Alternate Universe
Under the Wire

by Sally-Ann

Response to the TV Series / Movie Re-Write Challenge

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It is the Duty of Any Officer in the Time of War to Do All in his Power to Escape"
- 'General George Harsh'

To Vin Tanner, escaping the cage was just not part of the prisoner's decree - it was the only option.

Born and bred in the vastness of Texas, he was a man attuned to an unbroken horizon and the wide open spaces in between. Those who knew him often wondered how he managed to endure the confines of an airplane cockpit, but Tanner was not worried by the cramped conditions as long as he got to feast his eyes upon the open sky. It was the enforced inactivity that fed his restlessness and impending sense of claustrophobia.

Since he'd been shot down and captured he'd tried five times to escape - each attempt gaining him a few more miles of freedom than the last before recapture. The way he figured it, his chances of reaching a safe haven increased if he just kept trying. Unfortunately, each attempt also saw him transferred to another prison. After his last audacious attempt he expected to be incarcerated in Koldtiz - the infamous castle "from which none escaped".

What he got was Stalag Luft III.

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In a German prison of war camp mornings arrive early and with a harsh "Wachen Sie auf! Anordnung!" (Wake up, that's an order)

Squadron Leader Chris Larabee cast a bleary eye over the prison compound. German guards stood stationed at alert whilst the prisoners stumbled into assembly.

I don't get fed enough to deal with this, he thought.

As the second highest ranked officer in the compound, it was his job to provide an example of stolid British stiff upper lip in the face of adversity, hardship and god-awful wakeup calls. Some mornings, however, he just couldn't forget that he was American born and desperately wanted to respond to that morning rousing with an internationally recognised hand signal

Tucking his weariness behind him like a protected child, Larabee straightened his stance and cast his eyes across the compound confirming the presence of all prisoners and in particular, those men under his watch. Down to the left stood Buck Wilmington - the brash, bluff American kept glancing over his shoulder. Larabee didn't have to look to know he was watching young JD Dunne - the young Irish lad had given them quite a scare the night before when the tunnel had collapsed on him. It was only the grace of God and Buck's quick reflexes that had dragged the kid to safety.

Behind him Sanchez and Jackson continued a conversation that seemed to involve pulverising silverfish and lamp black. He decided he didn't really need to know every detail of the escape plan.

To his right F/Lt Ezra Standish made his lazy way to line. Larabee grinned. Of all his 'staff', Standish was the best at dragging himself out of his comfort. The goons never realised that the 'laziest' man on the compound was their most brilliant intelligence officer. Nothing in the compound escaped Ezra's attention - whether it was the precise time of guard shifts or what the Kommandant gave his 10 year-old daughter for her birthday. If it was information, Standish knew it.

Larabee couldn't see Group Captain Travis, but knew his foot had been causing him pain the past few days. Looking further down the line to his right he saw the old man's son-in-law Stephen Travis. The slight nod towards the Infirmary was all he needed to know.

Larabee's POV:

Rubberneck was about halfway through the daily list of things we could and couldn't do within the compound - the don't leading the do as usual - when the motorcade pulled up outside the gates. Even the goons gave into the urge to look. Two motorcycles in front, an open staff car followed by paddy wagon and two more cycles. With that kind of protection I expected at least Winston Churchill. When they opened the doors of the van and this scruffy long-haired fella stumbled out I was kinda disappointed, but still; I knew if they brought him here he must be trouble. I watched as he blinked at the sunlight - within seconds his eyes adjusted to the change and even as he was being lead to the Kommandant's office he was scanning the compound for opportunities. His glance caught mine and for a second I froze...and I recognised something in those pale blue eyes.

Trouble...definitely, I thought with a smile.

The End