. I can't explain it, I can just feel it. I thought Chris would shoot me or maybe stare everyone down til they went to talkin' about something else, but he didn't. He just looked at me with those green eyes all smoky and hot until I was squirming around in my seat like my pants were on fire. And he kept strokin' his thumb across his lower lip the whole time - like he does when he's thinkin' - til my cock felt like it was on fire, too. And then, feelin' that hardness in my pants, my face got to feelin' like it was on fire. And if Chris didn't stop starin' at me they were gonna have to call in the fire department to put me out. "Come on, pard. Fess up. Which one of us you secretly got the hots for?" Buck was smilin' again like he had the devil by the tail while that redhead was draped all over him like a blanket. "You mean after all these years, you still don't know? Haven't you always told me how irresistible you are?" Chris finally turned his head to look at Buck and I tried to breathe normal again. It wasn't easy to do. I felt like I'd been kicked in the chest hearin' him say he wanted Buck. I'd wanted him to say he wanted me. And with my cock twitching and my stomach churning, I didn't give a rat's ass that it was all supposed to be hypothetical and in fun. Felt real enough to me, right now. And it wasn't fun. Not by a long shot. "Hey, how come no one said me?" JD sounded a little put out. "That's cause you're practically jailbait, son. Give it a few more years." Buck cuffed JD lightly on the head, like he always does and everyone laughed. Then the blonde gal started talkin' with Ezra about some exhibit down at the museum and JD and the redhead argued with Buck about a bad call the ref had made in last Sunday's big game. Nate and Josiah talked to Chris about the Nicholl's case they was workin', and me? I just sat there drinkin' my whisky and cursin' all of 'em for puttin' ideas in my head. I'd never thought about Chris that way before. Never. And now here I was wonderin' what he'd taste like if I leaned over and ran my tongue across his lips. Wonderin' if he'd do me if I asked him real nice. Wonderin' if he'd let me do him, too. Shit. This was crazy. Chris was my friend. My boss. And he ain't even looked my way since I said his name, tellin' everyone at the table who it was I wanted, so I kinda doubted he'd welcome me with open arms if I just showed up on his doorstep and begged him to fuck me. Or to let me fuck him. And yet, whaddya know? Here I am, on his doorstep, about to ask him that very thing. Cause I just can't get the idea of him outta my head. I figure if he shoots me, I'm no worse off, pathetic horny bastard that I am. And if he says yes? I haven't got that far yet. My hand is doin' a funny sort of dance. Up. Down. Up. Down. Dammit, since when is ringin' a doorbell tougher than tryin' to do the two step in a bed of quicksand? Since I got this damn stupid idea in my head, that's when. I oughtta go drag JD's skinny little butt over here and make him do it. This bein' all his fault. Kid's probably home right now sleepin' like a baby, while I'm standin' here on Chris Larabee's front porch freezin' my ass off and about to make a damn fool, or worse, out of myself. Life just ain't fair. There. I rang the damn thing. Now all I gotta do is wait. Are those footsteps I hear? Oh shit. |
BAD IDEAS (Part 1)
This was a bad idea. A piss poor idea, as a matter of fact. I should've never rung the damn doorbell. He ain't answered yet, so I can still get the hell outta here with no one the wiser. Except, shit. He just opened the door. His blond hair's all over the place and he's wearin' nothin' but a pair of old sweats that ride real low on his hips. He's standin' there lookin' at me and I just want to jump on him and take him right there on the damn floor in the hallway. But instead, I stand there lookin' back at him and not sayin' a word. "Something you wanted, Vin?" he finally asks. The way he words the question makes me wonder if he knows why I'm here. Hell, I ain't even sure why I'm here. But that's only half true, I guess. I'm here cause I want to fuck Chris Larabee. What I ain't sure of is why I want to and why it has to be now. At...? What the hell time is it, anyway? "What time is it?" I blurt the words out like a damn idiot. "You come all the way out here just to ask me what time it is, Vin?" Chris's lips were twitchin' a bit. "Yes. No. Think I could come in outta the cold for a spell, Chris?" I sound kinda plaintive. (Hangin' out with Ez leaves its mark. I never used to use words like plaintive.) I try not to think about how I sound like a damn gibbering idiot, to boot. Chris swings the door open a little wider in answer and I ease on inside. The hallway seems a lot smaller than I remember and my shoulder brushes against his bare chest as I squeeze past him. I can smell the soap on his skin, and under that, the pure scent that's him and nothin' else. I didn't realize I was standin' there suckin' in air like a landed fish til Chris took me by the shoulders and shook me a bit, lookin' at me kinda worried like. "You ok, Vin? You're not sick, are you?" He stopped shakin' me and just stood there frownin' and runnin' a hand along his jaw. "No. I ain't sick." I shook my head and closed my mouth and quit tryin' to suck the scent of him into my very bones. "You sure?" Chris sounded a little doubtful. I got a bit of a reputation for not always bein' entirely truthful about my injuries. Like the rest of 'em are any different. "Yeah. I just... something just... Couldn't catch my breath for a sec is all." I could feel Chris's eyes borin' holes in me as I glanced around, lookin' everywhere but at him and tryin' not to let on that's what I was doin'. "Come on. Might as well go have a drink while you tell me what this is about." It was Chris's turn to ease past me and I could feel the heat of him through the thin material of his sweats. Of course, I was wearin' jeans and a flannel, and a t-shirt underneath the flannel, so it kinda gives ya an idea how much heat Chris Larabee can generate, don't it? I followed him into the den and stood there watchin' while he poured us both a generous measure of whisky. I've been in this room plenty of times and I never noticed til now how many nice convenient spots it had where two people could fuck each other silly. There was the couch, damn near big as my bed. There was that table over in the corner and the wet bar against the wall and... "Here you go, Vin. Now are you going to tell me what all this is about or did you want me to just guess?" Chris handed me one of the whiskys and then went over to sit down on that damned couch. The one that was givin' me ideas. He kinda sprawled back against it, with his eyes half closed, lookin' sexier than hell. I took a deep breath, not sure exactly what I was gonna say, so I took a sip of whisky, tryin' to buy myself a little time. That was when Chris started runnin' a hand casually across his chest, rubbin' up and down on it and makin' his nipples hard and hot. I started chokin' and coughin' and my eyes were waterin' and I was feelin' like a bigger fool by the second. Chris jumped up and started rubbin' my back while I bent over, tryin' to catch my breath. I finally managed to clear the whisky outta my lungs, but by then the rest of me was at sixes and sevens. Chris's hand was drivin' me crazy rubbin' like that and the couch was lookin' more invitin' all the time. But then he stopped touchin' me and went back over to sit down. On the couch. Damn. I straightened up, wonderin' what the hell I oughtta do now. Should I just go over there and rip his sweats off and start lickin' his cock like it was an ice cream cone? Or maybe I oughtta ask him first? I told ya I wasn't thinkin' too clear. I'd just about made up my mind to go over there and do something when I heard the doorbell ring. And I wasn't sure whether I was gonna kiss or kill whoever it was, as Chris got to his feet and went to answer the damn door. |
2) "Haven't you always told me how irresistible you are, Buck?" I near fell outta my chair in surprise when Chris turned to me cool as you please and said them there words. I'd deviled him a bit, askin' which one of us he had the hots for, but I never expected him to answer. Just thought he'd give me that famous glare of his and then the talk would turn to other things and then in a bit I'd go home with the sexy redhead who's draped all over me like a blanket. But no matter how well you think you know a man, he can still throw you for a loop every now and again. I'm sittin' here talkin' about last Sunday's game with JD and the redhead, but my mind ain't really on it. Instead, I'm rememberin' the way Vin was squirmin' in his seat earlier, like he had ants in his pants. Or a cock that was hard as nails, maybe. And I'm rememberin' the look Chris was givin' Vin right before he turned to me. His eyes had been a funny gray green color, all hot and smoky lookin'. And he'd been doing that sexy thing with his thumb and his lips. Did the two of them have somethin' going on? And why did I care if they did, anyway? I had me an armful of gorgeous redhead. What more could a man ask for? But I wanted to know. Did they? Were they gonna go home together and was Chris gonna look at Vin that way again until the sharpshooter was all in a lather? And was Vin gonna run his hands over Chris's cock and was he gonna kiss Chris and lick Chris everywhere until Chris just threw him over the couch in the den and fucked him raw? And why the hell was I thinkin' about this? I was in a fair lather myself, by now. Damn thing was, I didn't know if it was cause of the redhead runnin' her hand up and down my leg or the thought of Chris doin' the same thing to Vin. I kind of peered at Chris outta the corner of my eye. He was talkin' about the Nicholl's case with Nate and Josiah. I slid my gaze over to Vin. He was drinkin' like a man on a mission, not sayin' anything to anyone. But he kept lookin' at Chris with this funny expression on his face. Like he was thinkin' about things that maybe he wasn't so sure he should be thinkin' about. I knew how he felt. I was doin' some thinking of my own. I'd seen Vin's face after he'd said Chris's name. And I'd seen the look Chris gave him in return. It seemed only fair for Chris to have returned the favor and named Vin, after makin' Vin squirm like he'd done. So why hadn't he? Why had he said my name instead? I took the redhead home, makin' my excuses rather than takin' her up on her invitation to stay a while. I couldn't shake the idea that if I didn't do something quick, Chris and Vin were gonna be following through on things. And I wasn't ready for that to happen. Not til I'd figured out why the idea bothered me so much. And got me so damned turned on at the same time. So here I am, standin' on Chris Larabee's doorstep and starin' back at Vin's jeep parked in the driveway. Am I already too late, dammit? |
3) Whoever was ringing that damn doorbell had best be prepared to tell me the world as we know it is coming to an end or I may just have to shoot them. Of course, the world as I knew it was coming to an end, already. I had Vin Tanner standing in my den wanting to fuck me and wanting me to fuck him and he'd been this close to doing something about it when the damn doorbell rang. So like I said, whoever it is better have a damn good reason for interrupting. I'd been thinking about Vin doing something all night. Ever since he drawled my name so sweet at the saloon earlier. And he'd looked at me with those blue eyes of his and I'd found myself looking back plenty hard. And the whole time I was looking, I was wondering why I'd never noticed what a pretty face the sharpshooter had. And then I'd remembered how nice he filled out his jeans, too. I've seen Vin in jeans plenty of times before. Hell, I've seen him without plenty of times, too. But it had been different then. Then he'd been just a guy. A friend. Now he was a guy friend I wanted to fuck. I should probably be more upset about the whole thing. I mean, it's not like I go around switch hitting for the other team all the time. Vin is the first. But I can't seem to get too upset about it when I remember how sexy he looked squirming around in his chair like his pants were on fire. Made my cock twitch just thinking about it. So if I was so hot for Vin, why the hell didn't I return the favor and name him in that stupid game we were all playing? Let him know right up front where we stood? Hell if I know. One minute I was looking at him and he was looking at me and I could feel myself getting hard and I knew he was hard too and then I heard Buck asking me who I had the hots for and all of a sudden I just couldn't do it. I couldn't say Vin's name. So I turned to Buck and said something about how irresistible he was. And that had been that. Until Vin had showed up on my doorstep just now. I finally reached the door. When had the damn hallway gotten so long? I yanked it open ready to blast whoever it was with a dose of the famous Larabee temper. "Chris. Whatcha doin'? Don't mind if I come in do ya? I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by." Babbling like an idiot, Buck stepped across the threshhold and brushed past me, craning his neck and looking around like he was expecting the entire female population of the western hemisphere to jump out of a closet or something. Or maybe one Vin Tanner. Shit. I hadn't realized we'd been so obvious. I closed the door, a little harder than was strictly necessary. I should've known it would be Buck at my door. I can always count on Buck. Yeah. "You lose that pretty redhead from earlier, Buck?" I ask. A good offense is the best defense. At least til I can figure out what the hell Buck is doing here. "Who? Oh her. No, she's home all safe and sound, I reckon. Least, that's where I left her." Buck was heading for the den now. Damn. Well, what could happen? It wasn't like he'd actually caught us with our pants down or anything yet. Although it wouldn't have been much longer if I'd had my way. I would've had Vin bent over the back of that couch and... Shit. Don't tell me that's why Buck is here. Cause he's been thinking about Vin bent over the back of my couch, too. Over my dead body. |
What the hell is Buck doing here? I mean, I know him and Chris is old friends, but that don't explain what he's doing here now. Only someone who wanted Chris Larabee pretty damn near desperately would drive all the way out here at this hour. Like me. Or maybe like Buck? Shit. What chance did I have if Buck was in the picture? Him and Chris went way back. Maybe they'd done this sort of thing before. Maybe when Chris had been lookin' at me he'd been thinkin' about Buck. I mean, he'd said he wanted Buck, after all. He hadn't said me. Maybe... Goddamn both the bastards anyhow. Maybe I should just get while the gettin' was still good. I waited too long. Buck walked in the room just as I had made up my mind to leave. He kind of stopped and stared at me for a minute. Then he smiled, lookin' mighty relieved about somethin'. "Buck." I nodded my head, wantin' to ask why he was here, but afraid of what he might say in answer. "Vin." He nodded back. Two enemies sizin' each other up, probing for weaknesses. Leastways, that's what I felt like we was doin'. "What brings you here this time of night?" Buck's always been more direct than me. Or maybe he just ain't afraid to hear anything I might say in reply. "That's what I was wondering about you, Buck." Chris stood in the doorway of the room. His voice was all soft and quiet. Like it gets right before he starts inflicting major damage on anyone stupid enough to get in his way. "Told ya, Chris. I was just in the neighborhood..." Buck stopped when he saw he wasn't foolin' either one of us. Chris lives an hour outside of town. No one's ever "just in the neighborhood". "Why's Vin here?" Buck folded his arms and looked stubborn. "None of your damned business." Chris and I both said the words at the same time. Buck just shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. But I seen them looks you two were givin' each other tonight. Pretty hot stuff there pards." Buck nodded his head at me and Chris. Givin' us our due or something, I guess. Then he went on talkin'. "But after all that, it seems to me I heard Chris sayin' my name. Now what I want to know is why." Well hell. I wanted to know why, too. So I stayed quiet and me and Buck both stared at Chris. Waitin'. "Damned if I know why. But I know there's one person too many in this room right now." Chris glared at Buck and now it was my turn to look relieved. "I ain't leaving." Buck could be damn stubborn. "I told you I don't know why I said your name. It was just one of those things, Buck." Chris waved his arms impatiently. "For that matter, you picked Ezra. Why ain't you over his place asking why he liked Nate better than you?" Yeah. You tell him, Chris. "Fine. If there was nothin' to it, then c'mere and prove it." Shit. Buck was wearin' that devilish grin of his again. The one that usually led to some poor defenseless woman tossin' her panties over the windmill. "What are you talking about, Buck?" Chris was askin' him the question like he was still mad, but I could see a flicker of somethin' in his eyes. Somethin' that looked too damn near interest for comfort. |
(Part 5) Chris Larabee was just full of surprises tonight. When I told him to c'mere and prove he didn't want me, I thought for sure he'd do his level best to toss me out the door ass over teakettle. Or maybe just shoot me. But I saw a spark of interest in them green eyes of his and the next thing I knew, he was walkin' towards me. I was feelin' kind of nervous now. Shit. I ain't felt that way since... Well I don't ever recollect feelin' that way. Growin' up like I did, sex wasn't a big mystery. It was just something I found real pleasure in doing. And so I did it. A lot. But that had been with women. This was Chris. Definitely not a woman. He stopped about an inch away from me and just stood there lookin' at me. Then he smiled real slow and asked me what I wanted him to do. I thought about him kissin' Vin and whisperin' how much he wanted to fuck him into the sharpshooter's ear and I figured that was a good place to start. My cock was twitching and leaping just thinkin' about it and he hadn't even touched me yet. I want you to kiss me like you would Vin." That's what I told him. And that's what he did. Then he stepped back and looked over at Vin and I stepped back and looked over at Vin, too. And Vin just stood there, lookin' as confused as I felt. Have you ever wanted somethin' real bad? Like maybe a Christmas present or something that you've written a million letters to Santa about, sayin' that you don't want nothin' else and you've been so good this year that your Mama don't hardly recognize you. And you're so excited about maybe finally gettin' it that you can't sleep for an entire week before Christmas. And then when you wake up and run downstairs, there it is and its all shiny and new and it looks pretty as a picture. Then you start playin' with it and you find out that it ain't anything like you thought it would be. And you think you might just damn near cry from disappontment. That's how I felt when Chris kissed me. But I still have that picture of him kissin' Vin in my head and it's still makin' my cock spring to attention like a damn soldier, so I ain't quite ready to give up and leave just yet. |
6) I could feel Vin staring at me as I walked towards Buck. He was pissed. And who could blame him? I didn't really have to prove anything to Buck. Vin knew it. I knew it. And Buck knew it. But I was going to do it, anyway. And we all knew why. Because I wanted to. Wanted to see if maybe there had been a reason behind me choosing to say Buck's name earlier tonight. I stopped right in front of Buck and just stood there for a minute. Buck looked a bit nervous, smoothing down his mustache and running his palm over one denim clad thigh. Seeing that made me smile. I liked it that I made him nervous. So I leaned real close and kind of whispered in his ear, asking him what he wanted me to do. I could hear his heartbeat speed up and I wondered what exactly he was thinking about that was getting him so hot and bothered. I had my answer a few seconds later. He asked me to kiss him like I would Vin. So I planted my lips firmly against Buck's and did what he asked. I kissed him. But it wasn't anything like I'd imagined kissing Vin would be. It was just Buck. And what was making my cock hard wasn't the feel of Buck's lips against mine. It was picturing Vin watching the two of us and getting hard and making little moaning noises while he touched himself and wished I were kissing him. I stepped back from Buck and looked over at Vin. I could see Buck doing the same out of the corner of my eye. Guess it wasn't exactly what he'd expected either, since he didn't seem anxious to repeat the experience. But he wasn't making any move to leave. He was just standing there looking confused. Join the club. I wanted Vin. I'd thought maybe I wanted Buck. I still wanted Vin. I was pretty sure now I didn't want Buck like that. But I wasn't anxious to see him leave just yet, either. I gave up trying to figure things out and just looked at Vin. Maybe he could explain it to us. Vin was staring at the two of us and he was breathing quick and light. His eyes were real blue and his cheeks were kind of flushed looking. I tensed up, getting ready for some kind of fight or flight reaction on his part. But he didn't do either of those things. What he did was walk over and stand kind of between me and Buck, looking back and forth between us. I knew he could see my hard on poking out from the loose sweats I was wearing, and I knew he'd think I got it from kissing Buck. Well, I did. But not for the reasons he would think. But how could I explain that to him without sounding like a damn fool? Beside me, I could hear Buck shuffle his feet and then he said Vin's name and I was standing there swearing to myself that I'd punch his lights out if he tried to sweet talk Vin into kissing him. But I never got a chance to find out what Buck would've said, because Vin just told him to shut up and watch how it was done. Then he grabbed me and started kissing me like there was no tomorrow. Kissing Vin was even better than I'd imagined. Especially with Buck standing there watching us. |
A NEW IDEA (Part 7)
I watched as Chris walked over to Buck and stood there in front of him, smilin'. I knew I should just go. Let them play their games with each other and leave me out of it. But I couldn't seem to make my damn feet move. They appeared to want ringside seats for the upcoming spectacle. So I just stood there, clenchin' my fists and wonderin' who I was more pissed at. Buck for comin' in here and somehow windin' up right smack in the middle of things between me and Chris, or Chris for lettin' him do it, or myself for still bein' here wonderin' if I still had a hope in hell of gettin' laid. I decided it was a toss up as to which one of us deserved the prize. Chris whispered somethin' to Buck, leanin' in real close to him. I couldn't hear what he said, but the next thing I knew Buck was sayin' to kiss him and then Chris was kissin' him and I stood there watchin' - hard as a rock and twice as confused. You ever have a pain that felt kinda good at the same time it was hurtin? Like when you scratch somethin' til it bleeds and you're smilin' the whole time because in a weird way, the pain feels good? Better than the itch? Well, that's how it felt watchin' Chris kiss Buck like that. Then it was over and Chris was steppin' back and lookin' at me and Buck was lookin' at me and I was rememberin' how Chris's lips had slid over Buck's like they was made of satin. And I remembered how much I'd wished it was me he was kissin' like that. And then I thought about how they weren't kissin' each other anymore. They were standin' there looking pretty near as confused as I felt. Guess this wasn't turning out to be quite what any of us had expected, was it? That was when I decided that I was damn well gonna show them both a thing or two. So I walked over til I was standing in between the two of 'em, facing them both. I looked back and forth a few times, workin' up a little courage. That was when Buck said my name. "Shut up, Buck." I told him. Nothin' like a little edge of anger to give ya courage. "Watch how it's done." Then I grabbed Chris Larabee and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. With Buck watchin' this time. And it was damn good like that. Better than I'd imagined, even. |
AN IDEA (Grand Finale) They're kissin' each other like there's no tomorrow and I'm standin' here watching them and thinkin' "Oh yeah. More." My cock is gettin' harder by the second, especially when I see Chris's tongue lickin' over Vin's lips. And then he's sucking on Vin's neck and Vin is moanin'. Then Vin is pushing Chris back onto the couch and I'm still standing here, a few feet away from where Vin is sucking on Chris's nipples and fondling Chris's cock through his sweats. And I'm still wantin' to see more. Chris is moanin' now and I stagger over to lean against the wall before I fall over, cause I'm that turned on by watching the two of 'em. I ain't usually the voyeur type, but there's something about the two of them together. Damn are they hot. I watch as Vin pulls off Chris's sweats and damn near swallows Chris's cock whole, suckin' and lickin' on it like it was candy. I unzip my jeans and free my own cock. Wetting my fingers a bit, I start sliding my hand slowly up and down the length of it. I'm imagining that Chris is suckin' me while Vin is still suckin' him and it's good. It's better than good. I'm shivering and shaking and Chris is shivering and shaking and then we're both moaning and then Vin stops and I'm damn near ready to kill the teasing bastard. But then Chris is sittin' up and practically rippin' the shirt right off Vin's back and Vin is wigglin' out of his jeans and damn if that boy don't have the sweetest ass. Chris must think so, too cause he's squeezin' it while Vin is kissin' him and they're both so damn sexy lookin' that I can hardly stand it. Then Vin slides back down and starts sucking on Chris's cock again, so I relax a little and just keep watchin'. By this time wild horses couldn't have dragged me outta there and I was beyond caring if Vin or Chris remembered I was here or not. I go back to strokin' myself, but then I gotta stop cause Chris is coming and callin' out Vin's name and he's lookin' right at me while he says it, so I know he knows I'm here and that's gonna push me right over the edge if I don't stop and this is too good to rush. I unbutton my shirt and run a hand over my chest, pinching my nipples real light, just the way I like. Only I'm imagining that it's Vin's hands on me and he's doin' a mighty fine job of it, let me tell you. And I'm watching the real Vin twisting and turning and clutching at Chris's hair, while Chris runs his tongue from Vin's toes clear up to his lips. Nibblin' and tasting everything that looks good along the way. And Chris is teasin' the hell outta Vin with all the sucking and licking and nibbling he's doing, and Vin is cursing and loving every sweet minute of it, but finally he just stops and looks up at Chris and then he asks, "Please, Chris." And I don't see how Chris could resist that and he doesn't. He gets to his feet and goes over to the table in the corner and there's a bottle of lotion sittin' there. It belongs to Ezra. I recognize the fancy label. I wonder how it got there, but then Chris is walking back to Vin and he's handing the bottle to Vin and then Vin is sliding two fingers in Chris Larabee's ass and the sight almost makes me come right then and there and I ain't even touchin' myself. Those two should take it on the road, they put on such a good show. But then I think about anyone else seein' what I have and I decide I don't want to share this with anyone. I've got my whole hand wrapped around my cock now and I'm pumping hard, watching as Vin bends Chris over the back of the couch and fucks him blind. And I'm imagining it's me fucking Chris like that and I can hear my own harsh breathing mingling with the sound of Vin's and I can hear Chris telling Vin to fuck him harder. Faster. And Vin does his best to oblige and then all three of us are coming and I'll be damned if I know who was first. And now I'm sittin' here feelin' a bit like my whole world order has been altered, what with me just havin' the best damn sex I can remember only it wasn't me havin' it. I'm tryin' to decide what to make of that when Vin looks over and catches my eye. He gives me a wink and I smile. I think I might decide that I'd sure like to do this again sometime. |
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