ANCHORS (series) by Athea ATF (Slash) (Chris/Ezra)
- Anchors Away or Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?
- Before The Night Is Over
- The Monk And The Indian (Josiah/Vin)
- Beginnings, part 1
- Beginnings, part 2
- Moving In
- Shopping
- Achoo!
- Beauty And The Beast, part 1
- Beauty And The Beast, part 2
- Beauty And The Beast, part 3
- Beauty And The Beast, part 4
- Beauty And The Beast, part 5
- Beauty And The Beast, part 6
- Beauty And The Beast, part 7
- Snow White, The Huntsman And The 5 Miners, part 1 (Seven)
- Snow White, The Huntsman And The 5 Miners, part 2 (Seven)
- The Woods On A Snowy Day (Chris/Ezra) (Josiah/Vin)
- The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep (Josiah/Vin)
- Dragon's Mate (Josiah/Vin)
- Dragon's Paw (Josiah/Vin)
Beautiful Youth by Julia Verinder ATF (Slash) (Josiah/Vin)
Brimstone And Roses by Hawk Dancing Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Brothers And Lovers by Turtle Old West (Slash) (JD/Josiah)
Buck Gets Religion by San Old West (Slash) (Buck/Josiah)
The Changes that Come by Lokomele Alternate Universe (Slash) (Josiah/Ezra) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin)
A Cock And Bull Story by Tiffiny ATF (Slash) (Seven)
Coming Clean by Amy Old West (Slash) (Josiah/Vin)
Contrition by Ashlyn ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Corfu by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
THE DARK GIFT (series) by Tarlan Alternate Universe (Slash) [ crossover with Interview With A Vampire ]
- The Dark Gift - (Chris/Vin)
- Under The Sun - |Buck| (Chris/Vin)
- Zenith - (Chris/Vin)
- Solstice - (Chris/Vin) (Chris/OMC)
- Between Heaven And Earth - (Chris/Vin) (Josiah/Vin)
- Full Moon Rising - |Chris| |Ezra| |Vin|
- Promises In The Dark - |Buck| |Chris| |Vin|
- Endless Night - (Chris/Vin) |Ella|
Demons by Athea ATF (Slash) (Josiah/JD)
The Devil and Josiah Sanchez by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Don't by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Drift Currents - Farad and Artisan447 Alternate Universe (Slash) (Josiah / Vin)
FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE (series) by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Fearless by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah) < missing scene from the episode 'Working Girls' >
First Steps by The Tenth Muse1 Old West (Slash) (Josiah/Nathan)
FOUR PLAY (Collection) - TexasAries ATF (Slash) (Varios Pairings)
- 1: Proof of Ownership (Chris / Ezra / Buck)
- 2: To Grab a Dream (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 3: Inspired Performance (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 4: Sweet Illusions (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin)
- 5: Surprises (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 6: Weekend Plans (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 7: First Date (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 8: Secrets Revealed (Chris / Ezra / Buck / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
- 9: Tailgating (Chris / Vin) (Josiah / JD)
Friends And Lovers by Helen Adams ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah) [ sequel to A New Beginning ]
Getting Kinky by Julia Verinder ATF (Slash) (Chris/Seven) { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Giver Of Dreams by Rosebud Old West [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
Going To Church by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Hair Today... by Tarlan ATF (Slash) (Seven)
Handle With Care by Farad and Eclipse Escorts (Vin/Josiah)
A Helping Hand by Julia Verinder Old West (Slash) (Josiah/Nathan)
Helping Hand - The Neon Gang ATF (Slash) (Josiah / Vin)
Here Comes Santa Claus by C.V. Puerro ATF (Slash) (JD/Josiah/Vin)
His Child, And Forever I Am by Jade Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Home For The Holidays (collection) by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah) (Chris/Vin)
Honor And Sanctuary by Joe Lawson Old West (Slash) (Buck/Josiah)
The Hound Of The Standishes by Sammy Girl Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/Chris) (Ezra/Vin) (Josiah/OMC)
Housewife To The Rescue by Rosebud Alternate Universe [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
I'm Sorry by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
In My Bed by Kaed ATF (Slash) (Josiah/JD)
Is That A Bruise? by Loke ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
It by TJ Alternate Universe [Het] [Seven+OFC]
Josiah and Elizabeth by Sue Glasgow, Terrie Milliman, Rosemary Hauer, and Lynn Wright Old West [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
Josiah's Birthday by The Tenth Muse1 Old West (Slash) (Josiah/Nathan)
LATE NIGHT PATROL (series) by The Neon Gang Old West (Slash) (Buck/Vin) (Chris/Vin) (Ezra/Vin) (Josiah/Vin)
- Late Night Patrol - (Buck/Vin)
- Aces High - (Ezra/Vin)
- A Friend Loveth -(Josiah/Vin)
- Unrequited - (Chris/Vin)
- Revelations - (Buck/Vin)
- Mutual Satisfaction - (Ezra/Vin)
- To Love One Another - (Josiah/Vin)
- Unrequited Too - (Chris/Vin)
- Revolution - (Buck/Vin)
- Changing Of The Guard - (Ezra/Vin)
- Whom My Heart Loveth - (Josiah/Vin)
- To Comfort's Bed - (Chris/Vin)
- Waking Dreams - (Chris/Vin)
A Lazy Sunday Afternoon by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
The Light Fantastic - Farad (Josiah / Vin) Escorts
Lion Cubs, Tigers And Bears, Oh My by Wendy Old West (Slash) (Chris/Seven) (Vin/Seven)
Little Red Riding Ezra by Delphi Alternate Universe (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Maude's Thanksgiving by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin) (Ezra/Josiah) [Het] [Nathan+Rain] |Maude|
MCAT: A Typical Saturday by Jan Alternate Universe [Het] [Seven+OFCs] |OMCs|
The Midnight Clear by C.V. Puerro Old West (Slash) (Josiah/Nathan)
My Sister's Keeper by C.V. Puerro Old West [Het] [Josiah+Hannah] { warning: content may disturb some readers }
A New Beginning by Helen Adams ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Night Full Of Stars by Lynn Old West [Het] [Josiah+Mary]
One Day Out West: A Cowboy Tale by Claire Old West (Slash) (Seven) [ a cartoon in the style of South Park ]
One Night After Too Much Beer by Loke ATF (Slash) (Seven)
Open Handed by Leila Escorts (Slash) (Chris/Vin) |Josiah| [ sequel to Blind Faith - (Chris/Vin) ]
THE OTHER SEVEN (series) Old West [Het] [Seven+OFCs] |OMCs|
- The Other Seven by Mallory
- Trouble Comes To Watsonville by Mallory and Linda
- Wedding And Loss In Four Corners by Linda { warning: content may disturb some readers }
Playing With The Preacher by Rose Old West [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
Polaroid by Delphi ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Prisoners of Eagle Ridge by Susan Foster (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Vin/Buck) (Vin/OMC) (Ezra/Josiah) OW-AU
Raisin' the Ante - Farad and Charlotte C. Hill (Chris / Buck) (Josiah / Vin) Escorts AU
Responsible Bonds by Loke Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Rest by Lady Q Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
The Ride Home by C.V. Puerro Old West [Het] [Mary+Seven] < epilogue to the episode 'Wagon Train' >
Rumpelstiltskin by Lady Q Alternate Universe (Slash) (Buck/JD) (Chris/Vin) (Ezra/Josiah)
SECRET PLEASURES(series) by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
- How Did He Get That Old Blanket (prequel)
- Ezra's Secret Pleasure
- Josiah's Secret Pleasure
- Their Secret Pleasure
SETTLING THE DUST (Series) by Athea Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Shame by Tiffiny Old West (Slash) (JD/Josiah)
SHATTERED (Series) - The Neon Gang; ATF (Slash) (Chris / Vin) (Vin / Josiah)
Through the Looking Glass
Through a Glass DarklyShrouded by Delphi ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Sneaking Around by Starwinder Old West (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Ezra/Josiah)
THE STRAYS (Series) by The Neon Gang Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Josiah/Ezra)
- Surrender - Dark Angel Alternate Universe (Slash) (Chris / Vin / Josiah / Ezra)
Sweet Sins by Judy Old West (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Josiah/Vin)
Swimming by Rose Old West [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
TEMPTATION (series) by Hawk Dancing Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Torques - Farad (Josiah / Vin) Escorts
Undercover Work by Wgang ATF (Slash) (Chris/Vin) (Josiah/Vin)
Unforgettable by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Visions Of Sugarplums by Oracle Old West [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
Wake Up Call by Luna Dey ATF [Het] [Josiah+OFC]
Watching by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Watermark by Delphi Old West (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
Words of Healing by Joanne Collins — Old West (Slash) [Het][ (Chris/Buck (Vin/Ezra) (Josiah/Mary) depiction of rape
Women by Angel Old West [Het] [Chris+OFC] [Josiah+OFC][Vin+OFC]
YOU KNOW WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE (series) by Lady Q ATF (Slash) (Ezra/Josiah)
- When You Can't Sleep
- When You Can't Eat
- When You Can't Think
- When You Fall Apart
- When Home Is Where The Heart Is
You Know You Want It by Mady Bay Old West (Slash) (?/?)
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